Sociology Final Review

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A clock that runs 10 minutes slow has _____, but lacks ____ in measuring time.


A white applicant who was rejected by a prestigious university argues that she was not admitted because racial minorities were given special advantages in the application process. What term would be used to characterize her argument?


What is the biggest reason why an increasing proportion of those in poverty are women?

Single women are more likely to be raising small children than single men

The majority of the homeless population consists of:

Single young men of working age

Despite public perception of poverty and the poor, what is true about poverty is that:

The majority of poor are people who are working or who are unable to work due to illness, disability, or the need to care for children or other dependent family members

The "Browning of America" refers to what?

The percentage of Whites in the population will decrease from 72% today to about 50% by 2050

What is a characteristic of white privilege?

Whites may often benefit from it without even realizing it

Sarah is a college admissions officer who does not hold prejudicial attitudes about Hispanic people. She negatively evaluates a Hispanic applicant because she has "no cultural flavor" in her application. This shows that:

people who are not prejudiced can discriminate

Reasons why there is a problem with the over prescription of opioids include:

- Medical oversight rules require pain assessment and alleviation - Pharmaceutical companies market opioids to doctors and encourage their use

Which of the following sociologically define(s) a group?

- Members have something in common and share a sense of identity with one another - Members interact with one another

When it comes to policing in the United States, studies show that:

- Officers are more likely to use excessive force if they have had to chase subjects - Non-firearm related police brutality (i.e., beating) is not usually reported in police reports

When someone has been in a "total institution", especially for an extended period of time, they are most likely going to have to undergo _____ to learn the norms and values of mainstream once again.


Coined the term double consciousness to refer to the African American experience.

W.E.B. DuBois

According to Granovetter, your "weak ties" can be stronger than your "strong ties" because:

Weak ties define the extent of your social network and can provide you with many opportunities

Tammy is a single mother with three kids. She works full time at Burger King, making $10/hour. Tammy would be classified as:

Working poor

Which of the following is true concerning racial inequality in America?

- The number of white supremacist groups is increasing - Racial minorities are significantly more likely to drop out of school and are less likely than Whites to have wealth - Social approval of interracial marriage is increasing

Which condition/s must be met in order to establish causation between X and Y?

- There must be a correlation between X and Y - Time order must be established, such that one occurs before the other - All competing explanations for the relationship must be ruled out

Which of the following definitions describes theory?

A theory seeks to explain how parts of the world fit and work together

A/an is a culturally shared set of beliefs about how things should be or how the world works.


The invisible barriers that prevent qualified women from advancing in their jobs through pay raises and promotions are collectively referred to as the:

Glass ceiling

According to scientists, which of the following is true of skin color?

People in the Northern hemisphere tend to be light-skinned because this makes it easier for them to absorb the necessary sunlight with which to make vitamin D

________ is an ideology that privileges heterosexuality and assumes that any other sexual identity is "abnormal."


The money a person gets from a wage, salary, or investments is ______________; the assets an individual owns are ______________.


When we are small children, our family and those closest to us are the most important socializing influences. This is referred to as _____ socialization.


According to C. Wright Mills, personal troubles that affect a large number of individuals reflect _____ because they arise from social conditions.

Public issues

_____ are the things that people need and want in order to maintain or advance their social positions. They can be material things like food and money or non-material things like power and fame.

Social resources

________ laws once prohibited specific types of sexual behavior, but were struck down by the Supreme Court in 2003.


_____ describes the situation where the rewards associated with a social status do not seem to adequately reflect the social importance of that status. For example, preschool teachers play a very important role in nurturing children, but preschool teachers are paid very little.

Status inconsistency

Based on the research topic above, choose the best alternative hypothesis.

Using Snapchat filters affects teenagers' self esteem

Select the TRUE statement regarding gender inequality:

Worldwide, males have shorter life expectancies than females

What kind of theorist would be most likely to make the following statement? "Women's historic role as homemaker has benefitted men by freeing men from daily duties and allowing them to focus their energy on working for pay, amassing wealth, and gaining social prestige and power."


