Chapter 6-- additional coverages, extensions, and exclusions

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a building designed for use as a residence for no more than four families or a single family unit in a building under a condominium

loss in progress

defined by the NFIP as a loss occurring as of 12:01 am on the first day of the policy term. you cannot increase the amount of insurance coverage you have during a loss in progress.

Special High Flood Risk Zones

defined by the flood disaster act of 1973, flood insurance is mandatory in these areas

within the current policy year

A standard flood insurance policy holder whose property has been determined not to be din a special hazard area after the map revison of a letter of map amendment under part 70 of this subchapter may cancel the policy within ___

Write Your Own Program

Private insurers sell federal flood insurance under their own names, collect the premiums, and receive an expense allowance. FEMA reinsures 100% of these losses 1983

mobile home coverage section D


witten contract

TWIA is similar to other insurance carriers in that we have a ___ that specifies the extent and restrictions of the insurance coverage they provide


The NFIP's Dwelling FOrm offers coverage for Personal property, up to ___


The NFIP's Dwelling FOrm offers coverage for building/structure property, up to ___

National Flood Insurance Program

The federal government's program to provide Flood insurance at subsidized rates. 1968


Zones are rated by ____ based on their relative risk of flooding

homeowners and commercial property insurance

___excludes coverage for damage due to flooding

write you own (WYO) Program

a cooperative undertaking of teh insurance industry and teh Federal Emergency Management Agency begin in october 1983. operated within the context of the NFIP and involves private insurance carriers who issue and service National Flood Insurance Program policies


a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation by water of what is normally dry land

elevated building

a non-basement building that has its lowest elevated floor raised above the ground level by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns

texas windstorm insurance association

a pool of all property casualty insurance companies authorized to write coverage in texas.

on an anniversary date

a standard flood insurance policyholder may cancel a policy having a term of three years on ___

Actual Cash Value (ACV)

additional items of property attached to the mobile hoe are covered on an ___ basis

personal property (contents)

always settled @ actual cash value


america's most common disaster

special Flood Hazard area

defined as a location having special flood, mudflow or erosion problems


an exemption based on circumstances previously existing.


any area of a building which has a floor subgrade (below ground) on all sides

mobile home coverage section A, 10x40 feet

applies to the building, attached structures, utility tanks, and permanently installed items. a home must have a minimum footprint of ___ x___ to be covered

increased cost of compliance

applies when flood damages are severe.

Boat Owners Insurance; yacht policy

as an alternative endorsement to the homeowners policy, the follow stand alone policies are available

Building and foundation Electrical and plumbing Central air conditioning equip. refrigerators, cooking stoves, built in appliances Permanently installed carpeting over unfinished flooring. BECRP

building/structure coverage includes

new construction

buildings for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after teh effective date of any inition FIRM or after Dec 31, 1974 whichever is later, including any subsequent improvements.

commercial package policy

can be used for Fam/ran business. it can be custom tailored to fit the needs of most agricultural business


collects premiums and pays valid claims.

farm liability plus farm/ranch equipment, buildings, and other property risks

commercial package policy protection can be offered for


construction or substantial improvement which started on or after Dec 31, 1974 or before the effective date of the initial FIRM Flood insurance rate map, whichever is later


construction or substantial improvement which started on or before Dec 31, 1974 or before the effective date of the initial FIRM Flood insurance rate map, whichever is later

the ordinance or law additional coverage

coverage for increased costs of repair or construction resulting from zoning laws or building ordinances that require upgrades after a loss

boat owners insurance

coverage is provided for physical damage (to the insured boat) only


determines the risk of flood in various locations across the US

the ordinance or law additional coverage

does not apply to mobile home policies

if the initial purchase of flood insurance is in connection with the making, increasing, extending, or renewing of a loan if the initial purchase of flood insurance is made during the 13 month period following teh effective date of a revised flood map for a community. (one day waiting period)

exception to 30 day waiting period

Removal Coverage; $500

expanded to provide up to ___ for reasonable expenses incurred in moving the mobile home when threatened by a coverage

farm structures scheduled agricultural equipment risk of animal loss from collision

farm and ranch owner policy coverage can be extended to add

farmhouse personal contents lost of use personal liability farm liability

farm and ranch owner policy coverage typically includes

building and contents

flood insurance protects two types of insurable property

past history, hydraulic and hydrologic studies

flood risk factors

mobile home coverage section B

for other structures is similar to homeowners form

mobile home coverage section C

for personal property generally is written with a limit equal to 40% o coverage A rather than the 50% specified for homeowners coverage

dwelling, contents, debris removal, increased cost of compliance (ICC)

four sections of flood policy

personal property claim (up to 100,000)

having an icc claim does not affect a ____, which is paid seperately

A, V

high risk zones are labeled __ or on the coast __


if a owner in a Special High Risk Zones does not purchase a policy for his property, his ___ is required to do so and pass the cost along.

