Chapter 7: Marketing Research

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_____% of new products fail test concept before money is invested.


Study of cultures


The list from which sample units will be selected, such as all holders of the GM credit card.

Sampling Frame

Sample, Sampling Unit, Sampling Size and Sampling Frame are all components of what?

Sampling Plan

Method of determining how individuals will be selected.

Sampling Procedure

Random probability sample, convenience sample and judgement sample are types of what?

Sampling Procedures

The number of study participants

Sampling size

Based on surveys of competitors' prices

Competitive pricing analyses

Ethnography is a type of __________ __________ research

Naturalistic Inquiry

Methods that use past performance to predict future market demand

Time Series & Econometric Models

Delivered via email and text, downloadable apps, redemption rates of ___-___%, strong brands most successful, ___% for insert coupons.

15-23%; 1.2%

Evaluated by measuring recollection of an ad, attitude toward it, or persuasiveness.

Advertising effectiveness research

Studies conducted to examine the effectiveness and appropriateness of advertisements aimed at individual markets.

Advertising effectiveness research

Estimates that rely on developments and findings in similar markets or where the product is in the same life-cycle stage

Analogy Method

__________ __________ can provide useful information or predictions that greatly affect marketing decisions

Analyzed data

You are trying to identify consumers' perceptions about your product in order to develop brand equity. What is important?;

Brand Awareness; Brand Recognition; Brand Loyalty; Brand Association; Perceived Quality

The testing of brand names and logos.

Brand Name Generation

Conducted to assess a product's position in the marketplace relative to the competition.

Brand awareness research

Investigates how consumers' knowledge and recognition of brand name affects their purchasing behavior.

Brand awareness research

MR addresses both __________ and __________ issues that are relevant to the company and its operations.;

Broad; specific

Brand awareness research and consumer segmentations studies are types of:

Buyer Behavior Research

Examines brand preferences, brand attitudes, and brand-related behavior

Buyer Behavior Research

Looks at cause and effect relationships, eliminating or controlling for other extraneous factors that may be responsible for the results and eliminating competing explanations for observed findings.;

Causal (Experimental) Research

Examines cause-and-effect relationships

Causal (experimental) research

Studies investigating whether exiting channels are appropriate for the marketing task at hand

Channel Performance and Coverage Studies

The third step in the marketing research process is:

Collective Primary Data

Determine the price the market will bear for a product category

Competitive pricing analyses

Offer help in determining the overall product strategy, the price, as well as the promotion that is appropriate considering the competition. Studies that help in determining the overall product strategy for the product, the price that the market will bear for the respective product category, and the promotion that is appropriate in light of the competition.

Competitive product studies

MDSS should be:

Computerized, interactive, flexible and discovery oriented

Concept tests that evaluated the product or service offering and the related marketing mix in light of the different target markets.

Concept Development Research

Evaluate viability of new product (and marketing mix) in light of intended target market.;

Concept Development Research

Develop profiles of consumers which are then sorted based on homogenous traits.

Consumer segmentation studies

This helps a company to identify potential target markets, for example, heavy user segments.

Consumer segmentation studies

Used for approaching study respondents

Contact Methods

Quantitative, asses the content of advertisements in a medium with verbal and/or visual content

Content analysis

Subjects within the sampling unit who are easy or convenient to use for the research.

Convenience Sample

Sample composed of individuals who are easy to contact for the researcher.;

Convenience sample

Methods used for predicting the cost of research

Cost analyses

Pricing research is also an important determinant in

Cost analyses, profit analyses, price elasticity studies, competitive pricing analyses

Plant/warehouse location studies address:

Cost of transportation; Real estate costs; Labor costs; Power availability; Tax structure/incentives; Ensure that plant location matches the needs of the company

__________ can be collected using various methods such as mail, e-mail, Internet, telephone, and personal interviews.;


The fourth step in the marketing research process is:

Data Analysis, Recommendations, and Implementation

Steps in the data collection process:

Data collected is coded, entered into the analysis program, and analyzed.

Focus group interviews, in-depth interviews and observational research are methods of what?

Data collection

Questionnaires, paper/pencil measures, and electronic measurement devices are type of what?

Data collection instruments

Study that asks a number of experts to individually estimate market performance, then aggregate and share the results with the rest of the experts. The process can be repeated several times until consensus is reached.

Delphi method

Research methods observing or describing phenomena

Descriptive research

Channel performance and coverage studies and plant/warehouse location studies are a type of what?

Distribution Research

Advantages of _______: Inexpensive, no interviewer effects, reasonable amount of data, fast, reasonable sample control


Disadvantages of _______: Low response rates, lack of flexibility


Psychogalvanometer and Pupillometric meter are types of:;

Electronic Data Collection Instruments

Conducted early in the research process; Further defines the problem that needs to be investigated

Exploratory research

Collected for purposes other than the problem at hand.