What is the human trafficking capital of the United States?


The median household income in Columbus, Ohio is $63,764 per year and the median rent is $889. Susan and Samantha make $52,180. They would be considered ________ poor in comparison to the population of Columbus.


If I wanted to study Americans as a group, I'd have to:

Select a sample that represents the population and generalize my results to the population

From a sociological perspective, ________ refers to the socially agreed upon biological differences between females and males, while ________ refers to the social meaning attached to being male or female.


Which of the following things is/are true of socialization?

Socialization is a life-long process

Which statement/s best describe/s sociology?

Sociology is the scientific study of society

_____ refers to the ranking of groups of people into a hierarchy, where some groups are valued more than others. _____ is the uneven distribution of social resources among groups of people in society.

Stratification / Inequality

The _____ perspective explains class stratification as the result of interactions that lead people identify with similar others and manifests in lifestyle behaviors specific to a certain group. But according to the _____ perspective, social stratification is the result of conflict between social groups over scarce resources, and the powerful maintain the system by controlling access to social resources.

Symbolic interaction / conflict

We tend to think that gender is a pre-existing status that affects the way we interact with one another. However, as West and Zimmerman argue, gender is also a product of social interactions and something that we actively "perform." This perspective on gender is aligned with:

Symbolic interactionist theory

Native Americans gained U.S. citizenship in 1924.


Which of the following statements about crime in the U.S. are true?

- The overall crime rate has decreased since 1980 - The U.S. accounts for the largest percentage of the world's incarcerated population

Which of the following is true about modern U.S. immigration?

- Most immigrants today are from Mexico or Asian countries - The US accepts fewer immigrants than most other wealthy countries in the world

Which of the following is likely to facilitate cultural change?

- The development of molecule-sized machines that can be injected into the body to clear away cancer cells - The spread of cholera in Puerto Rico after the 2017 hurricanes - A mass migration of Indians to the United States - People work together to achieve labeling of genetically modified foods

While watching Nat Geo, you see a story about a tribe of people in Papua, New Guinea. You are very disturbed by the fact that they honor their dead loved ones by roasting and eating their bodies, then decorating their bones to display in special places in their houses. A sociologist would say you experienced _____.

Culture shock

Hypothesis are defined as:

Educated and informed statements or expectation about the relationship between two or more variables

Who is known for establishing sociology as an academic discipline and for linking individual issues to social factors in his famous study, Suicide?

Emile Durkheim

________ is the dominant social perspective on gender inequality. It assumes that differences between female and male attributes and behaviour are due to biology.


It is natural for us to be somewhat _____, using our own culture as a basis of judging others, but to really understand why people do the things they do and to help reduce bias in social research, we need to practice _____, or understand other cultures on their own terms.

Ethnocentric / cultural relativism

Eating with the wrong fork at a fancy restaurant would be considered a violation of _____.


Translated Comte's work into English and wrote the first sociological methods book.

Harriet Martineau

The level of income inequality in the United States is:

Higher than that of all other advanced democracies and most totalitarian countries

In the United States, there has been a resurgence of prejudice and discrimination that revolves around the desire to protect the "indigenous" culture from "dangerous" outsiders. This referred to as:


Being a college student can introduce _____, as there are conflicting expectations to be responsible and studious, while at the same time to be carefree and fun.

Role strain

When it comes to social mobility, which of the below apply?

The majority of Americans will not experience significant upward mobility within their own lifetimes

People who are severely poor would be considered members of the ________________ class because they are generally not part of the workforce and live "beneath" the class system, unable to change their social position.


The primary reason/s that people immigrate to the U.S. is/are to:

- Find jobs, to escape political persecution in their native lands - Get free healthcare, education, and welfare

Some of the problems with the official definition of poverty (aka, the poverty threshold) are:

- It doesn't account for necessities such as healthcare, childcare, transportation, and cost of living differences - It doesn't change to account for inflation over time, thus is the same since the 1960s

Which of the following is generally true of race?

