Chasing Lincoln's Killer

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How many of the conspirators charged were put to death? How? Name them.

4 conspirators (Mary Surratt, David Herold, George Atzerodt,and Lewis Powell) were sentenced to death by hanging

Booth had two weapons. What were they?

44 caliber pistol and a knife

How many people were put on trial for the Lincoln assassination? Name them.

8 people: Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, George Atzerodt, Samuel Arnold, Michael O'Laughlen, and Edman Spangler

What time did the Lincoln's arrive at Ford's Theatre?

8:30pm on April 14, 1865

Who was just below the president as he made his inaugural speech?

Alexander Gardner

What mistake did Atzerodt make the morning of April 15, 1865?

Atzerodt threw his knife under a wood carriage strp and someone saw and told the police

What did authorities do to Ford's Theatre? Why?

Authorities closed the president's box and the theatre itself was confiscated from the Fod family because they believe other employees were involved in the plan to assassinate the president

Why was Corbett never charged with a crime? What eventually happened to him?

Because he thought he was saving his men(soldiers) and later on he went mad and disappeared

Why did Richter finally tell soldiers Atzerodt was upstairs?

Because the soldiers were going to search upstairs anyway and that's where he was hiding

Why was the press not informed of Booth's "final resting place"?

Because they wanted to throw the press off trail because they were only looking for the burial as a great story

Where did Booth and Herold go next in Port Conway?

Booth and Herold then took a ferry to Richard H. Garrett's farm

How did Booth arrange to get across the Navy Yard Bridge when it closed at 9:00pm?

Booth claimed that he had no clue that the bridge closed and he tried to talk them through it

What did Booth request Jones to bring him upon his return? Why?

Booth wanted him to bring a current Washington newspaper from the day Lincoln died, or that very day because he was so eager to read about what he had done

What alarmed Richard Garrett about Booth?

Booth's reaction to the riders passing the house

What did Boston Corbett do?

Boston Corbett shot Booth when he wasn't paying attention inside the barn

Why was Booth awakened the late hours of April 25, 1865?

By the sound of metal touching metal as the horses made their way to the Garrett's Farm

What did Conger decide to do to capture Booth?

Conger decided to burn down the barn to capture Booth

Why did Conger not kill Booth?

Conger didn't kill Booth because he wanted to take him home to Washington to claim the reward

Why had the shooter of Booth fired?

Corbett shot Booth because he thought Booth was going to shoot upon the soldiers and he wanted to protect the soldiers

Who surrendered? Why?

David Herold because he thought he could just talk himself out of it

Who took over when they arrived at the Peterson House? Why?

Doctor Leale took over and he told everyone to leave except doctors because Lincoln got hurt

Who chased Booth from the theatre? Did he catch him? Why or why not?

Dr. Charles Leale chased him out of the theatre, he did not catch because Booth was more experienced on horses and was able to get away

Who came to Lincoln's rescue at Ford's Theatre? What did this person do?

Dr. Charles Leale, he examined him for knife wounds and when he found the bullet he realized he was shot not stabbed. He tried to get air in his lungs by performing some type of CPR

Why did Dr. Mudd tell Wells he did not recognize Booth?

Dr. Mudd told Welles he did not recognize Booth because he was afraid the authorities would find out his secrets

What eventually became of Dr. Mudd?

Dr. Mudd was imprisoned in Florida, released, and before he died, he told Samuel Cox Jr. that he knew Booth was the stranger all along

Who helped Booth and Herold next? Why did this person send them away?

Dr. Stewart was unconvinced and suspicious of the cover story Herold gave him and so he sent them away

Who was really innocent but found guilty?

Edman Spangler

Where did Booth and Herold go first? Second?

First Herold and Booth went to a Surratt's tavern, then they went to an outpost in Maryland

How is Ford's Theatre a memoral? To whom? Explain.

Ford's Theater was a memorial for John Wilkes Booth because they saved all of his possessions

Why was Booth angry at his "actor friend?"

He burned the letter instead of giving it to the newspaper because he didn't want to get in trouble

What did Atzerodt decide to do that night? Why?

He decided not to kill the vice president because he thought the plan was stupid the drunker he got

What did Booth decide to do once his injury was treated?

He decided to spend the night for a few hours at the farm, rest there all day, and then ride south at nightfall

Why would Jones not take money initially from Booth? When he finally did, how much did he take? Why?

He didn't help them for money. He asked for $18 because that's the price he paid for the boat

Where did Cox suggest Herold and Booth hide? Why?

He suggested that the fugitives hide in a heavily wooded pine thicket some distance away where no one would find them

Why did this person agree to take Booth and Herold in?

He thought Booth was a wounded Confederate soldier, which made him think of his sons who had just been brought home safely

What did Richard Garrett finally tell the cavalry where Booth was hiding?

He told them he was hiding in the barn because he felt that it was wrong that the killer of Abraham Lincoln was hiding in the property

What did Lt. Doherty do to Booth's body?

