Chapter three human geo

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Oriental Exclusion Acts

(1882-1907) U.s congreess assigned immigration laws to prevent the immigration of chinese people to california

What percent of the worlds people in the 1900s lived in a city

-13% (then) -50% (now)

Irish Potato Famine

-1845-1849 famine that occured in ireland when the potatoe crop failed in sucessive years -used to argue that the large migration of irish people to north america was forced

describe issue between palestien and jewish

-20th century fewer than 50,000 jewish ppl lived in palestine -1919-1948 UK held control of palestine and encourage jews to return to region -1948 750,000 jews resided in palestine when UN partitioned state into israel -600,000 palestinian arabs were pushed out of israeli terriotories and into neighboring countries -jewish people then begin to expand on palestine territory -today jewish pop in israel 7.8 mil including 2 mil arab israelis

Mumbai, india

-60% of people who live there live in slums -expected by 2025 for more than 45% of indians pop. (1.45 billion) will live in a city -20 million people live in makeshift housing in mumbai -people moved from rural to urban areas because rural area did not have enough space or opportunity to raise a family so they moved to city where there were more job opportunities and quality of life -now india is facing huge housing shortage issues

As the result of military victory israel obtained gaza strip, the west ban, the sinai peninsula, and the golan heights from the arab states around it. WHihc two of these places were returned and when?

-Gaza strip was returned to palestein in 2005 -Sinai peninsula was returned to egypt in 1982

Cyclic movement

-shorter regular trips away from home for defined amounts of time -journey begins at homebase and brings us back to home base -short mov. in activity spaces (commuting, seasonal, nomadism)


-the money or goods that migrants send back to families and friends in origin countries -ex) Haitians living in the u.s, canada, carribean, sent home over 1.9 billion dollars in remittance in 2012 which is about 30% of hatians GDP -1/10 hatians lives abroad -1/5 of hatian families recive remittances

describe tension between vietnameese and chinese

-violent protests broke out when china announced plans to build oil rig in area in south china sea that is also claimed by vietnam -rioters killed 20 chinese migrants and set fire to chineses bussinesses

Ravenstein's Laws of Migration

1. Every migration flow generates a return or counter-migration. 2. The majority of migrants move a short distance. 3. Migrants who move longer distances tend to choose big-city destinations. 4. Urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas. 5. Families are less likely to make international moves than young adults.

Immigration Restriction Act

1901 approved by the australian government to end all non white immigration into the newly united country -also prohibited immigration by south pacific islanders who worked on Australian large sugar planes, furthered action against plantation workers by deporting SPI's by the end of 1906


1951 refugee convention decribes them as a person with a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion - a person who has crossed one or more international borders during their move and encamped in country other than their own -83% of refugees flee to same region as there home country


Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethical, racial, or religious group


An official order telling someone to leave a country; expulsion

Ernst Ravenstein

British demographer who sought to answer why people voluntarily migrate, studied internal migration in england and on basis of data he proposed several laws of migration

1947 South asian migration

British partitioned south asia into hindu india and muslim pakistan which resulted in muslim indians moving to pakistan, and hindu pakistan people to immigrate to india -8 million people migrated

the great wall of china, berlin wall, korean DMZ barrier, and the west bank security wall are all examples of

Government trying to control who can and cannot travel through there borders.

Bracero Program

Plan that brought laborers from Mexico to work on American farms, u.s govt encouraged mexicans to come work seasonal jobs as contract laborers

gravity model

Predicts interaction between places on the basis of their population size and distance between them. -assumes spatial interaction (migration) inc. as the size and importance of places becomes greater and dec. as the distance btwn them grows -balance btwn pop. size and distance predicts likleyhood of migration

island of development

Place built up by a government or corporation to attract foreign investment and which has relatively high concentrations of paying jobs and infrastructure

Internally Displaced Person (IDP)

Someone who has been forced to migrate for similar political reasons as a refugee but has not migrated across an international border -has been displaced in theri own country -ex) victims of hurricane katriana -abandon their homes but remain in there own country -2013 UNHCR sais 20.8 mil people were IDPS

