CIS 1 - SMC - Combined 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

1920 x 1080

"Full HD" resolution is expressed as:

A study conducted by the National University of Singapore, found that consumers worldwide spend ____ per year downloading pirated software.

$25 Billion

If your debit card has been compromised U.S. Federal law says you are only liable for a maximum of _____ in fraudulent charges if you tell your bank within two business days of learning about them.


If your debit card has been compromised U.S. Federal law says you are only liable for a maximum of _____ in fraudulent charges if you tell your bank within two business days of learning about them.


If your debit card has been compromised and you wait more than two days, but fewer than two months after you learn about the loss, you can be liable for up to _____.


*to open a specific table*

*double click the title of it*

*Know the symbol to switch the design view in Excel*

*its the one in the bottom right*

Examples of management information systems (MIS) include


Safe Browsing Techniques

- Go incognito: the four most popular web browsers have this mode - be cautious when using social media: open Facebook, click Settings, download a copy of your Facebook data - a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can protect you online identity - HTTPS: check for "https" at the beginning of the URL if you are entering any personal information

Select the usual task of database administrators (DBAs)

- Monitors the database's performance - develops and maintains the database itself - establishes user privileges for the database to help protect the data

Identify Factors that Damage Computer Hardware

- Power surge: lightning or other large electrical input can fry electronics - Protecting a digital device from overheating: heat can severely damage a digital device - Protecting a device from humidity: humidity can negatively impact the performance of a device - Protecting a digital device from magnetic fields: Magnetic fields can influence the flow of electricity in a digital device and impact a computer's hard drive

Select the characteristics of RFID.

- RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification - RFID can be used to identify a variety of objects including objects, animals, and people implanted with an active RFID chip - High-frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet.

Managing Cookies in Safari

- Safari accepts cookies and website data only from websites you visit. This helps prevent certain advertisers from storing data on your device - You can change options in Safari preferences so that Safari always accepts or always blocks cookies and other website data - Important: Changing your cookie preferences or removing cookies and other website data in Safari may change or remove them in other apps, including Dashboard

Protecting a Digital Device from Power Surges and Voltage Differenecs

- Surge Protector: use a surge protector when charging a digital device - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): Provides surge suppression and a battery power backup in the event of a power failure - Voltage differences when traveling: US uses 110 volts, many other countries use 220 volts

Select the qualities that make a trait useful for biometic recognition.

- The trait must not change over time. The trait must not change over time. - Everyone must have the trait. Everyone must have the trait. - The trait must be measurably different with each person.

Starting Windows in Safe Mode

- To start a device using Windows OS in safe mode, first click the Windows button - Click the Settings button - If necessary scroll down to view all options - Select Update and Security - Select Recovery - Select Restart now - After rebooting the system, you will enter Windows RE (Recovery environment) - Select Troubleshoot - Select Advanced options - Select Startup Settings - Select Restart - Use number keys or function keys to Enable Safe Mode


- a computer controlled by a hacker - groups of compromised computers that are controlled by a hacker are called botnets or zombie armies Hackers use zombies to: - send spam from multiple IP addresses - launch a DoS attack


- a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a criminal or offense - Single event: victims endure a single event cybercrime such as unknowingly downloading a Trojan Horse virus - On-going series of events: more serious than single event cybercrimes

select the advantages of using a database instead of a traditional filing system

- a database can provide improved data integrity - a database can hold larger amounts of data


- a deliberate misuse of computers and networks via the internet - cyberattacks use malicious code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network Cyberattacks include the following: - pharming and phishing - spamming and spoofing - spyware - trojans and viruses - identity and information theft - Dos and DDoS attacks


- a destructive program that replicates itself throughout a single computer or across a network - automatically reproduces itself - designed to attack both wired and wireless networks - replication exhausts network bandwidth or available storage

Firewall Options

- a firewall is an application that executes different tasks than those executed by antivirus or anti-malware apps - firewalls help prevent against worms and hackers, antivirus apps help protect against viruses, and anti malware apps help protect against malware - you need all three applications in order to be fully protected - you only need one firewall app on your PC - both Windows OS and Mac OS X come with firewall software

Keystroke Logger

- a form of spyware that records all actions typed on a keyboard - can be hardware devices and software applications - software based keystroke loggers are often a Trojan that is installed without the user's knowlege - keystroke loggers can record passwords and confidential information

What's true about database fields

- a group of related characters in a database table - represents a characteristic of someone or something


- a person who attempts to gain unauthorized access to networks - commonly attempts to steal and corrupt information and data - the term hacker and cracker are synonymous


- a program that appears legitimate but executes an unwanted activity when activated - often used to find passwords, destroy data, or to bypass firewalls - similar to viruses, but do not replicate themselves - often found attached to free downloads and apps


- a secret code used to help prevent unauthorized access to data and user accounts - used to secure computers, networks, software, personal accounts, and digital devices - only identify the authenticity of the password, not the use - the terms passcode and key code are synonymous for password

Email Virus

- a virus that is attached in a file in and sent via email message - when that infected file is opened, the virus infects the computer 3 common types: - Phishing: tricks users into revealing their usernames and passwords by appearing legitimate - Ransomware: when activated, encrypts files on user hard drive and then sells a decryption program - Keystroke logging Trojan: when activated, saves all keystrokes for subsequent transmission to virus creator

Macro Virus

- a virus written in a macro language and placed within a document or spreadsheet - when file is opened the macro virus executed - commands in the macro language set off the destructive events - can be avoided by not downloading or opening the attachment


- allows greater data sharing - allows unlimited storage

Select the statements that refer to color depth.

- also known as "bit depth" also known as "bit depth" - a measure of the accuracy of the color of each pixel a measure of the accuracy of the color of each pixel - specifically, the number of bits of data describing each pixel in a display specifically, the number of bits of data describing each pixel in a display - the number of pixels in a display

Script Kiddie

- amateur computer hackers with little programming expertise - illegally gain access to computer systems using programs (scripts) that others have written - do not have the skill or experience to write their own programs


- an unsolicited email message - spam messages are sometimes called UBE (unsolicited bulk email) and are used for a variety of marketing purposes including selling products and services - messages may contain a variety of malicious programs

Antivirus Software

- antivirus software is a computer program that is used to scan files to identify and remove computer viruses and other malicious programs - antivirus programs use a variety of techniques to identify and remove viruses and malware - two of the most common techniques are using signature-based detection and heuristic-based detection - other techniques include behavioral detection and cloud-based detection

When reporting a computer ethics violation of a co-worker to your employer, it's important to:

- be brief and direct - state only what you witnessed

How to manage cookies in Google Chrome?

- blocking/allowing cookies by default - deleting cookies - make exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains

Black Hat Hacker

- break into computer systems with the intent of causing damage or stealing data - also known as hackers or crackers - Richard Stallman invented the definition to express the maliciousness of a criminal hacker versus a white hat hacker who performs hacking duties to identify places to repair

Password Security

- change your passwords frequently - use generic passwords - keep your passwords private - use a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers - check your accounts


- collects information about your internet surfing habits and behaviors - includes the collection of keystrokes, passwords, and confidential information - often installed via free downloads or by visiting certain illegitimate websites

Spam Filter

- computer software that is designed to prevent spam messages from entering into a user's email inbox - also known as spam blockers or anti-spam utilities - searches for spam by monitoring suspicious work patterns and frequencies

The usual tasks of data analysts

- creates reports for senior management - interprets information provided by the database - collects data

possible consequences of not setting a computer ethics policy

- decreased network speeds - increased likelihood security breaches - decreased employee performance - increased likelihood of data loss

Managing Cookies

- determine what cookie settings are preferred - cookie settings must be adjusted in each browser you use Cookie settings in web browsers: - delete cookies - block/customize cookies - allow cookies

Network Address Translation (NAT)

- developed by Cisco, is used by firewalls, routers, and computers that are part of a network and are connected to the Internet - used in firewalls to provide protection from outside network intrusions by hiding internal IP addresses - Can be used to prevent many types of network attacks, but in order to maximize security it must be used in conjunction with the firewall built into the router or the firewall provided by the OS

The usual tasks of information systems (IS) program managers

- developing training plans and polices for IS - Supervising IS technicians - Working with developers and senior management to procure and implement IS processes

Which of these should business owners do to help protect their data

- ensure antivirus software is installed and up-to-date - establish strong firewall protection for their business's network - create strong password protections and protocols

Which are true regarding a screen's resolution?

- equals the number of pixels in a display equals the number of pixels in a display - measures image quality

Managers and network administrator should

- establish ethic standards - enforce standards by creating firewalls, setting filters, and establishing monitoring protocols - periodically reviewing computer ethics policies - instruct employees on standard

How to Diagnose if your System has been Hacked

- fake antivirus messages: if you notice these messages power down your computer, and reboot your computer in safe mode. Then run your antivirus program - unwanted browser toolbars - frequent random popups - fake emails or social media messages from your account

How do Firewalls Work

- filter all information coming through the Internet to your network or computer system There are a variety of techniques that are used to minimize the risk of harmful intrusions into a computer or network including: - Packet Filters: a packet filter inspects each packet leaving or entering a network - Proxy Server: intercept all messages between client and server

Internet Filter

- firewall software used to block a user's access to specific Internet content The software can reside on a: - router or user's computer - a stand-alone filter attached to a server - Network


- hacking for a politically or socially motivated purposes - uses same techniques as a hacker, but does so in order to disrupt services and bring attention to a political or social cause


- harassing using digital devices and networks in a repeated and deliberate manner - includes (among others) emails, blogs, texts, web pages, and blogs with the intention of harming another person - Cyberstalking is a form of cyberbullying


- hardware or software used to keep a computer secure from outside threats such as hackers and viruses - allow or block Internet traffic in and out of a network or computer - the most ideal firewall configuration consists of both hardware and software - personal software firewalls are typically included with the operating system - hardware based firewalls can be purchased as a stand-alone product


- if possible, states when a return call can be expected - concise - states the number or office gat has been reached

Where to download antivirus software?

- if you know the name of the software vendor you can download the software directly from their website - a popular option for free antivirus software is: (part of the Cnet family) - When downloading software from any site it is important to think before you click. Many software download sites have links to other areas and sites


- illegitimate use of an email message that appears to be from an established organization - often contain the company's logo and identifying informatoin - use legitimate looking email messages to con a user into giving up private information

How to Avoid Viruses

- install the latest antivirus software and update frequently - surf the web and download content safely - only visit trusted sites - remove any USB drives, and DVDs before booting your computer - purchase a new router every other year to ensure you have the latest firewall protections - adjust your web browser's security settings to allow browsing only on trusted sites - never bypass your browser's built in security features

In order to ensure that employees understand what's appropriate and what's inappropriate use of company computer equipment, software, and networks, employers must set ethical computer use standards. This includes which of the following

- instructing employees on standards - periodically reviewing computer-use polices - enforcing standards by creating firewalls, monitoring protocols, and filters

If you own a small business, what can you do to ensure your computers and data is kept secure?

- keep software updated, particularly antivirus software - backup your data regularly - physically secure computers to minimize risk of theft


- let's caller know the call is important - repetitive - long

Which statements refer to a display's contrast ratio?

- luminance of white pixels compared to the luminance of black pixels - describes the number of pixels in a display

Select appropriate business email etiquette practices

- maintain high levels of formality, especially with initial contacts - consider if email is the appropriate means of communication


- makes a computer's data inaccessible until a ransom payment is made - encrypts data, forcing victim to buy an decryption code - payment is made using Bitcoin or prepaid cards Attacks usually come via: - Trojan: a legitimate looking email - Worm: in a computer network - an alternative version of a ransomware threatens to make the victim's confidential files public

White Hat Hacker

- non-malicious computer security experts - test the security measures of an organization's information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions

Fee based vs Free antivirus software

- one of the main differences is the number of features - many free antivirus programs come with advertising - most of the free antivirus programs performed almost as effectively as their fee based counterparts

How does Antivirus Software work?

- one popular technique used by antivirus programs is to look for a virus signature - a virus signature is the software code of a particular computer virus - the antivirus program compares its database of known virus signatures with the files on a digital device and on removable media - once the virus is identified the antivirus software attempts to remove the virus from the file

Online Nuisances

- online nuisances are annoying software programs that can slow down the operations a computer, clog email inboxes, and lead to the theft of information and money Online Nuisances include: - spam - spyware - phishing and pharming - trolling and spoofing

For which of the following activities would a typical marketing department need a strong information system?

- online sales - online advertising - updating business's social media

How a Virus Infects a Computer

- opening an infected email attachment - downloading an infected file from the internet - sharing infected files - visiting a contaminated website - disguised as images, audio, or video files

How to Diagnose a computer that is impacted by online nuisances

- receiving spam email and bounced back email - frequent pop ups - pop ups start appearing after visiting unfamiliar sites

The appropriate business email etiquette practices

- remember that potentially negative news is best given face-to-face - keep attachments small


- small text file of information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk First-party Cookie - created by visited websites to optimize browsing Third-party Cookie - created by a website other than the one you are currently visiting and are used to track our surfing habits

Persistent Cookie

- small text files stored on hard drive Collects information regarding: - user preferences - Password and username information - IP address - Data on web surfing behavior

Computer Virus

- software than infects computers - created using computer code - typically must be "run" to attack and do damage - can destroy programs or alter the operations of a computer or network


- software that collected the user's web browsing history - data is collected to create unsolicited targeted pop up advertisements - adware often accompanies downloaded programs

Packet Sniffer

- specialized hardware or software that capture packets transmitted over a network - legitimate sniffers are used for routine examination and problem detection - unauthorized sniffers are used to steal information - packet sniffers can be very difficult to detect

Session Cookie

- stored in temporary memory and is lost when the browser is closed - determine the start and end of a session - analyze and measure traffic on a web page - determine the web browser being used

your college has a datable with a student table. which of the following could be primary key in the table?

- student number - social security number *must be unique field*

when you're creating a voice mail greeting on your business phone, you should tell the caller

- the voice mail that they've reached - when they can expect a return call - if possible, why you can't take the call


- type of malware that hides in the operating system and is triggered each time you boot your computer A rootkit allows a remote user to: - install rogue files - use and take control of the computer by creating a "backdoor" that bypasses security - delete files

Password Management

- use a strong password and to never use the same password twice - experts suggests using password management software to keep your passwords safe

A digital identity is comprised of a variety of digital attributes including

- usernames and passwords. - online search activities. - personal data such as your social security number and birthdate. - the spreadsheet software you're using.


- uses computers and the internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons - attacks include the disruption of e-commerce and government sites - the power grid and public utilities have also been targeted

What are the privacy risks associated with cookies?

- websites can collect your information and sell it to third-parties - websites can track your surfing behavior and create a user profile - corporate and government entities can monitor your Web behavior

Put the following elements in the proper order in which they appear in an email:

-#1: salutation -#2: body -#3: complimentary close -#4: signature line

Match the e-commerce transaction type

-A consumer makes a purchase from : B2C -A consumer makes arrangements to buy used snowboard equipment with another consumer on craigslist: C2C -Albertson's grocery store places an automated order for more Mountain Dew from PepsiCo via the internet: B2B

Select the advantages of using a database instead of a traditional filing system.

-A database can hold larger amounts of data. -A database can provide better data integrity. -A database can never be hacked

What is true about AUP

-AUP covers a broad spectrum of computer recourses -An AUP often accompanies most software applications -a well-written AUP should clearly state what a user is not allowed to do with these resources as well as general etiquette to follow when using shared resources

You should evaluate websites based on which of the following criteria?

-Authenticity -Objectivity -Bias

According to the FTC, a few US internet privacy laws/rules of importance are

-COPPA -the Red Flags Rule

The TPP was negotiated by 12 countries including

-Canada -The US -Brunei

Select the Characteristics of a router

-Connects networks -Provides hardware firewall protection -Usually incorporates a switch

The 3 phases that should be accomplished in the investigation step of the SDLC include:

-Defining the problem. -Examining alternatives. -Reporting.

Select what's true about session cookies

-Determine the start and end of a session -Analyze and measure traffic on a web page -Determine the web browser being used.

Identify common symptoms of a computer virus.

-Documents won't save -Computer runs extremely slowly -Programs launch on their own

Match the number to the statement about debit card fraud

-If you tell your bank within 2 days of learning about fraudulent charges you are responsible for a maximum of: $50 -Wait more than 2 days but less than 60 days to inform your bank of fraudulent charges you are responsible for a maximum of: $500 -After you tell your financial institution about the fraud charges it has ___ business days to investigate: 10 days. -If the investigation determines the transaction was indeed fraudulent, your financial institution must replace the funds within ____ business days: 1

Once the algorithm or plan has been created, the next step in the PDLC is to write the coding for the program. The highly structured process may be completed using which languages?

-Java -Javascript -C++

Spyware is software that collects information about your Internet surfing habits and behaviors. Spyware includes the collection of

-Keystrokes -Passwords -Confidential information

Select what's true about packet sniffers.

-Legitimate sniffers are used for routine examination and problem detection. -Unauthorized sniffers are used to steal information.

Select what is true about BitTorrent

-Movie steaming and Torrent sites account for more than half of all internet traffic -BitTorrent uses a peer-to-peer structure where each device connected to a network has equal access to the shared files

Select what's true about Trojan malware

-Often found attached to free downloads and apps. -Often used to find passwords, destroy data, or to bypass firewalls.

Select the examples of uploading files

-Posting a photo on social media -Placing an ad on Craigslist -Posting a YouTube video

Select the characteristics of RFID: -RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification -RFID can be used to identify a variety of objects including animals and people implanted with an active RFID chip -high frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet -RFID doesn't require line of sight scanning

-RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification -RFID can be used to identify a variety of objects including animals and people implanted with an active RFID chip -RFID doesn't require line of sight scanning

Which of the following are common email viruses

-Ransomware -Keystroke logging Trojan

You should evaluate websites using which of the following criteria?

-Reliability -Relevance -Validity

If you're reading an article and are concerned that it may be biased in one way or another, what can you do to judge the author's objectivity?

