Chapter 9: Nail Structure & Growth
Nail Plate is a hardened keratin plate that sits on and cover the nail bed. The nail bed is the portion of living skin that supports that nail plate as it grows toward the free edge.
Explain the difference between the nail plate & the nail bed.
Nail Plate, Nail Bed, Matrix, Nail Cuticle, Eponychium, Hyponychium, Specialized Ligaments & Nail Folds.
Name the major parts of the natural nail unit.
Nutrition, exercise & a person's general health.
What are three factors that can affect growth of the natural nail?
The nail cuticle is the dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate. The eponychium is the living skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix area.
What is the difference between the nail cuticle and the eponychium?
What is the technical term for the natural nail?
What part of the natural nail unit contains the nerves, lymph, & blood vessels?
What protein is in the natural nail?
Because it is living skin.
Why are cosmetologists prohibited from cutting the skin around the base of the nail plate, even when a client requests it during service?
Whitish and translucent in appearance, with the pinkish color of the nail bed showing through.
Describe the appearance of a normal, healthy nail.