Radiology - Exam 2

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Each of the following may be used to position the patient within the focal trough of a panoramic radiograph except one. Which one is the exception? -Chin rest -Forehead rest -Image receptor holder -Biteblock

image receptor holder

what will a cross-sectional occlusal radiograph show you?

impacted or malpositioned teeth and calcifications of soft tissues

incorrect vertical angulation with the bisecting technique could result in what 2 errors?

foreshortening or elongation

when the vertical angulation is too much, what will you cut off?

occlusal/incisal edges

Positioning the arches too far forward in the focal trough on a panoramic image, toward the tube head, will result in -the anterior teeth appearing blurred and diminished in width. -the anterior teeth appearing blurred and magnified. -an image that appears as an exaggerated smile. -wide radiopacities superimposed over the anterior teeth.

the anterior teeth appearing blurred and diminished in width

cross-sectional occlusal radiographs require the central rays of the x-ray and the receptor to be what to each other?


To determine the vertical angulation when using the bisecting technique, the central rays of the x-ray beam should be directed

perpendicular to the imaginary bisector

when will you get a foreshortened image with the bisecting technique?

when the vertical angulation is excessive

when will you get an elongated image with the bisecting technique?

when the vertical angulation isn't great enough

what is the vertical angulation used for bitewings?

+10 degrees

what vertical angle is used for topographical posterior radiographs of the maxilla?

+45 degrees

what vertical angle is used for topographical anterior radiographs of the maxilla?

+65 degrees

what vertical angle is used for topographical mandibular anterior radiographs?

-55 degrees

what is a semicritical item?

something that touches patient mucosa but doesn't penetrate bone or tissue

what is a noncritical item?

something that touches skin but not mucous membranes

what can a high level disinfectant capable of killing?


what does a vertical bitewing show more of in comparison to a horizontal bitewing?

supporting bone

If a resultant panoramic image shows a reversed smile (frown), the likely cause is that -the patient's chin was too low. -the patient's chin was too high. -the patient was slumped over. -the patient's head was tilted.

the patient's chin was too high

what vertical angle is used for mandibular posterior topographical radiographs?

-45 degrees

what PID length provides the best quality radiographic images when utilizing the paralleling technique?

16 inches

what vertical angle is used for mandibular cross-sectional radiographs?

0 degrees

what size receptors can be used for bitewings?


if a support backing is present in the bisecting technique, what degree angle is it at?

105 degrees

A minimum of how many periapical radiographs should make up a full mouth survey for most adult patients?


An 18-image full mouth survey includes

14 periapicals and 4 bitewing radiographs

what variation in the number of films are there when taking bitewings?


what target-receptor distance is recommended for use with the bisecting technique?

8 inches

Which of the following best describes the correct vertical direction of the central ray when using the bisecting technique? -90 degrees to the long axes of the teeth -90 degrees to the plane of the image receptor -90 degrees to the long axes of the teeth and the plane of the image receptor -90 degrees to the imaginary bisector

90 degrees to the imaginary bisector

What is the ideal design of a paralleling image receptor holder?

A long biteblock and an L-shaped backing

Using an image receptor holder with an external aiming device will most likely eliminate what error? -Overlapping -Unequal distribution of arches recorded -Conecutting -Incorrect placement of the image receptor


Which of the following will correct a foreshortened image? -Increasing the vertical angulation -Decreasing the vertical angulation -Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor -Directing the central ray perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth

Decreasing the vertical angulation

What is the area between the x-ray source and the image receptor of a panoramic machine that will be recorded in relative detail on the resultant radiograph called?

Focal trough

What is the corrective action for a panoramic image that can mimic caries of the anterior teeth?

Have the patient close his or her lips on the biteblock

Which of the following patient positioning errors on a panoramic radiograph would most likely result in a wide radiopaque image of the cervical vertebrae superimposed over the anterior teeth? -Chin tipped too far up -Not standing or sitting up straight -Not biting on the biteblock -Necklace or napkin chain not removed

Not standing or sitting up straight

Comparing the paralleling technique with the bisecting technique, which of the following statements is correct? -The paralleling technique is easy to achieve on all patients. -Proficiency should be achieved in both techniques. -The bisecting technique is more likely to be uncomfortable for the patient. -Once the full mouth series procedure is started, the radiographer must continue with the bisecting or the paralleling technique and not mix the two.

