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Colchicum colch (Meadow Saffron)

Heart Anxiety in region of heart. Impulse not felt. Pericarditis, with severe pain, oppression and dyspnoea, pulse threadlike. Sound of heart become weaker, pulse of low tension. Extremities Sharp pain down left arm. Tearing in limbs during warm weather, stinging during cold. Pins and needles in hands and wrists, fingertips numb. Pain in front of thigh. Right plantar reflex abolished. Limbs, lame, weak, tingling. Pain worse in evening and warm weather. Joints stiff and feverish; shifting rheumatism; pains worse at night. Inflammation of great toe, gout in heel, CANNOT BEAR TO HAVE IT TOUCHED OR MOVED. Tingling in the finger nails. Knees strike together, can hardly walk. Oedematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet. Back Aching in lumbar and lumbo-sacral region. Dull pain across loins. Backache, better, rest and pressure. Skin Blotchy papular rash on face. Pink spots on back, chest and abdomen. Urticaria. Modalities WORSE, sundown to sunrise; motion, loss of sleep, smell of food in evening, mental exertion. BETTER, stooping.


Homesickness - emotional and sentimental nostalgia for the "old times," which is so strong that it can kill them. (Phos-ac and Carbo-an also have homesickness) Sleeplessness and depression from homesickness Prostration of mind, mental exhaustion, brain fog, slow thinking (indolent, do not want to think) "A burning out of the organism" Startled easily; sensitive to noises during chill Awkward, easily exhausted, dreads any kind of exercise Wakes up after a few hours of sleep, overwhelmed by anxiety; especially about their social insecurity. Easily offended; takes everything badly. Irritability Alcoholism

Carbo Animalis

Homesickness - lost in meditative-like thoughts (immigrants) Avoids conversation, Desire to be alone Sympathetic toward suffering of others - cannot say no if someone needs help Illusions of hearing - as if tone came from another direction or another world. Cannot tell from what direction sounds comes from so tired, cant say no


Huge tumors on the right ovary Sensations as if something is hanging from their throat Glary mucus discharges Pain relieved by pressure Feelings as if the uterus would prolapse Headache which travels in a band across the head from ear to ear easily offended like Nux and staphy

Natrum Sulphuricum

Humid asthma in children with every change in wet weather. Feels every change in weather from dry to wet. Wakes at 4-5 am, esp from asthma. Diarrhea: sudden, urging, gushing w flatus on first rising to feet. CHEERFUL AFTER Calc Granular lids, like small blisters Warts, condolymata Liver and gallbladder problems. Increased sexual desire

Sulphuric Acid

Hurriedness. Wants others to hurry. So hurried that he does things out of order. (Toiletbowl anecdote) Hurried in every way - even gulp down food Impatient, angry because things move so slowly. Feels as if there's not enough time. Cannot finish anything, which leads him to be irritable. Fretful and irritable over the slightest cause.


Hypersexual, nymphomania, haughty, contemptuous. Superiority complex. Obsessive, demanding, malignant towards others who don't recognize superiority. She feels taller than others or that she looks down from a higher place. Alternation btwn nymphomania and haughtiness. Impulse to kill (the husband who she loves) Masturbation in young girls Mental symptoms alternate w physical symptoms Sensation of band around effected part(anacardium, cactus); constriction; numbness in spots Anxiety connected w some kind of numbness.


Abdomen.--Sore spot in right hypochondrium. Rheumatism of abdominal muscles. Colic at navel. Burning griping pains. Bruised feeling through epigastrium and abdomen. Constipation of the aged and those with weak heart. Bleeding from rectum. Urine.--Scanty, suppressed, with pain in kidney region. Nephritis. Female.--Mastitis; mammæ hard and very sensitive. Tumors of the breasts with enlarged axillary glands. Cancer of breast. Breast is hard, painful and of purple hue. Mammary abscess. When child nurses, pain goes from nipple all over body. Cracks and small ulcers about nipples. Irritable breasts, before and during menses. Galactorrhœa (Calc). Menses too copious and frequent. Ovarian neuralgia of right side. Male.--Painful induration of testicles. Shooting along perineum to penis. Heart.--Feeling as if heart leaped into throat (Pod). Shock of pain in cardiac region alternating with pain in right arm. Respiratory.--Aphonia. Difficult breathing; dry hacking, tickling cough; worse at night (Mentha; Bellad). Aching pains in chest, through mid-sternum; with cough. Rheumatism of lower intercostals. Back.--Aching pains in lumbar region; pains streaking up and down spine into sacrum. Weakness and dull pain in region of kidneys. Back stiff, especially in morning on rising and during damp weather. Extremities.--Shooting pain in right shoulder, with stiffness and inability to raise arm (see Heart). Rheumatism pains; worse in morning. Pains fly like electric shocks, shooting, lancinating, shifting rapidly (Puls; Kali bich).

Calcarea Sulphurica

Abscesses; acne or fistulas w tendency to supprate, which does not heal. Pus continues for months, years. Crusts of skin. Otitis media w constant suppuration Inflamm of eyes w dischrage of thick, yellow matter Yellowish purulent secretion from nose and yellowish disch from posterior nares Acne vulgaris, whole face coverd in pus Burning, itching soles of feet

Allium Cepa

Absent-mindedness with much SLEEPINESS AND LETHARGY (looks like Opium) Great dullness of mind, aggravation in AFTERNOON Anxious with catarrh and dullness of mind Confused, sleepy and disinterested.

Baryta Carbonica

IMMATURITY AND DWARFISHNESS; resistance to becoming an adult; wants to stay a child. Weak willed. LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE; suspicious othres are laughing at him. IRRESOLUTION cannot decide what to do on any serious project. Mostly used in children who are physically and mentally retarded and also in senility of old age. Children are timid/shy, hide behind mother, delayed development, usually keep mouths open


Aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration, are general symptoms guiding to Phytolacca. Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. Has a powerful effect on fibrous and osseous tissues; fasciæ and muscle sheaths; acts on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone pains; chronic rheumatism. Sore throat, quinsy, and diphtheria. Tetanus and opisthotonos. Decrease of weight. Retarded dentition. Mind.--Loss of personal delicacy, disregard of surrounding objects. Indifferent to life. Head.--Vertigo on rising. Brain feels sore. Pain from frontal region backward. Pressure in temples and over eyes. Rheumatism of scalp; pains come on every time it rains. Scaly eruption on scalp. Eyes.--Smarting. Feeling of sand under lids. Tarsal edges feel hot. Fistula lachrymalis (Fluor ac). Abundant lachrymation, hot. Nose.--Coryza; flow of mucus from one nostril and from posterior nares. Mouth.--Teething children with irresistible desire to bite the teeth together. Teeth clenched; lower lip drawn down; lips everted; jaws firmly set; chin drawn down on sternum. Tongue red tip, feels rough and scalded; bleeding from mouth; blisters on side. Mapped, indented, fissured, with yellow patch down center. Much stringy saliva. Throat.--Dark red or bluish red. Much pain at root of tongue;

Tarentula Hispanica

IMPATIENT; IMPULSIVE; LACKS SELF CONTROL Extreme HURRIEDNESS; cannot tolerate others who work slowly CUNNING; have fox-like look in their eyes Destructive, destroy whatever she can lay her hands on; tears her clothes or breaks things. EROTIC MANIA HYPERACTIVE, RESTLESSNESS.

Berberis Vulgaris

Acts on KIDNEYS, BLADDER & LIVER Affection of kidneys with hematuria Arthritic affections with urinary disturbances RADIATING and stitching pains: radiating from one point and shooting outward in different directions WANDERING PAINS: pains that rapidly change their location and character. As in arthritis where different joints suffer at different times Gall-stone pain shooting up to left scapula Urethra BURNS when not urinating, better after urination Kidney stones/colic, pain radiates into thigh, bladder, testes, genitalia, aggravated by pressure. Indicated in cases of renal colic, esp. right sided Heaviness of lower limbs, as if beaten. Muscles feel beaten, like influenza (Eup-per.)

Thuja occidentals thuj (Arbor vitas)

Acts on skin, blood, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, and brain. Its relation to the production of pathological vegetations condylomate, warty excrescences, spongy tumors is very important. Moist mucous tubercles. Bleeding fungus growths. Naevus. Excess of venosity. The main action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary organs, producing conditions that correspond with Hahnemann's sycotic dyscrasia, whose chief manifestation is the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces-fig-warts and condylomata. Has a specific antibacterial action, as in gonorrhoea and vaccination. Suppressed gonorrhoea, salpingitis. ILL-EFFECTS OF VACCINATION. Sycotic pains, i. e., tearing in muscles and joints, worse at rest, better in dry weather, worse damp humid atmosphere; lameness. HYDROGENOID CONSTITUTIONS, whose blood is morbidly hydroscopic, so that damp air and water are inimical. Complaints from moonlight. RAPID EXHAUSTION AND EMACIATION. Left-sided and chilly medicine. Variola, aborts the pustule and prevents the suppurating fever. VACCINOSIS, viz., inveterable skin troubles, neuralgia, etc. Mind FIXED IDEAS, as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if something alive in abdomen. (CROC.) Emotional sensitiveness; music causes weeping and trembling. Head Pain as if pierced by a nail. (COFF.; IGN.) Neuralgia from tea. (SELEN.) Left-sided headache. White, scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out. Greasy skin of face. Eyes Ciliary neuralgia; iritis. Eyelids agglutinated at night; dry, scaly. Styes and tarsal tumors. (STAPH.) Acute and subacute inflammation of sclera. Sclera raised in patches, and looks bluish-red. Large, flat phlyctenules; INDOLENT. Recurring episcleritis. Chronic scleritis. Ears Chronic otitis; discharge purulent. Creaking when swallowing. Polypi. Nose Chronic catarrh; thick, green mucus; blood and pus. On blowing nose, pain in teeth. Ulceration within the nostrils. Dryness of nasal cavities. Painful pressure at root. Mouth Tip of tongue very painful. WHITE BLISTERS ON SIDE CLOSE TO ROOT, PAINFULLY SORE. Teeth decay next to gums; very sensitive; gums retract. Drinks fall audibly into stomach. Ranula; varicose veins on tongue and mouth. Pyorrhoea alveolaris.

Allium Cepa

Acts on the UPPER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, used in common colds, where it spreads downwards to larynx, producing violent laryngitis. FLUENT CORYZA and HAYFEVER, copious acrid watery, acrid discharge from nose that makes nostrils red, with bland lachrymation (Puls has bland discharge) Excoriating discharge from LEFT nostril extending to right. Headache > Open air < returning to a WARM ROOM Ailments from LEFT to RIGHT (Lachesis) HOARSENESS, hacking, tickling cough, sensation as if larynx is split and torn. Threadlike pains following injuries to nerve, phantom pains.


Acute affections of the DIGESTIVE TRACT AND INTESTINES, with long lasting action on NERVES Opposite of diosc which bends backward or Stretch CRAMPING, Spasmodic, GRIPPING, TEARING, and COLICKY PAINS in abdomen by BENDING DOUBLE, HARD PRESSURE AND HEAT Great remedy for babies with Colic/Cramp SHOOTING PAINS; like electric shocks down the LEFT SIDE of whole limb. Pains appear in the larger nerves. Sciatica with NUMBNESS Violent thirst.


Affects FEMALE HORMONAL SYSTEM and pelvic organs. Sensitive to cold. SENSATION OF BALL in different parts Headache; pain over left eye (better w motion.. Worse w menses) Falling of hair - after delivery/menopause Yellowness of face Fever blisters about the lips Sensation of "Emptiness" in stomach - all gone feeling, better w eating. INDIFFERENCE and even aversion to SEX Prolapse of uterus on standing, pressure, bearing down Leucorrhea Menses too late and scanty, or too early and profuse. Faints easily - when kneeling; if hot then cold; during fever/chill.


Affects MUCOUS MEMBRANES, causing cattarhal conditions Apthae accompanied by offensive breath and salivation (merc.) Babies CRY and SCREAM when nursing or before passing stool or urine Nursing mother's milk is "too thick and tastes badly" Lashes turn inward Sensation of a cobweb on hands and face (rub their face trying to get it off) Leucorrhoea: profuse, albuminous, with sensation of warm water flowing down Weakness in joints External trembling on sneezing (keynote) Riding downhill produces VERTIGO

Hypericum Perforatum

INJURIES in peripheral NERVES, esp. fingers, toes, and treading on nails, needles, and pins Nerve pains SHOOTING UPWARDS, ALONG NERVE, after injury Ailments from PUNCTURED, LACERATED WOUNDS, CRUSHED, MASHED FINGER TIPS. Bad effects from falls or blows upon head or concussion of spine/coccyx. Bruised coccyx after labor(silica) Pain in old scars (staphy) Wounds that re not healing Headaches; sensation as if being lifted up high into the air. Bunions and corns with excruciating pain. Locked jaw or convulsions after injury Pain is so bad that it brings on fainting. tooth after drilling where very close to nerve GV took this when he stepped on the rusted nail

Arsenicum Album

INSECURITY, mainly about health with great anxiety Anxiety, restlessness and prostration are the main threesome. Fastidious, wants everything in order and very clean. Selfish; critical about others and himself Possessive; mainly due to insecurity and fear of being alone.

Ranunculus bulbosus

INTERCOSTAL OR NEURALGIC PAIN agg. LEFT SIDE, MOTION, inspiration, LYING ON PAINFUL SIDE, touch, cold, change of weather, Herpes zoster Headache with dullness, as if intoxicated PAIN AND STIFFNESS OF THE CERVICAL REGION (Cimic, Rhus-t) ext. to head. PAIN ALONG LOWER MARGIN OF LEFT SCAPULA extending to chest Malaise feeling Rheumatic pain between shoulder blades, agg. writing, sewing (little movements) Anxiety felt in the chest agg. night, evening

Colchicum colch (Meadow Saffron)

Affects markedly the muscular tissues, periosteum, and synovial membranes of joints. Has specific power of relieving the gouty paroxysms. It seems to be more beneficial in chronic affections of these parts. The parts are red, hot, swollen. Tearing pains; worse, in the evening and at night and from touch; stubbing the toes hurts exceedingly. THERE IS ALWAYS GREAT PROSTRATION, internal COLDNESS, and tendency to collapse. Effects of night watching and hard study. Shocks as from electricity through one half of body. Bad effects from suppressed sweat. Dreams of mice. Head Headache chiefly frontal and temporal, but also occipital and in nape of neck, worse afternoon and evening. EYES.Pupils unequal; left pupil contracted. Variations in visual acuity. Lachrymation worse in open air; violent tearing pain in eyes. Dim vision after reading. Spots before eyes. Ears Itching in ears; sharp, shooting pains below right tragus. Face Pain in facial muscles, moving about. Tingling and oedematous swelling; cheeks red, hot, sweaty. Very irritable with the pains. (CHAM.) Pain behind angle of right lower jaw.

Kali Bichromicum

Affects mucous membranes of air passages and stomach DISCHARGES are ADHESIVE, STICKY, STRINGY, can be drawn in long strings - sticks to throat, teeth, and lips. Pus comes out in a line. Pains in SMALL SPOTS (do not move, are persistent) Wandering pain(Berberis), often arthitic, SHIFTS RAPIDLY, appear and disappear suddenly. Rheumatic pains and/or alternating with affections of skin. DIAGONAL PAINS(Agaricus). Most symptoms appear in the am SLUGGISH REACTION in many conditions, ulcers and inflammations HEADACHE is RIGHT sided over eyebrows. Cracking in joints - rheumatic pains in fingers. Hair-like sensation (silica)on back of tongue and nose Profuse PERSPIRATION while sitting quietly

Fluoricum Acidum

Indicated in deep, destructive processes, bedsores, ulcerations, varicose veins, and ulcers Patient is compelled to move about energetically Easy/Early decay of teeth; discoloration, cavities, teeth feel warm Fistula on gums with bloody, salty discharge Generally < from heat, extremely warm blooded Worse from both extremes of temperature Coryza, copious water discharge, "runs like faucet" Sudden water discharge from eyes, nose, and mouth Falling of hair in spots (not alopecia, more sparse) Sensation as if wind is blowing through eyes Excess sexual desire, promiscuity. Sexual passion and desire increased with erections at night, during sleep Swollen scrotum. Sleepless, wakes after 3-4 hours with sexual thoughts Ulceration of uterus, copious and excoriating leucorrhea Feeling as if splinter is under nails. Corrugated and weak nails Varicose veins often painful Feet feel hot and must be uncovered at night. Offensive feet Tongue cracked in all directions


Inner irritability Prostration (Picric acid)


Irregular congestions. BLOOD RUSHES UPWARDS. Violent pulsations with numbness. Headache in place of menses EXPLOSIVE HEADACHES. "My head will explode." Bursting, expansive or enlarged feeling in different organs. Head and brain feel enormously large; chin and nose feel long. SUNSTROKE AND HEADACHE FROM SUN. Cannot bear heat on head. Vortex of head and back of neck burning hot (sulph -> soles) Bad effects after a haircut (belladonna) Hot remedy(apis, LAchesis)

Spongia Tosta

Irresistible desire to sing, followed by sadness. Anxiety about the future - loathing of life, fear of death, and suffocation. Fears something dreadful will happen Despondent about loss of sexual power Awakens in a fright, in a suffocative feeling, needs time to rationalize his surroundings Mental excitement increases the cough.


Irritable, morose Delusion she were in some vehicle which was moving and jarring her, begs others to hold her Delusion that people are talking rapidly all around her Lassitude, indisposed to move or make any mental effort (dull mind, torpor, can't think, esp in wet weather) Eccentric people with excessive sexuality. Very tired after sex/orgasm

Bryonia Alba

Irritable, wants to be left alone - aggravated by interference from any person. Very thirsty for large quantities, frequently.

Antimonium Tartaricum

Affects mucous membranes, esp trachea, bronchi and lungs Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract must be serious before this remedy is indicated Great accumulation of mucus with course rattling with no power to expel the mucus.. Wants to vomit up the mucous Cough followed by vomiting, sleep or anger Intense nausea, vomiting, and prostration Weakness, sweats, drowsy, with lack of reaction Any disturbance increases the breathing and annoys the patient feeling that he is dying, filling up chest that is suffocating him. Great sleepiness or irresisitible inclination to sleep, esp during a cough of bronchitis. Because organism is fighting and wants to recover Child is fretful, peevish, whining, moaning, will not allow you to touch them (Ant-C, Sanic), the toes and fingers are drawn inwards. Angry child that coughs when he is angry Ill humor on waking, howls if anyone looks at him Looks anxious and desperate Clings to mother (Bar-C) Face cold, blue, pale, sickly and shrunken covered with cold sweat with an expression on face that he is suffering

Plumbum Metallicum

Affects tendons, muscles, nerves, and spinal cord. Shortness of tendons. TREMBLING with weakness of muscles. SLOWING DOWN OF ALL FUNCTIONS. Excessive and rapid emaciation. Cheeks sunken and emaciated. Distinct BLUE LINE along MARGIN OF GUMS. SENSE OF RETRACTION; VIOLENT COLIC Sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn backwards by a string into the spine. Radiating pains to all parts of body CONSTIPATION; stools hard, lumpy, black like sheep's dung Atrophy of effected parts; paralyzed muscles Contraction of muscles and tendons


Affects the SKIN and INTESTINES. Coldness in spots (stomach, abdomen, uterus, between scapulae, heart) The skin becomes extremely dry while mucus membranes are causing catarrhal conditions. Itching in all congestions of mucous membranes (Eustachian tubes, deep in ear) Dryness of ear and nose. Chronic diarrhea together with dry skin eruptions SEA-SICKNESS with vertigo, nausea, and vomiting like cocu and tabcum Skin eruptions, especially FOLDS, scalp, face, and genitals. ERUPTIONS, usually dry, with CRACKS, eczema, psoriasis, herpes SKIN; HARD, ROUGH, THICKENED, raw, does not heal, easily cracks, appears DIRTY. Occiptal headaches with vertigo, all-gone hungry feelings. Excessive hunger after stool or during diarrhea. Ravenous hunger; is awakened at night Cutting pains in abdomen after 4 am BURNING SENSATION IS MARKED, esp on parts that are itching. Itches till it bleeds.


Affects the URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS Action is RAPID, INTENSE and DESTRUCTIVE Constant urging to urinate - passing a few drops at a time, often with blood BURNING in every part of body Pains are BURNING, CUTTING, BITING, or RAW Shreiking from pain Sensation of DRYNESS in joints BURNS AND SCALDS which have caused vesication INFLAMMATION of the eye from burns Strong sexual desire, despite severe pain Painful erections, worse at night Cystitis - violent burning pain before and during urinations Violent tenesmus, better from cold applications BLOOD in the URINE Chills: 3pm lasting up to 12 hours


Affects the nervous system, throat, and sexual organs Acute sense for noise, light, odors CANNOT BEAR HEAT OF SUN Convulsions and spasms brought on by reflecting light or sign of RUNNING WATER Has to urinate when hearing running water Bluish discoloration of the wounds Voice changes/tone of voice is different Eructation ameliorates gastric problems BITTER TASTE in mouth at NIGHT, has to spit Gagging on swallowing water, pills Feel they are goign to choke, takes sips of water frequently - not bc they are thirsty - but just making sure they can swallow

Natrum Muriaticum

Agg. From the sun; photosensitivity Headache, worse on waking or from 10am to 3pm Herpetic vesicles about lips Cannot urinate in the presence of others Insomnia from grief or thoughts of past disagreeable occurrences. Sleeps on left side. Like to serve others . Put themselves last Skinny usually

Kali sulphuricum kali-s (Potassium Sulphate)

Ailments accompanied by profuse desquamation. Applicable to the later stages of inflammation . YELLOW, mucous and serous discharges, profuse and intermittent. Has been found of much use in oxaluria. Head Rheumatic headache, beginning in evening. Bald spots. Dandruff and scaldhead. Ears Eustachian deafness. Discharge of YELLOW matter. (HYDR.) Nose Colds, WITH YELLOW, slimy expectoration. Nose obstructed. Smell lost. (NAT. MUR.) ENGORGEMENT OF THE NASAL PHARYNGEAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE, mouth breathing, snoring, etc., remaining after removal of adenoids. Face Aches in heated room. Epithelioma. Stomach Tongue coated yellow and slimy. Insipid, pappy taste. Gums painful. Burning thirst, nausea, and vomiting. Load feeling. Dread of hot drinks. Abdomen Colicky pains; abdomen feels cold to touch; tympanitic, tense. Yellow, slimy diarrhoea. Constipation, with haemorrhoids. (SULPH.) Male Gonorrhoea; discharge slimy, yellowish-green. Orchitis. Gleet. Female Menses too late, scanty, with feeling of weight in abdomen. Metrorrhagia. Respiratory Coarse rales. RATTLING OF MUCUS IN CHEST. (TART. EM.) Post-grippal cough, especially in children. Bronchial asthma, with yellow expectoration. Cough; worse in evening and in hot atsmosphere. Croupy hoarseness. (HEP.; ZYONG.)


Ailments from suppressed eruptions(Mez, Pet, Psor,...) . If you suppress Graphites, you will have inner organ problems (esp stomach) Yellow, sticky, thick, honey-like offensive discharges. Fissures (lips, corners of mouth, anus) Numbness or empty feeling in head Hearing is impaired, chronic discharges from ears. OBESITY!(ammonium c, amm. m (fat body with thin legs), Calc, Capsicum) - but their body is built solidly (like farmers) Callosities of palms, but esp soles High sexual desire or lack of interest. Sexual debility from sexual abuse. Deformed nails - brittle, thick, hard (90% of Graphite cases have this)(calc,silica..)


All ailments acute or chronic are attended by fear of death and the feeling that death is imminent or near. Sudden severe complaints that arise from shock that threatened the life of the person and are attended with an AGONIZING FEAR OF DEATH. PANIC STATES accompanied by: sudden, violent palpitations, red face, one-sided numbness, faint feeling, perspiration, trembling, vertigo, dyspnea, and fear of death. Calm between panic states Suddenly awakens with fear 10-15 mins after falling asleep in a panic Anxiety about others


All symptomatology accompanied by nausea, and vomiting is a relase, as if the crisis is finished Congestion of blood to head, chest and abdomen. Flushes of heat and general pulsations Pain over right eye, begins in occiput or neck (protuberance), extending upward to forehead and right eye HEADACHE > from vomiting, sleep, passing flatus or eructation. (There is strong inflammation in all ways in this remedy - similar to Belladonna in this way) Periodic headaches often every 7 days Headache senitive to light and odors (vomits) Circumcized red and burning of cheeks and ears (Bell) Sensitive to noise Pain at the root of the nose Rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulder..Right shoulder joint arthritis, very painful, arm becomes immovable as if ankylosed, cannot raise it .. Pain < in bed, at night Cough > from eructations, flatus, vomiting Hay fever - patient very sensitive to odors, flowers, and airborn pollen. Right sided coryza (Ars) Heat and burning of palms and soles. UNCOVERS FEET in bed at night (Sulph)


An important remedy for coryza and hay fever centered mainly in the eyes Profuse acrid lachrymation and bland coryza < evening (opp to All-c) Eyes burning, irritated, photophobia, with constant inclination to wink Eyes water all the time, during coryza in wind < on lying Inflammation of conjunctiva, discharge is acrid >> open air Catarrhal headache with profuse discharge from eyes and nose Burning and swelling of lids; Little blisters on cornea Menses painful, flow lasts only one hour, late, scanty, short Yawning wehn walking in open air. Sleepy during the day. Cough only in daytime > lying > in bed at night Tickling in air passages > lying Cough with great lachrymation Eye pain alternating with pain in abdomen

Argentum Metallicum

Anxiety about health. Nervous, sensitive person. Prostration of mind from mental exhaustion, forgetful and confused. Sudden loss of memory. Too tired to talk (Stann, Mur-Ac, Sepia, Phos-Ac) Wants to lie down when depressed Anxiety that clothes are too tight when walking in open air Delusion that head will fall out of bed and that he is drunk all the time. Loquacity alternating with sadness. Unsympathetic towards friends. Introverts

Lilium Tigrinum

Anxious about disease. IRRITABLE and NASTY. Hurried, Snappish, Nervous. Depression of spirits Constant inclination to weep CONFLICT BETWEEN MORALITY AND SEXUALITY Strong religious and sexual feelings Keeps busy to repress sexual desire. Anxiety about her salvation Fear of evil, of insanity Strong sense of duty; conscientious Left sided problems in the abdomen, like lach. Tumor in the ovary will be left sided. Feeling of constriction in the heart esp. at night. Have to walk bent because of that constriction. Fluttering sensation in the heart, she wakes up in a panic. Fluttering may come again while she is lying down.