-Remember that bias is introduced into everything, even though it may be unintentional -When viewing a website, investigate the background and other writings of the author and the site -Try to be aware of all sides of any issue

An Internet search engine can perform which three basic tasks:

-Search the Internet for information based on the search criteria entered by the user -Indexing of keywords that are found -Display the location of the information stored in the indexes

The titles in the DMCA that directly impact digital copyright issues are:

-Title 2- online copyright infringement liability limitation -Title 3- computer maintenance competition assurance -Title 1- WIPO copyright and phonograms treaties and implementation act

Select what's true about using the Boolean operators "OR" and "NOT".

-Use "OR" when you are searching for documents including one or another of your search words) -You can use /^ to execute an OR search -Use "NOT" if you want to exclude certain results from your search

Select the characteristics of a modem

-Usually provided by the ISP -Converts analog signals into digital signals -Converts digital signals into analog signals

Which of the following are true statements regarding LinkedIn?

-You can use LinkedIn to apply for jobs. -LinkedIn includes a resume tool to assist you in creating a professional resume.

What is true about RFID

-can be used to identify a variety of objects including objects, animals, and people implanted with an active RFID chip -RFID does not require line-of-sight scanning

An acceptable use policy (AUP) is a written document that provides a framework of rules to be followed by users of:

-computers -networks -websites

Which of the statements are true about ergonomics?

-derived from the Greek words ergon (work) and nomoi (natural laws) -a very important element of an effective workplace safety plan -the study of human interaction with the objects they use


-online advertising and using social media - search engine optimization

What is true about best practices for the use of an employee-monitoring program.

-preventing employee access to time-wasting or inappropriate sites can help stop trouble before it begins -be honest with the people in your organization about the presence of monitoring software and the processes and procedures that surround it

select the activities that would considered software theft: -taking a registration code from the internet and using it to register a program that you didn't purchase -illegally copying a program -stealing software programs -erasing a program that you purchased and then sold to a friend

-taking a registration code from the internet and using it to register a program that you didn't purchase -illegally copying a program -stealing software programs

Internet privacy is a wide ranging term that refers to a variety of considerations including...

-tech used to protect sensitive and private data, communications and preferences -who has access to date and information -how data and information is used

Which are considered Intellectual property?

-trade secrets -trademarks -patents

A digital identity is composed of a variety of digital attributes including:

-usernames and passwords -personal data such as your social security number and birth dates -online search activities

Which of the following are examples of EFT transactions?

-using your debit card to purchase gas -ATM withdrawal of cash to use to buy concert tickets -direct deposit of your paycheck

Which of the following file extensions is commonly used for term papers and other word processing tasks?


Which of these extensions, if you open it, will probably install software onto your computer? Be careful!


A smartphone emits approximately ___ watts of microwaves.


The text contained in about 4 books uses approximately ___ times more data than a short email.


Three items to install a home WiFi network

1. A router 2. A Modem 3. An internet signal

1. Ways to avoid a computer virus 2. Ways to catch a computer virus

1. Adjust your web browser's security settings to allow browsing only on trusted sites Surf the web and download content safely Purchase a new router every other year to ensure you have the latest firewall protection 2. Downloading files from the internet Opening suspicious or infected email messages Visiting questionable websites

1. Twisted pair 2. Ethernet 3. Microwaves

1. Cable sticking out or folded 2. Has a clit 3. Satellite

Match the business information activity with the appropriate management level: 1. First level managers (supervisors, floor managers) 2. Middle managers 3. Top level management (business executives and presidents)

1. First level managers - Use information systems for recording line employee performance. 2. Middle managers - Use information systems for communicating policies and performance reports up and down the corporate ladder. 3. Top level management - Use information systems to foresee corporate opportunities and threats.

1. Online nuiscance 2.Virus

1. Frequent pop-ups while searching the web Receiving a lot of spam emails and bounced back email Pop-ups start appearing after visiting unfamiliar sites 2. You cannot boot your computer Your computer is running slower than usual

Place the following steps in order to attach a document from your documents folder to an email in outlook

1. Go to outlook 2. Click attach 3. Select computer 4. Select documents 5. Double click

Match the following: 1. Input 2. Output 3. Storage

1. Input: Entering text in a word document. 2. Output: Playing a song from Spotify. 3. Storage: Putting a photo onto a USB drive (thumbdrive).

Match the conversion methods with the correct description in the system implementation step of the SDLC: 1. Pilot 2. Direct 3. Phased 4. Parallel

1. Pilot - starts in one area of the organization and then is deployed to the rest of the organization 2. Direct - shuts down the old system and starts the new system 3. Phased - implements new areas of the system in a predetermined period of time 4. Parallel - old and new systems run side-by-side for a while

Following internet service options

1. Satellite 2. Fiber Optic 3. Cable

The internet is a global network of interconnected networks that uses

1. Transmission media such as fiber optic cable and satellite(microwave) signals 2. Software, specifically the TCP/IP suite of internet protocols 3. Hardware such as servers and routers

1. Virus 2.Cyber attack

1. Trojan Horse, Worm, and Macro 2. Rootkiit, Packet Analyzer, and DOS attack

1. Online nuisance 2. Other computer terms

1. Trolling Phishing Spoofing Spyware 2.Hardware Theft Software theft First Party cookies

1. Hacker 2. Online nuisances

1. White hat Black hat Cyber terrorist Script Kiddie 2.Spam Spyware Adware

1. Pro 2. Unpro

1. states the number or office that has been reached If possible, states when a return call can be expected Concise 2. Let's caller know the call is important Long Repetitive

How do I setup an Internet Filter for Mac OS X

1.) Choose Apple menu - System Preferences, Parental Controls. When you open Parental Controls preferences, if you see the message There are no user accounts to manage, see Add a managed user 2.) Click the lock icon to unlock it, then enter an administrator name and password 3.) Select a user, click Enable Parental Controls. If the user isn't in the list, click Add, then create a new user

Set Restrictions in Mac OS X

1.) Choose Apple menu - System Preferences, then click Parental Controls 2.) Click the lock icon to unlock it, then enter an administrator name and password 3.) Select a user, then click one of the tabs along the top: - Apps - Web - People - Time Limites

Removing Stored Data and Cookies in Safari

1.) Click Remove All Website Data, or click Details 2.) Select one or more websites, then click Remove - If you remove information stored by a website, the website may not be able to provide services it has provided in the past

How do I delete cookies in Google Chrome?

1.) Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar (right upper corner of the screen) 2.) Select Settings 3.) Click Show advanced settings 4.) In the Privacy section, click the Content Settings button 5.) In the Cookies section, change the following cookies settings: 6.) Click All cookies and site data to open the Cookies and site data dialog 7.) To delete all cookies, click Remove all at the bottom of the dialog. To delete a specific cookie, hover with your mouse, then click the X

How to access Windows Firewall

1.) Clicking the Start button 2.) Click Control Panel 3.) Click System and Security, then click Windows Firewall 4.) Adjust Windows firewall settings

How do I block cookies in Mozilla Firefox?

1.) Go to the website you wish to block from setting cookies in Firefox 2.) Right-click within the page and select View Page Info. In the Page Info window, select the Permissions panel 3.) Underneath Set Cookies, remove the check mark from Use default 4.) Change the setting to block and close the Page Info window and remove any cookies that the website has already set in Firefox

How do I setup an Internet filter in Microsoft Windows?

1.) Navigate to the Control Panel, and then, under User Accounts and Family Safety, clicking Set up parental controls for any user 2.) Click the standard user account that you want to set Parental Controls for. If the standard user account isn't set up, then click Create a new user account 3.) Under Parental Controls, click On, enforce current settings 4.) With Parental Controls for your standard user account, you can adjust time limits and access to specific programs and web sites

Deleting cookies in Internet Explorer

1.) On the Start screen, click Internet Explorer 2.) Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and tap Settings (If you're using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, and then click Settings) 3.) Click options, and then under History, click Select 4.) Select the Cookies check box, and then click delete

Adjusting Cookie Settings in Windows Edge

1.) Open Microsoft Edge 2.) Press the three-dot More actions button on the top right 3.) Select Settings from the menu that shows up then tap or click View Advanced Settings 4.) Press the drop down arrow then select Block All Cookies or Block Only Third Party Cookies

How do I allow cookies in Internet Explorer?

1.) Open the Desktop and then tap or click the Internet Explorer Icon on the taskbar 2.) Tap or click the Tools button and then tap or click Internet Options 3.) Tap or click the Privacy tab, and under Settings, move the slider to the bottom to allow cookies, and then tap or click OK - blocking cookies might prevent some pages from displaying correctly, or you might get a message from a site letting you know that you need to allow cookies to view that site

How do I customize cookie settings in Internet Explorer?

1.) Open the desktop and then click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar 2.) Click the Tools button and then tap or click Internet options 3.) On the privacy tab, do one or more of the following: To set what types of cookies are blocked or allowed, move the slider. To block or allow specific websites, click Sites. To import privacy preferences file, tap or click import. To override your privacy settings for certain types of cookies, click Advanced. To reset privacy settings to their original level, click Default 4.) When you're done, click OK

How do I block cookies in Internet Explorer?

1.) Open the desktop and then click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar 2.) Click the Tools button, and then click Internet options 3.) Click the Privacy tab, and under Settings, move the slider to the top to block all cookies, and then click OK

How do Computer Viruses Work?

1.) Virus arrives via email attachment, file download, or by "clicking" in an infected website 2.) An action triggers the virus 3.) The virus spreads to other computer/devices or network 4.) The activated virus starts its destructive actions

1.Virus symptoms 2.Ways to catch a computer virs

1.Critical files may get deleted The operating system may not launch properly If a system or networks is infected severely, it may even black out or not even launch 2.Borrowing a friends USB storage device to save a file Downloading files from the internet Visiting questionable internet sites

1. 4 not tilted 2. circle 3. 4 tilted 4. Rectangle

1.Decision point 2.Start point or finish point 3.Input or output points 4.Process or procedure

According to Microsoft, the most efficient way to block cookies is:

1.Desktop 2.Tap or click Tool button 3. Tap or click privacy

Select the statements for Internet Protocol(IP) addresses

1.ISPs usually have blocks of IP addresses that they assign as demanded 2. Assigned to your home network by your ISP 3. Means by which your network is identified by other servers and computers on the internet

According to Microsoft, the most efficient order of steps to customize cookie settings is

1.Open desktop 2.Tap or click 3.BIG PARAGRAPH 4. When you are done

Put the following steps in order for creating a new email message in Microsoft outlook

1.Open outlook 2. Click new 3. enter 4. Type subject 5. your message 6. send

What is the correct order for the major steps of the software development proccess

1.Planning 2.Programming 3.Debugging 4.Beta Review

1. Online nuisance 2. Virus

1.Receiving a lot of spam emails and bounced back email Pop - up start appearing after visiting unfamiliar sites Frequent pop ups while searchings the web or working in programs 2.Your computer is running slower than usual You cannot boot your computer

Put the remaining steps required to set parental controls in Mac OS X in the correct order

1.Select system perferences then click parntal controls 2.Click the lock icon to unlock it 3.Select a user, then enable parental controls 4.If the user is not in the list, click Add, then fill in name

1.Illegal computer activity 2.Legal, but often violate business computer use policies

1.Software piracy Copyright Infringement Computer scams Child pornography Bomb threats 2.Visiting personal social mmedia sites Sending/opening personal email Online shopping Playing online games

Snaps on Snapchat can be viewed for up to ___ seconds (depending on what the user chooses) and then disappear.


Snaps on Snapchat can be viewed for up to ____ seconds (depending on what the user chooses) and then disappear.


Twitter recommends using no more than ___ hashtags per Tweet.


Twitter recommends using no more than _____ hashtags per Tweet.


twitter recommends using no more than _______ per tweet.


Which area of the control panel screen in windows 7 allows you to adjust parental control

3 user accounts

Sometimes used to create prototype models for casting, ___ printing is also known as additive manufacturing.


If you just need a phone for calling and texting, a ___ phone can save you money.


Two major categories of cell phones are available. Smartphones with LTE or 4G capability and ___ phones.


This is a Mozilla Firefox screen. Where on the screen would you click to delete cookies

4 line one

Where in the image above would you click to download a copy of your facebook data

4 triangle

When you buy a new laptop, how much RAM should it come with?

4-8 GB

The TPP covers just ___ percent of global GDP.


Broadband internet service is only available in areas of ____________ cellular availability


Most new cell phones today come with approximately ___ of RAM.

500 MB - 2 GB

BSA- The Software alliance is headquarters in Washington DC, and operates in more than _____ countries


A tablet is a highly-mobile computer with a mobile operating system and a touchscreen rather than a keyboard/touchpad. To differentiate a tablet from a smartphone, a tablet is generally understood to have a screensize of at least ___ inches.


The TPP also stipulates the length of copyright terms. In the US, perpetual copyrights and patents are prohibited, but extensions to copyrights are allowed. Under the TPP copyrighted works will pass into the public domain ____ years after the death of the creator, extending the term for some countries such as New Zealand by a further 20 years.


CDs provide approximately ___ of data storage space.

700 MB

Software theft occurs when someone engages in all of the following except _______: A. Erasing a program you purchased then sold to a friend B. Illegally registering a program C. Stealing software programs D. Illegally copying a program


The coding step of the PDLC might use which of the following languages? A. C++ B. English C. Russian D. Spanish


Which of these is found on iPhones and iPads? A. iOS B. OSX C. Blackberry D. Android


Which of these programs make data more readable to programmers by parsing XML files? A. JSON B. C# C. Dreamweaver D. JavaScript



A ___ name identifies a server site on the Internet.


A crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a crime or offense is called _____.


A form of email fraud where criminals change the account where money is being transferred is called a ______ scam


A group of compromised computers controlled by a hacker is called a _____.

Select what's true about database fields

A group of related characters in a database Represents a characteristic of someone or something Primary key is a field designation


A link between tables in a relational database that defines how the data is related is called a _____.


A million bytes of data equals approximately one ___


A person who gains unauthorized access to networks and in order to steal and corrupt information and data is called a _____.


A person who uses computers and the Internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons is called a ___.

single core processor

A processor comprised of one control unit and one ALU is called a ____ .


A programming environment used to develop, test, and disseminate web apps via the Internet.


A programming environment used to develop, test, and disseminate web apps via the Internet.

File Transfer Protocol

A protocol commonly used to transfer large files from one server to another on the Internet is the ___ .


A request for an electronic "echo" or response from another computer or server is called a ____.


A security system separating 2 networks or even computers on the same network is called a ___ .


A signal transmitted every few seconds by a wireless router so that users' computers can find the Wi-Fi hotspot is called a(n) ___ .

control panel

A site on the Windows operating system where you can uninstall programs, adjust settings, and manage tasks is the _____.


A smartphone emits approximately ___ watts of microwaves.

optical drive

A storage device that uses lasers to read CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray discs is referred to as a(n) ___ .


A switch distinguishes between various devices within a network by their __ addresses.


A television remote usually uses ___ waves.

Select the 3 parts that must be in loop

A test condition An initial value A process

500 gb- 1 tb

A typical laptop has a storage capacity of approximately ____ .

Select the advantages of using a database instead of a traditional filing system: A. A database can hold larger amounts of data B. A database can provide better data integrity C. A database can never be hacked D. Using a relational database, such as MS Access, is so easy that it requires no instruction

A, B

The data definition, as described in the data dictionary, tells users how each unit of data is defined in the database. Which of the following elements will be used to describe the data? A. What field name will the data fall under B. What data type will be included C. What database manufacturer is used D. When was the database created

A, B

Select what's true about database fields: A. A group of related characters in a database B. Represents a characteristic of someone or something. C. Primary key is a field designation D. A field is a row in a table

A, B, C

A set of programs that allow data to be exchanged on a website without changing the website's display is ___ .


Before using your empolyer's network, you'll probably have to read and agree to abide by the networks


Business owners, copyright holders, and network administrators publish


Business owners, copyright holders, and network administrators publish ___ so that users understand what is expected and permissible when they use the network, computer equipment, and/or software.


Business owners, copyright holders, and the network administrators publish ___ so that users understand what is expected and permissible when they use the network, computer equipment, and/or software


before using your employer's network, you'll probably have to read and agree to abide by the network ___


300 hours

According to youtube approximately how much video is uploaded to its site every minute


Adding a microSD card (when possible) increases your phone's ___ capacity.

Software that collects the user's web browsing history and uses the data collected to create unsolicited targeted pop-up advertisements is called ____.



After verifying that your data plan includes tethering, the first step in creating a hotspot with your Android phone is to click on the ___ icon.

Select the set of programs that allow data to be exchanged on a website without changing the website's display


Written in natural language and in the form of a flowchart, a programmer uses a(n) ___ to describe the problem the program will solve.



All of the following are considered e-commerce transactions except


All of the following are considered e-commerce transactions except

open edu resources

All of the following are protected against unauthorized use or distribution by intellectual property laws except

A test of new software conducted by the programmers themselves or by contracted evaluators working alongside the programmers is one of the first phases of the testing process in the PDLC. This is referred to as a(n) ___ test.



Although it sounds ironic, searching the _____ in your area is an efficient way to search for an ISP.

Identify what is true about script kiddies

Amateur computer hackers with little programming expertise Illegally gain access to computer systems using programs that other have written

script kiddies

Amateur computer hackers with little programming expertise that illegally gain access to computer systems using programs (scripts) that others have written are called _____ .


Amazon offers 2 lines of tablet computers, the Amazon Fire and the Amazon fire


An Internet signal that has enough bandwidth to allow multiple computers to be connected to the same router is called a ___ signal.

Select the statements that are true regarding a Wi-Fi's SSID.

An SSID is the Wi-Fi's name. Most routers transmit the SSID every few seconds so roaming devices can find the signal. In home networks, after all legitimate devices have connected to the SSID once, transmitting the SSID is unnecessary.


An attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests is called a _____ attack.

right click

An easy way to create a new folder in Windows is to ___ on any area in the Contents pane, and then click New and Folder.


