Chpt 15-16 Unit Assignment

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Name the division characterized by the presence of many postganglionic neurons extending from each preganglionic neuron.

Sympathetic division

The radial muscle of the iris causes the pupils to dilate. Therefore, which branch of the ANS controls the radial muscles?

Sympathetic nervous system

True or false: The sympathetic nervous system is always stimulatory whereas the parasympathetic nervous system is always inhibitory.


True or false: The sympathetic preganglionic fibers exit the spinal cord through spinal nerves C1 and C2.


Identify the outermost layer of the wall of the eyeball.

Fibrous tunic

A woman has to hold the newspaper at arms length in order to read it without using eyeglasses. Which of the following is a possible explanation?

Her lens is unable to "fatten" enough.

Identify specific effects of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Increased urine production Decreased heart rate Increased digestive activity Pupil constriction

A drug causes the pupils of the eye to dilate. Which of the following describes how this drug may work?

It is blocking muscarinic receptors.

As a stereocilium bends, the tip link pulls ______ gates open.


Which are sympathetic effects on the reproductive system?

Labor contractions of the uterus Smooth muscle role in orgasm

Name the structure which is suspended between the posterior chamber and the vitreous chamber by suspensory ligaments.


What are the functions of the aqueous humor?

Maintains pressure in the eye Maintains the shape of the eye Refracts light Nourishes the cornea

Name the visual accessory structure which produces sebum to lubricate the eyelids.

Meibomian glands

Which of the following is false regarding the enteric nervous system?

Some of the fibers arise in the brainstem.

How does the brain localize sound?

Sound reaches each ear at a different time which offsets the time period in which sound waves travel down the external auditory tube.

Identify the muscles of the iris that control the diameter of the pupil.

Sphincter pupillae Dilator pupillae

Name the skeletal muscles that attach to the auditory ossicles.

Stapedius Tensor tympani

The membranous labyrinth is located within the bony labyrinth of the inner ear.


True or False: Taste information goes through the thalamus before reaching the cerebrum.


True or False: The fluid within the membranous labyrinth is endolymph.


True or False: With regards to sound, frequency is the number of waves within a time period.


True or false: Binocular vision gives one depth perception, which is the ability to distinguish between near and far objects.


True or false: Ganglion cell axons from the nasal retina cross through the optic chiasm and project to the opposite side of the brain.


True or false: The visual field is the area of vision for one eye.


Identify the structure that separates the external ear from the middle ear.

Tympanic membrane

Baroreceptors detect changes in blood pressure, which promote changes in the heart rate to compensate. This is an example of a(n) _______ reflex.

autonomic or baro

The bony labyrinth of the inner ear is divided into three regions. The vestibule and the semicircular canals which primarily function in ______ and the cochlea which functions in ______.

balance, hearing

Olfactory cells are replaced by the division of ______ in the olfactory epithelium.

basal cells

Identify the cell types of taste buds that are non-sensory cells

basal cells and supporting cells

Cochlear neurons are stimulated by

bending microvilli or stereocilia on the hair cells.

As the diameter of the pupil decreases, the depth of focus _____.


Name the visual pigment found in cone cells.


Retinal combines with opsin to form the pigment ______ found in cone cells.


The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are separated by the __________.


These are all characteristics of the enteric nervous systems except

its reflex arcs are associated with the spinal cord.

The division of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for stimulating the secretion of glands used during digestion and the mixing of food contents is the ___ system

parasympathetic or enteric

A sudden increase in blood pressure detected by baroreceptors in the walls of large arteries near the heart will cause

parasympathetic reduction of heart rate and sympathetic dilation of blood vessels.

The photoreceptive molecule of rods is ______ and the photoreceptive molecule of cones is _____.

rhodopsin, iodopsin

Under low light conditions the photoreceptors cells which are responsible for vision are the


The neural layer of the retina contains photoreceptor cells called ____ and ____

rods; cones

The structure that separates the scala tympani of the inner ear from the middle ear is the _______ window


During near vision, the lens is ______ and during distant vision the lens is ______.

rounded, flattened

The macula is the sensory organ of balance within the _____.

saccule utricle

The pelvic splanchnic nerves are formed by preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the ______ region of the spinal cord.


