Chapter 4-6 Test Review

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66. Which one of the following amounts best represents the recommended daily protein intake for adolescent athletes/kilogram body weight?

0.8-1.2 grams

57. List the four stages of Weiss and Troxel's stress-response model.

1. Athlete adapts to activity restriction and situation, 2. Athlete appraises shorts and long term significance of injury, 3. Athlete experiences emotional responses, 4. Athlete copes with long term consequences

69. According to sports scientists, which of the following refers to recommended percentages of protein and fat in the diet?

12-15% protein, 30% fat

72. How many hours of competition does it take to almost deplete liver and muscle glycogen stores if an athlete is not consuming carbohydrates during competition?

2 hours

70. What is the recommended amount of water to ingest for each pound lost during practice or competition?

24 oz.

38. According to recent research, over ____ percent of female collegiate athletes regularly practiced pathogenic eating.


73. The recommended minimum percent body fat for a male athlete is:


64. What percentage of college athletes received nutritional advice always or often during their college careers?


67. How many essential amino acids must be ingested in the diet?


5. What is the primary intensity and volume of work done in the strength phase of a periodized program?

80% 1RM; 5-8 repetitions

4. According to the "periodization" model for conditioning, which of the following is incorrect regarding a mesocycle?

A mesocycle length is normally one to two weeks

39. What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

A psychiatric disorder that can affect people during the fall and winter months A disorder that may negatively affect performance and predispose an athlete to injury

12. Factors contributing to the development of comprehensive guidelines regarding preparticipation physical evaluations (PPE) include: The growth in number of participants in sports The difficulty in monitoring health of incoming student-athletes The likelihood of getting sued

All of these are correct

35. Which of the following have been identified as areas that might affect both the mental and physical health of an athlete? Personality traits Depression Competitive and life Stress Eating disorders

All of these are correct

63. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics indicates that eating correctly for sports performance will: Help you train longer and at a higher intensity Promote recovery Enhance concentration Reduce your chance of injury

All of these are correct

68. Which of the following is responsible for iron loss leading to iron deficiency? Sweating Gastrointestinal bleeding Red blood cell destruction (hemolysis) Menstruation

All of these are correct

37. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by all but which of the following behaviors? Vomiting Taking laxatives Fasting Excessive exercise

All of these are related to bulimia nervosa

10. Which of the following is not considered a musculoskeletal risk factor for the lower extremities? Joint misalignments Weak lower extremity musculature Tight hamstrings Poor stretching

All of these are risk factors

8. Which of the following is not a form of stretching technique? Ballistic Static PNF Dynamic

All of these are stretching techniques

6. Which one of the following factors does NOT contribute to the ROM around a joint? Bone structure Tissue mass surrounding the joint Extensibility of tendons, ligaments, muscles, and skin Chronological age and gender

All of these can contribute to ROM

3. Which one of the following factors would NOT be a possible factor in a football-related injury? Player skill Player age Muscle strength imbalances Playing surface

All of these could be possible factors

9. All but which one of the following increases the risk of upper extremity musculoskeletal injury? Shoulder girdle weakness Ligamentous laxity Tight shoulder muscles

All of these increase the risk of injury

13. The best time to use static stretching is:

At the end of a workout because of increased blood flow

42. Which of the following are encouraged in the prevention of disordered eating patterns in athletes?

Avoid referral to weight in a negative manner

11. A type of stretching technique that incorporates powerful contractions of muscles in order to force a joint to a greater ROM is which of the following?


41. Which of the following is recommended for parents of youth competing in athletics?

Be willing to let children make their own mistakes and learn from them

40. Which of the following circumstances indicates that competitive stress may be affecting an adolescent's life?

Conversations at home are dominated by sport discussions

58. List several signs and symptoms of depression.

Decreased performance in school/sports, noticiable restlessness, significant weight loss/gain, changes in appetite nearly everyday, sad mood for most of the day/ everyday, difficulty concentrating, lack of/loss of interest/pleasure

56. List five common signs or behaviors that may indicate the development of an eating disorder.

Dieting obsessively when not overweight, claiming to feel 'fat' when overweight is not a reality, frequent weighing, rapid weight loss, and depression.

71. Which of the following terms denotes a sugar molecule that consists of two monosaccharides?


74. Which of the following nutritional supplements has been banned by the U.S. government?


36. Which of the following terms describes people who feel they have very little control over the events in their lives?

External locus of control

17. Faulty equipment would be considered an intrinsic risk factor for sports injury.


19. The primary purposes of the PPE should be to determine which positions an athlete is best suited for on a team.


28. There is no need to identify an athlete who has diabetes or epilepsy prior to participation in sports.


30. Humidity is not a consideration when assessing a practice environment.


45. It has been established that athletes with a low self-concept are better able to deal with the stress of competition.


46. Evidence suggests that when injured, athletes do not exhibit a predictable psychological response.


51. The potential for serious problems caused by seasonal affective disorder is relatively low because athletes who have the condition usually seek medical attention.