An electronic element that stores data by changing its resistance based on the current that has passed through it (similar to RRAM) is called a(n) ___ .


An input, output or storage device connected to a computer is known as a(an) _____


An integral part of a databases management system (DBMS) is the Data Definition subsection. This subsection uses a data schema, also called a data ___ .


An organization uses servers in the cloud instead of buying and maintaining storage servers for their day-to-day business operations.


An organization uses servers in the cloud instead of buying and maintaining storage servers for their day-to-day business operations.

The second step of the SDLC process involves collecting data about existing hardware and software, analyzing this data, and preparing specifications for the system. This is called the system ____ step.


Which of the following HTML objects will find web pages with hyperlinks?


Which of the following are examples of HTML objects?

Anchor, Image, Link

Which of these operating systems is based on Linux and used on smartphones


Each task has _____, or an amount of time required to finish the task.

Answer: Duration

The project _____ is achieved when a series of tasks are completed. Every project must have a start and an end date.

Answer: Goal

One othe leading software tools in Project Management is ______.

Answer: MS Project

The _____ is the central person who runs the project and ensures the timely execution of the project plan.

Answer: Project Manager

______ are the people, equipment, or facilities (such as contractors, trucks, paint, etc.) that need to be assigned to a task in order to complete it. Anything that costs money to apply to a task is a resource.

Answer: Resources

A _____ is a person or entity that my indirectly be affected by a project or holds a positive or negative interest in a project.

Answer: Stakeholder

A _____ is a specific action that needs to be completed in order to achieve the project goal. For example, if your goal is to remodel a kitchen (Project End Goal) one task might be "buy new appliances".

Answer: Task

With its iPhone, ___ dominates the U.S. smartphone market.


On a mac home screen, where do you click to access to adjust parental control settings?

Apple Settings

When you make an online purchase and enter your shipping or billing information, you're actually filling out a form that was generated by a database management system. The DBMS subsystem that allows for form creation is the ___ generation subsystem.


AJAX stands for ___ JavaScript and XML.


All of the following are part of an RFID system except _____: A. Transceiver B. Network C. Antenna D. Transponder


All of the following are true about RFID except: A. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. B. High-frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet. C. RFID doesn't require line of sight scanning. D. It can be used to identify a variety of objects including objects, animals, and people implanted with an active RFID chip.


The 3rd generation programming language that most students learned when most computers used MS DOS was


A leading advocate against software piracy for the global software industry is _____ -The Software Alliance.


The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called ______.


The capacity of a particular transmission medium is called its ____.



Because a metal platter is physically spinning, hard drives have ___ access times than solid state hard drives.

Mobile switching station (MMS)

Because it locates cellular devices, assigns frequencies, transmits signals to the correct sites, the ___ is probably the most important part of any cellular network.


Because of the large infrastructure cost of building antennae and mobile switching stations, as well as leasing the rights to use radio frequencies, only ___ companies can compete nationally as cell phone providers.


Because they're both Apple products, the browser that works smoothest with Macintosh OS X is ___ .


Before you can start tethering, verify that it's included in your cell phone's ___ plan


Being able to surf the web, watch videos, and listen to streaming audio is why call service with a _____ plan is extremely popular in the US

You should evaluate websites based on which of the following criteria?

Bias, Objectivity, Authenticity

If it can be answered as either yes or no, or true or false, the question is called ___ .


peer to peer

BitTorrent utilizes no central server, instead opting to utilize a _____ structure where each device connected to a network has equal access to the shared files.

Select the cell phone manufacturers.

Blackberry Xiaomi Huawei

pits and lands that are read by a blue spectrum laser beam

Blu-ray stores data using ___ .

A group of compromised computers controlled by a hacker is called a


A group of compromised computers controlled by a hacker is called a ____.


A group of compromised computers controlled by a hacker.



Broadband is measured in _____ .


Broadband is measured in _____ .

Software applications that allow users to access and surf the World Wide Web are called



Business owners, copyright holders, and network administrators publish ___ so that users understand what is expected and permissible when they use the network, computer equipment, and/or software.

All of the following are best practices when using LinkedIn except: A. You can use LinkedIn to apply for jobs. B. LinkedIn includes a resume tool, so you will have to create one and upload it to the site. C. Post vacation photos to show your friends where you've travelled. D. Use up-to-date information and images on LinkedIn.


All of the following are considered e-commerce transactions except: A. B2C B. C2C C. G2B D. B2B


All of the following should be considered when using Twitter except: A. Most of the communication taking place on Twitter is viewable by everyone. B. Twitter accounts contain personal information. C. If a Twitter user has been blocked, you can file a formal complaint through Twitter. D. You can protect Tweets so that manual approval is required to view them.


Social networking is based on the six degrees of _____ concept which posits that you can connect with anyone through a chain of no more than six introductions or personal links: A. Proximity B. Links C. Separation D. Closeness


The titles in the DMCA that directly impact digital copyright issues include all of the following except: A. Title 2 - Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation B. Title 1 - WIPO Copyright and Phonograms Treaties and Implementation Act C. Title 5 - Copyright Protection Act D. Title 3 - Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance


There are risks associated with downloading content from the Internet. It is important to consider all of the following when downloading from the Internet except: A. When sharing files via the Internet via file sharing programs you can unknowingly give outside users access to your computer. B. Files downloaded from unknown sites and file sharing sites often contain a variety of malware including spyware and viruses. C. Your anti-virus software will ensure your files are safe. D. The source of the content. It is important to consider if the content came from a legitimate source.


Which of the following would be considered a cybercrime? A. Spam B. Adware C. Data manipulation D. Third-party cookies


Because it is a Microsfot product


If you plan to write software for PC games you should probably learn C or


If you plan to write software for PC games you should probably learn C or ___ .


One the algorithm or plan has been created, the next step in the PDLC is to write the codiing for the program

C++ Java Javascript

Programming language Natural language

C++ Java Javascript C# Spanish Russian Italian English

700 MB

CDs provide approximately _______ of data storage space

If you have 2 folders open on your desktop and you want to copy a file from one folder to the other, hold down ___ and drag the file.


Which might be a choice for Internet service in your area?

Cable Internet

Select the true statements regarding dual band routers Can transmit WIFI signals in the 5.0 GHz frequency range. Can minimize the WIFI signal's interference from microwave ovens and car alarms Usually less expensive than single band routers Can transmit WIFI signals in the 2.4 GHz frequency range

Can transmit WIFI signals in the 5.0 GHz frequency range. Can minimize the WIFI signal's interference from microwave ovens and car alarms Can transmit WIFI signals in the 2.4 GHz frequency range

Which of the following are the steps involved in programming?

Categorizing which parts of a task a digital device can perform Describing the task in a precise manner. Describing the task in a precise manner. Translating the task into the language the computer's CPU can use


Cell phones send and receive extremely weak ___ signals to and from cell towers.

base transceiver stations

Cell towers are connected to ___ .

This is the System and Security area that is accessed by clicking Control Panel System and Security. When you click Windows Firewall, what are some of the firewall settings you can adjust?

Change notification settings Update your firewall settings Turn windows firewall on or off

Put the steps to change safari cookie

Choose safari Click Preferences Click privacy Change cookie settings

After you have clicked on the Privacy tab in Safari, which of the following are ways to efficiently remove cookies and stored data

Click - Remove All Website Data

You need to adjust cookie and data permission settings in google Chrome. Put the steps for adjusting cookie and site data permission settings in Goggle Chrome in the correct order.

Click the Chrome menu Click show advanced settings In the "cookie"

How do I delete cookies in Mozilla Firefox?

Click the menu button, choose History, and then Clear Recent History... 1.) Set Time range to clear to Everything 2.) Click on the arrow next to details to expand the list of history items 3.) Select Cookies and make sure that other items you want to keep are not selected 4.) Click Clear Now to clear the cookies and close the Clear Recent History window

Sage was developed during the ____ war.


Sage was developed during the _____ war.


Sage was developed during the _____ war. -Vietnam -Korean -Cold -Revolutionary


SAGE was developed during the

Cold War

Select what is true about persistent cookies

Collect information about user preferences Collect formation about the IP Address Collect password and username information

Match the Macintosh keyboard shortcut with the appropriate result: Command+V Command+C Command+Z Command+I

Command+V - Paste Command+C - Copy Command+Z - Undo Command+I - Italicize

Select what's true about macro viruses

Commands in the macro language set off the destructive event When file is opened the macro virus execute Initiated by downloading and opening on infected attachment

OS doesn't launch properly files get deleted or encrypted strange error messages or pop-up ads.

Common symptoms of a computer virus infection include

A program that takes an entire program, check the source code for errors, and converts it into a machine language is a ________.


A program that takes an entire program, check the source code for errors, and converts it into machine language is a ___ .


Virus Symptoms

Computers infected with a virus exhibit many symptoms including: - OS doesn't launch properly - files get deleted or encrypted - strange error messages or pop up ads - documents won't save - computer runs notably slower - programs launch on their own


Contact your ISP if your actual Internet speed is _____ than advertised.

A small text file of information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk is called a(n) _____.


A small text file of information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk is called a/an _____.


Managing Cookies in Firefox

Cookies can store a wide range of information including: - personally identifiable information (name, address, email, phone number) - this information can only be stored if you provide it

What was the major question that ARPAnet wanted to solve?

Could a network be built that would continue to work even if multiple parts collapsed?

What was the major question that ARPAnet wanted to solve? -Could documents be sent over a network? -Could a network be built that would continue to work even if multiple parts collapsed? -Could pictures be sent over a network? -Could confidential information, such as credit card numbers, be sent securely over a network?

Could a network be built that would continue to work even if multiple parts collapsed?

What was the major question ARPAnet wanted to solve

Could a network be built that would continue to work even if multiple parts of it collapsed

Select the usual tasks of information systems (IS) program managers.

Creates and implements an organization's IS security measures Responsible for keeping an organization's Wi-Fi network secure

Select the usual tasks of a data analyst.

Creates report for senior management Collects data Interprets information provided by the database

A global nonprofit organization that empowers people to create open resource materials that can be shared or reused is called _____ Commons.


The first commercially available computer with a graphical user interface was NeXT's ___ computer. -ThinkPad -Apple -Cube -Commodore


The first commercially available computer with a graphical user interface was NeXT's ____ computer.


The malicious use of a computer code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network is called a _____.


A deliberate misuse of computers and networks, ______ use malicious code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network


Harming or harassing a person or group of people via information technology and networks in a repeated and deliberate manner is called _____.


A crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a crime or offense is called _____.


A crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a crime or offense is called a _____.


___ is a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a crime or offense.


Which of the following statements about Facebook is true?

Cyberstalking and online predators are a real problem on Facebook.

A person who uses computers and the Internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons is called a ___.


A person who uses computers and the Internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons is called a ____.


A business brand is derived from all of the following except: A. What their competition perceived them to be B. Who people perceive them to be C. Who they are D. What goals they want to accomplish


Personal branding can be accomplished digitally and in more traditional means including all of the following except _____ : A. Web presence B. Interpersonal skills C. Social media D. Writing private journal entries


Which of these operating systems is based on Linux and used on smartphones? A. iOS 9 B. Windows 10 C. OSX D. Android


An attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests is called a ____ attack.


An attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests is called a _____ attack.


A ____________ will automatically assign IP addresses to a host who leases the IP addresses from the service provider.


Often IP addresses are structures and assigned by a service called a ___________ or by a network administrator DHCP DCHP SPI ISP


Though it could theoretically hold terabytes of data for thousands of years in a microscopic space, ___ storage, using genetic material, is a distant storage option.


The Internet service that tends to provide the most consistent speeds is


The Internet service that tends to provide the most consistent speeds is _____.


The Internet service that tends to provide the most consistent speeds is _____. -DSL -cable Internet -cellular Internet -dial-up Internet


Which category of management information systems (MIS) focuses on providing forecasting capabilities for sales and production


which category of management information systems (MIS) focuses on providing forecasting capabilities for sale and production?




Which of the following are considered storage media?

DVDs Blu-ray discs

Being able to surf the web, watch videos, and listen to steaming audio is why cell service with a ___ plan is extremely popular in the U.S.


Many individuals find it less expensive to add to their cellular ____ plan and only access internet through phone


The DBMS subsystem that allows for data recovery, support, and maintaining and securing the database is called the ___ subsystem.

Data Administration

What element of a database field specifies the data in a field such as text, numeric, or date/time?

Data Type

The system analysis step of the SDLC involves 3 phases. Select these three phases.

Data collection Analyze data Prepare the system specifications.


Data flows between different parts of the computer via _____ .

Which of the following would be considered a cybercrime?

Data manipulation

What element of a database field specifies the data in a field such as text, numeric, or data/time?

Data type allows you to search for thousands and thousands of items using images and information that are organized logically. This much storage and management requires a complex ___ .


Most search engines use similar technology to execute an Internet search. The search engine uses a _____ of Internet URLs, each record in the database contains information including the site URL, description and title, and keywords included in the site.


To view any relationships between the Drivers table and the ticket table below, where would you click first? AKA how do you see relationships between two different tables?

Database tools

Because he wanted to be able to sort gifts according to continent and time zone, in 1984 Santa switched from using long lists to using ___ .


After the code has been written there are nearly always mistakes. The 4th step in the PDLC involves finding and correcting these errors in a process called ___ .


SAGE was developed by the US Department of


SAGE was developed by the US Department of ___ .


SAGE was developed by the US Department of ___ . -Agriculture -Energy -Defense -Education


You can change your Firefox setting to allow you to

Delete cookie Approve cookie Deny cookie

There are a variety of cookie settings that can adjusted in Google Chrome including

Deleting cookies Blocking/allowing cookies by default Making exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains

In the settings area of each browser you should consider

Deleting cookies Decide from which sites you want to allow cookies Blocking or customizing your cookie settings

Which of the following are the steps involved in programming?

Describing the task in a precise manner Categorizing which parts of a task a digital device can perform Translating the task into the language the computers CPU can use


Designed to: - steal information - destroy data - incapacitate a computer or network - frustrate the user Common types of malware: - viruses - worms - trojan horses

From and/or Subject lines

Determines if the email will be opened

Writing software follows a 5-step process called the PDLC. PDLC stands for the Program ___ Life Cycle.


An integral part of a databases management system (DBMS) is the Data Definition subsection. This subsection uses a data schema, also called a data ___ .


The devices inside your phone that convert analog waves (such as sound waves) into digital signals that your phone can process are called ___ .

Digital-analog converters

A database that stores data in different physical locations and that users access though client/server networks is called a ___ database.


A DDos attack is when a computers that have been infected by a virus act as "zombie" and work together to send out illegitimate messages creating huge volumes of network traffic. The acronym DDos stands for

Distributed Denial of Service

What does DDoS stand for?

Distributed Denial of Service

DoS and DDoS Attacks

DoS Attack: - interrupt network traffic by flooding servers with too many requests DDoS Attack: - most common DoS attack - Botnet sends out illegitimate messages creating huge volumes of network traffic - high volume traffic causes a network crash

A _____ name identifies a server site on the internet.


A hacker launches an attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests. This would be considered a


An attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many request is called

Dos attack

Which of the following are ways to safely download antivirus software

Download the software from a known anti virus software vendor Download the software from a trusted site like

Transferring a file from the Internet to your digital device is called _____.


What does DHCP stand for?

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

What technology allows for the electronic communication of business oriented transactions and information between people and organizations?


electronic date interchange

EDI stands for ___ .

In the United States the federal _____ covers most consumer oriented electronic transactions.


Business management software that encompasses nearly all business activities in a corporation is called ___ software


Business management software that encompasses nearly all business activities in a corporation is called ___ software.


Business management software that encompasses nearly all business activities in a corporation is called

ERP software

EDI stands for ___ .

Electronic Data Interchange

EDI stands for _____.

Electronic Data Interchange


Emailing a file to yourself is an example of using ___ storage.

______ software converts readable data into an unreadable form before transmitted on a network


After the problem has been clearly defined, the next step in the PDLC is to create the plan or algorithm. This plan is usually written as a flowchart, and is in written in an ordinary language, such as ___ .


executive rely on ___ software because it provides tools to run an entire corporation

Enterprise Resource Planning


Errors in data occurring while entering, reading, processing, storing or transmitting is known as data ___.

Which pf these should business owners do to help protect their data

Establish strong firewall protection for their business's network Create strong password protections and protocols Ensure antivirus software is installed and up to date

Which of these should business owners do to help protect their data.

Establish strong firewall protection for their business's network. Ensure antivirus software is installed and up-to-date. Create strong password protections and protocols.

Which of these should business owners do to help protect their data.

Establish strong firewall protection for their business's network. Ensure antivirus software is installed and up-to-date. Create strong password protections and protocols.

The final step in the system development life cycle is maintaining the system.

Evaluation phase System audit

The 3 phases that should be accomplished in the investigation step of the SDLC include:

Examining alternatives Reporting Defining the problem

Designed to display documents on the web, this version of the HTML set of protocols provides a smooth interface between natural language and machine language by wrapping data in "tags" for web display.

Extensible Markup Language

Installing the printer is the third step in setting up a Wifi network at home T/F



Fiber optic cable is _____ expensive than coaxial cable to install.


Fiber optic cable is ________ expensive than coaxial cable to install

In a database a _____ is a group of related characters in a database table that represents a characteristic of someone or something.


In a database a _________ is a group of related characters in a database table that represents a characteristic of someone or something.


The protocol used for transmitting large files from one server to another over the Internet is known as the ___ Protocol (FTP).

File Transfer

The protocol used for transmitting large files from one server to another over the Internet is known as the ___ Protocol (FTP). -Film Tactics -File Transfer -File Tethering -Fixed Tempo

File Transfer

A protocol commonly used to transfer large files from one server to another on the Internet is the

File Transfer Protocol

A protocol commonly used to transfer large files from one server to another on the Internet is the ___ .

File Transfer Protocol

A protocol commonly used to transfer large files from one server to another on the Internet is the ___ . -Transfer Control Protocol -File Transfer Protocol -Hypertext Transfer Protocol -Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

File Transfer Protocol

Hardware or software used to keep a computer secure from outside threats such as hackers and viruses by allowing or blocking Internet traffic is called a ____.