Mercurius Corrosivus

Anxious and restless Violent and active in movements Impulse to do something violent Difficult thinking Like Merc Sol but not just at night Entire eye Urinary infections Anxious

Mercury solubilis


Lilium Tigrinum

BEARING DOWN, AS IF WHOLE ABDOMINAL CONTENT WOULD ESCAPE, in abdomen and pelvis (worse on standing) Full, heavy FORCED OUTWARD feeling Sexual desire increased or repressed. Suppression leads to problems. Main action upon the venous circulation of the heart and female organs. Menses flows only when moving about. Tendency for nyphomania. Frequent urging to urinate - if they do not urinate, there is a congestion in the chest Sensation of lump, or pressure in the rectum, with constant desire for stool. Alternating symptoms Angina pectoris with feeling of heart being in vice ie sinful LILIUM better lying down and Sepia better Crossing their legs Lili, Sep, and Nux V are three snapish remedies

Eupatorium Perfoliatum

BRUISED FEELING, AS IF BROKEN BONES ALL OVER THE BODY. As if muscles have been exerted to their maximum. PAIN WORSE FROM MOTION High fever preceded by chills, especially 7-9 am Chills are very strong; needs a lot of covers Influenza with high fever Violent headache, as if head would burst - especially in occiput. Feeling of GREAT WEIGHT IN OCCIPUT, requires hands to lift head. Painful soreness of eyeballs GREAT THIRST FOR COLD DRINKS, esp during a chill EXCRUCIATING BACK PAIN Patient is restless with intense aches & describes the pains as being DEEP IN THE BONES Cough with soreness of chest, which hurts head and MUST HOLD THE CHEST(hurts more in Bryonia) Cough from laryngeal tickling SENSATION AS IF WRIST IS BROKEN Nausea and vomiting during fever < by smell of food After drinking, shuddering and vomiting of bile Hepatic and bilious complaints with icterus and fullness in liver region < tight clothing

Cannabis Indica

Bad effects after using hashish or marijuana Delusions of all kinds. Out-of-body experiences Panic attacks, w fear of death and confusion ofmind and fear he will lose control. Fear of insanity. Fastness of the mind which brings about great loquacity; constantly theorizing w an answer for everything, yet is confused Anxiety about health. Evasion Very forgetful: forgets last words and ideas. Crowding of thoughts and ideas in brain. No hardness/sting. There is a kind of acceptance. Laughs immoderately at everything Unable to think/crticize. Believe everything they're told.

Crocus Sativa Croc (Saffron)

Is a remedy often useful in haemorrhages that are black and stringy. Tingling in various parts. Chorea and hysterical affections. Frequent and extreme changes in sensations and mental conditions. Anger with violence followed by repentance. LAUGHING mania. Drowsiness and LASSITUDE; better by literary labor. Mind VACILLATING; pleasant mania; sings and laughs. Happy and affectionate; then angry. Sudden changes from hilarity to melancholy. Vivid recollection from music heard. (LYC) Head Throbs, pulsates, during climacteric; worse during menses. Eyes Appearance as of electric sparks. Must wipe eyes as if mucus or water were in them. FEELING IN EYES AS AFTER VIOLENT WEEPING. Sensation as if she had been looking through too sharp spectacles. EYES FEEL AS IF IN SMOKE. Pupils enlarged and react slowly. Lids heavy. Ciliary neuralgia, pain from eyes to top of head. SENSATION AS IF COLD AIR WAS RUSHING THROUGH EYE. (FLUOR. AC.; SYPH.) Asthenopia with extreme photophobia. Threatened glaucoma; embolism of arteria centralis retinal. Nose Epistaxis. DARK, STRINGY, CLOTTED. STRINGS OF DARK BLOOD hanging down the nose. Abdomen OBSTINATE CONSTIPATION due to portal stagnation. Constipation in infants. Crawling and stitches in anus. SENSATION OF SOMETHING ALIVE IN ABDOMEN, STOMACH, ETC., especially on left side. (CALEND.) Abdomen swollen, feeling of something heavy.

Rumex crispus rumx (Yellow Dock)

Is characterized by pains, numerous and varied, neither fixed nor constant anywhere. Cough caused by an incessant tickling in the throat-pit, which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bronchial tubes. Touching the throat-pit brings on the cough. Worse from the least cold air; so that all cough ceases by covering up all the body and head with the bedclothes. Rumex diminishes the secretions of mucous membranes, and at the same time exalts sensibility of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. Its action upon the skin is marked, producing an intense itching. LYMPHATICS ENLARGED and secretions perverted. Stomach Tongue sore at edges.; coated; sensation of hard substance in pit of stomach; hiccough, pyrosis, nausea; CANNOT EAT MEAT; IT CAUSES ERUCTATIONS, PRURITUS. Jaundice after excessive use of alcoholics. Chronic gastritis; aching pain in pit of stomach and shooting in the chest; extends towards the throat-pit, worse any motion or talking. Pain in left breast after meals; FLATULENCE. Respiratory Nose dry. TICKLING IN THROAT-PIT CAUSES COUGH. COPIOUS MUCOUS DISCHARGE from nose and trachea. DRY, TEASING COUGH, PREVENTING SLEEP. AGGRAVATED BY PRESSURE, TALKING, AND ESPECIALLY BY INSPIRING COOL AIR AND AT NIGHT. Thin, watery, frothy expectoration by the mouthful; later, stringy and tough. Rawness of larynx and trachea. Soreness behind sternum, especially left side, in region of left shoulder. RAW PAIN UNDER CLAVICLE. Lump in throat.

Podophyllum podo (May-apple)

Is especially adapted to persons of bilious temperament. It affects chiefly the DUODENUM, small intestines, liver, and RECTUM. The Podophyllum disease is a gastro-enteritis with colicky pain and bilious vomiting. Stool is watery with jelly-like mucus, painless, PROFUSE. Gushing and offensive. Many troubles during pregnancy; pendulous abdomen after confinement; prolapsus uteri; painless cholera morbus. Torpidity of the liver; portal engorgement with a tendency to hemorrhoids, hypogastric pain, fullness of superficial veins, jaundice. Mind Loquacity and delirium from eating acid fruits. Depression of spirits. Head Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. Headache, dull pressure, worse morning, with heated face and bitter taste; ALTERNATING WITH DIARRHEA. ROLLING OF HEAD FROM SIDE TO SIDE, with moaning and vomiting and eyelids half closed. Child perspires on head during sleep. Mouth Grinding the teeth at night; INTENSE DESIRE TO PRESS THE GUMS TOGETHER. (PHYTOL.) Difficult dentition. TONGUE BROAD, LARGE, MOIST. Foul, putrid taste. BURNING SENSATION OF TONGUE. Stomach Hot, sour belching; nausea and vomiting. Thirst for large quantities of cold water. (BRY.) Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus. Heartburn; gagging or empty retching. Vomiting of milk. Abdomen Distended; heat and emptiness. SENSATION OF WEAKNESS OR SINKING. Can lie comfortably only on stomach. Liver region painful, BETTER RUBBING PART. Rumbling and shifting of flatus in ascending colon.

Kreosotum kreos (Beechwood Kreosote)

It is a mixture of phenols obtained from this distillation. Pulsations all over the body, and profuse bleeding from small wounds. Very severe, old neuralgic affections; pains rather aggravated by rest. EXCORIATING, burning, and offensive discharges. Haemorrhages, ulcerations, cancerous affections. Rapid decomposition of fluids and secretions, and burning pains. Overgrown, poorly developed children. Post-climacteric diseases. Tumefaction, puffiness, gangrene. Ailings of teething children. Mental. Music causes weeping and palpitation. Vanishing of thought; stupid, forgetful, peevish, irritable. Child wants everything but throws it away when given. Head Dull pain, as from a board pressing against forehead. Menstrual headache. Occipital pain. (GELS.; ZINC, PIC.) Eyes Salty lachrymation. Lids red and swollen. Ears Eruption around and pimples within. Difficult hearing and buzzing Face Sick, suffering expression; hot, cheeks red Mouth Lips red, bleeding. VERY PAINFUL DENTITION; child will not sleep. VERY RAPID DECAY OF TEETH, WITH SPONGY, BLEEDING GUMS; teeth dark and crumbly. (STAPH.; ANT. C) Putrid odor and bitter taste.

Naja tripudians naja (Virus of the Cobra)

It produces a typical bulbar paralysis (L. J. Boyd). Causes no haemorrhage but only oedema, hence the victims of this reptile frequently bear very little sign of external injury, a small scratch or puncture being the only indication where the fangs have worked their havoc. The tissue lying beneath the wound is colored dark purple, and a large quantity of viscid blood-like fluid collects in the vicinity of the wound. An intense burning pain at the spot bitten is the first symptom. In man there follows an interval before fresh symptoms occur. The average is about an hour. Once developed, the symptoms follow a rapid course. A feeling of intoxication is produced, followed by a loss of power over the limbs. The patient is bereft of speech, swallowing, and the control over the movement of the lips. The saliva is ejected in large quantities, the respiration gradually becomes slower and slower, and at length ceases. Conscious all time. Is not a hemorrhagic or septic, medicine like Lachesis and Crotalus. Its action settles around the heart; valvular troubles. Marked surging of blood upwards, marked dyspnoea, inability to lie on left side. Hypertrophy, and valvular lesions. ORGANS SEEM TO BE DRAWN TOGETHER. Very susceptible to cold. With heart symptoms, pain in forehead and temples. Diseases primarily depending upon degeneration of motor cells. Control of sphincters lost. Mind Broods constantly over imaginary troubles. Suicidal insanity. (AUR.) Depressed. Aversion to talking. Blurred speech. Melancholy. Dreads to be left alone. Fear of rain. Head - PAIN IN LEFT TEMPLE AND IN LEFT ORBITAL REGION, EXTENDING TO OCCIPUT, WITH NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Hay-fever, with dry larynx. Suffocative spells after sleeping. (LACH.) Eyes staring. Ptosis of both lids. Ears Illusions of hearing; otalgia; chronic otorrhoea, black discharges; smells like herring brine. Respiratory Grasping at throat, with sense of choking. IRRITATING, DRY COUGH, DEPENDENT ON CARDIAC LESIONS. (SPONG.; LAUROC) Sticky mucus and saliva. Asthmatic constriction in evening. Asthma beginning, with coryza. Heart Feeling of weight on heart. Angina pains extending to nape of neck, left shoulder and arm with anxiety and fear of death. With the heart symptoms pain in forehead and temples. Pulse IRREGULAR IN FORCE. Threatened paralysis of heart, body cold, pulse slow, weak, irregular, tremulous. ACUTE AND CHRONIC ENDOCARDITIS. Palpitation. Stitching pain in region of heart. DAMAGED HEART AFTER INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Marked symptoms of LOW tension. Female Neuralgia of left ovary; often serviceable in obscure pain in left groin, especially in post-operative cases; SEEMS: TO BE DRAWN TO HEART. Sleep Profound, like a log, with stertorous breathing, a typical reptilian state. Modalities WORSE, from use of stimulants; BETTER, from walking or riding in open air.


JEALOUS, SUSPICIOUS that he will be poisoned, that there is some plot against him. Ailments from jealousy(Med, Nux, apis, lach, calcs, stramo) LOQUACITY, SHAMELESS, obscene behavior. Talks about feces, urine, genitalia, with no shame at all but with pleasure Obessive behavior - counting all the time and repeats words Twitching, jerkings, spasms, Grimaces of face swearing(anac)


Lack of muscular coordination Diarrhea from anticipation (Arg-N), excitement, fright and bad news Feeling as if the heart would stop beating, if he did not keep in motion Chilliness up and down the back Maddening headache with heaviness of eyelids, can hardly support head Paralysis/Ptosis of eyelids Headache ameliorated by urination, weak voice after headache, blurred vision beore headache (iris) Vertigo spreading from occiput with disturbances of vision Diplopia (double vision)

Cyclamen cycl (Sow-bread)

Large doses produce violent purging and vomiting; disturbed digestion with very salty saliva. Anaemic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of uterus. Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected, inducing secondary anaemia and various reflexes. SLEEPINESS, MOROSENESS, AND LASSITUDE. Cough at night while asleep without waking, especially in children. (CHAM.; NITR. AC) Head Terrors of conscience. Grieves over duty neglected. Depression, with weeping desire to be alone. Aching in morning, with FLICKERING BEFORE EYES; sneezing with itching in ear. Vertigo; things turn in a circle; better in the room; worse, open air. One-sided headache. Frequent sneezing with itching in ears. Eyes Dim vision, worse on waking, with spots before eyes. FLICKERING OF VARIOUS COLORS. Convergent strabismus. SEES COUNTLESS STARS. Diplopia. Disturbance of vision, associated with gastric disturbances. Stomach SALTY TASTE; hiccough-like eructation worse, fat food. Diarrhoea after every cup of coffee; HICCOUGH. Satiety after a few mouthfuls. Disgust for meat, especially pork. (puls) Desire for lemonade. No thirst all day. Rectum PAIN ABOUT ANUS AND PERINEUM, as if a spot were suppurating, when walking or sitting

Kali bromatum kali-br (Bromide of Potash)

Like all Potash Salts, this weakens the heart and lowers temperature. Brominism is caused by it. General failure of mental power, loss of memory, melancholia, anaesthesia of the mucous membranes, especially of eyes, throat, and skin; acne; loss of sexual desire, paralysis. Leading remedy in psoriasis. Nodular form of chronic gout. SYMPTOMS OF APOPLECTIC ATTACKS, uremic or otherwise; somnolence and stertor, convulsions, aphasia, albuminaria. Epilepsy (with salt-free diet). Mind Profound, melancholic delusion; feeling of moral deficiency; religious depression; delusions of conspiracies against him. Imagines he is singled out as an object of divine wrath. Loss of memory. Must do something-move about; gets fidgety. (TARANT.) Fear of being poisoned. (HYOS.) Amnesic aphasia; can pronounce any word told, but cannot speak otherwise. NIGHT TERRORS. Horrid illusions. Active delirium. Head Suicidal mania with tremulousness. Face flushed. NUMB FEELING IN HEAD. Brain-fag. Coryza with tendency to extension into throat. Throat. Congestion of uvula and fauces. ANSESTHESIA of fauces, pharynx, and larynx. Dysphagia, especially of liquids. (HYOS.) Stomach Vomiting, with INTENSE THIRST, after each meal. PERSISTENT HICCOUGH. (SULPH. AC.) Abdomen Sensation as if bowels were falling out. CHOLERA INFANTUM, with reflex cerebral irritation, jerking and twitching of muscles. Green, watery stools with intense thirst, vomiting, eyes sunken. Prostration. INTERNAL COLDNESS of abdomen. Diarrhoea, with much blood. Green, watery stools. RETRACTION of abdomen. Urinary Sensibility of urethra diminished. Urine profuse, with thirst. Diabetes. (PHOS. AC.)

Baryta Carbonica

Look much younger compared to their age Baldness in children/adults Chronic hyperthrophy of tonsils; huge tonsils; Saliva is running Swelling and indurations, or incipient suppuration of glands, esp cervical and inguinal Memory deficient; forgetful, inattentive. (diff from Anac - sudden loss) - given to students that have been asked to memorize so much. Diseases of old men; hypertrophy or induration of prostate and testes; mental and physical weakness

Argentum Metallicum

Loss of voice/hoarseness from overuse Full of tearing pains along nerves esp lower extremities Cramps in muscles - limbs feel powerless Pains and aches aggravate at noon and early morning Back pain < on sitting Thickened margins of the eyelids with purulent discharges and photophobia. BLEPHARITIS Face looks tired and worn out No rest can ameliorate this tiredness - will go from one bed to another Drying up of the organism, the emotions, thinking faculties, the skin, and the sex drive Affects the testes/ovaries. It affects specially the left ovary and right tests. (Inflamed and Swollen)


MAJOR ACTION ON THE SKIN Acts on SKIN, ears bowels, and respiratory Ailments from suppressed eruptions VERY OFFENSIVE SMELLS, especially PERSPIRATION (keynote - cannot sit next to them!) Carrion-like smells (flesh of dead animals) LACK OF VITAL REACTION. Chilly. Wears cap or overcoat in warm weather. GREAT SENSITIVITY TO COLD AIR or change of weather Feels UNUSUALLY WELL BEFORE A PAROXYSM (sense of well being before the storm comes) HUNGRY DURING HEADACHE > EATING Hungry in the middle of the night SKIN: Dry, inactive, rarely sweats, DIRTY - as if never washed, greasy ERUPTIONS have OFFENSIVE DISCHARGE Eruptions prefer the folds Driven to despair with ITCH; Must scratch till it bleeds Diarrhea < 1-4 am NUMBNESS of legs and arms Dyspnea > lying down on back with arms spread out, < sitting up Dry, hard cough every winter, esp after suppression of skin disease Perspiration from slightest exertion

Ruta Graveolens

"""Bewildered"" Remedy picture is somewhere between Rhus Tox and Bryonia. Restlessness of Rhus Tox, but mental pictures of Bryonia. BUT, if in panic state, must be in company to feel secure. Eupatorium is also between Rhus and Bry."


"A man apart" - Withdrawn with very deep emotions, yet he does not express/communicate them to other people. They talk to themselves either in waking or sleeping state. EXTRAORDINARY LOVE AND COMMUNICATION WITH ANIMALS. Animal protectors, collectors. Deep subconscious connection with animals. Social work is a common outlet of the emotional energy Irritability before and during menses Very strong attachment to family. Fear that family member may die.

Ruta Graveolens

"Reserved; they don't usually want to communicate FEARS AND ANXIETY, agg WHEN BECOMING WARM or during fever/overheated. Fears during fever Panic attacks (Acon, Ars, Phosp). Think death is coming. They need someone to pull them out of their panic Dissatisfaction; a resignation that they feel their life is such a burden Defiant They don't want company, unless they are in panic state Fogginess, slowness of mind. Difficulty understanding, gives all sorts of reactions Easily startled when touched" Injuries of tendons, periosteium, connective tissues, etc. STIFFNESS; loss of elasticity of muscles and tendons (even in the tendons of the eyes), leads to eye strain Ganglion; cysts that develop near tendons/joints Restlessness < cold and wet (Rhus Tox) Vertigo (Bry). Headaches when studying (Calc-p), but also with fogginess and dizziness/vertigo from reading

Antimonium Crudum

(Children with) DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS from OVERLOADING STOMACH. "It does not matter much what kind of complaints he suffers from, the stomach takes part in it." - Kent Intolerance to COLD BATHING Headaches alternating with stomach pains (Nat-c.) Milky, heavily coated white tongue (like snow) - Keynote! Alternates between diarrhea and constipation/stomach issues. Thirstlessness Symptoms change with weather changes Dry, hacking, spasmodic cough causes shaking of whole body


Bleeding piles and anal itching that awakens the patient, again if there is worsening by resting and obsession with money and if the patient has exostosis or some hard gland or bumps anywhere. • Constipation with dizziness and dull headache. • Large and Hard Uterine Fibroids • Indurated testicles, syphilitic chancre (with a hardened base) or floating kidney if the patient is worse by rest and has fear of impending ruin. • Calc-f can help in labor and after pains with feeble contractions, also in excessive menses, prolapsed uterus, fibroids, bearing down with dragging pains in uterus and thighs and hard knots in breasts, often associated with large varicose veins in patients obsessed with money and worse by rest. •probably the most useful remedy for exostosis, particularly when they are the consequence of secretions that have hardened. • Easy luxations, synovial swellings, weakness and pain in long bones, rachitic enlargements in femurs of infants and ganglions. • can disperse bony growth. • It can heal ulcerations and fistulae in bones. • useful in caries, suppuration and necrosis in bones, with piercing and burning pains and local heat. • Secretion may be loose, offensive and abrasive. • useful in any induration threatening suppuration. • Also in fibrous tumors, indurated nodules in various tissues and bones in patients who are avaricious, obsesses by money and worse by rest. • Nodules can be stony hard. • Useful in lumbago following strains and severe backaches after long rides in restless patients obsessed by money. • Useful after Rhus-t in chronic lumbago, worse when starting to move and better after moving for a while. • Very useful in spondylosis in potencies of 200 CH, 1 M. 10 M and 50 M. • Useful in rheumatisms when Rhus-t fails or stops working and in gout with copious pale urine and diarrhea in sad and miserable patients obsessed by money.

Argentum Metallicum

Broken down nervous constitutions. Weakness and prostration. No stamina to face stressful situations. Symptoms appear SLOWLY, insidiously, progressing slowly but penetrating the organism deeply SENSATION (Violent jerking) esp. in sleep or going to sleep Affects nerves causing convulsive and spasmodic effects It acts upon the joints, bones, cartilages, and ligaments Thickening and inflammation of cartilages. Hypertrophy of cartilages Disturbing palpitation or arrhythmias which are regulated by the patient sighing Weakness in chest, left sided, difficult to breath, talk, and cough. Secretions of mucous membranes are thick, gray like starch, hawked up easily. Come out like a small ball which is viscid and sticky.

Arsenicum Album

Burning pains; affected parts burn like fire. Cannot bear the smell or sight of food Great thirst for cold water; small quantities/sips only, frequently Feels the cold very much and wants to be covered with many blankets except for the head, which he wants exposed to fresh air. Diarrhea after food poisoning; stool followed by great prostration. Diarrhea with vomiting Asthmatic breathing Itching - must scratch til it bleeds Scanty discharges

Veratrum Album

COLDNESS in general and in parts. Physical RESTLESSNESS, which may go along w restlessness/activity of mind Complete prostration and Collapse - rapid sinking of vital forces Cold perspiration on forehead SENSATION OF COLDNESS, as if blood was ICE WATER GREAT THIRST FOR COLD DRINKS Vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. Violent like a rocket. DISCHARGES ARE COPIOUS GI and Menstrual symptoms - diarrhea/pain before menses. Severe neuralgic pain in head, extremities, joints. Full of cramps. Faints easily.


COLDNESS, CRAMPS, CONVULSIONS Shock from injury, infection, or exposure to cold SUDDEN AND COMPLETE SINKING OF STRENGTH Pneumonia or bronchitis with collapse Surface is icy cold to touch, yet cannot bear to be covered, throws of all coverings alternating with internal burning heat and anxiousness Sensitive to cold air. Internal coldness. Sensation of cold wind on covered parts Ill effects of suppression - e.g. suppressed sexual desire Sudden collapse - weakness. Profound prostration. Sleep extends into a coma. Pain > while thinking of it Face has an anxious expression, is distorted, bluish, and cold Nose cold and pointed, skin and breath cold Sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhea with anxiety and restlessness Ailments from Stranguria, tenesmus of neck of bladder in Cystitis with burning dysuria Rashes from exposure to sunlight (sensitive)


CONFUSION; cannot find the right word, cannot concentrate. DEPRESSION; scolds without being angry Restless; cannot keep still Domineering women. They take care of others in an authoritate/bossy manner. Very loving, but with much possession and control.