- It is a category that is externally imposed and involuntary - It is a way to place people into a hierarchy

Although most women are in the labor force and bring in at least 50% of the income for their households they are more likely than men to:

- Make significantly less money, even with comparable credentials - Be responsible for child care and household chores

Poverty is expensive if one adds up the "costs" of things like:

- The extra time that it takes to use laundromats and take public transportation; the hassle of having to navigate modern society without bank accounts and credit cards - The long term negative effects on children's well-being, associated with educational, physical, and cognitive deficiencies

When people were asked (in a survey) what the most important factors in getting ahead are, the top two answers they gave are:

Hard work and ambition

A society held together by mechanical solidarity is more likely than one held together by organic solidarity to:

Forgo due process and severely punish those who break the rules

According to the video we watched in class, how economically unequal do Americans think the USA is?

People perceive inequality in the USA as much less than it really is

The "iron triangle" of inequality refers to the:

Way that ideology, stereotypes, and discrimination work together to reinforce social inequality so that it continues to exist

Number the following steps of a standard deductive research model in the correct order from 1-5.

1 - Choose the topic you want to study and conduct preliminary research on it 2 - Review the literature in order to learn as much as possible about the topic you want to study 3 - Formulate hypothesis about the relationships between the variables of interest 4 - Choose a research method that you will use to gather data about a topic 5 - Analyze data that you gathered and draw conclusions from it

Juan is an American boy whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from Guatemala. He is 14, plays soccer, and delivers newspapers on the weekends. Which of Juan's statuses are ascribed?

14 year old, male, Latin-American

Who is the conflict theorist who disagreed with Marx that the economy is the driving social force of society and advocated Verstehen as a way to enhance the positivist approach to studying society?

Max Weber

One of the challenges faced by many colleges and universities is binge drinking on campus. Imagine you are tasked with developing solutions to this problem. Thinking sociologically, you suggest that it would be useful to understand the meaning placed on the parties where binge drinking happens, so solutions are based on a deeper understanding of the experience itself. Your approach relies on the methodology of:


_____ are norms that are strictly enforced by society because they represent the core values of a group of people. Many of these are even written into law so they can be formally enforced by the state.


Ethnicity differs from race in that it is:

More often self-defined and not necessarily exclusionary

People fear that immigrants take Americans' jobs, but this is not really true because:

Most jobs done by immigrants were never available to Americans anyway (such as high-skill IT jobs and low-skill agricultural jobs)

The _____ functions of public schooling include teaching kids basic math and language skills, but it also has _____ functions, such as teaching kids to obey authority and how to get along with others.


The material and non-material goods we need and want in society in order to maintain or advance our social positions (basic things like food and water to more complex things like power and respect) are called:

Social resources

_____ is one's position in society and is based on the gender, race, class, and other groups to which one belongs. _____ are the expectations, obligations, privileges, and behaviors associated with it.

Social status / Social roles

The amount of money that is actually required to finance a modest version of the "American Dream" is called the:

Dream line

According to the textbook, traditional attitudes toward sex currently exist alongside much more permissive attitudes, which developed widely and became openly public in the:


The notion that poverty is caused by a certain set of socially inherited attitudes, beliefs, and values is known as:

Culture of poverty

The idea that the material aspects of culture (such as technological advancement) change much more quickly than the non-material aspects of culture (such as willingness to incorporate that technology into everyday life) is called:

Cultural lag

Which situation best describes the "Second Shift?"

Mary works from 8 am-5 pm and when she gets home she cleans the house, makes dinner, and helps the kids with their baths and homework

The stories of "wild" children like Genie illustrate for us that:

People must have social interaction in order to develop cognitively, emotionally, physically, and socially

Harboring negative attitudes toward Mexicans is an example of ________, but refusing to rent an apartment to a qualified Mexican family is an example of ________.


Vanessa's________ is White, while her________ is American.


The socio-historical processes by which a society defines "race" is referred to as:


You hypothesize that eating a lot of junk food has a negative effect on the academic performance of college students. The data you collect in order to test this hypothesis indicates that students who eat more junk food have lower grades compared to students who eat less junk food. What must you do?

