Chp. 3

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Bacon's Rebellion of 1676 was a rebellion over a tax increase on bacon.


By 1750, colonial America had become a land of the very rich and the desperately poor| the in-between ranks of yeomen and craftsmen had all but disappeared.


In human history, slaves have all been blacks.


Which was not part of the Dominion of New England (1686-88)?


Which of the following was not a key factor behind the introduction of black slavery in the Chesapeake?

a fear that West Africans, if left alone, might seek to establish colonies of their own in North America, or even Europe

In the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692,

almost 150 people, mostly women, were accused of witchcraft.

Prior to being taken over by the English in 1664, New York was:

called New Netherland, and controlled by the Dutch.

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

establishment of Dominion of New England| Glorious Revolution in England| Parliamentary Declaration of Rights

In the first half of the eighteenth century, low taxes, the lack of a military draft, high wages for skilled workers, and an abundance of liberties characterized life for many whites in the British colonies of North America.


In the mid-1700s, per capita, the richest people in the world were most likely the (non-slave) colonists in what would later become the United States.


New York was named after King Charles II's brother, James, the Duke of York.


The rise of black slavery in Virginia developed only gradually, over several generations.


There were no banks in 1700s colonial America.


Under the seventeenth-century British Navigation Acts, certain goods produced in the colonies had to be taken in English ships and sold in ports in England.


Vastly more people living in the colonies had far greater opportunities—to vote, own land, worship freely—than existed in Europe.


Virginia's upper class in the 1700s was sometimes called a "cousinocracy."


Which was not a characteristic view of mercantilism?

A country's imports should exceed its exports.

Which was not part of the Glorious Revolution?

It secured Catholic succession to the throne of England.

Which was not an element in Leisler's Rebellion (1689)?

Leisler's success meant French domination of New York.

The Dutch primarily settled in:

New York and New Jersey.

The colony founded by a leader who hoped women and blacks would be given equality along with all persons was:


In the mid-eighteenth century, colonial America's leading commercial port was:


Carolina grew slowly until planters discovered what staple crop?


In the 1700s, 90 percent of colonists in British North America worked farms.


The largest group of immigrants from continental Europe were the:


In 1705, the House of Burgesses enacted strict slave codes.


"Racism"—the idea that some races are inherently superior to others and entitled to rule over them—was fully developed in seventeenth-century colonial Virginia.


During the eighteenth century, women's work in the rural North grew less taxing and less rigidly defined.


In the late seventeenth century, the Iroquois were known for their fierce hatred and courageous fighting against British colonists.


Over the century between 1650 and 1750, the agricultural economies of New England, the Middle Colonies, and the backcountry grew more and more alike.


Slaves showed little inclination to challenge their enslavement in seventeenth- and early-eighteenth-century Virginia.


The Indians' defeat in King Philip's War hastened the introduction of slavery in Carolina.


Which did not characterize free blacks (such as Anthony Johnson) in Virginia and Maryland in the 1600s?

They could not own African slaves.

By 1700, almost 2 million acres of land was owned by five New York families.


By 1775, three-fifths of the English owned no land, but about two-thirds of the free male colonists in British North America owned land.


Fourteen women and five men were hanged as witches in the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.


In 1667, the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage.


In 1678, when the Lords of Trade in England queried the Massachusetts government about how well it was following the Navigation Acts, the Lords received the reply from the colony that the Navigation Acts did not apply to the colony unless the colony's own government (not the British Parliament, but rather the Massachusetts General Court) approved them.


In 1691, Massachusetts was transformed when a new charter, issued by the English government, absorbed Plymouth into Massachusetts, and:

made property ownership, not church membership, a requirement for voting in General Court elections.

Pennsylvania's Charter of Liberty:

required persons to affirm Jesus Christ's divinity.

When Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the Governor of Virginia, he called for all except:

the freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians.

Which of the following was an effect of Bacon's Rebellion?

the increased use of African slaves

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