Proficiency should be achieved in both techniques

Each of the following statements regarding fundamentals of panoramic radiography is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -The rotational center is the axis on which the tube head and the cassette rotate. -The x-ray source and the film remain stationary. -They are based on the principles of tomography. -The x-rays emerge from a narrow, vertical slit in the tube head.

The x-ray source and the film remain stationary

Each of the following is an advantage of panoramic radiographs except one. Which one is the exception? -Panoramic radiographs are a simple procedure. -They are less likely to cause patient discomfort. -There is decreased image distortion. -There is a reduced radiation dose.

There is decreased image distortion

name the factors that influence the choice or receptor used for radiographs

age of patient, size of oral cavity, shape of the dental arches, anatomical limitations, patient's tolerance to x-ray equipment, holder and technique being used

The advantage of using the largest size image receptor possible to expose a bitewing radiograph is that -unnecessary structures will be imaged. -exposure times must be increased. -anatomical limitations may hinder ideal placement. -amount of structures recorded will be increased.

amount of structures recorded will be increased

what is a critical item

an item that penetrates bone or tissue

what is a housekeeping item?

anything in operatory that may get contaminated but doesn't play a part in the procedure

what is the focal trough?

area of image sharpness, estimated position between the x-ray source and the image receptor where the dental arches must be positioned

The topographical occlusal radiographic technique is similar to what technique

bisecting angle technique

vertical angulation in the topographical occlusal approach is similar to what radiographic technique?

bisecting technique

which technique uses/follows the rules of isometry?

bisecting technique

which of these statements is false? -bitewing radiographs record the apices of teeth and surrounding bone -bitewing radiographs record the coronal portions of teeth and alveolar crests of both arches -periapical radiographs may be taken using the bisecting or paralleling technique -occlusal radiographs record the maxillary or mandibular arch or a portion thereof on a single image receptor

bitewing radiographs record the apices of teeth and surrounding bone

positive angulation is used for what 2 types of radiographs

bitewings and maxillary periapicals

what shadow casting rule does the paralleling technique breaks?

close object-receptor distance

Conecut error results from incorrect

centering of the x-ray beam

Conditions that prompt occlusal radiographs:

cysts, fractures, impacted or supernumerary teeth, locating buccal or lingual position of foreign objects

how do you achieve correct vertical angulation with the bisecting technique?

directing the central rays of the x-ray beam perpendicular to the imaginary bisectors between the long axes of the teeth and the plane of the receptor

The identification dot on an intraoral radiograph film is used to: -provide a comparative reference to pathology. -identify buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth. -distinguish occlusal or incisal edges from apices. -distinguish between the patient's right and left sides.

distinguish between the patient's right and left sides

to compensate for the increased object-image receptor distance needed to achieve parallelism in the paralleling technique, the target-image receptor distance should be...what?


what level disinfectant serves as a tuberculocidal?

intermediate level

what level disinfectant are Cavi wipes?


in the paralleling technique, the receptor must be positioned parallel to what?

interproximal space or embrasure

Which of the following describes the collimator of the panoramic x-ray beam? -It is circular (round). -It is concentric (cone shaped). -It is rectangular. -It is a narrow slit.

it is a narrow slit

what is a clinical contact?

item that might be contaminated but doesn't actually touch skin or mucosa of patient

what is the greatest limitation of panoramic radiographs?

lack of image detail

Having the patient swallow and put their tongue to the roof of the mouth in a panoramic x-ray will eliminate the chance of getting what in a radiograph?

large radiolucency

image receptor positioners designed for use with the paralleling technique should have

long biteblock and L-shaped backing

what level disinfectant is known as a housekeeping disinfectant?

low level

when taking an occlusal cross-sectional radiograph, how do you want the patient positioned?

lying back with x-ray unit below chin

cross-sectional occlusal radiographs are used to radiograph which arch?


A vertical, 0-degree angulation is used for exposure of which occlusal radiograph?

mandibular cross-sectional

Bitewing radiographs are especially useful in detecting caries on which of the following tooth surfaces? -mesial -occlusal -facial -lingual


What would open lips generate in a panoramic x-ray?

mimic caries of the anterior teeth

mandibular x-rays require a positive or negative vertical angulation?


are critical items used in radiology?


what type of equipment can intermediate disinfectants be used on?


what 2 distances do we want to be short (in regards to the placement of the tubehead) in order to take bisecting radiographs?

object-receptor and target-receptor

topographical and cross-sectional are two variations of what type of x-ray?