Rwanda Genocide 1994

civil war in equatorial africa, conflict pitted militant hutu against the minority tutsi and moderate hutu -claimed 800,000-1 million lives -produced huge migration flows into neighboring Zaire (now congo) and tanzania -more than 2 million people left

selective immigration

individuals with certain backgrounds (criminal records, poor health, or actions of supporting radiacal political groups that seek to impend violence and overthrow government) are barred from entering

why did william frey say the last decade was our least mobile period in postwar american society

it is this way because of the downturn of the economy between 2007 and 2008 -mortgage crisis and high unemployemnt rates dec. the amount of people who moved long distances -people also did not have enough money to move

periodic movement

longer periods away from home undertaken from time to time Ex) transhumance, college attendance, military service

immigration act of 1924

lowered quota system by 2% reducing it to 150,000 immigrants, this discourages eastern and southern european migrants

what are some ways that guest workers have changed the cultural landscape of european countries they work in

they have changed the cultural landscape by causing for new infastructure appealing to them to be built like new temples, mospques, retaurants, grocery stores, shops, and service industries

kinship links

types of push or pull factors that influence a migrant's decision to go where family or friends have already found success


when a refugee meets right criteria they are eligible for aylum -the right to protection in the first country in which the refugee arrives, the protection from opressionor hardship offered by another country -other migrants do not have right to asylum

reverse remittances

when people living in origin country send money to family friends or people who have immigrated there to another place money -ex) unemployed, undocucumented immigrants in u.s. ask families in mexico for financial support

half of all mexicans from the state of blank now live in the united states


international migration

movement across country borders is also known as transitional migration -when someone leaves there country they are considered a emmigrant


movement is inherently geographical, all movement involves leaving home -pernament relocation across significant distances -the mover may never return home

what continent do people tend not to migrate away from

north america, south america

Which region did african-americans not move during early 20th century to take jobs of men fighting in the different wars

pacific northwest


physical process whereby the colonizer takes over another place, putting its own government in charge and either moving its own people into the place or bringing in indentured outsiders to gain control of the people and the land


policy that favors staying out of entaglments abroad

pull factors

positive factors that attract people to new areas from other areas

internal migration is generally from blank areas to blank areas

rural to urban

forced migration

the imposition of authority or power, producing involuntary mov. that canot be understood based on theories of choice ex) Atlantic slave trade

Activity Spaces

the location where regular behaviors occur. Majority of people have a daily routine that takes them through a sequence (regular) of short moves within a local area which created activity spaces

Great migration

the movement of more than 5-8 million african americans between 1916 and 1970, mostly migrated from rural areas of the south to urban areas in the north because of the growing cities and new job opportunities also the fact that there was no seggregation

what year did miami dade county declare itself bicultural and bilingual what message was it sending to its visitors

they declared themselves this in 1973 which sent a message to its visitors how much the cultural landscape was impacted by the influx of cuban refugees and that cubans had a community to go to

what did these indian mexican ironically experience in northern mexico

they experienced the same kind of substandard living conditions, lack of acceptance, by locals, and exploitation by employers

push factors

The conditions and perceptions that Help the migrant decide to leave a place

quota system

a law that places maximum limits on the # of people who can immigrate to a country in a year


-cyclic movement - matter of survival, culture and tradition -nomadic movement is purposeful and takes place along long-familiar routes repeated time and time again -move animals to visit water sources and pastures that have served ancestors for centuries - apart of their cyclic movement is to avoid country borders and private property


-cyclic movement - the journey from home to work and home again can take minutes to hours and can involve several modes of transportation -average north american commuter travels a greater distance each day than an average chinese village person does in a year -technology expands daily activity spaces -DC commuters can commute 100 miles each way each day

issue between germans and communist leaders

-end ww11 15 mil germans imigrated westward from homes in eastern europe voluntarily or forced -before berlin wall and iron curtain that divided western and eastern europe several million germans fled soviet controlled east germany and millions of migrants left europe all together to u,s(1.8 mil) canada(1.1 mil) australia(1 mil

human trafficking

-example of forced migration -the illegal trade of human beings, a modern day form of slavery, for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor or involuntary military combat -Sex trafficking/child, forced labor, bonded/debt bondage labor, involuntary domestic servitude, forced child labor, recrutment of child soldiers -in 2013 40,000 victims in U.S.