Hardware or software used to keep a computer secure from outside threats such as hackers and viruses by allowing or blocking Internet traffic is called a _____.


These updates can cause network issues and can cause a network outage. If you experience trouble may need to reboot the hardware device.

Firmware updates

Defining the problem is the ___ step in the Program Development Life Cycle.


A graphic representation of a process is called a ___ .


individual users

For _____ it may be less expensive to add an existing cell phone data plan and to use the phone as a hotspot than to add wired Internet service.

When you need to link 2 tables in a database that don't have a field in common, one solution is to create a _____ in one table that links to the primary key in the other table.

Foreign key

To control how information is entered into a database, programmers and database administrators create ___ to help ensure data integrity.


All of the following are considered e-commerce transactions except


All of the following are considered e-commerce transactions except


Which of these devices are manufactured by Samsung?

Galaxy Note

The largest category of apps, both in terms of active downloads and in terms of revenue generated is ___ .

Game apps

The level of complexity of the programming language, or the degree from which it is separated from machine language itself, is called the ___ of the programming language.


Select the email services.

Gmail Outlook iCloud

Put the steps to have Firefox block cookies from one website in the correct order

Go to the website you wish to block from setting cookies in Firefox Right-click In the page Underneath

Letting computer users drag images and documents across their computers' monitors made the ___ User Interface very popular.


Letting computer users drag images and documents across their computers' monitors made the ___ User Interface very popular. -Command -Wiki -Graphical -Wigi


Letting computer users drag images and documents across their computers' monitors made the ____ User Interface very popular.


Amazon offers 2 lines of tablet computers, the Amazon Fire and the Amazon Fire ___ .


A person who gains unauthorized access to networks in order to steal and corrupt information and data is called a _____.


The act of hacking or breaking into a computer system for a politically or socially motivated purposes is called _____.


Hacking computer systems for a politically or socially motivated purposes is called


the act of hacking, or breaking into a computer system for a politically or socially motivated purpose.



Harming or harassing a person or group of people via information technology and networks in a repeated and deliberate manner is called

Elly wants to find social media postings regarding base jumping over the snake river. she should use a ____ search


Firewalls Anit virus programs Anit malwarre apps

Help protect against worms and hackers Help protect against viruses Help protect against malware

Antivirus programs use a variety of techniques to identify and remove viruses and malware. Two of the most common techniques are:

Heuristic-based detection Signature-based detection

Databases are built by starting with single characters of data, organizing the data into fields, organizing the related fields into records, the records then make up a table. This organization is referred to as a data ___ .


When determining how much cell phone data you need it is important to consider

How much data you currently use

The World Wib Web refers to the billions of _______ files accessed through the internet


Your home WiFi gets its dynamic IP address from your ________.


internet service provider

ISP stands for

Internet service provider

ISP stands for:

Computer hardware and software that an organization uses to increase its performance is referred to as its

IT system

When you're creating a voice mail greeting on your business phone, you should tell the caller:

If possible, why you can't take the call When they can expect a return call The voice mail they they've reached


If you accidentally delete a file it's not lost forever! Just go to your recycle bin, select the item, and click ___ .


If you buy a new computer game that emphasizes graphics, or new photo/video editing software for your desktop computer, you may want to purchase a new ___ card.

Which of the following statements about Instagram are true?

If you don't want to be tracked turn off geo-tagging in the settings under Location Services. If you don't want to be tracked turn off geo-tagging in the settings under Location Services. It is important to adjust your privacy settings so you can determine who follows you.


If you have 2 folders open on your desktop and you want to move a file from one folder to the other, simply ___ the file.


If you just need a phone for calling and texting, a ___ phone can save you money.


If you just need a phone for emergencies, you might consider a ___ phone.

Keep software updated, particularly antivirus software. Physically secure computers to minimize risk of theft. Backup your data regularly

If you own a small business, what can you do to ensure your computers and data is kept secure?


If you see the extension .xlsx, you know that you are looking at a(n) ___ file.


If you're in an area where your home network has no cell coverage, you may need to use the cellular network of a different provider. This is called ___

According to US-CERT if you receive a phishing message you should contact them using which of the following method

In Outlook Contact the via the phone number


In a database a _____ is a group of related characters in a database table that represents a characteristic of someone or something.


In addition to the RAM, modern processors temporarily keep frequently accessed data in a _____.

Which is true regarding the length of a USB cord?

In general, the more data being transmitted, the shorter the cord should be.


In order to change sound waves into digital signals, smartphones contain ___ - digital converter.


In order to keep your files organized, it's a good idea to create ___ and place your files in them.


In order to sync your iPhone to your MacBook you must first open the ___ app.


In photography, there are 2 ways to focus on distant objects, digital zoom and ____ zoom.


In urban areas, the cell towers become more numerous and the cell signals transmitted by the cell towers are ___, than those in less populated areas.

For ____ it may be less expensive to add an existing cell phone data plan and to use the phone as a hotspot than to add wired Internet service.

Individual users

The roles of ensuring an organization's sensitive information is kept safe, keeping an organization's networks secure, and developing security measures for an orgasnization's IS typically falls to the

Information systems (information technology) security manager

The role of installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing information system hardware and software typically falls to the ___

Information systems (information technology) technician


Inkjet printers are often sold ____ their production cost.

All of the following are true about Instagram except

Instagram charges a fee to download the app

All of the following are true about Instagram except

Instagram charges a fee to download the app.

Select the true statements regarding Instagram.

Instagram is a photo sharing app that is available for download to a variety of digital devices. If you specify a location with your photo, you can opt to have Instagram check you in on Foursquare.

All of the following statements about Instagram are true except

Instagram is difficult to integrate with apps like Facebook and Foursquare.

Select the usual roles of information systems (IS) technicians.

Installing IS hardware and software. Maintaining IS hardware and software. Repairing and replacing IS hardware and software.

Select the usual roles of information systems (IS) technicians.

Installing IS hardware and software. Maintaining IS hardware and software. Repairing and replacing IS hardware and software.

Adam was in the fifth grade when he was adopted by the Smith's. Because his school used a centralized database, all of his teachers had his correct name on their grade reports. This is an example of how a centralized database can help improve data ___ .


The largest chip designing and manufacturing company in the world is ____ .


To protect against unauthorized software use, sale, or distribution of software, music, movies, video games, and many other digital products, there are ___ property laws.


Although it sounds ironic, searching the ____ in your area is an efficient way to search for an ISP.


Although it sounds ironic, searching the _____ in your area is an efficient way to search for an ISP. -Craigslist -newspaper -Internet -Yellow Pages


Although it sounds ironic, searching the ________ in your area is an efficient way to search for an ISP.


Firewall software used to block a user's access to specific Internet content is called a(n) _____ filter.


Which of these browsers was developed by Microsoft?

Internet Explorer

Which of these browsers was developed by Microsoft? -Safari -Internet Explorer -Firefox -Chrome

Internet Explorer

ISP stand for

Internet Service Provider

ISP stands for:

Internet Service Provider

ISP stands for: -Interweb Structured Protocol -Internet Speed Provider -Internet support provider -Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider


Internet connection

Firewall software used to block a user's access to specific internet content is called a

Internet filter

A program that can be used to convert a single line of C# into machine language without having to compile the entire program is called a C# ___ .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Investigation Analysis Design Development Implementation Investigation

When you request information from a website such as Wikipedia, the way its server knows which router to send the requested information to is because your router is identified by its ________ address


An object oriented programming language that is popular for writing apps for Android phone and tablets is


An object oriented programming language that is popular for writing apps for android phones and tablets is


An object-oriented programming language that is popular for writing apps for Android phones and tablets is ___ .


An object-oriented programming language that is popular for writing apps for android phones and tablets is _______.


Once the algorithm or plan has been created, the next step in the PDLC is to write the coding for the program. This highly structured process may be completed using which languages?

Java Javascript C++

A program that makes creating websites and webpages much faster is


A program that makes creating websites and webpages much faster is ___ .


Select the program that uses small programs called scripts to speed the programming process while creating dynamic Web pages.


JSON stands for

JavaScript Object Notation

Select appropriate business email etiquette practices

Keep attachments small Remember that potentially negative news is best given face-to-face

If you own a small business, what can you do to ensure your computers and data is kept secure?

Keep software updated Physically secure computers to minimize risk of theft Backup your data regularly

When creating your voice mail greeting for you business phone, it's important to:

Keep the message short and professional

A form of spyware that records all actions typed on a keyboard is called a _____ logger.


Select what is true regarding keystroke loggers

Keystroke loggers can record passwords and confidential information Can be hardware devices and software applications Software based keystroke logges are often a Torjan that is installed without the user's knowledge

Spyware is software that collects information about your internet surfing habits and behaviors. Spyware includes the collection of

Keystrokes Passwords Account numbers

The ___ cache is located directly on the processor itself.


Another term for a programming code is a programming ___ .


Instructions (software) that allow a computer (hardware) to be used are written using specific symbols, letters and numbers known as a programming ___ or code.


Because of the large infrastructure cost of building antennae and mobile switching stations, as well as leasing the rights to use radio frequencies, only ___ companies can compete nationally as cell phone providers.


Select what is true about packet sniffers

Legitimate sniffers are used for routine examination and problem detection Unauthorized sniffers are used to steal information


Letting computer users drag images and documents across their computers' monitors made the ___ User Interface very popular.


Letting computer users drag images and documents across their computers' monitors made the ___ User Interface very popular.

The DBMS engine provides an interface for the end user of the database. This interface is called the ___ view.


The DBMS engine provides an interface for the end user of the database. This interface is called the _____ view.


A process that has an initial value, a process, and a test condition that can potentially return the program to the initial value is called a _______.


A switch distinguishes between various devices within a network by their __ addresses. -BUS -IP -MAC -MCA


A switch distinguishes between various devices within a network by their ____ addresses.


All of the following are common ports that are included with laptop computers except

MIDI ports

The 2 most common audio file formats are WAV and ___ .



MS Access database


Machine language, represented by a series of 1s and 0s Assembly language. An assembler cconerts 2GL into machine language High level programming language, uses a compiler to convert into machine language Specifically designed for created database management programs Extremely advanced. Uses statements rather than algorithms

What is the name of a virus written in a macro language and placed within a document or spreadsheet.

Macro virus

What is the name of a virus written in a macro language and placed within a document or spreadsheet?

Macro virus

Even a small degree of programming skill can be beneficial. Many apps allow you to create mini-programs that reduce the number of routine steps required to complete a task. These mini-programs are called ___ .


The final step in the SDLC has two phases, a system audit and an evaluation phase. The final step is referred to as ______ the system.


Because Microsoft Access includes not only the software needed to create a database, but also the software needed to create forms, reports, data dictionaries and other capabilities, it is often referred to as a Database ___ System.


Because Microsoft access includes not only the software needed to create a database, but also the software needed to create forms, reports, data dictionaries and other capabilities, it is often referred to as a database ___ system

Management (DBMS)

When you receive a utility bill, you're actually getting a report that was generated by a database management system. The DBMS subsystem that provides for data maintenance, analysis, and the generation of reports is called the data ___ subsystem.


wi-fi hotspot

Many cellular ISPs offer modem/router combination devices that can create a _____ wherever there's adequate cell service.


Many computers today use _____ which is a coding scheme using at least 16 bits to represent a character.

optical drives

Many manufacturers have made _____ optional equipment when purchasing a new laptop computer.

Broadband is measured in


Broadband is measured in _____ .


Broadband is measured in _____ . -Mbps -Kbps -Tbps -Gbps


What does MAC stand for

Media Access Control

Because it locates cellular devices, assigns frequencies, transmits signals to the correct sites, the ___ is probably the most important part of any cellular network.

Mobile Switching Station (MSS)

Modem stands for

Modulated demondulator

Select the usual tasks of database administrators (DBAs).

Monitors the database's performance Develops and maintains the database itself Establishes user privileges for the database to help protect the data

magnetic hard drives

Most desktop computers use ___ to store data.

Select what's true about fee based and free antivirus software

Most fee base software comes with technical support One with positives of free anti virus software is their malware detection performance

256gb- 1 tb

Most new laptop computers come with how much storage?


Most smartphones and tablets produced today use a _____ keyboard


Most tablets and phones use _____ as their main storage device.


Most touchpads use _____ to sense when a finger has moved across the pad.

A complex database that organizes and stores information in a cube format and has measure attributes and feature attributes is called a ___ database.


A complex database that organizes and stores information in a cube format and has measure attributes and features is called a _____ database.


The technology that provides a type of firewall protecting by hiding internal IP addresses is called


Boolean operators are the words "AND", "OR" and _____. The use of Boolean operators can make a search more precise and return better results.


use the boolean operator ____ if you want to exclude certain results from your search


The standard code of respectful behavior governing the use of electronic communications software and hardware is called electronic etiquette or _____.


A _____ is a group of two or more devices/computers connected together to allow for the exchange and information and for the sharing of resources such as printers


Virtual private _________ (VPN) creates a secure connection between 2 computers.


This is the privacy tab in internet Explorer. IS the slider in the image set to the right level to allow all cookies?

No, to save all cookies you need to move the slider all the way to the bottom

white hat hackers

Non-malicious computer security experts that test the security measures of an organization's information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions are called ___.

Use _____ when you are searching for documents including one or another of your search words.


JSON stands for JavaScript _____ Notation


When inputs can easily be placed into different categories or classes, a(n) ___ -oriented analysis works well.


Sometimes called Objected Oriented Programming(OOP),

Object Oriented Analysis

Select what's true about Trojan malware

Often uses to find passwords, destroy data, or to bypass firewalls Similar to viruses, but do not replicate themselves Often found attached to free downloads and apps

There are several ways to rename a folder in Windows. Which of these would work?

On the command bar, click Organize and then click Rename. Click the folder icon and press F2 to activate the edit mode. Right-click a folder and click Rename.

Find the incorrect statement about fee based antivirus and free antivirus software

One of the posties of free anti virus is their spam detection performance


One way to copy a file to a new location is to click on the file and press CTRL + C, then move your cursor to the new site and press ___ .

Even though it is legal, which of the following would likely be prohibited by a typical business computer-use-policy

Online personal shopping

Safari accepts cookies and websites data from which of the following

Only from websites you visit

All of the following are protected against unauthorized use or distribution by intellectual property laws except

Open educational resources

Search engine _____ (SEO) is a set of strategies, techniques, and practices used to increase the amount of visitors to a specific website by getting a high ranking placement in the search engine.


You own a pet care center. what fields might you enter when you create a table for dogs that you care for?

Owner's last name Pet's name Owner's address

There are a variety of techniques tha tare used to minimize the risk of harmful intrusions into a computer or network including

Packet filters Proxy

Specialized hardware or software that capture packets transmitted over a network.

Packet sniffers

The fifth step in the SDLC process is the system implementation phase. During this phase the new system is brought online. Select methods of converting an organization from an older IT system to a newer IT system.

Parallel conversion Pilot conversion Direct conversion


Paul Baran developed a technology called _____ switching that made the Internet possible and reliable.

BitTorrent utilizes no central server, instead opting to utilize a _____ structure where each device connected to a network has equal access to the shared files.


BitTorrent utilizes no central server, instead opting to utilize a ________ structure where each device connected to a network has equal access to the shared files.


Managers and network administrators should: Possible consequences of not setting a computer ethics policy

Periodically revieing computer ethics policies Establish ethics standards Enforce standards Instruct employees on standards

Cookies stored on a computer's hard drive and used to collect and store information about user preferences, password and username information, IP address, and/or data on web surfing behavior are called ___ cookies.


Cookies stored on a computer's hard drive and used to collect and store information about user preferences, password and username information, IP addresses, and/or data or web surfing behavior are called ______ cookies.


2 to 4 gigahertz

Personal computer CPU clock speeds range between _______ .

A type of phishing that seeks to obtain personal information through malicious software that is inserted on a victim's computer is called _____.


Creating a fake webpage to trick victims into divulging personal information is a type of phishing known as


Which of the following describes phishing

Phishing is the illegitimate use of an email message that appears to be from an established organization such as a bank Phishing scams use legitimate looking email messages to con a user into giving up private information

When you personally share an image on Pinterest it is known as a _____.


A request from one computer to another computer to respond with an electronic signal is called a


helium > traditional hard drives

Platters spin faster,Platters stay cooler,More platters can be placed in the same amount of space

Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called _______.


Which of the flowing are symptoms of an online nuisance attack?

Pop up start appearing after you visit unfamiliar sites Frequent pop ups awhile searching the web or working in programs Receiving a lot of spam message or bounced back email messages

If you just need a phone for emergencies, you might consider a ___ phone.


The system analysis step of the SDLC involves 3 phases. Select these three phases

Prepare the system specification Analyze data - determine the system requirements Data collection - gathering info about needs and existing hardware and software

This is the options tab in Firefox. where would you click to adjust cookie settings


On Facebook your _____ is a collection of the photos and stories that tell people about you and your experiences.


writing software follows a 5 step process called the PDLC.

Program development life cycle

Converting a task into commands that a computer can use to perform the task is called ___ .


Converting a task into commands that a computer can use to perform the task is called_____.


Which of the following are factors to consider to help protect the hardware of your digital device

Protecting a digital device from overheating magnetic fields humidity

Select the phase included in the system development step of the SDLC process

Purchasing necessary software Setting up, installing and testing the system Purchasing needed hardware

Once the virus is identified the antivirus software attempts to remove the virus from the file. If the software cannot remove the infected file if will sent the file to an isolated area on the hard disk called


To search a database for information, create a ___ .


To search a database for information, create a ___.


Because of their capability of storing data in multiple hard drives, data warehouses use ___ technology to ensure redundant data storage.


radio frequency ID

RFID stands for which of the following

The instructions needed to boot-up a computer, such as the BIOS, are typically stored in ___ .


Malware that encrypts a computer's data, forcing the victim to purchase a decryption code, is called


One version of this malware encrypts the victims data until a payment is made.