CONGESTION OF SINGLE PARTS (eyes, nose, abdomen, arms) BURNING PAINS and SENSATIONS SENSATION OF HEAT ON VORTEX and feet - FEET MUST BE UNCOVERED AT NIGHT. OFFENSIVE SMELL OF DISCHARGES Aversion to odor of others Complaints are continually relapsing CONJUNCTIVITIS with sensation of sand in the eyes (better w cold app) EMPTY feeling in stomach at 11 am > eating Diarrhea, DRIVING OUT OF BED AT 5AM VERY RED ORIFICES All kinds of ERUPTIONS with itching - VOLUPTUOUS ITCHING

Cuprum Metallicum

CRAMPS ON ALL LEVELS. Cramped emotions/cramped thinking with no release Too serious, reservation with few but very intense outbursts of aggressive behavior Sense of guilt is at the root of its pathology. "They were not right, the things I was feeling when I was young." Shyness; cannot show inner feelings Ailments from suppress eruptons (Sulph,

Drosera dros

(Sundew) Affects markedly the respiratory organs and was pointed out by Hahnemann as the principal remedy for whooping-cough. Drosera can break down resistance to tubercle and should therefore be capable of raising it (Dr. Tyler). Laryngeal phthisis is benefited by it. Phthisis pulmonum; vomiting of food from coughing with gastric irritation and profuse expectoration. Pains about hip-joint. Tubercular glands. Head Vertigo when walking in open air, with inclination to tall to the LEFT SIDE. Coldness of left half of face, with stinging pains and dry heat of RIGHT HALF. Stomach Nausea. Aversion to and bad effects from acids. Respiratory Spasmodic, dry irritative cough, like whooping-cough, the PAROXYSMS FOLLOWING EACH OTHER VERY RAPIDLY; can scarcely breathe; chokes. Cough very deep and hoarse; worse, after midnight; yellow expectoration, WITH BLEEDING FROM NOSE and mouth; RETCHING. DEEP, HOARSE VOICE; HOARSENESS; laryngitis. Rough, scraping sensation deep in the fauces and soft palate. Sensation as if crumbs were in the throat, of feather in larynx. Laryngeal phthisis, with rapid emaciation. Harassing and titillating cough in children-not at all through the day, but commences as soon as the head touches the pillow at night. Clergyman's sore throat, with rough, scraping, dry sensation deep in the fauces; voice hoarse, deep, toneless, cracked, requires exertion to speak. ASTHMA WHEN TALKING, with contraction of the throat at every word uttered

Arnica Montana

- AILMENTS that have remained from INJURY, even after 20 years. - Soreness, blueness of the skin after injuries - Extravasation of blood, bruised feeling as if beaten. - After effects of mental shock - After injuries with blunt instruments, not after laceration of skin or open wounds. - Pain of the head such that the pillow on which he lies seems too hard Skin: symmetrical eruptions - Apoplexy, loss of consciousness, heart infarction - Eructations and diarrhea have smell of spoiled eggs.

Nitricum Acidum

- ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH; a pest, the worst patient a doctor could have. - Unforgiving, bears a grudge - NIHILISTIC (doesn't believe in anything) Cursing like Anacardium


- Affections of the nervous system - Painlessness of complaints that are usually painful. - Stammering in a violent way - TWITCHING of single muscles or groups, especially upper body - Suppression of secretions and excretions - Convulsions - after fright, during fever; from looking to bright light. - Congestion of head - Eyes wide open, prominent, brilliant - Pupils widely dilated - Wild looks in the eyes - Loss of VISION - FACE HOT AND RED WITH COLD HANDS AND FEET - blood rushes to face - Wrinkling of forehead during headache and in brain symptoms - Violent hiccough - Suppresion of urine during fever, esp in children - Deep barking, loud cough - Oily perspiration


- Ailments from fright: Convulsions, chorea & other neuro disturbances. - Great flow of ideas, vivid imagination - Painlessness, in painful conditions - Complains of nothing, wants nothing, seems to be in bliss though very sick. Sleepy, can sleep during the interview

Apis Mellifica

- Ailments from jealousy, rage, vexation. - Irritable, nervous; hard to please; sharp tongue. - Weeping disposition; cannot help crying; despondent, discouraged. - Extreme sensitivity to touch - Sense own clumsiness/awkwardness and admire others' grace - Get pleasure from their work ("busy insanity")


- Asthmatic conditions of children, with vomiting while coughing (easy vomiting) - Complaints associated with NAUSEA and VOMITING - comes in gushes - Nausea with profuse saliva but thirstless - vomiting without relief still want to vomit more eg radaition in cancer - Stoamch feels relaxed as if hanging down - Fever with chills that go up and down back, with excessive salivation - Hemorrhage from all orifices - comes in gushes - does not coagulate easily, accompanied by nausea - Lack of thirst - Whooping cough where child loses breath and vomits - Intermittent fever with nausea or gastric disturbances - Exhausted/white - as if soul is coming out with vomiting ages (7-12) hard time keeping food down Seasickness(tabacum and cocculus) Menses in gushes(phos and Sabina)

Natrum Carbonicum

- Aversion to certain persons (cannot tolerate certain energies - know instinctively and leave) - Sensitive to certain impressions

Kali Carbonicum

- Bag-like swelling between the upper eyelids and eyebrows - Sciatica; lumbago pain down to thighs Have to sit with hands on top of knees where elbows are on knees and face in the hands

Natrum Carbonicum

- Chronic effects of sunstroke - Great debility from summer heat - Headache from sun exposure - Indigestion from certain food - Stomach mainly affected (lifelong issues with stomach) - Indigestion from lease errors in diet (must really pay attention - eat simple and lean)

Chelidonum Majus

- Complains mostly arising from gall-bladder and liver. - Pain in right hypochondrium extending to the INFERIOR ANGLE OF RIGHT SCAPULA. From front to back in circle - Right sided complaints - headache, neuralgia going into teeth and up into eye with excessive tearing. - Constipation: stool is hard round balls (Nux vom) - Dryness of mucous membranes of colon.


- Continuous clearing of throat from mucus that's stuck there - Soles of feet are sensitive, cannot walk on pebbly beach easily. - Has hot feet, needs to uncover them during the night in bed. - Babies that stay in knee/elbow position (Red eruption on gluteal region/perineum) - Sleeps on abdomen - Asthma ameliorated in knee elbow position - Asthma ameliorated by sea like Bromium

Calcarea Phosphorica

- DISCONTENT - from child to adulthood. No reason for discontent, produced by lack of vitality on mental, emotional, and physical levels. Don't feel well, but cannot tell you what's wrong - Desire to travel, change places - Complaining and moaning. Children moan in their sleep. - Sighing - cannot take satisfying breath - not grief/externally driven, though. - Feels complaints more when thinking about them. - Symptamotology may appear after suddenly hearing bad news. - Rages and swears - Sympathetic - Duty bound - wants to finish homework, pushes herself to point of headache

China Officinalis

- Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of blood (fluids) - Periodic fevers. Anything that has a periodicity in its symptoms, consider China. - Bloated, distended abdomen. No relief from gas - same irritability stays.


- Development of HARD TUMORS, chronic indurations, esp sex organs - STYES - Tendency for masturbation - bad effects from it - Great intensity of sexual fantasies, but in actual sex, they become impotent or frigid. - INJURIES FROM SHARP OBJECTS - post surgery, stinging, like a knife. Slow to heal. - Toothache during menses - Psoriasis after grief from suppressed emotions. - Touch of a painful spot aggravates

Argentum Nitricum

- Diarrhea; after eating candy or sugar specifically - Eructations loud, gas like a machine gun - Severe distension accompany gastric ailments - Acute granular conjunctivitis in one spot - scarlet-red like raw beef(Med is bigger) - Sensation of splinter in throat while swallowing - Chilly when uncovered, yet smothered when wrapped up


- Dissatisfied and angry with themselves, esp when process of digestion starts. - Hypochondriacal patients. - Alternating states: consider life a burden in morning and are happy in the evening. - Indolent/weary - not joyful, mostly anxious and hypochondriacal - Usually have sedentary habits. - PREOCCUPIED with stool and rectum, cannot think of anything else. - Calm and stoic

Apis Mellifica

- EDEMA of extremities due to dysfunctioning kidney or kidney disease. Puffy swelling under eyes. - Pain is burning - stings like a bee - Acute kidney failure. Swelling of joints, especially ankles. - Cystitis - burning pain. - URTICARIA worse at night - Awkwardness, clumsy, drops things easily - Thirstless unless in state of dehydration --> insatiable thirst - Diarrhea, involuntary as if anus is wide open - Intermittent fever - chill 3pm with thirst - Cyst of ovaries (esp. right) in short time

Argentum Nitricum

- Extreme anxiety about health, fear of death, hypochondriacal. - IMPULSIVENESS. Reacts with intensity, cannot control himself. Mind stuck on certain ideas, cannot stop them. - Extroverted, expresses feelings - Anticipation anxiety leading to diarrhea and frequent urination - Impulse to kill - When sick, develops irrational idea they will die at specific TOD

Magnesia Carbonica

- Forsaken feeling, feels as if not loved by parents. - Dislikes controversy, seeks peace - Does not have any gall - Anxiety amleiorated when they sleep - become calm at night - Anxiety with internal or external trembling about something bad happening

Nux Vomica

- Gastritis, indigestion, duodenal ulcers; Sensation of stone after overeating. - For bad effects after debauchery - Constipation, constant ineffectual urging. - Cystitis with constant urge, but only passes few drops. - Sleeplessness; wakes 3-4 am after a few hours and cannot sleep anymore. - Fastidious, wants things in certain place - Increased sexual desire - Chilly, easily susceptible to drafts - Photophobia, esp. in the morning

Anacardium Orientale

- Great internal conflict, contradiction of will. - Great lack of self-confidence with inferior feelings, emotional hardness. - Fastidious - Two types: 1. cruel/sadistic malicious and 2. helpless, hopeless, pleading, needy/insecure - Irresolution - Desire to swear/curse. Absence of moral restraint. - Disposed to be malicious, harsh, cruel/no emotion - wicked! - Sudden loss of memory; as if mind blocked. Makes him more irritable. - Aversion to sex in late stages - Anxiety about future - Religious turn of mind not based on religious principles

Nux Vomica

- Irritable, quarrelsome, competitive, workaholic, fastidious, impatient, ambitious. Typical type A person - Oversensitive to external impressions, noise, odor, light or music.


- JEALOUS, expresses jealousy - LOQUACIOUS - changing subjects, jumps from topic to topic, as a result of sexual suppression. Needs to express/bring out emotions - Religious - Guilty feeling - Have passion inside - strong emotional state. Easily arouse emotionally with little stimulation. If passion is restricted, pathology starts.


- Lack of self-confidence; weak when facing authority in general - Fear of responsibility, cowardice - act in such a way to have no responsibility. As such, are a womanizer/player. Ailments due to Ego


- Left-side complaints, where heart is involved - Sciatic often right sided - Arrested respiration during sleep - Asthmatic respiration during or after sleep - Pain comes in waves - Pains go from left to right - Trembling tongue when out - Skin has bluish/purplish color - Bluish-red tumors, eczema, veins - Sensitive to touch restless sleep(lyco) High BP Cant sleep on the left side

Magnesia Carbonica

- Look sick/quite broken down - Unrefreshing sleep - Sour acid discharges. Sour smell of body - Neuralgias (facial) - flabbiness, withering - GI disorders with marked acidity - slow digestion/constipation - Children that do not thrive/grow - Menses flows more profusely at night or while lying down, ceases while walking like Bovista. Opposite of - Nose/eyes run during PMS and stop when menses flows - Stools green and frothy - Craving for meat in children


- PERSPIRATION - COPIOUS, OFFENSIVE, AND ACRID (especially feet) - HARD TUMORS like fibromas, nodules of the breasts, swollen glands, warts (will open up and drain the tumor) - Unhealthy tendency for suppuration - ENLARGEMENT OF GLANDS - Disease of bone and spine like Scoliosis, curvatures, caries. - Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from tissue, esp from pinted ones (splinters, needles, etc.) - Headaches from occiput to forehead - right side - Pains are violent and sticking - Falling or thinning of hair - Sensation of hair on the tongue. - Nails are BRITTLE with WHITE SPOTS - One of the main remedies for CONSTIPATION - bashful stool - Children: large heads, open fontanelles, white skin, and emaciated legs

Magnesia Muriatica

- Pacifist, intolerant of aggression (avoids it), tries to resolve conflicts. - Adapted to diseases of women; spasmodic and hysterical complaints - Restlessness and anxiety on laying down and closing eyes. Has to get up and walk. - Sour temperament due to chronic liver and digestion dysfunction.


- Passionate, brags about everything, is egotistical - Hypersexual - Does everything with passion: is overexcited, oversexual, so much energy. His tory of Gnorrhea - Relationships only last as long as the passion lasts (3 years tops) - "Night people" - better in evening, do best work at that time.


- Philosophical, intellectual type - reclusive, looking for truth behidn things. - Practical type - over enthusiasm, practical idealist, social, extroverted, hopeful dreamers. SELFISH. Egotism. Lazy in action, likes to discuss/is interested in many things. Sloppiness, untidy - cannot keep things organized Very critical, thinks he knows better Frequent washing of hands. Disgust for dirt of others, but not himself.

Chelidonum Majus

- Powerful individual who wants his power to be implemented. Has gall. - Dictator - Wants others to listen to advice and likes to run others' lives. - Complementary to Lycopodium (except, chelidonium is not a coward, and time of aggravation is 4 am) Ordering their women


- Right sided remedy - Symptoms worse from 4-8 pm - Worse in morning, upon waking - Unrefreshing sleep, wants to sleep more - Ailments go from right side to left - Fan-like motion of nostrils - Upper body emaciation - Liver affections - Distention of abdomen, from gas, flatulence. - Hungry at night, ravenous appetite that can be satisfied by one bite OR grows while eating. - Sleeps on right side - impossible on left - One foot hot, the other cold - Cracked heels without pain - Thirst in small sips Cries when somebody thanks


- SENSITIVE, TIMID, AND REFINED - LACK OF MENTAL STAMINA. Brain fog/fatigue after mental exertion - Clairvoyant when the mind is tired - Fixed idea that their body consists of two different halves (divided) - Children do not want to be spoken to.


- SLOWNESS of body and mind progressing to state of PARALYSIS - paralysis of rectum, extremities, mind, and emotions. - Answers slowly - cannot tolerate time pressure. - Time passes very slowly for them. Confusion of mind, cannot express feelings, vague state of mind. - Everything seems unreal - Aversion to company and conversation, esp in the morning upon waking - Insecure about mental capabilities.


- SUDDEN OUTBURSTS OF VIOLENCE - destructive/malicious behavior. Striking, biting, tearing, shreaking, cursing, smashing things. - Delirium, loquacious, sings, makes verses, raves - desire to escape. - Imagines all sorts of things, thinks she is double - Jealousy - Strong fears at night, awakes with terror, wild look in the eyes - Ailments from fright. - Expresses anger, then becomes very sweet.


- SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS, feelings are alive, but often unexpressed. - Tendency for romantic relationships; hurt repeatedly - Very SENSITIVE to slight emotional impressions; anything offends them - GREAT INDIGNATION about things done by him or others - Great urge for being accepted/not criticized. - Periodic and violent outbursts of anger with trembling - throws things

Arnica Montana

- Says there is nothing the matter with him while in semicoma. Can answer a question clearly then fall back into coma.

Anacardium Orientale

- Sensation of blunt PLUG in various parts of body. - Sensation of a band around a single part of the body (knee, elbow, etc.) - Red eruptions with intolerable itching when getting warm in bed. The more he scratches the more he wants to scratch, and the worse the itching becomes until driven to despair (neurodermatitis, eczema).


- Severe constipation, Inactivity of rectum - even soft stool requires great strain - Numbness of soles of feet, heaviness of legs, poor gait/ataxia - Dryness of mucous membranes and skin - Itching without eruption, scratch until bleeds - Vertigo upon closing easy, tending to fall forward


- Severe constipation, no desire to go. - Narcolepsy, falls into heavy stupid sleep - Tremendous sleepiness; falls asleep whenever/wherever - Snoring; breathing stops during sleep Sleep Apnea Lach Obese like calc, ammonium, capsicum diahrea((due to excitement) like Arg Nit and Gel) alternating constipation sleep walking - Difficult, slow and intermittent respiration goat stools

Calcarea Phosphorica

- Sleep deeply, cannot wake up easily - Children slow to learn how to walk, talk - emaciated, fontanels remain open/soft - Headaches in school children after mental exertion, if they push themselves to hard - Scoliosis, pain in cervical region, stiffness worse from drafts

Kali Carbonicum

- Sleeplessness, wakes at 2 or 3am and remains awake. Very frequent. (most likely due to feeling of duty(Calc, nat M) - Sleep is light and unrefreshing - feels as though he has not slept at all - Rigid, inflexible, duty bound. (this is not a real symptoms unless exaggerated/prevalent) - General weakness - Does not want to be touched, esp. on feet - Indifferent toward sex (all Kalis)

China Officinalis

- State of erethism - IRRITATION - Touchy, easily hurt and offended. Nervous excitability. - Great imagination when they lay down at night, "build castles in the air."

Nitricum Acidum

- Stitching, splinter-like pains - Mucous membrane/skin interesection ailments - Offensive discharges; urine smells like a horse's.. feet smell, acidic, eat up socks. - Unrefreshed sleep; waking at 2 am - Bad mood in morning - Warts, fissues in nostrils. Warts on lips - Cracks about lips ; pellagra - Chilly


- Suffer in digestion half to one hour after eating - Rectum always dirty - INVOLUNTARY OR UNNOTICED STOOL ON PASSING GAS, resulting in shame/irritability. - Children drop all over the carpet - Diarrhea - 5 or 6 am driving them out of bed - jelly-like mucus in stool (aloe like) - HEMORRHOIDS: like a bunch of grapes, ameliorated by cold bathing - Spastic colitis pains from abdomen that extend to diff parts of the body - Pulsating pain around navel - Sensation of fullness in parts/dragging sensation - plug sensation - paralyzed around the rectum - LUMBAGO alternating with headache and hemorrhoids - Headache: across forehead - Deep itching in rectum - lacks control of anus

Magnesia Muriatica

- Weak in general - Liver affections, hepatitis, jaundice. - Worse in morning; unrefreshing sleep - Children unable to digest milk - Periodical headache crisis with vomiting and thirst (migraines) - Thirsty during headache


1. Attention seeking Cry in a complaining way, consolation ameliorates. She will manipulate you to console her. Nat-mur is more of a fit; hysterical 2. Concentration is on the emotional side. Puls acts out of emotions, likes an audience, that others are sympathetic towards them. Puls can throw a tantrum, throw stuff, but there is no real aggression Need tenderness and affection but not sex, it's emotional. She will not challenge a man, wants protection. With an aggressive man she will become frigid. Keynote: fear of being abandoned, no power for fighting for life. WEEPS EASILY. Mild yielding, gentle, soft and timid. Weeping style is to seek attention too FEAR OF INSANITY FORSAKEN FEELING Jealousy also for attention seeking


3. Change is also a keynote: menses in color and time, moods, pains etc CHANGING AND SHIFTING SYMPTOMS. Headaches change location, menses change color/duration, body pains move around THIRSTLESSNESS with all complaints Mucus discharges are profuse, bland, thick, yellowish-green. NEEDS FRESH, OPEN AIR (always wants to open a window) Warm blooded, hot feet - uncovers them at night. Sleeps on abdomen or on the back with arms raised over their head. STYES esp. upper lid. Sensation of cold water poured down back.

Sarsaparilla sars (Smilaz)

Male Bloody, seminal emissions. Intolerable stench on genitals. Herpetic eruption on genitals. Itching on scrotum and perineum. Syphilis; squamous eruption and bone pains. Female Nipples small, withered, RETRACTED. BEFORE MENSTRUATION, ITCHING AND HUMID ERUPTION OF FOREHEAD. Menses late and scanty. Moist eruption in right groin before menses. Skin EMACIATED, SHRIVELED, LIES IN FOLDS (ABROT.; SANIC), dry, flabby. Herpetic eruptions; ulcers. Rash from exposure to open air; dry, itching; COMES ON IN SPRING; becomes crusty. Rhagades; skin cracked on hands and feet. Skin hard, indurated. Summer cutaneous affections. Extremities Paralytic, tearing pains. Trembling of hands and feet. Burning on sides of fingers and toes. Onychia, ulceration around ends of fingers, cutting sensation under nails. Rheumatism, bone pains; worse at night. Deep rhagades on fingers and toes; burn under nails. Tetter on hands; ulceration around ends of fingers. (PSORIN.) Cutting sensation under nails. (PETROL.) Rheumatic pains after gonorrhoea. Modalities WORSE, dampness at night, after urinating, when yawning, in spring, before menses.

Kali bromatum kali-br (Bromide of Potash)

Male Debility and impotence. Effects of sexual excesses, especially loss of memory, impaired co-ordination, numbness and tingling in limbs. Sexual excitement during partial slumber. Female Pruritus. Ovarian neuralgia with great nervous uneasiness. EXAGGERATED SEXUAL desire. Cystic tumors of ovaries. Respiratory Spasmodic croup. Reflex cough during pregnancy. Dry, fatiguing, hacking cough at night. Extremities FIDGETY HANDS; busy twitching of fingers. Jerking and twitching of muscles. Skin ACNE of face, pustules. Itching; worse on chest, shoulders, and face. Anaesthesia of skin. PSORIASIS. Sleep Restless sleep. Extreme drowsiness. Sleeplessness due to worry and grief and sexual excess. Night terrors. Grinding teeth in sleep. Horrible dreams. Somnambulism. Modalities BETTER, when occupied mentally or physically. Dose A few grains of the crude salt to the third trituration. Remember the unstable character of this salt. Said to be much more active if salt is eliminated from the diet.

Viburnum opulus vib (High Cranberry)

A general remedy for cramps. Colicky pains in pelvic organs. Superconscious of internal sexual organs. Female symptoms most important. OFTEN PREVENTS MISCARRIAGE. False labor-pains. Spasmodic and congestive affections, dependent upon ovarian or uterine origin. Head Irritable. Vertigo; feels as if falling forward. Severe pain in temporal region. Sore feeling in eyeballs. Stomach Constant nausea; relieved by eating. No appetite. Abdomen HIDDEN CRAMPS AND COLIC PAINS. Tender to pressure about umbilicus. Female Menses TOO LATE, SCANTY, LASTING A FEW HOURS, offensive in odor, with crampy pains, cramps extend down thighs. (BELL.) Bearing-down pains before. Ovarian J region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs (XANTHOX.); SPASMODIC AND MEMBRANOUS DYSMENORROEA. (BORAX.) Leucorrhoea, excoriating. Smarting and itching of genitals. Faint on attempting to sit up. FREQUENT AND VERY EARLY MISCARRIAGE, causing seeming sterility. Pains from back to loins and womb worse early morning. Urinary Frequent urging. Copious, pale, light-colored urine. Cannot hold water on coughing or walking. Rectum Stools large and hard, with cutting in rectum and soreness of anus. Extremities Stiff, sore feeling in nape of neck. Feels as if back would break. Sacral backache. Lower extremities weak and heavy. Modalities WORSE, lying on affected side, in warm room, evening and night. BETTER, in open air and resting.

Urtica urens urt-u (Stinging-nettle)

A remedy for agalactia and LITHIASIS. Profuse discharge from mucous surfaces. Enuresis and urticaria. Spleen affections. ANTIDOTES ILL-EFFECTS OF EATING SHELLFISH. Symptoms return at the same time every year. Gout and uric acid diathesis. Favors elimination. RHEUMATISM ASSOCIATED WITH URTICARIA-LIKE ERUPTIONS. NEURITIS. Head Vertigo, headache with spleen pains. Abdomen Diarrhoea chronic disease of large intestine characterized by large secretion of mucus. Male Itching of scrotum, keeps him awake; scrotum swollen. Female DIMINISHED SECRETION OF MILK. Uterine haemorrhage. Acid and excoriating leucorrhosa. PRURITUS VULVX, WITH STINGING, ITCHING, and oedema. Arrests flow of milk after weaning. Excessive swelling of breasts. Extremities Pain in acute gout deltoid; pain in ankles, wrists. Skin ITCHING BLOTCHES. URTICARIA, burning heat, with formication; violent itching. Consequences of suppressed nettle-rash. Rheumatism alternates with nettle-rash. Burn confined to skin. Urticaria nodosa. (BOV.) Erythema, with burning and stinging. BURNS AND SCALDS. CHICKEN-POX. (DULC) Angioneurotic oedema. Herpes labialis with sensation of heat and itching. Itching and stinging of scrotum. Fever General heat in bed with soreness over abdomen. Fever of gout. Tropical fever. Modalities WORSE, from snow-air; water, cool moist air, touch.

Natrum arsenicum nat-ar (Arseniate of Sodium

A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, pain at root of nose, dry and painful eyes. Psoriasis. (ARS.; CHRYSOPH. AC.; THYROID.) Bronchitis of children over seven years. Facilitates the termination of the cold and conserves strength and appetite. (Cartier.) Head Floating sensation on turning head quickly; aching in frontal region and root of nose, over orbits. Headache; worse, pressure and tobacco smoke. Nose Watery discharge; drops into throat. FEELS STOPPED; PAIN AT ROOT. Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw. Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus. CRUSTS IN NOSE. Ears Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalia. Eyes feel weak, stiffness of balls and tendency of lids to close. Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind. Agglutination in morning. Dry, painful, burning; soon tire. Oedema of orbital region. Supraorbital pain. Throat. Dark, PURPLISH, SWOLLEN, ÏEDÅMATOUS; red and glassy. Respiratory Racking cough, with profuse greenish expectoration. OPPRESSION OF CHEST AND ABOUT HEART, and also larynx. Miner's asthma. Lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled. Extremities Aching in arms; worse in shoulder. Pain in anterior crural nerves. Joints stiff. Feels tired all over. Knee-joints crack.

Tarentula cubensis tarent-c (Cuban Spider)

A toxaemic medicine, septic conditions. DIPHTHERIA. Adapted to the most severe types of inflammation and pain, early and persistent prostration. Various forms of malignant suppuration. Purplish hue and burning, stinging pains. Bubo. It is the remedy for PAIN OF DEATH; SOOTHES THE LAST STRUGGLES. PRURITUS, ESPECIALLY ABOUT GENITALS. Restless feet. Intermittent septic chills. Bubonic plague. As a curative and preventive remedy especially during the period of invasion. Head Dizziness after heat and hot perspiration. Dull ache on top of head. Shooting pain through left eye across frontal region. Gastric. Stomach feels hard, sore. Loss of appetite, except for breakfast. Back Itches across kidney region. Extremities Hands tremble, turgid with blood. Urinary Retention. Cannot hold urine on coughing. Skin Red spots and pimples. Feels puffed all over. CARBUNCLES, burning, stinging pains. Purplish hue. Gangrene. Abscesses, where pain and inflammation predominate. Scirrhus of breasts. "Senile" ulcers. Modalities BETTER, smoking. WORSE, night.

