Chapter 8

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Each FADH2 from the Krebs cycle that enters the electron transport system results in the production of _____ ATP(s). A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5


What chemical causes death in many eukaryotes because it blocks cytochrome C oxidase? A. Copper B. Iron C. Cyanide D. Oxygen E. Carbon monoxide


Most electron carriers are ______. A. coenzymes B. enzymes C. hydrogen D. inorganic phosphate


All organisms that are photosynthetic are oxygenic. True/False


When glucose is broken down by glycolysis during bacterial fermentation, what is the usual net production of ATP? A. 2 B. 3 C. 24 D. 36 E. 38


Each NADH that enters the electron transport system results in the production of _____ ATPs. A. 2 B. 3 C. 24 D. 36 E. 38


ATP will be made from them in the electron transport system? A. 10 B. 38 C. 36 D. 2 E. 30


In bacterial cells, when glucose is completely oxidized by all the pathways of aerobic cellular respiration, what is the maximum number of ATP generated? A. 2 B. 3 C. 24 D. 36 E. 38


Glycolysis uses 2 ATP and produces A. 2 ATP only if oxygen is present. B. 2 ATP without oxygen. C. 4 ATP only if oxygen is present. D. 4 ATP without oxygen

4 ATP without oxygen

How many carbon dioxide molecules are produced by the complete aerobic breakdown of one glucose molecule? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6


In the cell, energy released by electrons is often used to phosphorylate ______. A. ATP B. ADP C. pyruvic acid D. oxygen E. NAD


All of the following are exoenzymes except ______. A. ATP synthase B. streptokinase C. penicillinase D. collagenase

ATP synthase

Which of the following statements is false regarding amphibolic pathways? A. Metabolic pathways are amphibolic, that is, catabolism and anabolism are intertwined in order to conserve energy in the cell. B. Glucose is broken down in glycolysis; however, not all of the intermediates in the pathway are utilized as an energy source. Many leave the pathway to serve as precursors for complex molecules. C. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is used as a precursor for amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate synthesis. D All organisms use metabolic pathways to synthesize the 20 amino acids necessary for protein synthesis using precursors from catabolic processes. E Glucose is broken down during glycolysis to pyruvate; however, when glucose is in short supply, pyruvate is used as a precursor in the process of gluconeogenesis.

All organisms use metabolic pathways to synthesize the 20 amino acids necessary for protein synthesis using precursors from catabolic processes.

When comparing fermentation and anaerobic respiration, which statement would be true? A.Fermentation and anaerobic respiration are the same. B.Fermentation produces carbon dioxide, whereas anaerobic respiration does not. C.Anaerobic respiration and fermentation both employ the electron transport system. D.Both anaerobic respiration and fermentation use phosphorylation to make ATP.

Both anaerobic respiration and fermentation use phosphorylation to make ATP.

FAD, NADP, NAD, and coenzyme A are all carriers of ________. A. hydrogens B. electrons C. ATP D. Both hydrogens and electrons are correct.

Both hydrogens and electrons are correct.

Which of the following processes is endergonic? A. Beta oxidation of fatty acids B. Carbon fixation C. The oxidation of glucose D. Deamination E. Burning wood

Carbon fixation

Which of the following metabolic system descriptions is mismatched? A. Cyclic - the starting molecule is regenerated to initiate another turn B. Convergent - a linear pathway branches into two or more alternative processes C. Linear - the product of enzyme A becomes the substrate for enzyme B D. Divergent - one or more branches deviate from a linear path

Convergent - a linear pathway branches into two or more alternative processes

Often the mnemonic device "OIL RIG" is used to remember the principles of redox reactions. Oxidation Is Loss and Reduction Is Gain of what? A. Electrons only B. Hydrogen only C. Oxygen only D. Electrons and hydrogen E. Oxygen and electrons

Electrons and hydrogen

Each of the following are electron carriers except ______. A. NAD B. FAD C. NADP D. FADP


ATP molecules are catalysts that lower the activation energy needed to initiate a reaction. True/False


In addition to electrons, which of the following is also involved in electron transfer? A. ADP B. Glucose C. Carbon D. Hydrogen E. Carbon dioxide


The space between the cell membrane and the cell wall is important during aerobic respiration. Why? A.Hydrogen ions are transported out into the space to set up a hydrogen gradient. B.Cytochrome electron carriers are located in the space. C.Oxygen combines with electrons in that space to form water. D.Pyruvate is transported into the space to be converted into acetyl coenzyme A to enter the Krebs cycle.