External Secondary Data

Can also help identify competitive entrants

First step in channel design

Channel feasibilities

First step in channel design

Evaluate competitors' share of existing channels, relative profitability of each channel, coverage of market served and the cost of each channel function

First step in channel design

Evaluate likely changes in buying patterns, potential competitive entrants, long-run cost pressures and new technologies, such as the internet or multimedia retail kiosks.

First step in channel design

Identifies strengths, weaknesses, and threats of channel performance that will influence channel performance and viability

First step in channel design

SWOT of channel structure

First step in channel design

Qualitative; investigates a question using a moderator and a small group with carefully chosen characteristics; 6-12 participants; recorded/observed by sponsor, reward involved

Focus group interviews

Semantic-differential scale and Liker scale are what types of data collection?

Forced-Choice Questions

examines if consumers reported diet matches the packages identified in their garbage bins;


Steps of Concept Development Research

Generate concept statement.; Determine technical feasibility.; Does the technology exist to create the product?; Investigate feasibility of new product idea in the market.; Test the concept with customers.; Define product and target market.

Qualitative; used to discover motivations, attitudes, or feelings toward an issue or product. Unstructured interrogation; one-on-one; used for complex behavioral, decision-making or emotionally laden issue; CATI (cheaper alternative)

In-Depth Interviews

Previously collected firm data in reference to a different question.

Internal Secondary Data

Advantages of _______: Inexpensive, no interviewer effects; Reasonable amount of data, fast


Disadvantages of _______: Low response rates, not much flexibility, poor sample control


Subjects selected by the researcher because they are perceived to be representative of the population.

Judgment Sample

A sample thought to be representative of the population.;

Judgment sample

Sales forecasting based on the opinions of different experts.

Jury of expert opinion

A scale that is anchored by "strongly agree" and "strongly disagree" statements;

Likert scale

MDSS: Data, systems, tools, and techniques, complemented by supporting software and hardware designed for the gathering and interpretation of business and environmental data


Advantages of _______: Inexpensive, no interview effects, large amounts of data and reasonable sample control


Disadvantages of _______: Slow, low response rates, lack of flexibility


All executive decisions should consider available marketing information.

Market Research

Complex environmental factors complicate the task of marketing researches who should have not only and expertise in the most advanced techniques of scientific inquiry but also a profound understanding of the markets under investigation.

Market Research

Marketing info should constitute basis for all executive action and must be taken into consideration to improve the chances of success in a complex marketing environment.

Market Research

Needs to be carefully evaluated and viewed in light of the purpose for which it was collected.

Market Research

Research does not provide all the answers, but it provides important information for managers to make intelligent decisions.

Market Research

Stems from the need to monitor the forces affecting the company's operations and products.

Market Research

Systematic design, collection, recording, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of information pertinent to a particular marketing decision

Market Research

Evaluate potential of market

Market potential studies

Types of Pricing Research

Market potential studies; Sales potential studies; Sales forecasts studies

MDSS stands for:

Marketing Decision Support Systems

Results obtained from monitoring developments in the marketplace (or firm's environment);

Marketing Intelligence

Studies of premiums, coupons, and deals __________ __________ be appropriate for certain products

May not

Find which advertising medium best fits the product.

Media research

Studies that evaluate media availability and the appropriateness of the medium for a company's message

Media research

Can be both qualitative and quantitative; Observational approach that studies subjects in natural, rather than contrived, settings because behaviors take substantial meaning from their context.

Naturalistic Inquiry

The inability or refusal by a respondent to participate in the study.


Garbology is a type of __________ research


Can be both qualitative and quantitative; Studying subject's interactions and reaction to a product, marketing mix, or the environment.

Observational research

Questions with free format responses that the respondent can address as he or she sees appropriate


Offers free-format responses that subject can interpret or address as he/she sees appropriate; uses own words

Open-ended questions

Advantages of _______: High flexibility, high response rate, large amounts of data, reasonably fast, high sample control, personal and focus

Personal and Focus Group Interviews

Disadvantages of _______: Expensive, large interviewer effects

Personal and Focus Group Interviews

Used to evaluate the appropriateness of plant or warehouse locations to the needs of a company

Plant/warehouse location studies

Market projections based on the use of store scanners in weekly and bi-weekly reports

Point-of-sales (POS) Projections

The group being studied or for which the research will be applied, such as all vehicle owners.


Research should assess what customers are seeking by asking: How can we use the differences in __________to segment customers with different needs?


Examine the extent to which a particular market is price sensitive

Price elasticity studies

__________ is a key determinant in research studies attempting to project demand


Data collected for the purpose of addressing the issue at hand

Primary Data

Descriptive research and causal (experimental) research are research approaches as part of the __________ __________ step of the marketing research process

Problem Definition

Researcher and marketing manager must have a clear understanding of the research problem that needs to be investigated

Problem Definition

The first step in the marketing research process is:

Problem Definition

Translates a marketing problem into a research problem

Problem Definition

Exploratory research is part of the __________ __________ step of the marketing research process

Problem definition

Most is directed at new product development.

