Chapter 8 quiz

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Yes or no? Congress and the individual states printed so much paper money that it became almost worthless.


Yes or no? Congress never had enough money to run the government, settle its debts, and pay its soldiers.


Yes or no? Foreign countries had little respect for the United States.


Yes or no? Foreign countries refuse to make trade agreements with the United States because Congress could not get all of the states to obey them.


Yes or no? George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and other leaders became dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation.


Yes or no? It was difficult to get new laws passed.


Yes or no? It was difficult to make changes in the Articles of Confederation.


Yes or no? Many disputes between states and between citizens of different states went unsettled because there were no federal courts to hear the cases.


Yes or no? Many states refused to pay the full amount of taxes requested by Congress.


Yes or no? Money in one state was different from money in another state.


Describe the role of George Washington at the Constitutional Convention-

He presided over the convention and made sure the rules were enforced.

What was the purpose of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

It established how territories could become states.

Which delegate objected to having one person serve as chief executive?

Benjamin Franklin.

According to the Great Compromise, how are states represented in the Senate?

Each state has two senators elected by the state's legislature. This favors the states.

True or False A territory could apply for statehood as soon as 5,000 adult males had settled there.


True or False All government officials were elected by the people.


True or False The Supreme Court decided whether a territory could become a state.


True or False Three states were eventually made from the Northwest Territory.


Which of these describes the delegates at the Constitutional Convention? A. They represented all 13 states. B. All supported a strong national government. C. Most had extensive political experience. D. They gave interviews to reporters.

Most had extensive political experience.

Which statement about approving the Constitution is true? A. The Constitution went into effect without any of the states approving it. B. State legislatures had to approve the Constitution before it went into effect. C. Nine states had to approve the Constitution before it went into effect. D. All 13 states had to approve the Constitution before it went into effect.

Nine states had to approve the Constitution before it went into effect.

2. The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for the division and sale of lands in the __________

Northwest territory

How does the Electoral College operate today?

People choose their state's electors when they vote in presidential elections.

10. One section in each township was sold to raise money for the support of __________ .

Public schools

The Federalists Papers were written to support-

Ratification of the Constitution.

Write a one paragraph letter to the editor of a newspaper from the perspective of an Anti-Federalist supporting ratification of the Constitution.

The Constitution is a horrible plan for government. Congress will ruin our nation with taxes, just like Parliament tried to do two decades ago. The president will rule like a king, and the Supreme Court will swallow up the power of our state courts. Worst of all, this plan does not protect our individual liberties! The Constitution will do nothing but take power from our state governments and its people. It must not be ratified.

Which statement about drafting the Constitution is true? Text to speech A. The delegates included a provision to end slavery. B. The delegates included a fugitive slave clause. C. The delegates agreed to end slavery in 1808. D. The delegates agreed that states would control trade.

The delegates included a fugitive slave clause.

Why did southern delegates oppose giving Congress broad power to control trade?

They feared that Congress would outlaw the slave trade.

Who supported the New Jersey Plan?

delegates from small states.

What was the main concern of the Anti-Federalists?

no list of people's rights in the Constitution.

A few years after the Constitutional Convention, political parties were-

nominating presidential candidates.

At the Constitutional Convention, delegates elected George Washington to be-

president of the convention.

The delegates decided that the president and vice president should be chosen by-

the Electoral College.

By the time of the Constitutional Convention, most slaves lived in-

the South.

3. Land was organized into __________ that measured 6 miles from north to south and six miles from east to west.


What did the Virginia Plan propose?

two houses of Congress with representation based on state population.

Yes or no? A meeting was held to write a new constitution for the United States.


Yes or no? Boundary disputes between states nearly led to armed conflict.


Yes or no? Laws were not always enforced because there was no president to see that they were carried out.


Yes or no? States argued over navigation rights on rivers along their boundaries.


Yes or no? States placed heavy taxes on products from other states so that their citizens would buy cheaper goods from businesses within their own state.


Yes or no? The weak national government could not keep the states from acting like thirteen independent countries.


Yes or no? Virginia, Massachusetts, and other states with large populations resented the fact that each state, regardless of its size, had one vote in Congress.


Compare the growing division in attitudes toward slavery by writing what a delegate from the North might have said.

Ø"Many states have passed laws against slavery, and some Northerners are involved in activities to end slavery."

Describe how Elbridge Gerry might have answered a reporter who asked, "Did you sign the Constitution? Why or why not?"

Ø"No. It does not protect the rights of the people."

Describe how George Mason might have answered a reporter who asked, "Did you sign the Constitution? Why or why not?"

Ø"No. It gives too much power to the national government."

What might a delegate from the South have said about how slaves should be counted for representation in Congress?

Ø"Slaves should be counted the same way as every other person is counted."

Compare the growing division in attitudes toward slavery by writing what a delegate from the South might have said.

Ø"The South is not ready to abolish slavery. Our economy is too dependent upon it."

Describe how Benjamin Franklin might have answered a reporter who asked, "Did you sign the Constitution? Why or why not?"