In the datasheet view of a relational database (such as Microsoft Access) a row of information is called a ___ .


The type of database that uses common fields to create links between tables is called a ___ database.


The type of database that uses common fields to create links between tables is called a database.


A link between tables in a relational database that defines how the data is related is called a _____.


Checking how current the information is on a website helps to ensure ______. Out of date information can be an indicator that the site may not be the best resource.


To display or distribute information from a database, programmers or database administrators create ___ .


To display or distribute information from a database, programmers or database administrators create_______.


Sometimes, particularly when travelling, you may find yourself in an area where your home network has no cell coverage, but another network does have service. Using a different network is referred to as ___ .


Software programs that hide the operating system and allows for the installation of hidden files are called


An internet filter is firewall software used to block a user's access to specific internet content. An internet filter can be installed on which of the following

Router Computer Server

Dual Band

Routers that can send Internet signals over 2 distinct frequencies are called _____ routers.

dual band

Routers that can send internet signals over 2 distinct frequencies are called _______ routers


SAGE was developed by the US Department of ___ .

Which category of management information systems (MIS) combines the forecasting capability of decision support software with the records keeping capability of transaction processing systems software to help businesses manage inventories efficiently?


prepare, analyze, data

SDLC 3 phases

Because they have no mechanically moving parts, ___ provide extremely fast, efficient storage.


A signal transmitted every few seconds by a wireless router so that users' computers can find the Wi-Fi hotspot is called a(n) ___ . SSID ping handshake bluetooth


A signal transmitted every few seconds by a wireless router so that users' computers can find the Wi-Fi hotspot is called a(n) ___ . -SSID -handshake -ping -echo


A signal transmitted every few seconds by a wireless router so that users' computers can find the WiFi hotspot is called


Every Wi-Fi signal is recognized by its ______________


Because they're both Apple products, the browser that works smoothest with Macintosh OS X is


Because they're both Apple products, the browser that works smoothest with Macintosh OS X is ___ . -Internet Explorer -Mozilla Firefox -Google -Safari



Sage was developed during the _____ war.


Sage was developed during the _____ war.

1 2 3 4

Scripted language High level programming Assembly language Machine language

To look for a file or folder in Windows 10, just type the file name in the __ box.


Two main factors concerning your digital identity are privacy and ___.


Two main factors concerning your digital identity are privacy and _____.


business contacts professional peers

Select appropriate LinkedIn contacts.

maintain high levels of formality, especially with initial contacts consider if email is the appropriate means of communication

Select appropriate business email etiquette practices.

Fire HD Fire HDX Nexus Pro

Select the Amazon tablets.

lcd, led

Select the acronyms that describe a type of computer monitor.

A database can hold larger amounts of data A database can provide better data integrity

Select the advantages of using a database instead of a traditional filing system.

uses flash technology, uses the same technology that is found in USB drives has no mechanically moving parts

Select the characteristics of SSD storage.

holds approximately 4.5 GB of data uses pits and lands to store data

Select the characteristics of a DVD.

developed by Apple for Apple products used on iPhones and iPads comes with Siri, iTunes, iBooks, etc.

Select the characteristics of the IOS.

.mov, .avi

Select the common video file formats.

Select the domain name.

Parents often use search engine filters to restrict offensive images from being displayed on computer monitors Filter settings are often acessed through a brower's preferences

Select the following statements that are true regarding filters

reduce the bandwidth needed to transmit a file reduce storage space requirements

Select the reasons for compressing a file.

Select the sites that offer Internet speed test services.

uses cell phone radio waves to transmit and receive Internet signals Many providers offer data packages that may place limits on uploading and downloading. Many smartphones can send and receive WiFi signal, allowing them to become hotspots.

Select the statements that are true regarding Cellular Internet service.

3D mapping, feature charting, skin texture analysis

Select the technologies used by facial recognition software.

monitors the databases performance develops and maintains the database itself establishes user privileges for the database to help protect the data

Select the usual tasks of database administrators (DBAs).

Supervising IS technicians. Working with developers and senior management to procure and implement IS processes. Developing training plans and policies for IS

Select the usual tasks of information systems (IS) program managers.

Store instructions for how to compute the data as well as the data to be processed Equipped to handle unstructured data such as MP4 files, video, images, and extremely large files Use Object Query Language to construct queries that extract data from the database

Select what's true about object-oriented databases

Websites using cookies can collect your information and sell it to third parties Websites can track your surfing behavior and create a profile

Select what's true about the privacy risks with cookies

can transmit Wi-Fi signals in the 2.4 GHz frequency range can transmit Wi-Fi signals in the 5.0 GHz frequency range

Select what's true regarding dual band routers.

What does SSID stand for?

Service Set Identifier

After verifying that your data plan includes tethering, the first step in creating a hotspot with your Android phone is to click on the ___ icon.


Direct Parallel Pilot Phased

Shuts down the old system and starts a new system Old and new systems run side by side for a while Starts in one area of the organization and then is deployed to the rest of the organization Implements new areas of the system in a predetermined period of time

The small computer within your phone that enhances the sound quality of your call is called a digital ___ processor.


The signals needed to run a network travel on a variety of transmission media including Ethernet, phone, and cable TV (coax) lines. Check to make sure cables are not damaged and that all cables are plugged in properly.

Signal quality

If your actual internet speed is ______ than advertised then contact them


Web cookie First party cookie Third party cookie

Small test file of information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk Small test file of information created by a website you visit that keep track of your personal preference and the current web browsing session Small test file of information created by a website other than the one you are currently visiting and are used to track your surfing habits and are considered an invasion of privacy

Pictures or videos taken and shared on Snapchat are called _____.


Specialized hardware or software that capture packets transmitted over a network are called packet _____.



Social networking is based on the six degrees of _____ concept which posits that you can connect with anyone through a chain of no more than six introductions or personal links.


Software applications that allow users to access and surf the World Wide Web are called ___ .

When copyrighted software is illegally copied, distributed, modified or sold and is considered direct copyright infringement this is called_____ _____.

Software piracy

plug ins

Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called ___ .


Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called ___ .


Software that collects the user's web browsing history and uses the data collected to create unsolicited targeted pop-up advertisements is called


Software that collects the user's web browsing history and uses the data collected to create unsolicited targeted pop-up advertisements is called _____ .

remote desktop

Software that gives network administrators the ability to provide computer assistance from a central location by allowing them to display and control any computer on the network is called ___ software.


Software that limits the material that a browser fetches or that a search engine displays are called ___ .

erasing a program you purchased then sold to a friend

Software theft occurs when someone engages in all of the following except _______.


Some apps that use a surprising amount of data are those that include embedded ___ .


Sometimes used to create prototype models for casting, ___ printing is also known as additive manufacturing.

An unsolicited email message is called ____.



Spam messages are sometimes referred to as ___.

Initially, the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) determined that these 2 vulnerabilities would necessitate replacing a significant number of intel and AMD computer processor

Spectre Meltdown

voice pitch, voice frequency, speech rhythms

Speech recognition software uses which of the following characteristics?

Select the sites that offer Internet speed test services.

Select the sites that offer Internet speed test services.,

Which of the following are online nuisance

Spyare Spam Spoofing

This is the Windows Firewall area where you can adjust various firewall settings. Put the steps that allowed yo uto get to the screen correct order

Start button Control panel System and Security Windows Firewall

When reporting a computer ethics violation of co-worker to your employer, it's important to:

State only what you witnessed Be brief and direct

data theft

Stealing confidential materials such as copyrighted material, confidential information, or company emails from a network is called ___ . Most often, this crime is committed by employees inside the company rather than outside hackers.

Adding a microSD card (when possible) increases your phone's ___ capacity.


Select what's true about object-oriented databases.

Store instructions for how to compute the data as well as the data to be processed Equipped to handle unstructured data such as MP4 files, video, images, and extremely large files Use Object Query Language to construct queries that extract data from the database

Select the usual tasks of information system program managers

Supervising IS technicians Developing training plans and policies for IS Working with developers and senior management to procure and implement IS processes

Select the usual tasks of information systems (IS) program managers.

Supervising IS technicians. Working with developers and senior management to procure and implement IS processes. Developing training plans and policies for IS.

Since it comes with a full computer operating system, some consider the ___ a laptop computer rather than a tablet computer.

Surface Pro 4

Iphone Other phone

Swift Java

Connecting your phone to your laptop to transfer photos, videos, or music files is referred to as ___ .


All the devices sharing your router and WiFi signal share the same IP address. T/F


Disabling your router's SSID transmission makes it harder for piggybackers to use your bandwidth. T/F


Most home routers come with built in switches that identify the different computers, printers, game consoles and other devices that are connected to the router. T/F


The internet is based on a client server relationship T/F


Examples of management information systems (MIS) include _____ .


The mobile switching station can connect calls to mobile switching stations belonging to other cellular networks.


A collection of related records in a database is referred to as a ___


A collection of related records in a database is referred to as a _____.


A collection of related records in a database is referred to as a ________.


Visiting pornography

Tell your boss that you've witnessed the co-worker visiting porn Be brief and direct

Visting pornography sites while using and/or network violates your company's computer-use policy. you've signed a policy that requires you to report any computer ethics violations to your boss. You observe a co-worker visiting prom sites at work and determine that you should report this activity. other co-workers also noticed this violation. you should

Tell your boss that you've witnessed the co-worker visiting porn sites while using the company computer or network

Sharing an Internet connection between two digital devices, for example, using your smartphone to create a hotspot and then using the hotspot to connect your laptop to the Internet, is referred to as ___ .


Ironically, the expenses for calling and ___ are among the smallest charges found on a cell phone bill.



The BitTorrent protocol is often called ___ file sharing.


The DBMS engine provides an interface for the end user of the database. This interface is called the ___ view.

cable Internet

The Internet service that tends to provide the most consistent speeds is _____.

What group determines the standards for the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

What group determines the standards for the World Wide Web? -The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) -The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) -Internet Organization for Standardization (ISO) -Internet Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Tim Berners-Lee

The World Wide Web was created through a collaboration led by

Tim Berners-Lee

The World Wide Web was created through a collaboration led by ___ .


The ___ is a computer within your computer that creates images.


The accuracy of a digital recording is determined by the device's ___ rate.


The actual number of pixels in a monitor is called ___ resolution


The amount of RAM a computer comes with or the ability to expand its RAM is an important consideration when buying a new device


The android OS is owned and maintained by google


The art and science of creating output that provides information in the most useful manner is called ___ .


The capacity of a particular transmission medium is called its _____.


The capacity of a particular transmission medium is called its _____.


The device that connects 2 networks is a _____.

dot pitch

The distance between two adjacent sub-pixels on a display is referred to as ___ .


The distribution of computer applications over the Internet. Commonly referred to as web apps.


The distribution of computer applications over the Internet. Commonly referred to as web apps.


The first commercially available computer with a graphical user interface was NeXT's ___ computer.


The first commercially available computer with a graphical user interface was NeXT's ___ computer.


The first commercially available computer with a graphical user interface was NeXT's _______ computer

top level domain

The highest level in the domain name hierarchy is known as the

Top Level Domain

The highest level in the domain name hierarchy is known as the ___ .

top level domain

The highest level in the domain name hierarchy is known as the ___ .


The main governmental organization that oversees Internet privacy is the Federal ___ Commission.


The malicious use of computer code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network is called a ___ .

right click

The most common method of renaming files and folders is to simply __ on the item and select Rename.


The mouse was developed by which company?


The number of pixels in a display is called the display's ___ .


The number of pixels in an image is called the image's ____ .


The original wireless network privacy and protection standard for Wi-Fi was known as ___ .

file transfer

The protocol used for transmitting large files from one server to another over the Internet is known as the ___ Protocol (FTP).


The small computer within your phone that enhances the sound quality of your call is called a digital ___ processor.


The small computer within your phone that enhances the sound quality of your call is called a digital ___ processor.


The standard for wireless network privacy and protection is known as ___ .

The third steps of the SDLC has 3 phases, specifically, developing several system proposals, selecting the most feasible proposal, and reporting on the selected system to be developed.

The step is called system design

Along with the From line, what is the most important factor in ensuring your message is read?

The subject line

title 5

The titles in the DMCA that directly impact digital copyright issues include all of the following except


The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called _____.


The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called _____.

aspect ratio

The width of a screen compared to the height of a screen is referred to as ___ .


The wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as


The wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as ___ .


The word modem stands for ____.

your antivirus software will ensure that your files are safe

There are risks associated with downloading content from the Internet. It is important to consider all of the following when downloading from the Internet except

Right-click a folder in the folders list. Click New and then click Folder. On the command bar, click New folder. Right-click any blank area in the Contents pane. Click New and then click Folder.

There are several ways to create a new folder in Windows. Which of these would work?

On the command bar, click Organize and then click Rename. Right-click a folder and click Rename. Click the folder icon and press F2 to activate the edit mode.

There are several ways to rename a folder in Windows. Which of these would work?

windows phone

Though not yet commercially successful, the ___ was developed by one of the worlds largest software manufacturers

The World Wide Web was created through a collaboration led by

Tim Berners-Lee

The World Wide Web was created through a collaboration led by ___ .

Tim Berners-Lee

The World Wide Web was created through a collaboration led by ___ . -Bill Gates -Senator Al Gore -Tim Berners-Lee -Steve Jobs

Tim Berners-Lee

The titles in the DMCA that directly impact digital copyright issues include all of the following except

Title 5 - Copyright Protection Proviso.

the titles in the DMCA that directly impact digital copyright issues include all of the following except _________

Title 5- copyright protection proviso


To change the size of your folder's icon, just right-click on a blank area of the contents pane and click ___ .


To control how information is entered into a database, programmers and database administrators create ___ to help ensure data integrity.


To create an image with a laser printer ___ is(are) drawn to the drum.


To listen to an .mp4 (M4A) file, you'll need an app such as iTunes or QuickTime. These apps are called audio ___ .


To look for a file or folder in Windows 10, just type the file name in the __ box.


To protect against unauthorized software use, sale, or distribution of software, music, movies, video games, and many other digital products, there are ___ property laws.

ctl + x

To remove a file from one folder and place it in another, click on the item and press ___, then move your cursor to the new location and press CTRL + V.


To search a database for information, create a ___ .

The highest level in the domain name hierarchy is known as the

Top Level Domain

The highest level in the domain name hierarchy is known as the ___ . -Top Level Domain -Threshold Layer Domain -Primary Domain -Eminent Archon Domain

Top Level Domain

The highest level in the domain name hierarchy is known as the _______.

Top Level Domain

Match the business information activity

Top level: Uses information systems for foresee corporate opportunities and threats. monitor Middle managers: Uses information systems for communication policies and performance reports up and down the corporate ladder. reporting purpose Uses information systems for recording line employee performance. scheduling daily and weekly

The main governmental organization that oversees Internet privacy is the Federal ___ Commission.


The TTP stands for

Trans-Pacific Partnership

Phishing Ransomware Keystroke-logging Tojan

Tricks user into revealing usernames and passwords by appearing legitimate When activated encrypts files on user hard drive and then sells a decryption programs When activated, saves all keystrokes for subsequent transmission to virus creator

Often accompanying download music or apps, programs that appear to be legitimate, but execute an unwanted activity when activated is called a


A program that appears legitimate, but executes an unwanted activity when activated is called a

Trojan horse virus

Signs your system might have been hacked include fake antivirus messages and unwanted browser toolbars


True or false? iCloud is a form of mail?


true or false: The amount of RAM a computer comes with or the ability to expand it's RAM is an important consideration when buying a new device.



Twitter recommends using no more than ___ hashtags per Tweet.


Two common categories of cybercrimes include single events and _____ series of events.


Typical SSD capacities for tablet computers or smartphones are measured in

Spam messages are sometimes called _ and are used for a variety of marketing purposes including selling products and services



URL stands for ___ Resource Locator.


URL stands for _____ resource locator

Click on the organization below that you should contest if you receive a phishing message


Television displays with resolutions of at least 3840 x 2160 pixels are referred to as ___ .


URL stands for ___ Resource Locator. -Uniform -Ultimate -Ultron -Universal


URL stands for ____ Resource Locator.


What are symptoms that your system has been hacked

Unwanted browser toolbars Redirected internet searches Fake emails or social media messages from your account

Top level management (business executive and presidents)

Use information systems to monitor overall business performance

Which of the following are widely used tactics that can help keep you safe on the Web

Use your browser's private browsing mode Consider using a VPN Make sure the sites you visit use HTTPS

Persistent cookies store information about

User preferences

Persistent cookies store information about _____.

User preferences

Persistent cookies store information about.

User preferences.


Using reflective material to store data that can be read using a laser is called ___ media storage.


Using refracted laser light to store data on a photoreceptive substrate is essentially how ___ storage works. Theoretically this could store gigabytes of data within a cubic millimeter

Sprint and T-Mobile, AT&T and _______ are the major national cell phone providers in the US


Some apps that use a surprising amount of data are those that include embedded ___ .


On the ribbon, where do you click to change from data sheet view to design view?

View button which under the Home tab

This is the data sheet view of a table in a database. Where would you click to switch to the design view?

View button which under the Home tab

Software that infects a computer and is created using computer code is called a computer _____.


Select the audio file compression formats.


The original wireless network privacy and protection standard for Wi-Fi was known as ___ .


The original wireless network privacy and protection standard for Wi-Fi was known as ___ . -handshake -WEP -WPA2 -echo


The original wireless network privacy and protection standard for WiFi was known as


The wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as


The wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as ___ .


The wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as ___ . -WPA -echo -ping -WPA2


In addition to activating ___ protection, it's a good idea to disable your router's SSID transmission once all your devices are connected. -WEP -ping -modem -WPA2


In addition to activating ____ protection, it's a good idea to disable your router's SSID transmission once all your devices are connected.


The standard for wireless network privacy and protection is known as


The standard for wireless network privacy and protection is known as ___ .


The standard for wireless network privacy and protection is known as ___ . -WPA2 -WPA -WEP -WEP2


The standard for wireless network privacy and protection is known as ________ WEP WEP2 WPA WPA2


Internet signal, modem, router

What 3 items are needed to install a home WiFi network?

