Chapter 8: Motivation and Empowerment

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Lynn Jennings

"I succeed on my own personal motivation, dedication and commitment. My Mindset is, if Im not out there training... Someone else is"

Jim Rohn

"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us."

John C Maxwell

"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them"

the psychological model of empowerment

*Employees receive information about company performance*: employees have access to company financials and attend a financial literacy course to understand how to interpret them *Employees receive knowledge and skills to contribute to company goals*: companies use training programs and other development tools to give people the knowledge and skills they need to personally contribute to performance *Employees have the power to make substantive decisions*: employees have the authority to directly influence work procedures and organizational direction, such as self directed work teams *employees understand the meaning and impact of their jobs*: employees consider their jobs important and meaningful, see themselves as capable and influential, and recognize the impact of their work on customers, stakeholders, and the org's success *employees are rewarded based in company performance*

Herzberg's Two factor theory

*Hygiene factors* the first dimension: involves working conditions, pay, company policies, and interpersonal relationships -when hygiene is poor, work is dissatisfying -remove poor factors *motivators* the second dimension: involves job satisfaction and meeting higher level needs such as achievement, recognition, and opportunity for growth -challenge, responsibility, and recognition must be in place before employees will be highly motivated

Ways to reinforce

*Positive reinforcement*: the administration of a pleasant and rewarding consequence following a behavior (EX: immediate praise for an employee who does a little extra in his/her work) *Negative reinforcement (avoidance learning)*: the withdrawal of an unpleasant consequence once a behavior is improved (EX: a supervisor who nags and employee who is goofing off on the the factory floor and stops the nagging when the employee stops goofing off) *Punishment*: the imposition of an unpleasant outcomes on an employee following undesirable behavior (EX: cutting an employees bonus by 50% because of oversight failures) *Extinction*: the withdrawal of a positive reward, meaning that behavior is no longer reinforced and hence is less likely to occur in the future -the undesirable behavior is ignored (EX: Husband washed dished and cleans, so wife thanks him, *positive reinforcement*. But when Husband throws dirty clothes on floor, *behavior is ignored*)

Four categories of motives

*Quad 1 (Extrinsic Positive Approach)*: methods attempt to influence behavior by using extrinsic rewards that create pleasure -giving an employee a raise, a bonus, or a gift *Quad 2 (Intrinsic Positive Approach)*: tap into deep seated employee energy and commitment by helping people get deep personal satisfaction from their work *Quad 3 (Extrinsic Negative Approach)*: uses negative extrinsic methods -threats or punishment (EX: penalizing employees for smoking or being overweight by charging extra for health insurance) *Quad 4 (Intrinsic Negative Approach)*: methods that attempt to motivate people by tapping into their self doubts or anxieties -motivating people to work hard by emphasizing the weak economy and high unemployment *(see 8.3 in book)*

Job characteristics model

*a model of job design that considers the core job dimension of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback to enrich jobs and increase their motivational potential*

job enrichment

*a motivational approach that incorporates high level motivators into the work, including job responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning and achievement* the employee controls resources needed to perform well and makes decisions on how to do the work

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

*a theory proposes that humans are motivated by multiple needs and those needs exists in a hierarchical order* *Physiological* the most basic human needs include water, food, oxygen -reflected in the needs as adequate heat, air and base salary *Safety* need for a safe and secure physical and emotional environment and free form threats- that is for freedom from violence and for orderly society -reflects the needs for safe job, fringe benefits, and job security *Belongingness* people have a desire to be accepted by their peers, have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved -these needs influence the desire for good relationships w/ coworkers, participation in a work team, and a positive relationship w/ supervisors *Esteem* relates to the desires for a positive self image and for attention, recognition and appreciation from others -reflects a motivation for recognition , an increase in responsibility, high status, and credit for contribution to the organization *Self actualization needs* the highest needs category, represents the need for self fulfillment; developing ones full potential, increasing ones competence, and becoming a better person -needs can be met in the organization b providing people with opportunities to grow, be empowered and creative, and acquire training for challenging assignments and advancement

