Chapter 7, 8 AP Government

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What phrase did Alexis de Tocqueville coin to describe Americans in his 1835 work Democracy in America?

"a nation of joiners"

During the 1950s-1960s, nearly 35 percent of all US workers were union members. By 1983, memberships had decreased to 20 %, and today _______%.; Today, only 7% of private sector employees belong to unions.


What decade do political scientists argue first cemented the ideological differences between today's Democrats and Republicans?


Third parties have existed in the United States since the early __________ Third parties typically fall into one of three general categories •Issue advocacy parties •Ideologically oriented parties •Splinter parties

19th century

Public employees are among the most unionized workforces, with _____ percent public employee union membership


One of the most significant obstacles to the formation of a viable third party is that the people who are dissatisfied with the two dominant parties fall across the ideological spectrum •About ____ percent of Americans say they think a third party is needed, but they differ as to what that party should stand for As a result, third parties have had little success in contesting elections


What percentage of Americans belong to voluntary groups or associations?

80 percent

__________ is the US largest interest group with 38 M, this vast size gets old people what they want, because they vote.


_________________ is a controversial topic that tends to lead politicians to do nothing. A supreme court decision to make it legal is the only thing that can make it illegal.


__________________ and the loosely-knit Federalist Party favored a strong national government (First Party System- 1789 to 1828)

Alexander Hamilton

__________________, author of Democracy In America dubbed "a nation of joiners"

Alexis de Tocqueville

Parties are increasingly using new technologies and "big data" to target potential supporters •Democrats work with NGP VAN •Republicans work with _____________ •Companies collect data from different sources, both public and private Political parties increasingly connect with potential supporters via social media, YouTube, and campaign websites


Which of the following is NOT among the vital functions served by interest groups? A) performing electoral functions B) making money an issue in politics C) educating the public about policy issues D) providing average citizens with access to activism E) mobilizing citizens to participate in civic affairs

B) making money an issue in politics

All of the following characterize the party system in the United States since 1968 EXCEPT A)divided government. B)increased patronage. C)intense party competition. D)dealignment. E)candidate-centered politics.

B)increased patronage

Tensions have grown between factions in the Democratic Party •Democratic-socialist positions of Senator ___________________ •Moderately liberal views of Secretary Hillary Clinton Tensions continue to be pronounced today, even while Democrats have solidified in their opposition to President Trump's agenda

Bernie Sanders

_______________- your political party tends to be the home for a lot of different topics

Big tent principle

Which 1976 Supreme Court decision created the soft money loophole, through which political parties could raise unlimited funds at the state level?

Buckley v. Valeo

_________________ represents the interests of 150 chief executive officers of the largest US companies, including American Express, General Electric, IBM, and Verizon. In 2016, it spent 16 M lobbying the president.

Business Roundtable

Which of the following statements about interest groups and their political action committees (PACs) is most accurate? A) Money from PACs makes campaigns more engaging. B) Participation of PACs in a campaign tend to make it more even and less expensive. C) Interest groups tend to strengthen the advantages of incumbency. D) Interest group activity makes the electoral process more egalitarian. E) Corporate and labor interest groups are legally limited in their ability to spend money on political ads in favor of or against political candidates.

C) Interest groups tend to strengthen the advantages of incumbency.

All of the following are tenets of pluralist theory EXCEPT that A) it is important for democracy to have a large, diverse set of interest groups. B) policy-making is a competition among diverse interest groups. C) policy-making is an elite business, staffed by the powerful and highly educated. D) interest groups provide a structure for political participation. E) interest groups' varying assets tend to counterbalance one another.

C)policy-making is an elite business, staffed by the powerful and highly educated.

Lack of ____________ could be seen in Janus v. United States when Janus, a child support specialist declined union membership. Under Illinois law, Janus is permitted to decline membership in the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees which is a public employee union. Janus was required to pay an agency fee which was to cover expenses associated with negotiating contracts but not for unions political activities. Janus argued that all public employee spending is linked with the union's political purposes and that he and other =s who disagree should not have to subsidize its political activities. The Court agreed saying " the compelled subsidization of private speech impinges the first amendment" essentially ending compelled union dues for public employees.


Which of the following states has solid Democratic control in the state legislature?


____________________, where the individual is the focus and not the party slate, have further weakened parties •Citizens United v. FEC paved the way for an explosion of campaign spending by independent groups

Candidate-centered campaigns

These concerns (for PACs)have been exacerbated by the Supreme Court ruling in ___________________ enabling corporations and labor unions to spend money freely on political ads supporting or targeting candidates.

Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

Supreme court ruling that the First Amendment's protection of free speech applies to political advertising and communications of corporations, labor unions, nonprofits, and other organizations.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

_____________of a group also matters to participants and to policy makers


American political parties have changed dramatically in recent years Global events such as the end of the ___________, the rise of international and domestic terrorism and multifront wars, and the impact of the Internet and cellular technologies have partly driven the changes Today, dominant issues include foreign trade, domestic job creation, and immigration; and Democratic and Republican positions on these issues differ considerably

Cold War

Today, consumer interest groups advocate for a wide variety of issues, including food safety, fair pricing of pharmaceuticals, commercial airline fliers' rights, and more

Consumer interests

____________________ interests typically seek policies that benefit a particular company or industry Business and interest groups also commonly advocate for policies using umbrella organizations: interest groups representing groups of industries or corporations AFL-CIO is among the nation's most powerful, though its influence has waned as membership has decreased

Corporate and business

_______________ agenda includes civil rights, equal rights, social welfare programs, immigration reform, gay and transgender rights, and freedom of choice with respect to abortion


Jefferson's triumph in the election of 1800 marked the end of the Federalist Party Jefferson's supporters became known as Jeffersonian Republicans; later, ______________________ The modern descendants of the Democratic-Republicans today are called Democrats (First Party System- 1789 to 1828)


Key voting blocs for the ________________ include African Americans, Hispanics, working class individuals, women, liberals, and people with no college education


_______________ of a group's membership also may increase its success


____________________: Members who are well educated tend to have more influence, geographically dispersal is important for groups, and increasing use of technology in lobbying policy makers means younger people are becoming more efficient at articulating their concerns.

Demographics ex

Groups often opt for direct strategies when they seek to influence a specific piece of legislation ____________ include: •Lobbying •Litigation •Providing information or expert testimony

Direct strategies

Interest groups use two kinds of strategies to advance their causes _________ involve actual contact between representatives of the interest group and policymakers ___________ use intermediaries to advocate for a cause or generally to attempt to persuade the public, including policymakers, to embrace the group's position

Direct strategies; Indirect strategies

____________________: when one party controls both houses of Congress and the other party, the presidency Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton all faced a divided government at some point in their presidencies

Divided government

_____________________, for example, are likely to be members of professional associations such as American Medical Association and the American Bar Association

Doctors and lawyers

Republican Party has struggled to win the public's approval for more than a decade Approval rebounded somewhat with the election of ______________ but still hovers between 35 percent and 45 percent

Donald Trump

______________ election in 2016 raises the question as to whether a new party system is emerging Support for the idea: •Six Republican presidents since 1968 •Southern whites switching from Democrat to Republican •Conservative Christians active in Republican politics Additional characteristics of this new party system include intense party competition and divided government

Donald Trump's

What factor influences and decides an interest group's political effectiveness? A) membership size B) cohesion C) intensity D) demographics E) All of these factors influence and decide an interest group's political effectiveness.

E) All of these factors influence and decide an interest group's political effectiveness.

Which social group is likely to be overrepresented in interest groups? A) the wealthy B) whites C) the upper middle class D) the educated E) All of these groups are likely to be overrepresented in interest groups.

E) All of these groups are likely to be overrepresented in interest groups.

In what way do interest groups succeed in channeling civic participation? A) They offer ways for people to act collectively. B) They involve individuals more actively in politics. C) They assist in engaging communities in political issues. D) They offer an alternative participatory option over the two-party system. E) All of these answers are correct.

E)All of these answers are correct.

Which of these features is a characteristic of political parties? A)They run candidates under a label. B)They seek to govern. C)They have broad concerns. D)They have a special relationship with the government. E)All of these answers are correct.

E)All of these answers are correct.

___________________ wrote "Democracy is a competitive political system in which competing leaders and organizations define the alternatives of public policy in such a way that the public can participate in the decision making process" He was talking about interest groups.

E.E. Schattschneider

- ________- can either be direct or indirect, Ex. Agricultural interest group presses for subsidies, monies given by govt to producer of crop or product; largest is American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) that has stands on subsides, budget, tax policies, and environmental policies.


Agricultural interests probably have the most disproportionate amount of influence, given the small number of farmers and farm workers in the country relative to the general population Nearly every professional occupation has a trade or professional group that focuses on its interests

Economic Interest Groups

_____________ founded the Whig Party in 1836 •Represented the interests of southern plantation owners and northern industrialists against populism Second party system saw the politicization of a previously excluded mass of citizens (Second Party System - 1828 to 1860)

Economic elites

_____________________: wanting to support groups that work for policies that will provide them with economic benefits. Ex. The National Association of Police Organizations lobbies Congress concerning many appropriations measures that coil affect its membership, including increasing funding for Community Oriented Policing Services COPS programs, bulletproof vest, and overtime for first responders to disasters. They advocate for policies that support business or labor in general (minimum wage.) AARP or formerly the American Association of Retired Persons offers discounts to Americans over the age of 50.