The data definition, as described in the data dictionary, tells users how each unit of data is defined in the database. Which of the following elements will be used to describe the data?

What field name will the data fall under What data type will be included

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

What group determines the standards for the World Wide Web?


What group determines the standards for the World Wide Web?

operating system

What manages hardware and software, supports the computer's basic functions, and runs programs?

usb port

What type of port do most digital devices use to attach peripherals?

could network be built that would continue to work even if multiple parts collapsed?

What was the major question that ARPAnet wanted to solve

Could a network be built that would continue to work even if multiple parts collapsed?

What was the major question that ARPAnet wanted to solve?

network size/coverage. service/speed. pricing

When choosing a cell phone provider, factors to consider include

how much data you currently use.

When determining how much cell phone data you need it is important to consider

active pixel sensor

When discussing digital cameras or smartphone cameras with APS CMOS, APS stands for ___ .

double click

When you ___ a file Windows should automatically open it. If it can't Windows will prompt you to select the correct app to open the file.


When you ___ a file Windows should automatically open it. If it can't Windows will prompt you to select the correct app to open the file.


When you make an online purchase and enter your shipping or billing information, you're actually filling out a form that was generated by a database management system. The DBMS subsystem that allows for form creation is the ___ generation subsystem.

satellite, cable

Which are of the following are Internet service options?


Which category of management information systems (MIS) combines the forecasting capability of decision support software with the records keeping capability of transaction processing systems software to help businesses manage inventories efficiently


Which category of management information systems (MIS) focuses on providing forecasting capabilities for sales and production?

shorter, more data

Which is true regarding the length of a USB cord?

cable internet

Which might be a choice for Internet service in your area?

cable internet

Which might be a choice for internet service in your area


Which of the following file extensions is commonly used for drawings?


Which of the following file extensions is commonly used for term papers and other word processing tasks?

will users be streaming data ?

Which of the following should be considered when choosing an ISP?

internet explorer

Which of these browsers was developed by Microsoft?


Which of these extensions, if you open it, will probably install software onto your computer? Be careful!

fiber optic

Which transmission media has the largest bandwidth?

projective capacitive

Which type of touchscreen uses a single metallic-coated panel and uses electricity to calculate touch points?

a transistor, a hole in a punch card

Which would be used to store a single bit of data?

Besides the Database Tools tab, where else could you click to view any relationships between the Drivers table and the Tickets table (below) while in design view?

While viewing a table in design view, you can see relationships using either the database tools tab or the design tab

Non-malicious computer security experts that test the security measures of an organization's information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions are called ____.

White Hat Hackers

Non-malicious computer security experts that test the security measures of an organization's information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions are called ___.

White hat hackers

Many cellular ISPs offer modem/router combination devices that can create a _____ wherever there's adequate cell service. -IP Address -LAN -GPS -Wi-Fi hotspot

Wi-Fi hotspot

Many cellular ISPs offer modem/router combination devices that can create a ____ wherever there's adequate cell service.

WiFi hotspot

Though not yet commercially successful, the ___ was developed by one of the world's largest software manufacturers.

Windows Phone

Though not yet commercially successful, the ___ was developed by one of the world's largest software manufacturers.

Windows phone

remains the same

With optical zoom, resolution ____ when focusing on distant objects.

WWW stands for

World Wide Web

WWW stands for ___ ___ ___ . -Wrestling With Wombats -World Wide Wikipedia -Western Wi-Fi Wisdom -World Wide Web

World Wide Web

A destructive program that replicates itself throughout a single computer or across a network is called a


A destructive program that replicates itself throughout a single computer or across a network is called a _____.


Common types of malware include

Worm Tojans Viruses

Select the statements that describe a computer programmer's algorithm

Written in the form of a flowchart Written in a natural language, such as English

While not technically a programming language, ___ refers to the protocols that allow content to displayed on the web.


Which of the following are true statements regarding LinkedIn?

You can use LinkedIn to apply for jobs. LinkedIn includes a resume tool to assist you in creating a professional resume.

file explorer

You created a flyer and saved it in your Documents folder. To find this file you could open Cortana (in Windows 10) and type the flyer's name in the search window, or you could click on the ___ icon (all Windows versions, on your toolbar) and access the Documents folder from there.

Select the reasons why you might want to add a microSD card to your smartphone.

You want to save more music files. You want to save more image files (photos).

save as

You're tired of losing documents so you've decided to save your research paper to your desktop where you know you'll be able to locate it quickly. To save it to the desktop, you first click the File tab to open the file menu. Next you select ___ .


Your ___ can provide hardware firewall protection for your home network where it connects to the ISP's network, just as ISP networks have firewalls where they connect to the Internet.

There are risks associated with downloading content from the Internet. It is important to consider all of the following when downloading from the Internet except

Your anti-virus software will ensure your files are safe.


Your computer has been attacked and overtaken by a hacker. The hacker has control over your computer and can now use it to launch attacks on other computers and systems. Your computer is known as a ____ computer.


Your computer has been attacked and overtaken by a hacker. The hacker has control over your computer and can now use it to launch attacks on other computers and systems. Your computer is known as a _____computer

A computer controlled by a hacker is called a ____.


A computer controlled by a hacker is called a _____.


A computer controlled by a hacker.


Your computer has been attacked and overtaken by a hacker. The hacker has control over your computer and can now use it to launch attacks on other computers and systems. Your computer is known as a



a camera that takes photos or streams video into a computer or over the internet is called a

Individual database

a combined set of data files. intended for use by one person


a computer platform is commonly referred to as an operating system or OS


a destructive program that replicates itself throughout a single computer or across a network is called a


a form of email fraud where criminal change the account where money is being transferred is called a _______ scam


a graphic representation of a process is called a


a lossless compression format


a person who uses computers and the internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons is called a


a programming design that breaks down a problem into a series of tasks is called ___ programming

DVDs store data using ___ .

a reflective coating that has pits and lands

Memory Cache

a relatively small area of memory (measured in kilobytes or megabytes) quickly accessible by a processor


a small text file or information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk is called a


a switch distinguishes between various devices within a network by their ________ addresses

Which would be used to store a single bit of data?

a transistor a hole in a punch card


a type of phishing that seeks to obtain personal information through malicious software that is inserted on a victims computer is called

All hosts on the same network share the same established network address but are assigned what?

a unique host number for example: and 262.168.242

The three constraints are: a. Factors that pull the project manager in opposing directions. b. Negative Stakeholders c. Budget restrictions that must be met d. Dealines that involve penalties in case they are violated.

a. Factors that pull the project manager in opposing directions.

Which of the following criterion is key to recognizing that a set of tasks is a project? a. The setting of a start and end date b. The number of tasks must be high c. The complexity of the tasks must be high d. None of the above

a. The setting of a start and end date.

Select the characteristics of cellular service a. many smartphones can convert cellular signals into Wi-Fi signals b. provides broadband internet service in all areas c. allows mobile devices to access the internet d. fastest-growing ISP

a. many smartphones can convert cellular signals into Wi-Fi signals c. allows mobile devices to access the internet d. fastest-growing ISP

Selec the statements that are true regarding a Wi-Fi's SSID a. most routers transmit the SSID every few seconds so raoming devices can find the signal b. Once an SSID has been established it cannot be changed. c. In home networks, after all letgitimate devices have connected to SSID once, transmitting the SSID is unnecessary d. An SSID is the Wi-Fi's name

a. most routers transmit the SSID every few seconds so raoming devices can find the signal c. In home networks, after all letgitimate devices have connected to SSID once, transmitting the SSID is unnecessary d. An SSID is the Wi-Fi's name

Select what's true about packet switching a. the internet uses packet switching to transfer data and information between hosts b. packet switched networks rely on single fixed lines between hosts c. all packets are routed through a network based on the associated address information d. addressing information and data are included in each packet

a. the internet uses packet switching to transfer data and information between hosts c. all packets are routed through a network based on the associated address information d. addressing information and data are included in each packet

Select the statements that are true regarding switches a. usually integrated in the routers of home networks b. primary function is to connect two networks c. ensure correct data is transferred to and from the correct computers in networks d. connect computers and other devices within a network

a. usually integrated in the routers of home networks c. ensure correct data is transferred to and from the correct computers in networks d. connect computers and other devices within a network

A written document that provides a framework of rules to be followed by users of computers, networks, websites, and computer resources such as printers and scanners is called an ____ use policy.


before you use your employer's computer network, you'll probably have to read and sign that you agree to abide by the network's ___ user policy


Before you use your employer's computer network, you'll probably have to read and sign that you agree to abide by the network's

acceptable user policy

In Outlook express, you can create a new message and drag and drop the phishing email into the new message. address the message to [email protected] and send it In Outlook Express you can also open the email message* and select File > Properties > Details. The email headers will appear. You can copy these as you normally copy text and include it in a new message to [email protected].

according to US-CERT if you receive a phishing message you should contact them using which of the following methods


adding a microSD (when possible) increases your phone's capacity

developed by Cisco and used by firewalls, routers, and computers that are part of a network and are connected to the internet, Network _ Translation provides a type of firewall protection by hiding internal IP addresses


monitoring database systems performance, developing and maintaining databases, and establishing user privileges for databases are usual roles of a database ___


Software that collects the user's web browsing history and uses the data collected to create unsolicited targeted pop-up advertisements is called _____ .



after the problem has been clearly defined, the next step in the PDLC is the create or plan an algorithm. this plan is usually written as a ____ and is written in an ordinary language, such as english.


after the program has been clearly defined, the next step in the PDLC is to create the plan or algorithm. this plan is usually written as a flowchart, and is in written in an ordinary language such as ___

In the planning step of the PDLC another word for "plan" is


Written in natural language and in the form of a flowchart, a programmer uses a


post vacation photos to show your friends where you travelled

all of the following are best practices when using linkedin except

high frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet

all of the following are true about RFID except

A test of new software conducted by the programmers themselves or by contracted evaluators working alongside the programmers is one of the first phases of the testing process in the PDLC. This is referred to as a(n) ___ test.



although it sounds ironic, searching the _______ in your area is an efficient way to search for an ISP

script kiddies

amateur computer hackers with little programming expertise that illegally gain access to computer systems using programs that others have written are called

What 3 items are needed to install a home WiFi network?

an Internet signal a modem a router

What 3 items are needed to install a home WiFi network? -an Internet signal -a modem -a Bluetooth device -a router

an Internet signal a modem a router

What 3 items are needed to install a home WiFi network?

an Internet signal, a modem, a router


an attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests is called a ____ attack

What is required to send an instant message from a mobile device?

an internet connection

In order to change sound waves into digital signals, smartphones contain ___ - digital converter.


The second step of the SDLC process involves collecting data about existing hardware and software, analyzing this data, and preparing specifications for the system. This is called the system ___ step.


Collecting data, interpreting information gleaned from a data and preparing reports for senior management are tasks that are typically assigned to a data


Collecting data, interpreting information gleaned from a database, and preparing reports for senior management are tasks that are typically assigned to a data ___


Select the functions of a Digital Signal Processor

analyzes signals received from the analog-digital converter to enhance audio quality reduces unwanted noise moderates call volume

mcafee, norton, avg, google

anti-virus software options

Select the popular video teleconferencing applications.

apple facetime google hangout microsoft skype


audio file

WAV, mp4

audio file compression formats

Select what's true about how IP addresses are determined a. a home WiFi network will typically have the same IP address assigned to it every time someone logs on b. An IP address is determined by the network on which it is hosted c. Often IP addresses are structured and assigned by a service called a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) d. all hosts on the same network share the same established network address, but are assigned a unique host number

b. An IP address is determined by the network on which it is hosted c. Often IP addresses are structured and assigned by a service called a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) d. all hosts on the same network share the same established network address, but are assigned a unique host numbe

A project to expand an airport in a city may have which of the following as a stakeholder with a negative interest: a. The administration of an airline company b. The local residents of the city c. The local restaurant owners near the site d. All of the above

b. The local residents of the city

The formal study Project Management involves the study of: a. The particular field in which the project is concerned with b. The nine knowledge areas c. International trade laws d. All of the above

b. The nine knowledge areas

Project Management is about balancing _____, _____, and _____ while achieving a final goal: a. Budget, employees and money b. Time, budget and quality c. Money, customers and employees d. Time, sources and employees

b. Time, budget and quality

A 4G LTE cell phone signals often provide internet download speeds that _______ the download speeds of DSL providers a. are slower than b. meet or exceed

b. meet or exceed

Choose the reasons for purchasing broadband internet service a. you want to save money over a dial-up connection b. you need relatively high-speed internet service c. you have several devices online at the same time d. you want to stream music or video

b. you need relatively high-speed internet service c. you have several devices online at the same time d. you want to stream music or video

The amount of data that a transmission media can carry in a given amount of time is called the media's ______ bandwidth broadband width


The capacity of a particular transmission medium is called its


The capacity of a particular transmission medium is called its _____. -bandstrength -bandwidth -latency -throughput


The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called


The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called _____.


The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called _____. -bandwidth -broadband -baseband -latency


Cell towers are connected to ___ .

base transceiver stations

When reporting a computer ethics violation of a co-worker to your employer, it's important to ______.

be brief and direct state only what you witnessed


because objective c was difficult to write in, apple developed ___, a programming language for writing software for the Mac OS and the IOS

The final steps in the PDLC process include testing and documenting the software. When testing is conducted by potential customers of the software, it's referred to as a(n) ___ test.


The final steps in the PDLC process including testing and documenting the software. When testing is conducted bu potential customers of the software, it's referred to as

beta test

If a problem can be reduced to a true or false question. it can easily be written in a computer program. A true/false question is called


If it can be answered as either yes or no, or true or false, the question is called ___ .


The smallest unit of data storage is a ___ .


A _ hat hacker breaks into computer system with the intent of causing damage or stealing data


Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) use several techniques to protect networks. One is called a "halt", which stops the hacker from progressing into the network. Another is called a(n) ___, which closes the access point used by the hacker.


Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) use several techniques to protect networks. One is called a "halt", which stops the hacker from progressing into the network. Another is called a(n) _____, which closes the access point used by the hacker


This technology provides short-distance wireless communication between electronic devices using extremely low power radio signals.



both social and non-social media search results

An Internet signal that has enough bandwidth to allow multiple computers to be connected to the same router is called a ___ signal.


An Internet signal that has enough bandwidth to allow multiple computers to be connected to the same router is called a ___ signal. -multiple carrier -bandwidth -broadband -latency


An Internet signal that has enough bandwidth to allow multiple computers to be connected to the same router is called a ____ signal.



broadband is measured in

Software applications that allow users to access and surf the World Wide Web are called


Software applications that allow users to access and surf the World Wide Web are called ___ . -search engines -Internet Protocols (IPs) -browsers -Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)


Select appropriate LinkedIn contacts.

business contacts professional peers


business owners, copyright holders, and network administrators publish ____ so that users understand what is expected and permissible when they use the network, computer equipment, and/or software

One character of information, for example, a letter or a number consists of one ___ of storage


Most PC games have been written in either ___ or ___ .

c c++

Which of the following can be considered a project? a. Volunteering at the local community center b. Eating healthy c. Losing 10 lbs by June 1st d. Getting better at my current job

c. Losing 10lbs by June 1st

In recent years, educators in the project management field have added Quality as a forth constraint. This means that the final product: a. Does not meet expectations b. Went over budget c. Meets expectations d. Is a failure

c. Meets expectations

One fo the leading software tools in PM is MS Project. The most common view there is: a. The flowchart view b. The spreadsheet view c. The Gantt chart view d. The print view

c. The Gantt chart view

Which of the following many consider to be the first project in which modern project management tools were applied? a. The building of the pyramids b. The Great Wall of China c. The Manhattan Project d. All of the above

c. The Manhattan Project

Which of the following is an authority in the formal study and profession of Project Management? a. The Project Institute b. The TSI Institute c. The PMI Institute d. The PMJ Institute

c. The PMI Institute

Put the steps for how circuit switching works when placing a land line based phone call in the correct order a. when the call is received a circuit is established and will remain open for the entire length of your call b. dial a number, then the switch connects to other switches along the PSTN. This forms a physical path between your phone and the person you are calling. c. Pick up the receiver which creates an open a connection to the local telephone switch d. once you hang up the phone the circuit is disconnected and the switches and wire pathways that had been dedicated to your phone call are now free again.

c. b. a. d.

Which might be a choice for Internet service in your area?

cable Internet

Which might be a choice for Internet service in your area? -cable Internet -UV Internet -infared Internet -Morse Internet

cable Internet

Most touchpads use _____ to sense when a finger has moved across the pad.


base transceiver station

cell towers are connected to

Magnetic Ink Recognition (MICR) is a technology that is most commonly seen on ____ .


you have several devices online at the same time you need relatively high-speed internet service you want wi-fi in your home

choose the reasons for purchasing broadband internet service

When you visit a web page, your computer and web browser act as a _____ because the computer is requesting Internet access from your ISP and the web browser is requesting the web pages from the web server that hosts the web site laptop mainframe server client


________ computer that requests resources such as a web page, spreadsheet, image file, or services from another computer or network


Emailing a file to yourself is an example of using ___ storage.


List examples of internet transmission media

coaxial TV cable Wifi radio waves telephone wire

Select the common Internet transmission media.

coaxial cable telephone wire cell phone radio waves

lage database, often called data banks, that cover particular subjects are referred to as ___ databases


viruses, worms, trojan horses

common types of malware include

thermal printer

commonly used for receipts

A program that takes an entire program, check the source code for errors, and converts it into machine language is a ___ .


A digital device that accepts input, processes and stores the input, and provides output is a ____ .


