Chapter 4 & 5

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Where were the towns in Medieval Europe often located?

Many Medieval towns were located near the waterways. This was made because merchants often traveled by river. This benefited the town.

How was a town able to become independent of a feudal lord?

The towns became wealthy and residents started to resent the lord's feudal rights and his demand for taxes. They didn't need the lord's protection or his interference. They purchased a royal charter. This gave them the right to govern themselves, make laws, and raise taxes. The power shifted from the rising class of merchants and craftspeople.

How was the life of Medieval girls different from the lives of modern day girls?

Medieval girls married and had kids around 15. Modern day girls get married and give birth around their 20's and early or late 30's. Medieval girls had their education at home. They learned to cook, cloth making, and other skills needed to take care of a home and family. Modern day girls usually go to school and get a job.

How did merchants become the most wealthy and powerful citizens of towns?

Merchants become the most wealthy and powerful citizens of the towns because of the growth of trade and commerce. They ran sizable businesses and looked for trading opportunities far from home. Merchant guilds dominated business in towns and cities. Independent towns had some members of merchant guilds in town councils or was elected mayor.

How were Jewish people often mistreated in Medieval Europe? What opportunity was pen to them?

Non-Jewish people backed up laws that made it hard for Jewish people to make a living. They weren't allowed to own land. Their lords sometimes took their property and belongings at will. Sometimes Jewish people could be targets of violence. One opportunity that was open to them was that they could become moneylenders or bankers. They were looked down upon for doing this 'wicked' trade.

What contributed to the growth of towns in medieval Europe?

Agriculture contributed to the growth of Medieval Europe because farmers were clearing forests and adopting better farming methods. This resulted in a surplus crops to sell in town markets. Trade contributed to the growth of Medieval Europe. Seaport towns served as a trading center for goods from from the Middle East and Asia.

List at least three different conditions in medieval towns that led to the spread of disease

They used outdoor privies (olden say portapotties). Chamber pots were emptied in nearby streams or in canals. Garbage was tossed into streams, canals, and even the street. Rats and fleas were common and the spread and had diseases such as the Black Plague. They bathed once a week and lived in crowded spaces together.

What were some common practices or treatments used by medieval doctors?

They used the positions of planets, relied on magic charms, bled patients, cut veins, and used leeches.

Describe two methods for deciding the guilt or innocence of accused criminals in the Early Middle Ages.

They used trail by ordeal or combat and was used to prove guilt or innocence.

What were some of the common diseases in Europe?

Common disease were leprosy, measles, cholera, small pox, scarlet fever, and the Bubonic Plague.

How did guilds help their members and the families of their membranes?

Guilds made their members pay dues to the guild. The guild members' dues paid for the construction of guild halls and for guild fairs and festivals. The also used money to take care of members and their families who were sick and unable to work.

What were guilds? Why were they established?

Guilds were organizations that oversaw the production of goods and trade. Guilds provided help and protection for the people doing a certain kind of work and maintained high standards. They set hours of work and oversaw and set prices. They dealt with complains from the public. Guilds punished members who cheated.

What changes did Henry II make to the English legal system and how did these changes affect feudalism?

He insisted that the jury formally accuse a person of a serious crime. Cases were then tried before a royal judge in a court trail. People can't be out into jail without a real legal reason. There had to be a court trial.

What changes to the court system helped protect individual rights in the early 1100's in England?

Helped protect individual rights by common law, court trails were to be based on oral and written evidence, royal courts, independent judiciary, and English common law became as a safeguard of individual rights.

Political Events

Henry II legal reforms: Fairer government Magna Carta: Gave rights and protected nobles and later gave more rights to the commeners Model Parliament: Juries were created and created modern day governments

Describe the typical home in a medieval town

Houses were wooden, tall, lean, and narrow. Overtime, the houses tended to lean because of age and some houses would lean enough to touch each other. Their home was their work. Sometimes, several families would live in one house. Usually, families had one room where they cooked, ate, and slept. Wealthy merchants had a solar, offices, storerooms, and may have had an upper level for house servants and or apprentices. It was cold smoky and dim. The fireplace was the only form of heat. Windows were made on oil parchment which let little light through.

How did trade change from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the High Middle Ages?

In the Middle Ages, people were in the luxury trade, which only wealthy people could afford. In the High Middle Ages, people started to sell food, clothing, household items, woolen cloths, glass, and silk.

What was the Model Parliament and why was it created?

It was a government body made up of commeners, low-ranking clergy, nobles, and high ranking church officials. It was created so the monarchs could share power, they couldn't get away with things, and the commoners had a voice. (House of Lords and House of Commeners).

What was difficult about living in Medieval times?

It was difficult because many children died at s young age. Children who survived had to practice for their adult roles at the age of 7. Some children attended school. Wealthy children painted and played the lute. Everyone knew their 'rank' in society.

How was the plague spread?

It was spread by human waste, dead animals, rats, fleas, poor hygiene, privies, intoxicants in water supply, and lived in cramped spaces.

Who was Joan of Arc? What did she do for the French during the Hundred Years' War?

Joan of Arc was a 17 year old peasant girl who went to war. She claimed the saints told her to go. She helped the French in war and inspired other commoners or peasants.

What changes did the Magna Carta bring about in the English government?

Kings had to share their power with the Parliment. No freeman can be out into jail unless under the lawful judgement of the jury. (Habeas Corpus). The Magna Carta protected and gave rights of the nobles. Later, it became the foundation for rights and liberties for citizens.

Hundred Years' War

Long bows: Better and more powerful aim. Joan of Arc: Encouraged peasants to be important Kings didn't need money from nobles, gunpowder in cannons, commoners resulted in great influence and power nobles, Knights, and castles were less useful.

What were some ways in which criminals were punished in medieval Europe?

People were put in stocks and by fines. Some were hung or burned at the stake.

How did the Hundred Years' War start?

Philip VI of France declared that the French fiefs of England's King Edward III were part of the land of France and war broke out.

How did the Bubonic Plague spread?

Probably originated in Asia--> Travels on trade route to the Black Sea--> Carried on a ship to---> Italy---> Spreads north and west throughout the European Continent (Germany and France)

Bubonic Plague

Silk Road: Plague traveled on it City streets: filled with human waste, dead animals, and trash. Populations decreased, people were terrified, and changed the social structure.

Why were the English able to defeat the French in the early battles, such as the one is Crécy?

The English had lighter, more mobile armor. Archers used longbows, more accurate shots and much better aim.

What was the plague called the Black Death? What were some of the common symptoms?

There were blue-blackish swellings. Fever, vomiting, coughing, sneezing fits, and egg-sized swellings or bumps called buboes.

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