Chapter 32: Twenty-First-Century America, 1993-Present

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Identify the locations in the United States that were directly affected by the rise of global terrorism during Bush's presidency.


Identify the causes of the Great Recession.

-Irresponsible lenders gave unqualified borrowers home mortgages they could not afford. -The housing bubble burst, leading to a rapid decline in home prices.

Why did Clinton's health care bill fail?

-It lacked support from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries. -The plan was overly complicated. -It lacked support from Republicans.

Identify the examples of Obama's successes in achieving his counterterrorism goals.

-Obama used Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden. -Obama achieved many of his counterterrorism goals in Afghanistan by narrowing the focus of the U.S. mission and providing extra soldiers to finish the job.

How did the United States pursue the Obama Doctrine in Afghanistan and Iraq?

-Obama used troops in Afghanistan to eliminate terrorists rather than continue nation-building. -Obama withdrew combat forces from Iraq.

Put in chronological order the events of the Great Recession.

-Rising home prices encourage consumers to buy houses they cannot afford. -Housing prices fall dramatically. -Huge numbers of mortgage borrowers default on their payments. -Banks lose billions on bad mortgages and other debts, while reduced spending plunges the country into a recession. -Bush signs the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Why was Clinton successful in the 1996 campaign?

-The economy was improving. -The Republican party was divided over cultural and personal issues. -There were no foreign-policy crises.

What factors hampered the successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act?

-The government website did not work properly. -Insurance providers canceled the policies of many Americans.

Identify how the invasion of Iraq affected the American budget and economy.

-The rebuilding process in Iraq cost nearly a trillion dollars. -America faced massive budget deficits because of the enormous costs of the war.

What factors contributed to the public's declining support for the war on terrorism in 2003 and 2004?

-information indicating that the United States had abused prisoners -the continued instability of Iraq due to ethnic and religious divisions -the rising financial and human costs of the war in Iraq -the lack of weapons of mass destruction

Identify the policies Obama sought to implement in his first term.

-setting in motion the end of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -health insurance reform to expand access to the uninsured -continued government support of large banks and other financial institutions -economic stimuli in order to create jobs

Complete the passage below describing how conservative politics influenced social programs during Clinton's presidency. Republicans in - opposed Clinton's health care plan. Meanwhile, - ruled against - programs several times. Clinton responded by - Republicans and highlighting the fact that he was a -. Clinton's signing into law of the - was one notable example of his ability to work with the other party.

1 Congress 2 the Supreme Court 3 affirmative-action 4 working with 5 centrist 6 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWOA)

Complete the passage below describing how the Supreme Court responded to conservative assertions that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court ruled that the majority of the Affordable Care Act was __1__ . Republicans particularly opposed the __2__ on the grounds that it was an imposition on __3__. The Supreme Court ruled that the mandate and subsequent tax penalties for being uninsured fell under __4__. The conservative chief justice of the Court, John Roberts, voted __5__ the Affordable Care Act.

1 constitutional 2 individual mandate 3 personal freedom 4 Article 1 of the Constitution 5 to support

Complete the passage below describing how Hurricane Katrina hurt the Republican cause. The federal government's response to Katrina was __1__ as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was __2__ for such a big disaster. The public __3__ of Bush's response to the hurricane. In the 2006 election, __4__ won control of Congress as well as several state governments.

1 ineffective 2 not prepared 3 disapproved 4 Democrats

How did most Americans react to the new agencies and laws designed to fight terrorism?

While some Americans were suspicious of laws like the Patriot Act, most Americans supported such measures.

Complete the passage below to describe how the threat of global terrorism influenced Bush's foreign policy. Bush decided to use - to confront terrorism throughout the world. The Bush Doctrine declared that the United States would respond to terrorist threats - to neutralize them before they became too big. Bush said the United States would - diplomacy to respond to threats posed by terrorism.

1 preemptive military action 2 without its allies 3 abandon

Complete the passage below describing how political polarization affected politics in America. Republicans and Democrats __1__ work together to solve the nation's problems. Both parties __2__ with each other on how the government should address major issues. There were __3__ moderates, and Congress was __4__ to compromise and found it __5__ to pass legislation.

1 refused to 2 disagreed 3 fewer 4 unable 5 difficult

Complete the passage below describing the new economy that developed under Clinton. Under Clinton, the federal government developed a budget __1__. New forms of __2__ helped create __3__ companies. New technology also spurred __4__ as many American companies moved abroad or outsourced jobs to other countries. By the end of Clinton's presidency, the United States experienced __5__ inflation and low unemployment.

1 surplus 2 electronics 3 dot-com 4 globalization 5 low

Complete the passage below describing why Obama supported the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and how that support influenced his presidency. Obama realized that people needed to have faith in __1__ and set out to save big __2__. Obama's administration said that TARP prevented __3__. Many Americans __4__ with TARP because it did not help __5__.

1 the banking system 2 financial institutions 3 the economy from crashing 4 strongly disagreed 5 struggling Americans

Complete the passage below describing the effect of Bush's presidency on the 2008 election. Bush's many failures - the Republican party. His poor response to -, the continuing war in -, and the Great - undermined public support for the party. Americans responded well to Barack Obama's message of a "politics of - ." In 2008, - won majorities in Congress and - was elected president.

