Chapter 7 - Developing a Personal Fitness Plan
step 1 - set goals
"what do I want from my program", general/long term (lower risk of disease, improve posture, etc.) or short term/specific (allow progress to be checked, enjoy changes), break goals into small steps
developing personal fitness plan
1 - set goals 2 - select activities 3 - set target FITT for activities 4 - set up system of mini-goals/rewards 5 - include lifestyle physical activity 6 - monitor progress w/ tools 7 - make a commitment
step 3 - set target FIIT for activities
1. cardiorespiratory endurance: 150 min/wk of moderate or 75 min/wk of vigorous, 20-60 minute duration, 3-5 times/wk, target heart rate is intensity 2. muscular endurance/strength: at least 2 nonconsecutive days/wk, 8-12 reps of 8-10 exercises, weight = intensity 3. flexibility: at least 2-3 days/wk, stretch major muscle groups to point of tension and hold for 10-30 seconds, repeat 2-4 times
putting plan into action
1.start slowly and increase fitness gradually (goal is to break established habits of inactivity) 2. increase duration/frequency before intensity 3. find workout buddy 4. vary activities (cross-training) 5. cycle duration/intensity of workouts (periodization) 6. adapt to changing environment/schedule 7. expect fluctuation/lapses (don't let off days discourage you) 8. choose other healthy lifestyle behaviors (diet, avoid harmful habits)
aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate activity everyday, under 12: focus on skills development, over 12: sports/competitiveness
exercise guidelines for life stages
children/adolescents, pregnancy, and older adults
step 5 - include lifestyle physical activity
find ways to make daily activities more active, such as taking stairs, etc.
step 2 - select activities
important to include all components of fitness, consider: fun/interest, current skill/fitness level, time/convenience, cost, special health needs
mild/moderate exercise at least 3 times/week, avoid vigorous exercise, avoid supine position, 3-5 sets of 10 Kegels (hold for 5-15 seconds)
step 6 - monitor progress with tools
reminds you of ongoing commitment, sense of accomplishment, use record to track daily progress, reassess fitness
step 7 - make a commitment
sign an agreement, find a witness
step 4 - set up system of mini-goals/rewards
track progress, reward yourself as you approach final goal, reaching series of small goals is more satisfying
older adults
use lighter weights and more repetitions, perform flexibility exercises at least 2 days/wk for at least 10 mins, perform exercises that improve balance