Reject the null hypothesis

The social sciences combine the empiricism of _____ and the critical nature of _____ in order to examine human behavior and the social world.

The natural sciences/the humanities

It is never possible to remove ALL bias from scientific research because:

Scientists only study what they want to study and therefore there will always be bias in the selection of topics that are considered scientifically important

_____ is the values, ideas, norms, language, behaviors, etc. that are passed down from one generation to the next. _____ is people who share these things as well as a common territory.

Culture / Society

Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as "reverse" racism because:

Racism is systemic oppression of a group of people and we have no social system in place that disadvantages Whites as a group

Wealth and income are both important determinants of social class. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between wealth and income in the United States?

The same factors that limit people's incomes also limit their ability to accumulate wealth

Craniometry and phrenology are examples of ________, which was widely used in the 1800s to justify the enslavement of Africans and to enforce racial and ethnic discrimination.

Racial Science

The development of Sociology was influenced by which of the following events?

The Enlightenment, which marked a period of scientific discovery of the physical and social worlds, and the Industrial Revolution which was a period of rapid economic development and social change

________ theorists would say that men do instrumental tasks and women do expressive tasks because this is what works best for society.


Theory plays an important role in research because:

It is both the beginning and end of the research process - we can test theories through research and also construct theories through research

Discriminatory laws implemented by slave-holding states to control the behaviours of southern Blacks after slavery was ended are called:

Jim Crow Laws

Going through basic training is a form of _____ socialization in which people prepare for future roles in the military.


Coined the term "survival of the fittest".

Herbert Spencer

Which two racial/ethnic groups experienced the most growth in the United States from 2000- 2010?

Asians/ Hispanics

________ refers to the idea that immigrants will adopt the characteristics of American culture and leave behind the features of their own culture.


Labeling people with tattoos as "criminals" in order to devalue and exert social control over them as individuals or as a group is an example of:


________ theorists would say that poverty is the result of the control of social resources by those with power and is detrimental to society because it excludes some groups of people from the benefits and privileges of citizenship.


Who is considered to be the founder of conflict theory because of his critical observations of the major social changes that accompanied the advent of a capitalist economic structure (ie, the working class are exploited by the capitalist class)?

Karl Marx

Which of the following is true in regard to public assistance (welfare) in the United States?

Most people who qualify as "poor" according to the federal definition are not receiving welfare benefits

When the goals society sets for us are not possible to achieve, people may act in a deviant way by rejecting those goals and/or the means by which society tells us to achieve those goals. This functionalist theory is known as:

Strain theory

The latent function of schooling teaches us the larger norms of our culture, such as how to obey authority, how to form and maintain friendships, and what is expected of us in regard to our social status. This is known as _____.

The Hidden Curriculum

According to Karl Marx, the working class in industrialized countries would remain poor and live near subsistence level. Marx was right about the persistence of poverty in industrialized countries, but he was wrong in thinking that:

The income of most of the population would remain extremely low

Which of the following best describes the ideas behind the Davis-Moore thesis?

The more important a position is to society, the more generously it is rewarded and unequal rewards encourage people to work hard and ensures that all of society's needs will be met

Abstinence-only programs are associated with:

Higher teen pregnancy rates and poor decisions regarding sexual behaviour

From a _____ perspective, the U.S. divorce rate is high because many of the traditional functions of family are now performed by others (schools, nursing homes, etc.) and therefore family ties have weakened. A _____ perspective attributes the high divorce rate to women gaining more social power compared to the past, making them less reliant on marriage for survival.


Which theoretical perspective view society as akin to a living organism, consisting of interrelated parts that each have their own different function but also work together to maintain society?


A key difference between functionalism and conflict theory is:

Functionalism emphasizes cooperation, while conflict theory emphasizes competition

Although it can be harmful, _____ would say that deviance can benefit society by providing social unity and helping to reinforce norms.


