CIS 330 Exam 4-5-6-7-TKC

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A category of information management software or programs designed for the large amount of information generated by an IT project is called _____. a. PIM c. PDA b. Project data management d. Personal data management


If an interviewee gives only short or incomplete responses to open-ended questions, a systems analyst should do which of the following ____. a. switch to closed-ended questions b. give the interviewee easy access to supporting material that might be needed c. continue using open-ended questions d. rudely conclude the meeting


In addition to direct costs, systems developers must identify and document indirect expenses that contribute to the ____. a. TCO c. FDD b. REJ d. UML


In an interview, ____ encourage spontaneous and unstructured responses. a. open-ended questions c. leading questions b. closed-ended questions d. range-of-response questions


____ is a typical example of a system requirement for the control category. a. The customer analysis system must produce a quarterly report that identifies changes in ordering patterns b. The system must maintain separate levels of security for users and the system administrator c. The data entry screens must be uniform, except for background color, which can be changed by the user d. The warehouse distribution system must analyze daily orders and create a routing pattern for delivery trucks


When recording facts, a systems analyst should document the work by ____. a. recording information as soon as it is obtained b. recording findings in such a way that they can be understood by someone else c. organizing documentation so related material is located easily d. using the most complex recording method possible


When preparing a checklist of specific tasks to observe and questions to ask, a systems analyst should consider ____. a. asking sufficient questions to ensure a complete understanding of the present system operation b. observing all steps in a transaction and noting the documents, inputs, outputs, and processes involved c. talking to the people who receive current reports to see whether the reports are complete, timely, accurate, and in a useful form d. examining each form, record, and report


When recording and documenting information, Microsoft Word can create _____. a. reports c. tables b. summaries d. forms


When designing a questionnaire, all of the following are ideas to keep in mind: ____. a. providing clear instructions that will answer all anticipated questions b. arranging questions in a logical order c. trying to lead the response or use questions that give clues to expected answers d. phrasing all questions to avoid misunderstandings, and use simple terms and wording


A common tool for showing the distribution of a questionnaire or sampling results is a vertical bar chart called a(n) ____. a. flowchart c. agile method b. histogram d. Venn diagram


Greater user involvement in the system development process usually results in ____. a. poorer communication c. slower development times b. more satisfied users d. lower quality deliverable


In a use case diagram, the user becomes a(n) ____, with a specific role that describes how he or she interacts with a system. a. agent c. interlocutor b. actor d. master


In an interview, ____ limit or restrict the response. a. open-ended questions c. leading questions b. closed-ended questions d. range-of-response questions


In projects where it is desirable to obtain input from a large number of people, a(n) ____, such as that shown in the accompanying figure, can be a valuable tool. a. interview c. sample b. questionnaire d. research report


Microsoft has developed a method for measuring a system's total costs and benefits, called ____, which is a framework to help IT professionals analyze and optimize IT investments. a. TCO c. FDD b. REJ d. UML


One of the main activities in the systems analysis phase is ____ modeling, which involves fact-finding to describe the current system and identification requirements for the new system. a. objective c. goal-based b. requirements d. user-based


The ____ phase of the SDLC includes four main activities: requirements modeling, data and process modeling, object modeling, and consideration of development strategies. a. systems planning c. systems design b. systems analysis d. systems implementation


When preparing a representative sample from a list of 200 customers who complained about errors in their statements, a ____ could ensure the sample is balanced geographically by selecting five customers from each of four zip codes. a. systematic sample c. random sample b. stratified sample d. comprehensive sample


Which of the following is a general category of system requirements? a. daily reports c. response time b. inputs d. login security


____ is a typical example of a system requirement for the output category. a. Manufacturing employees must swipe their ID cards into data collection terminals that record labor costs b. The contact management system must generate a daily reminder list for all sales reps c. The student records system must allow record access by either the student name or the student number d. The system must support 25 users simultaneously


All of the following are categories of system requirements EXCEPT ____. A) outputs B) dynamics C) performance D) controls

B) dynamics

If an interviewee gives only short or incomplete responses to open-ended questions, a systems analyst should do all of the following EXCEPT ____. A) switch to closed-ended questions B) give the interviewee easy access to supporting material that might be needed C) try rephrasing open-ended questions into those types of questions D) switch to questions with a range of responses

B) give the interviewee easy access to supporting material that might be needed

If one of these is available, analysts can use it to develop models and enter documentation from the JAD session.

CASE tool

Systems analysts use this kind of question when they want information that is more specific or to verify facts.


Compared with traditional methods, when properly used, JAD can result in ____.

Correct more accurate statement of system requirements Correct better understanding of common goals Correct stronger commitment to the success of the new system

A(n) ____ diagram shows the timing of interactions between objects as they occur. a. timing c. orientation b. ordering d. sequence


In an interview, ____ are questions that ask a person to evaluate something by providing limited answers to specific responses or on a numeric scale. a. open-ended questions c. leading questions b. closed-ended questions d. range-of-response questions


When designing a questionnaire, arrange questions in a random order, intermixing simple and more complex topics.