Ø"Yes. Even though I don't like everything about this plan, it is as close to perfect as we will get."

What might a delegate from the North have said about how slaves should be counted for representation in Congress?

Ø"You treat slaves as property. They should be counted only as property and not for representation."

What did delegates for stronger state governments (weaker national government) believe?

ØA strong national government could threaten individual liberty. The state governments are closer to the people's control and so should have more power than the national government.

Why did the important leaders Sam Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry not attend the convention?

ØAdams, Hancock, and Henry feared that a stronger national government would hurt the rights of the states.

Do you agree with the delegates rule of secrecy? Why or why not?

ØAnswers will vary. ØIf the student agrees, the focus might be on keeping the public calm or being able to speak freely. ØIf the student disagrees, the focus might be on being able to monitor the proceedings for fairness.

List the three proposals given for choosing the chief executive. Highlight the one you think is best.

ØCongress appoints the president. ØThe people elect the president. ØA specially chosen group of electors from each state elects the president.

What compromise did the delegates reach on the slave trade?

ØCongress could not tax exports to other countries. ØIt could not interfere with the slave trade for 20 years. ØThe fugitive slave clause required that escaped slaves had to be returned to their owners even if captured in a free state.

How many electors does each state have in the Electoral College?

ØEach state has as many electors as the number of representatives it sends to Congress.

List one belief that these two types of delegates shared.

ØGovernment should protect "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ØThe government's powers come from the people. ØThe best way to protect rights is with a republic.

Describe the role of James Madison at the Constitutional Convention-

ØHe was the best-prepared delegate and spoke numerous times. ØHis influence was so great that he became known as the "Father of the Constitution." ØHe also kept the best records.

A quarter sections consisted of __________ acres.


Give at least one argument in support of a single executive.

A single executive can give clear, timely leadership.

7. All the land was sold at auction to the highest the smallest amount of money which could be paid for one section was __________ .


6. The land company, or an individual purchaser, had to buy __________ acres of land at a time from the government.


Supporters of the Constitution called themselves-


8. Most settlers bought their land from __________ , which had purchased sections and divided them into smaller and less expensive lots.

Land companies

Give at least one argument in support of a three-member executive.

Three executives can protect against one executive abusing his power.

True or False Congress wanted to see public schools established in the Northwest Territory.


True or False Slavery was forbidden in the Northwest Territory


True or False The Northwest Ordinance established guidelines for admitting new states to the Union.


True or False The Northwest Ordinance gave settlers a bill of rights.


True or False The Northwest Ordinance was a major accomplishment of Congress under the Articles of Confederation.


True or False. The Northwest Ordinance established a democratic form of government.


Complete the matrix to explain the differences between these two plans of government.

Virginia Plan: 3 branches of government. two houses-House of Representatives and Senate. States with larger populations favored this plan; they would have more representatives in both houses of Congress. New Jersey Plan: 3 branches of government. one house. States with smaller populations favored this plan; each state would get an equal number of votes in Congress.

Write a one paragraph letter to the editor of a newspaper from the perspective of a Federalist supporting ratification of the Constitution.

We need a strong central government that can unite our quarreling states. Under the Articles of Confederation, we had a weak central government and the nation was falling apart. This powerful government will not be able to take away the rights of the people as some fear it might. The powers are limited and divided among three branches of power. This is the only way to ensure the survival of our young country. We must give it strength!

1. The United States government gained control of the __________ lands when seven states gave up their claims.


What was a feature of the Great Compromise? A. a Senate with one senator from each state B. a one-house Congress C. a Senate with two senators from each state D. an executive branch with two co-presidents

a Senate with two senators from each state.

What is a republic?

a country governed by elected representatives.

What was a feature of both the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

a national government with three branches.

The Three-Fifths Compromise called for each slave to be counted as three-fifths of a person when determining-

representation in the House of Representatives.

5. Each __________ contained 640 acres.


4. A township was made up of 36 __________ which were each one square mile in size.


Describe one way that presidential elections have changed overtime.

ØOriginally, state legislatures chose the electors in the Electoral College. Today, the people choose their state's electors. ØOriginally, the candidate receiving the most votes became president, and the runner-up became vice-president. Today, the president and vice president run and are elected together. ØOriginally, voters knew little about candidates outside their own states. Today, instant communication has changed the amount of knowledge we can access about candidates.

Who created the plan that became known as the Great Compromise?

ØRoger Sherman

How did the Three Fifths Compromise work?

ØSlaves were counted as three-fifths of a person when determining a state's population.

Where should the government's power to rule come from, according to the James Madison?

ØThe government's power to rule should come from the people.

Where should the government's power to rule come from, according to the Articles of Confederation?

ØThe government's power to rule should come from the states.

What did delegates for a strong national government believe?

ØThe national government should have more power so it can do its job of protecting the people's rights. Under the Articles of Confederation, which gives more power to states, the nation is falling apart.

According to the Great Compromise, how are states represented in the House of Representatives?

ØThe number of representatives from each state depends on population. This favors the people.

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