Child Psychology Final Exam

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Often toddlers around the age of 2 are described as being in the "terrible twos." This categorization is simply a result of a toddler's attempt to resolve the second stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, or __________.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Scott wants to sleep at a friend's house. His parents tell him no. When Scott asks why, they become upset and his father says, "Because I said so; that's why." That is the end of the conversation. This is an example of the __________ parenting style.


Sixteen-year-old Amber has just completed a driver education course. She often comments to friends that at first driving required her undivided attention, but with a little practice she often finds that she has driven home without being aware of stopping for traffic lights or stop signs. According to the information-processing approach, driving has become __________ for Amber.


According to the information-processing approach, __________ is the degree to which an activity requires attention.


On average, newborn infants sleep approximately __________ hours a day.


Statistics show that __________ of the people abused as children turn out to be child abusers.


How early does the American Academy of Pediatrics indicate that babies can begin to start eating some solid foods?

6 months

The second stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is the period during which toddlers develop independence if they are allowed the freedom to explore. This stage is referred to as __________.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

The use of inner traits to determine self-concept results from the child's increasing __________.

cognitive skills

Daniel understands the difference between a row of two toy animals and a row of three toy animals, regardless of the animals' spacing. This suggests that Daniel knows how to count. Further, contrary to Piaget, Daniel knows about __________.


The knowledge that quantity is unrelated to the arrangement and physical appearance of objects is known as __________.


Once solid foods are introduced, bottle and breastfeeding should __________.

continue at least for the first 12 months

The store of information, skills, and strategies that people have acquired through education and prior experiences is known as __________.

crystallized intelligence

Psychological disorders have been linked in part to genetic factors. If one monozygotic twin is schizophrenic, the other twin _______

has an increased chance of also being schizophrenic

Michelle's parents tell her not only which foods she should eat but also how much food to eat. When she says she has had enough to eat, they insist that she eat what is put on her plate. Michelle's controlling and directive parents are likely to cause her to __________.

have a healthy attitude toward food

Make-believe play ___________.

helps children understand their environment

The principle of __________ is the principle that simple skills typically develop separately and independently but are later integrated into more complex skills.

hierarchical integration

During the preoperational stage, children's use of __________ thinking grows, mental reasoning emerges, and the use of concepts increases.


__________ parents tend to be highly responsive and demanding.


A standard measurement system that looks for a variety of indications of good health in newborns is known as the __________ scale.



An example of an X-linked disease

Recessive trait

An organism's trait that is present but not expressed

In __________, an organism learns to respond in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about that type of response.

Classical Conditioning

Which of the following best describes Vygotsky's view of cognitive development?

Development is a result of social interactions in which children work with mentors to solve problems.

Which of the following children are classified as gifted and talented?

Elia, who as a toddler loved to do simple math using her toys and who is now, at the age of 10, taking advanced calculus classes at the university

Although being sick is unpleasant, it may have some unexpected benefits as well. Which of the following is a benefit to being ill?

Illness enables children to better understand how others feel when they are sick.

A conduit between the mother and fetus, the __________ provides nourishment and oxygen via the umbilical cord.


Albert Bandura was a proponent of the __________ theory.

Social learning

Martha and Susan are planning to have a child. Martha will be the biological mother. Some of the research on how fathers impact prenatal development applies to Susan as well. Which of these are relevant for Susan and Martha's child?

Susan should not smoke because secondhand smoke is bad for mother and baby.


The most basic level of the nervous system is the individual cells

Some experts have urged a complete ban on prescribing antidepressants to treat children and adolescents. What is their main concern?

There is some evidence linking the use of antidepressants with an increased risk of suicide.

Mothers of securely attached infants respond in which of the following ways?

They are responsive and warm.

The most frequent reaction of 2- to 4-year-old children who spend time in the hospital is __________.


sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

__________ is a disorder in which seemingly healthy infants die in their sleep.

The leading cause of death among preschoolers is __________.

accidental injuries

A restriction of oxygen lasting a few minutes can produce cognitive deficits such as language delays and even mental retardation due to brain cell death. This restriction of oxygen is called __________.