1 weakened 2 Hurricane Katrina 3 Iraq 4 Recession 5 hope 6 Democrats 7 Obama

How did Obama bring health care reform to the United States? Put the following steps in chronological order.

1- Congress passes the Affordable Care Act. 2- The Affordable Care Act website fails. 3- Congress refuses to fund the Affordable Care Act. 4- Obama refuses to sign the federal budget and the government shuts down. 5- Congress passes a budget that funds the Affordable Care Act.

Identify the accurate description of Bush's response to the Great Recession.

Bush prevented big financial institutions from collapsing, but failed to restore confidence in the economy and end the recession.

By signing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Bush restored confidence in both the economy and his presidency.


In 2014, the Hispanic population was only growing in the five states along the Mexican border, which limited Hispanics' political power.


Obama pursued an aggressive campaign of nation-building to support democracy in the Middle East in accordance with the Obama Doctrine.


Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) created a system through which uninsured Americans with low income could buy health insurance from the federal government.


Republicans were opposed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) because they wanted to protect American jobs and depended upon labor unions for political support


The United States invaded Iraq with the full support of all its allies to remove Saddam Hussein from power and limit the threat posed by his chemical and biological weapons.


The following quotation illustrates the Obama Doctrine: "If we wait for threats to fully materialize ... we will have waited too long. In the world we have entered, the only path to safety is the path of action. And this nation will act."


What was the main complaint from the Occupy Wall Street protesters?

Financial institutions were letting the rich control too large a percentage of wealth in the United States.

Obama's decision to negotiate with Iran regarding nuclear weapons, as well as his use of American air power in Iraq against ISIS, reflected his shifting policy priorities aimed at reducing the U.S. role in the Middle East.


The 2012 election proved that President Obama's policy priorities appealed to minority voters far more than those of the Republican party candidate Mitt Romney.


The passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 affected poor Americans because it abolished the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program and limited the number of years that people could receive welfare payments.


Bush remained popular among conservatives during his second term despite strong criticism from liberals.


Identify why Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq.

Obama was following the agreement reached between the Iraqi government and the Bush administration in 2008.

What effect did the invasion of Iraq have on the "war on terror"?

The invasion destabilized Iraq and created an opportunity for terrorists to gain a stronghold.

How did the election of 2010 change President Obama's ability to pursue his policy goals?

-Democrats and moderate Republicans lost their congressional seats to more conservative candidates. -The Tea party, which disliked President Obama's "big government," became a powerful force in American politics.

Which of the following statements accurately describe immigration in the twenty-first century?

-Immigration from Asia, Latin America, and Africa means that the majority of new arrivals are no longer from Europe. -Asian Americans are the fastest-growing ethnic group as a result of Chinese immigration.

Which population groups grew the fastest at the end of the twentieth century?

-Asian Americans -multiracial Americans -Hispanic Americans

What major difficulties did Clinton experience during his presidency?

-Clinton failed to pass health care reform. -Clinton's reputation was damaged by scandals.

To what extent was Clinton's foreign policy a success?

-Clinton negotiated several significant agreements between Israel and the PLO. -Clinton authorized military action that put an end to ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.

How did the rights of gay Americans evolve during Obama's presidency? Put the events in chronological order.

-Congress repeals the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. -Obama endorses same-sex marriage. -The Supreme Court overturns the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Why were Republicans unable to remove Clinton from office after he was impeached?

Clinton's crimes were not severe enough to warrant removing him from office.

How were American politics influenced by increases in the number of minorities living in the United States?

Minorities tended to support Democratic candidates.

To what extent was Obama successful in his goal of uniting the country?

Obama could not bridge the bitter divide between Republicans and Democrats.

How did Obama pursue his foreign-policy goals in the Ukraine?

Obama imposed economic sanctions on Russia and avoided military conflict.

Identify the political parties with whom Clinton worked to gain support for the following bills.

Q- Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWOA) A- Republican party Q- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) A- Republican and Democratic parties Q- economic reforms of 1993 A- Democratic party

The economy was deep in recession when Obama became president. Identify the laws Obama supported to help the economy and their intended effect.

Q- The act provided bailouts to financial institutions. A- TARP Q- The act provided funds for states to spend on infrastructure development projects. A- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Identify the roles of the following laws or agencies during the "war on terror" after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Q- This allowed the government to try suspected terrorists in secret military courts. A- USA Patriot Act Q- This was designed to ensure airline passengers did not bring weapons and bombs on planes. A- Transportation Security Administration Q- This was created to protect Americans from terrorists at home and to respond to terrorist threats abroad. A- Office of Homeland Security

How did Clinton's health care plan influence the political landscape of the United States?

Republicans running on their Contract With America took over many seats from Democrats in the 1994 midterm elections.

What made the election of 2000 controversial?

The Supreme Court intervened to decide the election.

How did the "surge" affect the war in Iraq?

The surge reduced violence in Iraq and helped strengthen the Iraqi government.

Bush's decision to cut taxes in order to stimulate economic growth backfired as federal revenue declined and the budget deficit increased due to the cost of unexpected wars.


What was one of the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that President Obama signed soon after he assumed office in February 2009?

give states extra money to spend on development projects, thus creating jobs

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