Chapter 8: Orthopedics - Muscular System, Chapter 9: Neurology - Nervous System, Chapter 10: Urology - Urinary System, Chapter 11: Male Reproductive Medicine - Male Genitourinary System, Chapter 12: Gynecology and Obstetrics - Female Genital and Repr...

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The prefix circum- means ________.


The prefix ab- means ________.

"away from"

The combining form vas/o- means ________.

"blood vessel; vas deferens"

The combining form syncop/o- means ________.


The combining form esthes/o- means ________.

"feeling; sensation"

The combining form gynec/o- means ________.

"female; woman"

The combining form inguin/o- means ________.


The suffix in the word ejaculatory means ________.

"having the function of"

The combining form supinat/o- means ________.

"lying on the back"

The combining form micturi/o- means ________.

"making urine"

The combining form oophor/o- means ________.


The suffix -ile in penile and erectile means ________.

"pertaining to"

The suffix in the word genitourinary means ________.

"pertaining to"

The suffix -tripsy means ________.

"process of crushing"

The combining form pyel/o- means ________.

"renal pelvis"

The combining form narc/o- means ________.

"stupor; sleep"

The suffix -stomy means ________.

"surgically created opening"

The combining form orchi/o- means ________.

"testicle; testis"

The prefix ad- means ________.


The combining forms vers/o- and vert/o- mean ________.

"travel; turn"

The combining form urethr/o- means ________.


The combining form hyster/o- means ________.

"uterus; womb"

HER2 status cyt/o- -logy

cytology test that examines malignant breast cells to measure the amount of HER2 protein in the cancer cells or count the number of HER2 genes in the cancer cells cell study of


expandable reservoir for holding urine; located in the pelvic cavity and anchored (held in place) by ligaments; when full, smooth muscle in this wall contracts and expel urine


expected date of delivery


external genitalia; urethra travels the length of this (penile urethra) and ends at the urethral meatus in the glans penis; functions as both the male genital system (has an erection to facilitate sexual intercourse) and the urinary system

nonstress test (NST) bi/o- physic/o- -al

external monitoring of the fetal heart rate (FHR) through the mother's abdomen; normal test (reactive test) will show at least two increases in the fetal heart rate associated with fetal movement as felt by the woman; a nonreactive test, which is abnormal, is followed up by performing a biophysical profile (BPP) that combines a nonstress test with ultrasonography that shows fetal movement, fetal heart rate, and the amniotic fluid volume living organism; living tissue body pertaining to


extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

estradiol estr/a- di- -ol

f emale two chemical substance

The combining form pronat/o- means ________.

face down

assisted deliery

facilitation of delivery using a vacuum extractor (cup applied to the baby's head); during a vaginal delivery

anovulation an- ovul/o- -ation

failure of the ovaries to release a mature ovum during ovulation even though the menstrual cycle is normal; results in infertility; normal before puberty, during pregnancy, and after menopause not; without egg; ovum being; having; rpocess

Each muscle is wrapped in ________, a thin connective tissue that joins to the tendon.


The medical language definition of the medical word fasciotomy is the "process of cutting (the) ________."


sensory sens/o- -ory

feeling having the function of

esthes/o- esthet/o-

feeling; sensation feeling; sensation



estrogen estr/o- -gen

female that which produces estrogen is the drug form of the female hormone estradiol


female; woman

reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND) neur/o- log/o- -ic

may occur prior to CVA; TIA whose effects last days nerve study of ; word pertaining to


multiple sclerosis





intercostal muscles inter- cost/o- -al

muscle pairs between the ribs; one contracts during inspiration to spread the ribs apart; the other contracts during forced expiration, coughing, or sneezing to pull the ribs together between rib pertaining to

flaccid paralysis

muscles lost tone and atrophy as there are no nerve impulses


muscular dystrophy

myometrium my/o- metri/o- -um

muscular inner layer; contains smooth muscle fibers that are oriented in different directions; this allows the uterus to contract strongly from all sides to expel the endometrium during menstruation and during labor and the delivery of a baby muscle uterus; womb period of time; structure

external urethral sphincter

muscular ring that can be consciously controlled to release or hold back urine, located just below the prostate gland

The combining form muscul/o- has the same meaning as which combining form?


myelinated myelin/o- -ated

myelin composed of; pertaining to condition

________ is a radiologic procedure in which a radiopaque contrast dye is injected into the subarachnoid space at the level of the L3 and L4 vertebrae, which in turn outlines the spinal cavity.


The medical definition of the medical word ________ is "disease (of a) muscle."


Suturing the torn end of a muscle after an injury is the surgical procedure known as ________.


________ is characterized by brief, involuntary episodes of falling asleep during the daytime while engaged in activity.


umbilical cord umbilic/o -al

navel; umbilicus pertaining to

thalamus thalam/o- -ic

near the center of the cerebrum; its 2 lobes form the third ventricle's walls; it acts as a relay station for sensory information for the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) via cranial nerves and spinal nerves; simultaneously sends information to the midbrain, which generates a motor command if there is immediate danger; simultaneously sends information to the cerebrum, which analyzes the sensory information, compares it with memories, and uses it to plan future actions thalamus pertaining to

proximal convoluted tubule proxim/o- -al convolut/o- -ed tub/o- -ar

near the center or point of origin pertaining to coiled pertaining to tube small thing


neonatal intensive care unit (pronounced "NIK-yoo")

Because Mary was donating her left kidney to her twin sister, she was prepared for the surgery called a ________ to surgically remove her kidney.


________ is a general word for any disease process involving the kidney.


nerv/o- and neur/o-


neurotransmitter neur/o- transmitt/o- -er

nerve send across; send through person who does or produces; thing that does or produces


neurocognitive disorder

meningocele mening/o- -cele

occurs when only the spinal cord pushes through the defect; meninges through the skin meninges hernia

intraventricular hematoma intra- ventricul/o- -ar hemat/o- -oma

occurs within one of the ventricles within chamber that is filled; ventricle pertaining to blood mass; tumor

left hemisphere

of the cerebrum is active in recalling memories, in speech, writing, language, reasoning, problem solving, science and mathematics; it helps you write mail, it helps you solve math problems

sexual intercourse sex/o- -ual

of the male with the female deposits the semen in the female's vagina; known as coitus sex pertaining to

fine-needle aspiration biopsy aspir/o- -ation

of the testis is performed to investigate a low sperm count or test for cancer; thin needle is inserted int he testis and a syringe is used to aspirate tissue breathe in; suck in being; having; process

retroversion retro- vers/o- -ion

of the uterus (a backwards tipping of the uterus from its normal position of being tipped anteriorly over the bladder) can also cause dyspareunia backward; behind travel; turn action; condition

________ is decreased production of urine due to kidney failure.



on the top of the head the anterior this or "soft spot" is a soft are that bulges when the newborn cries because it is only covered by a layer of fibrous connective tissue not by bone; there is also a smaller posterior this at the back of the head; these allow the brain to grow before the brain bones fuse together

perimetrium peri- metri/o- -um

outer, serous membrane that is part of the peritoneum that liens the abdominopelvic cavity around uterus; womb period of time; structure

ectocervical ecto- cervic/o- -al

outermost; outside cervix; neck pertaining to

stone basketing

procedure in which a cystoscope is inserted into the bladder, then a small wire basket is passed through the scope to grab and remove kidney stones from the bladder

amniotomy amni/o- -tomy

procedure in which a hooked instrument is inserted into the cervical os to rupture the amniotic fluid and induce labor amnion process of cutting; process of making an incision

electromyography electr/o- my/o- -graphy electr/o- my/o- -gram

procedure in which a needle electrode is inserted into a muscle to record the electrical activity of the muscle as it contracts and relaxes; used to diagnose muscle or nerve disease; electrical activity is displayed as waveforms on a computer screen and recorded as an electromyogram electricity muscle process of recording electricity muscle picture; record

renal biopsy bi/o- -opsy

procedure in which a small piece of kidney is removed for microscopic analysis to confirm or exclude a diagnosis of cancer or kidney disease living organism; living tissue process of viewing

VIII vestibulocochlear nerve vestibul/o- cochle/o- -ar

sensory nerve; hearing and balance; receives sensory information about sounds from the cochlea (in the inner ear); from the semicircular canals to maintain body balance entrance; vestibule cochlea; spiral-shaped structure pertaining to

follicle folli/o- -cle

sac-like structure small thing

follicle folli/o- -cle

sac-like substance small thing

Inflammation or infection of the oviduct is called ________.


squamous squam/o- -ous

scale-like cell pertaining to

A chronic, progressive, degenerative autoimmune disorder in which the body makes antibodies against myelin is called multiple ________.



scrotum contains two testes or testicles; egg-shaped glands about 2 inches in length; each testis contain semiferous tubules - small, tightly coiled tubes that produce spermatozoa = sperm; mature spermatozoa are continuously released into the lumen (central opening) of the seminiferous tubules; each sperm has a head and a tail (flagellum) that propels it forward; secretes testosterone and a small amount of the female hormone estradiol

reabsorption re- absorpt/o- -ion

second step in the urine production; filtrate (water, waste products, nutritional substances) from the glomerular capsule flows into the proximal convoluted tubule (next part of the nephron); most water and nutrients move out of this tubule and back into the blood again and again; backward; unable to absorb; take in action; condition

functions of the female genital and reproductive sysem

secrete female hormones, develop female secondary sexual characteristics, produce ova (eggs), menstruate, conceive and bear children, and produce milk to nourish infants

DNA analysis

semen test in which semen samples from a crime scene or rape victim are compared to samples of known DNA in a criminal database; can also be used to prove paternity

acid phosphatase phosphat/o- -ase

semen test that detects the presence of an enzyme (acid phosphatase) found in semen; used in rape investigations to prove intercourse has occurred phosphate enzyme

Testicular cancer is known as a/an ________.


I ofactory nerve olfact/o- -ory

sensory nerve; smell; receives sensory information about smells from olfactory receptors in the nose sense of smell having the function of

interstitial cells interstiti/o- -al

space between tissues pertaining to

renal colic col/o- -ic

spasm of smooth muscle of the ureter or bladder as the kidney stone's jagged edges scrape the mucosa colon pertaining to

capillaries in the glomerulus

special pores in their walls that are not found n other capillaries in the body; blood cells are too large to pass through these pores, and so they remain in the capillary blood (as they should)


specific gravity; also abbreviated sp, gr.

Pap test terminology

specimen adequacy: satisfactory (enough cells were collected; cell quality was sufficient for diagnosis) and unsatisfactory (enough cells were not collected; cell quality was poor) normal Pap test: findings are reported as: negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy or the presence of infectious organisms (Trichomonas, herpes, HPV) is also reported abnormal Pap test: findings are reported as one of the following: ASC (atypical squamous cells), LSIL (low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion), HSIL (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion), CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia), or SCC (squamous cell carcinoma)


sperm; spermatozoon

spermatozoon spermat/o- -zoon

sperm; spermatozoon animal; living thing

seminiferous tubule semin/i- fer/o- -ous tub/o- -ule

sperm; spermatozoon bear pertaining to tube small thing

spermatic spermat/o- -ic

sperm; spermatozoon pertaining to

The ________ cord is a tube that, before birth, contains arteries, veins, nerves, and the vas deferens.


The plural form of spermatozoon is ________.



spinal cord injury

radicul/o- and rhiz/o-

spinal nerve root

A rhizotomy is performed to cut the ________.

spinal nerve roots


spontaneous abortion

premature rupture of membranes (PROM)

spontaneous rupture of the amniotic sac and loss of amniotic fluid before labor begins; the woman must deliver within 24 hours or risk developing a uterine infection

incompetent cervix

spontaneous, premature dilation of the cervix during the second trimester of pregnancy; can result in miscarriage of the fetus or spontaneous abortion of the fetus


squamous cell carcinoma

erection erect/o- -ion

stand up action; condition

erectile erect/o- -ile

stand up pertaining to

RICE treatment for minor injuries

standard advice for treating muscle sprains and soft tissue injuries to prevent further injury and swelling; Rest the injured part, Ice applied to the injured part, Compression bandage on the injured part, Elevate the injured part

The combining form ________ means "breastbone; sternum."


drug for Parkinson disease

stimulate dopamine receptors and inhibit the action of acetylcholine to allow more dopamine to reach the brain

estradiol and progesterone

stimulate the onset of menstruation and support the development of any pregnancy

drugs to induce labor

stimulate the uterus to increase the strength and frequency of smooth muscles of the uterine wall contractions

In the medical word nephrolithiasis, the combining form lith/o- means ________.


lithotomy lith/o- -tomy

stone process of cutting; process of making an incision this is the same body position that was used in the past to treat patients with kidney stones (lith/o-)

triceps brachii tri- -ceps

straightens the lower arm (extension) three heads

A bladder neck suspension surgery is performed to treat ________.

stress urinary incontinence


stress urinary incontinence


semisolid or fluid-containing cyst that grows on a tendon; appears as a rounded lump that may or may not be painful; often in the wrist, hand, or foot; may or may not be painful

auditory audit/o- -ory

sense of hearing having the function of

olfactory olfact/o- -ory

sense of smell having the function of

gustatory gustat/o- -ory

sense of taste having the function of

V trigeminal nerve tri- gemin/o- -al

sensory nerve; facial sensation; receives sensory information about touch, temperature, vibration, and pain from the skin of the face, eyes, nasal cavity, oral cavity, gums, teeth, tongue, and palate motor; chewing; carries motor commands to move the muscles for chewing three group; set pertaining to is a group of three nerve branches: the opthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular nerves


strong urge to urinate with a sense of pressure in the bladder as it contracts repeatedly; caused by obstruction (from an enlarged prostate gland), kidney stone, or inflammation (from a UTI)

obstetrics obstetr/o- -ics

studies female reproduction, pregnancy, and childbirth pregnancy and childbirth knowledge; practice knowledge and practice (of treating women during) pregnancy and childbirth

gynecology gynec/o- -logy

studies the anatomy and physiology of the female genital system female: woman study of study of the female (and) woman

cel-de-sac culd/o-

the broad ligament creates a small pouch, called this; between the uterus and the rectum cel-de-sac

before labor and delivery

the cervical os remains closed (not dilated) and the wall of the cervix remains thick (not effaced); a mucous plug in the cervical os keeps out microorganisms

cervical rippening

the cervix softens as collagen breaks down when labor begins

nephon loop becomes

the distal convoluted tubule where even more water and nutritional substances are reabsorbed back into the blood

fascia fasci/o- -al

thin layer of connective tissue that wraps each muscle and merges into the tendon fascia pertaining to

cerebrum is divided fiss/o- -ure

with a deep, anterior to posterior fissure in the top surface of the cerebrum that divides it into right and left sides or hemispheres splitting result of; system

female genital and reproductive system work in conjunction

with the endocrine system that releases several hormones that stimulate the female ovaries during ovulation and the breasts during lactation

The prefix intra- means ________.


intracranial pressure intra- crani/o- -al

within cranium; top part of the skull pertaining to

uterus held in place

within the pelvic cavity by the broad ligament and other ligaments that go from the uterus to the sides of the pelvic walls and to the bony sacrum

public health breast cancer

women born today has a 1 in 8 change of developing this sometime in her life; most common type of cancer in women but men can also develop this; October is the awareness month; women are encouraged to do monthly breast-examinations and have annual mammography to detect early this

drug for myasthenia gravis

work by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine; this allows the acetylcholine to continue stimulating remaining muscle receptors

drug for neuralgia and neuopathy

works in various ways to treat the many different causes of neuralgia and neuropathy; drugs include anticonvulsant drugs, antianxiety drugs, and antidepressant drugs

muscle names

written in Latin; relate to some of the Latin words for the bones, or they describe where the muscle is located, its shape, its size, or what action it performs; word parts provide clues to the muscle's locations, shape, size, or action


delirium tremens



The study of women is called ________.




refractometer re- fract/o- -meter

handheld instrument that performs a quick measurement of urine SG ; it uses light rays that are bent (refracted) by a thin layer of urine spread on glass again and again; backward; unable to bend; break up instrument used to measure instrument used to measure again and again (the) bend(ing of light rays in the urine)



beta-blocker drug

help relieve tremors by blocking the action of epinephrine

The medical language definition of the word ________ is "condition (of) blood (in the) urine."


neurofibromatosis neur/o- fibr/o- -omatosis neur/o- fibr/o- -oma

hereditary condition of many benign fibrous tumors (neurofibromata) that grow on the peripheral nerves; most noticeable on the skin, but can be anywhere in the body; range in size from small nodules to large tumors nerve fiber condition of masses; condition of tumors nerve fiber mass; tumor

Alzheimer disease neur/o- fibrill/o- -ary

hereditary dementia that is known to run in families with inherited mutations on chromosomes 1, 14, and 21; at autopsy, the neurons show characteristic neurofibrillary tangles that distort the cells and there are microscopic beta amyloid plaques. brain has decreased level of neurotransmitter acetylcholine nerve muscle fiber; nerve fiber pertaining to


positron emission tomography




potential of hydrogen (acid or alkaline)

dome or fundus

rounded top of the bladder

A/An ________ is the surgical procedure to remove the uterus.


concussion concuss/o- -ion

immediate loss of consciousness (LOC) due to sudden impact of the brain with the cranium; patient must be watched for signs of hemorrhage in the brain; signs include sleepiness or irritability, a vacant stare, slowness in answering questions, inability to follow commands, disorientation to time and place, slurred speech; or a lack of coordination violent impact action; condition

spinal traction

immobilization of fracture spine during healing

A vasovasostomy is a surgical procedure to ________.

reverse a vasectomy


reversible ischemic neurologic deficit

Which two combining forms mean "spinal nerve root"?

rhiz/o- and radicul/o-

labia majora

thicker outermost lips


white blood cell

blood in the umbilical cord

rich in stem cells and can be used for stem cell transplantation if needed


right lower extremity


right upper extremity

Shaken baby syndrome can cause ________.

brain hemorrhage, concussion, mental retardation


brainstem auditory evoked potential


brainstem auditory evoked response

Gynecomastia is an enlargment of the male ________.


mamm/a- and mast/o-


mammary mamm/o- -ary

breast pertaining to


breast cancer (gene)


breast self-examination

fundus fund/o- -al

rounded top of the uterus fundus; part farthest from the opening pertaining to


rupture of membranes

adrenal gland

sits like a cap on top of each kidney; not part of the urinary system; part of the endocrine system

The condition of ________ occurs when uterine tissue implants on organs in the pelvic cavity such as the ovaries or the outer wall of the uterus.


erectile dysfunction (ED) erect/o- -ile dys-

= impotence; inability to achieve or sustain an erection of the penis; can be caused by cardiovascular (hypertension, arteriosclerosis that blocks the blood flow into the penis) or neurologic disease (spinal cord injury) that impairs sensory stimuli and nerve transmission, diabetes mellitus, low testosterone, smoking, drug side effects, or psychological factors stand up pertaining to abnormal; difficult; painful

white blood cells (WBCs) leuk/o- -cyte

= leukocytes; presences of these indicates a UTI; if the specimen is milky or cloudy, the result is reported as too numerous to count (TNTC) white cell


= mammary glands; located on the chest and contain fatty (adipose) tissue and glands; develop during puberty in response to estradiol secreted by the ovaries; one of the female secondary sexual characteristics; also provide milk to nourish the newborn after birth


= mammary glands; part of the female genital and reproductive system

cervical canal

endometrium sloughed off and expelled during menstruation if ovum not fertilized passes through this


Americans with disabilities act of 1990; federal law that prohibits discrimination against disabled persons; no handicapped = physically challenged

placenta placent/o- -al

= "afterbirth" placenta pertaining to

gonorrhea gon/o- -rrhea gon/o- -coccus

= "the clap" ;caused by bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea /gonococcus (GC); individuals (male/female) may have no symptoms or experience painful urination and thick, yellow discharge; treated with oral antibiotics

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a- my/o- troph/o- -ic scler/o- -osis

= Lou Gehrig disease; chronic, progressive disease of the motor nerves that go from the spinal cord to the muscles; causes muscle wasting, spasm, and eventual paralysis of all muscles including swallowing and respiratory muscles; sensory nerves are undamaged, so sensation remains; cognitive abilities are unaffected away from; without muscle development pertaining to hard; sclera abnormal condition; process

Pap test

= Pap smear; cytology test to detect dysplasia (abnormal cells) or CIS (carcinoma in situ) of the cervix; cells are scraped from the cervix and placed on sides or in vials for microscopic examination; Pap = Papanicolaou; exfoliative cytology test because it examine cells that have been scraped off the cervix; ectocervical cells from the outside wall of the cervix are scraped off; cytobrush is inserted into the cervical os to obtain endocervical cells; cervical broom can obtain both types of cells at the same time and also test for STD of HPV; cell specimen is transferred to a glass slide and sprayed with a fixative; liquid cytology the specimen is rinsed in a vial of fixative this captures all the cells, prevents cell drying, and gives a more accurate result; the sides or vials are sent to the laboratory where the cells are examined under a microscope for abnormalities

vaginal birth after cesarean

= VBAC; a woman can still have a natural birth after a cesarean

antiepileptic drug anti- epilept/o- -ic ant- convuls/o- -ant

= anticonvulsant drug; prevent seizures associated with epilepsy against seizure pertaining to against seizure pertaining to

brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP)

= brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER); patient wears headphones and listens to a series of clicks in one ear and then the other; test evaluates nerve paths from the ear to the brain (cerebrum)

Doppler ultrasonography ultra- son/o- -graphy

= carotid duplex scan; ultrasound procedure that uses high frequency sound waves that produce a two dimensional image of stenosis, plaque, or turbulence in carotid arteries beyond; highter sound process of recording

gray matter cortic/o- -al

= cerebral cortex; outermost tissue layer of tissue and follows the curves of the gyri and sulci; composed of the cell bodies of neurons cortex; outer region pertaining to

menopause men/o- -pause

= climacteric or "change of life"; normal cessation of menstrual periods in middle age; ovulation stops and the menstrual period ceases month cessation

genital warts

= condylomata acuminata; caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); affected individuals (male/female) experience itchy, flesh-colored, irregular lesions that are raised and cauliflower-like; women may also have vaginal discharge; treatment is with topical chemicals or procedures to remove the warts

cryptorchidism crypt/o- orchid/o- -ism

= cryptorchism; failure of one or both testes to move through the inguinal canal into the scrotum; results in low sperm count and infertility (too hot in the body for sperm to form properly) hidden testis disease from a specific cause; process

repetitive strain injury (RSI)

= cumulative trauma disorder (CTD); injury to muscles, tendons, and/or nerves resulting from repetitive movements over an extended period of time; includes tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other disorders

abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) dys-

= dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB); sporadic menstrual bleeding without a true menstrual period; related to anovulation and a lack of progesterone from the corpus luteum; endometrium sloughs off from time to time but never reaches a full thickness because there is no ovulation and no corpus luteum to secrete progesterone abnormal; difficult; painful

evoked potential testing potent/o- -ial

= evoked response testing; procedure in which EEG and various stimulus used to record changes in brain waves; used to evaluate the potential ability of a particular nervous pathway to conduct nerve impulses; stimulus is presented to evoke (stimulate) a response; used to detect subtle abnormalities in patients with MS, head trauma, or spinal cord injury; can voluntarily alter the results of these tests capable of doing pertaining to

intravenous pyelography (IVP) intra- ven/o- -ous pyel/o- -graphy excret/o- -ory ur/o- -graphy pyel/o- -gram ur/o- -gram

= excretory urography; radiologic procedure that uses x-rays and contrast dye to visualize the urinary system; dye is injected intravenously, then flows through the blood into the kidneys (via renal artery); from the kidneys, the dye outlines the structures of the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra; shows any blockage, kidney stone, or abnormal anatomy within vein pertaining to renal pelvis process of recording removing from the body having the function of urinary system; urine process of recording renal pelvis picture; record urinary system; urine picture; record

conception concept/o- -ion

= fertilization; 100-500 million spermatozoa deposited into the vagina during intercourse reach the ovum in 24 to 48 hours after intercourse; substances secreted by the ovum attract the spermatozoa; enzymes on the spermatozoa begin to dissolve the outer layer of ovum cells: many spermatozoa attach to the ovum, only one spermatozoa penetrates it; occurs when a spermatozoon penetrates the ovum and forms a zygote- after this the surface of the ovum changes and actually repels the other spermatozoa conceive; form action; condition

simple partial seizure foc/o- -al

= focal motor seizure; the patient has no impaired consciousness but cannot stop involuntary motor activity; may involve jerking the hand or turning the head; lasts 1-2 minutes point of activity pertaining to

urogenital system

= genitourinary system; because the male genitalia and the urinary system share some of the same structures and functions

medial epicondylitis medi/o- -al epi- condyl/o- -itis

= golfer's elbow or pitcher's elbow; involves the muscles of the forearm where their tendons originate on the medial epicondyle of the humerus; overuse injury caused by repeated flexing of the wrist while the fingers tightly grasp an object middle pertaining to above; upon rounded prominence infection of; inflammation of

spontaneous abortion (SAB) abort/o- -ion

= miscarriage; loss of a pregnancy; early miscarriage is due to genetic abnormality or poor implantation of the embryo in the endometrium; late miscarriage is due to preterm labor or incompetent cervix; in an incomplete miscarriage the embryo or fetus is expelled but the placenta and other tissues remain in the uterus; during a spontaneous this the fetus can be born alive or can be a stillborn stop prematurely action; condition

atrophy a- troph/o- -ic

= muscle wasting; loss of bulk in one or more muscles; caused by lack of use by paralysis in which the muscles receive no electrical impulses from the nerves, by a lack of muscle protein in muscular dystrophy, or by severe malnutrition; muscle is atrophic away from; without development pertaining to

muscle fiber

= one long muscle cell with hundreds of nuclei along its length to speed up the chemical processes that occur as it contracts

incisional biopsy in- cis/o- -ion -al

= open biopsy; is performed to remove part of a tumor in the testis in; not; within cut action; condition pertaining to

absence seizure

= petit mal seizure; the patient is conscious with slight or no muscle activity; muscle tone is retained but the patient cannot respond to external stimuli; may be vacant staring, blinking, or facial tics; lasts 5-15 seconds

rigor mortis

= postmortem rigidity; normal condition of the muscles that occurs several hours after death; each muscle fiber dies its stored calcium is released and this causes the muscle fibers and then each muscle of the body to contract; muscle fiber is no longer able to pump calcium ions back into the storage site and so the muscles remain contracted for about 72 hours until the muscle fibers begin to decompose


= premature; newborn between 28 to 37 weeks' gestation is called; premature refers to the development of the baby's internal organs

renal angiography angi/o- -graphy arteri/o- -graphy angi/o- -gram arteri/o- -gram

= renal arteriography; radiologic procedure that uses x-rays and radiopaque contrast dye to produce images of the outline of the renal artery and shows any obstruction or blockage; x-ray image is known as renal angiogram or renal arteriogram blood vessel; lymphatic vessel process of recording artery process of recording blood vessel; lymphatic vessel picture; record artery picture; record

epilepsy epilept/o- -ic

= seizures or convulsions; recurring condition in which groups of neurons in the brain spontaneously send out abnormal, uncontrolled electrical impulses; can be triggered by flashing lights, stress, lack of sleep, or alcohol, drugs, or unknown; type and extent depend on the number and location of affected neurons; prior to onset the patient may experience a sensory "warning" called an aura; patient is said to be epileptic; patient displays a specific EEG pattern during this seizure pertaining to

testicular cancer semin/o- -oma

= seminoma; cancerous tumor of one or both testes; most common type of cancer in men ages 15-35; arises from immature spermatocytes that are abnormal; symptoms include a painless lump in a testis sperm; spermatozoon mass; tumor

sexually transmitted disease (STD)