True or false: Olfactory adaptation occurs when odorant receptors become saturated.


True or false: Vibrations within the inner ear lead to the movement of potassium ions and the depolarization of hair cells.


Unlike a somatic reflex, an autonomic reflex utilizes

two lower motor neurons with cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands as effectors.

The ___________ membrane is a thin, semitransparent membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear.


The external ear terminates at the __________.

tympanic membrane

List the characteristics of the optic disk.

- Blood vessels enter the eye here. - It is where nerve processes exit the eye. - It is also called the blind spot.

An individual is running in a race. What effects would be due to the sympathetic nervous system?

- Dilation of respiratory passages - Decreased urine production - Increased heart rate - Constriction of blood vessels to tissues not involved in running.

Which of the following correctly differentiates endolymph and perilymph?

- Endolymph has a high concentration of potassium and a low concentration of sodium compared to perilymph. - Endolymph is within the membranous labyrinth and perilymph is between the membranous labyrinth and the bony labyrinth.

Which are parasympathetic effects on the reproductive system?

- Stimulation of glandular secretion in the male reproductive tract - Penile or clitoral engorgement

Axons of the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord are in ___________.

- pelvic splanchnic nerves - abdominal nerve plexuses - cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X

List the steps of how an airborne molecule is processed beginning with stimulating the olfactory neurons.

1) an odorant binds to a specific odorant receptor of the olfactory epithelium 2) ion channels open leading to depolarization of the olfactory neuron 3) axons of the olfactory neuron project through the cribriform plate to neurons of the olfactory bulb 4) projection of impulse to the olfactory tract 5) projection of impulse to either the olfactory cortex or the secondary olfactory area of the brain

Arrange the following to reflect the correct sequence an action potential would follow to reach the olfactory cortex of the brain: (1) olfactory bulb(2) olfactory cortex(3) olfactory epithelium(4) olfactory tract

3, 1, 4, 2

Starting with a photoreceptor cell indicate the pathway of signal conduction.

1. cone cell 2. bipolar cell 3. ganglion cell 4. optic 5. optic nerve

Identify the different types of papillae named according to shape.

1. filiform 2. vallate 3. foliate 4. fungiform

Arrange the areas of the retina according to density of cones starting with the area that has the highest density of cones.

1. fovea centralis 2. macula 3. periphery of retina 4. optic disc

Which types of papillae contain taste buds?

1. fungiform 2. vallate 3. foliate

List the auditory ossicles in order as vibrations pass from the tympanic membrane to the oval window.

1. malleus 2. incus 3. stapes

Place the tunics of the eyeball in order, beginning with the innermost layer.

1. nervous tunic 2. vascular tunic 3. fibrous tunic

Place the events of the initiation of an action potential in an olfactory neuron in chronological order.

1. odorant bind to a specific chemoreceptor 2. activated G protein activates adenylate cyclase 3. ATP is converted to cAMP 4. Ion channels open 5. Ions enter the olfactory hair causing depolarization

Place structures that vibrations will pass through beginning with the inner ear and ending with the auditory sensory organ.

1. oval widow 2. perilymph 3. vestibular membrane 4. edolymph 5.basilar membrane 6. Hair cells of spiral organ

Place the cells of the retina in the order that action potentials will pass towards the optic nerve.

1. photoreceptor 3. ganglion cells 2. bipolar cell

Place the structures in order in which light is received until vision is perceived.

1. retina 2. optic nerve 3. optic chiasm 4. optic tract 5. thalamus 6. occipital lobe

Describe the neuronal pathway of taste sensation beginning with reception of taste stimuli to the cerebral cortex.

1. taste buds 2. cranial nerves VII, IX and X 3. Medulla oblongata 4. Thalamus 5. Insula

Explain how vibrations within the inner ear lead to the generation of an action potential.

1. vibrations pass through the perilymph, vestibular membrane, and endolymph leading to movement of the basilar membrane 2. Bending of the stereocilia 3. Opening of K+ channels and flow of K+ into the hair cells 4. Cells depolarize and open Ca++ channels 5. Cells depolarize and release glutamate 6. Action potential within the vestibulocochlear nerve

Arrange the following parts of the neuronal pathway for hearing in the correct sequence. (1) inferior colliculus(2) medial geniculate nucleus(3) superior olivary nucleus(4) auditory cortex(5) cochlear nucleus

5, 3, 1, 2, 4

What is glaucoma?