Lobelia Inflata

ANXIETY ABOUT OWN HEALTH; will not go to emergency room - feels as though they need to rely on/do something themselves Concerned about not being able to breathe. Dyspnea from anxiety; may go into a panic state Closed person; will keep their anxiety inside.


ANXIETY arising from the STOMACH (Kali-c) - Anxiety together with fear of dying Apprehension in stomach Causeless anger Anxiety when alone (Ars, Phos) Confusion of mind from interruption; knows not where he is, cannot distinguish objects around him Deficient of ideas from overexertion Vanishing thoughts while speaking Dullness - after eating ameliorates Indifference - everything seems dead to him No mental stamina; in a state of constant confusion


Calc-f/mind • Calc-f patients live obsessed with money. They need lots of it to show off. . It is important what others may think of their financial situation. • In my understanding, Calcarea represents the need for stability and security, while Fluor represents the fear of being let down and deserted. • The main feeling of Calcarea fluorica is that the person's source of security or support is unstable and unreliable. • He feels as if there is a gradual erosion of his security; this is noted even in the pathology of Calcarea fluorica, e.g. carious teeth. • They are very sensitive to criticism, especially if it means that they don't count, that they are not worth being included. Proving: Bell (2); Mezger (39) • They tend to be depressed and anxious and find it hard to reach a decision. They have an analytical mind and a good but lazy memory. • They tend to look at the gloomy side of things while feeling depressed. But they can also be methodical and positive, although always obsessed with money. • They find it difficult, or are slow to learn. • They are afraid to work, which is the reason why they tend to rush when they are doing something. • Their problems are worse when thinking of them, and their mental symptoms improve after resting. • They like to travel. • They have vivid dreams of death, sometimes with weeping. • Fear of Poverty, Heights


Common name: River Sponge (fresh water sponge. Aka Spongilla Fluviatilis) They have recurring eye pain which extends to forehead. Forceful expectoration that flies out of his mouth. Chronic rheumatism. Stormy weather and motion agg. Warm room and warmth amel. Sensitive to cold, Body feels sore as if beaten. (Arn) Left sided sinusitis. Left nostril=profuse discharge. Vibrating palpitations laying on right side. Headache in the vertex that returns after breakfast. Left cheek and malar bone are too sore to touch. Mouth and breath are hot. Thirst for large quantities of water. Twitching left eye. Ear and/or knee pain desending steps. Lungs feel like they are sinking down.


Comparisons • Other Ranunculaceae • Calcarea phosphorica • Lac caninum • Ignatia • Caulophyllum • Lachesis; Called the cold Lachesis


Confusion > washing face Frightened on waking Inclination to sit Weeping while lying Thoughts are persistent Remedies better by Cough ie lying dowm Mangunum, Bryoina


Confusion as if intoxicated, loses his direction/way in well-known streets, does not recognize his relatives. Confused fancies Concentration difficult Aversion to answering; desire to be silent; aversion to husband( sepia, nat c(the highest out of all nats)) and children Desires death Nervous temperament. Explosive Temper Time passes too slowly for them Delusions that nose feels longer; chin feels too long Attempts to escape, jumps suddenly out of bed. Screaming, shreiking, shounting in children. Striking after perpetual convulsions. Sighing


Constant enuresis in children when other remedies have failed Cystitis - THE FULLER THE BLADDER, THE LESS DISCOMFORT. Less urging and pain when bladder is fuller. Frequent urination, but little urine is voided Painful urination - sharp, burning, cutting Pain AFTER urination has ended (end of urination is Sars, Nat-c) Retention and dysuria during pregnancy and after delivery


Constriction at the neck, and that they cannot swallow or talk (Lach)

Cactus Grandiflorus

Constrictions, contractions, and congestions Constriction like a wire that gets twisted tighter and tighter. Whole body feels caged. Severe, violent constricting pains in which that patient cries out from pain. Action around heart and circulation. Heart feels as if clasped and unclasped rapidly by iron hand. Numbness or pains extending into the left arm, hand or even fingers with heart disease. Swelling of left hand in heart disease Hemorrhages w/ constriction Headache w severe congestion, followed by epitaxis with flushed face. Constriction and choking sensation in the throat < fasting, usually on the right side Sensation as if a weight is on vertex (congestion). Right sided. Violent palpitations < lying on left side at approach of menses Severe constricting pains during menses. Severe dysmenorrhea or metrorrhagia with clots, pains, as each clot is passed

Cuprum Metallicum

Cramps severe (this exists in almost any case), distressing, making the person shriek from pain in lower extremities mainly (calves and soles aggravated at night in bed) Make very small movement and cramps escalate until they shout Convulsions, cyanotic face and lips during convulsions; Convulsions with blue face and clenched thumbs Copious urination after convulsions A copper taste in mouth with the flow of saliva Bad effects from suppressed eruptions --> convulsions. Suppression of foot sweat resulting in brain affections, spasms, convulsions, vomiting. Clonic spasms, beginning in fingers and toes, and spreading over entire body (Cicuta is the reverse) Paralysis of tongue; imperfect, stammering speech Facial grimaces (involuntary)

Sulphuric Acid

DEBILITY - weakness in the digestive tract. Affects blood and blood vessels causing hemorrhages Internal trembling, wants to be held Sourness of the body and stomach (Hep, Mag-C, Rheum) Profuse acrid or stringy discharges Pains increase gradually and end abruptly As if a blunt plug being driven in Pains felt during sleep, disappear on waking Excessive perspiration (sourish) Sensation as if the brain was loose in the forehead; shifts from side to side (Bell, Bry, Rhus, Spig) Face is deathly pale, egg-white sensation on the face Apthae/Ulcers (Borax) on the tongue, inner cheeks, and whole GI tract, which are painful, often coming periodically. Diarrhea very foul, green, black from unripe fruit and oysters, from least indigestion. Yellow (saffron-like) color of stool


DIFFUSION OF AWARENESS Oversensitive to external impressions Sympathetic Restless, fidgety, moves continually. Melancholy - disinclined to work, study, or converse. Desire for company Open, impressionable, easily trusting Strong ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH (ars, kali Ars, nit acid, agar, arg nit)- about themselves and others - free-floating anxiety w no identifiable cause

Stannum Metallicum

DISCOURAGED AND SAD. ANXIOUS, Nervous, Sad (worse before menses) HOPELESS AND DESPONDENT, feels like crying all of the time. In that state of weakness can do nothing but cry; no energy to protect themselves

Spongia Tosta

DRYNESS OF MUCUS MEMBRANES - of air passages (Dry as a horn) Glands are easily affected (thyroid, cervical, testes) Heart and respiratory affections alternating or together. Tubercular remedy TERRIFIED, ANXIOUS EXPRESSION OF FACE Larynx troubles w great hoarseness and dryness. Spasmodic constriction of larynx COUGH - dry, barking, rasping, ringing, wheezing, whistling. "LIKE A SAW DRIVEN THROUGH A PINE BOARD." During coughing attack, can remain flat (peculiar note, as others need to sit up) Heart Remedy: Violent palpitation with dyspnea Blood surging to the head/neck/face Exhaustion and heaviness of the body Itching without eruption (Alum, Ars, Dol, Mez)

Nux Moschata

DULLNESS, SLEEPINESS, and CONFUSION OVERPOWERING SLEEPINESS; for example when reading or concentrating. Narcoleptic (Opium) Dreamy, clairvoyant state - always dazed as if they just fainted. Weakness or loss of memory; may forget the past completely; very distracted and forget what they're doing. Vanishing thoughts while reading Disturbs the sensorium, mind, and nerves. Changeable mood, hysterical one moment laughing, the next moment crying. Stupefaction worse with menses, pregnancy Chilly remedy Sleepy like Allium cepa and opium

Helleborus Niger

DULLNESS, STUPEFACTION (sensorial depression). Nothing is seen or heard. Mental dullness (alumina, opium, zinc)combined with anxiety Answers slowly, weakness of memory A hp sits in closet for hours to choose her clothes to wear Irresolution (anacarium) HE IS IN DESPAIR, EXTREME ANXIETY, SEEKING HELP - "HELP ME, HELP ME!" Forgets what he has just read or done. Ailments after meningitis, encephalitis, concussion, apoplexy, fright, grief from suppressed eruptions. Forgets things, can't make a decision. soul trapped int he body Brain cry (babies cry for hours or days)

Lobelia Inflata

DYSPNEA worse with anxiety, vexation, cold air, exertion, suppressed menses, warm food, lying down. Affinity to STOMACH AND LUNGS Stimulates VASO MOTOR NERVES, causing increased SECRETIONS. Profuse flow of saliva. Feeling of emptiness, especially in chest and stomach. Deathly NAUSEA with VERTIGO and VOMITING, esp after hot food. Morning sickness. Vomiting with a lot of perspiration, esp in the face. Nausea with Perspiration Rattling in chest, but cannot expectorate. Useful in EMPHYSEMA Prickling of the skin; itching sensation all over Sensation as if heart would stop. This and Gel like to move for heart unlike Ditalis which is oppo

Carbo Animalis

Deep exhaustion Slow, hard painful processes - infiltration and induration Susceptible to Malignancies - cancer, especially stomach, uterus, glands with burning pains Swollen and indurated lymph glands Chills at night in bed (must cover up and warm up) Headache, feels as if head had been blown to pieces - has to sit up at night and hold it together. Great weakness < during menses (or loss of any blood) Weak digestion, flatulence (because they don't explode emotionally, internalize it) Discharges are acrid and foul Cheeks and lips are blue in color, lips with feeble circulation Copper colored skin eruptions Diabetes


Delusion that he is double or that somebody else is lying next to him. Inbaptisia they feel the soul is seperate Sadness with dim vision Confusion of mind - loses his way in well-known streets (Glonoinum) Feels that death is near and has to settle his affairs (Acon, agnus - imminent) Excited, irritable after sex (from exhaustion) Fearful. Loss of memory.

Mercurius iodatus ruber merc-i-r (Proto-iodide of Mercury)

Diphtheria and ulcerated sore throats, especially on left side, with much glandular swelling. Chronic suppurating buboes. Hard chancres. Old cases of syphilis in scrofulous patients. Early stages of cold, especially in children. Throat. FAUCES DARK RED; swallowing painful. Phlegm in nose and throat. Disposition to hawk, with sensation of a lump in throat. STIFFNESS OF MUSCLES OF THROAT AND NECK. Nose -Coryza and dull hearing; right side of nose hot. Hawks mucus from posterior nares. Turbinated bones swollen. Boggy mucous membrane of nose and throat; closure of Eustachian tube, opening with a pop. Mouth - Gums swollen; toothache; glands swollen. Scalded feeling on tongue. Aphtha. Profuse saliva. Tongue feels stiff at base, and pains on moving. Throat. Diphtheria; submaxillary glands painfully engorged, fauces dark red; WORSE ON LEFT TONSIL. Parenchymatous tonsillitis. Will often abort peritonsillitis if given frequently. Cough from elongated uvula, with sore throat. Laryngeal troubles with aphonia. Skin - Small fissures and cracks; hard papules; HUNTERIAN CHANCRE; syphilitic ulcers. Bubo. Sarcocele. Dose - Third trituration. Mercuric iodide is far more active as a bactericide than the other mercurials, including the chloride.


Disappointed love leading to SILENT GRIEF SIGHING after GRIEF Sensation of constriction or lump in the throat after grief, when trying to express emotions. Changeable moods, erratic, inconstant, paradoxical symptoms. High expectations, idealistic, easily disappointed. Highly sensitive persons, excitable, hysterical. Romantic idealism. Aversion to consolation.

Carbo Vegetabilis (Vegetable Charcoal)

Disintegration and IMPERFECT OXIDATION is the keynote of this remedy. The typical Carbo patient is sluggish, fat and lazy and has a tendency to chronicity in his complaints. Blood seems to stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness, and ecchymosis. Body becomes blue, icy-cold. Bacteria find a rich soil in the nearly lifeless blood stream and sepsis and typhoidal state ensues. A lowered vital power from loss of fluids, after drugging; after other diseases; in old people with venous congestions; states of collapse in cholera, typhoid; these are some of the conditions offering special inducements to the action of Carbo veg. The patient may be almost lifeless, but the head is hot; coldness, breath cool, pulse imperceptible, oppressed and quickened respiration, and must have air, must be fanned hard, must have all the windows open. This is a typical state for Carbo veg. The patient faints easily, is worn out, and must have fresh air. Haemorrhage from any mucous surface. Very debilitated. Patient seems to be too weak to hold out. PERSONS WHO HAVE NEVER FULLY RECOVERED FROM THE EFFECTS OF SOME PREVIOUS ILLNESS. Sense of weight, as in the head (occiput), eyes and eyelids, before the ears, in the stomach, and elsewhere in the body; putrid (septic) condition of all its affections, coupled with a burning sensation. General venous stasis, bluish skin, limbs cold.

Fluoricum Acidum

Domineering, materialistic with strong sexual desire. Lascivious thoughts. Hurried, rapid speech, rapid eating. Mistakes in speaking, putting right for left and vice versa. Isolated from others, indifferent to loved ones, inability to realize responsibility. Strong anxiety about health; prevents them from sleeping and relaxing.


Dullness of mind, Inability to fix mind on work Great confusion Falls asleep mid-sentence. Dozes heavily and cannot wake easily As if drunk, sleepy, intoxicated, dull and confused Feels as if he is separated or scattered (duality). As if soul is outside of onself/divided When they are healthy, they describe it as feeling "centered."


Dullness, Slowness, Irresolution. Heaviness of body is the first thing seen. Anxiety about trifles; trifles seem important. Sensitivity to music; weeping from music. Cries easily, without reason (esp from music)(Nat C, Thuja)


ERRONEOUS IDEAS OF BODY (parts are shrunken or elongated, eyes bulging, nose long, etc.) Hypochondriasis They feel their case is incurable Nyphomania - arouses passion in women


ERUPTIONS AND ULCERATIONS - extremely raw Internal burning with external violent itching in small areas as in single parts Produces VIOLENT, burning, darting pains, like fire in the muscles. CHILLY, AGGRAVATED BY COLD - "Cold to the bone." - they will use this expression many times Sudden pains of various kinds followed by CHILLINESS, numbness, and soreness Affected parts become cold. (Skin becomes cold after being scratched.) Violent headaches through sides of the head, feels as if the head would be crushed. Irritation, burning itching on the skin Scabs and crusts on head are thick with white pus beneath. Hair sticks together. Scalp is very sensitive, even to touch. Eczema on back of hand Skin burning from perspiration Ailments from suppressed eruptions (Graph, Sulph, Zinc) Eruptions change location after pressure, rubbing or scratching LEATHER-LIKE THICK CRUSTS on scalp, which crack and ooze a purulent discharge. - S. African money anecdote

Nux Moschata

EXCESSIVE DRYNESS (of mucus membranes) Eyelids stuck together CHILLINESS GREAT DRYNESS OF MOUTH WITH THIRSTLESSNESS; tongue so dry that it adheres to roof of mouth. Must sip water to moisten mouth, but no desire to swallow it. Disposition to FAINT from pains, hysteria, sight of blood (someone being hurt) - Hysteria with fainting Respiration accelerated during headache. Distention, sensation of fullness during pregnancy. Female organs are effected Menses absent or scanty Tendency to abortion Constipation, straining with soft stool, must remove mechanically. Fainting like carb Veg.

Ferrum Metallicum

EXTREME PALENESS - becomes red and flushed on least pain, emotion, or exertion. False plethora, looks healthy, but is very weak RED PARTS BECOME WHITE, face, lips and tongue Irresistible desire to lie down, with no amelioration, but feels better if moves slowly up and down Bleeding takes place easily Must stretch all the time to get blood pumping around and to the head Vertigo (main theme) when rising from bed or from stooping/going down a hill; anything that causes disturbances to blood circulation Periodical headaches lasting for days; cannot touch food or drink or else they will vomit Vomiting, immediately after eating, without nausea, esp from eggs or after midnight Diarrhea while eating or drinking Ravenous appetite Irresistible desire to bend arm Rheumatic pains of upper limbs, esp shoulders, come on during rest Violent pain in muscles and along nerves Restless in a warm bed, when keeping still, must keep the limbs moving Walking slowly in the daytime will reduce the pains Menses too early or delayed, profuse and debilitating, or little flow, can even cease for 2 to 3 days

Rhus Tox

EXTREME RESTLESSNESS on all planes Anxious and sad COLDNESS OF EMOTIONS. Stiff, unable to relax. Fears aggravate at night Timid and mild, yet lively and boyish SUPERSTITIOUS. Compulsive, ritualistic behavior. Extreme anxiety about children. Unable to relax arthritus and rheumatoid arthritus


EXTREMELY IRRITABLE AND ANGRY Does not like to talk, answer or to see friends. Triage Caus, Coloc , Staphysgaria


Effects of the nervous system: Cramps, spasmodic effects, chorea, convulsions. Cannot bear cigarette smoke.


Effects respiratory tract, esp larynx and trachea Dyspnea, cannot inspire deep enough, as if breathing through a sponge Much rattling of mucus during cough, but no choking (Ant-t) <-- dust aggravates Hoarseness or tickling cough from being overheated Asthma in sailors which is agg on leaving the sea Primarily a LEFT SIDED remedy. Symptoms go from left to right Patient is weak and easily overheated, then sweats and becomes sensitive to drafts Acrid burning coryza Swelling and induration of glands with stony hardness, esp on lower jaw and throat. Left sided tonsillitis or pharyngitis Stoppage of right nostril. Tickling, smarting as from cobwebs Hardening or even tumors of the left testicle or ovaries


Emaciated despite heavy eating. Weak, depleted constitutions. Frequent colds and flus. Night sweats. Allergy to cats. Grinding of teeth during sleep. Compulsive or angry head banging. Headache or migraine may be like "iron band." Headaches periodical. Hard glands of head and neck. Repeated chest colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. Acute respiratory infections in cases w family history of tuberculosis Arthritis w joint pains worse from cold. Benign mammary tumors. Painc increase w establishment of flow.

Natrum Muriaticum

Emotional vulnerability leading to introversion. Aversion to company. Oversensitive. Ailments after grief. Silent grief. Avoids being hurt at all costs. Fear of rejection. Hysterical, weeping alt w laughing, sometimes at unsuitable times. Falls in love with unsuitable person. Worse from consolation. Sad, but cannot weep. Dwells on past, disagreeable circumstances.


Eruption on the tip of the nose (Causticum eruption appears mostly on the nostrils or the septum) Desire open air during sleep (Acon, Grind, Lach) Violent vomiting and diarrhea Vomiting of curdled milk (esp in children)

Cannabis Indica

Excessive loquacity; exaggeration for time and distance. Time seems to long, a few seconds seems ages. Feels that single parts of his body (arms) are floating outside and that brings panic. Thirst and ravenous appetite. Sexual desire increased.

Mercury solubilis

Excessive salivation, wets pillow during sleep. Metallic taste in the mouth. Offensive breath. Excoriation of mucus membranes (burn like fire) Gums are bleeding. Profuse respiration with every complaint but not only does not relieve but also aggravates the patient. Pains worse at night. Worse both extremes of temperature. Tongue is large and flabby and has imprint of teeth. Trembling from least exertion

Carbo Vegetabilis

Extremities Heavy, stiff; feel paralyzed; LIMBS, GO TO SLEEP; want of muscular energy; joints weak. Pain in shins. Cramp in soles; feet numb and sweaty. COLD FROM KNEES DOWN. Toes red, swollen. Burning pain in bones and limbs. Fever Coldness, with thirst. Chill begins in forearm. Burning in various places. Perspiration on eating. Hectic fever, exhausting sweats. Skin BLUE, COLD ECCHYMOSED. Marbled with venous over distension. Itching; worse on evening, when warm in bed. Moist skin; HOT PERSPIRATION; senile gangrene beginning in toes; bed sores; bleed easily. Falling out of hair, from a general weakened condition. Indolent ulcers, burning pain. Ichorous, offensive discharge; tendency to gangrene of the margins. Purpura. VARICOSE ULCERS, carbuncles. (ARS.; ANTHRAC) Modalities WORSE, evening; night and open air; cold; from fat food, butter, coffee, milk, warm damp weather; WINE. BETTER, from eructation, FROM FANNING, cold.

Magnesia phosphorica mag-p (Phosphate of Magnesia)

Extremities Involuntary shaking of hands. Paralysis agitans. Cramps in calves. Sciatica; feet very tender. Darting pains. Twitchings. CHOREA. Writers' and players' cramp. Tetanic spasms. Weakness in arms and hands, finger-tips stiff and numb. General muscular weakness. Modalities Worse, right side, COLD, touch, night. BETTER, warmth, bending double, pressure, friction.

Kali sulphuricum kali-s (Potassium Sulphate)

Extremities Pain in nape, back and limbs, worse in warm room. SHIFTING, WANDERING PAINS. Fever Rise of temperature at night. Intermittent fever, with yellow, slimy tongue. Skin Psoriasis. (ARS.; THYROID.) Eczema; burning, itching, papular eruption. Nettle-rash. Polypi. Epithelioma. Seborrhoea. Favus. Ring-worm of scalp or beard with abundant scales. Modalities Worse, in evening, heated room. BETTER, cool, qpen air.

Drosera dros

Extremities Paralytic pains in the coxo-femoral joint and thighs. Stiffness in joints of feet. All limbs feel lame. Bed feels too hard. Fever Internal chilliness; shivering, with hot face, cold hands, no thirst. Is always too cold, even in bed. Modalities WORSE, after midnight, lying down, on getting warm in bed, drinking, singing, laughing.

Thuja occidentals thuj (Arbor vitas)

Extremities When walking, limbs feel as if made of wood or glass, and would break easily. Tips of fingers swollen, red, feel dead. Muscular twitchings, weakness and trembling. Cracking in joints. Pain in heels and tendo-Achilles. Nails brittle. Ingrowing toe nail. Skin Polypi, tubercles, WARTS epithelioma, naeva, carbuncles; ulcers, especially in ano-genital region. Freckles and blotches. Perspiration sweetish, and strong. Dry skin, with brown spots. Zona; herpetic eruptions. Tearing pains in glands. Glandular enlargement. Nails crippled; brittle and soft. ERUPTIONS ONLY ON COVERED PARTS; worse after scratching. Very sensitive to touch. Coldness of one side. Sarcoma; polypi. BROWN SPOTS ON HANDS AND ARMS. Sleep Persistent insomnia. Fever Chill, beginning in thighs. Sweat ONLY ON UNCOVERED PARTS, or all over except head, when sleeping; profuse, sour, smelling like honey. Orgasm of blood in the evening, with throbbing in the blood-vessels Modalities WORSE, at night, from heat of bed; at 3 a. m. and 3 p.m., from cold, damp air; after breakfast; fat, coffee; vaccination. BETTER, left side; while drawing up a limb. Complementary: SABINA; ARS.; NAT. SULPH.; SILICA.

Cicuta Virosa

FRIGHTFUL DISTORTIONS OF THE FACE - during convulsions Shrieking, screaming, shouting before convulsions Excitement with convulsions Moaning and groaning during sleep Childishness and immaturity, patient feels like a child Foolish jesting Weakness of memory. Dementia. MENTAL RETARDATION, e.g. after a head injury Yielding, sweet and angel-like behavior in formerly aggressive person Delirium with singing and dancing Anxiety about future and suspicious Answers abruptly when spoken to (not fully developed) Suicidal disposition


Fear of death from cardiac symptoms Fear that HEART COULD STOP < if they move Dull and lethargic Weakness of memory Every shock strikes in epigastrium Anxiety of conscience, massive self-reproach Anxiety with restlessness Anguish with nausea, Anxiety from motion Excitement alternating with melancholy Anxiety with great dread of future < about 6pm with sadness and weeping, which bring relief Fearful, apprehensive with sadness, extremely aggravated by music 200c cures most of the cases


Fear of fire, being alone, of poverty (insecurity on material levels and when they don't have people around) ANXIETY and DESPAIRE ABOUT FUTURE Easily anxious and in despair about material things Feels poor, hopelessness Fear from business failure Anxious about health, DESPAIR OF RECOVERY. Religious melancholy - despair of salvation Nervous and restless


Fear of pointed objects like needles, pins, etc. (Silica) Will avoid them at all costs. Restless and anxious Easily irritated or offended Weak memory


Fear of snakes. Has hallucinations or dreams about them. Fear of fainting (vertigo), death, diseases, dogs, storms Hemorrhagic tendency Very forgetful, absent minded, Low confidence.


