Chapter 5
3 aspects of Enhanced Communication & Social Media
1. "wisdom of crowds" 2. collective intelligence 3. open innovation
3 aspects of Enhancing Communication using Social Media
1. blogs 2. microblogging 3. instant messaging
4 C's that are enhanced by Social Media & the Enterprise
1. communication (using social media) 2. cooperation (with social media) 3. collaboration (with social media) 4. connection (with social media)
2 aspects of Videoconferencing
1. desktop videoconferencing - simple & low cost - internet based 2. dedicated videoconferencing - organizational conference rooms - multiple people and/or locations - highly realistic/excellent video & audio quality - can be extremely expensive (up to $500K)
3 Categories of Collaboration Tools
1. electronic communication tools 2. electronic conferencing tools 3. collaboration management tools
3 Asynchronous examples
1. emails 2. social media posts 3. zoom recorded (less classic, but still important)
4 aspects of the Evolving Web
1. evolving web capabilities 2. evolving social interaction 3. evolving workspace 4. future web capabilities
Tim/Space Collaboration Tool Matrix 4 elements
1. face to face interactions 2. continuous task 3. remote interactions 4. communication & coordination
4 Needs for Communication & Collaboration
1. managing the virtual organization 2. collaboration software 3. videoconferencing 4. intranets & employee portals
4 aspects of Enhancing Cooperation with Social Media
1. media sharing 2. tagging 3. social bookmarking 4. social cataloging
4 things provided by Intranets & Employee Portals
1. real-time access to information 2. enterprise search 3. collaboration 4. employee portals
7 Web-Based Collaboration Tools
1. spreadsheets 2. word processors 3. presentation 4. office suites 5. project management 6. notes/task management 7. cloud storage/sharing
9 factors that must be taken into account when using social media applications within an organization
1. technology information 2. critical mass 3. organizational context 4. security 5. enterprise + web 6. hierarchies 7. generation gap 8. technological inertia 9. culture
Collaboration software is distinguished along what 2 dimensions
1. whether the software supports synchronous or asynchronous collaboration and communication 2. whether the software supports groups working together face-to-face or distributed
Collaboration technologies can be classified in terms of what 2 aspects
1. whether they support interactions at the same or different time or place 2. whether these interactions are remote or co-located
Synchronous means
at the same time
The process of keeping an online text diary made up of chronological entries
Google Drive, DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, SugarSync, iCloud
cloud storage/sharing
Document sharing & co-editing
Categories of Collaboration Tools Description: facilitate virtual or co-located meeting & manage group activities Instances: electronic calendars, knowledge management systems, intranets, online document systems Examples: google docs, ms office online, ms sharepoint, microsoft whiteboard Category: ?
collaboration management tools
Represents a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively
collaboration software
Learning emerges from collaboration, communication and competition / EX: wisdom of crowds
collective intelligence
Open-source software / Wikis
collective intelligence
Email, bulletin boards, blogs, asynchronous calendars, workflow, version control, wikis, etc.
communication & collaboration
Time/Space Collaboration Tool Matrix Different Time (asynchronous) Different Place (remote)
communication & collaboration
Benefit: More efficient & effective than email, FTP or legacy collaboration tools, potentially speeding up product development cycles & enabling quick responses to competitors; actions Risk: Security & compliance policies are often difficult to enforce, which may increase the possibility of exposing sensitive corporate data; increased threat of industrial espionage Domain: ?
Users can post, edit & track changes to documents, images, audio/video files / EX: learning management systems
content management systems
Where tremendous amounts of content available to users will be filtered by contextual factors
contextual web
Team rooms, large public display, shift work groupware, project management, etc.
continuous task
Time/Space Collaboration Tool Matrix Different Time (asynchronous) Same Place (co-located)
continuous task
Human-based computing
Categories of Collaboration Tools Description: allow users to convey verbal & written information & send files, documents or other content Instances: fax, email, voice mail, blogs, wikis, static websites Examples: ms outlook, blogger, wikipedia Category: ?
electronic communication tools
Categories of Collaboration Tools Description: allow information sharing & rich interactions between users Instances: internet forums, instant messaging, application sharing, videoconferencing Examples: apple facetime, skye, google hangouts, webex, zoom Category: ?
