Chapter 8
Brute force
Attempts to gain unauthorized access to secure communications have used this
Converting original message into a form unreadable by unauthorized individuals
Digital Certificates
Electronic document containing key values and identifying information about entity that controls key
Integrated system of software, encryption methodologies, protocols, legal agreements, and third-party services enabling users to communicate securely
Hash function
Mathematical algorithms that generate massage summary/digest to confirm message identity and confirm no content has changed
Asymmetric Encryption
Public key encryption, two different keys but related
Science of encryption; combines cryptography and cryptanalysis
Symmetric Encryption
Uses same "secret key" to encipher and decipher message
Dictionary Attack
attackers encrypts every word in a dictionary using same cryptosystem used by target
Digital Signatures
created in response to rising need to verify information transferred using electronic systems
Man in the middle attack
designed to intercept transmission of public key or insert known key structure in place of requested public key
process of making and using codes to secure transmission of information
the process of converting the ciphertext message back into plaintext