He unrolled his wool army blanket and ordered his men to lay his body upon it and sew it together

Why did Conger ride "ahead" of Booth's body entourage?

He wanted to be the first of the manhunters to tell Stanton that Booth had been found and killed. He also hoped to procede the rest of the cavalry and stake the first claim to the reward money

Why was Garrett never reimbursed for the damage to his barn and property?

He was disloyal to the union

What happened to Jones eventually?

He would be questioned by Union detectives, arrested, and imprisoned. But, he was eventually released. He would eventually tell a journalist what he had done

Why were Booth and Herold not in their best appearance?

Herold and booth where not in their best appearance because their clothes had become dirty and they didn't have a change of clothes

What did Herold do with he and Booth's horses? Why?

Herold shot the horses in a pit of quicksand and sank their bodies because the horses were hungry, restless, and noisy and which could have exposed the fugitives. Also, Jones refused to bring horse feed

Why do you think no one tried to stop Booth as he fled?

I think no one tried to stop Booth as he fled because they did not want to get hurt because Booth still had the knife in his hand, or they were shocked that the president was shot

Where was Booth buried? In your opinion, was that appropriate?

In a simple crate in an unmarked grave at the Old Arsenal Penitentiary. I think this was appropriate because if he wasn't killed he would have been in the Penitentiary anyway

How did news of the president's and Seward's alleged assassination travel? Why?

It traveled by mouth, then by messenger then it spread "faster then a man could run"

How did John Harrison Surratt meet John Wilkes Booth?

John Harrison met John Wilkes booth at school; Dr. Mudd introduced him

Was John Surratt "caught"? Was he found guilty of conspiracy? Why or why not?

John Surratt was caught but found not guilty because the court could not decide on a verdict

Why was Jones so eager to help Booth and Herold?

Jones wanted to meet the heroes who killed Lincoln and he needed money

How is Laura Keene best remembered?

Laura Keene was best remembered for her unscripted performance in the President's box

Does Lincoln have a memoral? Where is it located?

Lincoln's memorial is across the street from Ford's Theater, in the back room of the Petersen house

Who else was injured in the assassination? How?

Major Henry Rathbone was injured in the assassination by Booth slicing him in his upper arm with the Rio Grande Camp knife

Who wanted a lock of Lincoln's hair? Why?

Mary Jane Welles to keep as a memento

What happened to Mary Surratt?

Mary Surratt was not allowed to return home and was sent to old capitol prison and along with everybody else suspected to be involved with the events

What did Mary Surratt tell authorities upon questioning?

Mary told authorities that she never saw that man before in her life and that she never hired him to clean the gutter. Under questioning she also only admitted facts and did nothing to help them find Booth

Who helped Booth and Herold once in Virginia? Why did this person seek others to help as well?

Mrs. Quesenberry helped them in Virginia. She felt that it was a much too big job to handle by herself, and so she asked for help

Why did officials want to move Lincoln from Ford's Theatre?

Officials wanted to move Lincoln because Ford's Theatre was the place of entertainment and they wanted him to die with dignity on a bed and not on a theatre floor

How long did the government take to pay the reward offered for Lincoln's killers?

Over a year after the manhunt ended

How did Powell wound Seward? Describe the wound.

Powell pinned Seward on the bed and slashed his cheek with a knife so viciously that his skin hung from a flap, exposing his teeth and fractured jawbone

What did Powell tell soldiers he was at the boarding house to do?

Powell told the soldiers that many hired him to come and dig a gutter for her

Why do you think Powell only "trotted" away from the Seward mansion instead of galloping away quickly?

Powell trotted away to not tire out his horse and to not bring attention to himself

Who did Powell wound next? Describe the wounds.

Powell wounded Sergeant Robinson by stabbing him twice in the shoulder down to the bone. Powell also choked him and pounded him with his fist

What hideous crime did Rathbone commit? Why?

Rathbone went insane and killed his wife with the same weapons Booth used to kill Lincoln

Why did people celebrate in the Union capital on April 3, 1865?

Richmond, Virginia fell to Union forces

Why do you think William Steward turned to once side when photographed?

Seward turned to one side when being photographed to hide the scarred half of his face

Who did Powell attempt to shoot? What happened?

Seward's son, Frederick, but his gun misfired so Powell hit him in the head with a gun instead

Why would Mary Todd Lincoln not see the president once he was dead?

She couldn't bare the sight of her dead husband and because soldiers wrapped Lincoln in an American Flag and placed him in a box and screwed down the lid.

Why couldn't Stanton devote enough time to the manhunt?

Stanton couldn't devote all of his time because he had a war to finish. He rounded up a group of delegate authority to continue the manhunt for him

What honor was "almost" bestowed upon Edwin Stanton?

Stanton was to join the Supreme Court, but he died before he could

There were four errors reported in the article on page 105. What were they?