_____ refers to the extent to which research results are applicable to the population being studied.


Between the time of European colonization and 1900, millions of Native Americans were killed in the United States. This is an example of:


Reasoned that language allows us to become self-conscious beings - aware of our own individuality

George Herbert Mead

George's parents immigrated to the US from Mexico. They worked as cleaning staff in a country club while he was growing up. George was able to go to college and become a mechanical engineering technician, who currently works as a quality assurance manager in a manufacturing plant. Now his daughter is graduating from law school. This is an example of:

Inter-generational social mobility

________ people exhibit natural characteristics that are neither distinctly male nor distinctly female, while ________ people are those whose gender identity differs from that assigned to them at birth.

Intersexed / transgendered

A scientific study that begins with a theory and sets out to find evidence to support that theory is know as a/n _____ approach to research.


The Milgram Experiment illustrated that:

- Most people were willing to administer lethal shocks to those who failed to answer the questions incorrectly under the influence of an authority figure - Scientists sometimes have legitimate reasons to mislead their subjects in order to gain information

An example of researcher effects is when:

A research subject notices that the researcher gives a slight smile every time a certain set of answers is selected in a test. The subject makes an effort to select the answers that will elicit the researcher's apparent approval

________ poverty describes the point at which a household's income is below the necessary level needed for survival. ________ poverty describes poverty based on a percentage of the median income in an area.

Absolute / Relative

At first appears that murders increase as the number of churches in a location increase. However, numbers of both churches and murders actually affected by population density. This is an example of a _____ relationship. This is an example of a _____ relationship.


Thinking like a sociologist about the opioid epidemic would involve:

Examining the structural factors that contribute to the overuse of opioids

Although people make individual observations about society all the time, sociologists use The Scientific Method in order to:

Look at the social phenomena in a systematic way in order to ensure consistency and maximize objectivity

In the content of American society, _____ would be considered an in-group and _____ would be considered an out-group.

- Celebrities / regular people - Wealthy / poor

Which of the following applies to stereotypes?

- They are very powerful assumptions about who someone is based on their group membership - They help to make inequality seem natural and to persist even when we have abundant evidence that contradicts them

Which of the following groups are most likely to live in poverty?

Women, children, foreign born, rural residents

The fear and hatred of foreign people is called:


Role exits occur under what circumstances?

Role exits occur when people change a social status that is central to their lives/identity

Which of the following is an example of the "poverty gap"?

Bob and Mary have 2 kids and make $30,000 year. They are ineligible for government assistance, yet they cannot pay their bills every month

Coined the phrase "sociological imagination".

C. Wright Mills

The use of race neutral language and ideas to defend the racially unequal status quo is called:

Color blind racism

Which of the following is the best example of a quantitative research method?

Conducting a survey of how often people read

The buying and using of products because of the statement they make about social status is called:

Conspicuous consumption

Amber is conducting research on the negative portrayal of Latinos in the media. She searches through newspapers to document instances of discriminatory language toward Latinos. What type of research is Amber conducting?

Content analysis

The poverty threshold is calculated according to the:

Cost of a minimally acceptable diet, times three

If I am interested in studying the effects of diet on the academic performance of college students, the independent variable would be _____ and the dependent variable would be _____

Diet/academic performance

Which theory would best explain John's deviant behavior in the following scenario? "John is a smart, quiet kid who keeps to himself and is well-liked by teachers. He is normally well-behaved, but he has started hanging out with some older kids after school and smokes with them even though he doesn't like cigarettes and knows he could get into big trouble if his mom finds out."

Differential Association Theory

In the early 1900s, the Senate formed the ________. The committee concluded that immigration since the 1880s correlated with the rise in social and economic problems and efforts should be made to prevent the poor and uneducated from coming into the U.S.

Dillingham Commission

As a scientists, what must you do in order to understand your topic of interest and to figure out what the best way to study it is?

Do preliminary research and review the literature on the topic

Which of the following is NOT a reason that men's labor force participation is declining, while women's is increasing?