Hydrogen ions are transported out into the space to set up a hydrogen gradient.

One turn of the Calvin cycle fixes a molecule of CO2 gas and is driven by 3 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of NADPH from the light reactions. Which of the following is true? A. It takes 3 turns of the cycle, 9 molecules of ATP, and 6 molecules of NADPH to make one molecule of glucose. B. It takes 6 turns of the cycle, 18 molecules of ATP, and 12 molecules of NADPH to make a glucose molecule. C. The cycle must be carried out in the dark. D. The cycle is exergonic.

It takes 6 turns of the cycle, 18 molecules of ATP, and 12 molecules of NADPH to make a glucose molecule.

Which of the following is not true of anaerobic respiration? A. It involves glycolysis. B. It generates some ATP. C. It utilizes an electron transport system. D. It uses the same final electron acceptor as aerobic respiration.

It uses the same final electron acceptor as aerobic respiration

The reactions of fermentation function to produce _______ molecules for further use in glycolysis. A. pyruvic acid B. ATP C. NAD+ D. NADH E. glucose


What process is described here? A concentration gradient of H+ ions is created in the periplasmic space by actively transporting the ions across the membrane using the energy liberated when carrier molecules are oxidized. When the H+ ions pass through ATPase, enough energy is generated to add phosphate groups onto ADP molecules. A. Fermentation B. The Calvin cycle C. Substrate-level phosphorylation D. Oxidative phosphorylation E. Deamination

Oxidative phosphorylation

Which of the following characterize the Calvin cycle? A. A process that requires light B. Nitrogen is fixed into an organic form C. Produces glucose as an end product D. Produces carbon dioxide and water E. Produces oxygen

Produces glucose as an end product

Which of the following is not part of the step that occurs between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle? A. Reduction of NAD+ B. Coenzyme A attaches to an acetyl group C. Oxidation of pyruvic acid D. Pyruvic acid accepts electrons from NADH

Pyruvic acid accepts electrons from NADH

Which of the following is not a process that regenerates ATP? A. Oxidative phosphorylation B. Reductive phosphorylation C. Substrate-level phosphorylation D. Photophosphorylation

Reductive phosphorylation

Which of the following is not true of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? A. They occur in thylakoid membranes. B. They generate NADPH. C. They generate glucose from CO2 and H2O. D. The photons cause magnesium to release electrons. E. ATP is generated by a chemiosmotic mechanism.

They generate glucose from CO2 and H2O.

Below is a metabolic pathway having 3 chemical reactions and 3 enzymes. Enzyme 1 has 2 binding sites--1 for the substrate A and another for the end product D. As the pathway proceeds, the end product in higher quantities will react with enzyme 1, blocking the enzyme's binding to the substrate. Which statement is true about this pathway? enz1 enz2 enz3 Substrate A --> B --> C --> D end product A.This is a case of noncompetitive inhibition. B.As a result of the inhibition of the enzyme, there will eventually be less substrate converted to the end product D. C.Enzyme 1 has an active site and a regulatory site. D.All of the choices are correct.

all of the choices are correct

Intermediates from the Krebs cycle can be converted to amino acids by the process of ______. A. amination B. deamination C. phosphorylation D. beta oxidation E. gluconeogenesis


The unknown bacterium that you are testing makes the enzyme phenyalanine deaminase, as indicated by the results of a phenylalanine test. This enzyme facilitates the removal of a/an ______ group from the organic compound so it can be converted into an intermediate compound for the Krebs cycle. A. carboxyl B. amino C. phosphate D. hydroxyl


The property of organisms to integrate catabolic and anabolic pathways to improve cell efficiency is called ______. A. metabolism B. amphibolism C. anabolism D. catabolism E. biosynthesis


The step involving ATP, hexokinase, and the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate is A. the final step of the Krebs cycle. B. the first redox reaction of the electron transport system. C. an example of oxidative phosphorylation. D. an example of substrate-level phosphorylation. E. an example of photophosphorylation.

an example of substrate-level phosphorylation.

The formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to build a polypeptide is an example of ______. A. anabolism B. phosphorylation C. fermentation D. catabolism E. glycolysis


Oxidoreductase apoenzymes utilize a coenzyme to function. The NAD+ and FAD coenzymes A. carry only electrons between molecules. B. are oxidized when they remove electrons from the substrate. C. are reduced when they remove electrons from the substrate. D. are reduced when they add electrons to the substrate

are reduced when they remove electrons from the substrate

Reactants are converted to products by A. enzymes releasing energy. B. breaking and forming bonds. C. enzymes binding to products. D. reactants always releasing energy

breaking and forming bonds

Ribozymes are ______. A. ribosomes which catalyze reactions B. unique to prokaryotes C. unique to eukaryotes D. catalysts for RNA splicing E. catalysts for DNA splicing

catalysts for RNA splicin

In bacterial cells, the electron transport system is located in the ______. A. cell membrane B. mitochondria C. chloroplasts D. ribosomes E. cytoplasm

cell membrane

A holoenzyme is a combination of a protein and one or more substances called ______. A. substrates B. apoenzymes C. catalysts D. cofactors E. ribozymes


ulfa drugs like Bactrim, given for bacterial infections, inhibit bacteria by blocking folic acid synthesis. The precursor molecule of folic acid is para-amino benzoic acid (PABA). Interestingly, PABA has a structure very similar to a sulfa drug. If a sulfa drug is present, the bacterial enzyme will bind the sulfa drug because of structural similarity. This is an example of ______. A. enzyme induction B. enzyme repression C. noncompetitive inhibition D. competitive inhibition E. catabolite repression

competitive inhibition

Anabolic reactions that involve ligases and release water molecules when bonds are formed are called ______ reactions. A. reduction B. condensation C. oxidation D. transfer


Enzymes that are always present, regardless of the amount of substrate, are ______. A. apoenzymes B. exoenzymes C. constitutive enzymes D. regulated enzymes E. endoenzymes

constitutive enzymes

Metabolic pathways that regenerate their starting molecule are called _____ pathways. A. linear B. bidirectional C. convergent D. cyclic E. divergent


An oxidase detection test can be used to identify certain bacteria because they are missing or lack expression of ______. A. cytochrome C oxidase B. NAD C. mitochondria D. ATP synthase E. coenzyme Q

cytochrome C oxidase

Reduction of nitrogen-oxygen ions and compounds by some bacteria is called ______. A. aerobic respiration B. denitrification C. nitrification D. fermentation E. deamination


During which phase of cellular respiration is the majority of ATP formed? A. Electron transport system B. The Krebs cycle C. Glycolysis D. Processing of pyruvic acid for the Krebs cycle E. All phases produce the same number of ATP molecules.

electron transport system

Enzymes that function inside a cell are ______. A. apoenzymes B. exoenzymes C. constitutive enzymes D. regulated enzymes E. endoenzymes


The cell's metabolic reactions involve the participation of ______ that lower the activation energy needed for the initiation of a reaction. A. cofactors B. vitamins C. enzymes D. ATP E. coenzymes


Your bacterium is growing on a type of medium called casein agar, which contains milk protein (casein). There is a clear zone around the growth area of the bacterium, showing that it is synthesizing the enzymes needed to catalyze the breakdown of casein. These enzymes are considered ______. A. apoenzymes B. exoenzymes C. ribozymes D. endoenzymes


ATP is composed of deoxyribose, adenine, and three phosphate groups. True/False


All aerobic bacterial species have identical electron acceptors in their electron transport systems. True/False


During the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide gas is fixed into a solid, organic form; this is an endergonic process driven by ATP generated from aerobic respiration. True/False


Microbes can utilize only carbohydrates for energy production. True/False


Only yeast produce alcohol as a fermentation product. True/False


Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts of prokaryotes. True/False


