Chapter 4

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Research using animals must be approved by _______________.

an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Following a study using deception, how does the researcher attempt to restore an honest relationship with the participant?

b. By debriefing each participant in a structured conversation.

Which of the following is NOT a required member of an institutional review board (IRB)? A. a scientist B. a community member with no ties to the institution C. the researcher whose study is under review D. someone with academic interests outside the sciences

(FEEDBACK: The IRB is intended to offer a neutral, multiperspective judgment on each study's ethicality, and scientists are unable to offer neutral assessments of their own work.)

Which of the following is NOT one of the categories of ethical violations that occurred in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study? A. The investigators fabricated data. B. The participants were not treated respectfully. C. A disadvantaged group was targeted. D. The participants were harmed.

A. The investigators fabricated data.

Which of the following is NOT one of the "three R's" provided by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals? A. reduction B. replacement C. restoration D. refinement

C. restoration

Which two principles are included in the APA Ethical Principles and not in the Belmont Report? A. Justice; beneficence & nonmaleficence B. Justice; respect for people's rights & dignity C. Respect for people's rights & dignity; beneficence & nonmaleficence D. Integrity; fidelity & responsibility

D. Integrity; fidelity & responsibility

Which of the following is NOT an example of information researchers must be careful to protect to ensure research participants' confidentiality? A. photographs of participants B. handwriting samples from participants C. participants' dates of birth D. answers to a completely anonymous questionnaire

D. answers to a completely anonymous questionnaire

Which of the following groups is NOT recognized in the Belmont Report as entitled to special protection? A. children B. people with intellectual or developmental disabilities C. prisoners D. veterans

D. veterans

Professor Silva is a clinical psychologist who teaches a course in abnormal psychology at the university. He maintains a clinical practice and several of his current students are his clients. Which of the APA's Five General Principles does this violate?

Fidelity and Responsibility (FEEDBACK: Five General Ethical Principles — This principle is concerned with establishing relationships of trust and accepting responsibility for professional behavior. Having multiple relationships with the students (therapist and teacher) could result in impairment of the psychologist's objectivity.)

Which of the following is not one of the three principles of the Belmont Report?

Fidelity and responsibility

Professor Hammond studies ethical behavior and designs a study to examine the amount of cheating at her school. At the beginning of class each day, she passes around a chart showing the dates of the class meetings, with boxes for students to initial if present. She photocopies the sheet after each class so that she can find if any students initial for days in the past that they were absent. The students are not aware that they were participating in the study until the end of the quarter. What standard of Ethical Standard 8 does this violate?

Informed Consent to Research

Professor Hammond studies ethical behavior and designs a study to examine the amount of cheating at her school. At the beginning of class each day, she passes around a chart showing the dates of the class meetings, with boxes for students to initial if present. She photocopies the sheet after each class so that she can find if any students initial for days in the past that they were absent. She waits for interesting results before writing a proposal for the IRB. Which standard of Ethical Standard 8 of the APA does waiting to propose the study violate?

Institutional Approval

What type of research misconduct involves representing the ideas or words of others as one's own?


Professor Kwan studies violence and designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income, Hispanic children from schools near the university to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or non-violent video game two hours each evening for a month. The children's teachers are asked to assess changes in behavior. Which of the Belmont Report Principles is violated by the choice of participants?

Principle of Justice (FEEDBACK: The Principle of Justice — Using low-income Hispanic children means this one group bears an undue burden of risk. All children stand to benefit from the results, not just this group.)

Professor Kwan studies violence and designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income, Hispanic children from schools near the university to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or non-violent video game two hours each evening for a month. The children's teachers are asked to assess changes in behavior. Data analysis shows no effect of game type, but Professor Kwan knows that several children didn't follow the procedure so he makes up data for them and then shows a significant effect. Which part of APA Ethical Standard 8 did the data violate?

Reporting of Research Results

Dr. Kim is researching treatments for childhood cancer. There is some risk that patients who undergo Dr. Kim's new therapy may be harmed by the procedure. However, based upon preliminary lab testing, the patients might benefit substantially from his treatment. If you were on the IRB evaluating Dr. Kim's research proposal to test his new treatment, what would make you more likely to approve the proposal?