Which of the following is not an intraoral radiograph? -occlusal -bitewing -panoramic -periapical


which radiographic technique is the preferred method of radiography because it satisfies more shadow casting rules than the alternative technique?


maxillary x-rays require a positive or negative vertical angulation?


The greatest limitation of panoramic radiographs is the inability to -locate impacted teeth. -produce image sharpness. -assess growth and development. -detect caries in advanced stages.

produce image sharpness

which of the following would correct an exaggerated smile appearance of a panoramic radiograph? -Instruct the patient to straighten his or her posture. -Instruct the patient to close his or her lips around the biteblock. -Reposition the midsagittal plane perpendicular to the floor. -Raise the chin

raise the chin

what does sterilization mean?

removal all viable microoorganisms, spores and viruses

when the vertical angulation isn't great enough, what will you miss in your radiograph?

root apices of teeth

what equipment can a high level disinfectant be used on?


what size sensor can take extra long bitewings?

size 3

Positioning the arches too far back in the focal trough on a panoramic image, toward the tube head, will result in -the anterior teeth appearing blurred and diminished in width. -the anterior teeth appearing blurred and magnified. -an image that appears as an exaggerated smile. -wide radiopacities superimposed over the anterior teeth.

the anterior teeth appearing blurred and magnified

Which of the following is the cause of overlap error, when the overlapping appears to be more severe in the distal or posterior region of the image? -The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the mesial. -The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the distal. -The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the occlusal. -The horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the apical.

the horizontal angulation was directed obliquely from the mesial

Which of these statements is false? -The two basic techniques employed in intraoral radiography are bisecting and paralleling. -The paralleling technique arose through application of the rule of isometry. -Both the paralleling and the bisecting techniques can be modified to meet special conditions. -The paralleling technique is newer than the bisecting technique.

the paralleling technique arose through application of the rule of isometry

Each of the following statements regarding the principles of the paralleling technique is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -Parallel placement of the image receptor is accomplished using an image receptor holder. -The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to both the teeth and the image receptor. -The patient is directed to hold the image receptor in the mouth with a finger or thumb. -The image receptor is placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth of interest.

the patient is directed to hold the image receptor in the mouth with a finger or thumb

Each of the following is a patient positioning consideration for producing a quality panoramic radiograph except one. Which one is the exception? -The patient must be in a standing position. -The arches must be positioned within the focal trough. -The midsagittal plane must be perpendicular to the floor. -The patient's lips must be closed around a biteblock on a cotton roll.

the patient must be in a standing postion

why is a vertical angulation of +10 degrees recommended for bitewings?

to match the slant of the receptor in the mouth

Recording an unequal distribution of the arches on a bitewing radiograph is caused by incorrect -vertical angulation. -horizontal angulation. -centering of the x-ray beam. -aligning of the anterior edge of the image receptor with the teeth of interest.

vertical angulation

which statement is false? -determining horizontal angulation is the same for both the bisecting and the paralleling techniques -vertical angulation is accomplished by directing the central ray parallel to the image receptor -angulation is changed by rotating the tube head horizontally and vertically -to change horizontal angulation, the tube head is swiveled from side to side

vertical angulation is accomplished by directing the central ray parallel to the image receptor

Anterior periapical radiographs should be positioned in the oral cavity with the long dimension ________, and posterior periapical radiographs should be positioned in the oral cavity with the long dimension ________. -vertical, horizontal -horizontal, vertical -horizontal, horizontal -vertical, vertical

vertical, horizontal

Which of the following statements is correct? -Vertical angulation is usually described in millimeters. -Vertical angulation of the tube head and PID begins at 90 degrees. -To change vertical angulation, the tube head is swiveled from side to side. -When the open end of the PID is tilted toward the floor, the vertical angle is positive.

when the open end of the PID is tilted toward the floor, the vertical angle is positive

Conditions that prompt a periapical radiograph:

Abscess, fractures, large carious lesions, extensive periodontal involvement, examination of developmental anomalies such as missing teeth and abnormal eruption patterns, any unexplained pain or bleeding

Which of these statements is false? -Negative angulation directs the central ray upward toward the ceiling. -Accurate vertical angulation is more important to the paralleling than the bisecting technique. -Vertical angulation of 0 degrees directs the PID parallel to the floor. -Vertical angulation refers to directing the PID up and down.

Accurate vertical angulation is more important to the paralleling than the bisecting technique

Which of the following statements regarding image receptor holders is false? -Short biteblocks should be used for the bisecting technique. -Biteblocks with a 105-degree angle backing plate should be used with the bisecting technique. -External aiming devices eliminate the need to position the patient's head precisely. -Biteblocks with an L-shaped backing plate should be used with the bisecting technique.