Feeling of soreness, heaviness and aching of muscles Influenza with bruised pains, uncomfortable in a position, the bed feels too hard; yet feels too weak to move, feels sore and bruised Prostration is rapid; inner restlessness, but so tired they cannot move Foul odor of body, sweat, stool, urine, mouth, etc. But, especially offensive diarrhea Head feels too large, heavy, numb. Stupid, besotted expression of the face Brown strip in center of tongue, feels burnt Tongue is thick and speech slurred Painless sore throat, tonsils, dark red, swollen, putrid offensive discharge. Can only swallow liquids Sinking feeling in stomach. Constant desire for water. All symptoms < from beer Ulcers are rapid and painless as if numb without sensation Stools very offensive, thin, dark, bloody

Kreosotum kreos (Beechwood Kreosote)

Female Corrosive itching within vulva, burning and swelling of labia; violent itching between labia and thighs. During menses, DIFFICULT HEARING, buzzing and roaring; eruption after. Burning and soreness in external and internal parts. Leucorrhoea, yellow, acrid; odor of green corn; worse between periods. Haemorrhage after coition. Menses too early, prolonged. Vamiting of pregnancy, with ptyalism. MENSTRUAL FLOW INTERMITS (PULS.); ceases on sitting or walking; reappears on lying down. Pain worse after menses. Lochia offensive; INTERMITS. Respiratory. HOARSE, WITH PAIN IN LARYNX. Cough; worse evening, with efforts to vomit, with pain in chest. Raw burning in chest; pains and oppression. Cough after influenza. (ERIODYCTION.) Winter coughs of old people, WITH HEAVY PRESSURE ON STERNUM. Gangrene of lungs. After every cough, COPIOUS, PURULENT EXPECTORATION. Haemoptysis; periodic attacks. Sternum feels pressed in. Back Dragging backache, extending to genitals and down thighs. Great debility. Extremities Pain in joints, hip and knee. Boring pain in hip-joints. Scapulas sore. Skin Itching, worse towards evening. Burning in soles. Senile gangrene. Small wounds bleed freely. (CROT.; LACH.; PHOS.) Pustules and herpes. Ecchymosis; dorsal surface of fingers and hands eczematous. Sleep Disturbed with tossing. Paralytic sensation in limbs on waking. Anxious dreams of pursuit, fire, erections, etc. Modalities WORSE, in open air, cold, rest, when lying; after menstruation. BETTER, from warmth, motion, warm diet. Complementary in malignant diseases

Carbo Vegetabilis

Abdomen Pain as from lifting a weight; colic from riding in a carriage; excessive discharge of fetid flatus. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist and abdomen. Ailments accompanying intestinal fistulas. ABDOMEN GREATLY DISTENDED; better, passing wind. FLATULENT COLIC. Pain in liver. Rectum and Stool Flatus hot, moist, offensive. Itching, gnawing and burning in rectum. ACRID, CORROSIVE MOISTURE FROM RECTUM. A musty, glutinous moisture exudes. Soreness, itching moisture of perineum at night. Discharge of blood from rectum. Burning at anus, burning varices. (MUR. AC.). Painful diarrhoea of old people. Frequent, involuntary cadaverous-smelling stools, followed by burning. White haemorrhoids; excoriation of anus. BLUISH, burning piles, PAIN after stool. Male Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool. Itching and moisture at thigh near scrotum. Female Premature and too copious menses; pale blood. Vulva swollen; aphthae; varices on pudenda. Leucorrhoea before menses, thick, greenish, milky, excoriating. (KREOS.) During menstruation, burning in hands and soles. Respiratory Cough with itching in larynx; spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus. Whooping cough, especially in beginning. Deep, rough voice, failing on slight exertion. HOARSENESS; WORSE, EVENINGS, talking; evening oppression of breathing, sore and raw chest. Wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest. Occasional spells of long coughing attacks. COUGH, WITH BURNING IN CHEST; worse in evening, in open air, after eating and talking. Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia. Breath cold; MUST BE FANNED. Haemorrhage from lungs. ASTHMA IN AGED WITH BLUE SKIN.

Cyclamen cycl (Sow-bread)

Female Menses PROFUSE, BLACK, membranous, CLOTTED, TOO EARLY, WITH LABOR-LIKE PAINS from back to pubes. Flow less when moving about. Menstrual irregularities with megrim and blindness, or fiery spots before eyes. HICCOUGH DURING PREGNANCY. Post-partum haemorrhage, with colicky bearing-down pains, with relief after gush of blood. After menses, swelling of breasts, with milky secretion. Extremities Pains in parts where bones lie near surface. Burning, SORE PAIN IN HEELS. Cramp-like contraction of right thumb and index finger. Pains in periosteum. Chilblains. Skin Acne in young women, pruritus better scratching and appearance of menses. Modalities WORSE, open air, evenings, sitting, standing, and cold water. BETTER, during menstrual flow, by moving about, rubbing parts; in warm room, lemonade.

Tabacum tab (Tobacco)

Abdomen Cold. WANTS ABDOMEN UNCOVERED. It lessens the nausea and vomiting. Painful distension. Incarcerated hernia. Rectum Constipation; rectum paralyzed, prolapsed. Diarrhoea, sudden, watery, with nausea and vomiting, prostration, and cold sweat; discharges look like sour milk, thick, curdled, watery. Rectal tenesmus. Urinary Renal colic; violent pain along ureter, left side. Heart Palpitation when lying on left side. Pulse intermits, feeble, imperceptible. Angina pectoris, pain in precordial region. Pain radiates from center of sternum. Tachycardia. Bradycardia. ACUTE DILATATION caused by shock or violent physical exertion (Royal). Respiratory Difficult, violent constriction of chest. Precordial oppression, with palpitation and pain between shoulders. Cough followed by hiccough. Cough dry, teasing, must take a swallow of cold water (CAUST.; PHOS.). Dyspoena, with tingling down left arm when lying on left side. Extremities Legs and hands icy cold; limbs tremble. Paralysis following apoplexy. (PLUMB.) Gait shuffling, unsteady. Feebleness of arms. Sleep Insomnia with dilated heart, with cold, clammy skin and anxiety. Fever Chills, with COLD SWEAT. Modalities WORSE, opening eyes; evening; extremes of heat and cold. BETTER, uncovering, open fresh air.

Hamamelis virginica ham (Witch-hazel)

Female Ovarian congestion and neuralgia; feel very sore. Uterine haemorrhage, bearing-down pain in back. Menses DARK, PROFUSE, WITH SORENESS IN ABDOMEN. METRORRHAGIA, OCCURRING MIDWAY BETWEEN MENSTRUAL PERIODS. Intermenstrual pain (Jas. W. Ward). Vagina very tender. Profuse leucorrhoea. Vulva itches. Milk-leg, haemorrhoids, and sore nipples, after confinement. Metrorrhagia; passive flow. Vaginismus, ovaritis, soreness over whole abdomen. Phlegmasia alba. Male Pain in spermatic cord, running into testes. Varicocele. Pain in testicles. Orchitis. Testicles enlarged, hot, and painful. Epididymitis. Respiratory Haemoptysis; tickling cough. Chest feels sore and constricted. Back Sore pain down cervical vertebrae. Severe pain in lumbar and hypogastric region, extending down legs. Extremities Tired feeling in arms and legs. Very sore muscles and joints. Varicose veins. Chilliness in back and hips, extending down legs. Neuralgia of internal saphenous nerve. Skin Bluish chilblains. Phlebitis. Purpura. Varicose veins and ulcers; very sore. Burns. Ecchymosis. Traumatic inflammations. (ARNICA.) Modalities WORSE, warm, moist air. Compare: ARNICA; CALEND.; TRILLIUM; BELLIS; SULPH. AC.; PULSATILLA. Antidote: ARNICA. Complementary: FERRUM.

Crocus Sativa Croc (Saffron)

Female Threatened abortion, especially when hemorrhage is DARK AND STRINGY. Urging of blood to genitals. Menses dark, viscid, too frequent and copious, BLACK AND SLIMY. Uterine haemorrhage; CLOTS WITH LONG STRINGS; worse from least movement. Jerking pain in interior of left breast, as if drawn toward back by means of thread. (CROT. TIG.) A bounding feeling, as if something alive in right breast. Respiratory Wheezy cough, with frothy expectoration, containing threads like fine twine; worse, lying down. Breath has offensive, sickly smell. Feeling as if the uvula is elongated in hysterical patients. Back Sudden feeling of coldness in back as if cold water were thrown over him; icy-cold extremities. Extremities Spasmodic contractions and twitchings of single set of muscles. Chorea and hysteria, with great alterations of feeling. Whole upper extremity falls asleep. Cracking in hip-joint and KNEES. Weakness in knees and legs. Pain in ankles and soles. Modalities WORSE, lying down, hot weather, warm room, in morning, fasting, before breakfast, looking fixedly at an object. BETTER, in open air.


Fever.--High fever, alternating with chilliness and great prostration. Skin.--Itches, becomes dry, shrunken, pale. Papular and pustular lesions. Most useful in early stages of cutaneous diseases. Disposition to boils, and when sloughing occurs. Squamous eruptions. Syphilitic eruptions. Swelling and induration of glands. Venereal buboes. Scarlatina-like rash. Warts and moles. Modalities.--Worse, sensitive to electric changes. Effects of a wetting, when it rains, exposure to damp, cold weather, night exposure, motion, right side. Better, warmth, dry weather, rest.

Zinc Metallicum

Forgetful - "Brain fog" from overstudy Repeats questions before answering Screams in Pain Sensitive to others' talking and noise Constant complaining - easily dissatisfied Cries if vexed Restlessness, Hyperactivity, oversensitive

Conium Maculatum

GRADUAL INDURATION & PARALYSIS Affects NERVES and MUSCLES. TREMBLING of limbs. Bad effects from SUPPRESSED SEXUAL DESIRE, like VERTIGO. Vertigo when turning in head (belladonna), when looking behind. SCLEROSIS especially of GLANDS STONEY INDURATIONS and tumors of breasts Interrupted urination, urethral stricture (thuja, medorrhinum) Emission even while frolicking with a woman Hacking continual COUGH, worse from lying, must sit up Sweats copiously during sleep


GRADUAL PARALYSIS; of single parts (especially right side), Numbness of left side. Cause is often exposure to wind or draught. Facial paralysis, quick to develop (in a period of two days) Involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing, running, jumping, blowing nose due to paralysis of urethral sphincter. Constipation; stool passes better when person is standing


GREAT INTENSITY OF SYMPTOMS with sudden onset and sudden halt; with heat, bright redness, and high fever in acute conditions. HIGH FEVERS WITH DRY SKIN and redness of face and eyes, flushing and congestion produces rush of blood to head, radiating heat to the head and cold extremities. Fever from sudden exposure to cold. For migraines w the following symptoms: pulsating, throbbing pain, much worse from A JAR, must lie down, aversion to light, noise, sun. Grinding teeth and talking in sleep. Preponderance of symptoms on right side of body.


GREAT IRRITABILITY - ANGER - NASTY BEHAVIOR; strangely behaving Cases where fever comes after a few days or hours after anger Restlessness OVER-SENSITIVE TO PAIN; least amt of pain is intolerable. Pain makes them angry. Capriciousness; wants many things but refuses when given them. Child does not want to be touched nor looked at Denail of communication; don't touch me, don't look at me1

Theridion Curassavicum

GREAT SENSITIVITY TO NOISE. TIME PASSES TOO QUICKLY. Anxiety about the heart. Dissatisfied, worn-out individuals who don't find pleasure in anything. Sadness and mental depression. Easily startled Mental disorder that expresses itself in rituals (OCD)


Generalities • Worse Menses, Pregnancy, Menopause • Worse cold and cold drafts • Worse injury to spine • Chorea • Sharp and stitching pains • Focus: Nerves and Muscles; Occiput; Female organs • Morrison Combined Symptoms: Rheumatism and loquacity; Rheumatism and dysmenorrhea; Hysteria and back or neck spasm. • Better: Warmth • Alternation of mental and physical complaints

Pyrogenium pyrog (Artificial Sepsin)

Abdomen Intolerable tenesmus of both bladder and rectum. Bloated, sore, cutting pain.Stool Diarrhoea; horribly offensive, brown-black, painless, involuntary. Constipation, with complete inertia (OPIUM); obstinate from impaction. Stools large, black, carrion-like, or small black balls. Heart Tired feeling about heart. PALPITATION. Sensation as if heart were too full. Always can hear her heart beat. Pulse abnormally rapid, OUT OF PROPORTION TO THE TEMPERATURE. Pain in region of left nipple. Conscious of heart. Female Puerperal peritonitis, with extreme fetor. Septicaemia following abortion. Menses horribly offensive. Uterine haemorrhages. Fever at each menstrual period, consequent upon latent pelvic inflammation. SEPTIC PUERPERAL INFECTION. Pelvic calculitis. Inflammatory exudate. Post-operative cases, with overwhelming sepsis. Fever Coldness and chilliness. SEPTIC FEVERS. Latent pyogenic condition. Chill begins in back. Temperature rises rapidly. Great heat with profuse hot sweat, but SWEATING DOES NOT CAUSE A FALL IN TEMPERATURE. Extremities Throbbing in vessels of neck. Numbness of hands, arms, feet. Aching in all limbs and bones. BED FEELS TOO HARD. (ARN.) Great debility in the morning. Soreness; better by motion. (RHUS.) Rapid decubitus of septic origin. Skin Small cut or injury becomes much swollen and inflamed-discolored. Dry. Sleep Seems to be in semi-sleep. Dreams all night. Modalities Relief from motion.

Iris versicolor iris (Blue Flag)

Abdomen Liver sore. Cutting pain. Flatulent colic. Diarrhoea; stools watery, with BURNING AT ANUS and through intestinal canal. Periodical night diarrhoea, with pain and green discharges. CONSTIPATION (give 30th). Extremities Shifting pains. Sciatica, as if left hip-joint were wrenched. Pain extends to popliteal space. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism (use IRISIN). Skin Herpes zoster, associated with gastric derangements. Pustular eruptions. Psoriasis; irregular patches with shining scales. Eczema, with nightly itching. Modalities WORSE, in evening and at night, from rest. BETTER, from continued motion.


Great THIRST for COLD DRINKS Burning pains internally, relieved by cold things As soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach, it is thrown up. BURNING in spots along the spine, between scapula WEAK, EMPTY, all gone sensation Menses profuse, BRIGHT RED hemorrages. ALL SORTS OF AFFECTIOSN OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. left sided remedy even pnemounia

Antimonium Crudum

Great sadness, has a loathing of life. Aversion to being LOOKED AT and TO BE TOUCHED, esp. children (Chamomila) ROMANTIC AND SENTIMENTAL, esp during moonlight Emotionally immature (bar-c.) AILMENTS OF DISAPPOINTED LOVE. Consequences of grief occur in the stomach (nat-c.) Introvert Emotionally unbalanced; solar plexus, stomach or entire digestive tract is affected by every emotion. Children: irritable, dissatisfied, complaning, peevish Sighing (Ign., Cimic., Calc-p.) Sulky, loathing life

Kali Arsenicosum

Head feels large Chilliness Protrusion of eyeballs Burning and numbness of tongue Intolerable itching < warmth < undressing < in bed Tendency toward malignancy

Phosphoricum acidum ph-ac (Phosphoric Acid)

Male Emissions at night and at stool. Seminal vesiculitis. (OXAL. ACID.) Sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen. Parts relax during embrace. (NUX.) Prostatorrhoea, even when passing a soft stool. Eczema of scrotum. Oedema of prepuce, and swollen glans-penis. Herpes preputialis. Sycotic excrescences. (THUJA.) Female Menses too early and profuse, with pain in liver. Itching; yellow leucorrhoea after menses. Milk scanty; health deteriorated from nursing. Respiratory Chest troubles develop after brain-fag. Hoarseness. Dry cough from tickling in chest. Salty expectoration. Difficult respiration. WEAK FEELING IN CHEST FROM TALKING. (STANN.) PRESSURE BEHIND THE STERNUM, rendering breathing difficult. Heart Palpitation in children who grow too fast; after grief, self-abuse. Pulse irregular, intermittent. Back Boring pain between scapulae. Pain in back and limbs, as if beaten. Extremities Weak. Tearing pains in joints, bones, and periosteum. Cramps in upper arms and wrists. GREAT DEBILITY. Pains at night, AS IF BONES WERE SCRAPED. Stumbles easily and makes missteps. Itching, between fingers or in folds of joints. Skin Pimples, acne, blood-boils. Ulcers, with very offensive pus. Burning red rash. Formication in various parts. FALLING OUT OF THE HAIR. (NAT. MUR.; SELEN.) Tendency to abscess after fevers. Sleep SOMNOLENCY. Lascivious dreams with emissions. Fever Chilliness. PROFUSE SWEAT during night and morning. Low types of fever, with dull comprehension and stupor. Modalities BETTER, from keeping warm. WORSE, exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses. Everything impeding circulation causes aggravation of symptoms.

Natrum phosphoricum nat-p (Phosphate of Sodium)

Male Emissions without dreams, with WEAKNESS IN BACK AND TREMBLING IN LIMBS. Desire without erection. Gonorrhoea. Female Menses too early; pale, thin, watery. Sterility, with acid secretions from vagina. Leucorrhoea; discharge creamy or honey-colored, or acid and watery. Sour-smelling discharges from uterus. Morning sickness, with sour vomiting. Extremities Rheumatism of the knee-joint. Back Weariness; aching in wrists and finger-joints. Hamstrings sore. SYNOVIAL CREPITATION. Rheumatic arthritis. Skin Yellow. Itching in various parts, ESPECIALLY OF ANKLES. HIVES. Smooth, red, shining. Erysipelas. Feet icy cold in daytime, burn at night. Swelling of lymphatic glands.

Calcarea Carbonica

Many different fears: heights, insanity, dark, ghosts, thunderstorms, dogs, rats, death, disease (New fears develop while developing deeper mental-emotional pathology) Despair of recovery Sensitive to cold, cold hands and especially cold feet. Worse from exertion in general, esp the headeache. Collapses from exertion and becomes apathetic and indifferent.

Cimicifuga racemosa (Tubercular miasm) Black Cohosh; Back Snake Root; Rattle Root; Bugbane; Squaw Root

Mental Keys • Oversensitive/Hysteria; Especially sensitive to pain and injustice • Loquacity • Feeling of being trapped; Frustration; Delusion trapped in a wire cage; Entrapped; Seeking freedom; Injustice • Desire to Travel; To break free • Cloudiness; Gloomy Feeling Like a Black Cloud Descending Over Them; Dullness of the mind • Anxiety: Panic Attacks; • Clinging in relationships; Dependent on family relations; Entangled enmeshed relationships • Fears: Death, Insanity • Feeling of being insane • Sighing • Strong sexuality • Tubercular Miasm

Asarum Europeum

Mental overexertion. Alcoholism. Nervous euphoria; nerves on edge. Hysterical crying or laughing. Nervous laughter. Absent-minded, confused, feels that he is going crazy. Feeling of lightness, as if floating. Sensitivity to noise, esp. scratching on blackboard, silk, linen, or paper. Feel that their mind will distintegrate from noise. They have highly-strung, nervous sensitivity that compels them to imagine they are hearing such noises. Fidgety, wringing hands. Hurried feeling inside without being able to perform. Child develops constant sense of hurriedness due to mental inefficiency. Hysterically oversensitive, those who have pushed too hard to acheive. Cannot tolerate any type of pressure or violence.

Antimonium Tartaricum

Mental restlessness Apathetic - easily annoyed, wants to be left alone, depressed Ailments from anger or vexation Shrieking, shouting and screaming at night Aversion to being touched Unconsciousness, coma, stupor in morning with asphyxia Confusion of mind on waking Irritable and peevish, esp during acute phase of illness Sleepiness

Carbo Vegetabilis

Mind Aversion to darkness. Fear of ghosts. Sudden loss of memory. Head ACHES FROM ANY OVER-INDULGENCE. Hair feels sore, FALLS OFF EASILY; scalp itches when getting warm in bed. Hat pressed upon head like a heavy weight. Head feels heavy, constricted. Vertigo with nausea and tinnitus. Pimples on forehead and face. Face Puffy, cyanotic. Pale, hippocratic, cold with cold sweat; blue. (CUP.; OPIUM.) Mottled cheeks and red nose. Eyes Vision of black floating spots. Asthenopia. Burning in eyes. Muscles pain. Ears Otorrhoea following exanthematous diseases. Ears dry. Malformation of cerumen with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus. Nose EPISTAXIS IN DAILY ATTACKS, WITH PALE FACE. Bleeding after straining, with pale face; tip of nose red and scabby, itching around nostrils. Varicose veins on nose. Eruption in corner of alae nasi. Coryza with cough, especially in moist, warm weather. Ineffectual efforts to sneeze. Mouth Tongue coated white or yellow brown, COVERED VNTH APHTHA. Teeth very sensitive where chewing; gums retracted and bleed easily. Blood oozing from gums when cleaning teeth. Pyorrhoea. Stomach ERUCTATIONS, HEAVINESS, FULLNESS, AND SLEEPINESS; tense from flatulence, with pain; worse lying down. Eructations after eating and drinking. Temporary relief from belching. Rancid, sour, or putrid eructations. Waterbrash, asthmatic breathing from flatulence. Nausea in the morning. Burning in stomach, extending to back and along spine. CONTRACTIVE PAIN EXTENDING TO CHEST, WITH DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN. Faint gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating. Crampy pains forcing patient to bend double. Distress comes on a half-hour after eating. Sensitiveness of epigastric region. DIGESTION SLOW; FOOD PUTREFIES before it digests. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour, rancid belching. Aversion to milk, meat, and FAT THINGS. THE SIMPLEST FOOD DISTRESSES. Epigastric region very sensitive.


Mind Rubrics • Ailments from: Business failure(2); Climacteric(3); Love disappointed(2); Pregnancy in(2) • Alcoholism • Anguish • Answers: Aversion to, loquacious at other times; Evasively; Refuses to(2) • Anxiety after abortion(2); During Climacteric; During parturition; Menses during • Buoyancy • Busy • Capriciousness • Cares, worries, full of • Crawling, rolling, as if he would creep into himself • Delirium loquacious(3); Tremens with loquacity(3) • Delusions: Insects(2); Animals around the bed(2); Animals(2); Mice(2); Rats, mice and insects; Strange objects in the bed; Clouds, heavy black, enveloped her(2); Objects and figures seem dark; Home is away from and must get there: Insane will become(3); Medicine is poisoned; Wires is caught in • Despair of recovery • Dreams: Accidents(2); Suffering; Black people • Excitement(3): Climacteric during; Menses during; Pregnancy during • Exhilaration • Extroverted • Fears: Abortion in threatening(2); Pregnancy during; Animals; Death(3); That those in the house might kill him; Parturition approaching; Danger impending; Evil; Failure; Insanity(2); Misfortune; Claustrophobia; Poisoned being • Forebodings(2) • Heedless(2) • Home, desires to go • Homesickness • Hypochondriasis(2) • Hysteria(2): Climacteric; Menses during(2); • Impatience • Inconstancy • Indifference(2): To domestic duties

Hypericum Perforatum

Mistakes in writing; forgets what he wanted to say. MELANCHOLY following wounds/surgery. Removes bad effects of shock. Depression, headache after injury to head (Arnica, nat s, rhus tox)

Eupatorium Perfoliatum

Moans from aching pain or from chill. Diversions such as conversations ameliorate the pains. Fear of insanity: "I think I will lose my mind." Restlessness during a sensation of heat, accompanied by sadness and despair. Restless, but prefer to stay in one spot.

Ferrum phosphoricum ferr-p (Phosphate of Iron)

Most known for high fever with red cheeks and no other symptoms. In the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Aconite and Bell, and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidith of GELS. The typical FERR. PHOS. subject is not full blooded and robust, but nervous, sensitive, anaemic with the false plethora and easy flushing of Ferrum. Prostration marked; face more active than GELS. The superficial redness never assumes the dusky hue of GELS. Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of ACON. Susceptibility to chest troubles. Bronchitis of young children. In acute exacerbation of tuberculosis, a fi ne palliative of wonderful power. Corresponds to Grauvogl's Oxygenoid Constitution, the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating, wasting consumptive. The remedy for first stage of all febrile disturbances and inflammations before exudation sets in; especially for catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract. FERR. PHOS. 3x increases haemoglobin. In pale, anaemic subjects, with violent local congestions. Haemorrhages, bright from any orifice. Head Soreness to touch, cold, noise, jar. Rush of blood to head. Ill effects of sun-heat. Throbbing sensation. Vertigo. Headache BETTER COLD APPLICATIONS. Eyes Red, inflamed, with burning sensation. Feeling as of sand under lids. Hyperemia of optic disc and retina, with blurred vision. Ears Noises. Throbbing. First stage of otitis. Membrana tympani red and bulging. Acute otitis; when Bellad. fails, prevents suppuration. Nose First stage of colds in the head. Predisposition to colds. EPISLAXIS; bright red blood. Face Flushed; cheeks sore and hot. Florid complexion. Facial neuralgia; worse, shaking head and stooping. Throat Mouth hot; fauces red, inflamed. Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Eustachian tubes inflamed. Sore throat of singers. Subacute laryngitis with fauces inflamed and red (2x). After operations on throat and nose to control bleeding and relieve soreness. First stage of diphtheria. Ranula in vascular, sanguine constitutions.

Kali phosphoricum kali-p (Phosphate of Potassium)

Mouth BREATH OFFENSIVE, FETID. Tongue coated brownish, like mustard. EXCESSIVELY DRY, in the morning. Toothache, with easily-bleeding gums; they have a bright-red seam on them. Gums spongy and receding. (CAPS.; HAMAM.; LACH.) Throat. Gangrenous sore throat. Paralysis of the vocal cords. Stomach A nervous "gone" sensation at the pit of the stomach. (IGN.; SEP.; SULPH.) Feels seasick without nausea. Abdomen Diarrhoea; foul, PUTRID ODOR; occasioned by fright, with depression and exhaustion. Diarrhoea while eating. Dysentery; stools consist of pure blood; patient becomes delirious; abdomen swells. Cholera; stools have the appearance of rice water. (VERAT.; ARS.; JATROP.) Prolapsus recti. (IGN.; POD.) Female Menstruation TOO LATE OR TOO SCANTY in pale, irritable, sensitive, lachrymose females. Too profuse discharge, deep-red or blackish-red, thin and not coagulating; sometimes with offensive odor. Feeble and ineffectual labor pains. Male Nocturnal emissions; sexual power diminished; utter prostration after coitus. (KALI CARB.) Urinary Organs Enuresis. Incontinence of urine. Bleeding from the urethra. VERY YELLOW URINE.

