Chapter 9 Sociology

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Create a timeline of Cuban immigration history by placing the following events in order according to when they happened.

- Comminist revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro overthrow the regime Fulgencio Batista - Middle- and upper- class immigrants fleeing Cuba are welcomed in the United States as political refugees - the "open door" policy of the US toward Cuban refugees ends. - Poor Cubans attempt to flee to the US in leaky boats. Those that make it through without sinking or being turned back are reluctantly accepted

Identify the examples of collective resistance.

-An oppressed group engages in a campaign of nonviolent protest. -An oppressed group rises up in organized, armed rebellion.

Identify the major human population types, according to Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1788).

-Caucasian -American -Ethiopian -Mongoloid -Malay

Identify the examples of ancient beliefs about race that associated skin color with geographic or environmental factors.

-Chinese creation myth -Ancient Egyptian records -The writings of the Greek philosopher Hippocrates

Place in chronological order the events that lead to the formation of black ghettos in the first part of the twentieth century.

-Demographic change trends and structural changes in the economy increased competition for jobs - The social boundary between blacks and whites hardened -property owners and police cooperated to maintain segregated neighborhoods -Federal aid to home purchasers favored whites over blacks -Urban "renewal projects forced black Americans to relocate into crime-ridden public housing projects

Identify the correct statements about the eugenics movement.

-Eugenicists contended that mental, physical, and psychological traits were passed down within racial groups. -Eugenics is a pseudoscience, long discredited among the scientific community. -Eugenics was used to support programs to control fertility and immigration to limit the presence of racial groups within the population.

Symbolic ethnicity today is a matter of choice for white middle-class Americans, but not for black middle-class Americans. Identify the factors behind this difference.

-For a black person, in the eyes of society, skin color is a defining characteristic. -A black person cannot choose to be considered (for instance) Kenyan or Nigerian. -A black person cannot choose to be considered either white or black. -For a white person, in the eyes of society, skin color is not a defining characteristic. -A white person can choose to be considered (for instance) Irish or German.

Institutional racism occurs when a seemingly race-neutral policy or social dynamic disadvantages minority groups. Identify the examples of institutional racism.

-Higher penalties associated with crack cocaine than with the powdered form. -The phenomenon of "white flight," which holds down home values in predominantly black neighborhoods. -Tax laws that ease the tax burden on the very wealthy.

Place in chronological order the events that lead to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which at least 500,000 members of the Tutsi tribe were massacred by members of the Hutu tribe.

-Hutus and Tutsis are living together in relative harmony - Belgium, as the local colonial power, institutes a class hierarchy - Following Rwandan independence in 1982 - Three years of failed crops put Rwanda's social fabric under strain - The hutut take out their frustration of the tutsis, killing hundreds of thousands

The use of DNA technology has been helpful to groups such as the _______, which have used this technology to _________ previously convicted individuals. However, this seemingly "neutral" technology can also lead to __________ unequal outcomes.

-Innocence Project -exonerate -racially

Identify the reasons why residential segregation is such a serious social problem.

-It is hard to change or prevent. -It leads to other forms of segregation. -It fosters a culture of segregation.

In American law, a rule once widely used declared that "one drop" of black blood makes one black. Identify the effects of the one-drop rule.

-It put all blacks on the same level. -It was used to enforce antimiscegenation laws.

Identify the consequences of making everyone (whites and others) more aware of whiteness as a racial category.

-It removes the assumption that whiteness is normal and nonwhiteness is deviant. -It encourages some whites to embrace white consciousness in racist fashion.

Identify the main problems with the label "African American" for part of the U.S. population.

-Many newly arrived immigrants from Africa do not want to be grouped with the blacks already here. -Immigrants from Cuba, Jamaica, and Haiti think of those places, not Africa, as their countries of origin.

Identify the stereotypes seen on U.S. television that perpetuate widespread misunderstanding of Middle Easterners and Middle Eastern culture.

-Middle Easterners are portrayed as sex-crazed. -Middle Easterners are portrayed as terrorists. -Middle Easterners are portrayed as wealthy. -Middle Easterners are portrayed as barbaric.

Identify the reasons why the stereotype of Asian Americans as a "model minority" is not accurate.

-Not all Asian American groups fit the stereotype equally well. -The stereotype places an unfair burden on Asian youth.

In 1896, _________ established the doctrine that "_________" services for blacks and whites were permissible. In practice, blacks consistently received inferior services. This eventually led the Supreme Court to reverse itself: in 1954, __________made school segregation illegal on the grounds that "separate educational facilities are _____ unequal."

-Plessy v Ferguson -separate but equal - Brown v Board of education - inherently

Our current concept of race is the product of a series of historical developments. Place the events in chronological order.

-Skin color and other physical traits were attributed to environmental factors -sorting people into distinct races was a handy justification for colonialism -Darwin introduced the idea of evolution through the natural selection of inherited traits -Darwin's theory was applied to social policy, to judge some people "fitter" than others

Identify the roles of social media in the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

-Social media brings attention to police violence. -Social media provides a platform for organizing.

