Chemistry Chapter 5 Review

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Arrange Li, O, C, K, Ne, and F in order of decreasing first ionization energies.

Ne, F, O, C, Li, K

Why do the halogens readily for 1-ions?

They achieve noble gas configuration

What type of elements make up the p-block?

metals/metaloids/non metals

What signs are associated with electron affinity values, and what is the significance of each sign?

+ (endothermic) - (exothermic)

What is the charge of Br and does it lose or gain electrons?

-1 gains 1

What is the charge of S and does it lose or gain electrons?

-2 gains 2

What is electronegativity?

An atoms ability to attract electrons from the other atoms in a bond. (in a compound)

Identify the period, block, group, group name, element name, element type, and relative reactivity based off [Ar]- 3d10, 4s2, 4p6

Kr, p-block, Group 18 or 8, Period 4, Noble Gases, non-metal, low reactivity

Are electrons more likely to be lost, or gained and how many in Group 1?

Lose 1

Are electrons more likely to be lost, or gained and how many in Group 2?

Lose 2

Where are valence electrons located?

They are located in an atom's outer most energy level.

Write the outer electron configuration for the element described: Group 3, fifth period

Y, 5s2, 4d1

Write the noble gas notation for Sc and indicate the period and group for it.

[Ar] - 4s2 3d1 - 4 period, Group 3

Explain the trend across a period.

atomic radius gets smaller because it is holding more tightly to the nucleus because it is adding electrons to the outer shell. ( increase in the nuclear charge makes nucleus tighter )

What trends can be observed across various periods within the main-group elements?

atomic radius: decreases, ionization energy: increases, electron affinity: increases, electronegativity: increases

Which elements are designated as alkaline- earth metals?

beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium (Group 2).

Distinguish the difference in a cation and anion.

cation: + (Na+) anion: - (F-)

How does the size of each compare with the size of the neutral atom from which is found?

cation: Ion < Parent Atom anion: Ion > Parent Atom

What colors are often associated with the following metal ions: copper, cadmium, cobalt, zinc, and nickel?

copper- blue cadium- yellow cobalt- pink zinc- white nickle- green

What trend is observed among the atomic radii of main-group elements across a period?

decreasing from left to right

What is electron affinity?

energy change that occurs when an electron is aquired by a neutral atom

Which elements are desiginated as the halogens?

fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine (Group 17 or 7).

Explain the trend down a group?

gains energy levels/shells as you go down

What contribution to the periodic table did Stanislao Cannizzaro have?

he created a method for accurately measuring the relative masses of atoms. This method enabled chemists to agree on standard values for atomic mass.

What contribution to the periodic table did Dmitri Mendeleev have?

he created a periodic table where the elements are increasing in atomic mass, and certain similarites in their chemical properties appeared at regular intervals.

What contribution to the periodic table did Henry Moseley have?

he discovered that the elements in the periodic table fit into patterns better when they were arranged in increasing order according to nuclear charge or number of protons in the nucleus. (arranged table in increasing order of atomic mass.)

What trend is observed among the atomic radii of main-group elements down a group?

increases as you go down

How do the first ionization energies of main-group elements vary across a period and down a group?

ionization increases across a period and decreases down a group

Why is Fluorine special in terms of electronegativity?

it is the most electronegative element and is assingned a value of 4.0.

Which elements make up the f-block in the periodic table?

lanthanide and actinide

Which elementd are designated as the alkali metals?

lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium (Group 1) .

What gems contain chromium impurities?

some colored diamonds and rubies

What determines the length of each period in the periodic table?

the number of electrons that can occupy the sublevels being filled in that period.

How do the characteristic properties of alkaline- earth metals compare with those of alkali metals?

they are harder, denser, stronger, and have higher melting points.

Why are the noble gases relatively unreactive?

they are stable octets (full outer shell).

What is the most significant property of these elements?

they are the least reactive

How do the electron configurations within the same group of elements compare?

they are the same.

What name is sometimes used to refer to the entire set of d-block elements?

transition elements

List four characteristic properties of alkali metals.

vigerously reactive with water, slivery appearence, soft enough to be cut with a knife, and stored under kerosine in a lab.