Biteblocks with an L-shaped backing plate should be used with the bisecting technique.

Which of the following statements is false? -Malaligned teeth may necessitate the exposure of additional bitewing radiographs. -Bitewing radiographs are not required if a full mouth series of periapical radiographs is available. -When patients present with edentulous areas, bitewing radiographs may not be needed. -Children with mixed dentitions may not need bitewings if a visual inspection of the proximal surfaces is possible.

Bitewing radiographs are not required if a full mouth series of periapical radiographs is available

Each of the following is a use of an occlusal radiograph except one. Which one is the exception? -Detecting incipient, interproximal caries -Locating soft tissue calcifications -Assisting in the evaluation of fractures -Revealing retained roots of extracted teeth

Detecting incipient, interproximal caries

Which of the following will correct an overlapping error? -Increasing the vertical angulation -Decreasing the vertical angulation -Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor -Directing the central ray perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth

Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor

Which of the following is the correct reason that a cape-style lead barrier without a thyroid collar be used when exposing panoramic radiographs? -Due to the position of the PID, the thyroid collar would block the x-rays. It would be difficult for a standing patient to maintain an apron-style barrier. -This type of lead barrier is less expensive and offsets the cost of the panoramic machine. -Cape-style barriers represent state-of-the-art new technology.

Due to the position of the PID, the thyroid collar would block the x-rays

Which of these statements is false? -Incorrect vertical angulation results in overlapped contact points. -Negative angulation is generally used for exposure of the mandibular arch. -Positive angulation is generally used for exposure of the maxillary arch. -An image receptor holding device can aid the radiographer in placing image receptors intraorally.

Incorrect vertical angulation results in overlapped contact points.

Which of the following will correct an elongated image? -Increasing the vertical angulation -Decreasing the vertical angulation -Directing the central ray perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor -Directing the central ray perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth

Increasing the vertical angulation

Which of the following occlusal radiographs yields more information about the location of tori and impacted or malpositioned teeth and calcifications of soft tissues? -Maxillary anterior topographical -Maxillary posterior topographical -Mandibular posterior topographical -Mandibular cross sectional

Mandibular cross sectional

A vertical angulation of +65 degrees is used for which occlusal radiograph? -Maxillary anterior topographical -Maxillary posterior topographical -Mandibular posterior topographical -Mandibular cross sectional

Maxillary anterior topographical

What is the result if a bitewing radiograph is exposed using a vertical angulation of -10 degrees? -More maxillary teeth and alveolar bone will be recorded. -More mandibular teeth and alveolar bone will be recorded. -The image of the arches will appear tilted across the horizontal plane. -The image of the arches will appear tilted across the vertical plane.

More mandibular teeth and alveolar bone will be recorded.

Periapical radiographs can be taken with each of the following image receptor sizes except one. Which one is the exception? -Size 0 -Size 1 -Size 2 -Size 3

Size 3

Which one of the following is not a principle of shadow casting? -Long axes of the teeth and image receptor should be parallel to each other. -Long axes of the teeth and image receptor should be as close to each other as possible. -Source of radiation should be as small as possible. -Teeth should be as close as possible to the radiation source.

Teeth should be as close as possible to the radiation source

Each of the following statements regarding horizontal angulation is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -Contact points should appear open or separate from each other on the radiograph. -The central ray should be directed parallel to the curvature of the arch. -Overlapped contact points result when incorrect horizontal angulation is used. -Horizontal angulation is the positioning of the central ray in a side-to-side plane.

The central ray should be directed parallel to the curvature of the arch.

The bisecting technique is useful in patients who cannot tolerate parallel placement of the image receptor. The bisecting technique is less likely to produces images with distortion. -The first statement is true. The second statement is false. -The first statement is false. The second statement is true. -Both statements are true. -Both statements are false.

The first statement is true. The second statement is false.

Which of the following statements regarding orientation of a film packet is false? -The white, unprinted side of the film packet must face the source of radiation. -The identification dot should be positioned toward the apices of the teeth when placing periapical radiographs. -The identification dot is used during interpretation of the radiograph to distinguish between the patient's left and right sides. -The film may be positioned with the long dimension vertically or horizontally when placing posterior bitewing radiographs.

