CHP 13: The Diversity Challenge

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T/F The habits of leaders can be easily changed

value-based leadership, team-oriented leadership, participative leadership, humane leadership, independent leadership, and self-protective leadership.

Leadership characteristics and the needs of followers vary across cultures in the areas of

It's not unusual for members to view anyone or any group with different ideas and customs as slightly out of their minds, improperly brought up, irresponsible, psychopathic, politically motivated to a point beyond redemption, or just plain "inferior.

In Beyond Culture, the anthropologist Edward Hall explains how groups, including tribes, clans, and cultures, have their own rules that govern thinking and behavior, and that these rules usually operate at a subconscious level.

Top management's personal involvement. Targeted recruitment. Internal advocacy groups. Emphasis on Equal Employment Opportunity statistics. Inclusion of diversity in performance evaluations. Inclusion of diversity in promotion decisions. Inclusion of diversity in management succession. Diversity training groups. Networks and support groups. Work and family policies that support diversity

In The New Leaders: Guidelines on Leadership Diversity in America, Ann Morrison reports the results of her study on diversity practices in U.S.-based private and public organizations. The practices considered most important are


In contrast, _____ is a world view that values group well-being over individual interests and adheres to the principle that people should be judged by their contribution to thePage 301 group. China and Japan tend toward collectivism.

enlightened workplace

In the ____, there is a philosophy of pluralism and a relentless effort to eliminate racism, sexism, ageism, and other discriminations. Where this occurs, all people have reason to believe that they are accepted and respected and that their voices will be heard.

honesty, respect for others, the "golden rule," and the virtue of excellence

It should be noted that although people across generations may have different experiences and develop different tastes, they tend to share important ethical values such as

Anglo, Latin Europe, Nordic Europe, Germanic Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Asia, and Confucian Asia.

On the basis of common language, geography, religion, and history, 10 distinct cultural clusters emerge:

deeply ingrained throughout the world.

Prejudice and intolerance based on color, ethnicity, and other differences are It can be difficult to change the habits of people. Those in power have established or been rewarded by conditions as they are, so there is a tendency to resist efforts to change.

ervant leaders who are both humble and altruistic.

Researchers Jeanine Prime and Elizabeth Salib report the best cross-cultural leaders are s

"glass ceiling"

Several factors can sidetrack women in the workplace. The _____ is a catchphrase for the impediments women face as they seek top leadership positions.

cultural competency

an awareness of and willingness to understand why people of another culture act as they do; a leadership quality requiring patience, willingness to learn, and flexibility, resulting in a bond of trust and respect among diverse people.


because cultural stereotypes do not always apply with every individual. The caring leader knows that each person must be considered as a unique individual, case by case.

Gender stereotypes

can alter the perception and treatment of women in negative ways.

diversity wheel

can be used to develop understanding and appreciation of the rich variety of individuals in a group. It highlights the uniqueness of each person's experiences and the special talents each person has. A diversity wheel is a tool that can include internal dimensions such as age, gender, race and ethnicity; external dimensions such as birthplace, education, work experience, interest, and talents; and organizational dimensions such as seniority, classification, location, and job assignment

the "rigid" habit

—dealing with people and situations in certain set manners with no flexibility allowed for circumstances or individual needs; and

the "just like" habit

—noting traits that are obviously similar between people and ignoring different ones;

the "standardization" habit

—recognizing that all people have many common characteristics but failing to appreciate that each also has special interests, aptitudes, and needs.

the "die-casting" habit

—sorting people into types or forcing them into imaginary molds set up in our own minds;

the "go or no-go" habit

—classifying people as either all one way or all another way with no provision for in-between;

Generation Y

(also known as Millennial) employees, born approximately between 1980 and 1999, were raised in a period of soccer moms, Little League dads, and Internet access. They tend to be tech-savvy, racially and ethnically diverse, multitaskers, and independent, having little identification and loyalty to formal organizations.

Today's iGeneration, or Generation Z

, born after 2000, see changing technology as a way of life. They use social media extensively and view rapid social change as a constant.


, born approximately between 1922 and 1945, value stability and traditional work and family values. They came of age during the Great Depression and World War II and represent a treasure of experience and wisdom.

Baby boomers

, born approximately between 1946 and 1964, came of age during experimentation with new lifestyles and pervasive questioning of traditional values. They tend to value economic security and are more focused on social conditions than younger cohorts.

(1) sharing mistakes as teachable moments—by admitting errors, they model honesty and improve performance results; (2) engaging in dialogue, not debates—by listening to different points of view, they validate followers' unique perspectives; and (3) being willing to follow—by empowering others to lead, they facilitate employee growth and model the act of taking a different perspective

A servant leadership mind-set generates feelings of both uniqueness and belongingness in employees. These leaders do this three ways:

integrity, knowledge, and interpersonal skill are highly valued. Throughout the world, visionary and inspirational leaders who are good team builders are preferred, while self-centered leaders seen as loners and face-savers are least preferred and avoided when possible.

