Chapter 9 The Great Gatsby
Nick felt disgusted, surprised, and not surprised all at the same time; Surprised b/c of what Gatsby was involved in, but not surprised b/c he kinda already knew
How does Nick react to the phone call revealing Gatsby's criminal activities?
Tom believes that he has acted as a gentleman and did nothing wrong throughout the whole affair. Like Gatsby, he has behaved consistently and honorably within the limits of his illusions.
How does Tom cling to his image of himself just as Gatsby clings to his dream of Daisy?
The irony is that Mr. Gatz admired and was amazed by the house and all the material possessions that Gatsby had, but Gatsby couldn't care less about the actual rich materials, all he cared about was impressing Daisy
What is the irony of Mr. Gatz's admiration of the house?
James J. Hill used his wealth and influence to expand railroads in North America. Mr. Gatz said that his son, like Hill, would have "helped build up the country." Ironically, Gatsby used his wealth and influence to impress others, namely Daisy. Gatsby's wealth did nothing to improve America; if anything, it illustrates corruption and greed. Hill was trying to build a better country while Gatsby was going to build a business
What is the irony of Mr. Gatz's comment about James J. Hill?
sad because he seeks wealth without realizing that it will not make him a better person...actually led him to compromise his morals and partake in illegal activities
What is the pathos of Gatsby's youthful resolutions?
Jordan is referring to the fact that she has misjudged Nick.... that in dumping her, he is just as careless as she is
What is the significance of Jordan's comment about the "bad driver"?
showed that he was alive and still cared abt Gatsby even though Gatsby had completely removed him from his life, he came b/c he still cared; reflects the loneliness of Gatsby's life and he informs the reader by providing insight on Gatsby's mindset, which led him to financial success
What is the significance of Mr. Gatz's arrival?
reflected Nick's true friendship with Gatsby and now he has come to know the true Jay Gatz; it was the least he could do since no one seemed to really care about his death, and he was able to see the people who rlly cared abt Gatsby and came to pay their respects
What is the significance of Nick's taking charge of Gatsby's funeral arrangements?
he is associated with the omniscient eyes of the sign. He somehow knows about the funeral without Nick's summons and he comes to pay tribute to Gatsby.
What is the significance of the owl-eyed man's attendance at the funeral?
torn between grief and pride; he's proud of his son and all that he has accomplished, but he mourns the death of Gatsby and is extremely upset and sad
What two emotions are pulling at Mr. Gatz?
they have no reason to stay; They run away to escape responsibility, just as they left Chicago to escape some unspecified scandal. They are "careless" people who take no notice of the harm they have caused.
Why do Tom and Daisy leave?
He feels that there is more interest and more caring about people on human terms in the West and Middle West. Although the East may be superior in terms of intellect and excitement, he misses the human values and morals of the West.
Why does Nick feel that Gatsby's tragedy is a contrast between East and West?
Nick has matured and now understands the world's corruption; he "felt suddenly as though [he] were talking to a child." Nick shakes Tom's hand because Nick realizes there's no way of getting the truth from Tom
Why does Nick finally shake hands with Tom?