Men are becoming increasingly less motivated to work as there is a cultural shift away from the American ethic of hard work

A subordinate group whose members have limited control over their lives compared to the dominant group is called:

Minority group

The poorest state in the US is:


If we want to understand the social effects of commercials from a conflict perspective, what would be the best to focus on?

How commercials utilize gender, race, and social class themes, and how that helps to reinforce inequalities in larger society

Which theoretical perspective views competition over resources as the driving force of society and inequality as the result of the struggles between various groups of people for these resources?

Conflict theory

Information that is systematically gathered and organized is called:


Most poor people are white, however Blacks are more likely than Whites to be poor. This describes the difference between the ________ and the ________.

Number of poor / poverty rate

_________ is a social system where males and things associated with masculinity (such as logic and strength) are valued over females and things associated with femininity (such as emotion and caring) and it is common worldwide.


The article "What Can Testicles Tell Us About Dads?" illustrates what scientific pitfall?

Science is filtered through culture, so we are more likely to embrace scientific findings that support our pre-existing cultural assumptions

Which of the following characteristics best define members of a social class?

Similar socioeconomic positions, attitudes, values, lifestyles, and life chances

_____ is the independent variable and _____ is the dependent variable.

Snapchat filters use / self esteem

According to Max Weber, _____ is defined as the ability to get your way, even when others are opposing you.


Characteristics of stratification include the following:

Stratification is universal and systemic; and it is passed down over generations

The idea that the experience of living in poverty changes the way people see the world and behave within it is in line with what theoretical perspective?

Symbolic interaction

Domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence best characterize:

Toxic masculinity

Which of the following is true in regard to crime victimization in the U.S?

- Blacks are more likely to be victims of crime than are Whites - Males are more likely to be victims of violent crimes than females

Which of the following statements is true regarding macro- and micro- sociology?

- Macrosociology studies large parts of society, such as institutions and large categories of people - Functionalism and conflict theory are both macro-sociological perspectives - Symbolic interactionism is a micro-sociological perspective because it focuses on small groups of people or individuals

The "Golden Rules" of sociological research revolve around:

- Protecting subjects from harm - Getting informed consent and ensuring that participation is completely voluntary

According to sociologist Robin Williams, core American values include:

- Equal opportunity - Group superiority - Collectivism

When comparing males and females in the criminal justice system, which of the following are true?

- Female prisoners are more likely to be severely punished for minor misbehavior than male prisoners - The number of females being incarcerated is increasing

Some of the unintended consequences of American immigration control are:

- The U.S. spends more money on immigration enforcement, and undocumented immigrants are staying longer and bringing their families with them - Increased anti-immigrant sentiment among Americans and more potential for violence

According to Richard Wisemen's research, which of the below is the "World's Funniest Joke?"

A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: "Just take it easy. I can help. First let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: "OK, now what?"

Scientists operationalize, or specifically define, their variables of interest in order to:

Make the variables measurable so they can be studied

Stanford University sociologist Shelley Correll and her colleagues' research on the motherhood penalty found that, compared to equally credentialed women without children, mothers are:

Less likely to be hired and more likely offered lower starting pay

The opportunities that people have to acquire social resources are known as:

Life chances

In America, obesity has emerged as the major public health concern. How might a sociologist using the "sociological imagination" examine obesity among teenagers?

By examining obesity rates among teenagers and factors like social class and neighborhood conditions

Although it is time-intensive, an advantage of _____ research is that is yields a lot of rich information and contextual data.


Which is true of sex trafficking?

Sex trafficking primarily affects women and children

We could say that sexuality is a gender role because:

Sexuality is part of the set of social expectations for our attitudes and behaviour as women and men

_____ refers to how society is constantly reconstructed by the individual human action.


The Amish would be considered a _____ because they are a small group who shares America's fundamental values and forms, but have some values and norms that differ in important ways. Satanists, on the other hand, would be considered a _____ because their norms and values are considered to be in opposition to those of the larger culture.