A condition characterized by an abnormal intraocular pressure

A teenage boy is trying on eyeglasses to help with his myopia. Which of the following will help?

A lens that diverges light before it enters the eye, moving the focal point posteriorly

Efferent neurons of the

ANS utilize two neurons in series to connect the CNS to the effector

A patient is unable to move their right eye laterally. Which of the following cranial nerves is potentially damaged?


Which are cholinergic neurons in the parasympathetic division?

All preganglionic and postganglionic neurons

What is conjunctivitis?

An inflammation of the thin, transparent mucous membrane covering the anterior surface of the eye

Name the component of the eye that maintains the eyeball's shape, refracts light and nourishes the cornea.

Aqueous humor

Identify the structures that are part of the inner ear.

Auricle External auditory canal

Which describes the responsive nature of the autonomic nervous system to changes in blood pressure as detected by a baroreceptor?

Autonomic reflex

Which nerve fibers cross in the optic chiasma?

Axons of ganglion cells from nasal halves of both retinas Explanation The axons of ganglion cells from the nasal halves of both retinas cross in the optic chiasma, so that the left visual fields from both eyes project to the left lateral geniculate body of the thalamus and the right visual fields from both eyes project to the right lateral geniculate body of the thalamus.

Select the inner ear structures that are important in the interpretation of sound energy.

Basilar membrane Scala vestibuli Endolymph Perilymph

What are rods?

Bipolar photoreceptors that play a role in non-color vision under low light conditions

What do taste cells and olfactory cells have in common?

Both are replaced continuously. Both are sensory cells.

What is the parasympathetic effect on the respiratory system?


What are the sympathetic effects on the respiratory system?

Bronchodilation Increased airflow into and out of the lungs.

Name the location of the receptors for acetylcholine and norepinephrine.

Cell membrane

Identify the structures within the external auditory canal that prevents foreign objects from reaching the tympanic membrane.

Cerumen Hair

Name the photoreceptor cells that are responsible for color vision and visual acuity.

Cone cells

Defective circulation to the eye may result in retinal degeneration or detachment

Diabetic retinopathy

Which are associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system?

Digestion Urination Defecation

Identify the location of muscarinic receptors.

Effector cells of postganglionic neurons

Identify the hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla.

Epinephrine Norepinephrine

Identify the structures that are part of the external ear.

External auditory canal Auricle

Name the structure that protects the eyes from foreign objects.


When norepinephrine binds to adrenergic receptors,

G proteins mediate the cell's response

Excessive pressure buildup in the aqueous humor


What is the result of an increase in intraocular pressure?


From where would a spinal nerve of the sympathetic nervous system receive a postganglionic axon?

Gray ramus communicans

Which of the following cells in a taste bud is a sensory cell?

Gustatory cells

Atropine is sometimes used to dilate the pupil for eye examination. Which receptor would atropine block?

Muscarinic receptors

The taste of salts results when ______ diffuses through channels leading to depolarization of the taste cell. Similarly, sour is tasted when ______ lead(s) to the depolarization of taste cells.

Na+ , H+

Name sensory cells that are continuously replaced.

Olfactory cells Taste cells

The nasal cavity is constantly exposed to environmental agents. How is it possible to maintain our sense of smell throughout our lifetimes?

Olfactory cells are replaced by division of basal cells in the olfactory epithelium.

Which of the following is not a feature of the retina?

Optic chiasm

Select the structures that carry visual information from the photoreceptor cells to the brain

Optic chiasm Optic nerve Visual cortex Lateral geniculate nucleus

Select all of the structures that play a role in conducting signal from a photoreceptor cell to the brain.

Optic nerve Ganglion cells Bipolar cells

How does the avascular cornea acquire oxygen?

Oxygen diffuses from the atmosphere to the cornea.

Name the division that is characterized by as having just a few postganglionic neurons extending from each preganglionic neuron.