After people were displaced because of hurricane katrina who was less likely to return and where did they live in the city

-families with children -lived in mid-city, the garden district, and the ninth ward

These two countries had over a million refugees in 2012 why might these countries have so many

-iraq -Afghanistan the war in afghanistan generated more than twice as many refugees as the war in Iraq (both countries had ongoing wars that provided as a push factor for this citizens to migrate for saftey

west bank outside jeruselam, israel

-israeli people are expanding there prescence in the west bank -new settlements often occupy strategic sites that aree easily defensible. this causes for it to be more complicated to carve out a stable territorial order which is what the israelis want but hurts the people who think israelis shouldnt even be there

what two states and one territory have actually lost population depsite 1,000,000 influx of legal immigrants per year

-michigan -rhold island -puerrto rico

Voluntary migration

-occurs after migrants weigh options and choices even if somewhat desparatley or not so rationally -have option on where to go an what to do

describe issue between american and mexican

-one million mexican immigrants arrive per year -comprise of 4% of U.S. pop. -fundementally important economic role in many states and locales


-periodic -system of pastoral farming where ranchers move livestock according to seasonal availability of pastures -dif then nomadism because it involves substancial period of residential relocation in a dif place ex) Switzerland farmers bring cattle up mountaians for fresh pasture in summer and families follow heard and live in abandoned residential housing in the winter

what decade did americans start moving to the south of the country


Fukashima disaster

83,000 japanese were forced to leave home to avoid radiation contamination after tsunami crushed fukashima nuclear power plant , 3 years later thousands of these people still remained displaced


A refugee or group of refugees returning to their home country, usually with the assistance of the government or a non-governmental organization. (UNHCR) they make sure the conditions have improved and that the violence has ended

refugee camp

A temporary facility built to provide immediate protection and assistance to refugees

White Australia Policy

Before 1973, a set of stringent Australian limitations on nonwhite immigration to the country. It has been largely replaced by a more flexible policy today.

National origin of immigrants coming to the U.S at different eras in time

Early 1800's: most come from europe especially northern europe (scandanavia) and western europe (ireland, great britain Germany and france) Late 1800's: greater proportion of europeans came from southern and eastern europe (italy, spain, portugal, russia, and poland)

legal status

Migrants can arrive in a country with or without consent of the host country, however govt is allowed to determine who is allowed to live in country and under what circumstances can be given work visas which makes them legal -visa makes you documented migrant no visa makes you undocumented therefore illegal

step migration

Migration to a distant destination that occurs in stages, for example, from farm to nearby village and later to a town and city and city to metrapolis -each new stage hass new set of pull factors

immigration wave

Swells in migration from one origin to the same destination caused by different patterns of chain migration built up


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; protects and supports refugees at the request of a government or the UN itself and assists in their voluntary repatriation, local integration, or resettlement to a third country


a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and squalor

Distance decay

as the distance between two places increases, the interaction between those two places decreases. -the more far away a place is the less familiar the migrant will be with it which usually prompts for migrants to migrate closer to home then there original thought

are most islands of development in africa on the coast or in the interrior


1990s white south african migration

decline in minority white power and uncertain political conditions in south africa during the mid 1990s impelledd many whites to emigrate to australia, europe, and north america

immigration laws

designed by congress to prevent the immigration of chinese people to california

Plymouth, Montserrat

experienced volcanic explosion that destroyed the capital plymouth and destroyed peoples homes and caused for people to migrate to u.s where they were giving temporary protected immigration status but were sent back in 2005 because U.S. government found out that the volcanic crisis was going to last 10 more years which was not temporary, they were sent back as well because the housing issue had been solved -originally pop. was 10,000, 7,000 emigratted off the island and the remaining 3,000 moved to the safer side in the northern coast but suffeered because the soil was poor and they were not able to grow crops

guest worker program

govt promote immigration to fill labor needs , term used to describe migrant labor in other places well , millions of these live outside their home and send remittances, usually work in agriculture, service industries, home country work with the host to protect workers however most are taken advantages of b/c they don't know their rights, home country can pull the workers back in ex) 30,000 indonesisian were working in middle east before 2003 iraq war, indonesians govt pulled its workers home just before war started

intervening opportunity

is a feature usually economic that causes migrants to choose a destination other than then original one, happend during great migration when african americans migrated northwar after the first world war to seek work in growing cities like chicago and cleavland however many found employment in st.lewis and cincinati

Mariel Boatlift

mass emigration of people from cuba to the u.s by boat in april-october 1980, cuban communist disctatorship expelled more than 125,000 cubans


migrates into country (mov. of people to a place)


migrates out of country (movement of people away from a place)

chain migration

migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there

internal migration

migration that occurs within a single countries borders, mapping internal migration routes reveals patterns of well defined streams of migrants overtime -varies according to the mobility of the pop.


sought to assimilate all the people in the Soviet territory into the Russian culture -did this by encouraging people of russian herritage living in moscow and st petersburg to fill in the country -by 1980 30 mill russians moved toward borders

when did african americans start moving back to the south after 60 years of moving and why

time: 1970's Reason: growing economic oportunities in south, living conditions in the rustbelt of the urban north and west

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