According to Erikson, the period during which children aged 18 months to 3 years either become more independent and self-reliant if their parents encourage exploration and freedom or experience humiliation and uncertainty if they are restricted and overprotected is known as __________.

autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Making speechlike but meaningless sounds is called __________.


Kenneth tends to watch a lot of television violence; he frequently gets in trouble at school and at home. Kenneth lies to get himself out of trouble. He does not feel bad when he verbally or physically hurts someone but instead insists, "It wasn't my fault; he asked for it." Kenneth is a __________.


In a(n) __________ delivery, the baby is surgically removed from the uterus, rather than traveling through the birth canal.


As Ms. Ibanez is handing back the results of an end of unit math test, she comments, "I had hoped that the class would have performed better than this." When the students get their results back, they most likely will __________.

check to see how others performed

Eleven-month-old "Little Albert" loves furry animals and shows no fear of rats. However, one day while playing with a white rat, he was startled by a loud noise and began to cry. Every time he played with the white rat after that, he heard the same loud noise. Eventually, the sight of the white rat alone made him cry. This illustrates __________.

classical conditioning

Over the past decade, the number of adolescents giving birth has __________.

decreased substantially

Babies who have negative moods, are slow to adapt to new situations, and tend to withdraw when confronted with new situations are called __________ babies.


an example of a fine motor skill?


Cassidy, a 4-year-old girl, is struggling to fall asleep at night. Which of the following may reduce Cassidy's sleep disturbance?

eliminating media exposure close to bedtime

Four-year-old Max's best friend is angry with him. He tells Max that Max cannot come to his birthday party. A year ago, Max would have cried over something like this. Now, Max just tells his friend that he does not want to go to the party. Max's ability to adjust his emotions is called __________.

emotional self-regulation

One explanation for differences in language processing based on gender suggests that parents tend to provide greater encouragement for verbalization in girls than in boys. This would suggest that gender differences in brain lateralization are the result of __________ factors.


According to Vygotsky, private speech __________.

facilitates children's thinking

By the end of the preoperational stage, preschoolers begin to understand the notion of __________, the idea that actions, events, and outcomes are related to one another in fixed patterns.


Three-year-old Franklin loved to ride the battery-powered powder pink convertible car around the toy store. However, when asked which battery-powered vehicle he would like to purchase, Franklin chose a blue and green motorcycle. This example illustrates that Franklin is aware of __________.

gender expectations

In the United States most variations in height and weight are the result of different people's __________.


The underlying combination of genetic material present (but not outwardly visible) in an organism is known as the organism's __________.


Deaf infants that are taught sign language babble with their __________.


Kelly wants to be social worker. Gardner suggests that Kelly is high in __________ intelligence.


Six-year-old Roman is an expert bike rider. He loves to share his expertise with anyone who will listen to him. Roman's favorite line is "If you wanna go really, really, really speedy fast, you hafta push real hard on the pedals." Roman's understanding that the pedals on the bicycle in some way control the speed of the bicycle illustrates __________.

intuitive thought

Seven-year-old Kylie feels she is a good person. Kylie probably assumes that she __________.

is very good at most things

Mr. and Mrs. Rajoria became concerned when their newborn daughter, Sunita, developed a yellowish tinge to her body and eyes soon after birth. Their pediatrician told them not to worry but recommended that Sunita be placed under fluorescent lights to help her overcome __________.


Each of the two hemispheres begins to process information in a slightly different manner. Whereas the __________ hemisphere considers information sequentially, one piece of data at a time, the __________ hemisphere processes information in a more global manner, reflecting on it as a whole.

left; right

Mark's parents are highly punitive and controlling. Mark probably has __________.

low self-esteem

Critics of charter schools argue that __________.

low-achieving students or those with special needs may not be accepted

The process by which gametes (sperm and ova) are formed in the adult human body is called __________.

meiosis? DNA RNA

A child with an IQ score of 65 would be classified with __________ intellectual disability.


Cognitive skills, as well as motor skills, increase because neural pathways become more connected and __________ increases.


At birth, a newborn is a called a(n) __________.


The brain's ability to grow, change, and create new connections between cells is known as __________.