What is the charge of Rb and does it lose or gain electrons?

+1 loses 1

How many periods are in the periodic table?


Which of the following does not have a noble-gas configuration: Na+, Rb+, O2-, Br-, Ca+, Al3+, S2-?


The two ions K+ and Ca 2+ each have 18 electrons surrounding the nucleus. Which would you expect to have the smaller radius? Why?

Ca2+; because of the greater attraction than its 20 protons exert on 18 electrons.

Identify the period, block, group, group name, element name, element type, and relative reactivity based off [Xe]- 4f1, 5d1, 6s2

Ce, f-block, Period 6, Group between 3 and 4, metal, high reactivity

What colors are exhibited by chromium in its comon oxidation states?

Cr3+ : violet or green Cr6+ : orange or yellow

Why does this (each successive ionization energy is larger than the preeceeding one) occur?

Each successive electron must be removed from a particle with a greater positive charge.

How are the values of successive ionization energies compare?

Each successive ionization energy is larger than the preceeding one

What are valence electrons?

Electrons avaliable to be lost, gained, or shared in the formation of chemical compounds.

Without looking at the electron affinity table, arrange the following elements in order of decreasing electron affinities: C, O, Li, Na, Rb, and F.

F, O, C, Li, Na, Rb

What is meant by atomic mass?

1/2 of the distance between the center of identical atoms that are not bonded together. (nucleus to the center of an atom)

Which of the following cations is least likely to form: Sr2+ , Al3+ , K2+?


Are electrons more likely to be lost, or gained and how many in Group 18?


Which of the following anions is least likely to form: I-, Cl-, O2-?


Which element is the most electronegative among C, N, O, Br, and S? Which group does it belong to?

O; Group 16

How do the properties of the p-block metals compare with those of the metals in the s- and d-blocks?

The metals of p-block are generally harder and denser than s-block (alkaline- earth metals), but are softer and less dense than the d-block metals.

State the periodic law.

the law that states that the repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the atomic numbers of elements.

How is the periodic law demonstrated within the groups of the periodic law demonstrated within the groups of the perodic table?

when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, elementd with similar properties appear at regular intervals. (similar physical and chemical properties behave the same)

How many groups are in the periodic table?


Distinguish between the first, second, and third ionization energies of an atom.

1st- energy to remove the 1st electron 2nd- energy to remove electrons from 1 positive ion 3rd- energy to remove electrons from 2 positive ion

Are electrons more likely to be lost, or gained and how many in Group 17?

Gain 1

Are electrons more likely to be lost, or gained and how many in Group 16?

Gain 2

Of cesium (Cs), hafnium (Hf), and gold (Au, which element has the smallest atomic radius ? Explain your answer in terms of trends in the periodic table.

Gold- atomic radii decrease across a period and Au is the farthest to the right in the 6 period where all these elements are found.

Identify the least- electronegative group of elements in the periodic table.

Group 1

Identify the period, block, group, and indentity by using [Ne]- 3s1

Group 1, Period 3, s-block, Na

Identify the period, block, and group by using the electron configuration [Kr]- 4d10, 5s2, 5p2:

Group 14 (or 4), Period 5, p-block

Identify the most- electronegative group of elements in the periodic table.

Group 17

Identify the period, block, and group by using the electron configuration [Xe]- 4f14, 5d10, 6s2, 6p5:

Group 17 (or 7), Period 6, p- block

Which elements are designated as the noble gases?

Group 18 (8) : He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn

Identify the period, block, group, and indentity by using [Ar]-4s2

Group 2, Period 4, s-block, Ca

What are the main-group elements?

Groups 1,2,13,14,15,16,17 (7), 18 (8). (s and p blocks).

Are electrons more likely to be lost, or gained and how many in Group 13?

Lose 3

Write the noble gas notation for Br and indicate its period.

[Ar]-4s2, 3d10, 4p5 Period 4

Write the noble gas notation for Li and indicate its period.

[He]- 2s1 Period 2

Write the noble gas notation for Sn and indicate its period.

[Kr]- 5s2, 4d10, 5p2 Period 5

Which two blocks of the periodic table make up the main-group elements?

s and p blocks

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