You decide that the potential benefits of the study outweigh the potential risks.

In a study of a new drug for asthma, a researcher finds that the group receiving the drug is doing much better than the control group, whose members are receiving a placebo. Which principle of the Belmont Report requires the researcher to also give the control group the opportunity to receive the new drug?

beneficence (FEEDBACK: The Principle of Beneficence — To conform to the principle of beneficence, researchers must ensure participants' well-being and may not withhold treatments that are known to be beneficial to study participants.)

Professor Kwan studies violence and designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income, Hispanic children from schools near the university to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or non-violent video game two hours each evening for a month. The children's teachers are asked to assess changes in behavior. Some of the children assigned to play the violent video games begin acting out at school and get suspended. Which part of the Belmont Report and APA Ethical Standard 8 was violated when the researcher didn't consider this possible harm to participants in planning the study?

beneficence and nonmaleficence (FEEDBACK: The Principle of Beneficence — The principle of beneficence requires that the researcher consider risks and benefits before beginning a study. This study could pose a risk to the children based on previous studies.)

Which of the following is not one of the Three R's provided by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals? a. Reduction b. Replacement c. Restoration d. Refinement

c. Restoration

A researcher suggests to potential study participants that if they do not participate they will suffer negative consequences. This undue influence is called ____________.


Which of the following is not one of the three principles of the Belmont Report? a. Respect for persons b. Justice c. Beneficence d. Fidelity and responsibility

d. Fidelity and responsibility

In order to study a sample of participants from only one ethnic group, researchers must first demonstrate that the problem being studied is especially prevalent in that ethnic group. This is an application of which principle from the Belmont Report?

d. Justice (FEEDBACK: The Principle of Justice — The principle of justice requires a fair balance between people who participate in research and the people who benefit from it.)

Dr. Sanders conducted a study that investigated the happiness of people listening to different kinds of music. He predicted that people would report being happier when they were listening to rock music than when they were listening to country music. Dr. Sanders threw out the data from several participants who reported being very happy while listening to country music because he thought that they weren't being honest. Dr. Sanders has committed what kind of ethical violation?

data falsification (Feedback: selectively deleting observations or by influencing their research subjects to act in the hypothesized way.)

When an experimenter actively lies to a participant, this is considered which of the following?

deception through commission (FEEDBACK: Both the APA principles and federal guidelines allow the use of deception under certain circumstances. Deception by commission is the purposeful misleading of participants.)

According to those who find the Milgram obedience studies unethical, the researchers did harm to the participants

from mental stress, that outweighed the research's benefits.

Which of the following pieces of information should be provided to potential research participants as part of the informed consent process?

information about the risks and benefits of participating in the research study

Deception in a psychology experiments ______________.

is sometimes ethical if there is no other way to study a certain phenomenon, researchers minimize the potential for the participants to be distressed by the deception, and researchers fully debrief the participant after the study

Which principle from the Belmont Report and the APA's Ethical Principles do animal rights activists draw upon to argue against the use of animals in experiments?

justice (FEEDBACK: Attitudes of Animal Rights Groups — The argument is that the principle of justice requires that the research participants be drawn from the population that will benefit from the research; using animals in research for the benefit of humans violates this principle.)

Deception in psychology studies

must be followed with a debriefing.

Federally funded animal experimentation...

must comply with IACUC guidelines.

What type of research misconduct involves representing the ideas or words of others as one's own?


Professor Kwan studies violence and designs a study of the effects of video game violence on children. She recruits low-income, Hispanic children from schools near the university to participate. Each child is assigned to play either a violent or non-violent video game two hours each evening for a month. The children's teachers are asked to assess changes in behavior. To assure good participation, the participants are offered a chance to win a family trip to a major theme park. Which of the APA's Five General Principles is violated by this incentive?

respect for people's rights and dignity (FEEDBACK: The Principle of Respect for Persons — The incentive is so attractive it is coercive.)

The Belmont Report includes all of the following except

the principle of friendship.

Which of the following are two ethical issues raised by Milgram's studies of obedience?

the stress experienced by the teachers and the lasting effects of the study on the teachers

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