Chapter 4

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What major religion promotes a caste system, the veneration of the cow, and arranged marriages?

Hinduism (one of the oldest religions) - veneration of the cow (provides so many things) - caste system where you can't move positions, if you were born an untouchable then you will stay one - arranged marriage - perfect condition is when you don't need or want anything = NIRVANA

Who is Geert Hofstede and what is the significance of his research on culture?

Hofstede developed a system to compare cultures numerically (1980s) - he is a Dutch Social psychologist - he did research in cross cultural groups and organizations - revolutionized comparing cultures - he wanted to have a large sample to eliminate bias created by corporate culture (worked for IBM) - he took 5 cultural dimensions and compared them numerically; 100 is not the highest score, look at scores in comparison to another culture weakness- IBM employee

What is the definition of culture?

"A set of inter-related beliefs, values, attitudes, and ways of doing things that is shared by a similar group of people, who learn their behavior through socialization (relations with other humans or human institutions)" CULTURE = LEARNED behavior - learned behavior through socialization; manifested by clothes you wear, language you speak etc.

How does the Level of Technology of a culture affect marketing?

- level of technology of a culture is reflected in its mechanical skills, understanding of how things work - economics will determine need for certain products: if simple technology or highly technological is appropriate in a certain place - economics determines if simple of highly technological (tractor) is appropriate in a certain place ex. if we wanted to sell tractor in the US- tractor is a combine it has GPS, AC system its like a factor on wheels (highly technological) ex. in Bolivia they didn't even use windex and paper towel to clean window they used some liquid and an old newspaper - ability to use technology→how highly is it valued? not all cultures feels the same way...take material culture into consideration when targeting markets...model the products to the material culture

What are the 5 Cultural Dimensions according to Hofstede and what does each indicate about a particular culture?

1. Individual/Collectivism Index - focuses on self-oreinetation, initiative 2. Power Distance Index - focuses on authority orientation, hierarchy 3. Uncertainty Avoidance Index - focuses on risk orientation, rules 4. Masculinity/Femininity Index - focuses on achievement orientation, sex roles 5. Long-term Orientation - focuses on long-term commitments and respect for tradition

What are the 5 major elements of culture?

1. Material Elements 2. Social Institutions 3. Belief Systems 4. Aesthetics (sense of beauty) 5. Language

What major religion is considered to be "reform Hinduism"?

Buddhism = 'reform hinduism' - the creator rejected the caste system

What are some of the largest religions of the world in number of followers?

Christianity→2.1 billion (two major branches: Catholicism and Protestantism) Islam→ 1.3 billion (fastest growing) Secular/Nonreligious/Atheist→1.1 billion Hinduism→900 million Chinese traditional religion→ 394 million Buddhism→366 million Primal-indigenous→300 million African traditional→100 million Sikhism→23 million Judaism→14 million (root of Christianity) Shinto→4 million (official religion of Japan)

What is "cultural borrowing" and what does it have to do with finding solutions?

Cultural Borrowing= sometimes cultures find better solutions in other cultures, so they adopt them - culture can be viewed as the accumulation of a series of best solutions to problems faced in common by members of society - this is the reason why culture is dynamic and it changes. people's behavior change overtime. when there is a common problem we come up with best solution. - in US solution to drug problem was incarceration, but Europe response was rehabilitation

What is a cultural translator? What is backwards translation?

Cultural Translator = someone familiar with local culture - someone familiar with use of words and knows the slang/nuances of language Backwards Translation= First→ translate message in home/native country Next→ send message to foreign country and have foreign country translate back the message Last→ Compare the two messages - if the message is accurate then what comes back should be exactly what you sent, if not then there's miscommunication

How is culture transmitted?

Culture is learned, shared, and transmitted by society from generation to generation - (culture is NOT biologically transmitted) - Cultural Transmitters→ family, social organizations, special interest groups, government, schools, and the church - culture= anchoring point; identity - conscious and unconscious values, ideas, attitudes, and symbols shape our behavior

What country has the highest score in individualism according to Hofstede? The highest score in masculinity?

Individualism scores: USA highest (91) USA = 91 Japan = 46 - US has single hero's - in Japan they make business decisions in groups Masculinity/Femininity: Japan highest (95) USA =62 Japan = 95 - USA we are are more masculine and crush the competitive- aggressive - Japan is SUPER masculine where they put down women Power Distance USA = 40 Japan = 54 - US boss doors open - Japan bosses will work along side of workers Uncertainty Avoidance USA = 46 Japan = 92 - US we encourage people to take risks - Japan very tight rules/regulations against taking risks Long Term Orientation USA = 29 Japan = 80 - US we just look at path for next quarter - Asia looks 5,10,15yrs ahead

What major religion considers the Koran as the ultimate guide?

Islam- the Koran is the ultimate guide for life (both religious and daily life)

What is usury and what major religion prohibits it?

Islam: the Koran is the ultimate guide - Prevents usury (lending money at unreasonable high rates of interest) - koran interpretation= you shouldn't charge interest. instead the banks will purchase the item for you and then charge you payments with profit added to the payment

What branch of Christianity promotes individualism and no distinction between secular and religious life?

Protestantism (influence US business values)→ success is a result of God smiling upon you and hard work is rewarded - rewarded while you are still alive (don't have to die first) - no church intermediary to contact God- ministers have more freedom

What is considered to be the official religion of Japan?

Shinto = official religion of Japan - big reason for population decline in Japan bc it promotes Japanese culture as sacred/divine so it puts down immigration - there is no savior (like no Buddha or Jesus) - Progress is achieved through being aggressive and not passive (progress only achieved through creative action) - mold Japanese culture to be aggressive and militaristic

What is a Value? What are some core American values?

Value = an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to another mode of conduct Core American Values: 1. importance of hard work, success (protestantism) 2. ownership of tangible goods (protestantism) 3. religious and political freedom (European settlers- reason for coming to US) 4. importance of technological advances (give babies iPhone) 5. looking young (particularly baby boomers) 6. capitalism (as opposed to another economic structure)

What happens to the elements of culture when you change one of them?

elements of culture are interrelated→ if you change one element this will affect/change other elements as well

Is culture static?

no, culture is dynamic - change in attitudes/values occur ex. China today is not the same as China 100yrs ago

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