When fact-finding, asking what is being done is the same as asking what could or should be done.


Much of the time a systems analyst spends talking with people is spent conducting ____, which is/are the most common fact-finding technique.


Kinds of questions that are useful when a systems analyst wants to understand a larger process or draw out the interviewee's opinions, attitudes, or suggestions.


Some ____, which are enormously popular handheld computers, can accept handwritten input, while others have small keyboards.


A ____, such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Organizer, can help manage meetings, interviews, appointments, and deadlines and provide a personal calendar and a to-do list, with priorities and the capability to check off completed items.


A(n) ____, such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Organizer, can help manage meetings, interviews, appointments, and deadlines and provide a personal calendar and a to-do list, with priorities and the capability to check off completed items


One of its risks is that a system might work well in the short term, but the corporate and long-term objectives for the system might not be met.


In determining this, one problem is that cost estimates tend to understate costs such as user support and downtime productivity losses.


A list of topics should be sent to an interviewee several days before the meeting, especially when detailed information is needed, so the person can prepare for the interview and minimize the need for a follow-up meeting.


An agile approach emphasizes continuous feedback, and each incremental step is affected by what was learned in the prior steps.


Because use cases depict a system through the eyes of a user, common business language can be used to describe the transactions.


Creating a standard list of interview questions helps a systems analyst to keep on track and avoid unnecessary tangents.


Each activity within the systems analysis phase has an end product and one or more milestones.


IT professionals recognize that successful systems must be user-oriented, and users need to be involved, formally or informally, at every stage of systems development.


Knowledge of a company's formal and informal structures helps a systems analyst determine the people to interview during the systems analysis phase.


Personal observation allows a systems analyst to verify statements made in interviews and determine whether procedures really operate as they are described.


System requirements fall into five general categories: outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls.


System requirements serve as benchmarks to measure the overall acceptability of a finished system.


The ability to manage information is the mark of a successful systems analyst and an important skill for all IT professionals.


The main objective of a sample is to ensure that it represents the overall population accurately.


When conducting an interview, after asking a question, allow the person enough time to think about the question and arrive at an answer.


When designing a questionnaire, the most important rule of all is to make sure that questions collect the right data in a form that can be used to further fact-finding.


Provides various graphical tools, such as use case diagrams and sequence diagrams.


These methods develop a system incrementally, by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.

agile method

Compared with traditional methods, when properly used, JAD can result in all of the following except

less expense and greater manageability if the group is too large

In BPMN terminology, the overall diagram.


In projects where it is desirable to obtain input from a large number of people, a(n) ____, can be a valuable tool.


When preparing a representative sample from a list of 200 customers who complained about errors in their statements, a ____ might select any 20 customers

random sample

Wireless capability allows all of the following EXCEPT ____. A) Web access B) synchronization with office networks C) random sampling D) streaming multimedia

random sampling

This kind of system offers a better return on initial investment because it will have a longer useful life.


Perry has inherited an Excel sheet that lists all of the system requirements for his team's new project, but unfortunately, his predecessor did not label the requirements with categories—or in some cases failed to categorize them correctly—so he needs to take care of this so the requirements can be sorted correctly. 3. Perry knows that there were supposed to be three performance examples but he finds four in the spreadsheet. Which one of these is mislabeled as a performance example? a. The system must automatically generate an insurance claim form. b. Response time must not exceed four seconds. c. The online inventory control system must flag all low-stock items within one hour after the quantity falls below a predetermined minimum. d. The records system must produce key reports within five hours of the end of each fiscal quarter.


RAD relies heavily on ____. a. prototyping c. agile methods b. management direction d. Scrum


Some ____, such as Microsoft Outlook, include a personal calendar, a to-do list, and powerful contact management features. a. PIMs c. PDAs b. laptops d. Visios


The ____ is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting software systems design. a. UML c. FDD b. TCO d. REJ


The kind of document shown in the accompanying figure starts with a heading, which should include all except which of the following ____. a. a brief statement of purpose b. your suggestions c. your signature d. your observations


The term ____ refers to a system's ability to handle increased business volume and transactions in the future. a. scalability c. compatibility b. reliability d. applicability


To evaluate ____, a systems analyst needs information about projected future volume for all outputs, inputs, and processes. a. scalability c. compatibility b. reliability d. applicability


When preparing a representative sample from a list of 200 customers who complained about errors in their statements, a ____ might select every tenth customer for review. a. systematic sample c. random sample b. stratified sample d. comprehensive sample


____ enable a systems analyst to identify a problem, evaluate the key elements, and develop a useful solution. a. Analytical skills c. Interpersonal skills b. Artistic skills d. Confrontational skills