= sexually transmitted infection (STI); infectious diseases that are contracted during intercourse with an affect/infected person; can be passed to a fetus in the uterus or in the birth canal causing serious illness, blindness, and even death; treatment varies by cause and may include antibiotic or antiviral drugs; pts and all sexual partners need to be tested

polysomnography poly- somn/o- -graphy

= sleep study; EEG and eye movement, muscle activity, heartbeat, and respiration measurements taken while a patient sleeps; diagnoses insomnia and sleep apena, sleep disruption, or narcolepsy many; much sleep process of recording process of recording many (of the body's activities during) sleep

somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) somat/o- sens/o- -ory

= somatosensory evoked response (SSER); small electrical impulse is administered to the arm or leg; test evaluates nerve paths from the extremities to the brain (cerebrum) body feeling having the function of

lumbar puncture lumb/o- -ar punct/o- -ure man/o- -meter

= spinal tap; procedure to obtain CSF for laboratory testing or test pressure using calibrated manometer (thin tube) to measure intracranial pressure; needle is inserted into the lumbar vertebrae (subarachnoid space between L3-4 or L4-5 vertebrae); patient lays on the side and flexes the upper leg toward the chest to widen intervertebral space lower back pertaining to hole; perforation result of; system frenzy; thin instrument used to measure instrument used to measure (that is) thin (tube)

cerebrovascular accident (CVA) cerebr/o- vascul/o- -ar

= stroke or brain attack; disruption or blockage of blood flow to the brain that causes an infarct (tissue death and an area of necrosis); can be caused by blocking or disrupting the blood flow; an embolus (a blood clot that travels through the blood) can become lodged in a small artery to the brain, blocking the blood flow; high blood pressure can cause an artery, aneurysm, or arteriovenous malformation to rupture and hemorrhage and disrupt the blood flow; TIAs and RINDs are precursors to an impending this; the severity and symptoms depend on how much brain tissue dies; can cause amnesia, aphasia, dysphasia, or dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) cerebrum blood vessel pertaining to

lateral epicondylitis later/o- -al epi- condyl/o- -itis

= tennis elbow; involves muscles of the forearm where their tendons originate on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (by the elbow joint); overuse injury caused by repeated extension and pronation of the wrist side pertaining to above; upon rounded prominence infection of; inflammation of

trigeminal neuralgia tri- gemin/o- -al neur/o- alg/o- -ia

= tic douloureux; characterized by episodes of brief but severe, stabbing pain (like an electrical shock) on one or both sides of the face or jaw along the distribution of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) three group; set pertaining to nerve pain condition; state; thing

simple mastectomy

= total; removes the entire breast, overlying skin, and nipple but not the chest muscle or axillary (underarm) lymph nodes

overactive bladder

= urge incontinence; condition in which the bladder wall has too many involuntary contractions as the bladder fills with urine resulting in urgency and frequency

urinary system urin/o- -ary

= urinary tract, genitourinary (GU) system, urogenital system, excretory system; consists of the pathway that begins with the kidneys and ends with the urethra; tract is a pathway; genital system and urinary system are located near each other an in males share some of the same structures and functions; consists of 2 main structures (kidneys and bladder) and the connecting tubes of the ureters and urethra urinary system; urine pertaining to

visual evoked response (VEP)

= visual evoked response (VER); test evaluates nerve paths from the eye to the brain (cerebrum); patient watches a computer monitor that displays rapidly alternating checkerboard patterns

tonic-clonic seizure ton/o- -ic clon/- -ic

=grand mal seizure; unconsciousness with excessive motor activity; body alternates between excessive muscle tone and rigidity (tonic) and jerking muscle contractions (clonic) in the extremities with tongue biting and sometimes incontinence; lasts 1-2 minutes; after the patient experiences sleepiness and confusion= postictal state pressure; tone pertaining to identical group derived from one; rapid contracting and relaxing pertaining to

glans penis

enlarged tip at the end of the penis; in uncircumcised males this is covered by a fold of skin known as the prepuce (= foreskin)

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Autoimmune disorder in which the body produces antibodies against myelin; peripheral nerves become acutely inflamed; myelin is destroyed and nerve conduction is interrupted; muscles become weak and sensation changes (paresthesias); muscle weakness begins in the legs and then rapidly involves the entire body; caused by a triggering event; does not recur and the patient recovers some or all neurologic function over a period of days to months

Which gene is a risk factor for a type of breast cancer?


three sets of glands near the vaginal introitus

Bartholin glands, urethral glands, Skene glands (BUS) secrete mucus during sexual arousal

three types of muscles

skeletal, cardiac, and smooth; each type of these has its own unique characteristics

hemiparesis hemi- paresis

CVA can result in this; muscle weakness on one side of the body one-half Greek word that means condition of weakness


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

neuritis neur/o- -itits

infection or inflammation of a nerve nerve infection of; inflammation of


intravenous pyelogram; intravenous pyelography

grand mal seizure

French phrase that means large sickness

petit mal seizure

French phrase that means small sickness

Which describes a woman who has had three spontaneous abortions and two live births?

G5, P2, Ab3


Glasgow Coma Scale (or Score)

epididymides epi- didym/o-

Greek plural noun: change the singular ending -is to -ides above; upon testis


Greek plural noun: change the singular ending -oma to -omata


Greek plural noun; change the singular ending -on to -a


Greek singular noun; form the plural by changing the singular ending -oma to -omata

p24 antigen test

HIV test; blood test that detects the actual protein in HIV; can be positive even before there are any antibodies against HIV in the blood


HIV test; blood test that measure the number of helper T cell lymphocytes (CD4 lymphocytes), the cells that are infected by the HIV retrovirus

viral RNA load test

HIV test; blood test that measures the amount of HIV present; it is used to monitor the patient's response to antiretroviral drugs


HIV test; enzyme linked immunosorbent assay is the first screening test; can be done on blood, urine, or saliva; this test can also be positive when the patient has antibodies against some other diseases


HIV test; quick screening test that can be done in the doctor's office or clinic; it detects antibodies to HIV in the saliva

Western blot test

HIV test; used to confirm a positive ELISA test result so that a diagnosis of HIV can be made

The definition of the medical word ________ is turning a body part inward.



Latin name (no longer used) for the glans penis


Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -a to -ae


Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -a to -ae


Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -is to -es


Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -um to -a

corpora cavernosa

Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -us to -a


Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -us to -i


Latin plural noun; change the singular ending -yx to -ices


Latin singular noun; plural form fetuses does not follow the rule for Latin nouns ending in -us


Latin word meaning "womb"


Latin word meaning seed

brachioradialis brachi/o- radi/o- -alis

Location: radial bone (radialis) in the arm (brachii) arm forearm bone; radius; x-rays pertaining to


Occupational Safety and Health Administration; educates healthcare professionals about workplace-related injuries


Papanicolaou (test or smear) (short form)


Venereal Disease Research Laboratory

mammography mamm/o- -graphy mamm/o- -gram

X-ray procedure that creates an image of the breast; compresses and flattens the breast; is used to detect areas of microcalcification, infections, cysts, and tumors, many of which cannot be felt on a breast examination; x-ray image is a mammogram breast process of recording breast picture of recording

mucosal mucos/o- -al

mucous membrane pertaining to

fine needle aspiration aspir/o- -ation

a breast biopsy can be done by this; a very fine needle is inserted into the mass and a syringe is used to aspirate tissue breathe in; suck in being; having; process

A condition in which blunt injury causes some bleeding in the muscle is commonly known as ________.

a bruise

renal cell cancer cancer/o- -ous carcin/o- -oma nephr/o- blast/o- -oma

a cancerous tumor (carcinoma) that begins in the epithelial cells that line the tubules of the nephron; Wilms tumor is a form of kidney cancer seen in children that develops from leftover embryonic or fetal tissue = nephroblastoma cancer pertaining to cancer mass; tumor kidney; nephron embryonic; immature mass; tumor

interstitial cystitis interstiti/o- -al

a chronic, progressive infection in which the bladder mucosa becomes irritated and red and bleeding occurs spaces between tissues pertaining to

neural tube defect

a lack of folic acid during pregnancy can cause this in the fetus; prenatal vitamins for pregnant women and enrichment of cereals and other grain products with added folic acid have greatly decreased the incidence of this

continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD)

a machine inserts and removes dialysate fluid several times a night while the patient sleeps

postpartum depression depress/o- -ion

a mood disorder with symptoms of mild to moderate depression, anxiousness, irritability, tearfulness, and fatigue; it is caused by hormonal changes after birth and by feelings of overwhelming responsibility and fatigue press down action; condition

gait test

a neuologic examination the manner of walking is assessed for a normal arm swing and stride the patient is asked to walk across the room in a heel to toe fashion; the patient is asked to walk on the toes, on the heels, and then hop in place on each foot

balance test

a neurologic examination Romberg test: the patient stands with the feet together and the eyes closed; in a normal test, the patient does not sway excessively or lose balance; the Romberg test is also known as the station test

coordination tests

a neurologic examination rapid alternating movements: the patient taps the tip of the index finger against the thumb as rapidly as possible finger to nose test: with eyes closed the patient touches the tip of the index finger to the nose the patient touches the nose, then touches the physician's finger as it moves to various locations, then touches the nose again heel to shin test: the patient puts the heel of one foot onto the opposite leg and then runs it from the knee down the shin to the toes

primary sexual characterisitics sex/o- -ual

actual genitalia that a male infant is born with sex pertaining to

sensation tests propri/o- -ception

a neurologic examination with the patients eye closed, the skin is touched in various places with a cotton swab (to test light touch), a vibrating tuning fork (to test vibration) and the point of a pin (pinprick to test pain); one or two pins are used to see if the patient can distinguish the number of things touching the skin (two point discrimination) the patient's toe or finger is moved up and down and the patient is asked to identify the direction (to test body position and proprioception) one's own body having a receptor

term neonate ne/o- -nate

a newborn who is between 38 to 42 weeks' gestation is a new thing that is born

male genitourinary (GU) system genit/o- urin/o- -ary

a pathway of structures that consists of both the external and internal genitalia or genital organs; begins outside the body (external), continues within the body (internal) and ends outside the body (external again) genitalia urinary system; urine pertaining to

periotneal dialysis deritone/o- -al dia- -lysis

a permanent catheter is inserted through the abdominal wall; dialysate fluid is put into the abdominal cavity via the catheter and left for several hours; this pulls waste from the nearby blood vessels; then removed along with waste products from the blood peritoneum pertaining to complete; through process to break down or destroy

vacuum-assisted biopsy

a probe with a cutting device is inserted through the skin and rotated to suck in multiple specimens

radiation cystitis radi/o- -ation

a side effect caused by radiation therapy treatment for bladder cancer forearm bone; radius; x-rays being; having; process process (of being exposed to) x-rays

coma comat/o- -ose

a state of deep unconsciousness and unresponsiveness; caused by trauma in the brain, or metabolic imbalance with accumulation of waste products in the blood (hepatic) or by too little glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia); may be temporary or permanent; pt is said to be comatose unconsciousness full of

rotator cuff tear

a tear in the rotator muscles of the shoulder (help abduct arm) that surround the humerus; usually occurs from acute trauma or repetitive overuse particularly motions in which the arm is above the head


a visual, olfactory, sensory, or auditory sign (flashing lights, strange odor, tingling, or buzzing sound) that warns patient with epilepsy of an impending seizure

multigravida mult/i- -gravida mult/i- par/o- -ous

a woman who has been pregnant more than once; if she has given birth many times she is said to be multiparous many pregnancy many giving birth pertaining to

nulligravida null/i- -gravida

a woman who has never been pregnant and is not pregnant now none pregnancy

primigravida prim/i- -gravida

a woman who is pregnant for the first time; she is primiparous ("primip" for short) first pregnancy

laparoscopic lapar/o- scop/o- -ic

abdomen examine with an instrument pertaining to

abdominopelvic abdomin/o- pelv/o- -ic

abdomen hip bone; pelvis; renal pelvis pertaining to

laparoscope lapar/o- -scope

abdomen instrument used to examine

cervical dysplasia dys- plas/o- -ia

abnormal growth of squamous cells in the surface layer of the cervix; can be precancerous condition or cancerous condition if severe that can be caused by HPV infection; seen on an abnormal Pap test abnormal; difficult; painful formation; growth condition; state; thing condition (of) abnormal growth

dyskinesia dys- kines/o- -ia my/o- -clonus athet/o- -oid

abnormal motions that occur because of difficulty controlling the voluntary muscles; may include tics, muscle spasms, muscle jerking (myoclonus), slow, wandering, purposeless writhing of the hand (athetoid movements) in which some muscles of the fingers are flexed and others are extended; associated with neurologic disorders (Parkinson disease, Huntington chorea, cerebral palsy, etc); condition of abnormal movement abnormal; difficult; painful movement condition; state; thing muscle rapid contracting and relaxing without position or purpose resembling

vesicovaginal fistula vesic/o- vagin/o- -al

abnormal passageway (fistula) connecting the bladder to the vagina forms; urine flows through this passageway and continually leaks out of the body through the vagina bladder; fluid-filled sac vagina pertaining to

hydatidiform mole hydatidi/o- -form

abnormal union of an ovum and a spermatozoon that produces hundreds of small, fluid-filled sacs but no embryo; chorion produces HCG so the patient has early signs of pregnancy, however, this grows more rapidly than a normal pregnancy, and the uterus is much larger than expected for the gestational age fluid-filled sacs having the form of

priapism priap/o- -ism

abnormal, continuing erection of the penis with pain and tenderness; caused by a spinal cord injury or the side effect of a drug used to treat ED persistent erection disease from a specific cause; process

nephroptosis nephr/o- -ptosis

abnormally low position of a kidney kidney; nephron state of drooping; state of falling

bradykinesia brady- kines/o- -ia

abnormally slow muscle movements or a decrease in then umber of spontaneous movements; usually associated with Parkinson disease, a neurologic disease of the brain slow movement condition; state; thing

AB, Ab


The spontaneous loss of a pregnancy prior to 20 weeks' gestation is called a spontaneous ________ or miscarriage.


epidural epi- dur/o- -al

above; upon dura mater pertaining to

nerve cells releases neur/o- transmitt/o- -er

acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger that changes the permeability of the muscle fiber and allows sodium ions to flow into it; this releases calcium ions from a storage site within the muscle fiber; calcium causes the thin strands (actin) to slide between the thick strands (myosin), which shortens the muscle and produces a muscle contraction; muscle eventually relaxes when acetylcholine is inactivated by an enzyme and the calcium ions are pumped back into the storage site nerve send across; send through person who does or produces; thing that does or produces


acquired immunedeficiency syndrome

extensor digitorum extens/o- -or

action: extends location: digits (digitorum) straightening person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

flexor hallucis brevis flex/o- -or

action: flexes location: big toe (hallux) size: short (brevis) bending person who does or produces; thing that does or produces


activities of daily living


acute confusion, disorientation, and agitation due to toxic levels of chemical, drugs, or alcohol in the blood that affect the brain; symptoms subside as substance is metabolized and excreted from the body


acute kidney injury

prostatitis prostat/o- -itis

acute or chronic bacterial infection and inflammation of the prostate; caused by urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted disease prostate gland infection of; inflammation of

radiculopathy radicul/o- -pathy herni/o- -ated

acute or chronic condition of pressure and pain on spinal nerve roots; caused by a tumor, arthritis, or herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) (when the contents of an intervertebral disk are forced out through a weak area in the disk wall) = slipped disk; any of these conditions can result in pressure on nearby spinal nerve roots spinal nerve root disease hernia composed of; pertaining to a condition


acute renal failure

renal ren/o- -al

adjective for kidney kidney pertaining to

vesical vesic/o- -al

adjective form of "bladder" bladder; fluid-filled sac pertaining to

CVA on left side of the brain

affects the right side of the body and vice versa

postictal post- ict/o- -al

after; behind seizure pertaining to

postcoital post- coit/o- -al

after; behind sexual intercourse pertaining to


albumin (protein) in the urine is an abnormal finding (albuminuria or proteinuria) that indicates damage to the glomerulus

The combining form ________ means "sensation of pain."


basal bas/o- -al

alkaline; base of a structure pertaining to

global amnesia glob/o- -al

all memories (past and present) are lost comprehensive; shaped like a globe pertaining to

renal pelvis

all of a kidney's major calices drain into this; large funnel-shaped area that narrows to become the ureter

musculature muscul/o- -ature

all of the skeletal muscles in the body (or the muscles in a particular part of the body) are this muscle system composed of

neural tissue neur/o- -al

all of the structures of the nervous system are composed of this; made up of two categories of cells: neurons and neuroglia nerve structure; substance


alpha fetoprotein

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

alternative to mammography; scan produces a clearer image than mammography in patients who have multiple cysts in the breasts

xeromammography xer/o- mamm/o- -graphy xer/o- mamm/o- -gram

alternative to mammography; uses a photon beam and a dry chemical developer; the image is xeromammogram dry breast process of recording dry breast picture; record

chromosome studies chrom/o- -some

amniocentesis; of fetal skin cells can determine the sex of the fetus and identify genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome color body body (within the nucleus that takes on) color (when stained)

amniotic fluid amni/o- -tic

amnion pertaining to

alpha fetoprotein (AFP)

amniotic fluid test to determine if a fetus as meningocele or meningomyelocele; fluid is collected via amniocentesis during pregnancy; small amounts of AFP are normal in amniotic fluid; large amounts of indicative of neural tube defect as AFP is leaking into he amniotic fluid through a meningocele or meningomyelocele; fetal liver makes AFP


amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

hyperkinesis hyper- -kinesis

an abnormally increased amount of muscle movements; restlessness; can be a side effect of drugs above; more than normal abnormal condition of movment

amygdaloid body amygdal/o- -oid

an almond-shaped structure in the temporal lobe; it links visual images to long term memory as it interprets facial expressions and it assesses new social situations to detect danger; most active during the intense emotions of fear, anger, and rage almond shape resembling

demodialysis hem/o- dia- -lysis

an arteriovenous (AV) fistula is surgically (join an artery and vein) created to accommodates two needles, one needle removes the blood and sends it to the dialysis machine for purification through dialysate fluid and the other needle returns the blood to the blood blood complete; through process to break down or destroy

modified radical mastectomy radic/o- -al mast/o- -ectomy

an axillary node dissection is also performed and some of the axillary lymph nodes are removed and removes the entire breast, overlying skin, and nipple root and all parts pertaining to breast; mastoid process surgical removal

incisional biopsy in- cis/o- -ion -al

an incision is made in the skin overlying the mass and a large part (but not all) of the mass is removed; type of biopsy in; not; within cut action; condition pertaining to

alpha fetoprotein (AFP)

an increased level indicates a neural tube defect (myelomeningocele)

hilum hil/o- -ar

an indentation on the medial surface (side) of the kidney where the renal artery enters and the renal vein and ureter exit and all connect to the kidney indentation pertaining to

neuron neur/o- -on

an individual cell that conducts electrical impulses; it is the functional unit of the nervous system nerve structure; substance

Foley catheter

an indwelling tube held in place by a balloon in the bladder; drains continuously; urine collected in a bag

PID is ________.

an infection of the internal female reproductive organs

nonspecific urethritis

an infection or inflammation caused by bacteria, chemicals, or trauma

When trauma to the head causes a collection of blood to form in the brain, this is called ________.

an intraventricular hematoma

temporal lobe function

analyzes sensory information about hearing from receptors in the cochlea of the inner ear- occurs in the auditory cortex; the right temporal lobe analyzes left ear information and left parietal lobe analyzes right ear information; analyzes sensory information about smells from olfactory receptors in the nose- occurs in the olfactory cortex

parietal lobe functions somat/o- sens/o- -ory

analyzes sensory information about touch, temperature, vibration, and pain; this information comes from receptors in the skin, joints and muscles; the area of analysis is called the somatosensory area body feeling having the function of

occipital lobe functions

analyzes sensory information about vision from receptors in the retina of the eye; the area of analysis is the visual cortex; to produce 3D vision, both sides of the occipital lobe analyze information from parts of both eyes

zygote divides

and moves through the uterine tubes toward the uterus; within the intrauterine cavity, the zygote sinks into the thickened endometrium; after 4 days the zygote is an embryo which is a hollow ball with an inner mass of cells and an outer layer: the inner mass of embryonic cells become the amnion ("bag of waters"- membrane sac that surrounds the embryo and holds amniotic fluid) and the embryo, the outer layer becomes the chorion which produces HCG; HCG stimulates the corpus luteum to continue producing estradiol and progesterone, this maintains the endometrium and prevents menstruation for the rest of the pregnancy and supports the developing embryo; amniotic fluid comes from water in the mother's blood and later from urine excreted by the fetus; the developing embryo floats in and is cushioned by the amniotic fluid


and peristalsis move the ovum through the tube and down to the uterus; tiny hairs; bet in waves during peristalsis (coordinate, wave-like contractions of smooth muscle around the tube), propels ovum toward the uterus

Failure of the ovaries to release a mature ovum at the time of ovulation is called ________.


The medical language definition of the word ________ is "pertaining to (the) front part"?


cerebrum is also divided

anteriorly to posteriorly into 2 hemispheres; part of each lobe lies in each hemisphere

vertex presentation

any part of the head can be the presenting part, but most commonly it is the top of the head

dystocia dys- toc/o- -ia

any type of abnormal or difficult labor and delivery abnormal; difficult; painful childbirth; labor condition; state; thing


appropriate for gestational age

kidneys retro- peritone/o- -al

are the key organs of the urinary system; they are locked in the retroperitoneal space, a small area behind the peritoneum of the abdominal cavity; each kidney sits in a a cushion of fatty tissue backward; behind peritoneum pertaining to

perineum perine/o- -al

area between the posterior scrotum and the anus (which is part of the gastrointestinal system) perineum pertaining to

perineum perine/o- -al

area of skin between the vulva and the anus perineum pertaining to


area of the vaginal canal that is behind and round the cervix; = vaginal vault


areas of the back between the ribs and the hip bones

peristalsis peri- -stalsis

around process of contraction

Nuchal cord refers to an umbilical cord that is ________.

around the neck of the fetus


arteriovenous malformation


as a person ages, some nephrons die; because the body does not repair or replace nephrons, the total number of nephrons in the kidneys continues to decline with age, and kidney function also decreased; patients with renal disease and older adults are prescribed lower does of drugs to prevent toxic symptoms due to decrease excretion of drugs


as in abduct; means moving away from


as in addition; means putting parts together

reabsorption continues

as the proximal convoluted tubule becomes the nephron loop (U-shaped tubule) where more water and nutritional substances are reabsorbed back into the blood


assisted reproductive technology

Which medical word means "muscle wasting"?



atypical squamous cells

augmentation mammaplasty augment/o- -ation mamm/a- -plasty

augments (enlarges) the size of a small breast by inserting a breast prosthesis (implant) under the skin or chest muscles increase in degree or size being; having; process breast process of reshaping by surgery

myasthenia gravis my/o- asthen/o- -ia

autoimmune disorder in which the body produces antibodies against acetylcholine receptors on the muscle fibers; destruction of receptors causes abnormal, rapid muscle fatigue particularly in the muscles of the face where there is ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids; weakness worsens during the day but is relieved by rest; normal levels of acetycholine but too few receptors to produce a muscle contraction muscle lack of strength condition; state; thing

muscular system muscul/o- -ar

consists of ~700 muscles, tendons, and related structures throughout the body; system primary functions are to help maintain body position and produce movements of the bony frameworks muscle pertaining to

autonomic nervous system autonom/o- -ic

automatically controls the contractions of involuntary cardiac muscle in the heart, and smooth muscles around organs, glands and other structures; its functions are automatic - you don't need to have to think about them; ex. when you breathe or your heart beats are controlled by this system; further broken down into the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions independent; self-governing pertaining to

When a muscle tears away from a tendon or a tendon tears away from a bone it is known as a/an ________.


efferent effer/o- -ent

away from the center pertaining to

distal dist/o- -al

away from the enter or point of origin pertaining to

aspermia a- sperm/o- -ia

away from; without sperm; spermatozoon condition; state; thing

dorsal dors/o- -al

back; dorsum pertaining to

Prostatitis is a chronic or acute ________ infection of the prostate gland.


pyometritis py/o- metr/o- -itis

bacterial infection of the myometrium of the uterus that creates pus in the intrauterine cavity; type of myometritis pus measurement; uterus; womb infection of; inflammation of

bacterial vaginosis vagin/o- -osis

bacterial infection of the vagina caused by Gardnerella vaginalis; there is white or gray discharge with a fishy odor; infection is not a sexually transmitted disease vagina abnormal condition; process

urinary tract infection (UTI)

bacterial infection somewhere in the urinary tract; usually involves E. coli that have traveled from the rectum into the urethra; urethritis (ureter), bladder (cystitis), renal pelvis of kidney (pyelonephritis); women more proven due to the short length of the urethra and its location close to the anus

corpus callosum

band of nerve fibers, connects the two hemispheres and allows them to communicate with each other and coordinate their activities

striations stri/o- -ation

bands of color parallel stripes being; having; process

musculoskeletal system muscul/o- skelet/o- -al

because of the close relationship with the bones, the muscular system is sometimes also called this; without muscles bones wouldn't be able to move; without bones muscles would lack support muscle skeleton pertaining to

anteflexion ante- flex/o- -ion

before; forward bending action; condition


beginning of a muscle is the site/fixed point where a tendon attaches to a stationary or near-stationary bone; from this on a bone, the muscle often travels across a joint

adolescence adolesc/o- -ence

beginning of being an adult state

pregnancy pregn/o- -ancy

begins at the moment of conception and the woman becomes pregnant being with child state

pregnant pregn/o- -ant

being with child pertaining to

subarachnoid sub- arachn/o- -oid

below; underneath; less than spider; spiderweb resembling

thenar muscles then/o- -ar

bend the thumb (flexion) and move it toward the palm (adduction) thumb pertaining to

vastus lateralis and vastus medialis

bend the upper leg toward the abdomen (flexion); straighten the lower leg (extension)

gastrocnemius gastr/o- -cnemius

bends the food downward (plantar flexion); has its insertion on the calcaneus (heel bone); known as the Achilles tendon stomach leg shaped somewhat like a stomach filed with food, which may be how it gets its name

tibialis anterior tibi/o- -alis anter/o- -ior

bends the food toward the leg (dorsiflexion) shin bone; tibia pertaining to before; front part pertaining to

sternocleidomastoid stern/o- cleid/o- mast/o- -oid

bends the head toward the sternum (flexion) and turns the head to either side (rotation) breastbone; sternum clavicle; collarbone breast; mastoid process resembling the origin of this muscle has two heads, one on the sternum and one on the clavicle; its insertion is on the mastoid process of the temporal bone behind the ear

brachioradialis brachi/o- radi/o- -alis

bends the lower arm toward the upper arm (flexion) arm forearm bone; radius; x-rays pertaining to

biceps brachii bi- -ceps

bends the upper arm toward the shoulder (flexion) and bends the lower arm toward the upper arm (flexion) two heads

rectus abdominis

bends the upper body forward (flexion) and compresses the anterior abdominal wall

external abdominal oblique extern/o- -al abdomin/o- -al

bends the upper body forward (flexion), rotates the side of the body medially and compresses the side of the abdominal wall outside pertaining to abdomen pertaining to

internal abdominal oblique intern/o- -al abdomin/o- -al

bends the upper body forward (flexion), rotates the side of the body medially and compresses the side of the abdominal wall inside pertaining to abdomen pertaining to


bends the upper leg toward the abdomen (flexion) and rotates it laterally

rectus femoris

bends the upper leg toward the abdomen (flexion); straightens the lower leg (extension)

white matter

beneath the gray matter and draws its color from myelin sheaths; composed of the axons of neurons; most axons are covered by a fatty, white insulating layer of myelin which gives this part of the cerebrum its color

benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) hyper- plas/o- -ia

benign (noncancerous), gradual enlargement of the prostate gland; is a normal occurrence as a man ages; growth of prostate compress the urethra and results in hesitancy, dribbling, and narrowed urine stream; patients retain urine above; more than normal formation; growth condition; state; thing

rhabdomyoma rhabd/o- my/o- -oma

benign (not cancerous) tumor in a muscle rod shaped muscle mass; tumor tumor contains immature rod-shaped cells in the muscle


benign brain tumor of Schwann cells that produce myelin around the neurons of the cranial and spinal nerves

ependymoma ependym/o- -oma

benign brain tumor of ependymal cells that line the ventricles and the narrow central canal in the spinal cord cellular ling mass; tumor

meningioma meningi/o- -oma

benign brain tumor of the meninges around the brain or spinal cord meninges mass; tumor

fibrocystic breasts fibr/o- cyst/o- -ic

benign condition of numerous fibrous, fluid-filled cysts in one or both breasts; cysts are painful, tender, and may change in size with hormone changes; severe this make it difficult to detect a cancerous tumor on mammography, and so the physician may order an MRI scan instead fiber bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst pertaining to

glioma gli/o- -oma

benign or malignant brain tumor of any neuroglial cell supporting cells mass; tumor

brain tumor

benign or malignant tumor in any area of the brain; they arise in the neuroglia or meninges not neurons; malignant tumors may be secondary tumors that metastasized from elsewhere (from a primary tumor); in general tumors are names for the cell from which they originate; enlarging benign or malignant tumor causes increased intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral edema, and sometimes seizures- pressure compresses and destroys brain tissue


benign prostatic hyperplasia

neuroma neur/o- -oma

benign tumor of a nerve; Morton this specifically forms from repetitive damage to the nerve that is near the metatarsophalangeal joints between the ball of the foot and the toes nerve mass; tumor


cystoscopy (short form)

leiomyoma lei/o- my/o- -oma fibr/o- -oid

benign, fibrous tumor of the smooth muscle of the uterus (myometrium); may be small or very large; several tumors are leiomyomata = uterine fibroids; pelvic pain, excessive uterine bleeding, and painful sexual intercourse smooth muscle mass; tumor fiber resembling




bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy


biophysical profile




biparietal diameter (of the fetal head)

abnormal presentation mal-

birth position in which the head is not the presenting part; breech presentation, the presenting part is the buttocks, the buttocks and feet, or just the feet; if the fetus is in a transverse lie (the fetal vertebral column is perpendicular to the mother's vertebral column), the shoulder or arm becomes the presenting part = malpresentation of the fetus bad; inadequate

A cystocele is the herniation of the ________ into the vagina.