53. Seasonal affective disorder symptoms usually occur during the spring and fall months.


55. Young athletes are less prone to injury, psychosomatic illness, burnout, and other stress-related problems.


75. According to a survey of coaches, the majority of coaches had adequate training in nutrition.


78. Athletes who are on vegetarian diets need not worry about consuming enough foods to provide all of the essential amino acids.


82. Timing of CHO ingestion is important, as glycogen levels will replenish faster if the food is consumed within 2-4 hours.


83. In a survey of female gymnasts, Moffatt (1984) found the majority of the athletes consumed an adequate amount of calcium for their needs.


14. A conditioning program consists of:

General and sport-specific conditioning

65. Which of the following terms represents the way carbohydrates are hydrolyzed and absorbed by the body?

Glycemic index

2. Which of the following injuries is easily prevented with regular inspections of the environment and athletic facilities?

Heat exhaustion

33. Your school is going to hire a strength and conditioning coach. What are some questions that could be asked during their interview?

How do you motivate athletes, how can you be an asset to our staff, what type of workouts / intensity level will you bring to our program?

7. Which of the following statements is true?

Muscle power can be defined as the time rate of performing work

1. Which one of the following is not considered to be an extrinsic factor related to sports injury?

Muscle strength

34. The starting quarterback on your high school's football team asks your opinion of the best form of pre-game stretching, especially for the muscles in his legs. What would you advise?


15. Extrinsic risk factors to sports injuries include:

Practice environment, facilities, equipment, competitive environment, officiating, and coaching

60. As you provide rehabilitation for an injured athlete they express doubt as to their ability to return to their pre-injury abilities. What can you offer?

Take it upon myself to uplift the athlete or recommend a professional.

16. For NCAA athletics, only an updated medical history is required for returning athletes unless an additional medical examination is warranted based on the updated history or a new medical condition.


18. Teaching proper blocking and tackling techniques may reduce the incidence of head and neck injury in football.


20. Many school districts currently require some type of PPE for student athletes prior to their participation in interscholastic sports.


21. An office-based PPE (with the personal physician) is generally considered to be the ideal when compared to the "coordinated medical team" approach for a PPE.


22. Periodization of training involves the process of arranging training around specific goals and objectives with predetermined amounts of time spent training and resting.


23. The body responds to a conditioning program more effectively when it receives proper nourishment.


24. The smallest component of the periodization model is a microcycle, which normally has a duration of 2-4 weeks.


25. Aerobic fitness can assist in avoiding injuries related to fatigue.


26. Research indicates that static forms of stretching may be the most effective when compared to other forms.


27. Periodized programs typically progress an athlete through three distinct phases: hypertrophy/endurance, strength, and power.


29. Preparticipation physical evaluations are often the only time healthy children come into contact with a physician during the year.


43. There is evidence to suggest that high levels of stress in athletes can result in physical fatigue as well as reduced peripheral vision.


44. People who tend to have an internal locus of control feel that they have control over the events in their lives.


47. Eating disorders can lead to chronic conditions such as osteoporosis and amenorrhea.


48. Emphasis on the ideal body has negative effects on the athletes and can lead to serious diseases.


49. Males can suffer from anorexia and bulimia.


50. Trait anxiety has to do with one's "general disposition or tendency to perceive certain situations as threatening and to react with an anxiety response."


52. Common signs and symptoms of depression are indecisiveness, feeling sad, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest, and frequent feelings of worthlessness.


54. A recent study of boys and girls (average age 16.7 years) who played football, girl's soccer, basketball, and volleyball found that the negative psychological effects of an injury may persist even after physical recovery has occurred.


76. According to a survey, athletes reported that their parents were the leading source of nutrition information.


77. Carbohydrate loading can benefit athletes involved in aerobic sports, especially activities lasting 60 minutes or more.


79. Vitamins contain no caloric value and a balanced diet supplies the Recommended Daily Allowances.


80. The technical term for destruction of red blood cells is hemolysis.


81. Experts recommend that the typical pregame meal should be eaten no later than 1 to 4 hours prior to the contest.


84. While the majority of athletes need not consume vitamin and mineral supplements, some, particularly females, may need to consume supplemental iron.


85. More than 80% of females and males are not eating the recommended amounts of CHO.


86. LBW stands for "lean body weight" and essentially represents the weight of the body minus any fat weight.


87. Active young females have a body fat percentage between 14-24%.


88. It is important for the consumer to evaluate the marketing claims, research studies, and safety issues associated with ergogenic aids.


89. A potential adverse effect of taking androstenedione is a reduction in testosterone production.


31. The baseball coach has his team doing static stretching prior to his practices. What advice can you offer him?

Try doing static stretching post-practice because it can weaken performance as holding the stretch tires out muscles.

91. The coach schedules a meal six hours prior to the start of the game. What steps do you take to make sure the team has adequate nutrition?

first, the athletes should eat 1-4 hours before competition and incorporate whole grain breads, veggies, and fruits in the meal.

59. The star player on your championship bound team has just had a season ending injury. Outline your care.

perscribing a therapist and a doctors visit, also PT and a nutrition plan

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