Chapter 6: Federalism

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______ is the two-tiered system of government in which power is divided between a national government and subnational units.


The rule that does not allow the Georgia General Assembly to pass bills with more than one subject addressed in the bill is the ___________________ rule.

Single Subject

State's rights

have unitary system; can abolish, can be defined as a belief that a policy is the responsibility of a state government not the national or federalgovernment.

Madisonian System

institutional checks and balances

Intergovernmental relations

is useful for understanding how modern federalism works because it captures how the national, state, and local governments interact with one another to make and administer policy.


key constitutional doctrine for understanding whether states have the power to act in an area or policy field; Federal law can preempt or trump state law.

Poesy v. Ferguson (1896)

limited the scope of federal civil rights laws by upholding state laws that required racial segregation.

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

made state actions supporting racial discrimination in public schools unconstitutional

Constitutional federalism

means that neither the national nor the state governments can abolish one another because both levels of government are the creatures of the constitution

General Assembly

official name of Georgia's legislature. It is composed of two houses. There are 180 members of the House of Representatives and 56 Senators.

Unitary System

one unite; a political system with one level of government. Power concentrated in one central government. The central government has sovereignty or the highest governing authority.

Confederate States of America (1861-1865)

or the Confederacy, was the government formed by eleven southern states

Civil Rights Act of 1875

outlawed racial discrimination in public accommodations.

Reserved Powers

powers not giving to the national gov't which are held by the states (amendment 10)

Supremacy Clause

provides that federal laws "shall be the supreme Law of the Land" but it does not prohibit states from having laws that differs form the federal laws, but it does prohibit sates from having laws that conflict with federal laws.

Delegated Powers

specific powers giving to the national government such the right to regulate commerce, coin money, and produce bills


the end of the Civil War in the spring of 1865 began a decade-long process


the group that was against a stronger central government; advocated for what would today be called state's rights. They believed that the powers of the national government should be limited and that the states should be the primary political unit within the American system of federalism.

Cooperative Federalism

the national and state governments share power over areas of public policy.

The Power Problem

the need to strike the right balance of power between the state governments and the federal government.

Cooley Doctrine

the principle that Congress has exclusive power under the commerce clause to regulate national commercial matters and that the states share this power, in the absence of federal preemption with respect to local matters.

In a federal system only the national government, not the state government, is a sovereign entity. T or F


Concurrent Powers

(shared powers ) Powers held jointly by the national and state governments such as taxation, law and order, economics, and education.

Ga Constitution Article X

Amendments to the Constitution; outlines the procedures for amending the Georgia Constitution. Amendments may be proposed by the General Assembly or by a constitutional convention. The proposed amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the members in each house. Amendments are to be submitted to the voters and a majority of those voting must approve the amendment for ratification.

Civil War Amendments

13th, 14th, and 15th, expand the federal gov't role in promoting racial equality.

Georgia's latest constitution has been in place since _______.


Dual Federalism

1st era of federalism; a theory of federalism that describes both the federal government and the state governments as coequal sovereigns. Each is sovereign in its respective ares of policymaking.

A tax whose rate is determined by the assessed value of the object in question is known as a(n) ___________________ tax.

Ad Valorem

Ga Constitution Article I

Bill of Rights; Banishment and whipping as punishment for crime, Involuntary servitude., and Imprisonment for debt.

Ga Constitution Article IV

Constitutional Boards and Commissions

Ga Constitution Article IX

Counties and Municipal Corporations; describes the structure, powers, and governance of city and county governments. Home rule

Ga Constitution Article VIII

Education; governor selects board of education members but that citizens elect the state superintendent,

Ga Constitution Article V

Executive Branch; a citizen of the United States 15 years and a legal resident of the state six years immediately preceding the election and shall have attained the age of 30 years by the date of assuming office.

Ga Constitution Article VI

Judicial Branch; edges in the State of Georgia must have judicial experience, and

Ga Constitution Article III

Legislative Branch; bicarmel, Senate consists of 56 members, and Representatives includes 180 members. citizens must be 25 years of age for senate and 21 for the house.

Ga Constitution Article XI

Miscellaneous Provisions; The final article, Article 11, enables the Georgia Constitution to become effective on July 1, 1983.

New Federalism

Nixon administration's policies to support returning some powers to the states

The term used to describe the Georgia executive branch power sharing model (sharing of power between the governor and other elected officials) is the ____________________.

Plural Executive

Striking the right balance between national government power and state government power is known as the ______________________?

Power Problem with federal systems

Ga Constitution Article VII

Taxation and Finance; grants the power to tax and the power to exempt from taxation

State constitutions ( when compared to federal constitutions) are more easily amended. T or F


Unitary systems of government are the most common type of political systems in the world. T or F


Ga Constitution Article II

Voting and Elections; Exceptions to right to register and vote (no person who has been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude may register)


a political doctrine that a state can interpose itself between the people of the state and the federal government when the federal government exceeds its authority.

Confederation System

a political system where the constituent units (the states, provinces, or regional governments) are more powerful than the central (or national) government. Power is decentralized. The central government is comparatively weak, with fewer powers and governing responsibilities than the units.


a two-tiered system of government in which power is divided between a national (or central) government and subnational units (states, provinces, or regional governments).

dual sovereignty:

both the national and state governments have sovereignt


defined as having the ultimate or highest authority

The explicit powers are granted to the federal government are known as _____ powers.


Home Rule:

vesting localities with the authority to make ordinances or laws on a broad range of subjects.

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