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Vision- "the ability to imagine different and better conditions and the ways to achieve them"

Charisma- innate ability to inspire and captivate an audience?

E.g., Dr. Martin Luther King- seemed to have charismatic qualities early on that carried into adulthood

Definition of Charisma

"A special personality characteristic that gives a person superhuman or exceptional powers and is reserved for a few, is of divine origin, and results in the person being treated as a leader"

Transformational Leadership

"Transformational Leaders are known for moving and changing organizations in a big way by communicating to followers an inspiring vision of the future and tapping into followers higher ideals and desire for change. The TL seeks to transform a mediocre organization by influencing followers to buy into a new vision and new possibilities" (Tse & Chiu, 2014)

Situation/Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Most likely to occur in stressful or chaotic situations as followers look to leaders to deliver them from their difficulties

Dark Side of Charisma

Charismatic leader has strong emotional hold on followers Abuse of power and harm

Four Factors Lead to Change

Combination of 4 factors allows leader to make changes. Charismatic emotional bond overcomes resistance to change Motivation inspires followers to commit to change Intellectual stimulation provides new solutions and innovation and empowers followers Individual relationship encourages followers and provides motivation

Core elements Transformational Leadership

Concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals. Involves assessing followers' motives, satisfying their needs, and treating them as full human beings. Improves the performance of followers and develops followers to their fullest potential.

Personality characteristics of a charismatic leader/Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Dominant Strong desire to influence others Strong sense of own moral values High self-confidence Strong convictions in their own beliefs and ideals In own abilities and in moral righteousness of their beliefs Gandhi-need for change in India; MLK- civil rights High energy and enthusiasm

The 4 "I"s - Idealized Influence (Charisma)

Emotional component of leadership; creates intense emotional bond Making others want to follow the leader's vision Leader acts as strong role model—followers identify with leader and want to emulate Leader articulates a vision and explains how to attain the vision in an appealing manner Leading by example High standards of moral and ethical conduct Deeply respected by followers

Effects of charismatic leadership/Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Follower trust in leaders ideology Similarity between leader and follower beliefs Unquestioning acceptance of the leader Affection toward leader Follower obedience Increased follower confidence in goal achievement

Leaders with charisma

Have a profound emotional effect on their followers Create an intense bond between leaders and followers that goes beyond a simple exchange Capture the imagination and inspire their followers' devotion and allegiance

Leadership Continuum

Leadership Continuum from Laissez-Faire to Transformational Leadership liassez-faire ----- trasactional ------ transformational

Charisma: A Double-Edged Sword

Positive or negative charisma lies in the values and motives of the leader. socialized and personalized (SCL AND PCL)

Motivates followers to do more than expected by: Transformational Leadership

Raising followers level of conscientiousness about the importance and value of specified and idealized goals Getting followers to transcend their own self-interest for the sake of the team or organization Moving followers to address higher-level needs.

New Leadership Paradigm

Research starting in 1980s Foucs on charismatics and affective elements Leaders need vision and loyalty Visionary Transformational

Behaviors/Theory of Charismatic Leadership

Role models for the beliefs and values they want followers to adopt (e.g., Gandhi- nonviolence; role model of civil disobedience) Articulate ideological goals or comprehensive vision that has moral overtones (e.g., MLK- "I Have a Dream" speech) Communicate high expectations for followers Exhibit confidence in followers Arouses motives (e.g., JFK- "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country")

Charisma can be learned- everyone has the potential to develop charismatic qualities

Through training one can build communication skills, confidence and learn to inspire others E.g., Hitler- not born with charisma; lived on fringes of society; gradually developed his oratory and interpersonal skills when he had the opportunity to influence like-minded individuals


Steve Jobs Profile: How a Dreamer Changed the World

Laissez-faire - ("hands off, let things ride")

The absence of leadership: leaders abdicate responsibility, delay decisions, give no feedback, make no efforts to satisfy followers' needs.

personalized charismatic leader

The personalized charismatic leader (PCL) is one who possesses a dominant, self-centered, self-aggrandizing and narcissistic personality and uses charisma for self-glorification (e.g., Hitler, Jim Jones).

socialized charismatic leader

The socialized charismatic leader (SCL) is one who possesses an egalitarian, self-transcendent, and empowering personality and uses charisma for the benefit of others (e.g., Nelson Mandela, MLK).

The 4 "I"s - Individualized Consideration

The transformational leader treats each follower as a "whole" individual rather than as an employee, and considers the individual's talents and levels of knowledge to decide what suits him or her to reach higher levels of attainment. Done through: Developing a individualized relationship with each follower (e.g., provide support or direction- whatever employee needs) Providing a supportive climate Listening carefully to the individual needs of followers Helping followers grow through personal challenges Expressing words of thanks or praise as a means of motivation Recognizing achievements and initiatives Ensuring fair workload distribution

Suggested strategies:

Through training and practice, you can improve your communication and interpersonal skills. You can practice being candid. Charismatic leaders are forthright in their assessments, but not insensitive. Direct on issues. Through a leadership development workshop or seminar, you can develop an enthusiastic, optimistic, and energetic personality profile.

Transactional Leadership

Transactional Leadership is most common and involves exchanges between leaders and followers. Leader provides resources in exchange for motivation, productivity and task accomplishment. Examples- Campaign promises (lower taxes) in exchange for votes Promotion for exceeding goals Grades for project work

Transactional leadership

Transactional leadership seeks to maintain stability within an organization through regular economic and social exchanges that achieve specific goals for both the leaders and their followers.

Transformational Leadership Process

Transformational Leadership describes a process of bold vision creation and articulation that changes and transforms organizations and individuals.

The 4 "I"s - Inspirational Motivation

Transformational leaders passionately communicate a vision that is a much better alternative than the status quo. They do this through: Communicating high expectations Articulation of a clear and appealing view of the future Inspiring followers through motivation to commitment and engagement in shared vision Using symbols & emotional appeals to focus group members to achieve more than self-interest Making vivid descriptions of a good future that raises one's imagination Motivational speeches and conversations Persuading followers to transcend their own interests for the collective team or organizational interest when required Countering the followers' emotional resistance to change

The 4 "I"s - Intellectual Stimulation

Transformational leaders raise their followers' awareness regarding problems and develop their capability to solve such problems in many ways including: Stimulating followers to be creative and innovative Challenging them intellectually Challenging their own beliefs and values and those of the leader and organization Fostering a climate that favors critical examination of commonly held notions, beliefs, and the status quo Creating an environment conducive to the creation and sharing of knowledge Encouraging the suggestion of radical and controversial ideas without fear of punishment or ridicule Empowering and supporting followers to try new approaches develop innovative ways of dealing with organization issues

Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership seeks to change the status quo by articulating to followers the problems in the current system and a compelling vision of what a new organization could be.

Pseudotransformational Leadership

Transforming but in a negative way Self-consumed, exploitive, power- oriented, with warped moral values Includes leaders like Adolph Hitler Saddam Hussein Jim Jones

Transformational Leadership Factors - The Four I's

idealized influence (charisma/Intellectual stimulation Inspirational motication/ indicudualized consideration

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