Across all cultures, the qualities of


An important cultural dimension is individualism versus collectivism. The United States tends toward ______ including admiration for personal success, a strong belief in individual rights, and the desire for personal freedom and self-expression.

trustworthiness, intelligence/skill, excellence oriented, administratively skilled, and motivational ability.

An interesting finding is that some attributes are universally endorsed as characteristics of outstanding leaders, and some attributes are universally viewed as obstacles for effective leadership. Five positive attributes are

dishonesty, incompetence, ruthlessness, irritability, and egocentricity.

Five negative attributes are

Accept the premise that a man and woman can work together without having an affair. Make business decisions based on competence rather than gender. Recognize that romantic relationships can exist that are not counterproductive. Let employees know that you expect discreet, responsible behavior. Avoid the temptation to protect employees from themselves. Focus on possibilities rather than problems, and seek to guide rather than control.

For leaders who manage men and women working together, the following guidelines are suggested

For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport. To the woman, talk is for interaction that can equate to love. Telling things is a way to show involvement, and listening is a way to show she is interested and cares.

For most men, report talk is primarily a means of preserving independence or negotiating and maintaining status in a hierarchical social order. To the man, talk is for information that can equate to power.

Empower others. Share power and information, solicit input, and reward people on the basis of performance, without regard to race, gender, age, personality, job classification, and so on; encourage participation and share accountability. Develop people. Provide opportunities for growth, and then model and coach desired behaviors; delegate responsibility to those who have the ability to do the work; individualize training and development efforts. Value diversity. View diversity as an asset; understand diverse cultural practices; facilitate integration among people; help others identify their needs and options to be productive contributors. Communicate. Clearly communicate expectations, ask questions to increase understanding, and show respect through listening; develop communication across cultural and language differences; provide ongoing feedback with sensitivity to individual differences.159

Leadership plays a pivotal role in dealing with diversity. To be most effective, leaders should

selecting and composing work teams. Far from being a stumbling block, diversity in the workplace can be a springboard for opportunity and excellence.

Meta-analyses of the relationship between diversity and outcomes show that diversity can provide organizations with a competitive advantage when it is used in

Analysis of leadership effectiveness shows that female and male leaders do not differ in overall effectiveness, although there remains a slight effectiveness advantage for male leaders in masculine domains and for female leaders in feminine domains

Meta-analysis and individual studies show that women leaders tend to be more participative and less autocratic in leadership style than male leaders, and this approach is well suited to middle-management positions in 21st-century organizations.

multinational firms that maintain manufacturing, marketing, service, or administrative operations in many different countries. In fact, virtually all of the 500 largest U.S. industrial corporations maintain operations in more than one nation.

Most large corporations today are

Women, expecting to have their feelings supported, may misconstrue men's aggressive approach and feel that they themselves are being attacked. In general, where men seek status, women seek connection

Tannen believes differences developed in childhood cast a long shadow into adulthood. When men and women talk to each other about troubles, for example, there is a potential problem because each expects a different response. Men may ignore or avoid dealing with feelings and emotions, preferring instead to attack underlying causes.

Help from above. Women in high levels of leadership have typically received the support of influential mentors. A superior track record. Held to high standards, executive-level women have usually managed effectively and have developed an excellent record of performance. A passion for success. Senior-level women have been determined to succeed. They have worked hard, seized responsibility, and achieved their objectives. Outstanding people skills. Successful women executives typically have utilized participative leadership, employee empowerment, and open communication to foster trust and high levels of morale among subordinates.Page 313 Career courage. Successful women leaders have demonstrated courage to take risks, such as taking on huge responsibilities. Mental toughness. Senior-level women have been seen as tenacious, demanding, and willing to make difficult decisions.135

The Center for Creative Leadership has identified six success factors for women in high leadership positions:

"melting pot of the world," a place where religious, ethnic, and racial differences are blended into an American identity. The melting pot is expected to get bigger and even more diverse as the U.S. population grows from about 312 million today to over 400 million by 2050, and as minorities are expected to reach nearly 50 percent of the population by 2050.

The United States is idealized as a

integrative approach

The effective leader has an

an increase in workforce creativity; a broader range of knowledge and skill; better decisions based on different perspectives; better services provided to diverse populations; and an ability to recruit excellent talent from the entire labor pool.

