Chapter 7 Exam

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What phenomenon was Pavlov focusing on when he began his studies on what eventually became known as classical conditioning?

The digestive System

In observational learning, the most effective models are those:

likely to imitate people we perceive as similar to ourselves, as successful, or as admirable.

The process of learning and imitating behavior is called _____.


Infants by age _____ months will imitate acts modeled on television.


It is not unreasonable to predict that when today's U.S. teenagers are in their mid-70s, they will have watched TV for the equivalent of about _____ years.


After John Watson lost his professorship at Johns Hopkins University which career did he enter?


The famous Bobo doll research was conducted by _____ and showed the power of _____.

Albert Bandura; observational learning

Which of the following is NOT one of the significant findings of Pavlov's research in classical conditioning?

Almost all human and animal behaviors, including voluntary behaviors, can be shaped through classical conditioning.

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them.


Which pioneering learning researcher highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior?


Five-year-old Destiny is frightened by the noise thunder makes. Destiny associates lightning with thunder because lightning regularly precedes thunder. Thus, when Destiny sees lightning, she often cries in anticipation that she will hear thunder soon afterward. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


People have been observed to form negative attitudes toward Pokémon characters that were repeatedly shown with negative words and images next to them. This best illustrates the impact of _____ conditioning.


If you have a frightening experience immediately after hearing a strange sound, your fear may be aroused when you hear that sound again. This best illustrates:

Classical Conditiong

Pavlov noticed that dogs began salivating at the mere sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. For the dogs, the sight of this person had become a(n):

Conditioned Stimulus

Four-year-old Tommy developed a fear of going down steps after falling down the steps in his house several times. When he was at his grandmother's house he was fearful of climbing the steps to her front door. Much like Little Albert's fear of white rats and other white items, Tommy was demonstrating:


Marcia is in therapy to obtain help in her efforts stop smoking. Her therapist made a series of suggestions to help reduce her cravings. Which of the following suggestions are based on Pavlov's research on classical conditioning?

In order to reduce her cravings, she should avoid places where she usually smoked.

"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors." Which of the following psychologists made this statement?

John B. Watson

If a child is watching a favorite sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, a(n) _____ is likely to be activated in an empathetic response to this observation.

Mirror Neuron

Both Watson and Pavlov believed that psychology should study only _____ and _____ psychological phenomena.

Objective and Obersevable

Penny's cat learned to press a lever so more food would be poured into her food bowl. Penny's roommate's kitten watched the older cat perform this behavior and within a month the kitten was performing it as well. This is an example of _____ learning.


John B. Watson believed that psychology should be the science of:

Observational Behavior

Dan wanted to train his dog, Rocket, to come to him when called. Every time Dan called Rocket and he came, Dan would give him a treat and pet him. Soon Rocket would come every time he was called. Dan is using _____ conditioning to train Rocket.


Macy gave her dog a treat each time she came to Macy when she called her by name. Soon the dog came every time Macy called the dog by name. This is an example of:

Operant Conditioning

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the function of mirror neurons?

Our brain's mirror neurons underlie our intensely social nature.

Who was not a philosopher of cognitive learning?

Sigmuen Frued

This is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

Spontaneous Recovery

What happened after "Little Albert" was classically conditioned to fear a tame, white rat?

Stimulus generalization occurred; Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects.

In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert the unconditioned stimulus (US) used to produce fear was:

The loud noise

Wanda has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder with mild symptoms. She is an adult who has difficulty empathizing with the feelings of others and inferring what emotions another person might be experiencing. The ability in which Wanda seems to have reduced function is called _____.

Theory of mind

In classical conditioning, this is the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US), such as salivation when food is in the mouth.

Unconditioned Response

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.

antisocial, prosocial

Many business organizations effectively use _____ to train communications, sales, and customer service skills. Trainees gain skills faster when they are not only taught the needed skills in a classroom or lecture setting, but also are able to observe the skills being practiced effectively by experienced workers.

behavior modeling

Some theorists have speculated that people with autism spectrum disorder display reduced imitative yawning and difficulty modeling other observed behaviors because of:

broken mirror neurons

People and animals learn the association between two stimuli through _____ conditioning.


You feel fine at the picnic until a spider very similar to the one that bit you last year and made you sick starts to walk onto your picnic blanket. You begin to become anxious and fearful. This reaction is most likely a(n) _____.

conditioned response

In a study, adult males who spent three evenings watching sexually violent movies became progressively less bothered by the rapes and slashings. Compared with those in a control group, the film watchers later expressed less sympathy for domestic violence victims, and they rated the victims' injuries as less severe. The violence-viewing effect demonstrated in this study was:


Studies have shown that exposure to violence also _____ people when they later view violence on television.


Professor Canine classically conditioned a dog to salivate to a light. Later, he sounded a bell then presented the light followed by food, soon the dog salivated to the bell as well as to the light. This type of conditioning is called _____ conditioning

higher-order conditioning

The violence-viewing effect, with respect to television viewing, seems to stem from at least two factors: _____ and _____.

imitation; desensitization

Giacomo Rizzolatti is the researcher who discovered the function of _____ through his experiments with monkeys.

mirror neurons

Some theorists have speculated that people with autism spectrum disorder display reduced imitative yawning and difficulty modeling other observed behaviors because of broken:

mirror neurons

Which of the following neurons fire both when action is performed and when action is simply observed?

mirror neurons

fire both when action is performed and when action is simply observed.

mirror neurons

In Bandura's experiment, compared to children not exposed to the adult model, those who observed the model's aggressive outburst were _____ to lash out at the doll.

much more likely

Both Watson and Pavlov believed that psychology should study only _____ and observable psychological phenomena.


When a 4-year-old girl suddenly picks up her toy ironing board and plays it like it is an electric guitar, it is likely that she has seen someone playing a real electric guitar in the same manner. Thus she has learned via:


Five-year-old Debbie watched her mother sing while she was brushing her hair. The next day Debbie's mother saw Debbie singing while brushing her dog. Debbie was modeling her mother's behavior that she acquired through:

observational learning

To determine if watching television violence and playing violent video games cause children to act more aggressively, which of the following research studies would you conduct?

randomly assign some children to play violent video games and some children to play educational games and then measure aggressive behaviors

Watson and Rayner taught "Little Albert" to fear white rats by

repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat

One of Pavlov's major contributions to the field of psychology was to show how:

the discipline of psychology could be based on objective laboratory methods.

Four-year-old Katie observed Maggie, two years younger, begin to cry when she fell down. Katie immediately ran over to Maggie and patted her on the back and told her everything would be alright. She even began to cry herself. Katie's ability to infer Maggie's mental and emotional state is an example of:

theory of mind

Conditioning seldom occurs when a(n) _____ repeatedly comes before a(n) _____.

unconditioned stimulus (US) Conditioned/neutral stimulus (CS)

Learning by imitating the behavior of others is called _____ learning. The researcher best known for studying this type of learning is _____.

observational; Bandura

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