Subculture / counterculture

A sociologist explains that Americans are getting heavier because American culture encourages them to eat less healthy foods (such as fast food) that symbolize "comfort" and good feelings. What kind of theoretical perspective was this sociologist most likely using?

Symbolic interactionism

Which theoretical perspective sees social actions as the result of how we interpret and give meaning to things in our environment?

Symbolic interactionism

"Dramaturgy" (Erving Goffman) is a _____ idea that describes life as akin to a play, where we are assigned a role and do our best to rehearse and perform it according to society's expectations.

Symbolic interactionist

When studying socialization, _____ would focus on how people develop sense of self, personality, their sense of morality, etc. through early social interactions.

Symbolic interactionists

The Null Hypothesis tells us what?

That there is no relationship between X and Y

The idea that white people of northwestern European descent represent the evolutionary height of humanity is known as ________ and it has been used to justify racial/ethnic inequality for over a century:

The Anglo-Saxon Myth

According to the textbook, how active are members of the lower class in politics?

They do not participate in politics, and they seldom vote

Third genders, such as the Bacha Posh of Aghanistan and the Muxes of Mexico demonstrate for us that:

gender is socially constructed

Which of the following is true about immigration in the 1800s?

- 3rd wave immigrants were not as welcome partly because they were not from northwest Europe - Chinese immigration was prohibited for several decades by the Chinese Exclusion Act - The primary reason people immigrated to the US was to find jobs

The American values of individualism and hard work suggest that people should:

Be able to overcome any obstacles to success without help from anyone else and that if they are unable to do so they are not working hard enough

Women make up more than 50% of the population, and yet they are considered to be a minority group. Why is this?

Because minority groups are defined by their social power, not their size, and women have less social power than men

Known as the founder of the American Sociological Association (ASA) as well as his "looking glass self" concept.

Charles Horton Cooley

If something is _____ it is observable and measureable


Which of the following is true of gender stratification?

Every known society categorizes its members on the basis of gender, however not all societies limit these categories to just male and female

_____ is a system that allows the most talented and apt people to rise to the top of the social hierarchy, while the less talented fall to the bottom.


The "Great Migration" refers to the:

Migration of Blacks from the Southern to the Northern U.S. states that lasted almost 100 years after slavery was abolished

Functionalists consider family to be the "cornerstone" social institution because:

Family is responsible for primary socialization, instilling in us fundamental beliefs, values, and behaviors

What kind of theorists would be most likely to make this statement about gun control in the U.S.? "Despite the efforts of gun control groups to strengthen gun laws, they remain lax in comparison to those of other countries. This is due in part to the greater political power of the pro-gun lobby, who have a vested economic interest in gun industries and the ability to influence lawmakers to support looser gun laws".

A conflict theorist would say this

The unemployment rate is higher for Millenials than for the general population. A _____ theorist would explain that this is due to labor demand being affected by changes in technology that lead to more automation, financial insecurity that is keeping Babyboomers from retiring and free up jobs, and the rising expectations of employers due to labor market flooding with college degrees.

A functionalist theorist would say this

Spent the first 20 years of life as a slave, but became educated and wrote extensively on slavery.

Frederick Douglass

Alfred Kinsey's research was surprising and important because it revealed:

A tremendous discrepancy between prevailing public expectations of sexual behaviour and actual sexual conduct

Karen has been a nurse for 25 years, has a PhD in nursing, has published her research in peer reviewed journals, and has an excellent employment record. John has been a nurse for 10 years, also has a PhD in nursing, and has a history of ethical violations in his nursing practice. When both Karen and John applied for the job of Dean of Nursing at the hospital, John was selected and became Karen's boss. It was rumored that, although administration felt Karen was more qualified, they chose John because they felt he had "learned his lesson" and would be taken more seriously by the Board of Trustees. This would be best described as an example of:

Glass escalator

Andy was born a male and identifies as a male. Andy would be considered:


A functionalist might say that gun sales have resulting in the _____ of helping to build the economy but also resulted in the _____ of putting strain on other institutions (such as the legal system and emergency response services), as they must deal with gun-related violence.


