Chapter One Communication
The formal study of communication began in
5th-century Sicily.
The Lyceum was founded by
______ was considered necessary for success because if a speaker did not use a pleasing voice and graceful gestures, the speech would be undermined.
Augustine was a contemporary and friend of Aristotle.
Axiothea was one of the most famous of the five canons of rhetoric.
Cicero was Aristotle's teacher.
Classical Greek society was highly literate.
During medieval and renassiance times, many important theories were developed, making this time one of the most influential in the history of rhetoric.
Francis Bacon called the tendency to believe uncritically in fashionable, received ideas the idols of the cave.
Most Greek schools were coeducational, admitting both male and female students.
One of the reasons for the rise of rhetoric in ancient Greece was the high status afforded to lawyers.
Plato and Aristotle admired the ethical stance of the sophists and modeled their philosophies after them.
In which period were letter writing and preaching the core communication activities studied by rhetoricians?
In which period was Erasmus a major figure?
Which of the following skills was Simonides noted for?
_______ is the ability to hold content, style, and arrangement in one's mind, was exceedingly important.
_____ emphasized logos by impressing the audience with the soundness of the speaker's position; it consisted of intricate argumentation and careful philosophical decisions.
Middle Style.
______ was developed to help speakers keep track of complex arguments.
If a student tries to persuade fellow students to donate money to charity by showing them pictures of starving children in order to arouse their pity, the student is using which method of proof?
According to Cicero's classification of speaking style, the style that was logical, clear, and restrained and worked to convince the audience of the speakers good character, good sense, and trustworthiness was
Plain Style.
The name of Plato's school was the Academy.
Classical rhetoricians believed that the order of elements in a persuasive speech depended on whether the audience was hostile or friendly.
Corax and Tisias are generally considered to be the first of the Western rhetoricians.
If you had studied with Aristotle, the focus on your studies wold have been on persuasive communication.
Quintilian defined rhetoric as the study of "the good man speaking well."
The sophists were professional speech writers and political consultants.
of the four modern approaches to rhetoric, the one that gave communication a bad name for many years was the elocutionary approach.
Rhetoricians who took a psychological/epistemological approach focused on
Understanding the thought processes of receivers as they listened to persuasive messages.
_______ was based on pathos; it "pulled out all the stops" and was eloquent and emotional.
Vigorous Style.
One of the most popular mnemonic systems called for speakers to visualize their speeches as a
Villa with main ideas in each room.
most modern rhetoricians reject empiricism.
The canons of rhetoric include
invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery.
The canons of rhetoric were
one of the earliest models of communication.
Pathos is
the ability to arouse an audience's emotions.
According to Francis Bacon, the tendency to use language imprecisely was called
the idol of the marketplace.
Logos is
the use of logic and argumentation during persuasion.
Ethos is
the use of personal character to influence an audience.
According to Augustine, conventional signs are arbitrarily created by humans.
The Greeks put a great deal of emphasis on legal and political discourse.
the contemporary period being in 1900.
the modern period beings in 1600
During the contemporary period, communication scientists
used statistical methods to study audience variables.
Ordering ideas in an effective way is called
Belletristic rhetoric flourished in which period?
In which period were Bacon and Campbell major figures?
In which period were Cicero and Quintilian major figures?
The canons of rhetoric were written in which period?
In which period did communication study expanded to include interpersonal and groups as well as public communication?
When an audience is swayed not by the logic of the speaker's message but by their high regard for the speaker's character, they are being influence by which method of proof?
The process of deciding on the subject matter of a speech and developing arguments is called
______ is the process of selecting proper words to convey a message.
public speaking course were quite popular in classical Greece.
the perceptual biases that we engage in simply because of human nature are called the idols of the tribe.
Communication has been a subject of systematic study for
at least 2,500 years.
The scientific method emphasizes which method of attaining knowledge?
careful objective measurement.
The classical period in the history of rhetoric lasted
from the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD.
In ancient Greece, the study of communication was known as