Identify the ways in which the Burakumin in Japan demonstrate the process of racialization.

-The Burakumin are treated as a distinct group, unrelated to other Japanese. -The Burakumim are barred from full participation in Japanese society. -The Burakumin have poorer health, less educational achievement, and lower income than their fellow Japanese citizens.

Place the historical events in chronological order. -The U.S. Supreme Court decides Plessy v. Ferguson. -Integration of schools through compulsory busing is widely rejected as unacceptable. -The U.S. Supreme Court decides Brown v. Board of Education. -Allied forces fight the racist regime of Nazi Germany. -Mandatory busing is used to desegregate schools.

-The U.S. Supreme Court decides Plessy v. Ferguson. -Allied forces fight the racist regime of Nazi Germany. -The U.S. Supreme Court decides Brown v. Board of Education. -Mandatory busing is used to desegregate schools. -Integration of schools through compulsory busing is widely rejected as unacceptable.

Imagine an ethnicity called Naim. The Naim are descendants of a large population of immigrants who moved to the United States several generations before. The Naim are white, but have developed their own distinctive cultural traits. Identify the factors that would make someone more likely to claim membership in the Naim ethnicity.

-The individual otherwise identifies as white. -There is no stigma or discrimination associated with claiming a Naim ethnicity.

Identify the true statements about Arabs in the United States.

-They are united by a common geographic origin. -They are united by a shared linguistic heritage. -They are united by shared culture and cuisine.

Identify the false statements about Arabs in the United States.

-They are united by a common religion. -They are united by shared physical characteristics.

Identify the factors that contributed to the decline and near-disintegration of Native American cultures in North America, following the arrival of European explorers in the late fifteenth century.

-forced assimilation -disease -forced relocation -military technology

Identify the problems that Native American communities still struggle with today.

-high suicide rates -elevated high school dropout rates -high mortality rates

The word race comes from a Latin word meaning "________." Our modern concept of race has evolved in conjunction with _________, as a rationale for a group of people with one common _________ to ___________ other people.

-root -imperialism -bloodline -conquer and dominate

Identify the beliefs that characterize racism.

-that bloodlines or physical characteristics are linked to distinct cultures, behaviors, and intellectual abilities -that humans are divided into distinct bloodlines and/or physical types -that certain groups are, by virtue of their bloodlines or physical characteristics, superior to others

Old-fashioned racism is based on the idea of _______ traits that make some people better than others. The new racism, called _________ racism, uses _______ rhetoric; it blames the troubles of minority groups on their different _______.

-unchangeable -"laissez-faire" - race neutral -cultures

Reverend Minister Samuel Stanhope Smith's argument that dark skin was a(n) ________ conveyed his belief in ________. A similar saying today would be that "race is only _________."

-universal freckle -ontological equality -skin deep

They experience the highest rates of incarceration of all racial-ethnic groups.

African Americans

They comprise the fastest-growing racial group in the United States.

Asian Americans

8.3% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________

Central American

16.5% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________

Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican

T/F Most Native Americans in the United States live on reservations.


What is the single largest ethnic group in the United States today?

German Americans

An 1851 article in Harper's Weekly described a certain racial group as having a "small and somewhat upturned nose" and skin with a "black tint." Which racial group was the article referring to?

Irish Immigrants

They are very diverse in their racial identifications.


In the 1940s, Gunnar Myrdal studied white Americans who had reservations about full equality and integration for blacks. What did Myrdal find was most important to these whites?

Maintaining distance between the races in personal relationship, especially marriage

64.1% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________


Today, members of this group often arrive in the United States seeking refuge from tumultuous political situations.

Middle Eastern Americans

They have the lowest average socioeconomic status of all racial-ethnic groups.

Native Americans

.When, during World War II, Japanese American families were given notice of their mandatory relocation to internment camps, how much time were they given to dispose of their lands and other property?

One week

What is the origin of the word Caucasian?

People who lived on the slopes of mountains in country of Georgia

Identify the correct statements about race.

Race is about bloodlines. Race is a social construct.

involuntary separation of groups by legal or social means, based on race or ethnicity


5.5% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________.

South America

1.4% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________


What factor partially explains the comparatively long period of time that Asian Americans remain unemployed after losing a job?

They are able to wait for good jobs

How, according to Read, do Muslim American women often feel about the hijab, the Muslim headscarf?

They choose to wear it as a sign of their Muslim identity, often despite opposition from family

What was the racial atmosphere in the housing project where Dalton Conley grew up in the 1970s?

Whites were a marginalized group

Which line does Lee say is replacing the white-black divide?

a black-nonblack divide

merging into the larger culture and shedding one's separate identity


What, according to Nell Irvine Painter, is the foundation of white identity?

not thinking about being white

engaged coexistence of distinct racial or ethnic groups


Identify the qualities of race

unequal exclusive externally imposed

identify the qualities of ethnicity

voluntary fluid and multiple planar

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