Kali Bichromicum

NARROW MINDED; emotionally closed INDOLENCE, aversion to mental and bodily labor.

Calcarea Sulphurica

Nasty; goes past discontent. It is deeper and worse - destructive Great jealousy (i.e. for siblings) Maliciousness Irritability Egotism No weeping

Natrum phosphoricum nat-p (Phosphate of Sodium)

Natrum phosphoricum is the remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid, often resulting from too much sugar. Ailments, with EXCESS OF ACIDITY. Sour eructations and taste. Sour vomiting. YELLOW, CREAMY COATING AT THE BACK OF THE ROOF OF MOUTH AND TONGUE. Inflammation of any part of the throat, with sensation of a lump in throat. Flatulence, with sour risings. Colic, with symptoms of worms. Cracking of joints. JAUNDICE (lx trit.). Oxaluria. Mind Imagines, on waking at night, that pieces of furniture are persons; that he hears footsteps in next room. FEAR. Head Feels dull in the morning, full feeling and throbbing. Eyes Discharge of GOLDEN-YELLOW, CREAMY MATTER from the eyes. Dilation of one pupil. Whites of eyes dirty yellow. Ears One ear red, hot, frequently itchy, accompanied by gastric derangements and acidity. Nose Offensive odor. Itching of nose. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, with thick, yellow, offensive mucus. Face Paleness of bluish, florid appearance of face. Mouth Canker sores of lip and cheeks. BLISTERS ON TIP OF TONGUE, with stinging in evening. THIN, MOIST COALING ON THE TONGUE. YELLOW, CREAMY COATING AT THE BACK PART OF THE ROOF OF IHE MOUTH. DYSPHAGIA. Thick, creamy membrane over tonsils and soft palate. Stomach SOUR ERUCTATIONS, SOUR VOMITING, GREENISH DIARRHOEA. Spits mouthful of food.

Bryonia Alba

Nausea and faintness from sitting up or rising in bed Coughing so painful, that he has to hold chest. Gagging and vomiting during cough Constipation with very hard and dry stool (as if burned) Sleeps on left side Headache on left side over the left eye, extending to occiput. (Worse from coughing or moving)


Neuralgia, sudden recurring eye pains extending to forehead. Cough with forceful expectoration, "Mucus flies from his mouth" Chronic Rheumatism knees hurt only when going down Similar to Rhustox Sore skin even clothing is painful


Neuralgic Remedy: Effects the nerves of the FACE, Heart, Eyes, Teeth < Left side Combines HEART and EYE symptoms INTENSE, VIOLENT, shooting, burning, tearing neuralgic PAINS, RADIATING to other parts Jerking, tearing, stitching, burning pains as from hot needles or wires. Body sensitive to touch, part feels chilly Vertigo from looking downwards (along his nose) One-sided headaches, often settling over left eye < least noise, jar, motion (even of facial muscles) Similar to Bryonia, or Sanguinaria on right side Pains increasing and decreasing with the sun (esp headaches) Severe EYE PAINS < thinking of, at night, on attempting to turn them, has to turn whole head INTOLERABLE, PRESSIVE PAIN IN EYEBALLS, mainly LEFT side Jerking, twitching, or spasmodic movements of the eye-lids Sensation as if eyes too large for orbits Palpation of heart < when chest is best forward - Audible and Violent Angina Pectoris < Least motion, lying on left side, deep inspiration (Lachesis) - pain goes up from heart in Angina. Pain can extend also from heart to the back or right side Ailments from WORMS

Theridion Curassavicum

Noise aggravates the Pain NOISE PENETRATES WHOLE BODY (teeth) Chronic cases of Dizziness and Vertigo VERTIGO on closing eyes and from least noise (not the spinning type, though) Sleeplessness; chronically cannot sleep and never wakeup feeling as though they slept. Exhasuting cat naps. Nausea from least motion and noise Headache on movement, pressure behind eyes Hypersensitivity of nerves Sensitivity to sun (sunstroke) Chronic Nasal Catarrh; lots of thick, yellow, greenish, offensive discharges. Spinal irritation; Very sensitive between vertebrae; avoids pressure Back pain that is worse with noise. Sits sideways on a chair Pains in bones all over; as if bones are broken. Cannot work - tired, vertigo, can't sleep

Kreosotum kreos (Beechwood Kreosote)

Nose Offensive smell and discharge. Chronic catarrh of old people. Acrid rawness. Lupus. (ARS.) Throat. Burning, choking sensation. PUTRID ODOR. Stomach Nausea; vomiting of food several hours after eating; of sweetish water in the morning. Feeling of coldness, as of ice water in stomach. Soreness; better eating. Painful hard spot. Haematemesis. Bitter taste after a swallow of water. Abdomen Distended. Burning haemorrhoids. Diarrhoea; very offensive; dark brown. Bloody, fetid stools. CHOLERA INFANTUM in connection with painful dentition, green stools, nausea, dry skin, exhaustion, etc. Urine. OFFENSIVE. Violent itching of vulva and vagina, worse when urinating. Can urinate only when lying; cannot get out of bed quick enough during first sleep. Dreams of urinating. Enuresis in the first part of night. MUST HURRY WHEN DESIRE COMES TO URINATE.


Not as impulsive as Arg-n, but has the same level of intellect Weak-willed, weak will power, weak intellect; allows for fixed ideas to enter the mind and take hold. Fixed and tormenting ideas < night, darkness; will go to sleep and see colors/shapes, then the fear comes in. She is many times on the verge of insanity. With all of these fears and fixed ideas, they think they may be going crazy. Tired of the inner mental battle they are fighting. Become suicidal as a result (Nat-s) Impulse to kill their own child (Sep, Arg-n, Sulph, Thea, Plat, Merc). They are afraid they might get crazy and kill their child when they are in this state She feels she has to fight the devil (Anac) Optical delusions and delusion w the devil Depression Lack of self-confidence Enjoys life (opp of Aurum) Strong attachment to the people of their environment; Anxiety for the well-being of others because she needs other people to support her (Ars, Bar-c) Cowardice (Gels) Easily offended by won't express Lack of sense of humor. They seem quite serious


ONE RED CHEEK, ONE PALE DENTITION in children TOOTHACHE agg. If anything WARM or COLD is taken into mouth or entering warm room. PAIN IS UNBEARABLE; drives to despair Numbness w pains Distention of stomach or abdomen; not ameliorated by flatus Ear infections - irritability, wants to be carried Stools like HOT CHOPPED EGGS & SPINACH in small children Dischrages smell like ROTTEN EGGS (stool, mouth, discharges) HOT SWEAT on head Ear senstiive to air Spasmodic and distressing labor pains - cannot bear, grows impatient

Coffea Cruda

OVEREXCITED AND OVERSENSITIVE WAKEFUL, ecstasy, full of ideas; quick to act. Weeps, laments and tosses about over trifles. Physically and mentally active until midnight

Coffea Cruda

OVERSENSITIVITY OF ALL SENSES. Painful sensitivity of skin Pains are felt INTENSELY, esp. w noise SLEEPLESSNESS from physical and mental excitement. HEADACHE: from over-mental exertion, thinking, talking. ONE-SIDED as if nail is driven into the brain. Congestion of head after a surprise or excitement. Toothache relieved by holding ice-water in mouth. Effected by wine (Nux) Over active like Nux but not as irritable

Zinc Metallicum

OVERSTIMULATION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM - LEADING TO ITS EXHAUSTION DEFECTIVE VITALITY - too weak to develop menstrual function, to expectorate, urinate, or comprehend Ailments from suppressed discharges and eruptions, resulting in twitching --> convulsions --> epilepsy Convulsions from exposure to sunlight (causes fit) Convulsions during dentition Moving the head while thinking Twitchings all over the body (overstimulation of nerve endings) especially in the face Ravenous hunger between 11pm-12am, cannot eat fast enough BURNING WHOLE LENGTH OF SPINE < sitting > walking INCESSANTLY and VIOLENTLY FIDGETY IN FEET or lower extremities, MUST MOVE CONSTANTLY When they go to sleep, lower extremities jerk Urinates while bending backwards, crossing limbs Strong sexual desire < before menses, > by flow Have scanty menses. Sexual dissatisfaction that leads to constant state of complaning (woe is me), no one wants to be around them. Dry cough in the morning before menses Expectoration bloody (before and during menses): Feel better during menses, feel worse if it is suppressed.


Obesity; a fat, flabby appearance General uncleanliness of the body Affects mucus membranes producing a sesnsation of constriction Inflammation of the Mastoid Process Pains are burning and smarting, worse with cold water (as from cayenne pepper) Pain in distant parts on coughing; bladder, knees, legs, ears Constriction of throat with burning and dryness Redness in cheeks, nose (Ferr, Puls); veins in cheeks Painfull swelling and pain behind ears, sensitive to touch Hemorrhoids, stinging, bleeding, and burning like pepper Thirst after stool, while shivering when drinking cold water. Much thirst, but drinking causes shuddering Children: obstinate, head-strong, clumsy, fat, dirty with disinclination to work or think Dread of open air, always chilly

Kali phosphoricum kali-p (Phosphate of Potassium)

One of the greatest nerve remedies. PROSTRATION. Weak and tired. Especially adapted to the young. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from WANT OF NERVE POWER, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression, are wonderfully improved by this remedy. The causes are usually excitement, overwork and worry. Besides, IT CORRESPONDS TO STATES OF ADYNAMIA AND DECAY, gangrenous conditions. In these two directions it has won many clinical laurels. Remember it in the treatment of suspected malignant tumors. After removal of cancer when in healing process skin is drawn TIGHT over the wound. Delayed labor. Mind Anxiety, NERVOUS DREAD, lethargy. Indisposition to meet people. Extreme lassitude and depression. Very nervous. starts easily, IRRITABLE. Brain-fag; hysteria; NIGHT TERRORS. Somnambulance. Loss of memory. SLIGHTEST LABOR SEEMS A HEAVY TASK. Great despondency about business. Shyness; disinclined to converse. Head Occipital headache; better, after rising. Vertigo, from lying, on standing up, from sitting, and when looking up-ward. (GRANAT.) CEREBRAL ANAEMIA. Headache of students, and those worn out by fatigue. Headaches are relieved by gentle motion. Headache, with weary, empty, gone feeling at stomach. (IGN.; SEP.) Eyes Weakness of sight; loss of perceptive power; after diphtheria; from exhaustion. Drooping of eyelids. (CAUST.) Ears HUMMING AND BUZZING IN THE EARS. Nose Nasal disease, with offensive odor; fetid discharge. Face Livid and sunken, with hollow eyes. Right-sided neuralgia, relieved by cold applications.

Calcarea Carbonica

Out of breath easily from ascending. Obesity that produces flabbiness. Fragile nails Sweat on the back of head and cervical region during sleep. Pains and swelling in breast before menses.


Overactivity on all levels. Most Restlessness(top one for that), cannot sit down for even one minute. If forced to sit down, he feels very bad and as if he's going crazy. Always feel like they have forgotten something (causticum)- complete neurosis - OCD They count like hyos

Asarum Europeum

Oversensitivity of nervous system, especially the AUDITORY NERVE. Painfully sensitive ears; sensation as if ears were plugged up w foreign substances. Noise causes chills Cold shivers from any emotion. Pressure, tension, contractive sensation, feels whole body or single parts being pressed together. Aversion to being touched. Sensitive to all chemicals. The idea of opposing states runs throughout Asarum. Hysterical vertigo together w intense chills Eyes feel as if they are stuck in their sockets Excessive sickness during first months of pregnancy; stomach rejects everything.


PARALYSIS OF SINGLE PARTS; after being exposed/lying on cold,wet/damp ground (cold and dry = Causticum) Parts feel ICY COLD Ailments from exposure to COLD & DAMP Rheumatism and/or skin affections (at same time), caused or aggravated by COLD & DAMP WEATHER, sudden weather changes, or suppressed perspiration Catarrhal discharges from the nose and eyes Vomiting with stool Thick brown crusts on scalp, face, temples with reddish borders, bleeding when scratched. Gripping pain in bowels around the belly button Chill between 7-9am, perceived by great thirst w great soreness and aching of bones. Pain in the bones, as if broken.


Pain in umbilical region extending through back Malignancy of uterus, ovaries, testes, external genitalia Sexual organs extremely sensitive Menses dark clotted, offensive w downbearing spasms. Chilliness during urination Numbness of mouth and forehead connected to fear of death Incomplete orgasm


Palpitations Profound debility and great emaction. Eats a lot but still loses weight. Constant motion of eyes Atrophy of testes, ovaries, mammae


Patients have tremendous emotional insecurity coupled with strong emotions/feelings that cannot be expressed. Their egotism is not expressed to other people. To balance these elements of insecurity without being able to express it, there is a very strong need for outside approval in the form of flattery. Although, they never ask for this flattery. If they do not receive such flattery, their pride is wounded and they feel as though they are ignored/neglected. Lack of self-confidence (Bar-c., Anac.) They are never sure of themselves unless someone tells them to be. Paradoxically, they feel they are something REALLY special (almost a delusion of grandeur) which is felt internally - never expressed - and this leads the organism to develop huge tumors on the sex organs (esp ovaries) Strong sexual desire/masturbation (Plat). In order to be excited, they need to hear or say obscene words. Avoid confrontations with other people, every conflict happens internally Ailments from bad news like calc and Gel


Physical Characteristics • Head: Severe headaches, especially in the vertex or radiating to or from the cervical region; HA from cervical stiffness; Pressing outward from the vertex, or a fullness sensation; Headache as if the top of the head would open up or "fly off"; Headache with pain in the eyes, worse motion of the eyes. • Eyes: Stitching pains in the eyes. • Neck: Severe cervical pain, almost a neuralgia; stiffness and drawing in the neck. Neck spasms. • Back: Fibrositis (fibromyalgia). Spasms of the Para spinal muscles.; Sciatica; Injuries to the spine; Sleeplessness from soreness of the muscles of the back • Extremities: Rheumatism affecting especially the muscles; Chorea; Stitching pains, darting about, worse cold damp weather; Muscle twitches; Fibromyalgia • Stomach: Sinking sensation in the epigastrium • Female: Severe dysmenorrhea, worse as the flow increases; Cramping, shooting pains across pelvis or into thighs during labor, after delivery; changeable pains; Failure to progress in labor; Retained placenta; Menses irregular and may be suppressed by emotions or stress; Neuralgic pains in the ovaries; The more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering (opposite of Lachesis); Abortion in the third month


Plays with genitalia. Lies in bed w hands between thighs and touching gentalia. Playing w feces, urine, things that nauseate Restless hands, picking at bed clothes

Sambucus nigra

Profuse perspiration of the body that stops in sleep and starts in waking hours. The head perspires lessor not but the whole body perspires Dyspnea in sleep, leading to blueness (after a few hours of sleep). Difficult expiration ASTHMA WITH TREMENDOUS PERSPIRATION; anxiety arising from this WAKE UP SUDDENLY, GASPING FOR BREATH, MUST SIT OR JUMP OUT OF BED. Kidney problems with swelling of lower extremities. Kidneys do not eliminate properly Dryness of upper respiratory system (nose) with sensation of suffocation OBSTRUCTION, ESPEICALLY IN NEWBORNS; Cannot breathe when nursing Sweat dries out during sleep, causing burning. There is no elimination of perspiration.


Pulse is weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow (40-45 beats per minute) Weakness and dilatation of the myocardium SLOW PULSE! Sinking of strength, faintness, coldness of skin and irregular respiration Objects appear green and yellow Blue tongue and lips. Blueness of eyelids Jaundice from hypertrophy of the liver Jaundice with HEART involvement Great anxiety in the stomach (Ars) - deathly nausea and emptiness in the stomach After cold water or ice cream - sharp pain in forehead and extends down the nose Vertigo with anxious sensation as though would faint Faintness and vomiting from motion Discomfort after a small quantity of food, even on sight or smell > if stomach is empty Tenderness of epigastrium. Copious saliva. Stitching pain in the bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back and forth Dropsical swelling of the genitals Breathing is irregular, difficult, with deep sighing Dyspnea, constant desire to breathe deeply Sudden sensation as if heart stood still < by motion (opposite Gelsemium) Starts from sleep in alarm that he is falling from a height

Tarentula Hispanica

RESTLESSNESS, fidgety Sensitive to music. EXCESS OF ENERGY. Affects the NERVOUS SYSTEM very strongly. Symptoms appear SUDDENLY with VIOLENCE and disappear suddenly. Headache intense, as if thousands of needles pricking the brain. Vomiting after going to bed. Constant movement of legs, arms, trunk. Absesses, boils have Bluish color and burning pain Genital organs powerfully effected. Sexual desire increased.

Podophyllum podo (May-apple)

Rectum Cholera infantum and morbus. Diarrhoea of long standing; EARLY IN MORNING; DURING TEETHING, WITH HOT, GLOWING CHEEKS while being bathed or washed; in hot weather after acid fruits. Morning, painless diarrhoea when not due to venous stasis or intestinal ulceration. Green, watery, FETID, PROFUSE, gushing. PROLAPSE OF RECTUM before or with stool. Constipation; clay-colored, hard, dry, difficult. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. (ANT. CRUD.) Internal and external piles. Female Pain in uterus and RIGHT OVARY, WITH SHIFTING NOISES ALONG ASCENDING COLON. Suppressed menses, with pelvic tenesmus. PROLAPSED UTERI, especially after parturition. Haemorrhoids, with prolapsus ani during pregnancy. Prolapsus from overlifting or straining; during pregnancy. Extremities Pain between shoulders, under right scapula, in loins and lumbar region. Pain in right inguinal region; shoots down inner thigh to knees. Paralytic weakness on left side. Fever Chill at 7 a. m., with pain in hypochondria, and knees, ankles, wrists. GREAT LOQUACITY during fever. Profuse sweat. Modalities Worse, in early morning, in hot weather, during dentition.

Cicuta Virosa

Remedy for the nervous system. Indicated in cases of epilepsy and mental retardation Violent convulsions, with frightful distortions Opisthotonos (arching of the back) Convulsions after head injuries/concussions Sudden, strong jerks and spasms through head, stomach, legs (Chorea) Head drawn backward, turned or twisted to one side. Spasms of the cervical spine. Convulsions are excited or renewed by even slight touch, from every noise. Eruptions on head, pustules which burn and run together, forming thick yellow scabs on face or scalp. STRABISMUS Hemorrhage from ears, during cerebral troubles, during convulsion Vomiting during or alternating with convulsion

Sarsaparilla sars (Smilaz)

Renal colic; marasmus and periosteal pains due to venereal disease. Eruptions following hot weather and vaccinations; boils, and eczema. Urinary symptoms well marked. Mind Despondent, sensitive, easily offended, ill humored and taciturn. Head PAINS CAUSE DEPRESSION. Shooting pain from above right temporal region. Pains FROM OCCIPUT TO EYES. Words reverberate in ear to the root of nose. Periosteal pains due to venereal disease. Influenza. Scalp sensitive. ERUPTIONS ON FACE AND UPPER LIP. Moist eruption on scalp. Crusta lactea beginning in face. Mouth Tongue white; APHTHA; SALIVATION; metallic taste; no thirst. Fetid breath. Abdomen Rumbling and fermentation. COLIC AND BACKACHE AT SAME TIME. Much flatus; cholera infantum. Urinary Urine scanty, slimy, flaky, sandy, BLOODY. Gravel. Renal colic. SEVERE PAIN AT CONCLUSION OF URINATION. URINE DRIBBLES WHILE SITTING. Bladder distended and tender. CHILD SCREAMS BEFORE AND WHILE PASSING URINE. Sand on diaper. Renal colic and dysuria in infants. PAIN FROM RIGHT KIDNEY DOWNWARD. Tenesmus of bladder; urine passes in thin, feeble stream. Pain at meatus.

Ranunculus bulbosus

Respectful and proper - almost overly so - very respectful to their physician. They expect this from others too, which is why they're so touchy. Touchy, discontented, and angry people inside Closed, easily offended Weakness/dullness in mind that prevents them from taking on the slightest responsibility; do bare minimum Can't really tolerate pain - they seek solace from God (Aur) - religious Anxiety about health. Too much concerned about their future. Anxiety felt in the chest agg by night/evening Great sexual desire but they don't express it and try to be proper during sexual intercourse Inferiority complex

Kali phosphoricum kali-p (Phosphate of Potassium)

Respiratory Asthma; least food aggravates. Short breath on going upstairs. Cough; YELLOW expectoration. Extremities Paralytic lameness in back and extremities. Exertion aggravates. Pains, with depression, and subsequent exhaustion. Fever Subnormal temperature. Modalities WORSE, excitement, worry, mental and physical exertion; eating, cold, early morning. BETTER, warmth, rest, nourishment. Effects of excessive tea drinking. Chronic bronchitis where the expectoration is THICK and FETID, sometimes SCANTY AND TOUGH.


Rheumatic complaints. Gout(Rhus, Lyco). Rheumatism. Begins in lower limbs and ascends. Left shoulder joint affected. (Sulp and rhustox) Pains shoot upwards. Nodosities in joints. Pains better by ice-cold applications.(puls and Apis) There is coldness of affected part. Puncture wounds become cold, puffy, mottled. For puncture wounds, stings, and bites; the wounded part is cold to touch. Bee sting hot in Apis but cold in ledum


Romantic, unfulfilled "cosmopolitan" patients. Needs change and excitement. Frequently changes jobs. Passionate about travel. Malicious behavior - breaks things. Reactive; tendency to leave the place they live. Hyperactivity. Behavior disorders in children. Obstinate, disobedient, destructive children. Exaggerated anxiety at night In children Moaning, groaning, whining with loquacity in convulsions and fever. Contradictory characteristics, mania and melancholia, insomnia and sleepiness. Irritability esp when awakening. Depressed and melancholic. Easily offended. Mental dullness and difficulty concentrating. Compulsive and ritualistic behavior. Think they forgot something; tormenting thoughts during night. Shreiking in sleep, esp before menses.


SADNESS AND WEEPING, often without knowing the reason. INDIFFERENCE to loved ones. Spiteful, critical of others. Aversion to family and husband. Feels detached. Needs time for herself and enjoys being alone. Irritability, esp if exhausted. Life has no joy. Intolerant of contradiction.


SENSITIVE TO SUDDEN NOISES Anxious and fidgety - makes involuntary hand motions FEARS and ANXIETY in a DOWNWARD MOTIONS or when GOING DOWNSTAIRS (children can't/won't go on swings) Bad mood, esp around 4pm, before stool and amelioration after stool (Nat-s.) Nosebleed ameliorates the psychological state

Ferrum Metallicum

SENSITIVE and excitable < on least contradiction IRRITABILITY to slight noises (Asarum, Theridion) - like crackling paper - drives him to despair Difficult to control their emotions and impulses Anxiety, as if has done something wrong Fear of being touched on affected joints

Aurum Metallicum

SEVERE DEPRESSION, RELIVED ONLY BY THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE (jumping from high place or crashing car) HOPELESS, DESPONDENT, AND CONSTANTLY DWELLING ON SUICIDE. Egoists - feel they're more capable than others. Physical pains make him suicidal. Ailments from grief, business failure.

Cocculus Indicus

SLOWNESS in Perception, Weakness, and Anxiety from LOSS OF SLEEP from mental excitement or night watching Adapted to book worms and sensitive romantic girls Profound state of sadness Thoughts are fixed on one unpleasant subject Cannot bear contradiction, easily offended Strong anxiety about personal health and about the HEALTH of the FAMILY

Plumbum Metallicum

SLUGGISHNESS of mental functions. SLOWNESS of perceiving external impressions, comprehension, and response. Loss of memory - esp words Apathetic, no vitality, no emotional movements. People that like good living, having the best of everything. Sadness w anxiety. Dread that someone is trying to poison them.

Berberis Vulgaris

SOLITUDE IS UNBEARABLE. Can't bear not having communication with others and living by themselves Mentally and physically tired Melancholy and inclination to weep

Rhus Tox

STIFFNESS ALL OVER BODY, esp joints Ailments from straining/spraining SINGLE PARTS (muscle, tendon by overlifting/stretching) BACK; bruised pain and stiffness Pain LEFT shoulder Pain - bruised and sprained feeling. Restlessness in bed - must change position to obtain momentary relief from pain. TONGUE - TRIANGULAR RED TIP EYES - Pain behind eyes, worse with motion. Herpetic Eruptions with much swelling, burnhing, itching, and stinging

Conium Maculatum

SUPERSTITIOUS. Fixed Ideas. Compulsive thoughts and actions. Materialistic (platinum), practical, business type. Ailments after 'material loss' Weak memory. Emotions become paralyzed. No inclination for business or study, takes no interest in anything. Excitement causes mental depression. Sad and gloomy. Dreads being alone, yet avoids society.