Economic incentives

Political scientists generally categorize interest groups by what kinds of issues concern them and who benefits from the groups' activities :___________

Economic, Public and ideological, Foreign policy

Era of the Fifth Party System significantly opened up party politics and civic activity to more Americans •FDR's elections marked the first time that women and African Americans were courted by political parties _______________ was the sole Republican president of the era Democrats won the White House in 1960 and 1964, but events of the decade wreaked havoc on the party •Deep divisions over the Vietnam War and civil rights for African Americans


___________________: working to influence the election of candidates who support an interest group's issues


_____________ are active methods of civic participation ex. Endorsements of candidates or positions, Get-out-the-vote drives, Campaign contributions- Favor incumbents over challengers

Electioneering tactics

_________ theory posits that political power is dominated by the wealthy, who commonly use that power for the benefit of themselves.


_____________ states that a ruling class composed of wealthy, educated individuals wields most of the power in government, the top universities, corporations, the military, and media outlets. Despite appearances that the political system is accessible to all, elites hold disproportionate power. Elites commonly used their power to protect their own economic interests, non-elites are not represented by these interest groups

Elite theory

____________ are more likely to establish and to dominate interest groups than are common citizens. Interest group activism is much more prominent among the wealthy, the white, the upper middle class, and the educated


Many environmental interest groups came about as a result of a broader environmental movement in the 1970s

Environmental interests

_________________ (1815 to 1828) saw widespread popular support for Democratic-Republican presidents James Madison, James Monroe, and John Quincy Adams (First Party System - 1789 to 1828)

Era of Good Feelings

_______________ in business and industry are likely to belong to industry-specific and general business organizations


_____________ governments often will benefit from the efforts of an interest group made up of U.S. citizens of the foreign nation's heritage Examples: American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC); Cuban American National Foundation China has spent millions of dollars trying to influence trade and other U.S. policies to its advantage


_________________ (FDR) was elected president in 1932 His New Deal was a broad program in which the government would bear the responsibility of providing a safety net to protect the most disadvantaged members of society He was supported by a New Deal coalition •Southern Democrats, northern city dwellers, Catholics, unionized and blue-collar workers, African Americans, and women (Fifth Party System - 1932 to 1968)

Franklin D. Roosevelt

_______________ establish the interest group as a formal supporter of one or more candidates. Campaign contributions are a door opener for an interest. Access to policymakers is crucial. Labor groups tend to support Democrats, whereas many business and corporate PACs favor Republicans

Funding campaigns

In 1788, _______________ was elected president, but the consensus surrounding his election was short-lived (First Party System- 1789 to 1828)

George Washington

__________________: tasks that involve direct contact with voters or potential voters

Grassroots organizing

In 2016, the more moderate front-runner in the Democratic Party's presidential primary faced formidable opposition from the left wing of the party _____________ was viewed as the moderate standard-bearer Senator Bernie Sanders, who characterizes himself as a Democratic Socialist, attracted a great deal of support, especially among the young Party will continue to try to identify ideas, messages, and personalities that will resonate with voters Their approval rating remains below 50 percent

Hillary Clinton

Ex. of a cohesion in group is ____________ aim to end discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and provides research to elected officials and policymakers on issues of importance to people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual transgender, and queer people. Its membership is more than 3 M, but limits its issues affecting problems so it is an extremely cohesive association.

Human Rights Campaign (HAC)

People are not all equally likely to join or form interest groups; This reality has serious consequences for the ability of interest groups to represent everyone's views ;___________________ tend to be the best predictors of interest group membership

Income and education

_____________________: a voter who does not belong to any organized political party; often used as a synonym for an unaffiliated voter (vote for third party) Party in the electorate also includes those individuals who express a tendency to vote for one party or a preference for that party


_____________ are likely to be ongoing rather than targeted at a specific piece of legislation

Indirect tactics

_______________:Find it difficult to sustain the level of intensity, pro-life interest groups such as National Right to Life Committee, environmental groups such as Greenpeace and Sierra Club, and animal groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) all groups known to sustain intensity

Intensity ex.

An ______________ is an organization that seeks to achieve goals by influencing government decision making. About 80% of all Americans belong to some kind of voluntary group.