Cystitis is an inflammation or infection of the ________.


Cystoscopy is a procedure to visualize the ________.


cyst/o- and vesic/o-



bladder; commonly used when talking about disease of the bladder

muscle contusion contus/o- -ion

bleeding inside a muscle due to blunt trauma; = bruise bruising action; condition

diuretic drug dia- ur/o- -etic

block sodium reabsorption in the kidney tubules into the blood; as sodium is excreted in the urine, it brings water and potassium with it; which decreases blood volume and increases urine volume; treat hypertension, congestive heart failure, and nephrotic syndrome complete; through urinary system; urine pertaining to

ischemia isch/o- -emia

block; keep track condition of the blood; substance in the blood

A patient with hematuria would have ________ in the urine.


glomerular capillaries

blood flowing through these contains nutritional substances that need to be retained by the body and waste products that need to be excreted

hematuria hemat/o- ur/o- -ia

blood in the urine; may be gross/flank blood (easily seen with the naked eye) or microscoic (detected with urine testing); caused by a kidney stone; cystitis, or bladder cancer blood urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

prostate-specific antigen (PSA) anti- -gen

blood test that detects a glycoprotein present in the cells of the prostate gland; is increased in men with prostate cancer; higher the level the more advanced the cancer; levels fall after successful treatment of the cancer against that which produces

hormone testing

blood test that determines levels of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary gland and testosterone from the testes; used in diagnosing infertility problems

hormone testing

blood test that determines the levels of FSH and LH released by the anterior pituitary gland and the levels of estradiol and progesterone released by the ovaries; used to diagnose menstruation and infertility problems

prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP)

blood test that measures levels of acid phosphtase produced by the prostate gland only; increased levels indicated prostate cancer that has metastasized elsewhere in the body


blood test that measures the amount of creatinine (waste product) in the blood; elevated levels mean the kidneys aren't working properly; one variation is a 24 hour creatinine clearance test in which the patient's urine is collected for 24 hours to measure total creatinine excretion/ "cleared" by the kidneys; urine results are then compared to the level of creatinine in the blood

blood urea nitrogen (BUN)

blood test that measures the amount of urea (waste product) in the blood; elevated levels mean the kidneys aren't working properly; monitor kidney function and the progression of kidney disease

BRCA1 and BRACA2 gene/o- -tic

blood test that shows whether a patient has inherited the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation; these genetic mutations increase the risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer; BRCA stands for breast cancer gene pertaining to

pregnancy test

blood test to detect HCG secreted into the blood by a fertilized ovum; positive result is diagnostic of pregnancy (9 days after conception), but ectopic pregnancy and hydatidiform mole give a false positive; home this can detect HCG in the urine are easy to sued but are not always accurate; only a positive blood test (serum beta HCG) is diagnostic of pregnancy


blood urea nitrogen

nervous system nerv/o- -ous neur/o- -al

body system that is present in and communicates with every part of the body from the head to the tips of the fingers and toes; contains neural tissue- specialized tissue that can conduct electrical impulses nerve pertaining to nerve pertaining to


bone marrow; myelin; spinal cord

anterior pituitary gland beings to secrete two hormones during the onset of puberty

both hormones stimulate the testes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): causes the seminiferous tubules to enlarge and spermatocytes to begin dividing luteinizing hormone (LH): stimulates interstitial cells in the testes to secrete testosterone

Hyperkinesis is the opposite of ________.




The central nervous system consists of the ________.

brain and spinal cord

premenstrual syndrome (PMS) pre- menstru/o- -al

breast tenderness, fluid retention, bloating, and mild mood changes (irritability, anger, sadness) in the days before menstruation; caused by high hormone levels- estradiol and progesterone just prior to menstruation before; in front of monthly discharge of blood pertaining to

narcolepsy narc/o -lepsy

brief episodes of involuntarily falling asleep while engaged in daytime activities; believed to have a hereditary component; underlying abnormality of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep sleep; stupor seizure

umbilical cord and placenta

bring oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies from the mother to the fetus and remove carbon dioxide and waste products

The ________ glands are small, bulblike glands about the size of peas that are located on either side of the urethra just below the prostate gland.


each muscle fascicle contains fasci/o- -cle

bundles of individual muscle fibers arranged parallel to one another; around each of these are arteries, veins, nerves, and fascia fascia small thing


bundles of neurons

Nagele rule

calculation of the patient's estimated date of delivery (EDD) = estimated date of birth (EDB) = "due date"; first day of last menstrual period (LMP) + 9 months + 7 days; only an estimation due to inherent limitations of the calculation - estimated date of confinement (EDC) is an older phase that indicated when a woman was to be confined to her home around her due date

cali/o- and calic/o-


caliceal calic/o- -eal

calyx pertaining to

structures of the nervous system

can be divided into two main areas: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system

retrograde pyelography retro- -grade pyel/o- -graphy

can be done in which a cystoscopy is performed and a catheter is advanced up into the ureter and dye is injected; dye outlines the ureter, renal pelvis and calices backward; behind sate of going renal pelvis process of recording

prophylactic mastectomy pro- phylact/o- -ic

can be performed to prevent breast cancer from occurring in a woman who has a strong family history of breast cancer or has the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation before guarding; protecting pertaining to

straight catheter

can be used for voiding (unable to urinate) or for obtaining a sterile urine sample

ultrasonography of the breast or uterus

can differentiate between benign, fluid-filled cysts and solid tumors that need to be biopsied; pelvic ultrasound can be used to diagnose a normal pregnancy versus a hydatidiform mole or ectopic pregnancy; in early pregnancy, the beating heart is seen, the image can show multiple fetuses and the sex of the fetus; an ultrasound is done routinely at 16-20 weeks in a normal pregnancy to estimate the gestational age; serial ultrasounds can be done over time if there is a question of intrauterine growth retardation; length of femur of the fetus, its biparietal diameter (BPD) (distance between the two parietal bones of the cranium) and the crown to rump length are used to calculate the gestational age of the fetus; can show the position of the placenta to diagnose placenta previa; pelvic ultrasound is used during amniocentesis to locate a large areas of amniotic fluid in which to insert the needle

spontaneous vaginal tears

can have ragged tissue edges that are difficult to suture and can extend into the rectum, causing incontinence

carcinoma carcin/o- -oma

cancer mass; tumor

cancerous cancer/o- -ous

cancer pertaining to

malignant malign/o- -ant

cancer pertaining to


cancer; carcinoma (pronounced "c-a")


caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum; affected individuals (male/female) have a painless chancre (lesion) on the genitals that ulcerates, forms a crust and heals; later there is fever, rash, and various symptoms that mimic other disease; treated with oral antibiotics

wet mount

cytology test for vaginal yeasts, parasites, or bacteria; vaginal discharge is mixed with saline solution in the lab and microscopically examined; = wet prep

breast cancer aden/o- carcin/o- -oma

cancerous adenocarcinoma of the lactiferous lobules of the breast; may be swelling, enlarged lymph nodes, nipple charge, and in advanced this peau d'orange (a dimpling of the skin that looks like pores in an orange peel as the tumor pulls on structures inside the breast) and nipple retraction; lump is detected during mammography or breast self-examination; long-term hormone replacement therapy with an estrogen drug after menopause increases the risk of this; inherited mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene increase the risk of developing this; categorized as estrogen receptor positive (ER+) or negative, progesterone receptor positive (PR+) or negative, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive or negative gland cancer mass; tumor

rhadomyosarcoma rhabd/o- my/o- sarc/o- -oma

cancerous tumor in a muscle; usually found in children and young adults; sarcoma is always a cancerous tumor rod shaped muscle connective tissue mass; tumor

ovarian cancer cancer/o- -ous malign/o- -ancy

cancerous tumor of an ovary, rarely symptomatic until quite large and metastasized (spread to other areas); is a malignancy cancer pertaining to cancer state

cervical cancer carcin/o- -oma

cancerous tumor of the cervix that involves dysplasia of the cells as seen on a Pap test, ulceration, and bleeding; if the cancer is still localized in one site, it is known as carcinoma in situ (CIS); infection with HPV (genital warts- a sexually transmitted disease), predisposes to the development of this cancer mass; tumor

endometrial cancer end/o- metri/o- -al

cancerous tumor of the endometrium of the uterus; earliest symptom is abnormal bleeding; = uterine cancer innermost; within uterus; womb pertaining to

leiomyosarcoma lei/o- my/o- sarc/o- -oma

cancerous tumor of the smooth muscle of the uterus (myometrium) smooth muscle connective tissue mass; tumor


carcinoma in situ

An endarterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove plaque from the ________.

carotid artery

Compression of the median nerve in the wrist because of swelling from repetitive muscle movements leads to ________ tunnel syndrome.



carpal tunnel syndrome

Placing a tube into the bladder in order to drain the urine is called ________.


uterine artery embolization embol/o- -ization

catheterization to identity and block the arteriole that provides blood to a uterine fibroid (via femoral artery in groin-uterine artery); without a blood supply, the fibroid shrinks in size; used to treat uterine fibroids; radiopaque contrast dye is injected to identify the arteriole that supplies blood to a large fibroid; tiny particles are injected to block the arteriole embolus; occluding plug process of creating; process of inserting; process of making


catheterize or catheterization (short form)

cerebral palsy (CP) cerebr/o- -al

caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain at birth or abnormal development of the fetus's brain; causes spastic muscles, lack of coordination in walking, eating, and talking, muscle paralysis, seizures, and intellectual disability cerebrum pertaining to

shaken baby syndrome

caused by an adult vigorously shaking an infant in anger or to discipline; infant's head is large and the neck muscles are weak, severe shaking caused the head to whip back and forth; cause a brain contusion, concussion, hemorrhage intellectual disability, coma, or even death


caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis; affected men experience painful urination, burning, itching, and watery urethral discharge or no symptoms; affected women have no symptoms or slight vaginal discharge; treated with oral antibiotics; most common STD; = nongonococcal urethritis

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) immun/o- defici/o- -ency

caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); affected individuals (male/female) experience fever, night sweats, weight loss, and fatigue; there is no cure but treatment with antiretroviral drugs can slow the progress of the disease immune response inadequate; lacking condition of being; condition of having

genital herpes

caused by the herpes simplex virus 2; affected individual (male/female) experience blisters on the genitalia and/or anus; when these blisters break they become ulcers; some patients may have flu-like symptoms; topical and oral antiviral drugs shorten the duration of outbreaks but do not completely eliminate the virus from the body


caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis; affected men have few if any symptoms; affected women have itching and greenish-yellow frothy discharge with a foul odor; treated with oral antiprotozoal drugs

stress urinary incontinence (SUI)

caused by weak pelvic floor muscles from childbirth or menopause; coughing sneezing, laughing

cytoplasm cyt/o- -plasm

cell formed substance; growth

cytology cyt/o- -logy

cell study of

Schwann cells

cells that produce myelin that is around the larger axons of neurons in the cranial nerves and spinal nerves

ependymal ependym/o- -al

cellular lining pertaining to

cervical os

center of the cervix is the opening of the cervical canal; the rounded tip of the cervix projects about 1/ inch into the vagina


central nervous system

The general category of any type of head-down presentation of the fetus in the birth canal is called a ________ presentation.



cephalopelvic disproportion


cerebral palsy


cerebrospinal fluid


cerebrovascular accident

The largest part of the brain is the ________.


cerebrospinal cerebr/o- spin/o- -al

cerebrum backbone; spine pertaining to

cerebral cerebr/o- -al

cerebrum pertaining to


certified nurse midwife


cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

electrolytes electr/o- -lyte

chemical elements that have a positive or negative electrical charge and conduct electricity when dissolved in a solution; sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), bicarbonate (HCO3-) electricity dissolved substance dissolved substance (that can conduct) electricity (in a solution)




chorionic villus sampling

central nervous system (CNS)

consists of the brain and the spinal cord which are protected by the bones of the cranium and vertebrae

carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) carp/o- -al

chronic condition caused by repetitive hand and wrist motions; there is inflammation of the forearm tendons within the carpal tunnel of the wrist; swelling compresses the median nerve; bending or extending the wrist for 60 seconds aggravates the pain and is a positive diagnostic test wrist pertaining to


chronic kidney disease


chronic renal failure


chronic traumatic encephalopathy; repeated concussions can result in this; known to occur frequently in football players

Parkinson disease -ism

chronic, degenerative disease caused by imbalance in dopamine and acetylcholine levels in the brain; in time patient struggles with voluntary movements; muscle rigidity and tremors; mask-like facial expression, shuffling gait, or inability to ambulate; = parkinsonism disease from a specific cause; process

multiple sclerosis (MS) scler/o- -osis de- myelin/o- -ation

chronic, progressive, degenerative autoimmune disorder in which the body makes antibodies against myelin; there is acute inflammation and chronic myelin destruction (demyelination); interruption of nerve conduction in the brain and spinal cord; in time, demyelinated areas harden into plaques (sclerosis); characterized by remission and gradually worsening flare-ups (exacerbations); caused by a triggering even such as a viral infection; patients are typically in their 20s to early middle age; double vision, nystagmus, large muscle weakness, uncoordinated gait, spasticity, early fatigue after repeated muscle contractions, tremors, parethesisas, inability to walk, and sometimes dementia; heat, stress and fatigue temporarily worse the symptoms hard; sclera abnormal condition; process abnormal condition (of) hard(ness) reversal of; without myelin being; having process

diabetic neuropathy diabet/o- -ic neur/o- -pathy

chronic; slowly progressive condition that affects the peripheral nerves in diabetic patients; caused by a lack of blood flow (arteriosclerosis) to the nerves; severe pain and a loss of sensation and sense of position, particularly in the feet diabetes pertaining to nerve disease

nutrients / nutritional substances

circulating blood contains these things; glucose (sugar for cellular energy), albumin (protein for building tissues), vitamins, and electrolytes

female genital and reproductive system

close proximity to the urinary system; where they are considered together, they are referred to as the genitourinary (GU) system or urogenital system

orbicularis oculi orbicul/o- -aris

closes the eyelids and presses them together small circle pertaining to

orbicularis oris orbicul/o- -aris

closes the lips and presses them together small circle pertaining to

ejaculatory duct ejaculat/o- -ory

collecting duct; holds sperm from each vas deferens as well as seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles; each enters the prostate gland and joins with the prostatic urethra from the urinary gland expel suddenly having the function of

quadriceps femoris quadri- -ceps

collective name for the group of four muscles - the rectus femori, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius (that is beneath the vastus lateralis), and vastus medialis- in the anterior and lateral upper leg; origins of some of these muscles are on the femur bone; tendons of the four heads of these muscles join together and insert on the tibia four heads


collective name for the group of three muscles - the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus - in the posterior upper leg; take their name from an Old English word, ham, which means hollow at the back of the knee; strings refers to cord-like tendons of these muscles


column of tissue that begins in the center of the brain and continues inferiorly until it meets the spinal cord; contains three parts - midbrain, pons, and the medulla oblangata


combination of spermatozoa and fluids form the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands; 100-500 million spermatozoa in 2-5 mL of this; sugar and other nutrients int eh semen provide energy to keep the sperm swimming strongly as they travel through the female genital tract to fertilize an egg

The word pyelonephritis can be separated into these types of word parts ________.

combining form, combining form, and suffix

anuria an- ur/o- -ia

complete absence of urine production by kidneys because of acute or chronic renal failure not; without urinary system; urine condition; state; thing


complex regional pain syndrome

BUN and creatinine test

comprehensive picture of kidney function


computerized axial tomography


computerized tomography

fertilization fertil/o- -ization

conceive; form process of creating; process of inserting; process of making

fibromyalgia fibr/o- my/o- alg/o- -ia

condition associated with pain at specific trigger points in the muscles of the neck, hips, and back; trigger points are hyperirritable, hypersensitive areas that are tender and cause musculoskeletal pain when touched fiber muscle pain condition; state; thing

contracture contract/o- -ure

condition in which a muscle becomes progressively more flexed and eventually "sticks" in a nearly immovable position as the muscles continues to receive nerve impulses; seen in nursing home patients in wheelchairs or in bed and in patients with some muscular and neurological diseases pull together result of; system

avulsion a- vuls/o- -ion

condition in which a muscle tears away from a tendon or a tendon tears away from a bone away from; without tear action; condition

arteriovenous malformation arteri/o- ven/o- -ous mal- format/o- -ion

condition in which brain arteries connect to veins rather than capillaries; vessels form a twisted mass with weak walls that is prone to rupture and cause a stroke artery vein pertaining to bad; inadequate arrangement; structure action; condition

nephrotic syndrome nephr/o- -tic

condition in which damaged pores in the capillaries of the glomerulus allow large amounts of albumin (protein) to enter/leak into the urine decreasing the amount of protein in the blood; this changes the osmotic pressure of the blood and allows fluid to move from the blood into the tissues producing edema in extremities; fluid also goes into abdominal cavity producing ascites (a grossly enlarged, fluid-distended abdomen) kidney; nephron pertaining to

oligospermia olig/o- sperm/o- -ia

condition in which fewer than normal number of spermatozoa are produced by the testes; may be caused by hormone imbalance or undescended testes few; scanty sperm; spermatozoon condition; state; thing

neuorgenic bladder neur/o- gen/o- -ic

condition in which nerves to the bladder are not working properly; this causes urinary retention because the bladder does not contract; due to spinal cord injury spina bifida, MS, or Parkinson disease nerve arising from; produced by pertaining to

compartment syndrome

condition in which severe injury (blunt or crushing) causes bleeding in the muscle and the fascia acts as a compartment, holding in accumulated blood and placing pressure on surrounding tissues which causes muscle and nerve damage and tissue death; in arms or legs

uremia ur/o- -emia

condition in which there is excessive buildup of urea (waste product) in the blood due to renal failure; kidneys are unable to remove urea so it reaches toxic level in the blood urinary system; urine condition of the blood; substance in the blood

hydronephrosis hydr/o- nephr/o- -osis

condition in which urine distends the renal pelvis and calices or ureter; occurs when a blood clot, infection, or kidney stone blocks the flow of urine fluid; water kidney; nephron abnormal; condition

peripheral nervous system (PNS) peripher/o- -al

consists of the cranial nerves and the spinal nerves; divided into the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system outer aspects pertaining to

paresthesia para- esthes/o- -ia

condition of abnormal tingling or burning or pinpricks sensation are felt on the skin; often the results of chronic nerve damage from a pinched nerve or diabetic neuropathy abnormal; apart from; beside; two parts of a pair feeling; sensation condition; state; thing condition (of) abnormal feeling or sensation final a in the prefix para- is deleted

neural tube defect neur/o- -al

congenital abnormality of the neural tube (embryonic structure that becomes the fetal brain and spinal cord); an embryonic spinal structure; the vertebrae form incompletely (spina bifida), causing an opening in the vertebral column that is only covered by meninges and skin; meningocele or meningomyelocele; children with this condition may also have hydrocephalus; amniotic fluid taken during pregnancy shows an elevated level of alpha fetoprotein; folic acid supplement taken during pregnancy greatly reduces the risk of this; folic acid is present in prenatal vitamins and in enriched cereals and breads nerve pertaining to

phimosis phim/o- -osis

congenital condition in which the opening of the foreskin cannot be pulled back from the glans penis, trapping smegma (a white, cheesy discharge of skin cells and oil) under the foreskin, which can cause infection closed tightly abnormal condition; process

hypospadias hypo- spad/o- -ias

congenital condition in which the opening of the urethral meatus is on the bottom of the glans penis below; deficient opening; tear condition

epispadias epi- spad/o- -ias

congenital condition in which the opening of the urethral meatus is on the top of the glans penis instead of at its tip above; upon opening; tear condition

axon of one neuron does not

connect directly to the dendrites of the next neuron; space or synapse between two neurons; an electrical impulse travels along the axon; at the tip of the axon are vesicles (fluid filled sacs) that store a neurotransmitter; electrical impulse stimulates the vesicles to release a neurotransmitter, which acts as a chemical messenger that travels across the synapse and binds to a receptor, a structure on the cell membrane of the next dendrite; there the neurotransmitter's chemical message is converted into an electrical impulse that travels to the end of that neuron

cervical canal cervic/o- -al

connects to the vagina cervix; neck pertaining to


consist of two sets of lip-shaped structures that run anteriorly to posteriorly and partially cover the urethral meatus and vaginal introitus;

female genital and reproductive system genit/o- -al re- product/o- -ive

consists of both internal and external structures known as the genitalia or genital organs genitalia pertaining to again and again; backward; unable to produce pertaining to pertaining to again and again produc(ing children)

muscle muscul/o- my/o- myos/o-

consists of several fascicle, each of which is individually wrapped in fascia muscle muscle muscle

prostatic fluid

contains an antibiotic substance that kills bacteria in the woman's vagina; contains a substance that activates enzymes in the head of each sperm so that it can eventually penetrate the female's egg to fertilize it; contains acid phosphatase, and enzyme that helps release the sperm from the semen deposit in the women's vagina; prostatic urethra becomes the urethra as it leaves the prostatic gland

cerebral surface

contains elevated folds (gyri) and narrow grooves (sulci)

fluid of uterine tube uter/o- -ine

contains nutrients to nourish the ovum on its 3-day journey to the uterus uterus; womb pertaining to

penis part of the urinary system

contains the penile urethra which is a passageway for urine to reach the outside of the body; urethral meatus (end opening) is located at the tip of the glans penis

postpartum hemorrhage hem/o- -rrhage

continual bleeding after delivery from the placental separation from the uterine wall; the uterus is boggy (soft) and the myometrium does not contract to become firm as it should; caused by hyposecretion of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland in the brain blood excessive discharge; excessive flow


continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

two types of peritoneal dialysis

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD)


continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis

urine flow

continuously; minor calices --> major calices --> renal pelvis --> ureter

limbic system limb/o- -ic

controls emotion, mood, memory, motivation, and behavior, and links the conscious mind to the unconscious mind; consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdaloid bodies, fornix, and limbic lobe (curved area that includes parts of the right and left hemispheres and parts of each lobe of the cerebrum) border; edge pertaining to

drugs for amenorrhea

correct a lack of hormones that contribute to amenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding

colporrhaphy colp/o- -rrhaphy

correction of a cystocele or retrocele that is bulging into the vaginal canal by suturing a weakness in the vaginal wall vagina procedure of suturing


covers the vaginal opening; inferior end of the vaginal canal is this; an elastic membrane that partially or completely covers the opening. although it is sometimes absent; easily torn by the insertion of a tampon, a vaginal examination, or sexual intercourse

The medical language definition of the word ________ is "process of making an incision (into the) skull."


cranial crani/o- -al

cranium; top part of the skull pertaining to


creatine phosphokinase-MM


culture and sensitivity

multi-infarct dementia

cumulative effect of multiple cerebrovascular accidents

arachnoid arachn/o- -oid

cushioning middle layer around the CSF-filled subarachnoid- contains branching fibers (like a spiderweb) that connect the arachnoid to the pia mater membrane beneath it; second membrane layer spider; spiderweb resembling

dissection dissect/o- -ion

cut apart action; condition

The combining form that means "bladder" is ________.




estrogen and progesterone receptor assay recept/o- -or cyt/o- -logy

cytology test the examines malignant breast cells for estrogen and progesterone receptors on the tumor cells; presence of receptors indicates that the tumor requires estradiol and progesterone to grow and that chemotherapy drugs that block estrogen and progesterone would be effective in treating this cancer receive person who does or produces; thing that does or produces cell study of

ovulation ovul/o- -ation

day 14; LH from the anterior pituitary gland causes the enlarged follicle to rupture, releasing the mature ovum; basal (baseline) body temperature increases 0.4 degrees and remains elevated until the onset of menstruation egg; ovum being; having; process

menstrual phase

days 1-6; it is marked by the start of menstruation: blood (30 mL), endometrial tissue and mucus are sloughed off from the uterus via vagina and cervical os to the outside of the body, all that remains of the endometrium is a thin layer of glands; during this time, several ovarian follicles are enlarging and their ova are maturing in preparation for one of them to be released during ovulation on day 14

secretory phase secret/o- -ory

days 15-26; ruptured follicle fills with yellow fat and becomes the corpus luteum: the corpus luteum secretes estradiol and progesterone, progesterone causes enlargement of endometrial glands of the uterus, the endometrium thickens and small arteries grow to the innermost edge, ready to nourish a fertilized ovum, if one enters the uterus; basal body temperature continues to be elevated due to progesterone produce; secrete having the function of

ischemic phase isch/o- -emic

days 27-28; the corpus luteum turns to white scar tissue (corpus albicans) and stops producing hormones: sudden decrease in hormones causes constriction of endometrial arteries, blood flow to endometrial tissue stops, causing ischemia; the endometrium begins to slough off, restarting the menstrual cycle again block; keep back pertaining to a condition of the blood; pertaining to a substance in the blood

proliferative phase prolifer/o- -ative

days 7-13; the endometrium proliferates (thickens) during this time: FSH form the anterior pituitary gland stimulates the follicles to secrete estradiol, one follicle becomes greatly enlarged and produces a mature ovum; at the end of the phase, cervical mucus thins to allow passage of spermatozoa production of more of the same pertaining to

overactive bladder drug

decrease contractions of smooth muscle in the bladder

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) non- steroid/o- -al anti- inflammat/o- -ory

decrease mild-to-moderate inflammation and pain; used to treat minor injuries, muscle strains, tendinitis, bursitis, and muscle overuse not steroid pertaining to against redness and warmth having the function of

corticosteroid drug cortic/o- -steroid

decrease severe inflammation; give orally or injected into the muscle or fascia cortex; outer region steroid

hypokalemia hypo- kal/i- -emia

decreased amount of potassium in the blood; occurs when certain diuretic drugs cause the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of potassium in the urine below; deficient potassium condition of the blood; substance in the blood

fetal distress

decreased blood flow through the placenta or umbilical cord caused lack of oxygen to the fetus; fetal heart rate decreases and meconium passes because of the stress of decreased level of oxygen

oliguria olig/o- ur/o- -ia

decreased or scanty production of urine due to kidney failure or dehydration (temporary this) few; scanty urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

oligohydramnios olig/o- hydr/o- -amnios

decreased volume of amniotic fluid because the fetus swallows the fluid but does not excrete a similar volume in its urine because of a congenital abnormality of the fetal kidneys identified during a routine prenatal ultrasound test few; scanty fluid; water amniotic fluid


deep inferior epigastric perforator (flap)


deep tendon reflexes

endometrial ablation ablat/o- -ion

destruction of the endometrium using heat (laser, hot fluid, or electrode) or cold (cryoprobe) to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding; alternatively a cryoprobe is inserted to freeze the endometrium destroy; take away action; condition

endometriosis end/o- metri/o- -osis retro-

development of endometrial tissue in the uterine tubes and pelvic cavity (abnormal places outside the uterus); caused by upward flow (abnormal retrograde direction) of sloughed off endometrium from the uterine wall during each menstrual cycle; implanted tissue remains alive and it is sensitive to hormones during the menstrual cycle that cause it to enlarge and then slough off again; endometrial tissue that implants in the uterine tubes causes blockage, scarring, and infertility; endometrial tissue that implants on the outside of the ovary forms "chocolate cysts" that contain old, dark blood; endometrial tissue can implant on the wall of the abdominopelvic cavity and these implants can form adhesions between the internal organs; causes pelvic inflammation, pelvic pain, and pain during sexual intercourse innermost; within uterus; womb abnormal condition; process backward; behind

