Chapter 9,10,11 Study guide

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More than __ plant species have been identified


Plants that have cones, such as pine trees probably evolved from plants that lived about _______ years ago.

350 million

The oldest fossil plants are about ______ years old

420 million

reproduction does not require the production of sex cells. Instead, one organism produces a new organism that is genetically identical to it.


if a piece of moss gametophyte plant breaks off, what happens?

It can grow into a new plant

Most green plants use chlorophyll to make food through a process called ______. The green parts of a plant usually have cells that contain many chloroplasts.


After the pollen grain reaches the female part of the plant, a ___ ___ is produced. The sperm moves through this and then fertilization can happen

Pollen tube

Ground pines and spike mosses are groups of plants that often are called _______ mosses. They are more closely related to ferns and have needle-like leaves. Their spores form at the end of their stems in structures that look like tiny pinecones


in gymnosperms, the seeds usually develop in ____


Gymnosperms are divided into 4 divisions: ____________, ___________, ________, and ____________.

conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, gnetophytes

the seeds of some plants, like beans and peanuts, store food in structures called


The stems, leaves, and flowers of many land plants are covered with a ____________, which is a waxy, protective layer that slows the loss of water and helps land plants survive.


to stay alive, algae needs nutrients that are _______ in the water that surrounds them. the water and nutrients enter and leave through the algaes cell membrane and cell walls. Land plants have adaptations that allow them to conserve water.


A seed has three main parts

embryo, stored food, seed coat

the seeds of other plants like corn and wheat, store off in a tissue called


A leaf has several layers of cells. A thin layer of cells called the ____________ covers and protects the top and bottom of the leaf. It is covered with a waxy cuticle


The conifers are the most familiar gymnosperm division. They produce 2 types of cones-male and female. Seeds develop only on the ___________ cones.


a mature ___ cone is made up of woody scales on a short stem


a plants ___ reproductive organs produce sperm


___ and moss plants dont produce seeds. they reproduce by forming spores


____________ are different from mosses because they have vascular tissues. Their long, tubelike cells carry water, minerals, and food to cells throughout the plant.


Seedless vascular plants include __________ , ground pines, _________ ___________ and horsetails. Many species of seedless vascular plants are known only from fossils because they are now extinct. These plants covered much of Earth 360 million to 286 million years ago.

ferns, spike mosses

the joining of haploid sex cells begins the sporophyte stage. Cells formed in this stage are diploid and have full number of chromosomes


____ happens when a sperm and egg combine to produce the first cell of the new organism, the ____


in angiosperms, the seed develop in __ and ___

flowers and fruits

a fern leaf is called ___ and grows from underground stem called a ___


a plant has a life cycle with 2 stages

gametophyte and sporophyte

Pollen grains are carried by

gravity, wind, water, animals

___________ __________ located around each stoma open and close the stoma

guard cell

______________ are vascular plants that produce seeds that are not protected by a fruit. They do not have flowers and the leaves are shaped like needles or scales. Many are called evergreens.


scientists classify seed plants into two groups : ______ & ______

gymnosperms & angiosperms

_____ and ____ are two groups of seed plants

gymnosperms and angiosperms

when reproductive cells undergo meiosis and produce ___ cells called spores, the gametophyte stage beings.


Horsetails have a ____________ stem surrounded by a ring of vascular tissue. The stem contains silica and has joints that leaves grow out of. In the past, horsetails were used for polishing objects and scouring cooking utensils.


_____________ have flattened, leaflike bodies like liverworts, are usually 2.5 cm in diameter, have one chloroplast in each of their cells, and get their name from the structures that produce spores that look like tiny cattle horns.


____ and other animals eat the flower, its nectar, or pollen. As they move about the flower, they get pollen on their body parts and spread it to the other plants they visit.


The _________ of seed plants are the organs where food is made


_______________ got their name because people who lived during the 9th century used them to treat diseases of the liver. They have flattened, leaflike bodies and one-celled rhizoids.


in the spring, clouds of pollen are released from the ___cones


the ___ reproductive organ produce sperm


Angiosperms are divided into 2 groups: ______________ which are angiosperms that have one cotyledon inside their seeds; and ____________ which are angiosperms that have two cotyledons inside their seeds.

monocots, dicots

____ have green leaflike growths arrange around a stalk and rhizoids


nonvascular plants include...

mosses, hornworts, liverworts

___________ are often the first plants to grow in new or disturbed environments after a forest fire. Organisms that are the first to grow in new or disturbed areas are called ______________ species

mosses, pioneer

the ____ is the swollen base of the pistil where the ovules are found. __ are produced in the ovules.

ovary, eggs

At the base of each scale are two ____, where the eggs are produced


The ___________ layer of a leaf is located just below the upper epidermis. This layer has long, narrow cells that contain chloroplasts. Plants make most of their food in this layer.


Over time, the decaying plants are pressed into a substance called _________, which is mined from bogs to use as a low-cost fuel in places such as Ireland and Russia. Scientists hypothesize that over time if it remains in the bog, it will become coal


the ___ are usually most colorful parts of the flower


most flowers have four main parts

petals, sepals, stamen, pistil.

the sporophyte stage does not carry on ____. It depends on the gametophyte for nutrients and water.


the ___ is a sporophyte plant that produces both make and female cones


the ___ is the female reproductive organ that consists of a stigma, a long stalklike style, and the ovules.


_____ is carried from the male cones to the female cones by wind


In seed plants, some spores develop into small structures called ____ ___

pollen grains

The transfer of pollen grains of a species to the female part of the plant of the same species is called


the ___ contains the male and female reproductive structures where sex cells form.


