Chapter geography 2

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What is a rain forest? Where are most located?

Mostly dense densely wooded area usually found in a warm tropical wet climate between the tropical of cancer and the tropical of Capricorn rainforest can be temperate as well as tropical South America Amazon is the best non-example

What does the word geography mean to you?

The Study of relationships between people in the environment

What do geographers need to know about places on the earth?

Location place interaction and movement

The Appalachian Mountain Range is the principal mountain landform on North America's East Coast. Which mountain range is the West Coast's principal landform?


Name the mountain range that serves as a boundary between Europe and northern Asia.


If it rains on your golf game in Hawaii, is the cause climate or weather?


How many degrees of longitude would you cross to travel halfway around the world


You need to contact a hotel in Vienna, Austria (GMT + 2). What time should you make a phone call to be assured that the hotel's reservations office will receive your call about 10:00 am Vienna time?


What is an archipelago? Name three.

A group of closely scattered stands in any large body of water. The Bahamas, adores, Hawaii, Japan, indioniesa and the Greek island, most of the islands of the Caribbean and South Pacific

What is a strait? Name three.

A narrow passage of water that connects two larger bodies of water

Which continent is the only one with land in all four hemispheres


What is a desert? Name three

An area of land that receives gives less than 10 inches precipitation a year, their on each continent both hot and cold deserts. The driest is the Atacama of Peru in south America the largest is the Shara in Africa the coldest is Antarctica

Which is the largest continent?


Which is the world's largest country


Name the four major oceans

Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

How do cartographers shape our world

By producing maps cartographers provide the frame of reference that allows us to explore the world

What feature on the map indicates its directional orientation

Compass rose

How many degrees of longitude would you cross to travel halfway around the world

D. Prime meridian

Why would a destination near the equator require a visitor to bring a heavy sweater?


Which is the only continent other than Antarctica that does not extend into the tropics


What is the shortest, most direct route between any two points on the surface of the earth?

Great circle route route

What is a hemisphere? Which one do you live in?

Half of Speer. If you were in the united states you are in the northern and Western Hemisphere

Are lines of longitude and latitude all the same length?

No they're not only the lines of longitude are equal in length each line of longitude equals half of the circumference of the earth because each extends from the North Pole to the South Pole the lines of latitude are not equal in length because they each complete circles that remain equidistant from each other the lines of latitude vary in size from the longest at the equator to the smallest at the poles were they are just single points

If you were to fly due west from Ireland to North America, you would reach the lower region of Hudson Bay in Canada, which is on the same latitude as Ireland. Why, then, is Ireland's climate so mild?

Ocean currents, remnants of the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic

What legal implications does the location of a country's continental shelf have for the cruise industry?

The countries have minerals fuel and fishing rights in an exclusive exclusive economy zone EEZ that spans 200 nautical miles from shore problems arise when two countries zones overlap the median lines between countries have been drawn in most cases but there are still many areas of disagreement. cruise ships must be a certain number of miles out to see before shops and casinos can open local laws or some on some allow ships to open the casinos while in port

How does a GPS unit know where you are

The global positioning system GPS on the ground gets information from the US military runs a system of satellites that circle the earth that provides precise time and location of data. The engine individual GPS unit gives data from three or more satellites that triangulates its absolute location on the earths surface if you were carrying a device your absolute location is the same as that of the device

How does elevation affect climate

The higher the elevation, the cooler the temperature

What does the map's scale tell you

The relationship of distance on the map is actually the distance of the earth

Most people are familiar with the equator, but where would you be if you were at a latitude of 23.5° north of the equator, the farthest point at which the sun can be seen directly overhead at noon

Tropics of cancer

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