Chapter 7 Survey Research

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Which survey research method offers the lowest degree of respondent anonymity? a. telephone interview b. mail survey c. mall intercept interview d. Internet survey


All of the following are advantages of Internet surveys EXCEPT ____. a.random sampling b.speed c.visual appeal d.accurate real-time data capture


People who provide answers to survey questions are often called ____. a. researchers b. clients c. respondents d. users


Clark was asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire posted at What type of survey did Clark complete? a. Internet survey b. mixed-mode survey c. computer-assisted interactive survey d. networked survey


Surveys in which the respondent takes the responsibility for reading and answering questions are called ____. a. self-administered questionnaires b. independent questionnaires c. stand-alone surveys d. interactive questionnaires


Systematic error is divided into ____. a. respondent error and administrative error b. random sampling error and administrative error c. response bias and interview error d. primary error and secondary error


When a research agency conducts all telephone interviews from a single location where they can hire a staff of professional interviewers and supervise and control the quality of interviewing more effectively, ____ is being used. a. central location interviewing b. single-mode interviewing c. synergistic interviewing d. quick-response interviewing


Which survey research method is typically the most expensive? a. door-to-door personal interview b. mall intercept personal interview c. telephone interview d. mail survey


Which term is sometimes used to refer to interviewers filling in responses for respondents that do not really exist? a. curb-stoning b. auspices bias c. self-selection d. mere-measurement effect


When an interviewer unintentionally and mistakenly checks the wrong response on a checklist during an interview, ____ has occurred. a. interviewer cheating b. auspices bias c. interviewer error d. social desirability bias


John was called by a market researcher and asked a few questions about his television viewing habits. The researcher then asked him to go to a Web site to complete a more comprehensive survey. This type of study that employs a combination of survey methods is called a ____. a. two-stage survey b. pre- and posttest c. multi-media survey d. mixed-mode survey


People who cannot be contacted or who refuse to participate are called ____. a. random errors b. biased respondents c. sample selection errors d. Nonrespondents


People who are unwilling to participate in a research project are referred to as ____. a. Refusals b. Deviations c. no contacts d. random errors


The number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the number of eligible people who were asked to participate in the survey is called ____. a. Churn b. return ratio c. response rate d. success rate


When a research company pulls a random sample of people from a phone book and that sample does not include people with unlisted numbers or who do not have landline telephone service, we say that the sample contains ____. a. sample selection error b. acquiescence bias c. social desirability error d. auspices bias


Which type of bias is occurring when a respondent tells the interviewer that he reads The Wall Street Journal on a daily basis so that he can impress the interviewer? a. interviewer bias b. auspices bias c. administrative bias d. acquiescence bias


A trial run of a survey with a group of respondents who are representative of the target group for the survey is called a ____. a. Callback b. Pretest c. drop-off method d. dry run


All of the following are typically advantages of Internet survey research EXCEPT that it is ____. a. relatively low in cost b. representative of the population c. efficient in gathering large amounts of data d. accurate means of collecting information


In a research study, a potential respondent who is not at home at either the first or second attempt to reach this person by phone is classified as a(n) ____. a. sample bias b. no contact c. Interviewee d. random sampling error


When a hotel customer decides to fill out a customer satisfaction survey to complain about having to wait an hour for room service to deliver his dinner, ____ has occurred. a. random sampling error b. self-selection bias c. auspices bias d. social desirability bias


When a research study is not conducted according to the plan in the proposal for the research study, what kind of error has occurred? a. random sampling error b. systematic error c. respondent error d. implementation error


When an interviewer fails to write the respondent's answer to a question verbatim because the respondent talks faster than the interviewer can write, ____ has occurred. a. acquiescence error b. interviewer error c. auspices bias d. interviewer cheating


Which survey method offers the least geographic flexibility? a. telephone interview b. door-to-door personal interview c. Internet survey d. mail survey


Which type of bias occurs when a respondent wishes to create a favorable impression or save face in the presence of an interviewer? a. random sampling bias b. social desirability bias c. administrative bias d. interviewer cheating


Barbara received a phone call asking her to participate in a survey. She told the interviewer that she was too busy and would not participate. This is an example of ____. a. random sampling error b. administrative error c. nonresponse error d. interviewer error


Survey software can require someone to answer a question but this too could be seen as unethical. How can the ethical issue best be resolved? a. This issue cannot be resolved, so the question should be removed. b. Respondents can be told in the informed consent process that there are required questions. c. Respondents can be paid or given some other incentive to answer the question. d. A "do not know" or "prefer not to answer" alternative can be included with the question.


Systematic errors are also called ____. a. random sampling error b. interviewer error c. nonresponse error d. nonsampling errors


The tendency for respondents to agree with most questions in a survey is known as ____. a. auspices bias b. interviewer bias c. extremity bias d. acquiescence bias


When a respondent tells an interviewer that his annual income last year was $50,000 because he is embarrassed to admit that it was $25,000, ____ has occurred. a. nonresponse error b. auspices bias c. interviewer cheating d. deliberate falsification


Which type of bias occurs when respondents tend to answer questions with a certain slant? a. interviewer bias b. self-selection bias c. self-preservation bias d. response bias


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