equity theory

*a theory that proposes that people are motivated to seek social equity in the rewards they receive for performance* -people perceive their rewards as equal to what others receive for similar contributions, they will believe they are treated fairly and will be more highly motivated -if they believe they are treated unfairly, motivation will decline

thriving workforce

*a workforce in which people are not just satisfied and productive but also engaged in creating a better future for themselves and the organization* Two components of a thriving individuals : *vitality* and *learning* A thriving employee is one who feels alive, energized, and passionate about what he/she is doing -who is learning and growing, developing new knowledge, skills, and abilities that can be applied now and in the future -individual has a sense that his/her work has purpose and meaning leaders promote thriving by applying many of the motivational techniques

intrinsic rewards

*internal satisfaction a person receives in the process of performing a particular* -internal and under control of the individual, such as to engage in a task behavior to satisfy a need for competency and self-determination


*power sharing, the delegation of power or authority to subordinates in the organization* - can enhance motivation by meeting the higher level needs of employees -, leaders provide front line workers with an understanding of how their jobs are important to the org's mission and performance, giving them a direction within which to act freely

acquired need theory

*proposes that certain types of needs (achievement, affiliation, power) are acquired during an individuals lifetime* *need for achievement* the desire to accomplish something difficult, attain a high standard of success, master complex tasks and surpass others *need for affiliation* the desire to form close personal relationships, avoid conflict and establish warm friendships *need for power* the desire to influence or control others, be responsible for others, and have authority over others


*relying on extrinsic rewards and punishments* -behavior that produces desired outcome is rewarded with a "carrot" such as pay raise or a promotion -unproductive behavior brings the "stick", such as a demotion or withholding a pay raise -tend to focus on lower needs,but higher needs can also be met

extrinsic rewards

*rewards given by another person, typically a supervisor, such as pay increases and promotions* -compel individuals to engage in a task behavior for an outside source that provides what they need, such as money to survive in modern society

job design

*structuring jobs in a way to meet higher level needs and increase motivation toward the accomplishment of goals*

expectancy theory

*suggests that motivation depends on individuals mental expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards* -associated with the work of Victor Vroom -concerned not with understanding types of needs but with the thinking process that people use to achieve reward based on the relationship among peoples effort, the possibility of high performance, and the desirability of outcomes following high performance (*see 8.7 in book)*

the making progress principle

*the idea that the single most important factor that can boost motivation, positive emotions, and perceptions during a workday is making progress toward meaningful goals* -people are more motivated when they have the opportunity to experience achievement -leaders can support making progress by setting clear goals, giving people autonomy, providing sufficient time and resources, and helping people are contributing


*when people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and org goals and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization* -it is the behavior of leaders that makes the biggest difference in whether people feel engaged at work

five demensions of jobs

1) *increase skill variety* jobs with a variety of activities require a diversity of skills and are thus more motivating 2) *structure jobs so that an employee can perform a complete task from beginning to end* the job characteristics model refers to this as *task identity*, which means the job has recognizable beginning and ending 3) *incorporate task significance into the job* people feel a increased sense of power and self efficacy when they are performing a job that is important and that influences customers and the company's success 4) *give people autonomy for choosing how and when to perform specific tasks* people are typically more motivated when they have freedom, discretion, and self determination in planning and carrying out tasks 5) *to the extent possible, design jobs to provide feedback and let employees see the outcomes of their efforts* in cases where the job itself does not provide timely feedback, leaders have to work harder at giving people specific feedback and helping them see how the job contributes to the org's success *(see 8.8 in book)*


anything that causes a certain behavior to be repeated or inhibited *continuous reinforcement*: reinforced behavior after each and every occurrence *partial reinforcement*: reinforce behavior intermittenly

reinforcement theory

looks at the relationship between behavior and its consequences by changing or modifying followers on-the-job behavior through the appropriate use of immediate rewards or punishments

empowerment applications

methods of empowering can be classified into two dimensions: 1) *extent to which employees are involved are involved in defining desired outcomes* 2) *the extent to which they participate in determining how to achieve those outcomes* *(see 8.9 in book)*

law of effect

states that positively reinforced behavior tends to be repeated and behavior that is not reinforced tends not to be repeated


the forces either internal or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action

behavior modification

the set of techniques by which reinforcement theory is used to modify behavior

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