IT system

computer hardware and software that an organization uses to increase its performance is referred to as its ____

In the work environment, it is often necessary to have multiple users on the same call. This feature is ___ calling


A common feature of a business landline (hardwire) telephone services is the ability to have multiple users on the same call. This feature is _____

conference calling

In the work environment, it is often necessary have multiple users on the same call. This feature is

conference calling

Select the characteristics of a Base Transceiver Station

connected to a cell tower broadcasts weak microwave signals to create "cells" of mobile coverage sends phone signals to the cellular provider's Mobile Switching Station (MSS)

Select the characteristics of a router.

connects networks provides hardware firewall protection usually incorporates a switch


converting a task into a commands that a computer can use to perform the task is called ___

Small test files created websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk is called



cookies stored on a computers hard drive and used to collect and store information about user preferences, password and username information, IP address, and or data on web surfing behavior are called _______ cookies

A form of projection provided by the laws of the US for "original works of authorship", including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural, cartographic, choreographic, pantomimic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural and audiovisual creations is called a _____.


Errors in data occurring while entering, reading, processing, storing or transmitting is known as data ___


Errors in data occurring while entering, reading, processing, storing or transmitting is known as data ___.


Because a data breach can hurt a business's reputation as well as being extremely ___ most business owners take data security very seriously



create backdoor programs, delete files, install rogue files

A global nonprofit organization that empowers people to create open resource materials that can be shared or reused is ____ Commons


A crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a criminal or offense is called

cyber crime

The malicious use of computer code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network is called a ___ .


identity theft, DDos attacks

cyberattacks include

A person who harms or harasses via information technology and networks in a repeated and deliberate manner is called a


A Stakeholder is: a. A person or entity that holds a positive interest in a project b. A person or entity that may indirectly be affected by a project. c. A person or entity that holds a negative interest in a project. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

A project may require or involve _________. a. Risk or uncertainty b. A Budget c. Resources d. All of the above

d. All of the above

The triple constraints involve: a. Cost, Time, and Communication within a project b. Cost, Human Interaction and Human Resources in a project c. Time, Quality and Due Dates of a project d. Time, Quality and Cost of a project

d. Time, Quality and Cost of a project

The technology that allows or the electronic communication of business-oriented transactions and information between people and organizations is called electronic _____ interchange.


Collecting data, interpreting information gleaned from a database, and preparing reports for senior management are tasks that are typically assigned to a ___ .

data analyst

collecting data, interpreting information gleaned from a database, and preparing reports for senior management are tasks that are typically assigned to a ___

data analyst

One disadvantage of cloud storage is that

data is only available when you're online.

distributed database

data is stored in different physical locations - accessed through a client/server network


data theft

Disgruntled employees who are leaving their jobs sometimes think they have a right to take copyrighted material that they created for the business, even though it doesn't belong to them. This is called ___

data theft

Stealing confidential materials such as copyrighted material, confidential information, or company emails from a network is called ___ . Most often, this crime is committed by employees inside the company rather than outside hackers.

data theft

Stealing confidential materials such as copyrighted material, confidential information, or company emails from a network is called ___. most often, this crime is committed by employees inside the company rather than outside hackers

data theft allows you to search for thousands and thousands of items using images and information that are organized logically. This much storage and management requires a complex ___


Because it can store virtually unlimited amounts of data that can be shared across networks, and because the data can be kept far more accurately, a ___ has many advantages over a traditional filing system


The national gallery of art in Washington, D.C. has nearly 100,000 pieces in its collection. To organize its collection it uses a relational ___ so that curators can locate specific pieces


To organize the different table of data, you should probably use a relational ____


To organize the different tables of data, the local police force probably uses a relational ____


you need to purchase concert tickets for your friends. you go to to find them. in you can search between hundreds of seats in thousands of venues and thousands of events. to organize this information in a searchable manner, stub hub uses a complex


Monitoring database systems performance, developing and maintaining databases, and establishing user privileges for databases are usual roles of a ___

database administrator (DBA)

Monitoring database systems performance, developing and maintaining databases, and establishing user privileges for databases are usual roles of a ___ .

database administrator (DBA)

because he wanted to be able to sort gifts according to continent and time zones, in 1984 Santa switched from using long lists to using ___.


After the code has been written there are nearly always mistakes the 4th step in the PDLC involves finding and correcting these errors in a process called


After the code has been written there are nearly always mistakes. The 4th step in the PDLC involves finding and correcting these errors in a process called ___ .


When referring to management information systems, DSS stands for ___ support systems



decision making software such as MIS


decision point

When referring to management information systems, DSS stand

decision support systems

In order to ensure that employees understand what's appropriate and what's inappropriate use of company computer equipment, software, and networks, employers must set ethical computer use standards. Failure to set such policies can lead to which of the following?

decreased employee performance decreased network speed decreased network speed increased likelihood of security breaches

displays refresh rate

describes how fast each pixel in a display is updated, The higher the refresh rate, the smoother the video, describes the number of times per second a frame is advanced in a video, Videos play best with refresh rates at even multiples of the frame rate.

extensible markup language

designed to display documents on the web, this version of the HTML set of protocols provides a smooth interface between natural language and machine language by wrapping data in tags for web display

Devices with a separate system unit and a relatively large footprint are called _____ computers


IDS, which stands for intruder

detection system

From and/or subject lines

determines if the email will be opened

Purchasing the necessary software for the system is part of the system ___ step in the SDLC process.


Screen size is measured by the ___.

diagonal distance between the upper right and lower left corners of the screen

A digital presence created online by an individual, organization using a digital device is called a _____ identity.


Signed into law by President Clinton in 1998, the _____ Millennium Copyright Act implements two World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties.


The devices inside your phone that convert analog waves (such as sound waves) into digital signals that your phone can process are called ___ .

digital - analog converters

A database that stores data in different physical locations and that users access through client/server networks is called a ___ database


A DDoS attack is when computers that have been infected by a virus act as "zombies" and work together to send out illegitimate messages creating huge volumes of network traffic. The acronym DDoS stands for ___ .

distributed denial of service

A ___ name identifies a server site on the Internet.


A ___ name identifies a server site on the Internet. -secondary -primary -domain -IP address


A ____ name identifies a server site on the Internet.


Before clicking send, be sure to ___ your email's attachment

double check

To avoid embarrassment, always ___ your attachment before clicking send

double check

Transferring a file from the Internet to your digital device is called _____.


Transferring a file from the internet to your digital devices is called ____.


it is important to think before click when _ software from the web


Routers that can send Internet signals over 2 distinct frequencies are called ____ routers.

dual band

Routers that can send Internet signals over 2 distinct frequencies are called _____ routers. -2-wave -multi-ply -multi-band -dual band

dual band

Select the optical drives

dvd drive blu-ray player

Using a stylus and touchpad to map the signature and also measure pressure, pen angle, pen up/down, speed, etc, is known as what type of signature recognition?


screen resolution

equals the number of pixels in a display, measures image quality

Software theft occurs when someone engages in all of the following except _______.

erasing a program you purchased then sold to a friend

When referring to management information systems, ESS stands for ___ support systems


When referring to management information systems, ESS stands

executive support systems

Select the storage devices.

external hard drives USB drives


extremely small amount of memory (measured in bits) located throughout the processor


extremely small piece of memory (size is measured in bits) located throughout the processor

International laws on internet police are very similar.


Which transmission media has the largest bandwidth?

fiber optic

Which transmission media has the largest bandwidth? -telephone -coaxial -Wi-Fi -fiber optic

fiber optic

A URL identifies a particular __ address on the World Wide Web. -printer -Gettysburg -computer -file


A URL identifies a particular ____ address on the World Wide Web.


Software that limits the material that a browser fetches or that a search engine displays are called


Software that limits the material that a browser fetches or that a search engine displays are called ___ .


Software that limits the material that a browser fetches or that a search engine displays are called ___ . -browsers -plug-ins -controllers -filters


A security system separating 2 networks or even computers on the same network is called a ___ . -firewall -switch -modem -ping


The red arrow in the image is pointing at what component of a network designed to prevent unauthorized internet intrusions


Defining the problem is the ___ step in the Program Development Life Cycle.


A graphic representation of a process is called a


A graphic representation of a process is called a ___ .


After the problem has been clearly defined, the next step in the PDLC is to create the plan or algorithm. This plan is usually written as a ___ and is written in an ordinary language, such as English.


Not tilted 4


In a relational database, a common field that links two tables in a relationship but not a primary key is called a ___ key


Reports provide a means of artfully extracting information from a database; ___ provide a means of accurately entering data into a database


To control how information is entered into a database, programmers and database administrators create ___ to help ensure data integrity


The technology that uses electromagnetic electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to identify a variety of objects including objects, animals and people is called radio _____ identification.


The largest category of apps, both in terms of active downloads and in terms of revenue generated is ___ .

game apps

The degree from which it is separated from machine language itself, is called the

generation of the programming language

Storage capacity for laptop hard drives is typically described in terabytes or ___ .


A person who gains unauthorized access to networks and in order to steal and corrupt information and data is called


Juan attempts to gain unauthorized access to networks. Juan would be considered a


a person who gains unauthorized access to networks in order to steal and corrupt information and data.


The order in which data is organized in a database (characters, fields, records, tables, files, databases) is referred to the database ___


when programmers design a database, they start by determining what data or characters will be entered. Next, they decide what fields would best organized this data. With this, records and tables can be created, eventually building an entire database. This organization is called the database ___.


All of the following are true about RFID except

high-frequency RFID can transmit signals further than 1500 feet.

Select the characteristics of a Blu-ray disc.

holds approximately 25 GB of data uses pits and lands to store data

Select the characteristics of a CD.

holds approximately 700 MB of data uses pits and lands to store data

A refracted laser beam striking a photoreceptor from many different angles allows ___ storage to retain many bits of data in the same location.


Network Intruder Detection Systems(IDS) often have areas known as "padded cells" or


Network intruder Detection systems (IDS) often have areas known as "padded cells" or ____ are easy to hack into and are used to catch hackers


An IP address is determined by the network on which it is ______________


When determining how much cell phone data you need it is important to consider

how much data you currently use

When determining how much cell phone data you need it is important to consider -how much data you currently use -are you using your smartphone to create Microsoft Word documents? -how many phone calls do you make -how often do you send a text message

how much data you currently use

Match the operating system with it's characteristic: iOS 9 series Marshmallow Lollipop

iOS 9 series- Used on iPhones Marshmallow- Android OS released in 2015 Lollipop- Android OS released in 2014

Apple's mobile device with the largest display is the ___ .

iPad Pro

While many 3rd party apps are available through its App Store, apps for ___ must first be tested and approved before they're made available for downloading.


In order to sync your iPhone to your MacBook you must first open the ___ app.


All of the following should be considered when using Twitter except

if a Twitter user has been blocked you can file a formal complaint through Twitter.


if you wish to email a file to a friend, but find that it's too big for your email server, you can always ______ the file




image compression formats


in addition to activating______ protection, its a good idea to disable your routers SSID transmission once all your devices are connected

In the body of a professionally formatted business email, where should a request be placed?

in the first sentence of the body of your email

For _____ it may be less expensive to add an existing cell phone data plan and to use the phone as a hotspot than to add wired Internet service. -small businesses -large households -individual users -large corporations

individual users

The roles of ensuring an organization's sensitive information is kept safe, keeping an organization's networks secure, and developing security measures for an organization's IS typically falls to the ___

information systems (information technology) security manager


inkjet printers are often sold _____ their production cost

These facilitate getting data and information into your computer.

input devices

all of the following are true about instagram except:

instagram charges a fee to download the app

All of the following statements about instagram are true except:

instagram is difficult to integrate with apps like Facbeook and Foursquare

Facebook messenger, viber, kik messenger, snapchat, and WhatsApp are examples of ____ messaging sites



instructions (software) that allow a computer (hardware) to be used are written using specific symbols, letters and numbers known as a programming ____ or code

Adam was in the fifth grade when he was adopted by the smith's. because his school uses a centralized database, all of his teachers had his correct name on their grade reports. This is an example of how centralized database can help improve data ___


Forms structure data input ensure data ___, meaning the information entered is accurate, timely, and useful


Kate was a senior in college when she married her high school sweetheart. she changed her last name, and because the college used a centralized database, each of her instructors had her new name in their grade books. This is an example of how centralization can improve data ___


The reliability and the accuracy of the information in a database is referred to as data


Human knowledge and ideas that laws protect against unauthorized use by others is considered _____ property


To protect against unauthorized software use, sale, or distribution of software, music, movies, video games, and many other digital products, there are ___ property laws.


Katie loves istant messaging because she has friends that live overseas. Unlike texting, which requires a cellular connection, all Katie needs to IM is an app a(n) ____ connection


What three items are required in order to set up a home Wi-Fi network? internet signal, modem, router modem, router, bluetooth internet signal, router, bluetooth internet signal, modem, bluetooth

internet signal, modem, router

A compiler checks for errors and converts an entire program from the source code to machine language while a

interpreter allows programmers to convert the source code line by line

a form of spyware that records all actions typed on a keyboard is called a ___ logger.


A form of spyware that records all actions typed on a keyboard is called a

keystroke logger

julia types specific terms into a search engine when she wants to find an article on the world wide web. this is called a _____ search


Instructions (software) that allow a computer (hardware) to be used are written using specific symbols, letters and numbers known as a programming _________ or code.


Instructions that allow a computer to be used are written using specific symbols, letters and numbers known as a programming

language or code

A mobile hinged computer with an integrated keyboard that uses a full operating system is called a notebook or a ____ computer.


Because of the large infrastructure cost of building antennae and mobile switching stations, as well as leasing the rights to use radio frequencies, only ___ companies can compete nationally as cell phone providers.



largest memory in a computer, connected to the processor via the front side bus


largest memory of a computer, connected to the processor via the front side bus

It's always a good idea to check the _____ before clicking "replay

list of addressees

A decision point in a flowchart that asks a question and has 3 parts is called a


A process that has an initial value, a process, and a test condition that can potentially return the program to the initial value is called a ___ .


Even a small degree of programming skill can be beneficial. Many apps allow you to create mini-programs that reduce the number of routine steps required to complete a task. These mini-programs are called ___ .


Many apps allow you to create mini-programs that reduce the number of routine steps required to complete a task. These mini-programs are called


Select the characteristics of fiber optic lines.

made of 1 or thousands of fibers high-speed transmission

The final step in the SDLC has two phases, a system audit and an evaluation phase. This final step is referred to as ___ the system.


Before opening an Email, make sure you know and trust the send. Email may contain


Before opening an Email, make sure you know and trust the sender. Email may contain


When referring to management information systems, SCMS stands for supply chain ___ software


When referring to business information technology, MIS stands for

management information systems

Experts suggest using password _ software to keep your passwords safe

management software

When referring to management information systems, SCMS stands for supply chain

management software

When referring to business information technology, MIS stands for ___ information systems



many DSLRs have full (35mm) sensor arrays enabling photographers to take extremely high resolution photos

L1 cache

memory located directly on the processor itself

L1 cache

memory located on the processor itself

One advantage that the Samsung tablets have over the iPads is that you can add ___ to the Note or Tab.

microSD storage

Cell phones send and receive extremely weak ___ signals to and from cell towers.


Radio waves that transmit internet signals to and from satellites in space are called ____________ infrared waves microwaves gamma rays visible waves


Megahertz is equal to one _____ cycles (or instructions) per second.


The word modem stands for


The word modem stands for ____.


The word modem stands for ____. -modulator demonstrator -monitor device -mode emulator -modulator-demodulator


Employee-____ software is designed to track and record the use of network and hardware resources in the workplace by employees


Sometimes used in smaller business networks, employee ___ software is impractical for large networks because of the number of users and the potential for misuse


While you sometimes find this used in smaller business networks, employee ____ software is impractical for large networks because of the number of users and the potential for misuse


While you sometimes find this used in smaller business network employee

monitoring software

Sometimes used in smaller business networks, employee

monitoring software is impractical for large networks because of the number of users and potential for misuse

Select the usual tasks of database administrators (DBAs).

monitors the database's performance develops and maintains the database itself establishes user privileges for the database to help protect the data

Fiber optic cable is ____ expensive than coaxial cable to install.


Fiber optic cable is _____ expensive than coaxial cable to install.


Fiber optic cable is _____ expensive than coaxial cable to install. -the same -more -significantly less -less


magnetic hard drives

most desktop computers use ______ to store data


most tablets and phones use________ as their main storage device

Which of the following is a strength of the Android platform?

most widely used OS for smartphones and tablets

The standard code of respectful behavior governing the use of electronic communications software and hardware is called electronic etiquette or _____.


A _____ is a group of two or more devices/computers connected together to allow for the exchange and information and for the sharing of resources such as printers server network partnership client


All of the following are part of an RFID system except _____.


all of the following are part of an RFID system except:


white hat hackers

non malicious computer security experts that test the security measures of an organizations information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions are called

IP addresses are assigned by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and ___________ (ICANN)


When inputs can easily be placed into different categories or classes, a

object oriented analysis works well

trojan horse

often accompanying downloaded music or apps, programs that appear to be legitimate, but executes an unwanted activity when activated is called a

commercial database

often referred to as a data bank

javascript, C++, english, java

once an algorithm or plan has been created, the next step in the PDLC is to write the coding for the program. This highly structured process may be completed using which languages?

data is only available when you're online

one disadvantage of cloud storage is that

Though legal, which of the following would likely be prohibited by a typical business computer-use policy?

online personal shopping

All of the following are protected against unauthorized use or distribution by intellectual property laws except

open educational resources

all of the following are protected against unauthorized use or distribution by intellectual property laws except:

open educational resources

Many manufacturers have made _____ optional equipment when purchasing a new laptop computer.

opitcal drives

In photography, there are 2 ways to focus on distant objects, digital zoom and ____ zoom.


A storage device that uses lasers to read CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray discs is referred to as a(n) ___ .

optical drive

blu ray and dvd player

optical drives?

Paul Baran developed a technology called ____ switching that made the Internet possible and reliable.


Paul Baran developed a technology called _____ switching that made the Internet possible and reliable. -transistor -packet -circuit -capacitor


thermal printing

paper turns black when heated, commonly used for printing receipts

A secret code used to help prevent unauthorized access to data and user accounts is called a


The BitTorrent protocol is often called ___ file sharing.