Hirschsprung disease is a condition involving functional obstruction in the lower colon and rectum that inhibits peristaltic contractions, leading to accumulation of feces in the affected area. Based on this, predict which component of the nervous system is not sufficiently stimulating motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Parasympathetic nervous system

Name the part of the eye which enhances visual acuity by reducing light scattering.

Pigmented layer of the retina

Which are cholinergic neurons in the sympathetic division?

Preganglionic neurons

What is the normal unavoidable degeneration of the accommodation power of eye associated with aging called?


A condition called __________ is characterized by cyanosis and pain in the fingers. This cause is extreme vasoconstriction in the digits, resulting from excessive sympathetic stimulation.

Raynaud disease

Which type of astigmatism is easily correctable with glasses?


Differentiate rods and cones.

Rods contain the photoreceptive molecule rhodopsin and cones contain the photoreceptive molecule iodopsin.

Identify the structure that separates the scala tympani of the inner ear from the middle ear.

Round window

Identify the neurons that contribute input to the enteric nervous system plexuses.

Sensory neurons Autonomic motor neurons Enteric neurons

What are the stapedius and the tensor tympani?

Skeletal muscles that attach to the auditory ossicles

Identify the structures that receive axons from the vestibular nucleus of medulla.

Thalamus Cerebellum Extrinsic eye muscles

What is the function of the inner hair cells?

The inner hair cells are responsible for hearing.

Describe the location of the lens.

The lens is suspended between the posterior chamber and vitreous chamber by suspensory ligaments.

Describe the choroid of the eye.

The melanin-pigmented portion of the vascular tunic associated with the sclera

A young boy has a "stuffy nose" as the result of a cold. He complains that his cookie doesn't taste much different than his cracker. Which of the following explains why a normal, functioning sense of smell is important to experiencing a normal sense of taste?

The perception of taste involves olfactory input to the brain.

Explain the function of the pigmented layer of the retina.

The pigmented layer enhances visual acuity by reducing the scattering of light.

Describe the structure of the retina.

The retina is composed of an outer pigmented layer and an inner neural layer.

What is convergence?

The rotation of the eyes by the extrinsic muscles which allows sharp vision

What is the main factor affecting the depth of focus?

The size of the pupil

What is the function of the sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae?

They control the size of the pupil.

What is the function of the meibomian glands?

They produce sebum to lubricate the eyelids.

Identify the structures that are part of the inner ear.

Vestibule Semicircular canals Cochlea

Select components of the neuronal pathway for balance.

Vestibulocochlear nerve Thalamus Vestibular nucleus

What is a difference between visceral reflexes and somatic reflexes?

Visceral reflexes involve somewhat slower responses than somatic reflexes.

Which of the following would the sympathetic portion of the ANS influence?

Your heart rate during an exam

You are trying to thread a small needle with a very fine thread. What are your pupils doing and what light conditions would be most advantageous to completing this task?

Your pupils are constricting and high light would make this task easier.

Night blindness could be caused by

a lack of rhodopsin

The process of changing the shape of the lens in order to focus an object onto the retina is referred to as


Agonists bind to specific receptors and _____ them, whereas antagonists bind to specific receptors and _____ them.

activate, inactivate

Drugs that bind to specific receptors and activate them are called ______, whereas drugs that prevent activation are called ______.

agonists, antagonists

The two classes of adrenergic receptors are __________.

alpha and beta


are embedded in a gelatinous mass.

Secondary olfactory areas

are involved in emotional reactions to odors.

A condition in which the cornea or lens is not uniformly curved is called ______.


Cornea or lens is not uniformly curved, and the image is not sharply focused.


Photoreceptor cells synapse with ______ cells which in turn synapse with ______ cells.

bipolar, ganglion

The 5 major tastants are ______.

bitter sour sweet salty umami

The optic disc is called ______ ________ the because it does not contain any photoreceptors and therefore does not respond to light.

blind spot

Sympathetic nerve axons from the thoracic and cervical chain ganglia supply the heart in the form of the _____ plexus and the lungs in the form of the ______ plexus.

cardiac, pulmonary

Clouding of the lens resulting from a buildup of proteins


Receptors for acetylcholine and norepinephrine receptors are located in the _____ membrane.

cell, plasma, or postsynaptic

Earwax is also called _____.


