Chapter 7 geology

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if you were designing a rock that would be easily weathered, which of the following characteristics would it have?

a soluble chemical composition

if a rock is poorly sorted, this mean the rock contains

a wide range in the size of clasts

melting glaciers tends to deposit most of the sediment they carry and create

at their terminus (end)

shallow coastal accumulations of sand that rise above the sea as long narrow islands are called

barrier islands

which of the following environments would most likely consist of sand/or rounded cobbles

beach at a

this sandstone includes shells of marine creatures that live in shallow water. what is the most likely environment in which it formed

beach next to sea

which of the following is most likely to deposit a conglomerate?

braided river

sediments with a large amount of sand are most likely at

braided river at c and and delta at d

a sandstone containing mostly sand but mixed with rounded pebbles and pieces of shells indicates deposition

by waves at the beach

a soft very fine grained limestone formed via the accumulation of the calcium carbonate remains of microorganisms is known as


which environment is least likely to deposit siltstone or shale

channel of a braided river

Which environment is most likely to deposit a breccia?

debris flow

these sandstone beds are interlayed with dark marine shales. what is the most likely environment in which the sandstone formed?

deep-water turbidity currents

fine grained clastic rocks are

easily eroded

the deep sea floor is characterized by sediment dominated by

fine dust and the remains of single celled organisms

because shales and siltstones are easily eroded, the areas where they are exposed typically:

have soft slopes and soil cover

the largest sand dunes in dry climates can stretch

hundreds of kilometers

which of the following sites would contain the finest grained sedimentary deposits?

lake at e

what type of rock would you form in this coral reef


which environment is least likely to deposit a breccia

meandering river

which of the following is not involved in turning some sediment into sedimentary rock


lime muds and clastic limestone sands are deposits that form carbonate rocks in

nearshore environments

shale is a common sedimentary rock because

one of the places clay is deposited is very widespread (the seafloor)

sedimentary rocks are comprised of material that comes primarily from

other locations

which of the following processes is not considered physical weathering


peat forms from the accumulation of

plant material

which of the following is not a type of carbonate rock


which of the following environments would likely have large clasts

steep slope

what typically happens to the size, shape, and sorting of clasts as they are transported from steep mountains toward more gentle settings

the clasts become more rounded

fluvial refers to

the processes and sediment of streams and rivers

which of the following is a characteristic of fine-grained clastic rocks

the rocks tend to be easily eroded

what happens to the majority of sediment being carried by moving water as it enters a standing body (little or no motion of water)

the sediment gradually settles to the bottom

which of the following characteristics are not used to classify and name clastic sediments

the size of the clasts

sorting describes

the size range of clasts in the sediment

whcih of the following processes is not considered to be chemical weathering

thermal expansion

which of the following is a common characteristic of carbonate rocks

they commonly have a dissolved appearance

which of the following environments would most likely have sediment formed by evaporation of seawater?

tidal flat at E

which of the following statements is not true about clastic sedimentary rocks?

to be called a sandstone, quartz must make up more than 95 percent of the grains

Which environment is a setting that can deposit sand?

turbidity currents along a continental slope

which of the following attributes does not apply to these sediments

well sorted

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