Chapter 6: Adolescence: Cognitive and Social Development

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8. H. Identity Foreclosure

The status of adolescents who prematurely commit to an identity without adequately exploring alternatives.

7. Name 4 concerns of Piaget's Theory.

(1) Piaget suggests that cognitive development proceeds in unviversal, step-like stages. (2) The Piagetian notion of stages suggests that cognitive growth occurs in relatively rapid shifts from one stage to the next. (3) Critics suggest that he underestimated the age at which certain abilities emerge. (4) Some developmentalists argue that formal operations are not the epitome of thinking and that more sophisticated forms do not emerge until early adulthood.

8. O. Neglected Adolescents

Children who receive relatively little attention from their peers in the form of either positive or negative interactions.

23. C. Give some examples on how to prevent suicide.

-talk to the person (specifically about their suicidal thoughts) -be supportive - take charge in finding help - make sure their enviornment is safe (removing dangerous items) - make them promise you to not attempt suicide (preferably in writing) - don't be overly reassured by a sudden improvement of mood

5. Studies show that only _____ to _____ percent of college students and adults achieve formal operational thinking completely, with some estimates as low as _____ percent.

40 to 60 percent; 25 percent

15. High school drop outs earn _______ less than graduates, and their unemployment rate is ______ percent.

42%; 50

31. Why is teenage pregnancy a greater problem in the US than in other countries?

88% of teenagers that take the virginity pledge admitted having sexual intercourse afterwards. Parents can become life-long dependents on welfare.

8. K. Generation Gap

A divide between parents and adolescents in attitudes, values, aspirations, and world views.

8. F. Psychological Moratorium

A period during which they take time off from the upcoming responsibilities of adulthood to explore various roles and possibilities.

8. C. Adolescent Egosenterism

A state is self-absorption in which the world is viewed from one's own point of view.

13. How is media used today with adolescents?

About 6.5 hours a day, exposed to 8.5 hours a day, & some send nearly 30,000 texts a month.

1. What is it that sets adolescents' thinking apart from that of younger children?

Abstract thought & Relative form

22. What is the adolescent view in spirituality?

Adolescents may view religion more critically and seek to distance themselves from formal religion. In other cases, they may be drawn more closely to their religious affiliation because it offers answers to abstract questions about life and existence.

8. D. Imaginary Audience

An adolescent's belief that his or her own behavior is a primary focus is others' attention and concerns.

4. At what age does adolescence fully settle into the formal operational stage?

At 15.

27. Why do adolescents have the need to belong?

Because peers provide information about what roles & behavior are most acceptable by serving in a reference group.

8. N. Rejected Adolescents

Children who are actively disliked and whose peers may react to them in an obviously negative manner.

8. M. Controversial Adolescents

Children who are liked by some peers and disliked by others.

26. Describe parent-teen conflicts.

Differing definitions of rationals for appropriate & inappropiate conduct.

12. Explain the No Child Left Behind Theory.

Ensures that students graduate with a minimum level of proficiency. Students -and teachers- will be motivated by the tests and that overall education standards will be raised. ("Teach to the test")

23. A. Depression

Feeling sad or hopeless for 2 or more weeks.

30. What determines sexual orientation?

Genetic & Biological factors.

18. What are the gender differences in self-esteem?

Girls' self-esteem tends to be lower and more vulnerable than boys' self-esteem. Girls- tend to worry more about physical appearance, social & acedemic success. Boys- Face similar difficulties, but are miserable about defeat Example: not making a sports team or being rejected by a date.

14. __________ students each year drop out of high school prior to graduating. The consequences are _________.

Half a million; severe

9. Read the "From Research to Practice" Do Adolescents Reveal Too Much on Social Networking Sites? What do you think?

I think that it depends on the adolescents' personality, but yes, some do, from revealing location, personal information and allowing strangers to view their content.

20. Which crisis do adolescents experience according to Erik Erickson? Define and explain.

Identity Crisis- suggests that teenagers try to figure out what is unique & distinctive about themselves.

11. What are the ethnic and racial differences in school achievement?

On average, African American & Hispanic students perform at lower levels, receive lower grades, and score lower on standardized achievement tests than Caucasian students. In contrast, Asian American students tend to earn higher grades than Caucasian students.

3. What is proportional thought?

Reasoning that uses abstract logic in the absence of concrete examples. Example: All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore he is a mortal

21. What pressures do teens experience? (pg. 287)

School performance.

8. I. Moratorium

The status of adolescents who may have explored various identity alternatives to some degree, but have not yet committed themselves.

17. What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem? Explain.

Self-concept- the way one characterizes themselves. Example: Valarie says "others look at me as laid-back, relaxed, and not worrying too much. But really, I'm often nervous and emotional." Self-esteem- an individual's overall specific positive and negative self-evaluation.

8. L. Sex Cleavage

Sex segregation in which boys interact primarily with boys and girls primarily with girls.

16. Why do adolescents leave school?

Some leave because of pregnancy or problems with the English language. Some must leave for economic reasons, needing to support themselves or their families.

8. B. Metacognition

The knowledge that people have about their own thinking processes & their ability to monitor their cognition.

8. A. Information Processing Perspective

The model that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, & store information.

2. Define formal operations and when does Piaget suggest that people reach it?

The period at which people develop the ability to think abstractly ; Piaget says at around the age of 15.

8. G. Identity Achievement

The status of adolescents who commit to a particular identity following a period of crisis during which they consider various alternatives.

8. J. Identity Diffusion

The status of adolescents who consider various identity alternatives, but never commit to one or never even consider identity options in any conscious way.

8. E. Personal Fables

The view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, & shared by no one else.

6. What are consequences of adolescents' use of formal operations?

They are more argumentive & indecisive.

29. What are the functions of dating?

To learn how to establish intimacy with another individual.

24. Why do parents struggle with adolescents who seek autonomy or independence?

To the teenager, it seems as a lack of trust their parents have in them, to the parents, it is a concern is their well-being at risk of other people/ circumstances.

23. B. Suicide

Tripled in the last 30 years, 1 teenage suicide occurs every 90 minutes, annual 12.2 suicides of 100,000 adolescents.

28. What is the difference between an undersocialized delinquent and a socialized delinquent?

Undersocialized- raises with little discipline or with harsh, uncaring parental supervision. Socialized- they know and subscribe to the norms of society and who are fairly normal psychologically.

19. Are there socioeconomic and race differences in self-esteem?

Yes, higher SES students have better self-esteem than lower SES students. Example: expensive clothes or a car. African Americans & Hispanics have lower self-esteems than Caucasian students.

10. Are there individual differences in achievement of socioeconomic and school performance? Explain.

Yes, middle and high SES student, on average, earn higher grades, score higher on standardized achievement tests, & complete more years of school than students from lower-SES homes.

25. The degree of autonomy achieved in adolescents varies from _____________.

one family to the next

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