Interest group

__________________ participation is related to four demographic characteristics: income, social class, education, and race. These characteristics are increasing related to the types of interest groups individuals participate in.

Interest group

_____________ do contribute to the appearance of (and sometimes the reality of) corruption in the political system.

Interest groups

______________ are one of the chief sources of information for policymakers

Interest groups

__________________ based abroad press for U.S. policies that are beneficial to them Foreign entities cannot contribute money to political campaigns but they can lobby the U.S. government

International corporations

___________: the interaction of mutual interests among members of Congress, executive agencies, and organized interests during policy making

Iron triangle

_________________ espoused populism and the spoils system •Populism succeeded in mobilizing the masses and taking Jackson to presidential victory in 1828 •Jackson rewarded his political supporters with jobs (spoils) (Second Party System - 1828 to 1860)

Jacksonian Democrats

____________ foresaw in the Federalist 10 the idea that people with similar interests would form and join groups to prompt government action. He believed that the only way to cure "the mischief of the faction" was by enabling groups to proliferate and compete with one another.

James Madison

________________ and his backers who feared a strong national government were in opposition (First Party System- 1789 to 1828)


_____________ (1977-1981) bemoaned interest groups saying "they are the single greatest threat to the proper functioning of our democratic system"

Jimmy Carter

Educate the public about policy issues (Mothers Against Drunk Driving MADD), Provide average citizens with an avenue of access to activism (Women's march in protest to trump's 2017 inauguration), Mobilize citizens and stimulate them to participate in civic and political affairs (providing factual information rather than just ideas), Perform electoral functions (In 2018 congressional vote, American Conservative Union enabled voted to learn which members were the most conservative and in Democracy for America Democrats uses get-out-the-vote software to turn democrats voters out for candidates), Provide information and expertise to policymakers, Can protect the common good, Are an integral part of the government's system of checks and balances

Key Functions of Intergroups include

____________ tend to support Democrats, whereas many business and corporate PACs favor Republicans

Labor groups

______________- Knights of labor, the UAW (united auto workers), typically vote democrat

Labor unions

_______________ interest groups are among the most successful US pressure groups. Groups typically seek policies that benefit a particular company ex. Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) lobbies policymakers with the goal of securing the passage of antipiracy laws.

Large corporate and smaller business

__________________ enhances an interest group's influence because policymakers are more likely to take note of the group's position

Large membership

___________: to communicate directly with policymakers on an interest group's behalf Groups hire knowledgeable insiders as lobbyists• Former government officials, including cabinet officials, members of Congress, and congressional staffers Frequently, this practice creates an issue network, a fluid web of connections among those concerned about a policy and those who create and administer the policy


____________ asserted rational choice theory bc from an economic standpoint, it is not rational for people to participate in a collective action designed t achieve a collective good when they can secure that good without participating.

Mancur Olson

__________ fuels the hiring of experienced and effective staff and lobbyists, as well as the undertaking of initiatives that will increase the group's membership, Money also funds the raising of more money


Why are some interest groups better at getting what they want than others?

Money and Power

Offices in Congress are organized by political parties. US House of Representatives, Nancy Palazzo, Speaker of the House (democrat), ALL the chairs of all the committees are democrats. In the senate, chair is republican, more republicans in senate than democrats BECAUSE OF THIS __________________


Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union supports raising the minimum wage, but the ________________, which advocates for restaurant owners, opposes a minimum wage hike, which would cut owners profit.

National Restaurant Association

National committee elects a national chair _______________, along with the paid staff of the national committee, oversees the day-to-day operations of the political party One of the most important roles of the national chair has been to raise funds When a major party is out of power it plays the role of the loyal opposition by objecting to the policies and priorities of the party in power

National chair

Every four years, political party activists meet at a national convention to determine their party's nominee for the presidency ______________________ are the national party organizations charged with conducting the conventions and overseeing the operation of the national party during the interim between conventions

National party committees

______________, the Republicans, formed in 1854 and gained the support of abolitionist Whigs and northern Democrats. Lincoln's victory in the election of 1860 began a period of dominance for the antislavery Republicans (Third Party System - 1860 to 1896)

New antislavery party

___________—Interest groups continue to be an important vehicle citizens use to persuade the government to act in their interest, but technology has now transformed the tactics these groups rely on.


