Chapter 5: Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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Cindy was diagnosed with sterotypic movement disorder. Which of the following repetitive traits are expected?

- Head-banging - Body rocking - Picking at her body - Self-biting

Which of the following are true about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

- It occurs in both males and females. - It can occur in children and adults. - It tends to cause forgetfulness and procrastination.

Select all of the following that represent the outcome for Jason Newman, the subject of the opening case study.

- Jason started on a stimulant medication. - Jason's behavioral work with a therapist began to help decrease his disruptive behaviors at school. - Many have noticed improvement in Jason's ability to pay attention.

Rett syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that includes which of the following hallmark features?

- Neurological and cognitive impairments - Loss of motor skills

The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD include which of the following?

- Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive - Predominantly inattentive - A combination of types for at least 6 months

Behavioral reinforcement has been shown to be an effective treatment in decreasing self-stimulatory and ________________________ behaviors displayed by children on the autism spectrum.


Social, behavior, and communication deficit patterns are associated with ____________________ spectrum disorders.


Susan is 8 weeks pregnant and typically drinks a 12-ounce beer three to five times per week. Susan becomes concerned about her baby's brain development when she learns that more than 3 ounces of alcohol per day can cause her baby to be at risk for developing ________________________ _________________________ syndrome.

fetal alcohol

Based on Barkley's research, children with ADHD have not developed a ______________ orientation or a sense of self across time.


Three important genetic abnormalitlies that can cause an intellectual disibility include

- Fragile X syndrome. - phenylketonuria (PKU) - Down syndrome.

Within the DSM-5 group of neurodevelopmetal disorders,

- "specific learning disorder" replaced seperate disorders such as mathematical skills disorder. - "intellectual disability" replaced "mental retardation." - "autistic spectrum disorder" replaced "autistic disorder."

Which of the following factors lead to increased risk of a child developing a learning disorder?

- Being adopted - Two-parent stepfamily - Poverty - Second-hand smoke exposure

The interaction of functional and structural abnormalities has led ADHD researchers to conclude that which interactions between nature and nurture largely contribute to ADHD symptoms?

- Exposure to toxins - Stressors - Infectious diseases - Martial stress of parents - Birth complications - Acquired brain damage

Which of the following can reduce the national economic cost of intellectual disabilities?

- Teaching adaptive skills to children with these disorders. - Maternal and child health interventions

Which of the following are true of Rett syndrome?

- The DSM-5 includes Rett syndrome among the autism spectrum disorders. - The child begins to show neurological and cognitive impairments after years of age. - The disorder is related to a genetic mutation.

Mke was recently diagnosed with tic disorder. Which of the following are highly related to tic disorder?

- Tourette's disorder - Repeated involuntary movement - Eye blinking - ADHD - Obsessive-compulsive symptoms - Repeated involuntray vocalization

Learning disorders become evident when a student's academic achievement is substantially below what would be expected in light of the child's

- age. - education. - measured intelligence.

Barkley's ADHD assessment scale showed that in adults with ADHD, executive functioning ratings were related to the measures of deviant behavior, including

- antisocial acts. - traffic offenses committed while driving. - diversity of crimes.

From the opening case study illustrating the important considerations before diagnosing and medicating a child with ADHD like Jason Newman, we are able to understand that the disruptive behaviors have to

- cause significant problems in school. - cause significant problems in leading a normal childhood. - be addressed by considering combining treatment delivery to optimize the effects of medication and behavioral therapeutic approaches. - be treated with the parents collaborating with professionals to weigh the treatment options.

Children with intellectual disabilities can benefit from

- early diagnosis. - friendship training. - involvement in special education. - learning appropriate ways to handle their anger.

Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to

- have lower grades. -have discipline problems - be more likely to develop substance use disorders.

The DSM-5 reorganized disorders of childhood by labeling a large group of conditions with the term NEURODEVELOPMENTAL. Critics said

- putting ADHD into this category implies that ADHD should be treated biologically with medication. - this term attributes many disorders to a biological cause instead of multiple factors.

Adolescent boys diagnosed with ADHD tend to have higher rates of which of the following?

- reckless driving. - parental conflict. - substance abuse. - unprotected sex.

According to the Barkley's ADHD theory, the four areas of biological and behavioral functioning that are affected by ADHD include

- self-regulation of affect, motivation, and arousal. - internalization of self-directed speech. - reconstitution of behavior.

