Chemistry Chapter 8 Quiz

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which two electron configurations represent elements that would have similar chemical properties?

(1) and (4)

which of these choices is the electron configuration for the aluminum ion?


how many electrons are in the 4p orbital of selenium?


how many 3d electrons does an Fe³⁺ ion have?


the cobalt(III) ion, Co³⁺, has how many 3d electrons?


which of the elements listed below has the greatest atomic radius?


which pair of electrons from different groups resemble each other the most in their chemical properties?

Al and Be

which of these elements forms stable +2 cations?


which of these atoms has the greatest electron affinity?


which of these elements has the greatest electron affinity?


which of these elements has the highest first ionization energy?


which ion is isoelectronic with Ar?


which of these species make an isoelectronic pair

Cl⁻ and Ca²⁺

which one of these elements is a transition element?


which of these atoms has the largest radius?


which of these elements has the smallest first ionization energy?


which of these pairs consists of isoelectronic species?

K⁺ and Cl⁻

which of these atoms has the smallest radius?


which of these elements has the smallest ionization energy?


which of these elements has the greatest electron affinity?


which one of these ions does not have [Kr] as its electronic configuration?


which of these choices is the electron configuration of a sulfide ion?


consider the element with the electron configuration [Xe]6s²4f⁷?

a lanthanide element

consider the element with the electorn configuration [Kr]5s²4d⁷. This element is

a transition metal

the alkali metal elements are found in ____________ of the periodic table?

group 1A

the elements in group 7A are known by what name?


which of these choices is the general electron configuration for the outermost electrons of elements in the alkaline earth group?


the general electron configuration for atoms of all elements in group 5A is


the general electron configuration for atoms of the halogen group is


the general electron configuration for noble gas atoms is


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