Product Research

The following are types of what? Concept development Brand name generation Product testing Competitive product studies; Product packaging design Test marketing

Product Research

Help determine consumers' reaction to various package designs. They also indicate how well the package communicates the product information. Studies that evaluate consumer's reaction to a packaging, the extent to which the package adequately communicates information to the consumer and the distribution implications of the package

Product packaging design studies

Estimates product performance and preference in a given market. Studies that estimate product preference and performance in a given market

Product testing

Estimates of product profit in specific markets

Profit analyses

Evaluates effectiveness and appropriateness of communication with the market, and effectiveness of media.

Promotion Research

Studies of premiums, coupons, and deals - studies that determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of premiums, coupons and deals for a given target market. These are a type of?

Promotion Research

The following are types of what: Studies of premiums, coupons and deals Advertising effectiveness research Media research Sales force compensation, quote and territory studies

Promotion Research

Small number of respondents; Uses open-ended questions; Uses unstructured observation ; Requires interpretation; Subjective results and analysis

Qualitative research

Purchasing secondary data can ensures _________ and __________ and can be less expensive.

Quality; timeliness

Structured questionnaires; Produces numbers; Allows for higher level analysis;

Quantitative research

Individuals selected randomly for a study where each person has a known and equal chance of being selected.

Random Probability Sample

Each individual in the population has a known and equal chance of being included in the study.;

Random probability sample

Free from random errors & consistent


Data collection techniques must be:

Reliable and valid

Show what products to produce - ease of use;

Research of Industry, Market Characteristics, and Market Trends

Types of Marketing Research/The Scope and Components of Marketing Research

Research of Industry, market characteristics and market trends; Buyer behavior research; Product research; Distribution research; Promotion research; Pricing research

Different studies pertaining to personal selling activities; they are crucial in helping to determine the appropriate sales and incentive strategies for certain markets

Sales force compensation, quota, and territory studies

Studies pertaining to personal selling activities and incentive strategies.

Sales force compensation, quota, and territory studies

Studies in which sales forecasts are based on the personal observations and predictions of the local sales force.

Sales force composite estimate

Sales Forescasting Techniques include:

Sales force composite estimate; jury of expert opinion; Delphi method; time series & econometric models; analogy method; point-of-sales (POS) projections

Project sales for a particular market

Sales forecasts studies

Studies forecasting optimal sales performance;

Sales potential studies

A subset of the population selected for the study.


Representative segments of the population of interest


The individuals who will be included in the research, such as all individuals with incomes over $125,000.

Sample Unit

The list from which sampling units are selected

Sampling frame

Each individual or group included in the study

Sampling unit

Ranges from monitoring developments in the marketing environment to anticipating a product's performance in the marketplace to evaluating consumers' specific brand-related or advertisement-related attitudes.

Scope of Marketing Research

The second step in the marketing research process is:

Secondary Data Research

Data that already exists, collected to address a problem other than the problem currently facing the company (at hand)

Secondary data

Anchored by words with opposite meanings: Good-Bad, Important-Not Important;

Semantic-differential scale

A brand name should be:

Short and easy to remember; Able to tell the consumer something about the quality or function of the product ; Able to be used in different languages ; Consistently communicated

Descriptive research that involves the administration of personal, telephone, or mail questionnaires; high nonresponse rate

Survey research

Advantages of _______: Reasonable cost, few interview effects, reasonable fast, reasonable response rates, reasonable sample control


Disadvantages of _______: Lower amounts of data, higher cost


Evaluating product performance in select markets that are representative of the target market before launching the product

Test Marketing

Test marketing should:

Test new product performance; Estimate demand; Modify product; Modify marketing mix

A research study by A.C. Nielsen indicated __________ is the key issue for consumers when cleaning; thus, products and promotion need to help consumers save __________.

Time; time

Free from bias


Research should assess what customers are seeking by asking: How well do __________ __________meet the needs of each segment?

available channels

Another example of __________ __________ is research that determines the product's optimal shelf location. Eye-level is the best shelf space location in most cases.

distribution research

Valuable secondary data can be acquired from specialized __________ __________ __________.

marketing research firms

Researchers select different __________ __________ depending on research needs, the size of the sample, the amount of data needed, etc.;

research methods

The most critical criterion when selecting a __________ __________ is how well the sample represents the population. It may not be practical to get a truly representative sample.

sampling method

Research should assess what customers are seeking by asking: What __________ __________ do the target customers value?

service attributes

Once data is collected, entered and analyzed, researchers then __________ _____ __________ and put them in a form that is meaningful and that will answer the problems introduced in the beginning of the research process. ;

tabulate the results

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