Sad, indifferent, low spirited Sits alone in room without doing anything, looks constantly in one direction without saying anything. Stonehardness, without any thoughts. End stage is similar to Alzheimer's, mind becomes slowly more deteriorated Delusion that strange persons are looking over their shoulder or that they would see someone on turning

Cactus Grandiflorus

Shrieking from pain Hypochondriasis (anxiety about health). Believes disease is incurable, desire to take large doses of medicine Suspicious, mistrustful Delusion that she is caught in wires.


Shrieking, screaming, shouting for help (esp accompanies convulsions) Thinking of complaints ameliorates Least provocation causes excitability, then irritability - may go into a frenzy state Excitability state alternates with extreme exhaustion state Irritable and dictatorial, short-tempered in their family environment Feels unloved by family. Forsaken or isolated. Sluggishness and dullness of mind, leads to confusion and LOSS OF MEMORY Delirious states with wild, obscene talking, violent gestures, bites (Stram), strikes, spits

Elaps Corallines elaps (Coral-snake)

Similar to snake-poisons generally. Has very marked BLACK DISCHARGES. COLD THINGS DISAGREE. Desire for sweetened buttermilk. Nausea and vomiting. Prostrating diarrhoea of consumption. Acidity of stomach, with faint feeling. Sudden pain in stomach. Spasm of oesophagus; pharynx constricted; food and liquids suddenly arrested, and then fall heavily into stomach. Spasms followed by paresis. COLD FEELING IN STOMACH. Fruits and ice-water lie very cold. RIGHT-SIDED PARALYSIS. Must have oscillatory motion. Rheumatic constitutions. Ear, nose and throat symptoms important. Mind Depressed; imagines he hears someone talking; dreads to be left alone. FEAR OF RAIN. Can speak, but cannot understand speech. Fears apoplexy. Head Violent headache, extending from forehead TO OCCIPUT; first one eye, then the other. Pain in ears. Vertigo with tendency to fall forward. Weight and pain in forehead. Fulness in head. Eyes Aversion to light; letters run together when reading. Veil before eyes. Burning in lids. Bloated around the eyes in the morning. Large red fiery spot before eyes. Ears Cerumen BLACK and hard, with difficult hearing, or serous GREENISH discharge, offensive; buzzing, and illusion of hearing. Sudden attack of nightly deafness, with roaring and crackling in ears, cracking in ears on swallowing. Intolerable itching in ear. Nose CHRONIC NASAL CATARRH, WITH FETID ODOR AND GREENISH CRUSTS. Ozaena; yellowish-green discharge. Mucous membrane wrinkled; nostrils plugged up with dry mucus. Pains from nose to ears on swallowing. NOSTRILS STOPPED UP. Nasal bleeding. Pain at root of nose. Eruption about nose. Throat Thick, very offensive, dry, greenish-yellow crusts upon the posterior pharyngeal wall and extremely foul breath. Spasmodic contraction of OESOPHAGUS; passage of fluids arrested. Chest COLDNESS IN CHEST AFTER DRINKING. Haemorrhage from lungs black as ink and watery; stitches IN APEX OF RIGHT LUNG. Fainting caused by stooping. Oppression in going upstairs. Peeling off of skin from palms and fingers. COUGH, with terrible pain through lungs. Worse right and expectoration of black blood. Sensation of a sponge in oesophagus.

Crotalus Horridus crot-h (Rattlesnake)

Snake poisons are supposed to be chemically CYAN, HYDRATES of Soda and other salts. Alcohol is the natural solvent of these salts and is an antidote. Has a profound trophic action. Old age nutritional troubles. low septic states. General disorganization of the blood, haemorrhages and jaundice. A crotalin injection decreases the rate of coagulation of the blood. In epilepsy the average rate is far greater than in normal conditions. Blood decomposition, HAEMORRHAGES (dark fluid that forms no clots), tendency to carbuncles, malignant scarlatina, YELLOW FEVER, the plague, cholera, give opportunity to use this remedy. HEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS. Acts as a sedative. Sleeps into his symptoms. More right-sided in its action. Mind Weeping mood; clouded perception and memory; impatient. Loquacious, with desire to escape. Sadness. Delusions of cerebral decay. Head Vertigo, with weakness and trembling. Dull heavy occipital pain, on right side and right eye. Headache with pain in heart on lying on left side. Headache; must walk on tip-toe to avoid jarring. Eyes Very sensitive to light, especially LAMP LIGHT. Yellow color of eyes. Illusions; blue colors. CILIARY NEURALGIA; tearing, boring pain, as if a cut had been made around eye. FOR ABSORPTION OF INTRA-OCULAR HEMORRHAGES, into the vitreous, but particularly for non-inflammatory retinal haemorrhages. Diplopia. Ears Auditory vertigo. Blood oozes from ears. Feeling of stoppage in right ear. Nose Epistaxis, BLOOD BLACK AND STRINGY, ozaena, after exanthemata or syphilis. Face Acne. Lips swollen and numb. Leaden-colored and yellow face. Lockjaw. Mouth Tongue red and small, but feels swollen. Tongue fiery red, dry in center, smooth and polished. Mouldy smell of breath. Fills up with saliva. Tongue when protruding, goes to right. Spasmodic grinding of teeth at night. Cancer of tongue with haemorrhage. Throat. Dry, swollen, dark red. Spasm of oesophagus; cannot swallow any solid substance. Tight constriction. Gangrenous, with much swelling.

Laurocerasuslaur (Cherry-laurel)

Spasmodic tickling cough, especially in cardiac patients, is often magically influenced by this drug. LACK OF REACTION, especially in chest and heart affections. DRINK ROLLS AUDIBLY THROUGH OEOPHAGUS AND INTESTINES. General coldness, not ameliorated by warmth. Violent pain in stomach with loss of speech. Spasm of facial muscles and oesophagus. Asphyxia neonatorum. Fever Coldness; chills and heat alternate. Thirst, with dry mouth in afternoon. Respiratory Cyanosis and dyspnoea; worse, sitting up. Patient puts hands on heart. Cough, with valvular disease. Exercise causes pain around heart. Tickling, DRY COUGH. Dyspnoea. Constriction of chest. Cough, with copious, jelly-like, or bloody expectoration. Small and feeble pulse. Threatening paralysis of lungs. GASPING FOR BREATH; clutches at heart. Heart Mitral regurgitation. Clutching at heart and palpitation. Cyanosis neanotorum. Sleep Spells of deep sleep, with snoring and stertorous breathing. Extremities Toe and finger nails become knotty. Skin blue. Sprained pains in hips, thighs and heels. Cold, clammy feet and legs. Clubbing of fingers. Veins of hands distended.

Magnesia phosphorica mag-p (Phosphate of Magnesia)

Stomach Hiccough, with retching day and night. Thirst for very cold drinks. Abdomen ENTERALGIA, relieved by pressure. FLATULENT COLIC, FORCING PATIENT TO BEND DOUBLE; RELIEVED BY RUBBING, WARMTH, PRESSURE; ACCOMPANIED VRITH BELCHING OF GAS, WHICH GIVES NO RELIEF. BLOATED, FULL SENSATION IN ABDOMEN; MUST LOOSEN CLOTHING, WALK ABOUT, AND CONSTANTLY PASS FLATUS. Constipation in rheumatic subjects due to flatulence and indigestion. Female MENSTRUAL COLIC. MEMBRANOUS DYSMENORRHEA. Menses too early, dark, stringy. Swelling of external parts. Ovarian neuralgia. Vaginismus. Respiratory Asthmatic oppression of chest. Dry, tickling cough. SPASMODIC COUGH, with difficulty in lying down. WHOOPING-COUGH. (CORALL.) Voice hoarse, larynx sore and raw. Intercostal neurlagia. Heart ANGINA PECTORIS. Nervous spasmodic palpitation. Constricting pains around heart. Fever CHILLINESS after dinner, in evening. CHILLS RUN UP AND DOWN THE BACK, WITH SHIVERING, followed by a suffocating sensation.

Crotalus Horridus crot-h (Rattlesnake)

Stomach Intolerance of clothing around stomach. Unable to retain anything; violent vomiting of food; bilious vomiting, vomiting of blood. Constant nausea and vomiting every month, after menstruation. Cannot lie on right side, without vomiting dark-green matter. Black or coffee-grounds vomiting. Cancer of stomach with vomiting of bloody, slimy mucus. Trembling, fluttering feeling below the epigastrium. Intolerance of clothing about epigastrium. Faintness and sinking at stomach. Ulceration of the stomach. Atonic dyspepsia. Gastritis in chronic alcoholism. Hungry, craves stimulants, sugar; averse to meat. Abdomen Distended, hot, and tender. Pain in region of liver. Stool Black, thin, offensive, like coffee-grounds. Intestinal haemorrhage; blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable. Blood oozes from rectum when standing or walking. Female Prolonged menses. Dysmenorrhea; pain extends down thighs, with aching in region of heart. Uterine haemorrhage, with faintness at stomach. Cannot keep legs still. Urinary Dark, bloody urine. Casts. Inflamed kidney. Albuminous, dark, scanty. (MERC. COR.) Heart Action feeble, pulse tremulous. Palpitation, especially at menstrual period. Trembling feeling of heart. Respiratory Cough, with bloody expectoration. Tickling from a dry spot in larynx. Extremities Hands tremble, swollen. Lower extremities go to sleep easily. RIGHT-SIDED PARALYSIS. Fever Malignant fevers of a HEMORRHAGIC OR PUTRESCENT CHARACTER. Low bilious remittents. Yellow fever. Bloody sweat. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. (CICUTA; CUP. ACET.) Cold sweats. Skin Swelling and discoloration, skin tense and shows every tint of color, with excruciating pain. Vesication. SALLOW. Yellow color of the whole body. Great sensitiveness of skin of RIGHT HALF of body. PURPURA HAEMORRHAGICA. Haemorrhage from every part of body. Bloody sweat. Chilblains, felons. Dissecting wounds. Pustular eruptions. Insect stings. Post-vaccination eruptions. Bad effects of vaccination. Lymphangitis and septicaemia. Boils, carbuncles, and eruptions are surrounded by purplish, mottled skin and oedema. Anthrax. Sore sensation relieved by pressure. Sleep Dreams of the dead. Starting in sleep. Yawning. Smothering sensation when awaking. Modalities WORSE, right side; open air; evening and morning; in spring, coming on of warm weather; yearly; on awaking; damp and wet; JAR.

Ferrum phosphoricum ferr-p

Stomach Aversion to meat and milk. Desire for stimulants. VOMITING OF UNDIGESTED FOOD. Vomiting of bright red blood. SOUR ERUCTATIONS. Abdomen First stage of peritonitis. Haemorrhoids. Stools watery, bloody, undigested. First stage of dysentery, with much blood in discharges. Urinary Urine spurts with every cough. Incontinence. Irritation at neck of bladder. Polyuria. DIURNAL ENURESIS. Female Menses every three weeks, with bearing-down sensation and pain on top of head. Vaginismus. Vagina dry and hot. Respiratory FIRST STAGE OF ALL INFLAMMATORY AFFECTIONS. Congestions of lungs. Haemoptysis. Short, painful tickling cough Croup. Hard, dry cough, with sore chest. Hoarseness. EXPECTORATION OF PURE BLOOD IN PNEUMONIA. (MILLEFOL.) Cough better at night. Heart Palpitation; pulse rapid. First stage of cardiac diseases. SHORT, QUICK, SOFT PULSE. Extremities Stiff heck. Articular rheumatism. Crick in back. Rheumatic pain in shoulder; pains extend to chest and wrist. Whitlow. Palms hot. Hands swollen and painful. Sleep Restless and sleepless. Anxious dreams. Night sweats of anaemia. Fever Chill daily at 1 p.m. All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; first stage. Modalities WORSE, at night aiw1 4 to 6 a. m., touch, jar, motion, right side. BETTER, cold applications.

Thuja occidentals thuj (Arbor vitas)

Stomach Complete loss of appetite. Dislike for fresh meat and potatoes. Rancid eructations after fat food. Cutting pain in epigastrium. Cannot eat onions. Flatulence; pain after food; sinking sensation in epigastrium before food; thirst. Tea-drinking dyspepsia. Abdomen Distended; indurations in abdomen. Chronic diarrhoea, worse after breakfast. Discharges forcibly expelled; gurgling sound. Brown spots. FLATULENCE AND DISTENTION; PROTRUDING HERE AND THERE. Rumbling and colic. Constipation, with violent rectal pain, causing stool to recede. (SIL.; Sanic) Piles swollen; pain worse sitting, with stitching, burning pains at the anus. Anus fissured; painful to touch, with warts. MOVEMENTS AS OF SOMETHING LIVING (CROCUS), without pain. Urinary Urethra swollen, inflamed. Urinary stream split and small. Sensation of trickling after urinating. Severe cutting AFTER. (SARS.) Frequent micturition accompanying pains. Desire sudden and urgent, but cannot be controlled. Paralysis sphincter vesicae. Male Inflammation of prepuce and glans; pain in penis. Balanitis. GONORRHEAL RHEUMATISM. GONORRHOEA. Chronic in-duration of testicles. Pain and burning felt near neck of bladder, with frequent and urgent desire to urinate. Prostatic enlargement. (FERR. PIC; THIOSINAMINUM; IOD.; SABAL.) Female Vagina VERY SENSITIVE. (BERB.; KREOS.; LYSSIN.) Warty excrescences on vulva and perineum. Profuse leucorrhoea; thick, greenish. Severe pain in left ovary and left inguinal region. Menses scanty, retarded. POLYPI; fleshy excrescences. Ovaritis; worse left side, at every menstrual period. (LACH.) Profuse perspiration before menses. Respiratory Dry, hacking cough in afternoon, with pain in pit of stomach. Stitches in chest; worse, cold drinks. ASTHMA IN CHILDREN. (NAT. SULPH.) Papilloma of larynx. Chronic laryngitis.


Stomach Dry mouth, tongue burns, gums and teeth pain. THIRST; pain in stomach and flatulence. The SMELL OF FOOD CAUSES NAUSEA EVEN TO FAINTING, especially fish. Profuse salivary secretion. Vomiting of mucus, bile and food; worse, any motion; GREAT COLDNESS IN STOMACH. CRAVING FOR VARIOUS THINGS, but is averse to them when smelling them, seized then with nausea. Gouty gastralgia. Burning or ICY COLDNESS IN STOMACH and abdomen. Thirst for effervescent, alcoholic beverages. Pain in transverse colon. Abdomen DISTENTION of abdomen, with gas, inability to stretch out legs. Borborygmi. Pain over liver. Caecum and ascending colon much distended. Fullness and continuous rumbling. Ascites. Stool Painful, scanty, transparent, jelly-like mucus; pain, as if anus were torn open, with prolapse. Autumnal dysentery; stools contain WHITE SHREDDY PARTICLES in large quantities. Ineffectual pressing; feels faeces in rectum, but cannot expel them. Female Pruritus of genitals. Cold feeling in thigh after period. Sensation of swelling in vulva and clitoris. Urine Dark, scanty or suppressed; bloody, brown, black, inky; contains clots of putrid decomposed blood, albumin, sugar.

Elaps Corallines elaps (Coral-snake)

Stomach FEELS COLD. Sensation as if food turned like a corkscrew on swallowing; desire for sweetened buttermilk. Acidity after every mouthful. Female Dysmenorrhoea, with black blood. Discharge of black blood between menses. Itching of vulva and vagina. Sleep Dreams about dead persons. Skin Glands and skin of axillae affected; itching with tetter. Tips of fingers peel off. Itching eruption in axillae. Extremities Icy cold feet. Vesicular eruptions on feet. Arms and hands swollen bluish. Knee-joints feel sprained. Pricking under the nails. Fever Cold perspiration all over. Typhoid when ulcers have eaten into tissues, and black blood is discharged. Modalities WORSE eating fruit; cold drinks; WET WEATHER.

Rumex crispus rumx (Yellow Dock)

Stool Brown, watery, diarrhoea EARLY IN MORNING, with cough, driving him out of bed. Valuable in advanced phthisis. (SENEG.; PULS.; LYCOP.; ARS.) Itching of anus, with sensation as of a stick in rectum. Piles. Skin Intense itching of skin, especially of LOWER EXTREMITIES; WORSE, EXPOSURE TO COLD AIR WHEN UNDRESSING. Urticaria; contagious prurigo. Modalities Worse, in evening, from inhaling cold air; left chest; uncovering.

Sambucus nigra

Suffocative attacks of asthma after fright Mental symptoms during perspiration (confusion, restlessness, starting, unconsciousness, anxiety) Fear and anxiety during suffocative attacks Asthma in children

Arsenicum iodatum

Sutherland: "I have found it useful in certain types of colds that begin with a great deal of burning in the post-nasal space, which is suggestive of the arsenic element, but unlike arsenic these people are always better in cool air. Also in patients following what we used to call grippe, and which now is spoken of as virus, where there is a good deal of weakness following the acute stage with an inability to sleep and intense intestinal disturbance, essentially flatulence."


Sympathetic, compassionate, feels acutely the pain of others. Passionate and longing patients who over-extend themselves on many levels. Kids Dont like to be reprimended by Parents so they do everything to please them Lack of self-confidence; wants to please everybody; Craving for affection. Fastidious;naturally a perfectionist, wants to please others. As a child, very nice/obedient/considerate/responsible/duty-bound. Constructive, not destructive. Children are never naughty. A small percent might be bully, can go and ruin mom's dress Easliy offended fastidious Easily offended; Cannot tolerate reprimand, w tendency towards destructive outbursts. History of suppression and guilty feelings. Silent grief. Sad but cannot weep. Needs lots of affection or else they feel they have done something wrong. Loves the excitement of thunderstorms (like Calc S) Timidity; obstinancy Horrible things/sad stories affect them profoundly Difficult concentration; mental retardation Anxiety and anticipatory worries.


Symptoms changing from one side to the other and back again. Shining, glazed appearance of diphtheritic deposit, chancres and ulcers. Vertigo, as if floating in air and about to faint Sore throats and cough are apt to begin and end with menstruation Low BP Low self confidence

Helleborus Niger

Tendency for internal bleeding. Rolling of head from side to side; furrows; chewing motion of mouth; moves lips without speaking; bores head in pillow; vacant stare; brain cry Urine is dark red, almost black, scanty, coffee ground sediment (apis, lachesis, benzoic acid )

Latrodectus mactans lat-m (Spider)

The bite produces tetanic effects that last several days. A picture of ANGINA PECTORIS is presented by the action of the drug. The precordial region seems to be the center of attack. Constriction of chest muscles, with radiation to shoulders and back. Lowered coagulability. Head Anxiety. Screams with pain. Pain in neck to back of head. Occipital pain. Respiratory Extreme apnoea. Gasping respiration. Fears losing breath. Chest Violent, precordial pain extending to the axillae and down the arm and forearm to fingers, with numbness of the extremity. Pulse feeble and rapid. Sinking sensation at the Cramping pain from chest to abdomen. Extremities Pain in left arm, feels paralyzed. Weakness of legs followed by cramps in the abdominal muscles. Paresthesia of lower limbs. Skin Coldness of whole surface. Skin cold as marble.

Coccus Cacti coc-c (Cochineal)

The clinical application of the symptoms of this remedy, place it among the medicines for spasmodic and whooping coughs, and catarrhal conditions of the bladder; spasmodic pains in kidneys, with visceral tenesmus. Anuria, anasarca., ascites. Mind Early morning or afternoon sadness. Head Suboccipital soreness; worse after sleep and exertion. Headache, worse from lying on back, better with the head high. Dull pain over right eye in morning. SENSATION OF A FOREIGN BODY BETWEEN UPPER LID AND EYEBALL. Distress from cinders lodged in eye. Respiratory Constant hawking from enlarged uvula; coryza, with inflamed fauces; ACCUMULATION OF THICK VISCID MUCUS, which is expectorated with great difficulty. TICKLING IN LARYNX. Sensation of a crumb behind larynx, must swallow continually; brushing teeth causes cough. Fauces very sensitive. Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles. Spasmodic morning cough. WHOOPING COUGH ATTACKS END WITH VOMITING OF THIS TOUGH MUCUS. Chronic bronchitis complicated with gravel; large quantities of albuminous, tenacious mucus, are expectorated. Walking against wind takes breath away. Heart Sensation as if everything were pressed toward the heart. Urinary Urging to urinate; BRICK-RED SEDIMENT. URINARY CALCULI, HEMATURIA, URATES, and uric acid; lancinating pains from kidney to bladder. Deep-colored, thick urine. Dysuria. Female Menses too early, profuse, BLACK and thick; DARK CLOTE, with dysuria. Intermittent menstruation; flow only in evening and at night. LARGE CLOTS escape when passing water. LAUA inflamed. Modalities WORSE, left side, after sleep, touch, pressure of clothing, brushing teeth, slightest exertion. BETTER, walking.

Phosphoricum acidum ph-ac (Phosphoric Acid)

The common acid "debility" is very marked in this remedy, producing a nervous exhaustion. MENTAL DEBILITY first; later physical. A congenial soil for the action of Phos. acid is found in young people who grow rapidly, and who are overtaxed, mentally or physically. Whenever the system has been exposed to the ravages of acute disease, excesses, grief, loss of vital fluids, we obtain conditions calling for it. Pyrosis, flatulence, diarrhoea, diabetes, rhachitis and periosteal inflammation. Neurosis in stump, after amputation. Haemorrhages in typhoid. Useful in relieving pain of cancer. Mind Listless. Impaired memory. (ANAC.) APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT. Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word. Difficult comprehension. Effects of grief and mental shock. Delirium, with great stupefaction. Settled despair. Head Heavy; CONFUSED. Pain as if temples were crushed together. Worse, SHAKING or NOISE. CRUSHING HEADACHE. PRESSURE ON TOP. Hair gray early in life; falls out. Dull headache after coition; from eye-strain. (NAT. M.) VERTIGO TOWARD EVENING, WHEN STANDING OR WALKING. Hair thins out, turns gray early. Eyes BLUE RINGS AROUND. Lids inflamed and cold. Pupils dilated. Glassy appearance. Averse to sunlight; sees colors as if a rainbow. Feel too large. Ambylopia in masturbators. Optic nerves seem torpid. PAIN AS IF EYEBALLS WERE FROCIBLY PRESSED TOGETHER AND INTO HEAD. Ears Roaring, with difficult hearing. Intolerant of noise. Nose Bleeding. Bores fingers into nose. ITCHING. Mouth Lips dry, cracked. Bleeding gums; retract from teeth. Tongue swollen, dry, with viscid, frothy mucus. Teeth feel cold. At night, bites tongue involuntarily. Face Pale, earthy; feeling of tension as from dried albumen. Sensation of coldness of one side of face. Stomach Craves juicy things. Sour risings. Nausea. SYMPTOMS FOLLOWING SOUR FOOD AND DRINK. Pressure as from a weight, with sleepiness after eating. (FEL. TAURI.) THIRST FOR COLD MILK. Abdomen Distention and fermentation in bowels. Enlarged spleen. (CEANOTH.) ACHING IN UMBILICAL REGION. Loud rumbling. Stool Diarrhoea, WHITE, watery, involuntary, PAINLESS, with much flatus; not specially exhausting. Diarrhoea in weakly, delicate rachitic children. Urine. Frequent, profuse, watery, MILKY. DIABETES. Micturition, preceded by anxiety and followed by burning. FREQUENT URINATION AT NIGHT. Phosphaturia.

Hepar Sulphur

The discharges are offfensive, smell like old, sour cheese. Splinter-like pains (Nit-Ac) in the throat, knees, gall bladder, etc. Extremely SENSITIVE TO COLD AIR OR THE SLIGHTEST DRAFT (Ars. Alb) Worse from least uncovering; must be wrapped up, even to the face Croupy, choking, strangling cough when any part of body is uncovered. Skin very sensitive to touch, even clothing aggravates. Boils, acne(calc s)

Magnesia phosphorica mag-p (Phosphate of Magnesia)

The great anti-spasmodic remedy. Cramping of muscles with radiating pains. Neuralgic pains RELIEVED BY WARVTH. Especially suited to tired, languid, exhausted subjects Indisposition for mental exertion. Goitre. Mind Laments all the time about the pain. Inability to think clearly. Sleepless on account of indigestion. Head Vertigo on moving, falls forward on closing eyes, better walking in open air. Aches after mental labor, with chilliness; always better warmth. (SIL.) Sensation as if contents were liquid, as if parts of brain were changing places, as of a cap on head. Eyes Supraorbital pains; worse, right side; relieved by warmth applied externally. Increased lachrymation. Twitching of lids. Nystagmus, strabismus, ptosis. Eyes hot, tired, vision blurred, colored lights before eyes. Ears SEVERE NEURALGIC PAIN; worse behind right ear; worse, by going into cold air, and WASHING FACE AND NECK WITH COLD WATER. Mouth TOOTHACHE; BETTER BY HEAT AND HOT LIQUIDS. Ulceration of teeth, with swelling of glands of face, throat and neck, AND SWELLING of tongue. COMPLAINTS OF TEETHING CHILDREN. Spasms without febrile symptoms. Throat. Soreness and stiffness, especially right side; parts seem puffy, WITH CHILLINESS, and aching all over.