The identification dot should be positioned toward the apices of the teeth when placing periapical radiographs

Which of the following is a basic principle of the paralleling technique? -The image receptor is placed perpendicular to the long axes of the teeth. -The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed parallel to both the teeth and the recording plane of the image receptor. -The image receptor is placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth. -The central ray of the x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to an imaginary bisector.

The image receptor is placed parallel to the long axes of the teeth

Each of the following statements regarding occlusal radiographs is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -They do not require the use of an image receptor holder. -The images both of the arches on a single film. -They may be either topographical or cross sectional. -They are placed in the mouth between the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth.

The images of both arches are on a single film

Each of the following statements regarding the point of entry is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -Incorrect point of entry results in conecut error. -Care must be taken to center the image receptor within the beam of radiation. -The open end of the PID should be placed 2 inches from the patient's skin. -An image receptor holder with an external aiming device aids in locating the point of entry.

The open end of the PID should be placed 2 inches from the patient's skin.

Each of the following statements regarding the fundamentals of periapical radiographs is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -Periapical radiographs may be taken using the paralleling or bisecting technique. -Placement of the image receptor-holding device must be evaluated to avoid angulation errors. -The patient's finger can be used to hold a large image receptor in position in the oral cavity. -The size of image receptor chosen depends on the shape and size of the dental arches.

The patient's finger can be used to hold a large image receptor in position in the oral cavity.

Which of the following statements is correct? -Topographical occlusal radiographs yield a greater amount of information in the alveolar crest and apical areas than periapical radiographs. -Topographical occlusal radiographs may be exposed only on the maxillary arch. -Cross-sectional occlusal radiographs work best to image the maxilla. -Topographical occlusal radiographs cannot be used on children.

Topographical occlusal radiographs yield a greater amount of information in the alveolar crest and apical areas than periapical radiographs

Which of the following is not a shadow-casting principle? -Use the largest possible source of radiation (focal spot). -The tooth should be as far as possible from the source of radiation. -The tooth and image receptor should be as close together as possible. -The tooth and image receptor should be parallel to each other.

Use the largest possible source of radiation (focal spot)

Which of these statements is false? -The paralleling technique does not meet all five shadow-casting principles in all regions of the oral cavity on all patients. -With the paralleling technique, it is not possible to direct the central rays of the x-ray beam to both the tooth and the image receptor simultaneously. -The paralleling technique is the technique of choice for obtaining periapical radiographs. -With the paralleling technique, the object and image receptor are positioned parallel to each other.

With the paralleling technique, it is not possible to direct the central rays of the x-ray beam to both the tooth and the image receptor simultaneously.

Conditions that would indicate the need for a periapical radiograph include each of the following except one. Which one is the exception? -Abscess -Cleft palate -Large caries -Root fracture

cleft palate

excessive vertical angulation when using the paralleling technique results in what?

cutting off incisal/occlusal edges

why does the paralleling technique break the shadow casting rule of a short object-receptor distance?

due to oral cavity structure, the receptor needs to be pushed further back to become parallel

which of the following is NOT an advantage of the paralleling technique? -produces images with minimal dimensional distortion -minimizes superimposition of adjacent structures -satisfies more shadow casting principles -easy technique for children to tolerate

easy technique for children to tolerate

with topographical occlusal radiographs, how do you want the patient positioned?

occlusal surface parallel to floor

what receptor is ideal for a bisecting technique radiograph?

short biteblock and no L-shaped backing

Which of the following image receptor sizes would necessitate that only two bitewing radiographs be exposed in an adult patient? -Size 0 -Size 1 -Size 2 -Size 3

size 3

What size film is used for occlusal radiographs on most adult patients? -Size 1 -Size 2 -Size 3 -Size 4

size 4

what size film is used for occlusal radiographs in adults?

size 4

Each of the following statements regarding extraoral film is correct except one. Which one is the exception? -Handle by the edges only. -Remove from the box slowly. -Slide across the intensifying screens when placing it in the cassette. -Load into the cassette just prior to use.

slide across the intensifying screens when placing it in the cassette

Name the 5 shadow casting rules

small focal spot, long target-object distance, short object-receptor distance, parallel relationship between object and receptor, the central ray is perpendicular to the object and receptor

when placing a film packet for periapical radiographs, the identification dot is used to distinguish what?

the right and left sides of the patient's mouth

To compensate for the increased object-image receptor distance needed to achieve parallelism -the target-image receptor distance should be decreased. -the target-image receptor distance should also be increased. -the object-image receptor distance should also be increased. -the object-image receptor distance should be decreased.

the target-image receptor distance should also be increased

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