Adaptive or assistive devices mobil/o- -ity

device that increases mobility and independence by helping the patient perform activities of daily living (ADLs); ex grasper, spoons attached to wrist, extra long pens that can be easily grasped movement condition; state

cystometry cyst/o- -metry cyst/o- -meter cyst/o- metr/o- -gram

diagnostic procedure that evaluates the function of the nerves to the bladder; a catheter is used to inflate the bladder with liquid (or gas); an instrument called a cystometer is attached to the catheter to measure the pressure in the bladder when the patient feels the urge to urinate; cystometer makes a graphic recording known as a cystometrogram (CMG) bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst process of measuring bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst instrument used to measure bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst measurement; uterus; womb picture; record

dyspareunia dys- pareun/o- -ia post- coit/o- -al

difficult or painful intercourse or pain after intercourse (postcoital); can happen when the hymen is across the vaginal introitus, infection (of the vagina, cervix, or uterus), PID, endometriosis, or structural issues; abnormal; difficult; painful sexual intercourse condition; state; thing after; behind sexual intercourse pertaining to

dysuria dys- ur/o- -ia

difficult or painful urination; can be due to many factors - kidney stone, cystitis, etc abnormal; difficult; painful urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) re- spir/o- -atory

difficulty inflating the lungs to breathe due to a lack of the substance surfactant; occurs most often in premature infants who cannot yet make surfactant again and again; backward; unable to breathe; coil pertaining to

dyslexia dys- lex/o- -ia dys- lex/o- -ic

difficulty reading and writing words, though visual acuity and intelligence are normal ; caused by an abnormality of the occipital lobe of the cerebrum as it interprets moving visual images (as the eye moves quickly across the page); person is said to be dyslexic abnormal; difficult; painful word condition; state; thing abnormal; difficult; painful word pertaining to


digital rectal examination

dilation dilat/o- -ion

dilate; widen action; condition


dilation and curettage

galactorrhea galact/o- -rrhea

discharge of milk from the breast when a women is not pregnant or breast feeding; caused by an increased level of prolactin from an adenoma (benign tumor) in the anterior pituitary gland milk discharge; flow

renal failure

disease in which urine production decreases and may even stop; can occur due to acute or chronic disease processes

secondary sexual characteristics

during puberty, hormones from the ovary cause the development of the female this; estradiol stimulates the external genitalia causing enlargement of the genital area and the breasts; body hair grows in the underarm and genital areas; pelvis widens and fat is deposited

A woman who has given birth many times is called ________.


neurocognitive disorder (NCD) neur/o- cognit/o- -ive de- ment/o- -ia senil/o- -ity

disease of the brain which many neurons die, the cerebral cortex shrinks in size, and mental function deteriorates; formerly called dementia or senility; begins with a gradual decline in abilities with forgetfulness and difficulty making decisions, learning new things, focusing on a task; remembering names, performing daily activities, and planning; over time more neurons are destroyed and cognitive impairment becomes greater; psychiatric symptoms may develop (depression, anxiety, impulsiveness, and combativeness); eventually the patient is unable to care for themselves or recognize family members; ex: Alzheimer, Parkinson, and multiple sclerosis, TBI, multi-infarct dementia , neurodegenerative effects of alcohol abuse and drug abuse nerve thinking pertaining to reversal of; without chin; mind condition; state; thing condition (of being) without (the) mind old age condition; state

effacement efface/o- -ment

do away with; obliterate action; state

obstetrical history

documentation of past pregnancies and deliveries; uses the G/TPAL system (gravida- number of times pregnant, term - number of term births, premature- number of premature births, abortions- number of abortions-spontaneous or therapeutic, living- number of living children) system; standard of good prenatal care; nulligravida, primigravida, multigravida

prostate gland prostat/o- -ic

doughnut-shaped prostate gland is located at the base of the bladder with the urethra pass through it (= prostatic urethra- become this as the urethra goes through the center of this); produces prostatic fluid - a milky substance found in semen that makes up some of the volume of the semen prostate gland pertaining to

Mental retardation caused by a defect in chromosome 21 is known as ________ syndrome.



downward curvature of the penis during an erection; caused by a constricting, cord-like band of tissue along the underside of the penis; congenital abnormality that is often associated with hypospadias

uterine prolapse

downward movement (descent) of the uterus due to ligament stretching that supports the uterus within the abdominopelvic cavity or pelvic floor muscle weakness; associated with childbirth and age; movement of normal position; can be so this that the cervix is visible in the vaginal introitus; = uterine descensus; severe this affects urination and bowel movements

sexual maturity sex/o- -ual matur/o- -ity

during puberty (or adolescence the time period between 11 and 19 years of age), the body undergoes rapid changes to reach this; anterior pituitary gland in the brain begins to secrete two hormones to stimulate the ovaries (FSH and LH) sex pertaining to mature condition; state

insertion insert/o- -ion

ending of a muscle is the site where a tendon attaches to the bone that moves when the muscle contracts or relaxes introduce; put in action; condition

secondary sexual characteristics sex/o- -ual

during puberty; testosterone secretion triggers development of this; characteristics include enlargement of the external genitalia, development of large body muscles; deepening of the voice (as larynx grows); growth of body hair (face, chest, axillae, and genital area), development of sex drive sex pertaining to


during this the body undergoes rapid changes to reach sexual maturity and their is a growth spurt; adolescence is the time period between 11 and 19 years of age which sexual maturity occurs; process of achieving sexual maturity in a male and the ability to father a children involves several steps


dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Difficult or painful intercourse is known as ________.


Any type of difficult or abnormal labor and delivery is known as ________.


The word ________ is used to describe painful or difficult urination.


myofibrils my/o- fibr/o- -il

each fiber is composed of this that contain thin protein actin strands and thick protein myosin that give skeletal muscle its characteristic striated (striped) appearance under a microscope muscle fiber small thing

meiosis mei/o- -osis

each new spermatocytes (after mitosis) then divides producing a total of four spermatozoa - each of which contains 23 chromosomes; special type of division resulting cells are called gametes; ensures that the union of sperm (23 chromosomes) and eggs (23 chromosomes) results in a cell with 46 chromosomes decrease in number abnormal condition; process

muscle fiber neur/o- muscul/o- -ar

each of these is connected to a singled nerve cell at a neuromuscular junction nerve muscle pertaining to

kidney characteristics

each person has 2 kidneys that are reddish-brown and bean shaped; measures about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide; weighs less than half a pound; top of the kidney lies under the lower edge of the rib cage, in the right and left flank areas of the back

minor calyx calic/o-

each tip of the medullar tissue connects to a urinary-collecting duct called calyx

oncologist onc/o- log/o- -ist

each treatment for prostate cancer is administered by a radiation this who is M.D. specializing in cancerttherapy mass; tumor study of; word person who specializes in; thing that specializes in

o/o-, ov/i-, ov/o-, ovul/o-

egg; ovum

premature ejaculation ejaculat/o- -ion

ejaculation that occurs with minimal stimulation and before the penis is fully erect; this lessens the enjoyment of sexual intercourse and decreases he chance of conception; can be caused by a hormone imbalance but is more often caused by stress or a psychological reason expel suddenly action; condition

electroencephalography (EEG) electr/o- encephal/o- -graphy electr/o- encephal/o- -graph electr/o- encephal/o- -gram

electrodes places on the head (over specific lobes) and connected to a machine (electroencephalograph) to record the electrical activity of the brain (brain waves); the pattern on the right and left sides should be the same; if they aren't this may indicated tumor or injury; abnormal waves suggest encephalopathy or dementia; computerized recording of the brain waves = electroencephalogram; there are 4 types of brain waves - alpha, beta, delta, and theta; brain waves during an epileptic seizure show specific patterns that can be used to diagnose the particular type of epilepsy; can be done as part of polysomnography procedure to diagnose sleep disorders and also as part of evoked potential testing electricity brain process of recording electricity brain instrument used to record electricity brain picture; record


electroencephalogram; electroencephalography

The name of the medical procedure that records the electrical activity of the brain is an ________.



electromyogram; electromyography

Which diagnostic procedure uses a needle electrode inserted into the muscle?



elongated extension of cytoplasm at the end of the neuron; large ones are covered by a fatty, white insulating layer of mylein; small ones are not covered by myelin

After four days of development, the zygote is known as a/an ________.


The developing human is called a/an ________ from day four of development through the eighth week of gestation.


embryonic embryon/o- -ic

embryo; immature form pertaining to


end-stage renal disease

A carotid ________ is a surgical procedure done to remove plaque from the carotid artery.


The word endometrium contains the word part ________, which means "innermost; within."


A patient with gynecomastia has ________.

enlargement of the male breast

gynecomastia gynec/o- mast/o- -ia

enlargement of the male breast; may occur due to puberty, aging, surgical removal of the testes or administration of female hormone drugs to treat prostate cancer; imbalance of testosterone and estradiol female; woman breast; mastoid process condition; state; thing

dorsal nerve roots dors/o- -al

enter the posterior (dorsal) part of the spinal cord; receive sensory information (touch, pressure, vibration, temperature, pain, and body position) form a specific area of the skin = dermatome which are important in diagnosis of nerve injuries because they correlate where there is pain or loss of sensation or movement; receive sensory information from the muscles and joints; they are afferent nerve because they carry nerve impulses from the body to the spinal cord back; dorsum pertaining to

excisional biopsy ex- cis/o- -ion -al

entire mass is removed along with surrounding margin of normal tissue away from; out cut action; condition pertaining to

The plural form of epididymis is ________.



epithelial cells (in urine specimen; short form)


erectile dysfunction

erection erect/o- -ion

erectile tissues fill with blood and veins in the penis constrict to maintain this stand up action; condition


estimated date of birth


estimated date of confinement

ovary, follicle, and cells around the follicle also secrete three hormones

estradiol: stimulates secondary sex characteristic development and endometrial thickening; most abundant and most biologically active of the female hormones; secreted by the follicle and ruptured follicle (corpus luteum) after ovulation; secreted by the placenta during pregnancy progesterone: stimulates endometrial thickening during menstrual cycle; secreted by a ruptured follicle (corpus luteum) after ovulation; secreted by the placenta during pregnancy testosterone: stimulates sexual drive; male hormone secreted by cells around the follicle


estrogen receptor positive

culdoscopy culd/o- -scopy

examination of the pelvic cavity (abdominopelvic cavity) and external uterine surfaces, uterine tubes, and ovaries using an endoscope inserted through the vagina and into the cul-de-sac then into the abdominopelvic cavity to check for signs of endometriosis or adhesions; performed under local anesthesia and leaves no abdominal scars cul-de-sac process of using an instrument to examine

hydrocephalus hydr/o- -cephalus hydr/o- cephal/o- -ic

excessive CSF or blocked CSF flow in the brain that causes increased pressure; ventricles distend and brain compresses; often associated with the congenital conditions of meningocele or myelomeningocele or in adults when the CSF is not absorbed back into the blood; patient said to be hydrocephalic; "water on the brain" fluid; water head fluid; water head pertaining to

polyuria poly- ur/o- -ia

excessive urine production; common symptom of diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus many; much urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

hyperemesis gravidarum hyper- -emesis

excessive vomiting that causes weakness, dehydration, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance; type of morning sickness above; more than normal abnormal condition of vomiting


excessively heavy bleeding at a time other than menstruation; can be caused by a tubual pregnancy or uterine cancer; heavy uterine bleeding of any type can cause anemia


excessively heavy menstrual flow during menstruation or at other times of the month

rehabilitation exercises re- habilit/o- -ation

exercises included in a physical therapy rehabilitation plan to help increase muscle strength and improve coordination and balance; in active exercise the patient moves without help; in passive exercise a therapist or nurse performs range of motion (ROM) exercises for a patient who is unable to do the movements- doesn't increase muscle strength but does decrease muscle stiffness and spasticity and prevent contracture again and again; backward; unable to give ability being; having; process

ventral nerve roots ventr/o- -al

exit the anterior (ventral) part of the spinal cord; carry motor commands from the spinal cord to skeletal muscles and involuntary smooth muscles with organs, glands, and other structures; efferent nerve because they carry nerve impulses away from the spinal cord to the body abdomen; front pertaining to

Dyspareunia is ________.

painful or difficult sexual intercourse

meconium aspiration aspir/o- -ation

fetal distress causes the fetus to inhale meconium that has been passed in the amniotic fluid; can enter the mouth and nose of the fetus/newborn and if inhaled at the first breath it can block the airway and cause respiratory distress or death breathe in; suck in being; having; process

second stage of labor

fetal head is in the vaginal canal; mother pushes by holding her breath to raise intra-abdominal pressure; the fetal head becomes visible at the vaginal introitus (crowning); the fetal head is delivered followed by the shoulders and body after several more uterine contractions; the umbilical cord is cut and clamped

cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) cephal/o- pelv/o- -ic

fetal head is larger than the opening in the mother's pelvic bone and the fetus cannot be born vaginally head hip bone; pelvis, renal pelvis pertaining to


fetal heart rate

cephalic presentation cephal/o- -ic

fetus assumes a head-down position and the head is the presenting body part (part of the body that will go first through the birth canal) head pertaining to

3 columns of erectile tissue that runs the length of the penis

fills with blood during arousal causing an erection as the penis becomes firm and erect; corpus spongiosum on the underside of this; two columns are the corpora cavernosa along the upper surface of this;


first bowel movement; a thick, greenish-black tar like substance; contains mucus and bile (from the fetal digestive tract) and skin cells (that were in amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus)

sexual maturity sex/o- -ual matur/o- -ity

first step for males of this is hormone secretion sex pertaining to mature condition; state


first step in the formation of urine; begins in the glomerulus; the pressure of the blood pushes water, wastes, and nutrients through tiny pores in the capillaries and into the glomerular capsule

A ________ is a deep division that runs in an anterior-to-posterior direction through the superior surface of the cerebrum.


uterine suspension suspens/o- -ion hyster/o- -pexy

fixation of the uterus in an anatomically correct position; supporting ligaments are shortened to correct retroversion or uterine prolapse which pulls the uterus up into a normal position or surgical mesh (sling) or surgical tape are used to reposition the uterus; = hysteropexy hanging action; condition uterus; womb process of fixing in place


follicle-stimulating hormone

two ovary-stimulating hormones

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): causes follicle enlargement and ovum maturation and to secrete the female hormone estradiol luteinizing hormone (LH): causes the follicle to rupture and release the ovum each month during menstruation; also stimulates the ruptured follicle (corpus luteum) to secrete the female hormones estradiol and progesterone

prenatal period pre- nat/o- -al

for the fetus, the period of time from conception to birth is called this before; in front of birth pertaining to

postpartum post- part/o- -um

for the mother, the period of time after birth after; behind birth pertaining to

antepartum ante- part/o- -um

for the mother, the period of time from conception to labor and delivery and the birth of the baby is called this before; forward childbirth; labor period of time; structure

postnatal period post- nat/o- -al

for the newborn, the period of time after birth after; behind birth pertaining to

smooth muscle

form a continuous, thin layer around many body organs and structures (blood vessels, bronchi, intestines, etc); involuntary muscles not under conscious control; cells have single nucleus and no striations

cancer of the prostate gland aden/o- carcin/o- -oma

form of adenocarcinoma because it begins in a gland; cancerous tumor of the prostate gland; most common type of cancer in men; slow tumor growth means there are few early signs or symptoms; treatment often involves a "watch and wait" approach; cancer makes the prostate gland feel hard or nodular on digital rectal examination; Gleason score is used to describe how likely the cancer is to spread; treated with several types of special radiation therapy that target the cancerous cells and not normal cell: external beans of radiation given at multiple angles or an external beam of special proton particles, brachytherapy gland cancer mass; tumor

brachytherpay brachy-

form of radiation therapy used to treat prostate cancer; involves implantation of radioactive "seeds"/pellets in the prostate gland distance away

nephrolithiasis nephr/o- lith/o- -iasis calcul/o- gen/o- -esis

formation of kidney stones (= calculus) in the urinary system; kidney stones are composed of magnesium, calcium, or uric acid crystals; scraping of the stone against the mucosa of the ureter and bladder causes smooth muscle spasm (renal colic), severe pain, nausea, vomiting, and/or hematuria; = calculogenesis; stones vary in size from microscopic (sand or gravel) to large and can be numerous or large enough to fill the renal pelvis or block the ureter kidney; nephron stone abnormal condition; process stone arising from; produced by abnormal condition; process

subdural hematoma sub- dur/o- -al hemat/o- -oma

forms under the dura mater below; underneath; less than dura mater pertaining to blood mass; tumor

motility motil/o- -ity

forward movement movement condition; state

tetraplegia tetr/a- pleg/o- -ia

four paralysis pertaining to

ventricles ventricul/o- -ar

four connected cavities; one lateral this is located in each hemisphere- largest of these, one in each hemisphere, that meet in the midline just below the corpus callosum; third of this is a small central cavity that is an inferior extension of the lateral ventricles, lies between the two lobes of the thalamus; fourth of this is a long, narrow cavity that connects to the spinal cord chamber that is filled; ventricle pertaining to

fetus fet/o- -al

from 9 weeks until delivery the embryo is called this chorion becomes the placenta: a plate-shaped/pancake shaped structure about 7 inches in diameter and 2 inches thick, it eventually takes over for the corpus luteum at the end of the first trimester as the placenta begins to secrete estradiol and progesterone chorion also forms the umbilical cord: the cord connects the fetus to the placenta, it delivers oxygen and removes wastes, rubbery and flexible; has two arteries and one vein fetus pertaining to

uterine tube uter/o- -ine ov/i- -duct

function is to transport an ovum from the ovary to the uterus; about 5 inches in length and is held in place by the broad ligament; proximal end of the uterine tube is connected to the uterus, but its distal end is not directly connected to the ovary; open space (into the abdominopelvic cavity) between each ovary and its uterine tube; the ovary releases an ovum into this open space uterus; womb pertaining to egg; ovum duct; tube


functional or working tissue of the kidney; made of nephrons that are in the tissue layers of the cortex and medulla


functional unit of the nervous system; consists of three parts: dendrites, the cell body, and an axon

three uterine regions

fundus, body, cervix


gamete intrafallopian transfer

A spermatozoon (or a female ovum) that has only half the usual number of chromosomes is known as a/an ________.


neuropathy neur/o- -pathy

general category for any type of disease or injury to a nerve nerve disease

myopathy my/o- -pathy

general category that includes many different muscle diseases muscle disease

nephropathy nephr/o- -pathy

general term for any disease of the kidney kidney; nephron disease

polyneuritis poly- neur/o- -itits

generalized inflammation of many nerves in one part of the body or all the nerves in the body many; much nerve infection of; inflammation of

down syndrome dis-

genetic defect created by random error in cell division; causes three copies of chromosome 21 in the genes rather than two copies; features: short fingers, singled transverse crease on the palm of the hand; affects every cell in the body; most noticeable in intellectual abilities and facial features (protruding tongue); previously = mental retardation away from; lack of

growth abnormalities intra- uter/o- -ine

growth problems associated with maternal illness, malnutrition, or smoking can make the fetus small for gestational age (SGA); = intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR); diabetes mellitus in the mother can make the fetus large for gestational age (LGA); a fetus within the normal growth range for weight and length is said to be appropriate for gestational age (AGA) within uterus; womb pertaining to

chorionic villus sampling (CVS) chorion/o- -ic

genetic test of the chorionic villi of the placenta; performed earlier than amniocentesis when a fetal genetic defect is suspected; needle is inserted through the pregnant woman's abdomen or a catheter is inserted through the cervix to aspirate some of the chorionic villi from the placenta; can be performed at 12 weeks chorion pertaining to

genitourinary genit/o- urin/o- -ary

genitalia urinary system; urine pertaining to

primary sexual characteristics

genitalia that a person is born with




genitourinary gonococcal urethritis


genitourinary; gonococcal urethritis

The moment of fertilization of the ovum until birth is known as ________.


intramuscular (IM) injection intra- muscul/o- -ar inject/o- -ion

given in a large muscle that is not near a large artery, vein, or nerve; in adults, these sites include the deltoid, vastus lateralis, the gluteus medius muscle, and gluteus maximus; in infants only in vastus lateralis within muscle pertaining to insert; put in action; condition


giving birth


glans penis

The plural form of glomerulus is ________.


suprapubic catheter su pra- pub/o- -ic

goes through the abdominal wall into the bladder, just above the pubic bone; sometimes inserted after bladder or prostate surgery above hip bone; pubis pertaining to

gonadotropin gonad/o- trop/o- -in

gonad; ovary; testis having an affinity for; stimulating; turning substance


gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoaea)



in the past, the obstetrical history was documented as

gravida (G) (the number of pregnancies), para (P) (the number of deliveries), and abortion (Ab) (the number of abortions)


gravida / term newborns, premature newborns, abortions, living children

inguinal inguin/o- -al

groin pertaining to

neuroglia neur/o- -glia

group of cells that do not conduct electrical impulses like neurons do; perform specialized tasks that help neurons in doing their work; cancers of the nervous system arise from these, not neurons nerve group of cells that support

muscular dystrophy (MD) dys- -trophy

group of muscle diseases caused by a mutation in the gene that normally makes the muscle protein of dystrophin; without dystrophin the muscles weaken and then atrophy; begins in early childhood with weakness in the lower extremities an then the upper extremities; most common and most severe form is Duchenne muscular dystrophy; weakness of the diaphragm with an inability to breathe is the most frequent cause of death abnormal; difficult; painful process of development

puberty puber/o- -ty

growing up quality; state

cystocele cyst/o- -cele vesic/o- -cele

hernia in which the bladder bulges through a weakness in the muscular wall of the vagina or rectum causing retention of urine within the hernia; = vesicocele bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst hernia bladder; fluid-filled sac hernia

rectocele rect/o- -cele

hernia of the rectum into the vagina due to weakness in the vaginal wall; can interfere with bowel movements; caused by childbirth or age rectum hernia


herniated nucleus pulposus

cystocele cyst/o- -cele

herniation of the bladder into the vagina due to a weakness of the vaginal wall; caused by childbirth or age; can result in urinary retention bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst hernia


herpes simplex virus

toxic shock syndrome tox/o- -ic

high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypotension (shock) associated with the use of super-absorbent tampons; tampons allow normally harmless bacteria to proliferate and cause tearing that introduces toxins into the blood and cause severe symptoms throughout the body poison pertaining to


high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion


high-power field

pelvic pelv/o- -ic

hip bone; pelvis; renal pelvis pertaining to

intrauterine cavity intra- uter/o- -ine cav/o- -ity

hollow cavity within the uterus which is lined with endometrium within uterus; womb pertaining to hollow space condition; state

cavity cav/o- -ity

hollow space condition; state


holmium laser enucleation of the prostate


hormone replacement therapy


hormone secreted by the adrenal gland and released into the blood; it stimulates neurons in the sympathetic division during times of anxiety, fear, or anger to prepare the body for "fight or flight"


human chorionic gonadotropin


human epidermal growth factor receptor 2


human immunodeficiency virus


human papillomavirus

Enlargement of the kidney due to constant pressure from backed-up urine is called ________.