The BitTorrent protocol is often called ___ file sharing. -Internet Protocol -plug-in -client-server -peer-to-peer


The BitTorrent protocol is often called ____ file sharing.


user preferences

persistent cookies store information about

Rank the storage capacities from highest to lowest. Start with the highest capacity first.

petabyte terabyte gigabyte megabyte kilobyte

Server banks have capacities measured in ___ .


A type of phishing that seeks to obtain personal information through malicious software that is inserted on a victim's computer is called _______ .


A type of phishing that seeks to obtian information through malicious software that is inserted on victims' computers and directs them to fake webpage is called


The illegitimate use of an email message that is sent to collect personal information and appears to be from an establish organization such as a bank company is called


When you personally share an image on Pinterest it is known as a _____.


A request for an electronic "echo" or response from another computer or server is called a


A request for an electronic "echo" or response from another computer or server is called a ____.


A request for an electronic "echo" or response from another computer or server is called a ____. -bug -switch -ping -handshake


When copyrighted software is illegally copied, distributed, modified, or sold, and is considered direct copyright infringement, software ____ has occurred


Select the advantages of helium hard drives over traditional hard drives.

platters spin faster Platters stay cooler. More platters can be placed in the same amount of space.

Though legal, which of the following would likely be prohibited by a typical business computer-use policy?

playing online games

though legal, which of the following would likely be prohibited by a typical business computer-use policy?

playing online games

Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called


Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called ___ .


Software that can be added to a browser to increase its functionality are called ___ . -search engines -plug-ins -firewalls -drivers



portable document

All of the following are best practices when using LinkedIn except

post vacation photos to show your friends where you've travelled.

In a relational database, an important field that contains a unique value that identifies each record as individual is the ___ key


The first step in the program development life cycle consists of specifically stating what this software will be able to do. This is referred to as defining the


The first step in the program development life cycle of defining the



process or procedure


professionally ends the message

On Facebook your _____ is a collection of the photos and stories that tell people about you and your experiences.


The roles of directing IS technicians, working with senior management to procure and implement IS, and developing polices for corporate IS typically falls to the information system __ manager


The roles of directing IS technicians, working with senior management to procure and implement IS, and developing policies for corporate IS typically falls to the information system

program manager

Converting a task into commands that a computer can use to perform the task is one definition of


Adware often accompanies downloaded


An output device that uses light to display video or image output on a surface is called a ___ .



providing current investment values and opportunities

What type of server intercepts all messages between client and a server to help avert a hacker or other intruder from attacking a network


A programmer's shorthand that often serves as an intermediate step in transitioning an algorithm to the program code itself is called


Written in natural language, but often including programming shorthand to assist in writing the program itself



pseudocode is written in a natural language, but often including programming ___ to assist in writing the program itself. pseudocode is the term that describes an intermediate step in creating an algorithm from a flow chart.


purchasing the necessary software for the system is the part of the system ___ step in the SDLC process

A database provides the capability of conducting searches or asking questions. A question or search for information in a database is called a ___


In the database view of a relational database (such as Microsoft access) a row of information is called a ___



records keeping and reporting

For which of the following activities would a typical accounting department need a strong information system?

records keeping and reporting

Select the colors that are used to create pixels in most output devices

red blue green

Click on icons represent popular password management apps

red * norton

Select the reasons to compress a file.

reduce storage space requirements reduce bandwidth needed to transmit a file

compress a file

reduce storage space requirements, reduce bandwidth needed to transmit a file


reduces space required by reducing redundancy within files


reduces space required by removing less valuable data

When referring to digital storage, RAID stands for ___ .

redundant array of independent discs

The database use common fields to create links between tables. this is called a ___ database


A link between tables in a relational database that defines how the data is related is called a ___.



relatively small amount of memory (measured in kilobytes or megabytes).

software that gives network administrators the ability to provide computer assistance from a central location by allowing them to display and control any computer on the network is ___ desktop software


Software that gives network administrators the ability to provide computer assistance from a central location by allowing them to display and control any computer on the network is called software

remote desktop

Software that gives network administrators the ability to provide computer assistance from a central location by allowing them to display and control any computer on the network is called

remote desktop sfotware

A worm that is a type of malware that _ itself throughout a single computer or across a network


To display or distribute a summary of data and archive snapshots of the data, data administrators or programmers create:


To display or distribute information from a database, programmers or database administrators create ___.


Select the characteristics of a OneDrive account

requires a Microsoft Email account provides free cloud storage can serve as extra storage space

traditional filing systems

requires no training to use

Select the characteristics of computer storage.

retains data when power is turned off sometimes referred to as secondary storage

Select the characteristics of computer storage.

retains data when power is turned off sometimes referred to as secondary storage

Sometimes, particularly when travelling, you may find yourself in an area where your home network has no cell coverage, but another network does have service. Using a different network is referred to as ___ .


The device that connects 2 networks and often provides firewall protection is a ________


The device that connects 2 networks is a


The device that divides and connects two networks is a _________ modem router WiFi switch


Your ___ can provide hardware firewall protection for your home network where it connects to the ISP's network, just as ISP networks have firewalls where they connect to the Internet. -FSB -router -switch -modem


Your ____ can provide hardware firewall protection for your home network where it connects to the ISP's network, just as ISP networks have firewalls where they connect to the Internet.


_Since ________ separates your home network from your ISP's network you should assign strong passwords.


Typically computer viruses must be _ to attack and do damage to digital device


If you notice you are receiving fake antivirus messages, power down your computer and reboot your computer in

safe mode

Two main factors concerning your digital identity are privacy and ___.


Two of the main concerns that surrounds digital identity are privacy and _____.


the roles of ensuring an organization's sensitive information is kept safe, keeping an organization's networks secure, and developing security measures for an organization's IS typically falls to the information system ____ manager.


listening to pandora, watching a youtube video, watching a movie on Netflix

select examples of streaming

usb drive has shorter access time usb drive is more durable usb drive is more accurate

select the advantages of using a USB instead of a DVD

redundancy, availability

select the advantages of using cloud storage

requires a microsoft email account provides free cloud storage can serve as extra storage space

select the characteristics of a onedrive account

used to transmit internet signals where wires may be impractical used to transmit internet signals to and from satellites capable of transmitting internet signals over long distances

select the characteristics of microwaves

coaxial cable telephone wire cell phone radio waves

select the common internet transmission media

pet identification, package tracking, inventory tracking

select the current uses for RFID tags

posting a photo on social media placing an ad on craiglist posting a youtube video

select the examples of uploading files

emailing a file to yourself, saving a photo on flickr, purchasing online storage space

select the methods of using cloud storage

uses the same coaxial cable that brings the cable television signal usually has more bandwidth than DSL lines internet service can often be bundled with television service

select the statements that are true regarding cable internet service

fastest home network option when available not available in all areas signal is carried by light waves so its less subject to electromagnetic interference

select the statements that are true regarding fiber optic internet service

legitimate sniffers are used for routine examination and problem detection, unauthorized sniffers are used to steal information

select what is true about packet sniffers

can transmit wi-fi signals in the 2.4 GHz frequency range can transmit wi-fi signals in the 5.0 GHz frequency range minimizes the impact of interference form microwave ovens and car alarms

select whats true regarding dual band routers

_______ a computer that provides resources and services to client computers that request them


What type of cookie is stored in temporary memory and is lost when the web browser is closed



sets the tone of the message


sets the tone of the message

In general, the ___ the access time, the faster the hard drive.


The software code of a particular computer virus is called the virus


Contact your ISP if your actual Internet speed is ____ than advertised.


Contact your ISP if your actual Internet speed is _____ than advertised. -the same as -slower -larger -faster


Data from the hard drive reaches the CPU ___ than data from the RAM.



snaps on snapchat can be viewed up to _____ seconds depending on what the user chooses and then disappears

Specialized hardware of software that capture packets transmitted over a network called packet


Specialized hardware or software that capture packets transmitted over a network are called packer



software applications that allow users to access and surf the world wide web are called

When copyrighted software is illegally copied, distributed, modified, or sold, and is considered direct copyright infringement, this is called:

software privacy


some apps that use a surprising amount of data are those that include embedded

An unsolicited email message is called _____.


Desean received an unsolicited email message from an unknown sender. This email was


Unsolicited email is


Computer software that is designed to prevent spam messages from entering into a user's email inbox is called a

spam filter


specialized hardware or software that capture packets transmitted over a network are called packet

While not a required step in sending an email, it's still wise to always ___ any message before clicking "send"

spell check


start point or finish point

Devices that allow for the retention of data when your computer has been shut down are called ___ devices.


The component of a computer that allows data to be retained after power is turned off is referred to as _______.


traditional hard drive

stores data magnetically, contains read/write heads, contains platters


succinctly discusses the purpose of the message

SCMS makes lean manufacturing processes such as just-in-time inventory practical. SCMS stands for ___ chain management software


Because Objective-C was difficult to write in, Apple developed ___ , a programming language for writing software for the Mac OS and the iOS.


Because object C was difficult to write in, Apple developed


A security system separating 2 networks or even computers on the same network is called a


The device that allows several computers to use your home network with just on Internet connection is called a ____________ modem switch CPU


The device that connects 2 networks is a _____. -router -switch -Wi-Fi -modem


_______ connect devices that are within the same network.


__________ ensures that the correct data is sent to and from the correct device within the network


___________ send and receive network requests to digital devices according to the device's unique media access control address


A DBMS maximizes the benefits a database can provide. DBMS stands for Database Management ____


Computer hardware and software that an organization uses to increase its performance is referred to as its information technology(it)


The final step in the system development life cycle is maintaining the system. Select the two phases of this step.

system audit evaluation phase

The fourth step in the system development life cycle consists of getting necessary equipment and making sure it works correct. This is called the

system development step

Select activities that would be considered software theft.

taking a registration code from the Internet and using it register a program that you didn't purchase illegally copying a program illegally copying a program stealing software programs

The role of installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing information system hardware and software typically falls to the ___


The role of installing, maintaining, repairing, and replacing information system hardware and software typically falls to the information system ____


Select the output devices.

televisions printers

Keywords and hashtags

tell search engine what to display

Visiting pornography sites while using a company computer and/or network violates your company's computer-use policy. You've signed a policy that requires you to report any computer ethics violations to your boss. You observe a co-worker visiting porn sites at work and determine that you should report this activity. Other co-workers also noticed this violation. You should

tell your boss that you've witnessed the co-worker visiting porn sites while using the company computer or network.

HTML and it's 5th revision (HTML5) allow content to be displayed on ___ .

the World Wide Web


the act of hacking, or breaking into a computer system, for a politically or socially motivated purposes is called


the bitTorrent protocol is often called ______ file sharing


the capacity of a particular transmission medium is called its


the device that connects 2 networks is a

digital- analog converters

the devices inside your phone that convert analog waves (such as sounds waves) into digital signals that your phone can process are called


the first step in the SDLC involves defining the problems that the IT system should address, examining various alternatives and reporting the findings. This is referred to as the ___ step


the malicious use of computer code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network is called a


the part of the processor that tells the computers memory, arithmetic logic unit and input and output devices how to response to a programs instructions is called the______ unit


the smallest unit of data storage is a

along with the "from" line, what is the most important factor in ensuring your message is read?

the subject line


the wireless network privacy standard that was introduced in 2003 but was quickly replaced (due to numerous vulnerabilities) was known as

HTML and it's 5th revision (HTML5) allow content to be displayed on ___ .

the world wide web

blocking/allowing cookies by default deleting cookies making exceptions for cookies from specific websites of domains

there are a variety of cookie settings that can be adjusted in goggle chrome including

"Thumb-sucking" refers to stealing information from a network using a ___

thumb drive

What are some commonly used names for USB drives?

thumb drives flash drives

A programming design that breaks down a problem into a series of tasks is called

top down programming

Using information systems to help foresee corporate business opportunities and threats might be done by all levels of management, but it is most important for which management level?

top level managers

using information systems to help foresee corporate business opportunities and threats might be done all the level of management but it was most important for which management level?

top level managers

A programming design that breaks down a problem into a series of tasks is called ___ programming.


A popular protocol (procedure) for sharing large files such as movies, TV shows, and music via the internet is Bit____.


The main governmental organization that oversees internet privacy in the Us is the Federal _____ commission


the main governmental organization that oversees internet privacy is the federal _____ commission


when referring to management information systems, TPS stands for ___ processing systems


When referring to management information systems, TPS stands for

transaction processing systems

Select the parts of an RFID system.

transceiver transponder antenna

To transmit large files from one server to another over the internet may use the File _______ Protocol.


A transceiver can both send and receive information.


Passports issued by the US and many other countries include RFID chips


True or false: The platform or operating system of a computer controls all of the functions of a computer.


true or false: Applications are computer programs created to execute specific tasks.


true or false: The processes of removing software from a computer is called uninstalling.


500 GB - 1 TB

typical laptop


typical tablet

Because of the popularity and bandwidth demands of video streaming, ___ data plans are not as common as they were in the past.


WhatsApp users can create groups, and send _____ images, video and audio messages for free.


Middle mangers

use information systems for communicating polices and performance reports up and down the corporate ladder

Middle managers

use information systems for record keeping and reporting purposes

first level managers

use information systems for recording line employee performance

middle managers

use information systems for recording line employee performance

first level managers (supervisors, flood managers)

use information systems for recording the employee performance

First level mangers (supervisors, floor managers)

use information systems for scheduling daily and weekly operations

top level management

use information systems to for see corporate opportunities and threats

Top level management (business executive and presidents)

use information systems to foresee corporate opportunities and threats


use social media

plotter printer

used for drafting or blueprints

A digital identity is comprised of a variety of digital attributes including

usernames and passwords. usernames and passwords. online search activities. online search activities. personal data such as your social security number and birthdate.

company database

users access the organization database through a lan

Select the characteristics of SSD storage.

uses flash technology uses flash technology uses the same technology that is found in USB drives has no mechanically moving parts

ink jet printer

uses ink cartridges

Select the characteristics of a traditional hard drive.

uses magnetic charges to store data has a read/write head to detect magnetic charges has physically moving platters

Select the characteristics of a traditional hard drive.

uses magnetically charged plates to store data commonly found in desktop computers

Select the characteristics of a traditional hard drive.

uses magnetically charged plates to store data commonly found in desktop computers


uses pits and lands to store data, holds approximately 4.5 GB of data

Select the statements that are true regarding DSL Internet service.

uses telephone wires as transmission wires Internet signals tend to be very consistent

Select the statements that are true regarding cable Internet service.

uses the same coaxial cable that brings the cable television signal usually has more bandwidth than DSL lines Internet service can often be bundled with television service

laser printer

uses toner cartridges

top level managers

using information systems to help for see corporate business opportunities and threats might be done by all levels of management, but it is most important for which management level

Select the characteristics of a modem.

usually provided by the ISP converts analog signals into digital signals converts digital signals into analog signals

Some apps that use a surprising amount of data are those that include embedded ___ .


Sharing infected files and opening an infected email attachment are ways that a computer _ can infect a digital device


A key component in an employee-monitoring program is the utilization of ____ and internet filters.


One risks with cookies is

websites using cookies can collect your information and sell it to third parties

One reason to study programming is that coders tend to be

well compensated

thumb drives, flash drives

what are some commonly used names for USB drives

galaxy, note

what devices are manufactured by samsung


what technology allows for the electronic communication of business oriented transactions and information between people and organizations

software piracy

when copyrighted software is illegally copied, distributed, modified or sold and is considered direct copyright infringement this is called

management information systems

when referring to business info tech MIS stands for

be brief and direct state only what you witnessed

when reporting a computer ethics violation of a co-worker to your employer, its important to


which category of management information systems (MIS) focuses on providing forecasting capabilities for sales and production?


which category of management information systems (MIS) focuses on tracking sales and inventories

Ransomware, keystroke logging trojan

which of the following are common email viruses

copying a driver from a companys website and saving it to your computer buying a song on itunes so you can listen to it on your phone copying a photo from facebook and saving it to your desktop

which of the following are examples of downloading a file

IP stands for internet protocol in most home networks ip addresses are assigned by the internet service provider if two laptops are connected to the same home network and surfing the web simultaneously, each laptop must have its own IP addresses

which of the following are true regarding IP addresses

install the latest antivirus software and update frequently downloaded content from the web should only be from trusted sites

which of the following are ways to prevent computer virus infections

most widely used OS for smartphones and tablets

which of the following is a strength of the android platform

free to download and use

which of the following is a strength of the linux platform

cyberstalking and online predators are a real problem on facebook

which of the following statements about facebook is true

data manipulation

which of the following would be considered a cybercrime

internet explorer

which of these browsers was developed by microsoft

Computer experts that attempt to hack into a network to ensure that it is protected against intrusions are called

white hat hackers

A form of email fraud where criminals change the account where money is being transferred is called a ___ -wire scam


A form of Email fraud where criminals change the account where money is being transferred is called a ___ scam.


A form of email fraud where criminals change the account where money is being transferred is called a ___ scam


A form of email fraud where criminals charge the account where money is being transferred is called a ___ scam


A form of Email fraud where criminals change the account where money is being transferred is called a

wire-wire scam

Personal branding can be accomplished digitally and in more traditional means including all of the following except _____ .

writing private journal entries


written in a natural language, but often including programming shorthand to assist in writing the program itself, ____ is the term that describes an intermediate step in creating an algorithm from a flow chart.

Select the statements that describe a computer programmer's algorithm.

written in a natural language, such as English written in a natural language, such as English written in the form of a flowchart so that it will be more easily converted into a programming language

world wide web

www stand for

Select the domain name.

Select the domain name. -

approve cookie storage requests deny cookie storage requests delete stored cookies automatically when you start firefox

you can change your firefox settings to allow you to


you must individually adjust cookie settings in every browser you use

there are risks associated with downloading content from the internet. it is important to consider all of the following when downloading from the internet except:

your anti-virus software will ensure your files are safe

There are risks associated with downloading content from the Internet. It is important to consider all of the following when downloading from the Internet except

your anti-virus software will ensure your files are safe.

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