The following are benefits organizations receive by valuing and managing diversity as an asset:

All people should be treated with respect and dignity—we must have an eyes-level approach rather than an eyes-up or eyes-down approach in our dealings with people, regardless of social status. Every person should model and reinforce an essentially democratic character and humanistic approach to life. Valuing diversity provides strength and a positive advantage for organizations operating in multicultural environments.

The prescription is to turn walls in our minds and hearts into bridges that join and make a structure that is stronger than its individual cells. The prescription is to value diversity as a strength. To that end, remember the following:


The traditional American image of diversity is one of

formal, compassionate, and individualistic styles.

Three culturally contingent behaviors that vary across cultures are

lack of encouragement internalized bias lack of opportunity followed by disillusionment closed corporate culture women's ghettos and the feminization of jobs on the corporate staff the demands of parenthood double standards

Through the Labyrinth by Alice Eagly and Linda Carli provides insight into the trials and truths about how women become leaders.141 Sidetracking mechanisms include the following:


Today, ____ refers to more than race, religion, gender, and ethnicity. It is a broad term that encompasses many differences, including age, disability status, military experience, sexual orientation, economic class, educational level, personality characteristics, and lifestyle.

discrimination, and discrimination can have harmful effects.

Tolerance is important because intolerance can lead to

Connect with and value your own culture. Assess how your background translates into your own lifestyle, values, and views. Think about how it feels to be different by remembering times when you felt that you were in the minority. Examine how you felt and the impact on your behavior. Try to understand each person as an individual, rather than seeing the person as a representative of a group. Participate in educational programs that focus on learning about and valuing different cultures, races, religions, ethnic backgrounds, and political ideologies. Make a list of your heroes in music, sports, theater, politics, business, science, and so forth. Examine your list for its diversity. Learn about the contributions of older people and people with visual, hearing, or other impairments. Consider how their contributions have helped us all.Page 305 Learn about other cultures and their values through travel, books, and films, and by attending local cultural events and celebrations. Continually examine your thoughts and language for unexamined assumptions and stereotypical responses. Include people who are different from you in social conversations, and invite them to be part of informal work-related activities, such as going to lunch or attending company social events. When dealing with people, try to keep in mind how you would feel if your positions were reversed.

What individuals can do diversity strategies

they should be ready to dine till midnight

What is expected of individuals in Spain

Include employees from a variety of backgrounds in decision-making and problem-solving processes. Use differences as a way of gaining a broader range of ideas and perspectives.117 Use targeted recruiting. Develop strategies to increase the flow of applicants from a variety of backgrounds. For example, if you commonly recruit students from college campuses, ensure that the student populations represent a diversity of backgrounds. Look for opportunities to develop employees from diverse backgrounds and prepare them for positions of responsibility. Tell them about the options in their present careers, as well as other career opportunities within the organization. Show sensitivity in the physical work environment. Display artwork and literature representing a variety of cultures, and make structural changes to ensure accessibility. Form a group to address issues of diversity. Invite members who represent a variety of backgrounds. Develop a Diversity Credo for the organization (example below). Implement voluntary training programs that focus on diversity in the workplace—programs designed to develop a greater awareness of and respect for differences.Page 306 Pay attention to company publications such as employee newsletters. Do they reflect the diversity of ideas, cultures, and perspectives present in the organization? Evaluate official rules, policies, and procedures of the organization to be sure all employees are treated fairly. Develop voluntary mentoring and partnering programs that cross traditional social and cultural boundaries. Talk openly about diversity issues, respect all points of view, and work cooperatively to solve problems

What organizations can do diversity strategies

understanding of political and cultural environments worldwide ability to adapt to travel to foreign countries knowledge of trends and technologies in other cultures

What should be the characteristics of a cross cultural leader

Generation X

employees, born approximately between 1965 and 1979, grew up in an era of Watergate scandal, energy crisis, high divorce rates, and corporate downsizing. They expect less job security and are motivated more by work-life flexibility, the opportunity to learn (especially new technology), and egalitarianism.


in terms of leadership, the dutch place importance on


is the traditional american image of diversity

catholics and consideration protestants and effectiveness buddhists and responsibility muslims and continuity

match the religious affiliations with their primary work values


pertaining to an approach to leadership that brings different people together and develops a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts; a building-up versus a melting-down process that preserves the identity of the individual while this identity is simultaneously transcended and made greater.

(1) understanding business, political, and cultural environments worldwide; (2) knowing the tastes, trends, and technologies of other cultures; (3) working simultaneously with people from many different countries; (4) adapting to living and traveling in foreign lands; and (5) learning to relate to people from other cultures on the basis of equality and mutual respect.89 A sixth competency is to understand the influence of culture on human behavior, as culture affects perception and can affect communication.

researchers Adler and Bartholomew have identified five competencies needed by cross-cultural leaders:

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