The best way to control a metabolic pathway is to control the fastest enzyme in the series. True/False


The process of forming glucose from various metabolic intermediates is called ______. A. glycolysis B. amphibolism C. phosphorylation D. amination E. gluconeogenesis


Substrate-level phosphorylation occurs in A. glycolysis and the electron transport chain. B. photosynthesis and glycolysis. C. glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. D. the Krebs cycle and the electron transport system. E. the electron transport system only.

glycolysis and the Krebs cycle

The principle sites of amphibolic interaction occur during ______. A. glycolysis and photosynthesis B. the Krebs cycle and the electron transport system C. glycolysis and the Krebs cycle D. fermentation and the Krebs cycle E. fermentation and glycolysis

glycolysis and the Krebs cycle

As the electron transport carriers shuttle electrons, they actively pump _____ into the outer membrane compartment, setting up a concentration gradient called the proton motive force. A. ATP B. phosphate C. hydrogen ions D. oxygen E. NADH

hydrogen ions

The bacterial genus Bacillus can utilize starch as a nutrient by splitting the starch molecule into smaller molecules of glucose with the addition of water. The enzymes to do this would be classified as ______. A. transferases B. oxidoreductases C. ligases D. hydrolases E. isomerases


Enzymes that are only produced when substrate is present are termed ______. A. exoenzymes B. endoenzymes C. constitutive enzymes D. induced enzymes E. conjugated enzymes

induced enzymes

All of the following pertain to glycolysis except A. it occurs without oxygen. B. it ends with formation of pyruvic acid. C. it occurs during fermentation. D. it degrades glucose to CO2 and H2O. E. it involves reduction of NAD

it degrades glucose to CO2 and H2O

Which of the following is not a photosynthetic pigment? A.Carotenoid B.Leukophyll C.Phycobilin D.Chlorophyll


When the product of reaction A becomes the reactant of reaction B, this exemplifies a _______ metabolic pathway. A. linear B. bidirectional C. convergent D. cyclic E. divergent


Each of the following are denaturing agents except ______. A. high temperature B. low temperature C. high pH D. low pH

low temperature

The term used to describe all of the chemical reactions within a cell is ______. A. catabolism B. redox reactions C. phosphorylation D. metabolism E. cellular respiration


A type of cofactor would be ______. A. vitamins B. metallic ions C. active sites D. substrates E. ribozymes

metallic ions

Enzymes that are always present, regardless of the amount of substrate, are ______. A. apoenzymes B. exoenzymes C. constitutive enzymes D. regulated enzymes E. endoenzymes

noncompetitive inhibition

Exergonic reactions A. include synthesis of large carbohydrates. B. only occur in heterotrophs. C. occur during aerobic cellular respiration. D. do not occur in anaerobic cellular respiration. E. occur when ADP binds to inorganic phosphate to form ATP.

occur during aerobic cellular respiration

The most likely place where an exoenzyme participates in a chemical reaction is ______. A. in mitochondria B. within the cell membrane C. in lysosomes D. in cytoplasm E. outside of the cell

outside of the cell

Enzymes that catalyze the removal of electrons from one substrate and the addition of electrons to another are called ______. A. transferases B. oxidoreductases C. lyases D. isomerases E. ligases


During aerobic cellular respiration, the final electron acceptor is ______. A. pyruvic acid B. oxygen C. nitrate D. cytochrome C E. FAD


The light-harvesting units in the thylakoid membranes are the ______. A. ATP synthases B. electrons C. ATP molecules D. photosystems E. grana


Mixed acid fermentation A. produces butyric acid. B. occurs in all bacteria. C. produces several different acids plus CO2 and H2 gases. D. is seen in Streptococcus and Lactobacillus. E. also produces ethanol.

produces several different acids plus CO2 and H2 gases

Enzymes are A. broken down in reactions that require energy input. B. proteins that function as catalysts. C. used up in chemical reactions. D. not needed for catabolic reactions. E. carbohydrate or protein in composition.