preeclampsia pre- eclamps/o- -ia

hypertensive disorder with increased blood pressure, edema, weight gain, and proteinuria (protein in the urine); kidneys allow protein from the blood to be lost in the urine; low levels of blood protein change the osmotic pressure of the blood and allow fluid to move into the tissues and cause edema can progress to eclampsia in which the woman has seizures and the fetus is endangered before; in front of seizure condition; state; thing

sympathetic division during stress, anxiety, fear, or anger

hypothalamus sends nerve impulses to this division which then stimulates the medulla of the adrenal gland (a gland in the endocrine body system) to secrete the hormone epinephrine into the blood to prepare the body for more intense activity as in "fight or flight"

sympathetic division during ejaculation

impulses form this of the nervous system cause muscle contractions at the base of the penis move sperm from the vas deferens to the ejaculatory duct, where they mix with seminal fluid and become active; the mixture travels to the prostatic urethra where it combines with prostatic fluid and mucus from the bulbourethral glands to form semen; muscle contractions of the smooth muscle of the vas deferens, prostate gland, and urethra caused 2-5 mL of semen to be expelled through the urethral meatus = this

age of menarche

in 1800s was 18 and now it is 12 years old; point to better heath and nutrition as the reason but feel that childhood obesity and environmental contaminants are contributing to the decrease in the age

muscles are always

in a state of mild, partial contraction due to nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord; these impulses produce muscle tone, which keeps the muscles firm and ready to act; muscle tone is the only skeletal muscle activity not under conscious control

intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) intra- cyt/o- plasm/o- -ic inject/o- -ion

in men with a very low sperm count, sperm can be taken directly from the testis or epididymis, then under a microscope, a micropipette is used to inject a single sperm into the cytoplasm of one ovum, a procedure known as this within cell plasma pertaining to insert; put in action; condition

muscles function

in pairs whose movements are antagonistic or synergistic to each other; work together to produce distinct types of movment

internal genitalia intern/o- -al

in the abdominopelvic cavity include the ovaries, uterine tube, uterus, and vagina inside pertaining to

waste products

in the blood include urea (from protein metabolism), creatinine (from muscle contractions), uric acid (from the construction of cellular DNA and RNA), drugs and products of drug metabolism; continually excreted in the urine or they will quickly reach a toxic level in the body

lactiferous lobules lact/i- fer/o- -ous lob/o- -ule

in the breasts produce milk to nourish the newborn; flows through lactiferous ducts to the nipple milk bear pertaining to lobe of an organ small thing

oocytes o/o- -cyte

in the female fetus, before birth, the fetal ovary already has follicles that contain about 2 million of these; = immature ova; all ova female will have; puberty = about 25% of these remain and only about 400 ova are releases during all the ovulations throughout her lifetime egg; ovum cell

internal genitalia genit/o- -al

in the pelvic cavity, and they include the rest of the vas deferens, the seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, prostate gland, prostatic urethra, and bulbourethral glands and ducts; pathway ends outside the body where the rest of the external genitalia consts of the penis and penile urethra genitalia pertaining to

smooth muscles of ureters

in the walls of the ureters contract and relax to move urine toward the bladder via peristalsis


in vitro fertilization

infertility in- fertil/o- -ity

inability of a male to impregnate a female after 1 year of regular sexual intercourse; potential cuases include hormone imbalance (FSH, LH), undescended testes, testicular damage or infection (mumps), low sperm count (oligospermia), abnormal sperm, and varicocele in; not; within conceive; form condition; state

urinary retention retent/o- ion post- void

inability to empty bladder; may occur due to obstruction (enlargement of the prostate gland or a kidney stone), nerve damage (neurogenic bladder), or side effects of certain drugs; even when the bladder does contract, a large amount of urine (called the postvoid residual) still remains in the bladder hold back; keep action; condition after; behind urinate


inability to initiate a normal stream of urine, with drippling and a decease in the width of the urinary stream (caliber); can be caused by blockage of the urethra by a kidney stone, a urinary tract infection, or an enlarged prostate gland; residual urine may remain in the bladder; volume of urine passed is less

uterine wall consists of three layers

perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium

incontinence in- contin/o- -ence

inability to voluntary keep urine in the bladder; may be cause by spinal injury, surgery on the prostate gland, unconsciousness, mental condition such as dementia, etc; normal in young children because nerve connections to the external urethral sphincter have not yet developed (<2 years old) in; not; within hold together state state (of) not (being able to) hold together (urine in the bladder)

episiotomy episi/o- -tomy

incision in the posterior edge of the vagina and into the skin of the perineum; done to prevent spontaneous tearing of the skin and muscle during delivery of the fetal head vulva process of cutting; process of making an incision

drugs for fibromyalgia

include medications to relieve pain (oral analgesic drug), relax muscles (oral muscle relaxant drug), and affect calcium channels in skeletal muscles; relieve trigger point pain (injection of a local anesthetic drug)

external genitalia extern/o- -al

include the area of the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vaginal introitus outside pertaining to

external genitalia genit/o- -al

include the scrotum, testes, epididymides and part of the vas deferens; then the pathway transitions to inside the body genitalia pertaining to

vulva vulv/o- -ar

includes all the parts of the external genital area of the female, including the mons pubis vulva pertaining to

premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) dys- phor/o- -ic

includes symptoms of PMS plus feelings of depression, anxiety, tearfulness, mood shifts, difficulty concentrating, sleeping and eating disturbances, and breast, joint, and muscle pain; is it a psychiatric mood disorder caused by an alternation in the levels of neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain abnormal; difficult; painful bear; carry; range pertaining to

ataxia a- tax/o- -ia a- tax/o- -ic

incoordination of the muscles during movement, especially when walking/gait; caused by a disease of the brain or spinal cord, cerebral palsy, or an adverse reaction to a drug; patient is ataxic away from; without coordination condition; state; thing away from; without coordination pertaining to

placenta previa

incorrect position of the placenta in which its edge partially or completely covers the cervical canal; cervical dilation disrupts the connection between the placenta and uterus which causes moderate to severe bleeding in the mother and disrupts the flow of blood from the placenta to the fetus

erectile dysfunction drug

increase blood flow into the penis to create an erection; promotes the release of nitric oxide gas in the penis and inhibits an enzyme; both actions increase blood flow into the penis to create an erection

muscle hypertrophy hyper- -trophy

increase the size of a muscle; can be done via weight training or performance enhancement, illicit drugs (anabolic steroids) above; more than normal process of development

nocturia noct/o- ur/o- -ia

increased frequency and urgency of urination during the night; can be due to cystitis, an enlarged prostate gland, or decreased capacity of the bladder in older adults; expressed as the number of times the patient urinates each night (e.g. this x3) night urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

hyperesthesia hyper- esthes/o- -ia

increased sensitivity and heightened awareness to touch and increased response to painful stimuli above; more than normal feeling; sensation condition; state; thing


increases the speed of an electrical impulse along the neuron; oligodendroglia are specialized cells that produce the myelin that is around the axons of neurons in the brain and spinal cord; Schwann cells produce the myelin that is around the axons of neurons of cranial and spinal nerves

polyhydramnios poly- hydr/o- -amnios

increases volume of amniotic fluid above the normal volume; caused by maternal diabetes, twin gestation, or fetal abnormalities many; much fluid; water amniotic fluid


infant respiratory distress syndrome

balanitis balan/o- -itis

infection and inflammation of the glans penis; often associated with phimosis or with inadequate hygien of the prepuce glans penis infection of; inflammation of

golmerulonephritis glomerul/o- nephr/o- -itis

infection and inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney; occurs as a complication of acute viral or streptococcal infection (original infection that produces antibodies); when antigen-antibody complexes clog the pores of capillaries in the glomeruli and urine production decreases glomerulus kidney; nephron infection of; inflmmation of

meningitis mening/o- -itis nuch/o- -al

infection and inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord caused by a bacterium or virus; fever, headache, nuchal rigidity (stiff neck with pain and inability to touch the chin to the chest), lethargy, vomiting, irritability, and sensitivity to light (photophobia) meninges infection of; inflammation of neck pertaining to

pyelonephritis pyel/o- nephr/o- -itis

infection and inflammation of the renal pelvis of the kidney; caused by bacterial infection that travel upward from the bladder (that ascends the ureters and goes into the kidneys) renal pelvis kidney; nephron infection of; inflammation of

cystitis cyst/o- -itis

infection or inflammation of the bladder; often due to bacterial infection in the urethra that ascends into the bladder; particularly in women because short length of urethra bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst infection of; inflammation of infection or inflammation of the bladder

epididymitis epi- didym/o- -itis

infection or inflammation of the epididymis due to urinary tract infection (from bacteria) or a sexually transmitted disease above; upon testis infection of; inflammation of

orchitis orch/o- -itis

infection or inflammation of the testes; caused by bacterial or viral infection, mumps during childhood (infection), or trauma to the testes testis infection of; inflammation of

urethritis urethr/o- -itis

infection or inflammation of the urethra urethra infection of; inflammation of

salphingitis salping/o- -itis hydr/o- -salphinx py/o- -salpinx

infection or inflammation of the uterine tube; due to endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease that narrows or blocks the lumen of the tube; can lead to an ectopic pregnancy; with hydrosalpinx inflammation fills the tube with fluid; with pyosalpinx infection fills the tube with pus uterine tube infection of; inflammation of fluid; water uterine tube pus uterine tube

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) inflammat/o- -ory

infection that spreads from the cervix to the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries; often caused by a sexually transmitted disease; there is pelvic pain, fever, and vaginal discharge ; if untreated it can create scans that block the uterine tubes and cause infertility redness and warmth having the function of

encephalitis encephal/o- -itis

inflammation and infection of the brain caused by a viral infection (most common herpes simplex virus); involves fever, headache, vomiting, irritability, and photophobia brain infection of; inflammation of

tenosynovitis ten/o- synov/o- -itis

inflammation and pain due to overuse of a tendon and inability of the synovial membrane to produce enough lubricating fluid tendon joint membrane; synovium infection of; inflammation of

epicondylitis epi- condyl/o- -itis

inflammation and pain of muscles and tendons that originate on the epicondyle, a rounded protrusion of bone on each side (lateral and medial) of the distal humerus above; upon rounded prominence infection of; inflammation of

myositis myos/o- -itis poly- myos/o- -itis dermat/o- myos/o- -itis

inflammation of a muscle with localized swelling or tenderness; caused by injury, strain, or disease; polymyositis involves widespread inflammation with weakness of muscle and fatigue; chronic, progressive disease; dermatomyositis involves skin rash and muscle weakness and inflammation muscle infection of; inflammatin of many; much muscle infection of; inflammation of skin muscle infection of; inflammation of

tendinitis tendin/o- -itis

inflammation of any tendon due to injury or overuse tendon infection of; inflammation of

bursitis burs/o- -itis

inflammation of the bursal sac due to repetitive muscle contractions or pressure on the bone underneath the bursa; can occur with any joint that has a bursa; often occurs in the shoulders and knees; prolonged periods of kneeling cause bursitis known as housemaid's knee bursa infection of; inflammation of

fasciitis fasci/o- -itis

inflammation of the fascia around a muscle; frequently affects the bottom of the foot (plantar fasciitis); caused by excessive running or exercise; aching or stabbing pain around the heel; most common cause of heel pain fascia infection of; inflammation of

mastitis mast/o- -itis

inflammation or infection of the breast; caused by milk engorgement or Staphylococcus aureus (bacterial infection) from the nursing infant's mouth or on the mother's skin; the affected breast is red and swollen and the mother has a fever breast; mastoid process infection of; inflammation of

myometritis my/o- metr/o- -itis

inflammation or infection of the uterine muscle (myometrium); associated with pelvic inflammatory disease muscle measurement; uterus; womb infection of; inflammation of

The passageway in the groin through which the testis travels as it descends from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum is called the ________ canal.


drug for Alzheimer disease

inhibit an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine

benign prostatic hyperplasia drug

inhibit the hormone dihydrotestosterone that normally causes prostate enlargement; may also relax smooth muscle in the prostate gland and urethra to allow urine to flow more freely

craniotomy crani/o- -tomy

initial incision into the cranium to expose the brain tissue prior to any type of brain surgery; the first phase cranium; top part of the skull process of cutting; process of making an incision

hyperextension-hyperflexion injury hyper- extens/o- -ion hyper- flex/o- -ion

injury that occurs when a person's head snaps backward (extension) and then forward (flexion) in response to a sudden change in speed; associated with car accidents; involves muscle strain, muscle tear, and/or muscle damage; = acceleration-deceleration injury or whiplash above; more than normal straightening action; condition above; more than normal bending action; condition

pia mater

innermost layer; a thin delicate membrane that covers the surface of the brain; it contains a network of small blood vessels

endocervical end/o- cervic/o- -al

innermost; within cervix; neck pertaining to

endoscope end/o- -scope

innermost; within instrument used to examine

endometrial end/o- metri/o- -al

innermost; within uterus; womb pertaining to

catheterization catheter/o- -ization

insertion of a flexible tube called a catheter through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine catheter process of creating; process of inserting; process of making


instrument used to examine


intake and output


intense state of feelings connected to a particular situation that imprints deeply in long-term memory; when that situation is remembered, it brings with it those same intense emotions


interior bladder is lines with mucosa (a mucous membrane) which collapse into folds called this when the bladder is empty; Latin plural noun - singular form (ruga) is not used


intracranial pressure


intracytoplasmic sperm injection




intrauterine growth retardation

enuresis enur/o- -esis

involuntary release of urine in an otherwise normal person who should have bladder control; term is not applicable to young children; nocturnal this or bedwetting is involuntary urination during sleep - "childhood bedwetting" urinate abnormal condition; process abnormal condition (that causes the patient to) urinate (involuntarily)

flexion flex/o- -ion flex/o- -or

involves bending a joint to decrease the angle between two bones or body parts; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts; opposite of extension bending action; condition bending person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

diabetic nephropathy

involves progressive damage caused by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

extension extens/o- -ion extens/o- -or

involves straightening or extending a joint to increase the angle between two bones or body parts; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts; opposite of flexion straightening action; condition straightening person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

Braxton Hicks contractions contract/o- -ion

irregular uterine contractions occur during the last trimester of pregnancy; strengthens itself in preparation for childbirth; = "false labor"; progesterone from the placenta keeps these contractions from becoming labor contractions pull together action; condition

brain death

irreversible loss of brain function as confirmed by an electroencephalogram (EEF) that is flat; indicating no brain wave activity for 30 minutes; patient is said to be "brain dead"

nongonococcal urethritis

is a symptom of the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis

gonococcal urethritis

is a symptom of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoaea

right hemisphere

is active in analyzing the environment in three dimensions, recognizing faces and patterns, interpreting the emotional content of words (but not the actual words), and understanding music and art; it helps you recognize a friend, helps you react to the words of others


is an elongated, almond-shaped structure in the temporal lobe; active in the learning process because it causes short-term memories to become permanent long-term memories

gestational age

is an estimate because date of conception may not be known


is an inverted pear-shaped organ held in pace by ligaments; about 3 inches in length; it rests in a position of anterflexion, with the superior portion tipped anteriorly and part of it rests on the urinary bladder

reconstruction mammaplasty re- construct/o- -ive mamm/a- -plasty

is done to reconstruct a breast after a mastectomy again and again; backward; unable to build pertaining to breast process of reshaping by surgery

white matter of the spinal cord

is made of axons of neurons bundled together; ascending tracts that carries sensory information from a sensory spinal nerve to the brain; descending tracts that carries motor commands from the brain to a motor spinal nerve connected to a muscle

gray matter of the spinal cord

is made of cell bodies of neurons

male urethra

is part of the urinary system and the male genital system because it transports both urine and semen; upon leaving the bladder, this travels through the prostate gland (center of it; donut shaped gland at the base of the bladder; = prostatic urethra) followed by the external urethral sphincter, penis (= penile urethra), and urethral meatus

female urethra

is part of the urinary system only; travels only 1 or 2 inches from the bladder (shorter than males) to the external surface of the body; external urethral sphincter is near the end of the urethra; urethral meatus is located anterior to the external opening of the vagina

urine urin/o- -ation mictur/o- -ition

is produced continuously by nephrons in the kidneys; process of eliminating urine from the body = urination, micturition, or voiding urinary system; urine being; having; process making urine process of making


is rich in nutrients and contains antibodies from the mother; the first few days of life, the newborn's intestinal tract is permeable, and this allows the maternal antibodies to be absorbed into the newborn's blood; maternal antibodies provide passive immunity to common disease that the mother has already had; this immunity lasts until the newborn begins to make its own antibodies at about 18 months of age

filtration filtrat/o- -ion

is the process by which wastes and nutrients are removed from the blood filtering; straining action; condition

perimenopause peri- men/o- paus/o- -al

is the time around menopause when menstrual periods first become irregular and menstrual flow is lighter around month cessation pertaining to

each menstrual cycle

lasts 28 days and has four phases; menstrual phase (days 1-6), proliferative phase (days 7-13) and followed by ovulation, secretory phase (days 15-26), and ischemic phase (days 27-28)

frontal lobe functions

it originates conscious thought and intelligence and their components of reasoning, judgment, organization, motivation, abstract thinking, personality, and creativity; predicts future events by planning and weighing the benefits or consequences of actions; coordinates and analyzes information from other lobes of the cerebrum; exerts conscious, voluntary control over the skeletal muscles; coordinates the muscles of the mouth, lips, tongue, pharynx, and larynx to produce speech- occurs in the speech center; analyzes sensory information about tastes from taste receptors in the tongue and throat- occurs in the gustatory cortex



renin ren/o- -in

kidney substance

more kidney characteristics

kidney is covered by a protective fibrous capsule


kidney, ureters, bladder


kidney; nephron

kidneys work in conjunction with the cardiovascular system to maintain homeostasis

kidneys help elevated blood pressure to normal levels via two mechanisms: they produce more concentrated (less H2O in it) urine in response to secretion of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone which increase blood volume and the blood pressure they release renin, an enzyme that raises blood pressure and stimulates angiotensin production; agiotensin then stimulates additional aldosterone production


kidneys of a fetus begin to produce urine by about the 12th week of life; is excreted and becomes part of the amniotic fluid around the fetus

The combining form ________ means "movement."


orthopedics orth/o- ped/o- -ics

knowledge and practice (of producing) straight(ness of the bones and muscles in a) child (or adult) straight child knowledge; practice

labial labi/o- -al

labium; lip pertaining to


labor and delivery

antisperm antibody test anti-

laboratory test that detects antibodies against sperm in a woman's cervical mucus; some antibodies attack the tail of the sperm and prevent swimming; others prevent penetration of the ovum by the sperm; men produce antibodies to their own spermatozoa after a vasectomy when the spermatozoa must be absorbed by the body; these antibodies remain even after reversal of the vasectomy against

failure of lactation lact/o- -ation

lack of milk production from the breasts after childbirth; caused by hyposecretion of prolactin from the anterior pituitary gland; the breasts do not produce milk or produce an insufficient amount of milk to breastfeed the baby milk being; having; process


large for gestational age

frontal lobe front/o- -al

largest and most anterior cerebral lobe; most anterior lobe of the cerebrum, located in the forehead region next to the frontal bone of the cranium front pertaining to

Newer procedures other than TURP enucle/o- -ation

laser: Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) use a laser to destroy prostatic tissue microwaves and heat: Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) uses a microwave antenna on a catheter inserted through the urethra to destroy prostatic tissue radio waves and heat: Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA) uses a resectoscope to place needles in the prostate gland to destroy prostatic tissue with radio waves and heat remove the main part being; having; process

gestation gestat/o- -ion

lasts from conception until birth; approximately 9 months (38-42 weeks), the average being 40 weeks; divided into three time periods or trimesters- each being 3 months long conception to birth action; condition


late in pregnancy the fetal head drops into the mother's pelvis; = lightening because it eases the mother's shortness of breath


lecithin/sphingomyelin (ratio)

L/S ratio

lecithin/sphingomyelin test for fetal lung maturity; lecithin is a component of surfactant that keeps the alveoli from collapsing with each exhalation; sphingomyelin is a component of surfactant, and its level is higher when the fetal lungs are immature; when the lungs are mature, the lecithin level is higher


left lower extremity


left upper extremity

labia minora

lie beneath the labia majora; Latin plural noun: change the singular ending -um to -a

photophobia phot/o- phob/o- -ia

light avoidance; fear condition; state; thing

dysphasia dys- phas/o- -ia

limited impairment that involves some difficulty speaking or understanding words abnormal; difficult; painful speech condition; state; thing

postherpetic neuralgia

lingering chronic pain from shingles

________ is a procedure that uses sound waves to break up a kidney stone.


epidural anesthesia epi- dur/o- -al an- esthes/o- -ia

local anesthesia of the abdomen, perineum, and legs during labor and delivery; anesthetic drug is injected into the epidural space which blocks pain and sensation in the abdomen, perineum and legs; is not given until the cervix is more than 4 cm dilated; otherwise it can prolong labor above; upon dura mater pertaining to not; without feeling; sensation condition; state; thing

hematoma hemat/o- -oma

localized collection of blood that forms in the brain due to cranial trauma or hemorrhage, intracranial aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation blood mass; tumor

hypothalamus hypo- thalam/o- -ic

located below the thalamus; forms the floor of the third ventricle; several functions: coordinates activities of the pons and medulla oblongata, structures that control the heart heart, blood pressure, and respiratory rate; regulates body temperature and sensations of thirst and hunger as it contains the feeding center and the satiety center; regulates and responds to emotions of pleasure, excitement, fear, anger, sexual arousal, and bodily responses to these emotions below; deficient thalamus pertaining to

ureters ureter/o- -al

located in the abdominal cavity; 12-inch tube that connects the renal pelvis of the kidney to the bladder ureter pertaining to

occipital lobe occipit/o- -al

located in the lower back of the brain next to the occipital bone of the cranium back of the head; occiput pertaining to

cerebellum cerebell/o- -ar

located inferior and posterior to the cerebrum; maintains balance using sensory information about muscle tone and body position; coordinates intricate movements using cerebral information (information from the cerebrum) about motor commands - ex typing or skiing cerebellum pertaining to

temporal lobe tempor/o- -al

located on the sides of the cerebrum beneath the temporal bone of the cranium side of the head; temple pertaining to

parietal lobe pariet/o- -al

located on the top and sides of the cerebrum, next to parietal bone of the cranium wall of a cavity pertaining to

gluteus maximus

location: gluteus (buttocks) size: large (maximus) large muscle in the buttocks

temporalis tempor/o- -alis

location: temporal bone (temporalis) of the cranium side of the head; temple pertaining to

vas deferens vas/o-

long, uncoiled duct that receives sperm from the epididymis; sperm can be stored in this for several months in an inactive state; each travel superiorly to become part of the internal genitalia in the pelvic cavity; begin in the scrotum and ends in the pelvic cavity, this is part of both the external and internal genitalia blood vessel; vas deferens

pharmacology HRT bi/o-

long-term use of the drug estrognen has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, endometrial canter, and thrombophlebitis; bioidentical hormone creams (estradiol, progesterone, testosterone) can be prescribed- these are applied topically living organism ; living tissue


loop electrosurgical excision procedure


loss of consciousness

anesthesia an- esthes/o- -ia an- esthet/o- -ic

loss of sensation of any type (touch, pressure, proprioception, or pain); can be temporary (ex. hand goes numb from pressing on nerve in your arm as you sleep) or permanent (ex. third degree burns, spinal cord injury); temporary therapeutic anesthesia to relieve pain can be produced in specific regions by injecting an anesthetic drug under the skin, near a nerve root or in to the epidural space in the spinal canal; unconsciousness is accompanied by an inability to perceive any sensation, and this is the basis for the use of drugs that induce general anesthesia prior to a surgical procedure not; without feeling; sensation condition; state; thing not; without feeling; sensation pertaining to

aphasia a- phas/o- -ia a- phas/o- -ic

loss of the ability to communicate verbally or in writing; can occur with head trauma, a stroke, or neurocognitive disorder where there is injury or deterioration of the areas of the brain that deal with language and the interpretation of sounds and symbols; patients are said to be aphasic; expressive, receptive, or global away from; without speech condition; state; thing away from; without speech pertaining to


low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion

A spinal tap is also known as a ________ puncture.



lumbar puncture

________ hormone stimulates a single follicle each month to rupture and release its mature ovum.



luteinizing hormone


magnetic resonance imaging

cardiac muscle cardi/o- -ac

makes up the heart; pumps blood through the circulatory system; involuntary muscle not under conscious control; each cell has a single nucleus and fewer and less prominent striations than a skeletal muscle cell heart pertaining to

neurofibrosarcoma neur/o- fibr/o- -oma

malignant brain tumor of Schwann cells that produce myelin around neurons of the cranial and spinal nerves nerve fiber mass; tumor

glioblastoma muliforme gli/o- blast/o- -oma

malignant brain tumor of immature astrocyte in the cerebrum supporting cells embryonic; immature mass; tumor

lymphoma lymph/o- -oma

malignant brain tumor of microglia in the cerebrum lymph; lymphatic system mass; tumor

oligodendroglioma olig/o- dendr/o- gli/o- -oma

malignant brain tumor of oligodendroglia in the cerebrum few; scanty branching structure supporting cells mass; tumor

astrocytoma astr/o- cyt/o- -oma

malignant brain tumor of the astrocyte in the cerebrum star-like structure cell mass; tumor

In the medical word polycystic, the prefix poly- means "________; much."



mature ovum; after mitosis and meiosis; same as spermatozoon

transient ischemic attack (TIA) isch/o- -emic

may occur brain to CVA and effects last 24 hours; temporary lack of oxygenated blood to the area of the brain block; keep back pertaining to a condition of the blood; pertaining to a substance in the blood

specific gravity (SG, sp gr) de- hydr/o- -ation

measurement of the concentration of urine as compared to that of water; water has a SG of 1.000; urine with a SG of 1.030 is highly concentrated and indicative of dehydration; urine dipstick is commonly used to determine SG reversal of; without fluid; water being; having; process

fundal height fund/o -al

measurement of the height of the fundus during prenatal exams; the height gives a general indication of fetal growth; fundus of the uterus moves superiorly as pregnancy progresses; the distance in centimeters from the top of the woman's symphysis pubis (anterior pubic bone) to the to of the uterine fundus is measured in centimeters to provide a general indication of fetal growth fundus; part farthest from the opening pertaining to

The first stool of the newborn is a greenish-black, thick, sticky substance known as ________.


urology ur/o- -logy

medical specialty that studies the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system urinary system; urine study of


medical specialty that studies the muscular and skeletal systems

male reproductive re- product/o- -ive

medicine that is the medical specialty that studies the anatomy and physiology of the male genitourinary system again and again; backward; unable to produce pertaining to

The first menses is known as ________.


The brain is surrounded by three separate membrane layers that are collectively known as the ________.




menorrhagia men/o- rrhag/o- -ia

menstrual period with excessively heavy flow or a menstrual period lasting more than 7 days; caused by hormone imbalance, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis month excessive discharge; excessive flow condition; state; thing

semen analysis

microscopic analysis of the spermatozoa in a semen sample, including their number, motility, and morphology performed as apart of a workup for infertility or to confirm a vasectomy was successful (aspermia); normal sperm count is greater than 50 million/mL

galact/o- and lact/o-



milliliter (measure of volume)


mini-mental state examination

duplicate and then split, creating two identical cells each with 46 chromosomes.


external genitalia of female

mons pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris, vaginal introitus, Bartholin, urethral, and Skene glands

menstruation menstru/o- -ation

monthly discharge of blood being; having; process

menstrual menstru/o- -al

monthly discharge of blood pertaining to

other cells vs ova production

most body cells divide by the process of mitosis, however the creation of ova is different from that of other cells in the body

mitosis mit/o- -osis

most body cells divide by this; 46 chromosomes in the cell nucleus duplicated and divide to create 2 identical cells; each of the new cells contains 46 chromosomes thread-like strand abnormal condition; process

meiosis mei/o- -osis

most occur so that an ovum (with 23 chromosomes) form the female and a spermatozoon (with 23 chromosomes) from the male can unite to create a cell with the full number of 46 chromosomes decrease in number abnormal condition; process


most superior; maintains consciousness and coordinates immediate reflex responses to sudden events; maintains muscle tone and the position of the extremities; contains substania nigra- gray to black pigmented area that produces the neurotransmitter dopamine that regulates muscle tone

The abbreviation ROM stands for range of ________.


III oculomotor nerve ocul/o- mot/o- -or

motor nerve; eye movement; carriers motor commands to four of the extraocular muscles that move the eye; to muscles that move the eyelid; to muscles of the iris that change the size of the pupil eye movement person who does or produce; thing that does or produces

VI abducens nerve

motor nerve; eye movement; carries motor commands to one extraocular muscle (lateral rectus muscle) to move the eye

IV trochlear nerve trochle/o- -ar

motor nerve; eye movement; carries motor commands to one extraocular muscle (superior oblique muscle) to move the eye- a ligament loop is attache to the bone of the eye socket; when an impulse from the trochlear nerve stimulates the superior oblique muscle, it contracts, pulling its tendon through that ligament loop like the rope of a pulley and this moves the eye pulley-shaped structure pertaining to

XI accessory nerve access/o- -ory

motor nerve; swallowing; carries motor commands to move the muscles involved in swallowing motor nerve; vocal cord and neck movement; carries motor commands to move the vocal cords and move the muscles of the neck and upper back the accessory nerve supplements the functions of the vagus nerve contributing part; supplemental part having the function of

XIII hypoglossal nerve hypo- gloss/o- -al

motor nerve; tongue movement; carries motor commands to move the tongue below; deficient tongue pertaining to

semitendinosus and semimembranosus

move the upper leg posteriorly (extension), bend the lower leg toward the buttocks (flexion), and rotate the leg medially

motor mot/o- -or

movement person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

pectoralis major pector/o- -alis

moves the arm anteriorly and medially across the chest (adduction) chest pertaining to

latissimus dorsi

moves the arm posteriorly and medially toward the vertebral column (adduction)

buccinator buccin/o- -ator

moves the cheeks cheek person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

frontalis front/o- -alis

moves the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead skin front pertaining to


moves the mandible (lower jaw) down

masseter masset/o- -er

moves the mandible (lower jaw) upward chewing person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

temporalis tempor/o- -alis

moves the mandible (lower jaw) upward and downward side of the head: temple pertaining to

biceps femoris

moves the upper leg posteriorly (extension) and bends the lower leg toward the buttocks (flexion)

gluteus maximus

moves the upper leg posteriorly (extension) and rotates it laterally

rotation rotat/o- -ion rotat/o- -or

moving a body part around its axis; no separate movement is the opposite of this movement; rather, body parts can do this movement in opposite directions (i.e., right and left); this muscle produces this movement when it contracts rotate action; condition rotate person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

abduction ab- duct/o- -ion ab- duct/o- -or

moving a body part away from the midline of the body; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts; opposite of adduction away from bring; duct; move action; condition away from bring; duct; move person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

adduction ad- duct/o- -ion ad- duct/o- -or

moving a body part toward the midline of the body; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts; opposite of abduction toward bring; duct; move action; condition toward bring; duct; move person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

Babinski sign

neurologic test in which reflexes are tested using the end of a percussion hammer to stroke the sole of the foot; normal (negative) test causes the toes to curl downward; abnormal (positive) test causes the great toe to flex and the other toes to fan out; positive test indicates injury to the parietal lobe of the cerebrum or the spinal nerves


neurological intensive care unit (pronounced "NIK-yoo")

The study of the anatomy, physiology, diseases, tests, and surgeries of the nervous system is known as ________.



neuromodulators in the brain between neurons in the hypothalamus, thalamus, and brainstem; they are one of several natural pain relievers produced by the brain

A ________, an individual nerve cell, is the functional unit of the nervous system.