The melanin-containing portion of the vascular tunic associated with the sclera of the eye is called the


The lens becomes more spherical when the ______ contract.

ciliary muscles

The spiral organ is located within the ______ of the cochlea.

cochlear duct

Myopia is correct with a ______ lens.


Color vision and visual acuity are the functions of ________ cells.


An inflammation of the thin, transparent mucous membrane covering the inner eyelid and the sclera is called pinkeye or ______


More light is required when viewing objects at a close range because the pupil ______ which lets less light in, however this is necessary to ______ the depth of focus.

constricts, increase

In order to see clearly the eyes must work together. The extrinsic muscles work together to insure light rays enter each eye nearly parallel. This is called _____.


Name the component of the eye that maintains the eyeball's shape, refracts light and nourishes the cornea.


Identify the components of the fibrous tunic

cornea and sclera

Identify the components of the fibrous tunic.

cornea and sclera

The sensory organ of the semicircular canal is the ______.

crista ampullaris

Binocular vision allows for ___ perception


The enteric nervous system in located within the walls of the ______.

digestive tract

If a single structure receives innervation from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS, it is called ________ innervation, and the effects of both divisions on that single structure usually result in __________ effects.

dual; opposite

The _____ labyrinth consists of the semicircular canals. It evaluates movements of the head.


The pigmented layer of the retina

enhances visual acuity by reducing scattering of light.

Sensory neurons between the digestive tract and the CNS, motor neurons of the autonomic nervous system between the CNS and the digestive tract and enteric neurons are all components of the ______ nervous system.


The division of the autonomic nervous system that is only found within the walls of the digestive tract is the ______ nervous system.


Palpebrae is another name for the __________.


The lacrimal gland and the mucosal glands of the nasal cavity and palate are innervated by the _____ nerve.

facial or cranial

True or False: The vestibule and the semicircular canals of the inner ear primarily function in hearing.


True or false: The retina is composed of three layers; an outer vascular layer, a middle layer of pigmented epithelium and an inner neural layer.

false (the vascular layer is a part of the vascular tunic)

Together the cornea and the sclera comprise the _____ tunic

fibrous or outer

Taste buds are not associated with __________ papillae.


What type of papillae lacks taste buds and provides a rough surface on the tongue in order to manipulate food more easily?


Papillae are classified by shape into the following types: vallate, _____, ____, and ___.

filiform, fungiform, foliate

In distant vision, the lens is ______ than in near vision.


Cones are in highest density in the _____ and rods are in highest density in the _____.

fovea centralis, periphery of retina

As the ______ (number of waves within a time period) increases, the pitch ______.

frequency, increases

Spinal nerves of the sympathetic nervous system receive postganglionic axons from the _____ ramus communicans.

gray or grey

The sense of taste is called __________.


Farsightedness is also known at ______.


People who have ______ can see distant object clearly, but close object appear blurry.


Rods respond to light by


The cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers are located in the ______ of the spinal cord.

lateral horn

Axons from the right nasal retina project to the ______ side of the cerebrum and axons from the right temporal retina project to the ______ side of the cerebrum.

left, right

Accommodation occurs when the _____.

lens changes shape

Contraction of the ciliary muscles will cause the ______.

lens to become more spherical

Olfactory adaptation makes a person _____ sensitive to an odorant after being exposed to it for a short time.


Presbyopia occurs when the lens becomes ______.

less flexible

In normal distant vision light is refracted ______ than in near vision, thus the lens is ______.

less, flattened

The sensory organ of the utricle and saccule is the ______.


The three auditory ossicles are the

malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup)

The internal portion of the adrenal gland that secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine is the adrenal


The membranous tunnel within the bony labyrinth of the inner ear is the

membranous labyrinth

A person loses all vision in their left eye. One possible cause could be damage to the

optic nerve in the left eye.

In normal near vision light is refracted ______ than in distant vision, thus the lens is ______.

more, rounded

In normal near vision light is refracted __________ than in distant vision; thus the lens is __________.

more; rounded

The autonomic nervous system is part of the __________ division of the peripheral nervous system.


Effector cells that respond to acetycholine released from postganglionic neurons possess ______ receptors on their cell membranes.


A concave lens corrects ______.