proteins that function as catalysts

Fermentation ______. A. requires an organic electron acceptor B. requires oxygen C. only occurs in aerobic organisms D. is equivalent to aerobic respiration in ATP production E. is the same as anaerobic respiration

requires an organic electron acceptor

In which pathway is the most NADH generated? A. The electron transport system B. The Krebs cycle C. Glycolysis D. Alcoholic fermentation E. Mixed acid fermentation

the Krebs Cycle

The majority of NADH is produced in ______. A. glycolysis B. the Krebs cycle C. the electron transport system D. photosynthesis E. fermentation

the Krebs Cycle

The formation of citric acid from oxaloacetic acid and an acetyl group begins ______. A. glycolysis B. the electron transport system C. the Krebs cycle D. fermentation E. oxidative phosphorylation

the Krebs cycle

The redox carriers of the electron transport system that have a tightly bound metal atom responsible for accepting and donating electrons are ______. A. NAD molecules B. FAD molecules C. NADP molecules D. the cytochromes E. the flavoproteins

the cytochromes

In which stage of aerobic respiration is water produced? A. Glycolysis B. The Krebs cycle C. The electron transport system

the electron transport system

Noncompetitive inhibition is best described as A. the substrate binding to DNA, blocking enzyme transcription. B. the end product binding to DNA, blocking enzyme transcription. C. the substrate binding to enzyme in a regulatory site. D. the end product binding to enzyme in noncompetitive site. E. an anabolic reaction.

the end product binding to enzyme in noncompetitive site

The relationship between the light-dependent and light-independent reactions in photosynthesis is that A. the ATP made during the light-dependent reactions is used for the growth and development of the cell and the ATP from the oxidation of glucose drives the light reactions. B. the light-independent reactions are driven by the ATP and NADPH generated from the light reactions. C. the energy stored in the glucose made during the Calvin cycle is used to drive the light reactions. D. the light-dependent and light-independent reactions both take place within the membranes of bacterial cells or thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts.

the light-independent reactions are driven by the ATP and NADPH generated from the light reactions

An apoenzyme is ______. A. part of a simple enzyme B. also called a coenzyme C. the protein part of a holoenzyme D. often an inorganic metal ion E. an RNA molecule

the protein part of a holoenzyme

A bacterium that you isolated from pond water appears to use light for energy. Based upon this information, you inoculate the organism into fresh media, infused with lots of carbon dioxide. Even after incubation at the correct temperature (of pond water), the organism is not growing. Your best explanation of what might have happened is A. there was no sulfur compound added to the medium, that could be used as an electron donor. B. no oxygen was added to the medium so the organism died. C. there is some inhibitory chemical that is preventing the growth of the bacterium. D. you were using the wrong type of sunlight as the energy source for the bacterium

there was no sulfur compound added to the medium, that could be used as an electron donor.

Each of the following are true of enzymes except A. they can be used over and over. B. they may or may not require cofactors. C. their active site is specific to the substrate. D. they increase the activation energy of a reaction. E. their action may involve minerals.

they increase the activation energy of a reaction

Enzymes that catalyze the removal of a a functional group and its subsequent attachment to a new substrate are called ______. A. transferases B. oxidoreductases C. isomerases D. lyases E. ligases


ATP synthase is a complex enzyme needed for oxidative phosphorylation. True/False


Building block molecules for biosynthetic pathways come from the cell's catabolic pathways and from the environment. True/False


Cells generate ATP from the release of chemical energy from nutrients, whereas chlorophyll-containing organisms generate ATP via the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis as well as from the oxidation of nutrients. True/False


Denaturing an apoenzyme will destroy the three-dimensional shape of the protein, making it nonfunctional. True/False


Exoenzymes from pathogens are called virulencefactors. True/False


Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is an intermediary of glycolysis that can also be utilized in biosynthetic pathways. True/False


Hydrolysis reactions are catabolic reactions that use water to split the reactant into smaller subunits. True/False


Oxygen-containing ions are used by some bacteria in their electron transport system. True/False


Recently discovered bacteria that inhabit the ocean floor undergo photosynthesis using light from chemical reactions, the breaking of mineral crystals, or from bubble formation. True/False


Important components of coenzymes are _______. A. vitamins B. metallic ions C. active sites D. substrates E. ribozymes


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