Chapter 9- male reproductive system

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Area between the anus and vagina in females and the area between the anus and scrotal sac in males.

hypospadias hi-po-SPA-de-as

Congenital anomaly in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis.


Ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra as a result of sexual stimulation.

varicocele (VAR-ih-koh-seel)

Enlarged dilated veins near a testicle

seminoma seh-mih-NO-mah

Malignant tumor of a testis


Malignant tumor of a testis or ovary; composed of embryonic cells that develop into different types of tissue.

seminiferous tubules seh-mih-NIF-er-us

Narrow coiled tubles that produce sperm in the testes

vas deferens DEF-er-enz

Narrow tube that carries sperm from the epididymis into the body, around the urinary bladder toward the urethra

Epididymis ep-ih-DIH-dih-mis

One of a pair of long, tightly coiled tubes above each testis. It stores and carries sperm from seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens.

cryptorchidism kript-OR-kid-izm

One or both testes fail to descend from the abdomen in the scrotal sac near the time of birth.


Pertaining to a testis or testicle.

Spermolytic sper-mo-LIH-rik

Pertaining to destruction of sperm

Transuerthral resection of the prostate gland

Removal of portions of prostate gland through the urethra; TURP


Removal of sex glands (gonads); ovaries or testes.

herpes genitalis HER-peez ZOS-ter

Sexually transmitted infection of the skin and mucosa of the genitals caused by the herpes simplex virus and marked by blisters.

Spermatozoon sper-mah-to-ZO-en

Single sperm cell

stromal tissue

Supportive, connective tissue of an organ


The rejoining of the cut ends of the vas deferens to restore male fertility; reversal of vasectomy

testicular torsion

Twisting of the spermatic cord and blood vessels of the testes.

cryogenic surgery kri-o-GEN-ik

Use of extremely cold temperatures to freeze or destroy tissue.

bulbourethral glands bul-bo-u-RE-thral

a pair of exocrine glands located on either side of the male urethra, just below the prostate

peyronie disease pay-RO-ne

abnormal curvature of the penis


any problem that lowers the chances of a woman becoming pregnant


bacterial infection of the urethra and reproductive tract in men and women


bilateral surgical removal of a part of the vas deferens; male sterilization

interstitial cells of the testes in-ter-STIH-shul

cells that lie between seminiferous tubules and produce testosterone

aspermia a-SPERM-e-ah

failure to produce semen, or absence of sperm in the semen.

digital rectum exam

finger palpation through the anal canal and rectum to examine the prostate gland


fluid discharged at ejaculation; consisting of sperm cells and secretions from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands

prepuce PRE-pus

fold of skin covering the glans penis; foreskin


formation of sperm cells

parenchymal tissue pah-RENK-ih-mal

functional, essential tissue of an organ

chancre SHANK-er

genital ulcer commonly formed during the primary stage of syphilis in males and females


hair-like projection on a sperm cell that makes it motile

hydrocele HI-dro-seel

hernia within the scrotum

erectile dysfunction

inability of an adult male to achieve an erection; impotence

impotence IM-po-tents

inability of an adult male to achieve and erection; erectile dysfunction

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) pap-ih-LO-mah-vi-rus

infection of the skin and mucous membranes in the anogenital region by the human papilloma virus

epididymitis ep-ih-dih-dih-MI-tis

inflammation of the epididymis

balanitis bal-ah-NI-tis

inflammation of the glans penis

prostatitis pros-tah-TI-tis

inflammation of the prostate gland

orchitis or-KI-tis

inflammation of the testes

azoospermia a-zo-o-SPERM-e-ah

lack of sperm in the semen


male genital organ composed of erectile tissue


male gonad that produces spermatozoa and the hormone testosterone


male hormone secreted by the testes

androgen AN-dro-jen

male hormone secreted by the testes; responsible for developing and maintaining male secondary sex characteristics. testosterone is an example.

prostate cancer

malignant tumor of the prostate gland

testicular cancer

malignant tumor of the testicles

semen analysis

microscopic examination of ejaculated fluid

phimosis fih-MO-sis

narrowing of the opening of the foreskin over the glans penis

seminal vesicles

pair of male exocrine gland lying behind the urinary bladder and opening into the vas deferens


pertaining to the penis

penoscrotal pe-no-SKRO-tal

pertaining to the penis and scrotum


procedure that removes an individual's ability to produce or release reproductive cells

benign prostatic hyperplasia be-NINE pros-TAH-tik hi-per-PLA-ze-ah

prostatic enlargement, nonmalignant

purulent PU-ru-lent

pus-filled; forming or containing pus


removal of the prostate gland

orchiectomy or-ke-EK-to-me

removal of the testes

photoselective vaporization of the prostate

removal of tissue to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia using a green light laser

scrotum SKRO-tum

sac that contains the testes and associated organs

oligospermia ol-ih-go-SPER-me-ah

scanty sperm count

glans penis (glanz)

sensitive tip of the penis


sexually transmitted infection caused by a spirochete and which may involve any organ or tissue over time; usually manifests first on the skin, with the appearance of small, painless, red papules that erode and form bloodless ulcers called chancres


sexually transmitted infection involving inflammation of genital tract mucosa, caused by infection with gonococci


sperm cells

orchiopexy or-ke-o-PEK-se

surgical fixation of an undescended testis into the scrotum


surgical removal of the foreskin surrounding the end of the penis

ejaculatory duct

tube through which semen enters the male urethra

identical twins

two infants resulting from division of one fertilized egg

fraternal twins

two infants resulting from fertilization of two separate ova by two separate sperm cells


tying off a tube or blood vessel

Embryonal carcinoma em-bre-ON-al kar-sih-NO-mah

type of testicular cancer

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