The four errors were that it said that secretary Seward was dead but he was just wounded, it said Lincoln died at 7:02 but he actually died at 7:22, it said that Major Rathbone was a captain but he was actually a Major, and finally it said that Major Rathbone was shot in the arm but he was actually stabbed in the arm with a knife

What mistake did Powell make that night?

The mistake Powell made that night was going into Mary Surratt's boarding house when he had a very strong chance of being caught

How would Booth and Herold know who Cox sent was there to help them?

The person would use a three-note whistle when he arrived

What happened on April 19, 1865?

The presidents funeral

Name two things the conspirators had to wear in prison up to their execution.

The prisoners had to wear canvas hoods and wrist irons leading up to their executions

If our president was assassinated today, what punishment do you think would be the most humane? Why?

The punishment that would be the most humane is death row because he committed murder on our country's leader

Why had Lieutenant Dana ignored Dr. Mudd's report?

The report was old and unimportant and Lt. Dana was also getting other leads which led to dead ends, so he didn't believe him

What did the Garrett's do?

They locked Booth and Herold in the tobacco barn until morning

Where did Booth and Herold sleep the night of April 15, 1865? Why?

They slept in the Garrett's tobacco barn because the Garrett's did not allow them to sleep in the house

Where did officials finally take the president?

They took Lincoln to the Peterson House across the street.

Where were Booth and Herold forced to hide out? For how long?

They were forced to hide in Maryland for an entire day when they got there and had to wait until the evening to head back on their journey

Why were Booth and Herold "off course?"

They were off course because the compass read north and Booth thought that was the correct direction they were supposed to head. They were supposed to head south

The government was planning to capture Booth and Herold through the help of whom?

They were planning to capture Booth and Herold through Dr. Mudd, who told the cavalry everything he knew

Major Rathbone's actions were quite selfish. How so?

They were selfish because he asked the doctor to treat him before he treated the president

Why did Booth and Herold run into the woods behind Garrett's barn?

They were told that the Union cavalry was coming to capture them

In Port Conway, who suddenly appeared?

Three confederate soldier suddenly appeared

How many were still not captured at the end of this chapter? Name them.

Three were still not captured: Booth, Herold, John Surratt

Why was an autopsy ordered on Booth's body?

To be absolutely certain the body was Booth's

Why did Herold leave Booth on April 24, 1865?

To buy a new pair of shoes

Why was John Garrett forced to go into the tobacco barn?

To get the weapons from Booth and Herold

Why was Booth so angry on the evening of April 13, 1865?

Union was delirious with joy and Booth took this as an insult; he also felt that Lincoln insulted the Confederacy

Who tended to Booth's injury? Describe the injury he sustained.

When booth jumped onto the stage he broke his fibula and Doctor Mudd aided him.

When would Booth and Herold leave their hiding place?

at nightfall when all of the soldiers and manhunters were gone; they would leave on a dark night with smooth water and deserted riverbanks.

Why did Booth wait until almost the end of the play to shoot Lincoln?

because everyone would be laughing at the line said, so no one could hear the gunshot

Why would Atxerodt be caught?

because he boasted about the horrific events that happened on the night of April 14, and he told them classified information

Why didn't Dr. Mudd alert authorities that Booth was at his farm initially?

because he had the power to end the manhunt for Lincoln's killer that afternoon

Why was Booth so excited Lincoln was coming to Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865?

because he knew the layout of the theatre and all the secret passages

Why didn't Herold get a carriage to transport the wounded Booth?

because he saw manhunters on his way to get one and he knew Booth could still ride a horse

What strange thing happened as the president arose to make his inaugural speech?

clouds parted and the sun came out

Why did Booth visit Mary Surratt?

delivered a package to a tavern so later that night, Booth would pick up guns, ammunition, and other supplies

How did Booth persuade Cox to invite him into his home?

he hobbled up to the porch in great pain begging for help from his injury and when Cox saw his J.W.B tattoo, he invited Booth into his home

Where did Booth go prior to entering the president's box?

he went into the theater, through the trap door, into the Star Saloon, then he entered the theatre lobby, climbed the curving staircase to the balcony, and went into the vestibule

Why had Mary Lincoln been so emotionally upset lately?

her son, Willie, passed away

What were Powell's three problems encountered if he were to kill Seward?

how to enter Seward's house, how to find him in the house, and he didn't know how many people were in the house

Booth made final arrangements. What were they?

the weapon he would choose and mental preparations he did

Why was Booth surprised as he entered the president's box?

there was no guard at the door; he expected to see an officer, a soldier, or at least a policeman seated there; instead, Charles Forbes sat near the door

What role did Herold play?

to keep watch, hold the horses, and lead Powell out of Washington

Why did the Lincoln's notify Ford's theatre?

to tell them they were attending the play that night

How many times did Booth enter Ford's Theatre?


Describe John Wilkes Booth.

well known, confident, very vain(all about him), talented, arrogant, handsome

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