Groups may form a PAC to contribute money to the campaigns of favored candidates, particularly incumbents who are likely to be reelected


___________ differ from other political organizations They run candidates under their own label, or affiliation They seek to govern They have broad concerns, focused on many issues They are quasi-public organizations that have a special relationship with the government


______________—like ideology, values, and religious beliefs—is an attribute that often passes down from one generation to the next Even children who do not share their parents' political outlook have usually been socialized to the legitimacy of the two-party system

Party identification

_______________: an individual who identifies himself or herself as a member of one party or the other; party identifiers typically are measured by party registration

Party identifier

__________________: the partisan identifications of elected leaders in local, county, state, and federal government; significantly influences the organization and running of the government at these various levels

Party in government

_____________________: all those who identify with or tend to support a particular party

Party in the electorate

Some scholars note the declining power of political parties make them essentially impotent •________________ has decreased •Elimination of political patronage and spoils •Government has a greatly increased role in providing social welfare benefits that had previously been a function of the parties

Party loyalty

"______________" enjoyed decades of support from newly enfranchised African American voters (Third Party System - 1860 to 1896)

Party of Lincoln

________________: the formal party apparatus, including committees, headquarters, conventions, party leaders, staff, and volunteer workers Theoretically, parties' organization resembles a pyramid In reality, the national committees exist separately from the committees of the state and local parties Real political power can usually be found at the local or county party level

Party organization

______________: the formal statement of a party's principles and policy objectives

Party platform

_______________ :the categorization of the number and competitiveness of political parties in a polity

Party system

Political machines came to dominate the big-city political landscape during this period •Both corrupt and useful •Each headed by a boss whose power rested on patronage •_____________ rewarded political machine supporters with jobs and government contracts (Third Party System - 1860 to 1896)

Patronage system

__________________ emphasizes how important it is for a democracy to have large numbers of diverse interest groups representing a wide variety of views. View the policy-making as a crucial competition among diverse groups whose members attempt to influence policy. They believe that interest groups are central players in democracy because they ensure that individuals' interests are represented. They argue that individual liberties can be protected only through a proliferation of groups representing diverse computing interest, so that no group dominates. James Madison might support

Pluralist theory

______________ represent one of the main channels through which citizens can make their voices heard Parties today are a fixture in the politics of American communities large and small, accessible to virtually everyone

Political parties

_______________: an organization of ideologically similar people that nominates and elects its members to office in order to run the government and shape public policy

Political party

Who termed the coin lobbyist?

President Grant

_______________: voters, not party bosses, choose candidates

Primary elections

Public interest groups are concerned with a broad range of issues that affect the populace at large Results of the efforts of a particular public interest group's advocacy are collective goods Free rider problem: someone enjoying a benefit without any effort Rational choice theory: Why act if you can ride free?

Public and Ideological Interest Groups

__________________: believing in the group's cause from an ideological or a moral standpoint. Ex. joining People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for pro animal rights or join National Right to Life Committee for pro baby lives or National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) pro life

Purposive incentives

________ ignores the intangible individuals benefits individuals may receive from collective action, including the solidary incentives.

Rational choice theory

Religious interests are among the most influential interest groups in U.S. politics (JEWS and supporting Israel (god chosen people)

Religious interests

___________________ agenda includes smaller government, fewer social welfare functions, advocating traditional moral values, pro-life and pro-business policies, and a larger role for state governments


In 2016, however, __________________ attracted the support of many Americans with no college education but struggled to attract the support of more educated voters

Republican Donald Trump

Whites, men, people with some college education, upper-middle class individuals, and conservatives are more likely to be ________________


____________________: posits that a party tries to give voters a clear choice by establishing priorities or policy stances different from those of the rival party or parties

Responsible party model

___________, author of Bowling Alley, acknowledged a decrease in activity in interest groups. He argues social capital improves individual lives in very concrete ways. (written 20 years ago, so doesn't account for online civic engagement also the groups he researched are declining e x. Gardening but increase in instagram/snapchat) PUtnam is correct that we are no longer socially engaged the way America used to be, but through different channels.

Robert Putnam

_______________ charged that interest groups are "placing out of focus our constitutional balance)

Ronald Reagan

________________: the relationships that improve our lives by giving us social connections with which to solve common problems. Efficacy increases bc people are active in government. Interest groups help people band together to influence government as a collective force: there is strength in numbers.

Social capital

_________________ in campaign finance law was created by the ruling in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) Political parties could raise unlimited funds for party-building activities; but this loophole was ultimately eliminated by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

Soft money loophole

__________________: the feeling of belonging, companionship, friendship, and the satisfaction derived from socializing with others. Linked with Robert Putnam's idea of social capital: Both solidary incentives and social capital are related to the psychological satisfaction derived from civic participation.