Symphytum symph (Comfrey-Knitbone)

The root contains a crystalline solid, that stimulates the growth of epithelium on ulcerated surfaces. It may be administered internally in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Also in gastralgia, and externally in pruritus ani. Injuries to sinews, tendons and the periosteum. Acts on joints generally. Neuralgia of knee. Of great use in wounds penetrating to perineum and bones, AND IN NON-UNION OF FRACTURES; irritable stump after amputation, irritable bone at point of fracture. Psoas abscess. PRICKING POIN and soreness of periosteum. Head Pain in occiput, top and forehead; changing places. Pain comes down bone of nose. Inflammation of inferior maxillury bone, hard, red, swelling. Eye. PAIN IN EYE AFTER A BLOW OF AN OBTUSE BODY. For traumatic injuries of the eyes no remedy equals this.

Tabacum tab (Tobacco)

The symptomatology of Tabacum is exceedingly well marked. The nausea, giddiness, death-like pallor, vomiting, icy coldness, and sweat, with the intermittent pulse, are all most characteristic. Has marked antiseptic qualities, antidotal to cholera germs. Complete prostration of the entire muscular system. Collapse. Gastralgia, enteralgia,SEASICKNESS, cholera infantum; cold, but WANTS ABDOMEN UNCOVERED. Vigorous peristaltic activity, diarrhoea. Produces high tension and arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Should prove the most homeopathic drug for angina pectoris, with coronaritis and high tension (Cartier). Constriction of throat, chest, bladder, rectum. Pallor, breathlessness, hard-cordlike pulse. Mind Sensation of excessive wretchedness. VERY DESPONDENT. Forgetful. Discontented. Head Vertigo ON OPENING EYES; sick headache, with deathly nausea; periodical. Tight feeling as from a band. Sudden pain, as if struck by a hammer. Nervous deafness. Secretion from eyes, nose and mouth increased. Eyes Dim sight; sees as through a veil; strabismus. Amaurosis; muscae volitantes. Central scotoma. Rapid blindness without lesion, followed by venous hyperaemia and atrophy of optic nerve. Face Pale, blue, pinched, sunken, collapsed, covered with cold sweat. (ARS.; VERAT.) Freckles. Throat Nasopharyngitis and tracheitis, HEMMING, morning cough, sometimes with vomiting. Hoarseness of public speakers. Stomach Incessant nausea; worse, smell of tobacco smoke (PHOS.); vomiting on least motion, sometimes of fecal matter. DURING PREGNANCY WITH MUCH SPITTING. SEASICKNESS; TERRIBLE FAINT, SINKING FEELING AT PIT OF STOMACH. Sense of relaxation of stomach, with nausea. (IPEC) Gastralgia; pain from cardiac end extending to left arm.

Gambogia gambuhijuj GARCINIA MORELLA (Gummi Gutti)

The use of this drug in Homeopathy has been confined to its action on the alimentary tract. It produces a diarrhoea VERY similar to Croton. From its pathogenesis, it is very evident that it has very intense and definite action especially on the gastro-enteric tract. Head Heavy, with inertia, and drowsiness. Itching and burning in eyes; lids stick together, with SNEEZING. Castro enteric Symptoms. Feeling of coldness at edge of teeth. Great irritability of the stomach; burning, smarting, and dryness of the tongue and throat. Pain in the stomach after food. Tenderness in epigastrium. Pain and distention of abdomen from flatulence, after stool. RUMBLING AND ROLLING. Dysentery, with retained scybala, with pain in sacral region. Diarrhoea, with SUDDEN AND FORCIBLE EJECTION OF bilious stools. TENESMUS AFTER, WITH BURNING AT ANUS. Ileo-caecal region sensitive to pressure. Profuse, watery diarrhoea in hot weather, particularly old people. Pain in coccyx. Modalities Worse, towards evening and at night.


These are women which are reserved with a sexually passionate nature. They have strong sexual desire. They have sex, but get no real satisfaction from it. There is no end/conclusion to their desire Closed person; not communicative/social Lascivious, nymphomaniac - but they may look like Nat-mur because of their reservation. Their character/reservation prevents them from reaching this state. Feeling of being forsaken (puls., mag phos) because they cannot communicate very well. Emotionally loaded individual that cannot express them in normal life, so it takes place at night/during sleep. Crying during sleep. Don't like to talk but they talk in their sleep. Once they get very angry, they explode and sob. Tired: looks for bed and solitude (Nat-m.) Confused mind (intoxicated/sluggish/foggy); reluctant to do any mental work. Memory, concentration, and interests in any mental profession drop off early.

Caulophyllum (Blue Cohosh)

This is a woman's remedy. Want of tonicity of the womb. During labor, when the pains we deficient and the patient is exhausted and fretful. Besides, it has a special affinity for the smaller joints. THRUSH, locally and internally. Stomach CARDIALGUX, SPASMS OF STOMACH. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptoms. Female Extraordinary rigidity of os. (BELL.; GELS.; VER. V.) Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress: false pains. Revives labor pains and furthers progress of labor. After pains. Leucorrhoea, with moth-spots on forehead. Habitual abortion from uterine debility. (HELON.; PULS.; SAB.) Needle-like pains in cervix. Dysmenorrhoea, with pains flying to other parts of body. Lochia protracted; great atony. Menses and leucorrhoea profuse. Skin - Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorder. Extremities Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles, etc. Aching in wrists. Cutting pains on closing hands. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes.


This remedy is mostly used in cases of hay fever Upper respiratory tract is effected Spasmodic and violent (repetitive) sneezing with excessive lachrymation (runny nose) Worms in intestines, esp in children with convulsions Sensation of worm moving in the pharynx Strong nails Sensation of lump/mucus in the throat (bundle of hair versus 1 hair like Kali-bic, Silica) - must swallow or hock it up Periodicity like in malaria

Pyrogenium pyrog (Artificial Sepsin)

This remedy was introduced by English Homeopathists, prepared from decomposed lean beef allowed to stand in the sun for two weeks and then potentized. The provings and most of the clinical experience have been obtained from this preparation. But, subsequently, Dr. Swan potentized some septic pus, which preparation has also been proved and clinically applied. There does not seem to be any marked difference in their effects. Pyrogen is the great remedy for SEPTIC STATES, with intense restlessness. "In septic fevers, especially puerperal, Pyrogen has demonstrated its great value as a homeopathic dynamic antiseptic." (H. C. Allen.) Hectic, typhoid, typhus, ptomaine poisoning, diphtheria, dissecting wounds, sewer-gas poisoning, chronic malaria, after-effects of miscarriage, all these conditions at times may present symptoms calling for this unique medicine. ALL DISCHARGES ARE HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE-menstrual, lochial, diarrhoea, vomit, sweat, breath, etc. Great pain and violent burning in abscesses. Chronic complaints that date back to septic conditions. Threatening heart failure in zymotic and septic fevers. Influenza, typhoid symptoms. Mind Full of anxiety and insane notions. Loquacious. Thinks he is very wealthy. RESTLESS. Feels if crowded with arms and legs. Cannot tell whether dreaming while awake or asleep. Head Painless throbbing. Fan-like motion of alae nasi. (LYC; PHOS.) Bursting headache with restlessness. Mouth Tongue red and DRY, clean, cracked, smooth, as though varnished. Throat dry, articulation difficult. Nausea and vomiting. Taste terribly fetid. Breath horrible. Stomach Coffee-grounds vomiting. Vomits water, when it becomes warm in stomach.

Natrum Sulphuricum

Thoughts of suicide (by shooting), but will not go through with it because he does not want to cause grief to his relatives. Mental/emotional changes/effects after injuries to head or spine. Photophobia

Mercurius iodatus flavus merc-i-f (Proto-iodide of Mercury)

Throat affections, with greatly swollen glands and characteristic coating of tongue. Worse, right side. Chancre; induration remains long time. Swollen inguinal glands, large and hard. MAMMARY TUMORS, with tendency to much warm perspiration and gastric disturbances. Tongue COATED THICKLY; YELLOW AT THE BASE. Tip and edges may be red and take imprint of teeth. Throat. Lacunar tonsillitis. When only the superficial part of the tonsil is involved. Cheesy exudates with offensive breath. Swelling begins on right side. Small ulcers on posterior pharynx. Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; WORSE ON RIGHT TONSIL; much tenacious mucus. Sensation of a lump. CONSTANT INCLINATION TO SWALLOW.

Iris versicolor iris (Blue Flag)

Thyroid, PANCREAS, salivary, intestinal glands, and gastrointestinal mucous membrane, are especially affected. Increases the flow of bile. Sick headaches and cholera morbus are a special therapeutic field for its action. Head Frontal headache, with nausea. Scalp feels constricted. Right temples especially affected. Sick headache, worse rest; begins with a blur before eyes, after relaxing from a mental strain. Pustular eruption on scalp. Ears Roaring, buzzing, RINGING in ears, with deafness. Aural vertigo, with intense noises in ears. Face Neuralgia after breakfast, beginning in infra-orbital nerve, and involving whole face. Throat. Mouth and tongue feel scalded. Heat and smarting in throat. BURNING. Profuse flow of saliva; ropy. GOITRE. Stomach BURNING OF WHOLE ALIMENTARY CANAL. VOMITING, sour, bloody, biliary. Nausea. Profuse flow of saliva. (MERC; IPEC; KALI IOD.) DEFICIENT APPETITE.

Agaricus Muscarius

Tremendous ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH; specifically fear of cancer. Have morbid thoughts (places look like graves, etc.) Weak-willed and dependent mostly on their own doctor. Like helping people who have cancer.


Tremendous hemorrhages (almost constant) from uterus with black clots which cannot be stopped Miscarriages, esp in the 3rd month Pain in lower back (sacrum) etending to their pubis and thighs. If they specify this pain, think of Sabina.

Agaricus Muscarius

Twitching, spasms, convulsions, Chorea Pains exhibited diagonally (right shoulder, left hip) Motions are exaggreated. Awkwardness, stumbling, ataxia, easily drops things, coldness in spots. Double vision, blurred, oscillating eyeballs.

Aurum Metallicum

Undescended testicles in young boys. Moaning in sleep


Uneasy, restless, distressed, and dissatisfied

Syphilinum syph (The Syphilitic Virus - A Nosode)

Utter prostration and debility in the morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism. Ichthyosis. Syphilitic affections. Pains from darkness to daylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism. ULCERATION OF mouth, nose, genitals, skin. SUCCESSION OF ABSCESSES. Mind Loss of memory; remembers everything previous to his illness. Apathetic; FEELS AS IF GOING INSANE OR BEING PARALYZED. FEARS THE NIGHT, and the suffering from exhaustion on awakening. Hopeless; DESPAIRS OF RECOVERY. Head Linear pains from temple across, or from eyes backward; cause sleeplessness and delirium at night. FALLING OF THE HAIR. Pain in bones of head. Top of head feels as if coming off. Stupefying cephalalgia. Eyes CHRONIC, RECURRENT, PHLYCTENULAR INFLAMMATION OF CORNEA; successive crops of phyetenules and abrasions of epithelial layer of cornea; photophobia intense, laehrymation profuse. Lids swollen; PAIN INTENSE AT NIGHT; ptosis. Tubercular iritis. Diplopia; one image seen below the other. Feeling of cold air blowing on eye. (FLUOR. AC) Ears Caries of ossicles in ear of syphilitic origin. Nose Caries of nasal bones, hard palate and septum, with perforation; ozena. Mouth Teeth decay at gum; edges serrated, dwarfed. Tongue coated, teeth-indented; deep longitudinal cracks. Ulcers smart and burn. EXCESSIVE FLOW OF SALIVA; IT RUNS OUT OF MOUTH WHEN SLEEPING.

Cocculus Indicus

VERTIGO < MOTION OF EYES, similar to looking out of the car to the side, while driving. (Slowness of reaction to receive signals) Disturbances of the sensorium and cerebro-spinal axis producing PARALYTIC MUSCLES Ailments from LOSS OF SLEEP - state of anxiety and slowness to adapt to external impressions NAUSEA/VOMITING from riding in car, boat, or train Nausea from thought or smell of food or motion Sensation of HOLLOWNESS or EMPTINESS in head, chest, and abdomen WEAKNESS of MUSCLES leading to painless PARALYSIS (slow developing MS) Weakness of neck muscles with heaviness of head Weakness worse from rising from bed, riding in a car, during menses Paralytic stiffness of joints


VIOLENT, IMPATIENT TEMPER, compelled to do reckless things, desire to throw child out window. RUDE, ABUSIVE, BITES AND STRIKES Authoritative, hard on subordinates When they see suffering of others, they are paralyzed (Causticum - injustice, Phosphorous - suffering) Anxiety on anticipation - don't want to be late for appt. Rapid speech Feelings of being TORMENTED, esp by someone on whom he depends Claustrophobia, Agoraphobia (can't go out of house, feel like they are being choked)

Hepar Sulphur

VULNERABILITY, fears suffering; suffers tremendously. OVERSENSITIVITY TO PAIN(camphor, chamomile and coffea); fears bees, insects that bite, needles, injections, etc. - Will panic and flee Feels psychological attacks as a splinter-like pain The slightest inflammation or injury causes suppurations. Glands swell and suppurate. The slightest cause irritates him. Impulses to kill for slight offenses (Hyosc.) Wants to set things on fire. Very abusive, angry, rude when they feel their security is threatened.

Hamamelis virginica ham (Witch-hazel)

Venous congestion, haemorrhages, varicose veins, and haemorrhoids, with BRUISED SORENESS OF AFFECTED PARTS, seem to be the special sphere of this remedy. Acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation with consequent engorgement. Passive venous haemorrhages from any part. Great value in open, painful wounds, with weakness from loss of blood. After operations, supercedes the use of morphia (Helmuth). Head Wants "the respect due to me" shown. Feeling as of a bolt from temple to temple. Fullness, followed by epistaxis. Numbness over frontal bone. Eyes Painful weakness; SORE PAIN in eyes; bloodshot appearance; inflamed vessels greatly injected. Hastens absorption of intraocular haemorrhage. Eyes feel forced out. Nose Bleeding from nose profuse; flow passive, non coagulable, with tightness in bridge of nose. Bad odor from nose. Throat Mucous membrane distended and bluish; varicosis of throat. Stomach Tongue feels burnt. Thirst. Blisters on side. Haematemesis of black blood. Throbbing and pain in stomach. Stool Anus feels sore and raw. HEMORRHOIDS, BLEEDING PROFUSELY, VNTH SORENESS. Dysentery. Pulsation in rectum. Urine Hematuria, with increased desire.


Very sympathetic toward the suffering of others. Such that they cannot see an animal suffering, they will rush to it. Ailments from long lasting grief and sorrow. Sensitive but unexpressive. Strong sense of justice. Rebel against authority - socially conscious - become anarachists/fanatics. Difficult concentration. Not interested in/don't enjoy sex.

Mercurius Corrosivus

Violence, intense burning and rapid spread are the key symptoms (Cantharis) Ulcers with corroding discharges Severe conjunctivitis and Syphilitic Iritis (think of picture of red eye comparing Arg-Nitricum and Med) Feeling of constriction, BURNING INTERNALLY (mouth, rectum, neck of bladder) Excessive salivation, day and night (Merc is during night while sleeping) Discharges excoriate and cause burning Throat INTENSELY INFLAMED, burning with swollen gums which bleed easily Throat and glands are swollen with insatiable thirst Mucuous membranes in general become very inflamed Incessant and insistent TENESMUS of rectum and bladder (nervous system is very active) - treatment of bladder infection Urine HOT, BURNING, PASSED DROP BY DROP, scanty, suppressed, albuminous and bloody Continuous urging for stool and urine Hemorrhage from anus and urethra Stool with blood and mucus Urging after stool Nipples cracked and swollen


Vivid and excitable individuals Sudden flares of temper Destructive Desire to bite Vivid imagination, hallucinations, visions Talk in their sleep

Stannum Metallicum

WEAKNESS AND TOTAL EXHAUSTION (esp when talking) Deep and chronic weakness, shortness of breath from slightest exertion. Fatigue. Respiratory system is effected Sensation of emptiness (chest, stomach) WEAKNESS IN CHEST, worse from talking Severe asthmatic respiration w tremendous exhaustion Neuralgia of face, eyes, stomach and intestines - increasing and decreasing slowly. EYES - burning from weakness Pale face w sunken eyes Pains increase gradually and gradually subside Dry cough or viscid sputum, flying out of mouth. Sputum like white of egg or putrid; taste may be salty or sweetish. Prolapse of uterus Exhausting night sweats


Warm blooded and generally worse in heat Past history of cancer or family history of cancer or diabetes Lack of reaction; e.g. absence of fever Periodicity Illness develops at time of puberty Complexion is dark, earthy, dusty "café au lait" Bluish hue to sclera Dark/black moles, sometimes come on suddenly Twitches or frequent blinking of the eye Lump in throat, worse on empty swallowing, < at night or on waking, < heat and > cold. Clears throat before speaking. Burning pain in ascending colon "like fire" Constipation and inactivity of the colon Sex drive increased, too frequent or early masturbation. Sleeps in knee-chest position (Med). Insomnia. Sleepless from thoughts. Early waking at 4am.


Weakness and trembling (together) on all levels. Cowardice Fear of appearing in public, even in a small group. Ailments from anticipation, fright, excitement.

Bellis perennis Common Daisy (cancer miasm) Composita

• Bellis perennis (bell-p) • Common daisy • Cancer Miasm • When Arnica, Rhus Tox, Bryonia don't work • Mind: Cheerful; Cheerful and happy when it thunders and lightning; Despair with the pains; Dreams anger; Excitement; Irritability; Restlessness; Mind slowness; Thunderstorms loves to watch; Cheerful when watches thunder and lightning • Generalities: After forceps delivery-trauma to the baby; old gardeners; Contusions, trauma to the trunk of the body; trauma followed by lymph gland swelling; Speeds surgical recovery; Hematoma • Extremities: Can use in chronic rheumatism-not just acute; • Face: Acne • Abdomen: Soreness of abdominal wall in pregnancy • Female: Dysmenorrhea • Chest: Trauma to the breast followed by breast cancer • Extremities: Sprains with ecchymosis, stiffness and coldness

Asafoetida officinalis (Sycotic miasm; Syphilitic) Umbelliferae family Devil's Dung

• Hysteria; Histrionic (magnifies symptoms) • Fickle; Complaining • Egotism, self involved, reckless, addictive • Compulsive • Desires company and sympathy; Panic • Proving: "Very irritable and yet indifferent to everything; unsteady and fickle, cannot persevere in anything" • Very fixed and unable to make change • Discontent and quarrelsome • Final stages of confusion and dullness • Fears: Loss, disease, death, alone (Generalities) • Very sensitive to external impressions • Left sided • Pains press upwards • Extremely foul odors • Worse coition • Easy fainting • Worse suppressed discharges • Sycotic miasm; Syphilitic

Asafoetida officinalis (Sycotic miasm; Syphilitic) Umbelliferae family Devil's Dung

• Hysteria; Histrionic (magnifies symptoms) • Fickle; Complaining • Egotism, self involved, reckless, addictive • Compulsive • Desires company and sympathy; Panic • Proving: "Very irritable and yet indifferent to everything; unsteady and fickle, cannot persevere in anything" • Very fixed and unable to make change • Discontent and quarrelsome • Final stages of confusion and dullness • Fears: Loss, disease, death, alone • Very sensitive to external impressions • Left sided • Pains press upwards • Extremely foul odors • Worse coition • Easy fainting • Worse suppressed discharges • Sycotic miasm; Syphilitic • Numbness of Face • Sexuality/Nymphomania; Used as an aphrodisiac • Muscular and internal spasms • Reversed peristalsis; GE reflux; Empty Belching • Hysterical convulsions • Globus hystericus (hysterical inability to swallow) • Numbness of the face • Hysterical asthma • Lactation problems; Deficient milk • Skin ulcers • Bone inflammation • Iritis and Ulcerative Conditions of Eyes • Syphilitic remedy (Osteitis) Comparisons • Other Umbelliferae • Moschus • Ignatia • Argentum nitricum • China officinalis

Calc -F

• In their heads, they suffer from exostosis and also from hematomas that here, like everywhere else, tend to become hard as stone in time. Cataracts or gray spots in the edge of cornea in patients who tire easily and who are obsessed by money. • Ocular pain that improves by closing eyes and pressing tightly. • Calcareous deposits on tympanic membrane. • Sclerosis of the middle ear bones and also in petrous temporal with deafness, ringing and roaring. • Useful in chronic suppuration of the middle ear if Sil fails or doesn't work any more. • Bony growths in nose with copious, offensive, thick and yellow nasal catarrh, both front and post-nasal. • Ozena with thick, fetid, yellowish-green secretion, diseased nasal bones with putrid odor and exostosis. • Hard swelling of the cheek, jaw and under the jaw with or without toothache. • Small and hard cold sores in lips mouth and teeth • Tooth enamel is deficient. • Early tooth decay in children. • Teeth blacken and crumble. • Unnatural looseness of teeth. • Toothache due to scarcity of enamel. • Calc-f 200 CH, every 2 to 3 months is an excellent preventive of tooth decay. • There is great dryness of mouth and throat. • Neck glands are not too large, but indurated all the way to stony hardness. • Prickling, burning, suffocative sensation in throat worse at night and from cold drinks. • Symptoms improve with warm drinks. • Useful when Bar-c, Bar-m, or Agra have failed to cure large, hard tonsils. • Flatulence, especially in pregnancy, if symptoms worsen with rest and the patient is obsessed with money. • Paroxystic pain like bursting outwards in right hypocondrium under 11th rib. It awakens patient before midnight and worsens if patient lies on painful side. It can also worsen at around 8 AM. • Better lying on the painless side and doubling up, moving or walking.


• Injure himself, fears to be left alone lest he • Insanity(2): From failure in business; Climacteric during; Parturition after; Menses before; Pregnancy in • Loquacity(2); Changing quickly from one subject to another; About unimportant matters • Mania(2); From business failure(2); After disappearance of neuralgia(3); From suppressed menses • Menses, aggravated during(3); Ameliorated during • Mood changeable(2) • Mood repulsive, to take the medicine • Morose • Mutilate his body, inclination to • Play desire to • Refuses to take the medicine(2) • Restlessness(3): Climacteric during; Delivery after; Menses before(2); With rheumatic complaints • Sadness(3): Climacteric during(2); Parturition during(2); Menses before(2); Menses suppressed; Neuralgia suppressed after(3); Pregnancy during; With rheumatism; With suicidal disposition • Sensitive: Climacteric during; Pregnancy during, extreme; Pain to • Sighing(3); Grief with(3) • Stupefaction • Suicidal disposition(2): Menses during • Suspiciousness(2): Climacteric during • Suicidal disposition(2); Menses during • Travel desire to • Wander desire to • Weeping(2); Menses during

Asafoetida officinalis (Sycotic miasm; Syphilitic) Umbelliferae family Devil's Dung

• Numbness of Face • Sexuality/Nymphomania; Used as an aphrodisiac • Muscular and internal spasms • Reversed peristalsis; GE reflux; Empty Belching • Hysterical convulsions • Globus hystericus (hysterical inability to swallow) • Numbness of the face • Hysterical asthma • Lactation problems; Deficient milk • Skin ulcers • Bone inflammation • Iritis and Ulcerative Conditions of Eyes • Syphilitic remedy (Osteitis) • Other Umbelliferae • Moschus • Ignatia • Argentum nitricum • China officinalis

Arsenicum iodatum(Tubercular miasm)

• Restlessness • Iodatum lends hurry • ADD Warm Arsenicum • Glandular focus • Cancer • Thick yellow honey like discharge (Graph) • Tubercular miasm • Hay Fever; Acrid Watery Discharge • Asthma • Psoriasis, eczema • Goiter Arsenates Iodates Lachesis Medorrhinum Sulphur Tarentula hispanica

Calendula Officinalis Marigold (Acute Miasm)

• Used internally esp for wounds that do not heal; wounds don't progress beyond a certain point, raw and angry, pussy and won't heal; wounds that won't heal from surgery; stasis ulcers; • Mind: nervousness and anxiety; easily frightened and startles easily; Bulimia; Worse chilled; Unconsciousness in coma with flesh wounds or burns; startle easily; morose and peevish; irritability from noise; frightened easily; fear that something terrible will happen; anxiety • Heroic; Audacious; Authority-refusal to accept anothers; Dictatorial; Dignity; Injury, tendency to himself; Integrity concerned about his; Sensitive to pain; Doesn't want to be touched • Generalities: - worse damp weather - worse chilled - worse overcast damp days - Hemorrhage - Soothes wounds - Painlessness of complaints - Prevents pus • Stomach: Heartburn • Skin: Lacerated wounds; Suppurating wounds; Superficial burns and scalds; Ulcers; Bed sores; Prevents keloids


• Useful in varicose veins, even if severe, even if chronic, even if tending to ulcerate, if patients are obsessed with money. • Large varicose veins may be associated with uterine fibroids, have burning pains and feeling as if they could burst. • Useful in early aneurysms and tumors of blood vessels, and to restore vascular elasticity in arteriosclerosis. • It can remove some endocardial deposits and restore the integrity of the endocardium. • Effective on hemoptisis, probably because of its effect on the elasticity of the wall of blood vessels. • The skin tends to be a white as alabaster. • Useful in patients with skin as white as alabaster obsessed with money and better by motion who have striae, harsh and dry skin, chaps, fissures and fistulae. • It also helps to prevent stretch marks if used sporadically. • Hot; Hot Flushes • Exostoses • In surgery, Calc-f reduces the tendency to form adhesions. • Patients are better by warmth and warm drinks. Comparisons • Other Calcareas (Calc carb, Calc iodata, Calcarea nitrica and Calc phos) • Other Flouricums • Antimonium crudum • Sulphur

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