Nearsightedness is also called ______.


People who have ______ can see close object clearly, but distant object appear blurry.


The visual field is divided into two parts, which are the medial or the ____ visual field and the lateral or ____ the visual field.

nasal; temporal

Ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system are located __________.

near the spinal column

Where would you find rods and cones?

neural layer of the retina

The primary visual cortex is located in the ______ lobe of the cerebrum.


The visual cortex is located in the ______ lobe of the cerebrum.


The optic chiasm forms as a result of crossing of the ______.

optic nerves

The _______________ division of the ANS functions mainly under ordinary, restful conditions.


The craniosacral division is also known as the ______ nervous system.


Taste sensation is strongly influenced by the sense of ______.


The olfactory region is lined with ______.

olfactory epithelium

Most neurons are permanent cells; however, __________ are neurons that are constantly being replaced.

olfactory neurons

Light that enters the lens projects to the ______ side of the retina.


The optic nerves cross, forming the

optic chiasm

The area of the retina that does not respond to light is the ______.

optic disc

The blind spot, where arteries enter the eye and veins and the optic nerve exit the eye, is also called the

optic disk

The __________ division of the ANS is characterized by long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers.


Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the sacral region of the spinal cord travel in ______ nerves to reach the terminal ganglia.

pelvic splanchnic

The correct pathway for impulses leaving the retina is

photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, and optic nerve.

The conscious perception of smell is a function of the __________.

primary olfactory areas

What is the function of the eyelids?

protect the eyes

The facial nerve supplies the lacrimal gland and mucosal nasal glands through the ______ ganglion.


Which is not a major tastant?


The extrinsic eyeball muscles include the superior, inferior, lateral and medial _____ muscles along with the superior and inferior _____ muscles.

rectus, oblique

Match each tastant with the method by which an action potential is initiated.

salt - Na+ diffuses through ion channels resulting in depolarization. sour - Hydrogen ions promote depolarization. Hydrogen ions promote depolarization. sweet - Activation of a G protein leading to activation of cAMP and the closure of K+ channels. bitter - Activation of a G protein leading to the activation of phospholipase C and the release of intracellular Ca++. glutamate - Choice, Activation of a G protein leading to activation of cAMP and the influx of extracellular Ca++. Activation of a G protein leading to activation of cAMP and the influx of extracellular Ca++.

The outermost tunic of the eyeball is the __________.


The crista ampullaris is the sensory organ within the ______.

semicircular canals

The sense of ___________ is the only major sense where sensory signals do not pass through the thalamus before being relayed to the cerebral cortex.


The preganglionic cell bodies of the ______ nervous system are found in T1-L2.


The sense of olfaction strongly influences _____ sensations.


The structure within the cochlea that contains hair cells that detect sound is called the ______.

spiral organ

Evaluation of the position of the head relative to gravity and detection of linear acceleration and deceleration is the function of the ______ labyrinth while evaluation of movements of the head is the function of the ______ labyrinth.

static, dynamic

Depending on the body location, the parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system is ______.

stimulatory or inhibitory

An inflammation of one of the ciliary glands of the eyelashes is called a __________.


Where is the olfactory epithelium located?

superior part of nasal cavity

The muscles that move the eyeball are the superior, inferior, medial, and lateral rectus, along with the _____ and _____ oblique muscles


The division of the autonomic nervous system that has a more general effect in the body due in part to the secretion of both epinephrine and norepinephrine is the _____


The olfactory pathway terminates in the olfactory cortex of the _____ lobe


The primary olfactory cortex is located in the __________ lobe.


The two parts of the visual field are the ______ visual fields.

temporal and nasal

The primary olfactory cortex is located in the ______.

temporal lobe

The nasal visual field projects to the ______ retina and the temporal visual field projects to the ______ retina.

temporal, nasal

Sound perception in one ear is temporally offset from the other. This allows ______.

the brain to identify the direction of the sound's origin

The factors that affect visual acuity are ______.

the shape of the eyeball and flexibility of the lens

The cardiac plexus and pulmonary plexus are considered part of the ______.

thoracic nerve plexuses

The eye's ability to focus an image on the retina so that a clear image is perceived is ______.

visual acuity

The area of vision for each eye is called the

visual field

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