Chapter 8: Climate and Climate Change

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Wladimir Köppen

Presently, the most widely used classification system was derived by who?


A Cfa climate exists on the southeastern coast of the United States. Which climate type exists on the southwestern coast of the United States?


A small island on the Equator would most likely be classified ________.

ice cores

Oxygen isotope analysis is used when studying ________ and climate change


Deserts are arid; steppes are ________.


For many centuries before the present one, scholars believed that the world had how many climatic zones.

Vegetation types

In most classification schemes, which principal indicator is used to delineate five zones and their subtypes?


In the BS climatic type, the "S" stands for ________.


Of the main Köppen climate zones, ________ is the only one that does not occur in the Southern Hemisphere


On which continent is the intertropical convergence furthest from the equator in the summer season?

global cooling

Over the ENTIRE past 70 million years there has been a global cooling or warming? (Examine chart on previous slide)

temperature and precipitation

The Köppen system of climate classification is based on ________.


The area (country) most closely associated with D climates is ________.


The climatic type for the desert areas is ________.

melting of glaciers

The current rise in global sea level can be attributed to ________.


The lowercase letter symbolizing "moist, with no dry season" in the Köppen classification system is ________.


The midlatitude steppe fits into the Köppen classification as ________.


The presence of the cold Humboldt current and the Andes Mountains help to create the coastal ________ Desert

South Africa

The site of the world's record lowest average annual precipitation is on the continent of ________.


The text makes frequent use of ________, which are charts showing average monthly temperatures and precipitation amounts.


The three climate zones of the classical Greeks were "torrid," "temperate," and "________."


The tropical monsoon climate bears a letter classification of ________.

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