Disorders that were moved to entirely different categories in the DSM-5 included

- separation anxiety disorder. - pica and rumination disorders. - oppositional defiant disorder. - conduct disorder.

The theory that ADHD has biological underpinnings is bolstered by

- the high probability of inheriting the disorder. - molecular genetic studies. - the discovery of abnormal brain structures in people with ADHD.

Intellectual disability is most prevalent in

- urban slums or mixed urban-rural settings. - low-income countries.

The genetic link for ADHD has been well established; the chance of inheriting the disorder is as high as


Although _______________________ was strictly seen as a childhood disorder related to forgetfulness, disorganization, and low self-esteem, we now see the potential for symptoms to progress into adulthood.


The neurodevelopmental disorder involving a persistent pattern of inattention is known as which of the following?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Which perspective is the most relevant form of treatment for autistic spectrum disorders?

Behavioral perspective

_____________________ disorders are conditions characterized by importance in language, speech, and the ability to convey information.


(True or False): Approximately 20% of children have a diagnosed learning disorder.


Which of the following factors delayed Jason't ADHD diagnosis, according to the opening case study?

His parents' health insurance would not cover the psychological evaluation, and they could not afford it on their own.

Individuals who have intellectual and adaptive deficits that first become evident during childhood would be diagnosed with which of the following?

Intellectual disability

(True or False): Tay-Sachs disease has genetic links and is most common in Ashkenazi Jews.


(True or False): Teratogens include chemicals, infections, drugs, malnutrition, carbon monoxide, and toxic substances that can cause intellectual disability during fetal development.


(True or False): The biopsychosocial model includings parenting, sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors.


Six months after Ana moved to California, her bilingual parents received a letter from her first grade teacher suggesting that Ana should be placed into a program for children with intellectual developmental disorders due to her struggles with reading and writing. The teacher dismissed the fact that Ana was above grade level in math.

a culturally appropriate IQ test should be used.

The DSM-5 has changed the previous terminology of autistic disorder to __________________ ______________________ disorder to better differentiate the wide range of deficits in communication and social development.

autism spectrum

A comprehensive approach to developmental-related biological, psychological, and sociocultural influences is referred to as the _______________________ perspective.


Phenylketonuria (PKU) can cause damage to the central nervous system, developmental delays, hyperactivity, and seizures, but it can be diagnosed shortly after birth with a simple ______________ test.


Children with Down syndrome have an extra copy of _________________________________ 21.


Developmental ___________________ disorder affects up to 6% of children, which cause impairments in movement, academic achievement, and ability to engage in daily living tasks.


The DSM-5 authors moved many childhood disorders to different categories because

doing so acknowledges the continuity of behavior from infancy through adulthood.

The main cognitive deficits observed in children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) relate to ________________ functions, such as mental manipulations, attention control, judgement, and impulse control.


The condition formerly known as Asperger's disorder is now classified in the DSM-5 as

high-functioning autism spectrum disorder.

Previously, intellectual development disability was classified according to intelligence test scores. In contrast, the DSM-5 classifies levels of severity based on how well the individual can adapt

in conceptual, social, and practical domains.

The DSM-IV-TR used the term "mental retardation", but the DSM-5 uses ________________________ disability.


People with autism spectrum disorder have difficulty processing facial stimuli, probably due to abnormal

neural circultry.

Clinicians use behavioral therapy approaches to help children with autism spectrum disorders develop new social skills to help them ultimately realize more successful ________________ - solving skills.


Some individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders can also display extraordinary numerical or artistic skills, which can be further classified as autistic _________________________ syndrome.


Mainstreaming children in general education classes in combination with __________________ education provides specialized assistance to help meet and treat the specific needs of individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities.


Dr. Warren is conducting a diagnostic family history interview and trying to determine if Johnny meets the criteria for a tic disorder or Tourette's disorder. Since Johnny's parents said that the behaviors were transient and not always present historically, it is more likely to be a(n) __________________ disorder since _______________ disorder is typically not a passing/transient condition.

tic; Tourette's

Adults with ADHD show difficulty with sustained attention, verbal fluency, and processing speed. The biologically and brain-based theory implicates _________________ memory as the area of the impairment.


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