One species of spike moss, the _______________ plant lives in desert areas. When there is not enough water, the plant curls up and looks dead. When water becomes available, it unfolds its green leaves and begins making food again


Nonvascular plants have structures that look like stems and leaves but do not have roots. Instead, they have ____________ which are threadlike structures that help to anchor the plants where they grow. Most grow in damp places and absorb water through their cell membranes and cell walls.


The ____________ and ___________ of some ferns can be eaten. The dried stems of one kind of horsetail can be ground into ____________. Some seedless plants have been used as _____________ for hundreds of years.

rhizomes, fonds, flour, medicine

The _________ system of most plants is the largest part of the plant. They anchor plants and prevent them from being blown or washed away and support the parts of the plant that are above the ground such as the stem, branches, and leaves. They can store food and water and take in oxygen that the plant needs for the process of cellular respiration.


Most seed plants have 4 main parts: ___________, ____________, __________, and vascular tissue.

roots, stems, leaves

Most plants on earth are ___ plants


__________ plants reproduce by forming seeds. A seed contains a plant __________ and stores food

seed, embryo

Ferns are the largest group of ___________ vascular plants. They have stems, leaves, and roots.


Nonvascular plants do not grow from _____. instead, they reproduce by forming ____

seeds, spores

___ are often small green leaflike parts. In some flowers, though, they are as colorful as the petals


Reproduction in plants requires the production of sex cells


most plants can reproduce in two different ways by ____ reproduction and by ____ reproduction

sexual, asexual

Fern spores are produced in a spore called


sex cells are usally called ___ and ___

sperm and egg

The ____________ layer is found between the palisade layer and the lower epidermis. It is made of loosely arranged cells separated by air spaces. The veins of a leaf are made of vascular tissue and are located in the spongy layer.


Land plants reproduce by forming _____________ and ___________. These structures can survive dryness, cold, and other harsh conditions. They grow into new plants when the environmental conditions are right

spores and seeds

Mosses reproduce by forming spores. In many species, a __________ grows up from the plant when it is ready to reproduce. Spores form in a cap at the top of the stalk.


the ___ is the male reproductive organ of the plant and has a thin stalk called a ____. On the end of the filament is the ___

stamen, filament, anther

Most leaves have small openings in the epidermis called ____________ which allow carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen to enter and exit the leaf.


the ___ ___ gives the embryo energy when it begins to grow into a plant

stored food

Life on land has some advantages for plants. One advantage is that more ____ and _____ ______ are available on land than in water. Because of an increase in ____, Earth's atmosphere became an environment in which land animals could live.

sunlight, carbon dioxide, oxygen

___ plants have tubelike cells that transport water and materials throughout the plant


_____________ plants can grow larger and thicker than nonvascular plants because the vascular tissue carries water and nutrients to all plant cells.


Plants can be classified into two major groups: vascular and nonvascular plants. _______________ plants have tubelike structures that carry water, nutrients, and other substances to all of the cells of the plant. _____________ plants do not have these tubelike structures.

vascular, nonvascular

Every plant cell has a cell ____ and cell ____ a nucleus, and other cell structures

wall-- membrane

a pollen grain has a _____ covering and contain male gametophyte parts that produce ___


Plant stems can be _________, which are hard and rigid like those of trees and shrubs, or ____________, which are soft and green like those of a tulip.

woody, herbaceous

Ground pines are endangered in some places because they have been over-collected to make decorations such as ____________


The vascular system in a seed plant contains 3 types of tissue: ____________ which is made of hollow, tubelike cells that are stacked one on top of the other to form a structure called a vessel; ____________ which is a tissue made of tubelike cells that are stacked to form structures called tubes and move food from where it is made to other parts of the plant where it is stored; and __________ which is between the previous 2 and produces most of the new xylem and phloem cells

xylem, pholem, cambium

the pollen tube enters the ovary and reaches the ovule. the sperm then travels down the pollen tube and fertilizes the egg in the ovule. A ___ forms and grows into the plant embryo


Plants that have flowers most likely did not exist until about ____ years ago

120 million

if the pollen grain and female cone are the same species, fertilization can take place. It can take from __ - __ years for the seed to develop


In the 18th century, a Swedish scientist, ______________ ______________, created a system for naming organisms.

Carolus Linnaeus

all plants are made of ___ and need ___ to live. Many have roots that hold them in the ground or onto an object such as a rock.

Cells -- water

most of the space inside a plant cell is taken up by a large structure called the _____ ______. This controls the water content of the cell.

Central Vacuole

The cell wall gives the plant ___ and provides _____

Structure -- protection

An ______________ is a vascular plant that forms flowers and produces one or more seeds that are protected inside a fruit. Peaches, apples, and tulips are examples. They are common in all parts of the world and more than half of all known plant species belong to this category.


Most seed plants are ____


Plants that complete their life cycles in one year are called ____________, plants that complete their life cycles in 2 years are called _____________, and plants with life cycles longer than 2 years are called ________________.

annuals, biennials, perennials

ferns have been used to treat ___ ___, burns and fevers

bee stings

the pollen must land ___ the scales of a female cone to be useful. There it can be trapped in the sticky fluid given off by the ovule.


A _________ is a watery area of land that contains decaying plants. Most plants that live in these are seedless plants like mosses and ferns.


Land plants have to be able to support themselves. The cell walls that surround all plant cells contain ____________ which is a chemical compound that plants can make out of sugar. Long chains of cellulose molecules form fibers in the plant's cell walls. These fibers give the plant _____________ and _____________.

cellulose, structure, support

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