A _____ theorist explains that women feel more rushed in their daily lives (compared to men) because the family structure has changed in response to changes in the economy and other social institutions, such that women work outside the home in addition to their traditional gender roles as mothers and homemakers.


In regard to poverty, ________ theorists would say that poverty contributes to the well-being of society by providing an incentive for people to work and by generating wealth.


A ________ would say that it is in society's best interest to direct sexual behaviour into something productive by encouraging people to get married and have kids, while a ________ would say that sexuality is socially defined according to the wishes of the powerful groups in society.

Functional theorist / conflict theorist

What is the single largest expenditure in the household budget?


Social activist and scholar who founded Hull House to help immigrants in the 1800s.

Jane Addams

Not allowing women to play college sports with men and prohibiting transgender people from using public restrooms are both examples of:

Institutional Discrimination

_____ are the rules and expectations that tell us how to behave. They are based on _____, which are socially shared ideas about what is good, desirable, and important in society.

Norms / values

Which of the following is/are most likely to be considered a master status in American society?


According to the research on the social mobility of Black and White boys discussed in the New York Times article:

Black boys raised in wealthy families are significantly more likely to become poor as adults, compared to their White counterparts

According to the reading "Thinking Like A Sociologist", learning to think like a sociologist means to identify social patterns and to ask what questions?

Both what factors may be relevant to shaping those patterns and what specific types of social policies helped to create the patterns

According to _____, people are more likely to break into an abandoned house with boarded-up windows than they are a house that is in good repair and looks lived in. This is because people see the abandoned house as a social cue that no one cares about it and therefore it is more acceptable to destroy it.

Broken Windows Theory

Poverty in the US has been steadily increasing over the long term.


Based on the research topic above, the best way to operationalize "Snapchat filters use" would be:

Ask teens how often they use Snapchat filters when they post a selfie on Snapchat

_____ is considered to be the "Father of Sociology" because he advocated the use of scientific methods to study society and coined the term "sociology."

August Comte

_____ is the most common single measurement of social class, but _____ is the best.

Income / wealth

Exploitation is the situation where the dominant group:

Benefits by depriving a subordinate group of social resources and protects its own resources by making sure the subordinate group cannot access them

A _____ theorist would probably say that the reason society pays such little attention to a white-collar crime but spends a lot of time and money prosecuting those who commit "street" crimes is because white-collar crimes are typically committed by people who have more money and power.


A _____ theorist would say that culture is defined by the powerful and used as a means of control over the less powerful, while a _____ theorist would say that culture facilitates social cohesion between people, even when they have variant interests.

Conflict / functional

A researcher studies the effects of learning facts about Donald Trump's personal life on support for the presidents among Americans. He finds that overall, when people learn personal facts about Mr. Trump they express less support for the president, but that this effect is much stronger for Millennial's than it is for Baby Boomers. The researcher has found a _____ between knowledge of facts about Mr. Trump and support for him.


The U.S. has historically had an open immigration policy, and it has been only recently that the American government has proposed restrictions on the type and number of immigrants allowed into the country.


Functionalists focus their studies on the structure and function of social _____, which are the largest pieces of society (such as religion, education, and family).


________ stratification systems are based on achieved statuses and provide for some level of social mobility, while ________ stratification systems offer little to no opportunity to change


Why do poor kids who do everything right not fare as well as rich kids who do everything wrong?

Opportunity hoarding allows wealthy parents to pass along many advantages to their children (such as businesses, reputation, connections) that allow them to succeed with little or no effort

Although women entered the workforce in large numbers in the 1970s and 1980s, they were disproportionately located in the lower rungs of the occupational hierarchy, doing jobs such as cleaning, customer service, and secretarial work. These type of jobs are called:

Pink collar jobs

Some of the social factors that contribute to poverty are:

There are a lot of jobs with low pay and few benefits; the value of the dollar continuously decreases due to inflation

Based on the research topic above, choose the null hypothesis.

Using Snapchat filters has no effect on the self esteem of teenagers

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