Which word is a general category for any type of disease of a nerve?



neurotransmitter between neurons of the limbic system, hypothalamus, and cerebellum in the brain and in the spinal cord


neurotransmitter between neurons of the parasympathetic division; also in the somatic nervous system in synapses between a motor neuron and a voluntary skeletal muscle


neurotransmitter in the brain between neurons in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, midbrain, and limbic system; produced by the substantia nigra of the midbrain


neurotransmitter of the sympathetic division; also found between neurons in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord; also a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland

neonatal ne/o- nat/o- -al

new birth pertaining to

neoplasia ne/o- plas/o- -ia

new formation; growth condition; state; thing

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

new variant; a fatal neurologic disorder caused by a prion (a small infectious protein particle); contracted from cows infected with mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy);transmitted to cows when they eat animal feed contaminated with the processed brains and spinal cords of infected cows;



Apgar score

newborn assessment at 1 and 5 minutes following birth; low score indicates the need for special care; points (0-2) are given for each of the following: heart rate, respiratory rate, muscle tone, response to stimulation, and skin color, for a total possible score of 10; normally one point is always taken off because of acrocyanosis

acrocyanosis acr/o- cyan/o- -osis

newborn's face, hands, and feet are often bluish; temporary condition extremity; highest point blue abnormal condition; process


next part of the brainstem; relays nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the midbrain and other parts of the brain


non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug


nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug


nonstress test

morphology morph/o- -logy

normal shape shape study of


normal urine has a faint odor due to waste products; fruity smelling urine suggests diabetes mellitus due to glucose in it; old urine smell is the brake down of urea to ammonia


normal urine is light yellow to amber in color depending on its concentration; pink or reddish urine indicates bleeding in the urinary tract; turbid (cloudy or milky) urine indicates presence of WBCs and UTI

Which word means "pain in several muscle groups"?



normal urine is slightly alkaline, with a pH just above 7; measures how acidic (below 7) or alkaline the urine is (above 7)

contusion contus/o- -ion

not accompanied by loss of consciousness; traumatic injury to the brain or spinal cord; bruising with some bleeding the tissues brusing action; condition


not normally found in the urine; an abnormal finding that suggests uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or malnutrition or patient is a marathon runner; produced when the body cannot use glucose for energy or does not have enough glucose to use


not normally found in the urine; is an abnormal finding that indicates uncontrolled diabetes mellitus with excess glucose in the blood "spilling" over from the blood into the urine

positron emission tomography (PET) scan emiss/o- -ion tom/o- -graphy

nuclear medicine procedure that uses a radioactive glucose (radioactive substance combined with glucose molecules) that, as it is metabolized, releases positrons that create an image of cellular and metabolic brain activity; an area of increased metabolism can be due to a cancerous tumor; areas of decreased metabolism can be due to dementia, Parkinson disease, or epilepsy send out action; condition cut; layer; slice process of recording

Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)

numerical scale that measures the depth of a coma; total score ranges from 1-15 and is additive (sum) of scores for individual response scores for eye opening, motor response, and verbal response following a painful stimulus (ex. pressure on the nail bed or on the bony ridge over the eye)

intake and output (I&O)

nursing procedure that documents a patient's total amount of fluid intake (oral, nasogastric tube, intravenous line, etc) and total amount of fluid output (urine, wound drainage, etc) over the course of a day; pt with renal failure, burns, congestive heart failure, large drainage wounds, dehydration, or overdoes of diluretic drugs are monitored




obstetrics and gynecology


occupational therapist; occupational therapy

early onset Alzheimer disease sen/o- -ile

occurs in early middle age; formerly known as presenile dementia old age pertaining to

Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder

occurs in the epithelial cells lining the bladder; transitional cells are unique in that their shape changes (transitions) each time the bladder fills with urine and empties

function of urine production

occurs in the kidneys


occurs on day 14

quadriplegia quadri- pleg/o- -ia quadri- pleg/o- -ia

occurs when both arms and legs are paralyzed; injury to upper spinal cord (cervical); = tetraplegia; patient is said to be quadriplegic four paralaysis condition; state; thing condition (in which all) four (extremities have) paralysis four paralysis pertaining to

paraplegia para- pleg/o- -ia para- pleg/o- -ic

occurs when both legs are paralyzed; pt is said to paraplegic; low spinal cord injury (lumbar) abnormal; apart from; beside; two parts of a pair paralysis condition; state; thing abnormal; apart from; beside; two parts of a pair paraysis pertaining to

meningomyelocele myel/o- mening/o- -cele

occurs when both the meninges and the spinal cord protrude through the skin; = myelomeningocele meninges bone marrow; myelin; spinal cord hernia

glomerulosclerosis glomerul/o- sclerl/o- -osis

occurs when infection (of the kidney) causes the capillaries of the glomerulus to harden glomerulus hard; sclera abnormal condition; process condition (of the) glomerulus (becoming) hard

Anuria is the opposite of the medical word ________, which means "condition of much urine."


filtrate filtr/o- -ate

once filtration occurs; these substances are now known as this; collect in the glomerular capsule by the pressure of the blood; capillaries of the glomerulus combine into one arteriole that leaves the glomerulus and runs alongside the tubules of the nephron filter composed of; pertaining to

glomerulus glomerul/o- -ar

one arteriole enters each nephron; first part of the nephron is the glomerular capsule; within the cup-shaped structure, the arteriole becomes a network of intertwining capillaries called glomerulus pertaining to

hemisphere hemi- -sphere

one half ball; sphere

antagonism antagon/o- -ism

one muscle contracts and a second muscle either relaxes to allow movement or partially contracts to control the movement; ex. contractions of the biceps muscle and simultaneous relaxation of the triceps muscle in the arm opposing effect disease from a specific cause; process

synergism synerg/o- -ism

one muscle contracts and other nearby muscles also contract to produce the same but greater combined movement; ex. contraction of the biceps muscle and simultaneous contraction of the brachioradialis muscle in the arm joined, enhanced effect disease from a specific cause; process

voluntary volunt/o- -ary

one's own will pertaining to

skeletal muscle skelet/o- -al

only type of muscle that belongs to the muscular system; provides the means by which the body moves; voluntary muscles that contract and relax in response to conscious thought; each muscle cell has multiple nuclei and striations (bands of color) when seen under a microscope skeleton pertaining to

The process of forming a mature ovum is known as ________.


Surgical removal of a testis is called a/an ________.


Surgical removal of the testis because of cancer is known as ________.



organ of sexual arousal in the female; anterior to the urethral meatus; with sexual stimulation this enlarges with blood and becomes firm

rectus abdominis

orientation: straight up and down (rectus) location: abdomen (abdominis) muscle located in the abdomen in a straight up and own direction

braces orth/o- -osis

orthopedic device that supports and straightens a body part while still permitting movement; keeps anatomical alignment; = orthosis straight abnormal condition; process


orthopedics (short form)

abdominopelvic cavity

other structures besides the kidneys are located in this cavity

as a woman ages

ovarian follicles deteriorate and stop secreting estradiol; ovulation and menstruation cease; decreased estradiol causes vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, and dryness of the skin; breasts decrease in size; anterior pituitary gland responds to a low blood level of estradiol by secreting more FSH; causes occasional ovulation and menstruation during perimenopause; these bursts of FSH (often occur at night) produce vasodilation, and the patient experiences hot flashes with perspiration and flushing; frequent hot flashes throughout the night can cause sleeplessness and tatigue

broad ligament

ovaries are held in place by this; a folded sheet of peritoneum that extends to the walls of the pelvic cavity, and other ligaments

polycystic ovarian syndrome poly- cyst/o- -ic

ovaries contain many semisolid cysts; follicles enlarge but fail to release an ovum; with each menstrual cycle the cysts enlarge causing pain; enlarged follicles turn into painful cysts; cysts eventually fill the ovaries; syndrome associated with amenorrhea or menometrorrhgia, infertility, obesity, and insulin resistance syndrome with the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus many; much bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst pertaining to



mons pubis

overlies the pubic bone; roudned fleshy pad with pubic hair that overlies the pbuic bone

muscle strain

overstretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon; = pulled muscle; often due to physical overextension; causes inflammation, pain, swelling, and bruising as capillaries in the muscles torn

onset of puberty

ovulation and menstruation begin

oocyte o/o- -cyte

ovum cell

gonad gon/o- -ad

ovum; spermatozoon in the direction of; toward

nongonococcal urethritis gon/o- cocc/o- -al urethr/o- -itis

ovum; spermatozoon spherical bacterium pertaining to urethra infection of; inflammation of

oxytocin ox/y- toc/o- -in

oxygen; quick childbirth; labor substance substance (that causes) quick childbirth and labor

The medical language definition of the medical word analgesic is "pertaining to without (the) sensation of ________."


neuralgia neur/o- alg/o- -ia

pain along the path of a nerve and its branches caused by injury; can cause mild to severe pain; trigeminal, causalgia, CRPS nerve pain condition; state; thing

shin splints

pain and inflammation of the tendons of the flexor muscles over the shin bone (anterior lower leg over the tibia) due to overuse; common to athletes who run

myalgia my/o- alg/o- -ia poly- my/o- alg/o- -ia

pain in a muscle due to injury or muscle disease; general category with many causes; polymyalgia is pain in several muscle groups muscle pain condition; state; thing many; much muscle pain condition; state; thing

cephalalgia cephal/o- alg/o- -ia

pain in head; = headache; caused by eyestrain, muscle tension in the face or neck, generalized infections such as the flu, migraine headaches, sinus infections, hypertension, or by head trauma, meningitis, or brain tumors head pain condition; state; thing

muscle spasm tort/i- -collis

painful but temporary condition in which a muscle suddenly, severely, and involuntary contracts; often in legs; can be brought on by overexercise; = muscle cramp; torticollis is a painful spasm of the muscles on one side of the neck = wryneck twisted position condition of the neck

dysmenorrhea dys- men/o- -rrhea

painful menstruation due to excess prostaglandin, endometriosis, PID, or uterine fibroids; prostaglandin to constrict blood vessels in the uterine wall and prevent excessive bleeding, high level causes cramping and temporary ischemia of the myometrium, both of which cause pain; nausea, dizziness, backache, and diarrhea abnormal; difficult; painful month discharge flow

dyspareunia dys- pareun/o- -ia

painful or difficult sexual intercourse or postcoital pain; caused by infection of the penis or prostate gland, chordee of the penis, or phimosis abnormal; difficult; painful sexual intercourse condition; stae; thing



hemiplegia hemi- pleg/o- -ia

paralysis on one side of the body; pt is said to be hemiplegic

autonomic system is divided into

parasympathetic and sympathetic divisons

Which word means the functional area of the kidney that contains many nephrons?


The ________ lobe analyzes sensory information from nerve impulses from the skin for temperature, touch, vibration, and pain.


spinal cord spin/o- -al

part of CNS; begins at the medulla oblongata; long, narrow column of neural tissue; travels inferiorly through the spinal canal (= spinal cavity) = a bony cavity created by the opening (foramen) in each vertebra of the neck and back; protected and nourished by the 3 layers of the meninges; between the dura mater layer of the meninges and the bone of the vertebra is the epidural space filled with fatty tissue and blood vessels; in this the central canal (a narrow passageway) lined with ependymal cells that produce CSF; at its inferior end, level of the second lumbar vertebra, the spinal cord separates into a group of nerve roots known as cauda equina backbone; spine pertaining to

somatic nervous system somat/o- -ic

part of PNS; controls voluntary movements of skeletal muscles; as a result of your conscious thoughts in the brain, the cranial nerves send impulses as motor commands to skeletal muscles to tell the muscle to contract; ex. when you choose to open a book and read both acts are controlled by this system body pertaining to

cranial nerves

part of PNS; twelve pairs; begin either in the brain or at receptors in the body; each pair consists of one nerve to the right side of the body and one nerve to the left side; sometimes the names reflect the part of the body where they are located; some cranial nerves receive nerve impulses as sensory information from the body (visual images, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, pressure, vibration, temperature, pain, or position); some cranial nerves send impulses as motor commands from the brain to voluntary muscles (to move the face, head, and neck) or to involuntary muscles (to slow the heart rate, to cause peristalsis int he digestive tract, to cause the bronchioles to constrict, or to cause the lacrimal or salivary glands to secrete tears or saliva); some cranial nerves carry both sensory and motor nerve impulses

cell body

part of a neuron; contains the nucleus of the neuron which directs cellular activities; contains cytoplasm- gel like substance; structures in the cytoplasm produce neurotransmitters

dendrites dendr/o- -ite

part of a neuron; multiple branching structures at the beginning of the neuron; astrocytes are specialized cells that support the dendrites and connect them to nearby capillaries branching structure thing that pertains to

vas deferens vas/o-

part of internal genitalia when in the pelvic cavity; travels behind the urinary bladder and ends as it merges within the seminal vesicle blood vessel; vas deferens

sympathetic division sym- pathet/o- -ic

part of the autonomic nervous system; works with the parasympathetic division; active when the body is active or exercising or in fear; neurotransmitter of this system is norepinephrine actions: increase mental awareness; dilate the pupils to increase the amount of light entering the eye to optimize vision, increase the heart rate and metabolic rate, cause the smooth muscles in the arteries to contract to raise the blood pressure, cause the smooth muscles in the bronchioles to relax to increase airflow to the lungs; increase the respiratory rate; cause the skeletal muscles and liver to release glycogen (stored glucose) to meet increased energy needs together; with suffering pertaining to

parasympathetic division para- sym- pathet/o- -ic

part of the autonomic nervous system; works with the sympathetic division; active when the body is sleeping, resting, eating, or doing light activity- "rest and digest"; acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter actions: decrease the heart rate, blood pressure and metabolic rate; increase or decrease the diameter of the pupils in response to changing levels of light; increase peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract; cause the secretion of saliva, digestive enzymes, and insulin; prepare the body for sexual activity; contract the bladder for urination abnormal; apart from; beside; two parts of a pair together; with suffering pertaining to


part of the external genitalia; each has a long (20 ft) tightly coiled tube attached to the outer wall of a testis; sperm travel from the seminiferous tubules into this where they receive an enzyme "cap" that aides in fertilization; the "cap" will help the sperm penetrate and fertilize the egg of the female; sperm are mature here but not yet moving; destroys defective sperm; this becomes the larger, uncoiled cut known as the vas deferens


part of the muscle with the greatest mass; usually midway between origin and insertion

abruptio placentae

partial or complete separation of the placenta from the uterine wall prior to the third stage of labor; results in uterine hemorrhage that threatens the life of the mother as well as disrupts blood flow and oxygen through the umbilical cord when threatens the life of the fetus

spinal cord injury (SCI) trans- sect/o- -ion para- ly/o- -sis

partial or complete transection of the spinal cord; nerve impulses are interrupted to particular dermatomes causing partial or complete loss of sensation (anesthesia) and paralysis (an inability to voluntarily move the muscles) across; through cut action; condition abnormal; apart fro; beside; two parts of a pair break down destroy abnormal condition; process abnormal condition (of) two parts of apir (arms or legs) break down (being paralyzed)

amnesia amnes/o- -ia

partial or total loss of memory due to damage to the hippocampus (where short-term memories are converted to long-term memories) from brain injury or a stroke; retrograde, anterograde, or global memory loss condition; state; thing

penile urethra pen/o- -ile

passageway for semen to reach outside of the body penis pertaining to

anterograde amnesia anter/o-

patient cannot remember events that occurred after the onset of amnesia before; front part

retrograde amenesia retro-

patient cannot remember events that occurred in the past (before the onset of the amnesia) backward; behind

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) ambulat/o- -ory

patient is able to walk around between the three or four daily episodes of dialysis walking having the function of

global aphasia glob/o- -al

patients with expressive and receptive aphasia comprehensive; shaped like a globe pertaining to


pelvic inflammatory disease

penile pen/o- -ile

penis pertaining to

total vaginal hysterectomy (TVH)

performed through the vagina; involves removing both the uterus and cervix

The wall of the ureter contracts to propel urine into the bladder in a process known as ________.



photoselective vaporization of the prostate

gynecologic examination gynec/o- log/o- -ic

physical examination of the external and internal genital; patient is the dorsal lithotomy position; external genitalia are examine for lesions, rashes and discharge; knees and hips are flexed and the feet are elvated in stirrups; internal genitalia are bimanually examined for tenderness or masses and visually examine using a speculum, mass, cystocele, rectocele, or any enlargement of the uterus can be palpated with the gloved hands; Pap test is performed female woman study of; word pertaining to


physical function


physical medicine and rehabilitation


physical therapy; physical therapist

Eating nonfood items like clay, erasers, and chalk during pregnancy is known by the medical name of ________.


areola areol/o- -ar

pigmented area around the nipple; surface is covered with small, elevated areas that secrete oil to protect the nipple when the baby nurses small, circular area pertaining to

third stage of labor

placenta is delivered about 30 minutes after the body is born; oxytocin contracts the uterus to stop the flow of blood from where the placenta pulled away; episiotomy is sutured, if one is performed

therapeutic abortion (TAB) therapeut/o- -ic abort/o- -ion

planned termination of a pregnancy at any time during gestation; used because the fetus is abnormal or because the pregnancy is unwanted; all products of conception are removed from the uterus with suction; = elective abortion therapy; treatment pertaining to stop prematurely action; condition

example of flexion

plantar flexion of the foot causes the toes to point downward dorisflexion of the foot causes the toes to point upward

urethroplasty urethr/o- -plasty

plastic surgery procedure to reposition the urethral meatus in male patients who have congenital hypospadias or epispadias (misplacement of the urethral meatus that is present at birth) urethra process of reshaping by surgery

estradiol and testosterone

play a role in the female sexual drive


plural noun: change the singular ending -is to -es

ectopic pregnancy ectop/o- -ic tub/o- -al hem/o- -salpinx

pregnancy is which a fertilized ovum implants outside of the uterus, often in the uterine tube (tubal pregnancy) but can be in the cervix, ovary, or abdominopelvic cavity; occurs more often if the uterine tube has scar tissue or a blockage in it; patient has a positive pregnancy test but there is abdominal tenderness as the uterine tube swells from the developing embryo; the tube can bleed, a condition known as hemosalpinx, or can suddenly rupture, causing sever blood loss and shock outside pertaining to tube pertaining to blood uterine tube


premature rupture of membranes


premenstrual dysphoric disorder


premenstrual syndrome

red blood cells (RBCs) erythr/o- -cyte

presence of RBCs (erythrocytes) indicates bleeding in the urinary tract; microscopic RBCs (not seen; occult = hidden blood) results are reported as the number of RBCs per high-power filed (hpf) or as too numerous to count (TNTC; if gross blood); take into consideration menstrual blood red cell

pyuria py/o- ur/o- -ia

presence of WBCs or pus in the urine; indicative of UTI; severe this can cause the urine to be cloudy or milky or the number of WBCs; may be so few that they can be detected only by microscopic examination of urine specimen pus urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

bladder cancer intra- vesic/o- -al

presence of a cancerous tumor (carcinoma) in the epithelial cells (lining) of the bladder; common in men over 60; hematuria often first symptom; intravesical insertion of a chemotherapy drug through a catheter into the bladder is one treatment within bladder; fluid-filled sac pertaining to

albuminuria albumin/o- ur/o- -ia protein/o- ur/o- -ia

presence of albumin (major protein in the blood) in the urine; = proteinuria; arises from damage to pores in the capillaries of the glomerulus and albumin is excreted in the urine; is an early sign of kidney disease and preeclampsia in pregnant women albumin urinary system; urine condition; state; thing protein urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

bacteriuria bacteri/o- ur/o- -ia

presence of bacteria in the urine; indicative of infection somewhere in the urinary tract; urine is supposed to be sterile (no bacteria) bacterium urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

glycosuria glycos/o- ur/o- -ia

presence of glucose in the urine; associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus; elevated blood sugar levels that "spill over" into the urine glucose; sugar urinary system; urine condition; state; thing

ketonuria keton/o- ur/o- -ia

presence of ketones (waste products produced when fat is metabolized) in the urine; occurs when the body metabolizes fat rather than glucose; seen in patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus who metabolize fat for energy because they cannot metabolize glucose and malnourished patients who do not have enough glucose in the blood and must metabolize their own fat ketones urinary system; urine condition; state; thing


prevent urine from reentering ureters

scintillating scotoma scintill/o- -ating scot/o- -oma

prior to a migraine, some patients see this, a moving line of brilliantly flashing bars in the visual field point of light pertaining to having darkness mass; tumor not an actual tumor but it appears as a mass that blocks the vision

orchiopexy orchi/o- -pexy

procedure done in infant to reposition an undescended testis and fix it within the scrotum; used to treat male infertility in an adult testis process of fixing in place

cryosurgery cry/o- surg/o- -ery cry/o- -probe

procedure for destruction of small areas of abnormal tissue in the cervix using a colposcopy to visualize the cervical lesions and then cryoprobe containing extremely cold liquid nitrogen is touched to the areas to freeze and destroy the abnormal tissues cold operative procedure process cold rod-like instrument

myomectomy my/o- om/o- -ectomy

procedure for the removal of leiomyomata (uterine fibroids) from the uterus; can be done vaginally or using a laparoscope in the abdominal cavity; removal of large fibroids requires a hysterectomy muscle mass; tumor surgical removal

newborn genital examination

procedure in which a baby's external male genitalia are examined at birth to look for undescended testes; ambiguous genitalia, or abnormal positioning of the urethral meatus (epispadias, hypospadias)

prostate artery embolization (PAE) embol/o- -ization

procedure in which a catheter is inserted in a large artery in the groin, threaded to the prostatic artery, and used to inject microscopic beads that reduce blood flow; used in the treatment of BPH; deceases the size of the prostate gland embolus; occluding plug process of creating; process of inserting; process of making

transurethral resection of a bladder tumor (TURBT) trans- urethr/o- -al resect/o- -ion resect/o- -scope

procedure in which a special cystoscope called a resectoscope is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder; the resectoscope is then used to cut out a bladder tumor, cauterize bleeding blood vessels, and flush tissue pieces out of the bladder across; through urethra pertaining to cut out; remove action; condition cut out; remove instrument used to examine

nephrolithotomy nephr/o- lith/o- -tomy

procedure in which an endoscope is inserted into the kidney through a slit in the skin, then used to remove a stone embedded in the renal pelvis or calices kidney; nephron stone porcess of cutting; process of making an incision

hysterosalpingography hyster/o- salping/o- -graphy hyster/o- salping/o- -gram

procedure in which injection of contrast dye into the cervix and uterus to outline the structures (including uterine tubes) and shows narrowing, scarring, and blockage; x-ray image is a hysterosalpingogram; test is done as part of an infertility work up uterus; womb uterine tube process of recording uterus; womb uterine tube picture; record

edrophonium test

procedure in which patients are given the drug edrophonium to confirm a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis; drug temporarily increases acetycholine levels; patients with myasthenia gravis experience a temporary increase in strength during the test as there is more acetycholine to stimulate the fewer number of acetylcholine receptors

testicular self-examination (TSE)

procedure in which the patient palpates his own testes and scrotum to look for early signs of testicular cancer (lumps, masses, or enlarged lymph nodes)

muscle strength test mot/o- -or

procedure in which the physician presses against some part of a patient's body and ask the patient to move tat part; muscle strength is rated on a scale of 0 to 5; tests motor strength of certain muscle groups; 5 = normal strength; 0 = inability to move the muscles being tested movement person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) trans- cutane/o- -ous

procedure that emits regular electrical impulses that block the transmission of pain sensations and stimulate the body's production of endorphins; TENS unit is the electrical device used across; through skin pertaining to

deep tendon reflexes (DTR)

procedure that tests whether the muscular-nervous pathway is functioning normally; mostly performed at the knee = knee jerk test or patellar reflex test; tapping briskly on the tendon should cause involuntary contraction of the muscle connected to that tendon; automatic contraction of the muscle connected to that tendon;

stereotactic neurosurgery stere/o- tact/o- -ic neur/o- surg/o- -ery

procedure that uses a 3D coordinate system to pinpoint the location of a deep brain tumor; heat, cold or high energy gamma rays are then used to destroy the tumor three dimensions touch pertaining to nerve operative procedure process

lithotripsy lith/o- -tripsy lith/o- -triptor

procedure that uses a laser or sound waves to break up a kidney stone; x-ray pinpoints the location of the stone, a lithotriptor is used to break up the stone stone process of crushing stone thing that crushes

polycystic kidney disease poly- cyst/o- -ic

progressive degenerative, hereditary disease characterized by cysts, in the kidney; growth of these cysts eventually destroys the nephrons and causes kidney failure; kidney function decreases many; much bladder; fluid filled sac; semisolid cyst pertaining to pertaining to many semisold cysts

prostate urethral lift (PUL)

procedure that uses an endoscope inserted through the urethral meatus of the penis to place a stainless steal implant that pushes enlarged prostatic tissue away from the urethra; used in the treatment of BPH

ultrasonography ultra- son/o- -graphy son/o- -gram

procedure that uses ultra high-frequency sound waves that produce images of a developing fetus or structural abnormality of the pelvic organs; 3-D this couples the ultrasound with a position sensor to generate a high-resolution image in 3-D; ultrasound image is a sonogram beyond; higher sound process of recording sound picture; record

assisted reproductive technology (ART) intra- fallopi/o- -an in- semin/o- -ation

procedure to assist in the process of conception; when the man's sperm count is low or the woman's cervical mucus contains antibodies against spermatozoa, the man's semen is collected, concentrated, and inserted into the uterus, a procedure known as intrauterine insemination within uterine tube pertaining to in; not; within sperm; spermatozoa being; having; process

mammaplasty mamm/a- -plasty mamm/o- -plasty

procedure to change size, shape, or position of the breast; = mammoplasty breast process of reshaping by surgery breast process of reshaping by surgery

bladder neck suspension suspens/o- -ion

procedure to correct stress urinary incontinence; involves insertion of a supportive sling of muscle tissue or synthetic mesh around the bladder neck and urethra to elevate and suspend them in their normal position within the pelvic cavity; in a female the procedure is known as a vaginal sling when the surgical approach is done through the vagina instead of the abdomen hanging action; condition

fasciotomy fasci/o- -tomy

procedure to cut the fascia and release the pressure from built up blood and tissue fluid in a patient with compartment syndrome fascia process of cutting; process of making an incision

muscle biopsy bi/o- -opsy in- cis/o- -ion -al

procedure to diagnose potential causes of muscle weakness; involves removing a small amount of muscle tissue via incisional (open this) or needle aspiration (closed this) and sending it for microscopic analysis living organism; living tissue process of viewing in; not; within cut action; condition pertaining to