Solidary incentives

__________ is a political party that breaks off, or "splinters," from one of the two dominant parties States' Rights Party in 1948 was a splinter party •Also known as the Dixiecrat Party •Opposed the Democratic Party's support of civil rights for African Americans

Splinter party

Both national parties have committees in each state that effectively are the party in that state ___________________ act as intermediaries between the national committees and county committees Typically, state committees are made up of a few members from each geographical subdivision of a given state

State committees

Republican Party faces a battle for the soul of the party on several fronts •Donald Trump - Alienation of groups the party was trying to woo Inconsistencies in policy positions - Divisions between stanchly conservative activists and more moderate members of the party •_______________- Six key principles: less government; fiscal responsibility; lower taxes; states' rights; national security; border security

Tea Party movement

_____________________ are likely to belong to labor unions

Teachers and tradespeople

__________—Individuals joined voluntary organizations to achieve goals of value to their members and to influence the direction of society and government.


Election of 1896 ushered in an era of Republican dominance that would last until the election of 1912 •In the 1912 presidential election __________________ ran as a Progressive •Republican vote split between Taft and Roosevelt and gave Democrat Woodrow Wilson the presidency Many of the Progressives' reforms were enacted during Wilson's presidency After Wilson's two terms, the Republicans retained control of the presidency throughout the 1920s (Fourth Party System - 1896 to 1932)

Theodore Roosevelt

The passage of the Motor Voter Law had which of the following effects?

There was an increase in registration, but no dramatic increase in turnout.

What is arguably the most important role of political parties in the American political system?

They promote responsibility among elected officials and provide a "check" on their powers.

Today, religious interests are among the most influential interest groups in U.S. politics, but for a long time organized religious interests were uninvolved in politics. Why?

They were afraid of losing their tax-exempt status.

Although third parties usually do not win elections, they can influence electoral outcomes •Some believe that in the 2000 presidential race, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader cost Al Gore the election ______________ provide: •A release valve for dissatisfied voters •A means to bring national attention to variety of issues Third parties sometimes fold when their central ideology is co-opted by an existing major party

Third parties

At both the federal and the state level in the United States, election laws benefit the two major parties because they are usually written by members of one or both of those parties ______________ have a much steeper climb to get their candidates in office—sometimes, just getting a candidate's name on the ballot is a serious challenge

Third parties

Since the ratification of the Constitution in 1787, the United States has had a two-party system for all but about 30 years ___________: a political party organized as opposition or an alternative to the existing parties in a two-party system

Third party

_____________ became leader of the Chamber of Commerce in 1997. He vowed to build the biggest gorilla in town. Since that time, he is known for his straight talk and assertive leadership and has transformed the organization, making it the largest interest group in the nation in terms of its expenditures and financial resources.

Thomas Donohue

Notable characteristics of a new party system: •____________: voters identifying as independent •___________: voting for candidates of more than one party

Ticket splitting

____________________: when one party controls only one house of Congress and the presidency

Truncated government

Who can legally contribute to federal political action committees?

U.S. citizens and legal immigrants only

Over the past years, several social movements have emerged in the United States: _______________,___________, Successes seen by the gay rights movement, and an increasingly active transgender rights movement These groups, which tend to be loosely organized, have thrived in an era in which the Internet facilitates the organization and mobilization of large numbers of like-minded people 19-24 year olds tend to join

Women's March, Black Lives Matter,

____________ is when people live check to check.

Working class

Interest groups offer an ______________ of participation to individuals who are disenchanted with the two-party system, or with the status quo in general

alternative means

Parties identify potential candidates, nominate them to run for office, campaign for them, organize elections, and govern In recent years, both parties have struggled to win the ____________ of the American people Reflects deep divisions, where a lack of respect for the other side characterizes many people's views


The Tea Party movement

as made the Republican Party more conservative.

Many political scientists can agree that ___________of these theories are true. It is Undisputed that interest groups are an essential feature of American democracy and provide an important medium through which individuals can exercise some control over their government


Generally, political parties have ________ issue concerns.


Candidate-centered politics have grown in importance since 1968 •Rise of ________________: organizations candidates form to support their individual election

candidate committees

Political parties promote _____________ among elected officials and give voters an important "check" on those elected officials

civic responsibility

The benefits of public interest group activity are most often not limited to the group's membership, but rather result in

collective goods.

Interest groups assist in the engagement of ______________ by providing a forum through which people can come together and form associations


People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Greenpeace use _______________ tactics such as PETA to protest the manufacturing tactics of Canada Goose in 2017, trying to compel the company to stop using goose down and coyote fur in its coats. Confrontational protest had the advantage of attracting media which serves to increase public awareness.