The primary advantage of RAD is that ____. A) systems can be developed more quickly with significant cost savings B) the company's strategic business needs are emphasized and the mechanics of the system are not stressed C) the decelerated time cycle allows more time to develop quality, consistency, and design standards D) all of the above

A) systems can be developed more quickly with significant cost savings

A ____ is a UML technique that visually represents the interaction between users and an information system. a. TCO c. use case diagram b. data schematic d. user-based flowchart


A(n) ____ is a top-down representation of a function or a process. a. UML c. FDD b. TCO d. REJ


In a(n) ____ structure, which usually is based on interpersonal relationships, some people have more influence or knowledge than appears on an organization chart. a. spontaneous c. informal b. unstructured d. open-ended


In a(n) ____, team members prepare to lunge at each other to achieve their objectives. a. dodge c. scrum b. resequencing d. adaptation


Perry has found one system requirement that he thinks could fit into a couple of different categories. What is the best categorization of this requirement: An employee record must be added, changed, or deleted only by a member of the human resources department? a. performance b. control c. process d. input


Software such as Microsoft OneNote is a type of ____ software. a. PIM c. Project data management b. Personal data management d. PDA


Supporters of neutral locations for interviews believe that it ____. a. makes the interviewee feel comfortable during the meeting b. gives the interviewee easy access to supporting material that might be needed c. keeps interruptions to a minimum so people can concentrate fully d. gives the interviewee opportunity to take calls during the interview


Using a(n) ____, an analyst can show business functions and break them down into lower-level functions and processes. a. UML c. FDD b. TCO d. REJ


When preparing a representative sample from a list of 200 customers who complained about errors in their statements, a ____ might select any 20 customers. a. systematic sample c. random sample b. stratified sample d. comprehensive sample


____ are especially important to a systems analyst who must work with people at all organizational levels, balance conflicting needs of users, and communicate effectively. a. Analytical skills c. Interpersonal skills b. Artistic skills d. Confrontational skills


____ is a typical example of a system requirement for the process category. a. The Web site must report online volume statistics every four hours and hourly during peak periods b. The system must be operated seven days a week, 365 days a year c. The equipment rental system must not execute new rental transactions for customers who have overdue tapes d. All transactions must have audit trails


A(n) ____ is a UML technique that visually represents the interaction between users and an information system.

C) use case diagram

Kieran has finished compiling the list of the various members of the JAD group: He is the JAD project leader, Malia is the representative from top management, Simon is a manager, Alisa and Ian are users, Shakira and Max are systems analysts, and Devon is the recorder. 1. As Kieran develops the agenda he wants to put the name of the appropriate person next to the agenda item. Whose name would he put next to the final task on the agenda, the task of documenting the results of the JAD session and preparing the report that will be sent to JAD team members? a. Devon b. Malia c. Shakira d. his own


There have been some rumblings within the firm that this development project is not necessary so Kieran and others feel it is important to explain the reason for the project at the outset. Whose name goes next to this point on the agenda? a. his own b. Simon c. Max d. Malia


When studying an information system, examples of actual documents should be collected using a process called ____. a. stratification c. indexing b. randomization d. sampling


____ is a typical example of a system requirement for the input category. a. As a final step in year-end processing, the payroll system must update employee salaries, bonuses, and benefits b. Response time must not exceed four seconds c. The system must provide log-on security at the operating system level and at the application level d. Student grades must be entered on machine-scannable forms prepared by the instructor


____ is a typical example of a system requirement for the performance category. a. The purchasing system must provide suppliers with up-to-date specifications b. Each input form must include date, time, product code, customer number, and quantity c. The manager of the sales department must approve orders that exceed a customer's credit limit d. The student records system must produce class lists within five hours after the end of registration


Creating one of these is similar to drawing an organization chart.


A graphic modeling program allows you to manage details of a complex project, create queries to retrieve specific information, and generate custom reports.


A single site visit usually gives true pictures, so it is unnecessary to visit more than one installation.


Although taking notes during an interview has both advantages and disadvantages, the accepted view is that note taking should be extensive.


Because it is linked to a specific development methodology, systems developers use JAD whenever group input and interaction is not desired.


Because of the limited range of input and interaction among participants, few companies believe that a JAD group produces the best definition of a new system.


Before publishing a form on the Internet or a company intranet, a systems analyst should protect it so users can change the layout or design but cannot fill it in.


Compared with traditional methods, the entire RAD process is expanded and, as a result, the new system is built, delivered, and placed in operation much later.


In a sequence diagram, vertical arrows represent messages from one object to another.


In addition to helping to gather and analyze facts, many programs also perform fact-finding for systems analysts.


In the early stages of systems analysis, interviews usually focus on specific topics, but as the fact-finding process continues, the interviews are more general.


JAD provides a fast-track approach to a full spectrum of system development tasks, including planning, design, construction, and implementation.


System documentation always is up to date.


The main objective of all RAD approaches is to extend development time and expense by excluding users from every phase of systems development.


The personal interview usually is the least expensive fact-finding technique.


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