penile implant

procedure to implant an inflatable penile prosthesis; used to treat erectile dysfunction

version vers/o- -ion

procedure to manual correction of a breech or other malposition of the fetus prior to delivery; obstetrician puts his or her hands on the woman's abdominal wall and manipulates the uterus until the fetus is in a cephalic presentation travel; turn action; condition


rest, ice, compression, elevation

biopsy (Bx) bi/o- -opsy

procedure to obtain samples of prostate or testicular tissue to test for cancer cells; needle is inserted through the rectum or urethra to take a sample of prostatic tissue; may involve fine-needle aspiration or surgical removal (incisional) living organism; living tissue process of viewing

digital rectal examination (DRE) digit/o- -al

procedure to palpate the prostate gland (via rectum) and check for signs of tenderness, nodules, hardness or enlargement; done annually for men over 50 digit; finger; toe pertaining to

fasciectomy fasci/o- -ectomy

procedure to partially or totally remove the fascia, used to treat Dupuytren contracture fascia surgical removal

transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) trans- urethr/o- -al resect/o- -ion resect/o- -scope

procedure to reduce the size of the prostate gland in patients with BPH; involves insertion of an instrument (special cystoscope = resectoscope) is inserted through the urethra to cut out pieces of the prostate gland; cauterize vessels, and flush out tissue pieces across; through urethra pertaining to cut out remove action; condition cut out;remove instrument used to examine

tubal amastomosis tub/o- -al anastom/o- -osis

procedure to rejoin the uterine tube segments so that the woman can again become pregnant tube pertaining to create an opening between two structures abnormal condition; process

ganglionectomy ganglion/o- -ectomy

procedure to remove a ganglion from a tendon ganglion surgical removal

conization con/o- -ization

procedure to remove a large cone-shaped section of tissue from the cervical os and part of the cervical canal; used to excise an abnormal area identified by Pap test; a laser knife or a loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) with a hot wire loop is used to burn and cut away the tissue; alternatively, a scalpel (cold knife conization) can be used so that no cells are damaged by heat cone process of creating; process of inserting; process of making

diskectomy disk/o- -ectomy

procedure to remove all or part of a herniated nucleus pulposus from an intervertebral disk; relieves pressure on nerve roots and relieves pain disk surgical removal

laminectomy lamin/o- -ectomy

procedure to remove the lamina (the flat area of the arch of the vertebra); relieves pressure on the spinal roots and decreases pain of a herniated nucleus pulposus flat area on vertebra surgical removal

circumcision circum- cis/o- -ion

procedure to remove the prepuce (foreskin) of the penis; may be performed for health-related, social, or religious reasons; found to reduce the risk of penile cancer around cut action; condition

thymectomy thym/o- -ectomy

procedure to remove the thymus gland; used to treat myasthenia gravis; after the surgery the patient produces fewer antibodies against the remaining acetylcholine receptors rage; thymus surgical removal surgical removal (of the) thymus

dialysis dia- -lysis

procedure to remove waste products from the blood of a patient who is in renal failure; several times a week (or more often) while waiting for a kidney transplantation; hemodialysis and peritoneal complete; through process to break down or destroy

myorrhaphy my/o- -rrhaphy

procedure to suture together a torn muscle after an injury muscle procedure of suturing

tenorrhaphy ten/o- -rrhaphy

procedure to suture together a torn tendon after an injury tendon procedure of suturing

breast self-examination (BSE)

procedure to systematic palpation of all areas of the breast and underarm to detect lumps, masses, and enlarged lymph nodes; used to detect early signs of cancer; done in concentric circles; should be done monthly to detect early signs of breast cancer

kidney transplanation transplant/o- -ation

procedure to treat a patient in end-stage renal failure by transplanting a new kidney from a donor; recipients and donors are matched by blood and tissue type; donors may be living or deceased (organ donor); recipients must take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their lives to prevent kidney rejection; patient's decreased kidney is left in place, and the renal artery of the donor kidney is sutured to the patient's iliac artery move and put in another place being; having; process

trigger point injections

procedure to treat fibromalgia in which a local anesthetic and a a corticosteroid are injected into a patient's' trigger points to decrease pain and inflammation

cryotherapy cry/o- -therapy

procedure to treat prostate cancer; needle is inserted through the skin and into the prostate gland; then a cold gas is injected to freeze cancerous tissue tissues in the prostate gland cold treatment

ejaculation ejacul/o- -ation

process by which sperm are released from the reproductive system; process begins with thoughts or sensations of sexual arousal, which relaxes smooth muscle in the arteries of the penis, and the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum become distended with blood and produce an erection expel suddenly being; having; process

urine specimen

process of collecting a patient's urine for testing in the office (dipstick) or medical laboratory; a clean caught specimen is obtained after cleansing the urethral meatus to remove as many bacteria as possible or catheterized specimen is sent to a laboratory for culture and sensitivity and other testing; improperly obtained specimens may be contaminated with bacteria or menstrual blood

parturition parturit/o- -ion

process of labor and childbirth is known as this; divided into 3 stages childbirth; labor action; condition

spermatogenesis spermat/o- gen/o- -esis

process of producing mature spermatozoa or sperm; hormones FSH and LH both play a role in this; begins during puberty sperm; spermatozoon arising from; produced by abnormal condition; process


process of reshaping by surgery

spermatocytes spermat/o- -cyte

process of spermatogenesis begins during childhood- these are immature cells that are round and each contains 46 chromosomes; when stimulated by FSH, these in the seminiferous tubules duplicate by mitosis- each spermatocyte contains 46 chromosomes, prior to division, the duplicating chromosomes exchange genetic material which ensures genetic diversity in the male's offspring (different characteristics in his children) sperm; spermatozoon cell

secretion secret/o- -ion

produce; secrete action; condition

homeostasis home/o- -stasis

producing urine, the kidneys help to maintain a normal and constant internal environment called same standing still; staying in one palce

lactation lact/o- -ation

production of milk by the mother's breasts; it is stimulated by the hormone prolactin from the anterior pituitary; when the newborn cries or sucks, Oxycontin prompts smooth muscles around the lactiferous lobules to contract and expel milk for breastfeeding = left-down reflex; the first milk is thick, yellow colostrum that contains nutrients and antibodies; by the third day the colostrum is replaced by regular breast milk that is thin and white milk being; having; process


progesterone receptor positive

Dupuytren contracture contract/o- -ure

progressive disease in which thickening and shortening of the fascia in the palm causes a contraction and flexion deformity of the finger pull together result of; system

huntington chorea athet/o- -oid

progressive inherited degenerative disease that causes progressive brain deterioration; deterioration starts during middle age; characterized by dementia with spasms of the extremities and face (chorea), alternating with slow writhing movements of the hands and feet (athetoid movements) without position or purpose resembling

FSH and LH

prompt the release of estadiol and progesterone from the follicle

The ________ gland is a donut-shaped gland at the base of the bladder in men.



prostate artery embolization

prostatic prostat/o- -ic

prostate gland pertaining to


prostate urethral lift


prostate-specific antigen


prostatic acid phosphatase

A finding of albuminuria means there is ________ in the urine.


anorexia nervosa

psychiatric illness characterized by an extreme, chronic fear of being fat and an obsession with becoming thinner; pt voluntarily decreases food intake to the point of starvation, and yet denies being too thin; most of the subcutaneous fat on the body is gone and there is muscle wasting and prominence of the bones

complex partial seizure psych/o- mot/o- -or

psychomotor seizure; the patient has some degree of impaired consciousness with some involuntary contractions; can involve automatisms such as lip smacking or repetitive muscle movements; lasts 1-2 minutes mind movement person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

The onset of ________ is also called adolescence.



pull ova into the tubes because the tubes do not connect to the ovaries; finger like projections at the end of the uterine tube, create currents that carry the ovum into the lumen of the uterine tube; singular form not used

contraction contract/o- -ion

pull together action; condition


purse-string suture around the cervix to prevent premature dilation; removed prior to delivery

An infection that involves the renal pelvis as well as the kidney is known as ________.


In a diving accident, the patient severely injured his cervical spinal cord at the level of C2. As a result, he became a/an ________ and was paralyzed from the neck down, including all four extremities.


leukocyte esterase leuk/o- -cyte

quick urine dipstick test that detects the enzyme esterase which is associated with the WBCs that are present with a UTI; gives quick result so an antibiotic drug can be started immediately but a urine specimen is still also sent to the laboratory for C&S white cell

nephrotomography nephr/o- tom/o- -graphy

radiologic procedure in which contrast dye is injected intravenously, then multiple slice-like images of the kidneys are taken via CT scan; image can be examined layer by layer to show the exact location of tumors kidney; nephron cut; layer; slice process of recording

voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) cyst/o- urethr/o- -graphy cyst/o- urethr/o- -gram

radiologic procedure in which contrast dye is inserted into the bladder through a catheter; the dye outlines the bladder and urethra, and an x-ray image (known as voiding cysturethrogram) is taken while the patient is urinating bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst urethra process of recording bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst urethra picture; record

skull x-ray

radiologic procedure in which plain fill (without contrast dye) is taken of the skull; shows only bone/fractures; no blood vessels or soft tissues

renal scan

radiologic procedure in which radioactive substance is injected intravenously then detected by a scanner to generate an image of the kidney; done after kidney transplantation to look for signs of organ rejection

Cerebral angiography (arteriography) angi/o- -graphy angi/o- -gram arteri/o- -graphy arteri/o- -gram

radiologic procedure in which radiopaque contrast dye and x-rays that outline the arteries of the brain; shows aneurysm, stenosis, arterial plaques, and tumors; = arteriography; x-ray image is an angiogram or an arteriogram blood vessel; lymphatic vessel process of recording blood vessel; lymphati vessel picture; record artery process of recording artery picture; record

myelography myel/o- -graphy myel/o- -gram

radiologic procedure in which x-rays and radiopaque dye injected into the spinal cord (subarachnoid space at level L3 and L4 vertebrae); used to create images of nerve roots/outline the spinal canal; intervertebral discs, herniated disk, and tumors, spinal nerve, obstructions within the cavity; x-ray image is myelogram; side effect off this can cause sever headache so an MRI scan of the spine is more often done bone marrow; myelin; spinal cord process of recording bone marrow; myelin; spinal cord picture; record

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnet/o- -ic

radiologic procedure that used magnetic field and radiowaves that create image slices of the cranium, brain, vertebral column, and spinal cord to make a complete image; align protons in the body; can use radiopaque contrast dye can be injected to provide more detail magnet pertaining to

ProstaScint scan

radiologic procedure that uses a substance called ProstaScint to determine if prostate cancer has metastasized; contains a radioactive tracer and an antibody that binds to cancer cells; the racer emits gamma rays that can be detected with a special camera (gamma scintillation) and made into an image

ultrasonography ultra- son/o- -graphy son/o- -gram

radiologic procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of the urinary system; done to look for kidney stones, cysts, tumors, blockages, or infection; ultrasound image is known as sonogram beyond; higher sound process of recording sound picture; record

ultrasonography ultra- son/o- -graphy trans- rect/o- -al son/o- -gram

radiologic procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce an image; may be used to view the testes (varicocele or undescended testes) or prostate gland; transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) uses an ultrasound probe inserted into the rectum to obtain an image of the prostate gland or to help guide a needle biopsy of the prostate gland; ultrasound image is a sonogram beyond; higher sound process of recording across; through rectum pertaining to sound picture; record

computerized axial tomography (CAT, CT) axi/o- -al tom/o- -graphy

radiologic procedure that uses x-ray slices of the cranium, brain, vertebral column, or spinal cord used to create a complete image (closely spaced images; "slices"); radiopaque contrast dye can provide greater detail axis pertaining to cut; layer; slice process of recording

kidneys, ureters, bladder (KUB) x-ray

radiologic procedure; x-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder that shows only those structures and does not use contrast dye; used to find kidney stones or preliminary x-ray (scout film) before performing intravenous pyelography

deltoid delt/o- -oid

raises the arm and moves the arm away from the body (abduction) triangle resembling muscle is shaped like a triangle; in the Greek alphabet the capital letter delta is in the shape of a triangle

peroneus longus perone/o- -al

raises the lateral edge of the foot (eversion) and bends the food downward (plantar flexion) fibular pertaining to peroneal is an adjective for fibula


raises the shoulder, pulls the shoulder blades together, and elevates the clavicle; turns the head from side to side (rotation); moves the head posteriorly (extension); muscle is shaped liked a trapezoid, a geometric figure that has two parallel sides and two nonparallel sides


range of motion

The abbreviation ROM means ________.

range of motion


rapid eye movement


rapid plasma reagin (a test for syphilis)


rapid, involuntary muscle reaction controlled by the spinal cord; spinal cord immediate reaction to certain types of sensory information (sudden pain, or when a physician uses a percussion hammer to tap on a tendon that stretches a muscle); ex. when you touch a hot stove, the information travels to a dorsal root to the spine, the response travels to a ventral root to your hand, your hand pulls away before your brain knows what happened - circuit = reflex arc

anencephaly an- -encephaly

rare congenital condition in which all or part of the cranium and cerebrum are missing; babies born with the condition survive only a few days as the respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata are present not; without condition of the brain

reconstructive breast surgery ' re- construct/o- -ive

rebuilds the breast after mastesctomy; may use an implant TRAM flap or DIEP flap; can be done at the same time as the mastectomy or as a later operative procedure; = reconstructive mammaplasty; during the mastectomy a silicone or saline filled breast implant prosthesis is inserted under the skin to recreate the fullness of the breast; after surgery a tattoo can be done on the skin to mimic the pigmented area of the areola; the woman's own tissue can be used to recreate the fullness of the breast by using DIEP flap or a TRAM flap again and again; backward; unable to build pertaining to pertaining to again build(ing the breast)

receptor recept/- -or

receive person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

each hemisphere

receives sensory information from the other side of the body and sends motor commands to coordinate movements on that side; the; the right temporal lobe receives information from the left ear and right frontal lobe sends commands to the left hand to cover the ear

migraine headache

recurring headache with severe, throbbing pain on one side of the head; caused by constriction and sudden dilation (which caused pain) of arteries in the brain accompanied by the release of substances by the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) that causes inflammation; often accompanied by nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound

erythropoietin erythr/o- -poietin

red substance that forms


red blood cell

inflammation inflammat/o- -ion

redness and warmth action; condition

reduction mammaplasty reduct/o- -ion mamm/a- -plasty pendul/o- -ous mast/o- -pexy

reduces the size of a large, pendulous breast; this procedure can be performed in conjunction with a mastopexy (breast lift) to reposition a sagging breast bring back; decrease action; condition breast process of reshaping by surgery hanging down pertaining to breast; mastoid process process of fixing in place

premature labor

regular uterine contractions of labor that begin before the fetus is mature enough to be born; the cervix dilates and blood and amniotic fluid leak

internal urethral sphincter urethr/o- -al sphinct/o- -er

regulates the flow of urine out of the bladder and into the urethra; at the base of the bladder; part of the bladder neck; muscular ring that relaxes so that urine can flow into the urethra; opening and closing of this is an involuntary reflex that cannot be consciously controlled urethra pertaining to close tightly person who does or produces; thing that does or produces


rehabilitation (short form)

arrest of labor

related condition to uterine inertia in which uterine contractions have ceased; = failure to progress as the cervix does not progressively dilate and efface

antispasmodic drug anti- spasmod/o- -ic

relax smooth muscle in the walls of the urinary tract (ureter, bladder, and urethra); used to treat spasms for cystitis or overactive bladder against spasm pertaining to

urinary analgesic drugs an- alges/o- -ic

relieve pain in the mucosa of the urinary tract not; without sensation of pain pertaining to

muscle relaxant drug relax/o- -ant

relieves muscle spasm and stiffness; used to treat muscle injuries, muscles spasms in patients with fibromyalgia and neurologic diseases such as multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy relax pertaining to

biopsy bi/o- -opsy

removal of a mass or tumor of the brain or other part of the nervous system; the tumor is sent to the lab for microscopic examination living organism; living tissue process of viewing

tubal ligation tub/o- -al ligat/o- -ion

removal of a section of each uterine tube to prevent pregnancy; cut ends are then cauterized/crushed; woman continues to ovulate but the ovum released from the ovary cannot travel to the uterus an sperm deposited in the vagina cannot reach the ovum; = "getting your tubes tied" tube pertaining to bind; tie up action; condition


removal of a small malignant tumor of the breast (lump); adjacent normal tissue and lymph nodes are removed in case of cancer cell spread; rest of the breast is left intact

biopsy (Bx) bi/o- -opsy

removal of a uterine tissue specimen to diagnose uterine bleeding and cancer; small specimens are collected through the vagina via catheter; an endometrial biopsy uses a speculum to visualize the cervix and a dilator to expand the cervical os; a pipette or catheter is inserted into the uterus and rotated while suction pulls in tissue; larger biopsy specimen, an abdominal surgical procedure is performed living organism; living tissue process of viewing

dilation and curettage (D&C) dilat/o- -ion

removal of abnormal tissue from inside the uterus using a curet (instrument with a sharp edged circular or oval ring at one end) that scrapes the endometrium for the purpose of treating abnormal uterine bleeding, diagnosing uterine cancer, performing a therapeutic abortion, or removing the products of conception following a spontaneous but incomplete abortion; cervix is dilated with progressively larger dilators inserted into the cervical os; a tenaculum (long scissors-like instrument with two curved, pointed ends) is used to grasp and hold the cervix; alternatively a vacuum aspirator is used dilate; widen action; condition

aneurysmectomy aneurysm/o- -ectomy

removal of an aneurysm and repair of the artery aneurysm; dilation surgical removal

oophorectomy oophor/o- -ectomy

removal of an ovary because of large ovarian cysts or cancer ovary surgical removal

bilateral salpingectomy

removal of both uterine tubes because of ovarian cancer or ectopic pregnancy

biopsy (Bx) bi/o- -opsy

removal of breast tissue to diagnose abnormal or cancerous cells; imaging (mammography or ultrasound) may be used to determine mass location and a needle or wire marker is inserted to pinpoint the site living organism; living tissue process of viewing

carotid endarterectomy endo- arter/o- -ectomy

removal of plaque from within the carotid artery; restores blood flow to the brain and decreased the likelihood of a stroke innermost; within artery surgical removal

mastectomy mast/o- -ectomy

removal of the breast (part or all) to excise a malignant tumor breast; mastoid process surgical removal

prostatectomy prostat/o- -ectomy

removal of the entire prostate gland, along with the related lymph nodes, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens; used in the treatment of prostate cancer prostate gland surgical removal

hysterectomy hyster/o- -ectomy

removal of the uterus through the abdomen or the vagina; TAH-BSO removes the uterus along with the uterine tubes and ovaries; because of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, abnormal uterine bleeding, or uterine or cervical cancer uterus; womb surgical removal

salpingectomy salping/o- -ectomy

removal of uterine tube because of ovarian cancer or ectopic pregnancy uterine tube surgical removal

functions of the urinary system

remove waste products of cellular metabolism from the blood by producing, transporting, storing, and excreting urine; excretory system; complements the work of the cardiovascular system by helping to maintain the blood pressure and the composition of the blood (pH and then umber of RBCs)

bilateral oophorectomy bi- later/o- -al

removes both ovaries because of large ovarian cysts or cancer two side pertaining to

bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) salping/o- oophor/o- -ectomy

removes both uterine tubes and both ovaries uterine tube ovary surgical removal

excretory excret/o- -ory

removing from the body having the function of


renal pelvis


repetitive strain injury

potassium supplements

replace potassium that is lost when taking diuretic drugs

function of male genitourinary system

reproductive, and so it secretes the male hormone testosterone, develops secondary sexual characteristics in the male, produces sperm, and releases semen; complements the work of the urinary system by providing a passageway for urine as it leaves the body

IX glossopharyngeal gloss/o- pharyng/o- -eal

sensory nerve; taste; receives sensory information about taste (sweet, sour, bitter, etc) from taste receptors at the back of the tongue, palate, and pharynx; receives sensory information about the blood pressure and oxygen/carbon dioxide levels in arterial blood from pressure receptors in the carotid artery motor nerve; swallowing; carries motor commands to move the muscles involved in swallowing motor nerve; saliva; carries motor commands to move the muscle around the parotid gland to contract and release saliva tongue pharynx; throat pertaining to

VII facial nerve faci/o- -al

sensory nerve; taste; receives sensory information about taste (sweet, sour, bitter, etc) from taste receptors in the front of the tongue motor movement; facial movement; tears and saliva production; carries motor commands to move the facial muscles; to muscles around the lacrimal glands to contract and release tears; to contract muscles around the salivary glands to contract and release saliva' face pertaining to

X vagus nerve vag/o- -al

sensory nerve; taste; receives sensory information about taste (sweet, sour, bitter, etc) from taste receptors in the soft palate and pharynx sensory nerve; ear, chest, and abdomen sensation; receives sensory information about touch, temperature, vibration, and pain from receptors in the ear, diaphragm, and organs in the thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity motor nerve; heart rate; carries motor commands to slow the heart rate motor nerve; bronchi; carries motor commands to contract smooth muscle around the bronchi motor nerve; peristalsis; carries motor commands to contract smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract to produce peristalsis vagus nerve; wandering pertaining to

II optic nerve opt/o- -ic

sensory nerve; vision; receive sensory information about light, dark, and color form foots and cones int he retina of the eye eye; vision pertaining to

syphilis testing

several blood testing options exist; the RPR and VDRL tests are nonspecific because they detect an antibody that is present with syphilis but also with other diseases; FTA-ABS (fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption) test detects the body's specific antibodies against syphilis

large calyx

several minor calyx drain into

sediment hyal/o- -ine

several types of this may be present in the urine; crystals (calcium oxalate, uric acid, etc) can form kidney stones; Hyaline casts are seen with dehydration, under a microscope they are long, clear structures; epithelial cells are a normal finding because they are continually shed from the urinary tract clear, glass-like substance pertaining to

sexual sex/o- -ual

sex pertaining to

coit/o- and pareun/o-

sexual intercourse


sexually transmitted disease


sexually transmitted infection

triceps brachii tri- -ceps

shape: origin of the muscle has three parts or heads (triceps) location: arm (brachii) three Latin word caput (head)

biceps brachii bi- -ceps brachii

shape: origin of the muscle has two parts or heads location: arm two from the Latin word caput (head) of the arm biceps = two heads muscle with two origins/heads that is located in the arm

biceps femoris

shape: origin of the muscle has two parts or heads (biceps) location: femor (femoris) muscle with two origins that is located in the upper leg

condom catheter

shaped like a penis; fits over the penis and collects urine as it leaves the urinary meatus; urine collected in a bag

vagina vagin/o- -al

short, tube-like structure about 3 inches in length; the uterine cervix protrudes into the superior end of the vaginal canal vagina pertaining to

A rotator cuff tear occurs in the ________.


visual vis/o- -ual

sight; vision pertaining to


singular gyrus


singular sulcus


site of conscious awareness, thinking, memory, creativity, emotions, planning, and the ability to learn

collecting duct

site of secretion and final step of urine formation; distal convoluted tubules of many nephrons empty into this; specific substances such as creatinine and metabolized drugs and other substances move out of the blood and into the duct; the fluid that remains in the duct is urine

nervous system works in conjunction with

skin by relaying sensory information from nerves in the skin to the spinal cord and brain; several body systems to regulate automatic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and digestion; endocrine system as the pituitary gland (an endocrine gland that secretes hormones) is located in the brain

vernix caseosa

skin of newborn is partly covered with this; a thick white cheesy substance that protects the skin from bacteria present in the mother's vagina during birth

The prefix brady- means "________."



small amounts of blood, tissue, and fluid known as this continue to flow from the uterus for a week or so until all of the endometrial lining is shed

infarction infarct/o- -ion

small area of dead tissue action; codnition


small for gestational age

bulbourethral glands bulb/o- urethr/o- -al

small pair of pea-sized glands on either side of the urethra, just below the prostate; duct of this empties into the urethra; produce thick mucus that makes up a portion/volume of the semen; mucus helps sperm survive by neutralizing the acidity of the male urethra (urine still present) and the female vagina; urethra enters the penis, which is outside the body as a continuation of the external genitalia bulb-like substance urethra pertaining to

tubular tubul/o- -ar

small tube pertaining to

ovary ovari/o- -an

small, egg-shaped gland; about 2 inches in length near the distal end of a uterine tube; are the female gonads/sex glands in a female; contain follicles that rupture, releasing ova (egg) during the menstrual cycle; secrete the hormones estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone (part of the endocrine system), each of which are active during puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy ovary pertaining to


small, involuntary, back and forth movements of the hands, head, jaw, or extremities that are continuous and cannot be controlled; usually caused by essential familial tremor, an inherited condition

The olfactory nerve is associated with what function?




scrotum scrot/o- -al

soft pouch of skin found behind the penis and in front of the legs; contains the testes, epididymides, and part of each vas deferens; because it is part of the external genitalia this always a few degrees cooler than the body's core temperature which is necessary for proper sperm production; muscles in the wall of this contract or relax to move this closer to or farther away from the body to adjust to temperature changes in the environment scrotum pertaining to


somatosensory evoked potential


somatosensory evoked response


some pregnant women experience this, an unnatural craving for, and compulsive eating of, substances with no nutritional value such as clay, chalk, starch, or dirt

labor begins

somewhere between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation; the fetus presses on the cervix and vagina causing the cervix to start dilating; oxytocin is released from the posterior pituitary gland and causes contractions and with increasing strength; the uterus also releases oxytocin; the cervix softens as collagen breaks down

pain management rhiz/o- -tomy

subspecialty for treating chronic or severe pain is shared by both neurology and anesthesiology; procedures include a dorsal nerve root injection into an area where a nerve is compressed; surgical treatment includes rhizotomy - an incision to cut the spinal nerve roots to help relieve pain spinal nerve root process of cutting

drugs for endometriosis

suppress the menstrual cycle for several months to cause atrophy of endometrial implants in the pelvic cavity

drugs for contraception contra-

suppress the release of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary gland to prevent pregnancy; other drugs kill sperm or keep them from reaching the uterus against prefix and a shortened form of the word conception

tocolytic drugs toc/o- lyt/o- -ic

suppress uterine contractions to prevent premature labor and delivery childbirth; labor break down; destroy pertaining to

nephropexy nephr/o- -pexy

surgical correction of an abnormally low kidney by suturing it into the correct/anatomical position kidney; nephron process of fixing in place

cesarean section

surgical procedure to remove a fetus through an abdominal incision; done because of CPD, failure to progress during labor, past due delivery, or medical problems in the mother or fetus; fetus is delivered through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus; = C-section

nephrectomy nephr/o- -ectomy

surgical removal of a diseased or cancerous kidney; also the procedure used to remove a healthy kidney from a living donor to be transplanted into a patient with renal failure kidney; nephron surgical removal

vasectomy vas/o- -ectomy vas/o- vas/o- -stomy

surgical removal of part of the vas deferens (small incision in the scrotum to identify the vas deferens) to prevent spermatozoa from entering the semen; performed to prevent pregnancy in the female; spermatozoa continue to be produced by each testis but they are eventually broken down and absorbed back into the body can be reversed via vasovasostomy- cut ends in the vas deferens are rejoined so that spermatooza are again present in the semen and the male can caused a female to become pregnant blood vessel; vas deferens surgical removal blood vessel; vas deferens blood vessel; vas deferens surgically created opening surgically created opening (in one part of the) vas deferens (to join another part of the) vas deferens

cystectomy cyst/o- -ectomy radic/o- -al

surgical removal of the bladder; used in the treatment of bladder cancer; radical this removes the bladder, surrounding tissues, and lymph nodes bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst surgical removal root and all parts pertaining to

orchiectomy orchi/o- -ectomy

surgical removal of the testis because of testicular cancer testis surgical removal

The ________ division of the nervous system is active when the body is active or exercising.


bursa burs/o- -al

synovial membranous, fluid filled sac (filled with synovial fluid) that acts as a cushion that helps reduce friction where a tendon rubs against a bone near a synovial joint bursa pertaining to

Tanner staging

system of five stages used to describe the development of the female breasts from childhood through puberty; also used to describe development of female genitalia; Tanner stage 1 (nipple and areola are flat against the chest wall) to Tanner stage 5 (enlargement of the entire breast)

analgesic drug an- alges/o- -ic narc/o- -tic

take away pain associated with nervous diseases; drug that treats mild to moderate pain as over the counter drug (aspirin, acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug); narcotic drugs are used to treat severe, chronic pain not; without sensation of pain pertaining to sleep; stupor pertaining to

gestational diabetes mellitus gestat/o- -ion -al

temporary disorder of glucose metabolism during pregnancy; increased estradiol and progesterone block the action of insulin from the pancreas; function of insulin is to metabolize glucose; decreased action of insulin leads to a high level of unmetabolized glucose in the mother's blood; excess glucose crosses the placenta and caused the fetus to grow rapidly (because the fetal pancreas produces insulin that metabolizes the glucose conception to birth action; condition pertaining to

syncope syncop/o- -al

temporary loss of consciousness (fainting); associated with decreased blood flow to the brain; syncopal episode is one which patient becomes lightheaded and then faints and briefly remains unconscious; caused by carotid artery stenosis and plaque that block blood flow to the brain or by cardiac arrhythmia that decreases blood flow to the brain fainting pertaining to

morning sickness

temporary nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy due to elevated estradiol and progesterone

apnea a- pne/o- -ic

temporary or permanent cessation of breathing after birth; the immature nervous system fails to maintain a constant respiratory rate and there are occasional long pauses between periods of regular breathing; newborn is said to be apneic away from; without breathing pertaining to

________ is inflammation of a tendon from injury or overuse.


A muscle is attached to a bone by a/an ________, a cordlike, nonelastic, white fibrous band of connective tissue.





term newborns, premature newborns, abortions, living children

acid phosphatase

test for an enzyme released by the prostate gland of the male into the semen; presence in the vagina indicated intercessors has occurred; this can be used in rape investigations

amniocentesis amni/o- -centesis

test of the amniotic fluid; ultrasound guidance , a needle is inserted through the pregnant woman's abdomen and into the uterus to collect the fluid sample; is done 15-18 weeks' gestation when there is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid amnion procedure to puncture

acetylcholine receptor antibody test anti-

test that detects antibodies that the body produces against its own acetylcholine receptors; used to diagnose myasthenia gravis against

herpes simplex virus testing

test that detects the presence of DNA from the herpes simplex virus type 2 (genital herpes) which caused genital herpes; can be performed on blood or fluid from skin lesions

creatine phosphokinase (CPK-MM)

test that measures the level of serum CPK-MM, an isoenzyme found in skeletal muscle; used to screen for muscular dystrophy and other diseases involving destruction of muscle tissue; high levels suggest the presence of disease

urine protein electrophoresis (UPEP) electr/o- phor/o- -esis

test to detect Bence-Jones protein, an abnormal protein found in the urine of patients with multiple myeloma (a type of cancer); urine sample is placed in a gel with an electrical current; different substances within the urine, including Bence-Jones protein, become charged an move toward the electrodes (+) or (-) electricity bear; carry; range abnormal condition; process process (of using) electricity (to) carry (substances toward a positive or negative electrode)

A seminoma is a malignant tumor of the ________.