One problem is increasing factionalization Increasing ________________ movement have often prevented compromise President Trump's derogatory rhetoric disparaging various groups is seen as a rejection of the big tent principle that had previously been a successful strategy for the party

conservatism and the Tea Party

Ralph Nader is best known for his involvement with ________ interest groups.


Critics (of Citizens United v FEC 2010) say these rule changes are increasing the importance of money in political campaigns and are enabling ____________ exert greater influence over the electoral process.


Since 1968, political scientists have argued that ________ is a notable feature of the new party politics.


The goal of a political party is to win elections. The goal of an interest group is to bring attention to a specific issue and have it addressed through supportive legislation.

difference between interest group and political party

Divided government occurs when

different parties control the executive and legislative branches

What occupations are primarily represented by professional organizations?

doctors and lawyers

Interest group's ______________ often depends on its having close relationships with the policymakers involved in decisions related to the group's causes


What role is undertaken by the majority party in legislatures at all levels?

elects legislative leaders, makes committee assignments, and holds the majority on committees

Interest groups tend to have a bad reputation because politicians may be in the "pockets of the special interest". This statement suggests that a politician is not making decisions based on conscience or the public interest but instead has been "bought." This idea is held closely with _____________ because elites' disproportionate influence negatively affects the ability of the person to influence government.

elite theorists

Once elected into office, the party in government exerts ________ power.


What occupations are represented by industry-specific organizations?

executives in business and industry

Pax Christi USA (national Catholics peace movement), B'nai B'rith (Jewish interest), and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR, a Muslim interest groups) advocated for _____________ priorities of their members.

faith based

The problem of someone deriving a benefit from the actions of others is known as the

free rider problem.

Most Americans have a ________ impression of interest groups.

generally negative

Which of the following is a major priority for the Republican Party today?

government regulation of traditional moral values

Interest groups deploy citizens as _____________ and they engage in electioneering in an attempt to persuade the public that their position is right

grassroots lobbyists

People with _____________ are more likely to participate as are those with a greater education level. They have more disposable income, greater understanding of issues, and often professional interests to care for.

higher incomes

Agenda of an ideologically oriented party is typically broader than that of an issue-oriented party Examples of ______________: •Libertarian Party •Socialist Party

ideologically oriented parties

In recent years, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have become more

ideologically polarized

Historically, many issues in the United States have been dualist, or "two-sided" Political scientists Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan asserted that the dualist nature of voter alignments or cleavages shapes how political parties form Today, the national debate on ______________ reform continues to provide evidence of the dualist nature of much of American political discourse


Interest groups strengthen the ______________. Most interest groups want access to policymakers, regardless of these elected officials' party identification. Realizing that candidates already in office are more likely to be elected, they disproportionately support incumbent candidates.

incumbency advantage

Interest groups involve _______________ more actively in the political process by encouraging them to vote and to communicate their views to their elected officials


Another significant aspect of an interest group's membership is its _____________


During the rough-and-tumble policy-making process, the interaction of mutual interest among a "trio" comprising (1) members of Congress (2) executive departments and agencies and (3) organized interest groups is sometimes referred to as the ____________

iron triangle

The fluid web of connections among those concerned about a policy and those who create and administer the policy

issue network

In general, working-class individuals are less likely to have been socialized to participate in traditional interest groups. One important exception is _____________.

labor unions

What factor do scholars identify as supportive of the current two-party system?

lack of a viable alternative

Strong, charismatic ___________can raise public awareness of the group and its activities; Enhancing its reputation, Making the organization attractive to new members and contributors


Interest groups are ________________ meaning that they are a mechanism by which people can connect to or influence the government.

linkage institutions

If you're an interest group you wanna hire ______________


President Ulysses S. Grant coined which of the following terms after walking through the Willard Hotel and commenting on the presence of people who represented various interests and were waiting to speak to members of Congress?