substantially damaged (51% or more of the dwelling is destroyed )

in order for ICC to apply, the dwelling has to be ___

farm and ranch owner policy

intended for teh family farm/ is a coordinated package providing both personal and agricultural business insurance protection


many property insurance forms cover many perils, coverage for ___ is excluded from al of them

the base flood elevation

measures the base flood elevation in feet in relation to nation benchmark data


moderate to low risk areas are rated __,__, and __


monoline mobile home homeowners policies had one important distinction in that any structure attached to the mobile home had to be added by ____

federal disaster assistance

most people dont think they need flood insurance because they believe ___ will bail them out

traditional for-profit insurance companies

must assess risks differently

adverse selection

occurs when only those with a high probability of experiencing loss are interested in purchasing insurance

Commercial General Liability

often used in farm/ranch situations in which the main concern is the premise liability risk for the property owner of rural land.

flood insurance

pays for all covered losses, and unlike loans, doesnt have to be paid back

debris removal

pays for all reasonable incurred expenses and the policyholder's labor to remove debris that was caused by the flood. including debris that floats onto the insured location and debris of insured property that has floated onto other properties.

other coverage that can be added include damage caused by windstorm, flood or collapse of a building

perils covered by yacht policy


personal property is covered under the flood policy. Personal property must be contained in a fully enclosed building on the residence premises or secured against floating out of partially enclosed building in order for the coverage to apply

Clothing, furniture, electronics curtains portable and window air conditioning units Portable microwaves and dishwashers carpeting that is not attached to the building Washers/dryers CPPCW

personal property/contents coverage includes

one year

policy term for NFIP

coverage is provided for teh hull, sails, spars, tackle, machinery, boats, and furniture on a yacht. overage may also be extended to cover a boat trailer.

property covered by yacht policy

Boat Owners Insurance

provides coverage for smaller boats on inlands waterways

Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC)

provides coverage up to 30,000 to do one of teh following: demolish your home or elevate you home.

ICC Coverage

provides up to 30,000 of the cost to elevate, demolish, or relocate you home.

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

provides wind and hail coverage when insurance companies exclude it from their homeowners and property policies sold to costal residences.

actual cash value

some structure items such as carpet are always adjusted on an ___ basis

Base Flood Elevations assigments

special hazard zones have ____ which greatly effects insurance rates

the reason for the cancellation is the the policy of flood insurance has been obtained or is being obtained in substitution for the NFIP policy and the NFIP obtains a written concurrence in the cancellation from any mortgage on which the NFIP has actual notice or the policy holder is extinguishing the mortgage debt and is no longer required to maintain the coverage

standard flood insurance policy holder may cancel a policy having a term of three years on an anniversary date given..


that portion of an elevated building below the lowest elevated floor that is either partially or fully shut-in by rigid walls

Pair and Set Clause

the ___ clause is expanded to include panels as a series or piece of panels


the ___ will apply separately to the building and personal property claims.

replacement cost

the cost to replace that part of a building that is damaged without depreciation

condominium association

the entity made up of the unit owners responsible for the maintenance and operation of a. common areas b. other real property in which the unit owners have use rights due to membership

natural grade

the grade unaffected by construction techniques such as fill, landscaping, or beaming.


the main structure and dwelling extensions and additions to the building are covered. the 10% other structure coverage limit automatically applies to flood policies

adverse selection

the market for flood insurance among private insurers is characterized by ___

Open Peril, replacement cost

the mobile homeowners form may be written on an ___ basis and the coverage on the building is settled on a ____ basis

loss of revenue or profits loss of access to the insured property or described location loss of use of the insured property or described location loss of interruption of business or production any additional living expenses incurred while the insured building is being repaired or is unable to be occupied for any reason the cost of complying with any ordinance or law requiring or regulating the construction, demo, remodeling, renovation or repair of property any other economic loss

the policy pays for direct physical loss by or from flood so the follow items are excluded

actual cash value

the replacement value at the time of loss, less the value of its physical depreciation

texas windstorm insurance association (TWIA)

the state's insurer of last resort for wind and hail coverage in the 14 coastal counties and part of harris county

max limit for building property coverage (250, 000 single family home)

the total amount of the building claim and ICC claim can exceed the ____


the typical deductible under a floor policy is

Replacement cost value or actual cash value

the value of flood damage in the dwelling form is based on their ___ or ___

30 day

there is a __ waiting period after you've applied and paid the premium before they policy is effective

single family dwelling primary residence (80% of the year) building coverage is at least 80% of the full replacement cost of the building or maximum amount available for teh property under NFIP

to be eligible for a replacement cost, three conditions must be met

FARM AND RANCH OWNERS POLICY commercial package policy commercial general liability

types of farm and ranch insurance policies

National insurance program

under the ___, individuals and businesses are able to purchase flood insurance are rates subsidized by the federal government

Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema)

underwrites all flood coverage

commercial insurance contracts

used in situations that dont include an on0site farm or ranch owner or for larger agricultural operations

Yacht Policy

usually sold as a package policy for larger boats containing both physical damage and liability coverage in order to protect a yacht/pleasure vessel


when risk is higher and traditional markets withdraw, ____ absorbs policies no longer written by other carriers

package policy forms

with the advent of ___ in the 1950's the mobile home policy was changed to a multiline form resembling the regular homeowners package policy form

mobile homeowners insurance

written historically on a mono-line form (coverage on the property only) similar to the dwelling policy form written on other houses

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