Neurons communicate by sending chemical messengers, __________, that travel across the small gaps known as __________, between neurons.

neurotransmitters; synapses

Children in poorer areas of cities such as Kolkata, Hong Kong, and Rio de Janeiro are smaller than their counterparts in affluent areas of the same cities. These differences in height are a reflection of __________.

nutrition and disease

Eight-year-old Kevin spends much of his day at his desk at school. During his two 15-minute recess breaks, Kevin exchanges baseball cards with his friends. At home, he prefers sedentary activities like playing computer games and watching television over riding his bike or swimming. Kevin's lifestyle puts him at risk for __________.


According to Piaget, __________ is the realization that people and objects exist even when they cannot be seen.

object permanence

Much to the consternation of 15-month-old Sara's mom, Sara constantly calls out "Daddy" to any man she sees. Sara is making a(n) __________ error.


According to developmental psychologist Kenneth Dodge, some children are aggressive because they __________.

perceive others' actions as hostile

Communication through sounds, facial expressions, gestures, imitation, and other nonlinguistic means is known as __________ communication.


Simona is carrying twins, which places unusual stress on her reproductive system. To prepare Simona for childbirth, the obstetrician warned her that she faces a higher risk of __________.

premature labor

According to Vygotsky, the level at which a child can almost, but not fully, comprehend or perform a task on her or his own is known as the zone of __________.

proximal development

Dyslexia is characterized by difficulty with __________.



receive messages from other cells

A child will develop PKU only if the child receives a recessive gene from both parents. PKU is an example of a __________

recessive trait

Sara has freckles and Ishmael has no freckles. Their daughter Susan received genetic information for freckling from both parents. However, Susan resembles her mother in that they both have freckles. The lack of freckles would be considered a __________ trait.

recessive trait

Social __________ is the intentional search for information about others' feelings to help explain the meaning of uncertain circumstances and events.


As a toddler, Michael had an impressive vocabulary consisting of words like mom, dad, dog, car, bike, chair, table, and so on. Michael's style of language use is called the __________ style.


Seven-year-old Adriana ran in from school and shouted, "Hey, Mom did you know that 2 + 3 is the same as 3 + 2?" Adriana is demonstrating __________.


In John Bowlby's view, attachment is based primarily on infants' need for __________.


According to Vygotsky, the support for learning and problem solving that encourages independence and growth is known as __________.


A person's expectation being capable of bringing about an outcome is known as a __________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

As Pete teeters about the room, he suddenly plops to the floor. Instantly, he looks to the adults in the room before emotionally responding. Pete is using __________ to determine the feelings of the adults.

social referencing

is speech directed toward another person and meant to be understood by that person.

social speech

Dyslexia is an example of a(n) __________.

specific learning disorder

Mr. Bednorz was told by his principal that Joel was an exceptional student, when in fact Joel had average ability. As a result, Mr. Bednorz gave Joel challenging assignments, gave more specific feedback, and in general assumed that Joel would do well in his class. Consequently, Joel performed above his ability level. This is an example of __________ effect.

teacher expectancy

Patterns of arousal and emotionality that are consistent and enduring characteristics in an individual are known as a person's __________.


The model in which infants and parents learn to communicate emotional states to one another and to respond appropriately is called __________.

the mutual regulation model

One reason for advances in fine motor skills is that __________.

the neurons are continuing to myelinate

Children with mothers and fathers who work full time spend __________.

the same amount of time with family as do children with at least one non-working parent

Sound localization, pinpointing the source of a sound, is slightly poorer in infants due to __________.

their smaller heads

The __________ stage of labor is the quickest and easiest and occurs when the child's umbilical cord and the placenta are expelled from the mother.


Which type of parenting, in its most extreme form, would result in neglect, a form of child abuse?


Lucien has been experiencing frequent headaches and dizziness. Also, when he reads for school, he holds his textbooks unusually close to his face. These are symptoms of __________.

visual impairments

Which of the following childbirth techniques reduces pain but might increase the risk of infection?

water birthing

Miss Hausler is teaching her first graders to read. She believes that reading should be meaningful from the very beginning of reading instruction, so she teaches her students not to try to sound out every word but to look for cues in the text, pictures, and story language for ideas about unknown words as they work their way through an entire piece of text. This method of reading instruction is known as the __________ approach.


There is some evidence linking the use of antidepressants with an increased risk of suicide.

working memory

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