The phrase "political machines" means:

local party organizations that dispensed patronage in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Third parties have played, and continue to play, an influential role in American electoral politics; even the threat of forming a third party is enough •Republicans feared that if Donald Trump __________ the primary he would run in the general election as an Independent


Political candidates provide _____________ to their party By serving as a training ground for members, political parties also foster effective government

loyal opposition

Voters now rely on _____________ sources for information


Interest groups success relies on two key types of resources:

membership and finances

Parties provide a structure for citizens to: Volunteer on party-run campaigns Make campaign contributions Work in the day-to-day operations of the party Run for ___________ Parties foster cooperation between divided interests and factions, building coalitions even amid divisions


Presence of ______________ can also have an impact; When an group is the sole interest group for a particular issue, policymakers are more likely to rely on that group's views, If groups with opposing views are also attempting to influence policy, getting policymakers to act strongly in any one group's favor is more difficult; Policymakers are likely to compromise when opposed

opposing groups

Factors of success include the interest group's organizational resources, and its _____________; Effectiveness of interest groups in influencing government policy often depends on the resources these groups use to sway policy makers

organizational environment

An important predictor of political participation is _____________, If you come from a working-class family, you are less likely to see activism, so you may not know to participate. Working class people may not be able to afford membership dues or have access to child care to participate.

parent activity

Others disagree that _____________ has passed According to this view, the parties' ability to rebound is alive and well These scholars argue that continued dominance of two political parties in the United States is likely Scholars also cite the lack of viable alternatives to the two-party system

parties' prime

An organization of ideologically similar people that nominates and elects its members to office is known as a political


They and their ________________ money a vital force in American politics. By contributing large sums of money, PAC's make campaigns expensive and often lopsided. Also decreases engagement with citizens on a grassroots level

political action committees (PACs) make

What BEST describes the emphasis of the Christian Coalition's platform?

promotion of "pro-family" values

In a _____________________, political parties win the number of parliamentary seats equal to the percentage of the vote each party receives

proportional representation system

Interest groups work hard to make the ___________,___________, and others aware of issues of concern. Educating the public through ad campaigns, Encouraging civic discourse, Using climate control—using public outreach to build a favorable public opinion of the organization or company. Other groups, especially those without a great deal of access to policymakers, may engage in protests and civil disobedience to be heard

public, government officials

Recently, regardless of whether the party's nominee for president has won or lost, the most important role of the national party chair has been

raising money

The theory that it does not make economic sense for someone to participate in collective action when they can receive a benefit without participating is known as

rational choice theory.

Demarcation of party systems typically occurs when social scientists recognize points where there has been ________________,a shift in party allegiances or electoral support


What term is used by political scientists to refer to a shift in party allegiances or electoral support?


Interest groups have the _____________ to investigate the impact of policies. They have access to data, technological know-how, and a bevy of experts with extensive knowledge of the issues. Sometimes they will use celebrities as "experts" because it will attract greater attention


Because they are formed to promote a stance on a particular issue, many issue advocacy parties are ___________ Once the issue is dealt with or fades from popular concern, the mobilizing force behind the party disintegrates


In the 1850s, ______________ became the primary concern for both the Whigs and the Democrats (Third Party System - 1860 to 1896)


Relationships that improve our individual lives by giving us social connections to solve common problems are forms of

social capital.

What occupations are represented by labor unions?

teachers and tradespeople

What religious interest organization was instrumental in Ronald Reagan's 1980 election to the presidency?

the Moral Majority

The trend toward party dealignment that began in the 1990's has continued due to

the continued interest in third party or independent candidates.

The power of political parties has weakened mainly due to:

the establishment of primary elections to choose party candidates

For what reason is a foreign interest MOST likely to lobby the U.S. government?

trade policies

In 2010, the Republicans gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, while the Democrats maintained control of the Senate, and Barack Obama, a Democrat, was president. This situation is known as

truncated government

James Madison said "_______________" would end with dividing powers of government up into factions and giving the power to the people. The only way to fight factions is with other factions (interest groups) Ex. slavery, sexism, voting rights

tyranny of the majority

National Cannabis Industry Association encourages marijuana retailers to join by saying ¨banding together with your fellow business people to change federal law increases the power of our new industry¨ Industries commonly advocate for policies using _______________- groups representing groups of industries or corporations. Ex. business Roundtable and the US Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO

umbrella organizations

Which of the following have usually composed the base of the Republican Party?

upper-middle-class voters, religious citizens, and small-business owners

As opposed to pluralist theory, elite theory posits that

wealthy, educated individuals control the direction of major policy.

Interest groups historically have been dominated by _________________ with more income and education but the increasing prominence of online interest groups has begun to diversify participation to less affluent African Americans and Latinos.

white individuals

Most U.S. elections are __________ •Candidate with the most votes wins •Winner need not have a majority of the votes


Democratic Party's base prominently includes __________________ Republican Party's base prominently includes business owners, the very religious, upper-middle-class voters, and rural voters who have not attended college Parties have a few similarities but also important differences, such as what are perceived as the nation's most pressing problems

women and minorities

Sometimes interest groups challenge a policy in the courts •___________________________ There are several benefits to using litigation •Ensuring new laws are constitutional •Shaping future policy

•Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

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