electronic conferencing tools
Employee benefits self-service
employee portals
Can enhance productivity & contribute to user satisfaction
enterprise search
Web technologies enable social media & change how people interact / Online information @ our fingertips / People changed how they search information / Individuals post very private information (about themselves, others & without thinking about consequences)
evolving social interaction
A generation of social media users / Millenniums, "Gen. Y" / Different workplace expectations / Portfolio careers, not cradle-to-grave jobs / Don't just serve customers, but collaborate with them /Companies now create corporate culture that embraces trends of digital world / Embracing social media attracts & retains top talent
evolving workspace
Decision rooms, single display groupware, shared table, wall displays, roomware, etc.
face to face interactions
Time/Space Collaboration Tool Matrix Same Time (synchronous) Same Place (co-located)
face to face interactions
The Semantic Web (set of design principles that will allow computers to better index web pages, topics & subjects / Allows information on the web to be better interpreted by computers & not just people / enhanced search results) / Web 3.0 (centered around mobility / contextual web)
future web capabilities
The symbol in which users can assign informal categories to searchable information / a form of metadata
Originated on Twitter as a way to give a topic a category that other users could easily find / Hashtags are among the many ways that the users can create a more meaningful web with Web 2.0
hashtags / a form of social cataloging
Anyone can earn money on micro-task marketplaces by solving small, well-defined tasks / Companies can harness crowdsourcing techniques for inexpensive labor / EX: Amazon Mechanical Turk (M-Turk)
human-based computing (crowdsourncing)
Benefit: Reduced costs & risks when using preexisting, easily developed & low-cost web-based tools (vs. in-house development tools) Risk: Loss of control regarding data & service quality (data & tools will likely reside on the provider's server) Domain: ?
information technology
Enables multiple participants to have conversations / EX: WhatsApp, which allows group chat & free texts
instant messaging
Examples: Tiktok / Flickr / Instagram / Vimeo / YouTube / Webcasting / Podcasting / A student listens to a podcast on iTunes U
media sharing
Data about data
Post news to customers / EX: Twitter, which is limited to 140 characters
The value of the ---- ---- is dependent on the number of its users
network effect
Members of highly specialized virtual teams are often
not co-located
Asynchronous means
not coordinated in time
Evernote, Wunderlist, Microsoft OneNote Online
notes/task management
Google Apps, Zoho, Microsoft Office 365
office suites
Consumers and the general public contribute ideas to the creative process
open innovation
Benefit: Tools are easy to use, facilitating widespread adoption throughout an organization Risk: Little or no documentation, training or support for system complexities or problems Domain: ?
Google Drive, Zoho Show, Microsoft PowerPoint Online, Prezi
Trac, Redmine, eGroupWare, Collabtive
project management
Updated information instantly available throughout the organization
real-time access to information
Real-time, machine-readable, standardized information feeds from the latest news, blogs, social media streams, etc.
really simple syndication
Time/Space Collaboration Tool Matrix Same Time (synchronous) Different Place (remote)
remote interactions
Video conferencing, instance messaging, charts/MUDs/virtual worlds, shared screens, multi-user editors, etc.
remote interactions
Allows users to redefine data / As more people participate the value for each user grows
social bookmarking
Creation of a categorization system by users
social cataloging
One of the most popular uses of the Internet / Facebook had 2.6 billion users as of April 2020 / Social Search (increase the relevance of search results)
social networking
Google Drive, Zoho Sheet, Microsoft Excel Online
Representing words & concepts that are key to social media
tag cloud
Examples: Hashtag / Tag Cloud
Benefit: No need to purchase software upgrades Risk: Tools & features in the collaboration environment can change without notice, potentially causing problems with users & corporate IT strategy Domain: ?
upgrade cycles
Power of viral marketing can be a great tool / Critical factors: do something unexpected, make people feel something, make sequels, allow sharing & easy distribution, never restrict to the viral content
viral marketing
The ability to create, edit or delete content, view prior versions, revert any changes & discuss about content & suggested changes are key to the creation of high-quality content by a community
The idea that a crowd can make a better "decision" than an individual
wisdom of crowds
Google Drive, Zoho Writer, Microsoft Word Online
word processors
Synchronous example
zoom live