Chapter 5 Vocab
A tough fiber found in the matrix if connective tissue
Connective tissue
A type of tissue that supports or binds
An inflammatory substance produced in response to allergies
Basement membeane
Anchors epithelial cells to each other and underlying tissues
Cells of cartilage
Pseudo-stratified epithelial
Cells that have a layered appearance but actually extend from the basement membrane to outer free surface
Describing the process by which a cell earns debris and microorganisms
Kupffer's cells
Eat bacteria and old white and red blood cells; found in the liver
Flexible fibers found in the matrix of connective tissue
Compound exocrine glands
Glands made of several lobules with branching ducts
Exocrine glands
Glands that have ducts
Innermost layer of the heart wall, including epithelial cells that line the heart
Synovial membrane
Line the cavities of freely moving joints, produce synovial fluid
Serous tissue
Lines the great cavities of the body that have no opening to the outside, also called mesothelium
Loose connective tissue full of fat cells
Simple epithelial
One cell-layer thick
Phagocytic cells found in the central nervous system, also called neuroglia
Receptive fibers found in the matrix of connective tissue
Refers to the covering of an organ
Refers to the wall of a cavity
Stratified epithelial
Several layers of cells thick
Transitional epithelial
Several layers of closely packed, flexible, easily stretched cells; appear flat when stretched and saw toothed when relaxed
Reticuloendothelial system
Specialized connective tissue involved in phagocytosis
Intercalated disks
Structures that connect the branches of cardiac muscle cells with one another
The kong extension of a nerve cell body; a neuron has only one axon
The physical movement or pushing of food along the digestive tract
Tiny cavities between the lamellae or rings of compact bone that contain bone cells
Striated muscle
Tissue that causes movement ; nucleares multi nucleares with striations; skeletal muscle