The gonads, or sex glands, in the male are the ________.


didym/o-, orchid/o-, orchi/o-, orch/o, test/i-, test/o-


in fetus

testes and vas deferens are not in the scrotum, they develop in the pelvic cavity; each fetal testis has a spermatic cord, a tube that contains the vas deferens, as well as arteries, veins, and nerves; two months before birth each testis and its spermatic rod pass through the inguinal canal (an opening in the abdominal wall muscle), travel over the pubic bone and through the groin area, to the final permanent location in the scrotum; at that point the spermatic cord separates into the vas deferens and other structures; opening of the inguinal canal usually closes before age 2

endocrine gland

testes are apart of this system; are these glands because their interstitial cells (between the seminiferous tubules) secrete the hormone testosterone

gonads gon/o- -ad

testes are this or sex glands in male (ovaries for women); because they produce reproductive cells ovum; spermatozoon in the direction of; toward

testosterone test/o- steroid/o- -one

testes secretes; most abundant and biologically active of all the male sex hormones; stimulates spermatozoa to mature, and stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty testis steroid chemical substance

testicular testicul/o- -ar

testicle; testis pertaining to


testicular self-examination

testicule test/i- -cle

testis small thing

The hormone ________ is the most abundant and biologically active of all the male sex hormones secreted by the testes.


Which is the most abundant and biologically active of all the male sex hormones?


neurologic examination

tests coordination, sensation, balance, and gait

mini-mental sate examination (MMSE) ment/o- -al

tests patient concrete and abstract thought processes and long and short term memory; if a patient can state their name, date, and location they are "oriented x 3"; other questions are asked chin; mind pertaining to

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing

tests take a variety of forms and may be performed on blood, urine, or saliva (depending on the test type); test used to screen for and diagnose infection include ELISA, OraSure, Western blood, and p24 antigen tests; tests used to monitor disease progression include CD4 and viral RNA load tests

amenorrhea a- men/o- -rrhea

the absence of menstrual periods due to a hormone imbalance, thyroid disease, stress, poor nutrition, chronic disease, intense exercise, psychiatric illness of anorexia nervosa, or tumor of the uterus or ovary; normal before puberty, during pregnancy, and after menopause away from; without month discharge; flow

menarche men/o- -arche

the beginning of menstruation which occurs with the first menstrual period of menses month beginning

before urine production begins

the body must be able to distinguish between needed nutrients (essential blood cells- RBCs, WBCs, platelets) that the body needs and unneeded waste products of metabolism that must be excreted; essential to the health of the body and must not be excreted in the urine unless there is excess amount in the blood (albumin is never excreted in the urine unless the glomerulus is damaged)

excisional biopsy ex- cis/o- -ion -al

the entire tumor or mass is removed and sent to laboratory for microscopic examination to determine if it is benign or malignant away from; out cut action; condition pertaining to

as the fetus grows

the expanding uterus displaces the mother's abdominal organs; causes constipation, urinary frequency, and shortness of breath in the mother

scrotum plays a role in the production of spermatozoa

the external position of this means that it is always a few degrees cooler than the body's temperature; this temperature difference is necessary for the proper development of spermatozoa


the head of a newborn can exhibit this; a temporary elongated reshaping the fetal cranial bones that occurs as the head passes through the mother's bony pelvis;

receptive aphasia recept/o- -ive

the inability to understand the spoken or written word receive pertaining to

expressive aphasia express/o- -ive

the inability to verbally express thoughts communicate pertaining to

endometrium end/o- metri/o- -al

the inner layer of mucous membrane that sloughs off during menstruation if an ovum is not fertilized; mucous membrane that contains glands; this layer thickens during menstrual cycle innermost; within uterus; womb pertaining to


the largest part of the CNS; located within the bony cranium and its fills the cranial cavity; consists of the cerebrum (and its lobes) and additional structures of the ventricles, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdaloid bodies, brainstem, cerebellum; meninges surround the brain which are layers of membranes


the largest structure of the brain; divided laterally into 4 lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital lobes); each lobe has the same name as the cranial bone that is next to it

neurology neur/o- -logy

the medical specialty that studies the nervous system nerve study of

nephron nephr/o-

the microscopic, functional unit of the kidney and the site of urine production; each kidney contains more than 1 million of these; would be 80 miles in length laid out kidney; nephron

nervous system

the muscles work in conjunction with this system too; the muscle contract in response to conscious thought as the brain sends electrical impulses through the nerves to cause the muscles to contract

nervous system works in conjunction with

the muscular and skeletal systems to initiate and coordinate the body's voluntary movements; with the input of sensory information from the inner ear, visual information from the eyes, and sensory information from the muscles about body position, the nervous system helps to maintain the body's sense of balance


the narrow neck of the uterus

fraternal twins fratern/o- -al

the ovary releases two ova that are both fertilized but by different spermatozoa close relationship pertaining to

radical mastectomy radic/o- -al mast/o- -ectomy

the pectoralis major and minor muscle sof the chest wall are also removed and the entire breast, overlying skin, and nipple; this procedure is performed infrequency root and all parts pertaining to breast; mastoid process surgical removal

oogenesis o/o- gen/o- -esis

the process of producing mature ova; involves both mitosis and meiosis; mitosis occurs before birth when oocytes (immature ova) divide; the first stage of meiosis then occurs: the process than pauses until it begins again when stimulated by hormones during puberty; when puberty occurs, meiosis restarts (final step) and oocytes divide unevenly producing an ovum that has 23 chromosomes and a large amount of cytoplasm as well as two or three small nonfunctioning packets of cytoplasm known as polar bodies egg; ovum arising from; produced by abnormal condition; process

spastic paralysis spast/o- -ic

the reflex arc of the lower spinal cord often remains intact and, in response to pain or a full bladder, the spinal cord send nerve impulses that cause the muscles to spasm spasm pertaining to

vaginal introitus

the vaginal opening on the surface of the body; it is posterior to the urethral meatus


therapeutic abortion

oncology onc/o- -logy cancer/o- -ous malign/o- -ancy

there are different types of cancer and cancerous tumors; malignancy is often names for the site where it beings; a seminoma of the testis begins in immature, abnormal spermatocytes in the testis mass; tumor study of cancer pertaining to cancer pertaining to


there are nerves that connects it the the pituitary gland (an endocrine gland); during times of fear or anger, this sends nerve impulses to the sympathetic division of the nervous system to trigger the adrenal gland to secrete the hormone epinephrine for the "fight or flight" response to danger

spinal nerves spin/o- -al

thirty-one pairs ; part of PNS; found int he periphery of the body; originate at intervals along the spinal cord; each pair consists of one nerve to the right side of the body and one nerve to the left side; pairs names according to the vertebra next to them; each has two groups of nerve roots that connect it to the nerve roots: dorsal nerve roots and ventral nerve roots backbone; spine pertaining to

mitosis mit/o- -osis

thread-like substance abnormal condition; process

The triceps brachii muscle divides into ________ parts or heads.


meninges mening/o- -eal

three membrane layers around the brain that surrounds it and protects it; dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater meninges pertaining to

vagina has three funections

to carry menstrual materials (shedded endometrium) out of the body; hold the penis and accept ejaculate that holds spermatozoa; carry the fetus out of the mother's body during childbirth

functions of the nervous system

to receive, process, and interpret sensory information from the internal body and the environment around the body; based on this information, the nervous system then sends motor commands to muscles and other structures in the body; this information can be acted on immediately, if needed, or it can be stored for future reference in the memory

adnexa adnex/o- -al

together the ovaries and uterine tubes are known as this because they are accessory structures connected to the main organ of the uterus accessory connecting parts pertaining to


too numerous to count

drugs to dilate the cervix

topical medications to dilate and efface the cervix during labor

antiyeast drugs

topical treatment for Candida albicans infection of the vagina


total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy


total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of both uterine tubes and ovaries)

The abbreviation TAH-BSO means ________.

total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy


total vaginal hysterectomy

dura mater dur/o- -al

tough, fibrous outermost layer that protects the brain; beneath the bony cranium dura mater pertaining to

afferent affer/o- -ent

toward the center pertaining to


transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation


transient ischemic attack


translucent band of fibrous tissue and fascia that holds down tendons in the wrist and ankle

Which surgical procedure removes a severely damaged kidney from a patient with end-stage kidney failure and insert a new kidney from a donor?

transplantation (If only removing a kidney: nephrectomy; Removing and giving it to another person is transplantation)


transrectal ultrasound


transurethral microwave therapy


transurethral needle ablation


transurethral resection of bladder tumor


transurethral resection of the prostate

TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis muscle) flap trans- -verse

transverse incision is made around an area in the abdomen; skin, fat, and muscle are excised, except for one end that is left attached to the blood vessels there (pedicle graft); the other end is sutured to the area of the mastectomy; older technique across; through travel; turn


transverse rectus abdominis muscle (flap) (pronounced "tram")

prolapsed cord

trapping of a loop of umbilical cord slips down (prolapse) and becomes caught between the presenting part of the fetus and the birth canal (opening of the vagina); occurs if the membrane rupture before the fetal head (or other presenting part) is fully engaged in the woman's pelvis; with each uterine contraction, the umbilical cord is compressed causing decreased blood flow to the fetus and fetal distress with a decreased heart rate


traumatic brain injury

antibiotic drug anti- bi/o- -tic

treat bacterial infections, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis against living organism; living tissue pertaining to

radical hysterectomy radic/o- -al

treat cancer of the uterus involves removal of the uterus, cervix, upper vagina, and pelvic lymph nodes root and all parts pertaining to

ovulation-stimulating drugs

treat infertility by stimulating the anterior pituitary gland to secrete FSH and LH to stimulate ovulation; these drugs cause several mature ova to be released at the same time for in vitro fertilization

tendon tendin/o- -ous

white fibrous band of connective tissue that attaches a muscle to bone; cordlike, nonelastic tendon pertaining to

corticosteroid dru cortic/o- -steroid

treat inflammation associated with chronic pain and multiple sclerosis; also treat edema and swelling of the brain and spinal cord following injury or stroke cortex; outer region steroid

androgen drug andr/o- -gen

treat low testosterone levels due to various medical conditions (cryptorchidism, orchiectomy, or decreased LH from the anterior pituitary gland); may also be used to treat delayed puberty or prostate cancer (chemotherapy drug) male that which produces a category that includes testosterone produced by the testes, other testosterone-like hormones or manufactured testosterone drugs

analgesic drug an- alges/o- -ic

treat muscle pain- mild to moderate inflammation- over the counter drugs; used to treat minor injuries, muscle strains, tendinitis, bursitis, and muscle overuse; prescription narcotic analgesic drugs are used to treat chronic, severe pain not; without sensation of pain pertaining to

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)

treat pain associated with dysmenorrhea

dopamine stimulant drug

treat restless legs syndrome by stimulating dopamine receptors

hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

treat the symptoms and consequences of menopause (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis) associated with decreasing level of estradiol

antiviral drugs anti- vir/o- -al

treat the viral infections that cause genital herpes and genital warts against virus pertaining to

antibiotic drug anti- bi/o- -tic

treat urinary tract infections caused by bacteria against living organism; living tissue pertaining to

phototherapy phot/o- -therapy

treatment for jaundice; with bililights (special fluorescent lights that break down bilirubin in the skin to make it water soluble so it can be excreted by the newborn's kidney)

antiretroviral drug anti- retro- vir/o- -al

treats HIV and AIDS and is given orally against backward; behind virus pertaining to

The combining form delt/o- means "________."



tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body; structure varies by sex

ventriculoperitoneal shunt ventricul/o- peritone/o- -al

tube used to remove excess CSF (associated with hydrocephalus) from the ventricles of the brain and transport it to the peritoneal cavity for resorption by the blood chamber that is filled; ventricle peritoneum pertaining to


tumor that is not malignant (cancerous)

inversion in- vers/o- -ion in- vert/o- -or

turning a body part inward; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts in; not; within travel; turn action; condition in; not; within travel; turn person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

eversion e- vert/o- -ion e- vert/o- -or

turning a body part outward and to the side; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts out; without travel; turn action; condition out; without travel; turn person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

pronation pronat/o- -ion pronat/o- -or

turning the palm of the hand downward/inferiorly; this muscle produces this movement when it contracts; opposite of supination face down action; condition face down person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

supination supinat/o- -ion supinat/o- -or

turning the palm of the hand upward/superiorly such that the hand is "lying on its back"; this muscle produces the movement when it contracts; opposite of pronation lying on the back action; condition lying on the back person who does or produces; thing that does or produces

biparietal bi- pariet/o- -al

two wall of a cavity pertaining to


wide, central part of the uterus

nerve conduction study conduct/o- -ion

two electrodes placed at measured intervals used to determine the speed at which an electrical impulse travels along a nerve; first electrode applies an impulse and the second electrode receives the impulse (reach it); done with electromyography to differentiate between nerve weakness and muscle disorder carrying; conveying action; condition

caliectasis cali/o- -ectasis

type of hydronephrosis; claices of the kidney are enlarged calyx condition of dilation

complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

type of neuralgia; occurs after an injury to one body part; its symptoms include causalgia that is chronic and is coupled with changes in skin color and temperature, and swelling

causalgia caus/o- alg/o- -ia

type of neuralgia; severe burning pain along a nerve and its branches burning pain condition; state; thing

ependymal cells ependym/o- -al

type of neuroglia; cells that line the ventricles of the brain and the narrow, central canal within the spinal cord; they produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cellular lining pertaining to

microglia micr/o- -glia

type of neuroglia; cells that move throughout the tissues of the brain and spinal cord; engulf and destroy dead cells and pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc); smallest of all the neuroglia one millionth; small group of cells that support

oligodendroglia olig/o- dendr/o- -glia

type of neuroglia; cells that provide structural support; produce myelin that is around the larger axons of neurons in the brain and spinal cord few; scanty branching structure group of cells that support group of cells that support (a neuron but have) few branching structures

astrocytes astr/o- -cyte

type of neuroglia; cells with branches that radiate outward like a star; they support the dendrites of neurons and connect them to capillaries; form the blood-brain barrier that keeps certain harmful substances in the blood from entering the brain star-like substance cell

DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforator) flap

type of reconstructive breast surgery; an incision is made int eh lower abdomen, and the skin and fat are excised as a flap; the blood vessels in the flap are reattached to blood vessels in the chest wall

chronic kidney disease chron/o- -ic

type of renal failure; occurs gradually; starts with renal insufficiency that gradual worsens with progressive damage to the kidney from chronic uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or glomerulonephritis; symptoms and signs don't appear until 80% of kidney function has been lost; previously = chronic renal failure (CRF) time pertaining to

acute kidney injury (AKI) tubul/o- -ar necr/o- -osis

type of renal failure; occurs suddenly, usually due to trauma, blood loss, or overwhelming infection; caused by acute tubular necrosis - the sudden destruction of large numbers of nephrons and their tubules; previously = acute renal failure (ARF) small tube pertaining to dead body; dead tissue abnormal condition; process

Which procedure uses sound waves to create an image of a kidney stone?


nuchal cord nuch/o- -al

umbilical cord wrapped around the neck of the fetus; a tight cord can impair blood flow to the brain if around the neck; causing brain damage or death; a loose cord can be present without causing a problem neck pertaining to

restless leg syndrome (RLS)

uncomfortable restlessness and twitching of the leg muscles along with tingling, aching, or crawling-insect sensations; usually occurs at night

cortex cortic/o- -al

under the capsule lies this (tissue layer) and under this lies the layer of the medulla cortex; outer region pertaining to

ureteral orifices

ureters enter the posterior side of bladder at these openings

urethral urethr/o- -al

urethra pertaining to



urogenital ur/o- genit/o- -al

urinary system; urine genitalia pertaining to

urine ur/o- -ine

urinary system; urine pertaining to


urinary tract infection




urinating often, usually in small amounts; can be due to a kidney stone or an enlarged prostate gland that partially blocks the flow of urine from the bladder; can be due to a UTI or overactive bladder; pregnant women urinate more but it is not a disease

The medical language definition of the word micturition is the "process (of) making ________."



urine protein electrophoresis (pronounced "U-prep")

culture and sensitivity (C&S) sensitiv/o- -ity

urine test in which a urine sample is swabbed onto a culture medium so that any bacteria present in the sample can be identified (what's causing the UTI); the bacteria are tested to determine their sensitivity to various antibiotics affected by; sensitive to condition; state

drug screening

urine test performed to evaluate whether an individual is using illegal, addictive, or performance-enhancing drugs

urinalysis (UA) urin/o- alysis

urine test that describes the general characteristics of a patient's urine and detects substances in it; includes consideration of color, odor, pH, sediment content, and specific gravity; screens for glucose, ketones, RBCs, WBCs, and various proteins urinary system; urine shortened form of analysis

The study of the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system plus related diseases and procedures is known as ________.


cystoscopy cyst/o- -scopy cyst/o- -scope

use of an instrument called a cystoscope to examine the insides of the bladder; the cystoscope is inserted through the urethra; a wide-angle lens and light allow a full view of the bladder bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst process of using an instrument to examine bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst instrument used to examine

induction of labor induct/o- -ion

use of oxytocin drug to begin (induce) labor; used when the mother's due date has passed or health issues necessitate delivery leading in action; condition

cystoscopic laser lithotrispy cyst/o- scop/o- -ic

uses a cystoscope with a holmium laser that is inserted into the bladder to break up a done bladder; fluid-filled sac; semisolid cyst examine with an instrument pertaining to

percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy per- cutane/o- -ous ultra- son/o- -ic

uses an endoscope inserted through the flank skin and into the kidney; a lithotriptor probe is inserted through the endoscope and into the kidney to break up large stones through; throughout skin pertaining to beyond; higher sound pertaining to

transvaginal ultrasound trans- vagin/o- -al

uses an ultrasound probe inserted into the vagina to determine the thickness of the endometrium in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding across; through vagina pertaining to

extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) extra- corpor/o- -eal

uses several hundred pulses of high-energy ultrasonic shock waves from multiple angles outside of the body to break up the stone outside body pertaining to

stereotactic biopsy stere/o- tact/o- -ic

uses three different angles of mammography to precisely locate the mass that is to be biopsied three dimensions touch pertaining to

herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP)

usually involves a lumbar disk and is often caused by heavy lifting and poor body mechanics; = sciatica hen the disk presses on branches of the sciatic nerve whose nerve roots are between the L4 and L5 vertebrae; sciatic nerve is combined sensory and motor nerve and depending on where it is compressed, there is pain and tingling (paresthesias) or numbness and muscle weakness

first stage of labor

uterine contractions occur every 30 minutes increasing in intensity and duration; the cervical os dilates (cervical dilation) to 5 cm; the cervix is 50% effaced (thinning of the cervical wall); mother may want epidural anesthesia to help control the pain; rupture of the membranes (ROM) occurs which releases amniotic fluid, after 8 to 20 hours, the cervix completely dilated (10 cm) and fully effaced (100%) and the mother is ready to deliver

salping/o- and fallopi/o-

uterine tube (previously known as fallopian tube)

involution involut/o- -ion

uterus gradually returns to its pre-pregnancy size enlarged organ returns to normal size action; condition

hyster/o-, metri/o-, metr/o-

uterus; womb

seminal vesicles semin/o- -al

v-shaped pair of elongated glands on the posterior wall of the bladder; they produce seminal fluid which makes up most of the volume of semen and provides sperm because of the high level of fructose which is a source of energy for the sperm; after leaving this the semen enters the ejaculatory ducts which join with the urethra as it passes through the prostate sperm; spermatozoon pertaining to

The medical language definition of the word colporrhaphy is "procedure of suturing (the) ________."





vaginal birth after cesarean section (pronounced "V-back")

vaginitis vagin/o- -itis venere/o- -al

vaginal inflammation or infection; inflammation is due to irritation from chemicals in spermicides or douches; infection is due to yeast infection (candidiasis) or bacterial or viral STD infection (venereal disease) vagina infection of; inflammation of sexual intercourse pertaining to

varicocele varic/o- -cele

varicose vein in a testis; valves in the vein do not close tightly allowing blood to accumulate and scrotum to become distended and painful; may lead to low sperm count and infertility varicose vein hernia

Which surgical procedure in the male is done to prevent pregnancy in the female?


The ________ are four interconnected cavities within the brain.


A laminectomy is a surgical procedure to remove part of the ________ to relieve pressure on the dorsal nerve roots.



wide, white fibrous sheet of connective tissue that attaches a flat muscle to a bone (as at the top of the skull) or to deeper muscles (as in the anterior abdomen)

oligomenorrhea olig/o- men/o- -rrhea

very light menstrual flow or infrequent menstrual periods (longer than 35 days before the next cycle begins) in a woman who previously had normal periods; caused by hormone imbalance few; scanty month discharge; flow

kidneys work in conjunction with the cardiovascular system to maintain normal blood composition

via two mechanisms if blood pH decreases, the kidneys reabsorb more bicarbonate (moves from the tubules back into the blood), which boosts the pH if RBC count decreases the kidneys secrete erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulate bone marrow to product more RBCs


visual evoked potential


visual evoked response

colposcopy colp/o- -scopy

visual examination of the vagina and cervix using a lighted instrument with magnification vagina process of using an instrument to examine

laparoscopy lapar/o- -scopy

visualization of the abdominopelvic cavity, uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries; laparoscopic surgery begins with a small incision near the umbilicus, and CO2 gas is used to inflate the abdominal cavity; the abdominal cavity tools can be used along with the scope (laparoscope- endoscope is inserted through the incision) to perform procedures; pelvic adhesions, pelvic inflammatory disease, and endometriosis can be treated, a biopsy taken, or a hysterectomy performed laparoscopically abdomen process of using an instrument to examine

cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination cerebr/o- spin/o- -al

visually examines color and clarity of CSF, microscopically examines cells in CSF, and chemically tests CSF for proteins and other substances; normal CSF if clear and colorless; pink CSF indicated a brain or spinal cord bleed from a stroke or trauma; cloudy CSF indicated bacterial infection ex. form encephalitis or meningitis; elevated protein indicateds infection or tumor; oligoclonal bands indicated MS; myelin-basic protein indicates MS or ALS cerebrum backbone; spine pertaining to


voiding cystourethrogram; voiding cystourethrography



uterine inertia

weak, uncoordinated, contractions in a long an nonproductive labor; caused by a decreased level of oxytocin secreted by the posterior pituitary gland or the uterus being distended with multiple fetuses and unable to contract normally or cephalopelvic disproportion or malpresentation of the fetus

Bell palsy

weakness, drooping, or paralysis on one side of the face due to facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) inflammation, usually temporary (~ a month) as it is caused by a viral infection, possibly herpes virus

ependymal cells ependym/o- -al

what ventricles are liens with; produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a clear fluid that cushions and protects the brain and contains glucose and other nutrients; CSF circulates in the ventricles and spinal canal and returns to the brain and the subarachnoid space in the meninges where it is absorbed into the blood of large veins nearby cellular lining pertaining to


when a spermatozoon unites with an ovum, the resulting cell has 46 chromosomes and is known as this

urine production begins

when blood enters the kidney via the renal artery, which splits into smaller arterioles

urethral meatus

where the urethra ends, located at the tip of the penis; if uncircumcised, this is covered by the foreskin of the penis

chorion chorion/o- -ic

which sends finger-like projections (villi) into the endometrium to absorb nutrients and oxygen; itself produces the hormone human chronic gonadotropin (HCG) chorion pertaining to

candidiasis candid/o- -iasis leuk/o- -rrhea

yeast infection caused by Candida albicans; often during an antibiotic regimen; there is itching and leukorrhea- cheesy, white discharge; the antibiotics drug kills the disease-causing bacteria, but yeast (which is always present to some degree in the vagina) is not affected by the antibiotic drug, and so it multiples and causes an infection Candida; yeast process; state white discharge; flow

jaundice hyper- bilirubin/o- -emia

yellow discoloration of the skin in a newborn; due to inability of the newborn liver to conjugate bilirubin from red blood cells during gestation; the destruction of those RBCs releases hemoglobin which is converted into unconjugated bilirubin; immature newborn liver is not able to process this much unconjugated bilirubin and it builds up in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia), moves into the tissues, and causes this; more premature the newborn, the greater the chance of developing this above; more than normal bilirubin condition of the blood; substance in blood


zygote intrafallopian transfer

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