Chapter 6-management- multiple choice questions

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______________planning attempts to anticipate and plan for change


describe how an organization will achieve their purpose in the environments in which they conduct their business

Mission statements

A strong corporate culture serves which of the following purposes?

all of the above

Which of the following is one of the four leading causes of wasted time?

all of the above

Which of the following refers to a person's ability to think in the abstract, to diagnose and analyze different situations, and to see beyond the present situation?

conceptual skills

The shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms that characterize an organization are called

corporate culture

The events of September 11, 2001, underscore the need for organizations to develop __________ plans

crisis management

Which of the following is a contingency plan?

deciding which division to sell if the firm runs short of cash

The ability to define problems and select the best course of action is the definition of

decision-making skills

The first step in the decision-making process is

defining the problem

The last step in the decision-making process is

evaluating the effectiveness of the chosen alternative

Objectives that a business hopes (and plans) to achieve are called


Skills in understanding and getting along with other people are called

human relations skills

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a purpose for setting organizational goals?

implementing the firm's tactics

Goals set for a period of one to five years are referred to as

intermediate-term goals

Goals that generally extend beyond five years or more are referred to as

long-term goals

Which of the following levels of management are responsible for implementing the strategies, policies, and decisions made by top managers?

middle managers

Goals set for a period of one year or less are referred to as

short-term goals

The skills needed to perform specialized tasks are called

technical skills

The productive use of the manager's time is referred to as

time management skills

President, vice president, treasurer, and CEO are titles associated with

top managers

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