CIS 3380 Final Exam

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Define Phishing

refers to cons executed through technology

What is an example of BIG Data?

"Money Ball" -helping the Red Sox win their first world series in 83 years -and with helping the New England Patriots win 3 Super Bowls in 4 years

What is Reliability for Open Source?

"given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow

Define Authentication

a method for confirming user's identities -the most secure type is a combo of something the users know, smart card, fingerprint or voice signature

Define Foreign Key

a primary key in 1 table that appears as a field in another table **provides logical relationship among 2 tables

What is Broadband Internet Access?

high-speed last mile technologies

Define Notice

person's right to know what is collected and how it will be used

Define Choice

person's right to object for other uses of info

Define Access

person's right to view and correct info

What is Cluster Analysis in Marketing?

-an example is the vacation travel market 1. the demanders = they want exceptional service and expect to be pampered 2. the escapists = they want to get away and just relax 3. the educationalist = they want to see new things, go to museums, go on a safari, or experience new cultures

Define Relationship

-association between tables in a relational database made by use of common fields

Define Moonshots

-balloon-delivered wireless networks -driveless cars, balloon-delivered wireless networks, etc -google bought 11 robotic firms in a single year for..well the firm isnt saying

What is Data Mining?

-common forms of data mining analysis capabilities include 1. cluster analysis 2. association detection 3. statistical analysis

Define Cloud Computing

replacing computing with services provided over the internet

Define Association Detection

reveals the degree to which variables are related and the nature and frequency of these relationships in the info

Define The Internet Backbone

made of fiber optic lines **very fast

Define Domain Squatting****


What is Fiber?

**a light-filled glass pipe to your doorstep -fiber to the home is the fastest last mile technology around -fiber networks need to be built from scratch as they do not have preexisting infrastructure (ex. google fiber)

What is the most common approach to organizing a database?

**by using tables -called a "relational database"

What kind of free is OSS? (open source)

**downloaded free as in LIBERATED **free as beer or free as freedom

How are employees measured?

**on customer-centric metrics -speed and friendliness and are compensated based on guest satisfaction ratings -changed the corporate culture to a collaborative, customer-focused enterprise

What happens when you move from one cell's range to another?

**the towers hand off your connection. sometimes this does not work and your call gets dropped

Who are the Most Valuable Customers?

-Accurately project customer lifetime value (CLV) -the likely future income stream -the firm tracks over 90 demographic segments, and each responds differently to different marketing approaches

What is CRM?

-CRM systems depend on cluster analysis to segment customer info and identify behavioral traits (ex. consumer goods by content, brand loyalty, similarity; retail store layouts and sales performances, design of assembly line control functions)

What id DSL?

-Phone company copper -DSL tech uses copper wire phone companies have already run into homes -unlike cable, DSL uses standard copper wiring without shielding -signals degrade with distance from phone company offices -DSL technologiy is popular in EUROPE and ASIA owing to densely populated cities -DSL connections are infeasible in the US where cities are sparsely populated

What is Risk associated with Saas?

-data asset stored off-site may lead to security and legal concerns -limited configuration, customization, and system integration options compared to packaged software or alternatives developed in-house

How did BIG Data help the "moneyball" year?

-demonstrated that on-base % and slugging % are better indicators of offensive success -these qualities were cheaper to obtain on the open market than more historically valued qualities such as speed and contact

What is Cable Broadband?

-ethernet cable-copper -majority of domestic broadband connections are through copper cable technology -coaxial copper cables have shielding to reduce electrical interference -signals travel longer distances without degrading and at significant speeds

How does Caesar's Palace track most valuable customers?

-from its data they realized that most of its profits came from locals -customers 45 years and older -80-20 rule: 30% customers account for 80% spending -gives the high value customers special attention -

What is a Database?

-much info is stored in a database **it is a collection of info that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated

What is Hadoop?

-open source project -created to analyze massive amounts of raw info better than traditional, highly structured databases

Define Entity

-person, place, thing, or event -customers, orders, products, sales reps -represented by tables in a relational database

What is Net Neutrality?

-principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally -access providers have wanted to offer varying coverage depending on the service used and bandwidth consumed -internet firms worry that innovation maybe limited if network providers move away from flat-rate pricing toward usage-based schemes -may generate less incentive for big firms reducing the chance of better technology

Define Attribute (or field)

-property of an entity -customer has name, street, city, etc -represented by columns in the table

What are some problems with using Spreadsheets?

-redundancy **duplication of data or the storing of the same data in more than one place -difficulty accessing data -limited security -size limitations

What is the Clouds and Tech Industry Impact?

-shifting to cloud computing modifies the margin structure for many in the computing industry -cloud computing can accelerate innovation -firms need to think about the strategic advantages that can be created

What is BIG Data?

-the amount of data on corporate hard drives doubles every 6 months -collective # of those bits already exceeds the number of stars in the universe -Wal-Mart alone boasts a data volume well over 125 times as large as the entire print collection of the US library of congress

What are examples of Data Sources?

1. POS 2. enterprise software (ERP, SCM, CRM) 3. survey (freshdirect, zara) 4. external sources

What is the Internet's "Secret Sauce"

1. TCP works at both ends of Internet communications to ensure perfect copies of messages are sent 2. IP is a routing protocol in charge of forwarding packets on the Internet 3. Routers are computing devices that connect networks and exchange data between them

What are the key variables to consider for tech decisions?

1. competitive advantage 2. security 3. legal and compliance requirements 4. skill, expertise and available labor 5. cost and time 6. vendor issues

What are some technologies available to help prevent and build resistance to attacks?

1. content filtering 2. encryption 3. firewalls

What is Market Domination?

1. controls about 1/3 of all online advertising dollars 2. facebook, bing, yahoo, AOL, twitter, add up all their advertising revenue and combined they're less than half of Google's 3. add in China's giants

What are Motivations for criminals and privacy invasion with tech?

1. cyber warfare 2. espionage 3. identity theft 4. fraud 5. personal use 6. make money

What are some risks with SaaS?

1. dependence on a single vendor 2. concern about the long-term viability of partner firms 3. users may be forced to migrate to new versions 4. reliance on a network connection which may be slower, less stable and less secure

What do you do when Collecting Data?

1. everything you might do at their properties 2. track your preferences -decide if you are the customer worth wooing 3. total rewards loyalty card system

What is Wireless?

1. mobile wireless service is provided to customers via cell towers 2. with boom in sales of smart phones, bandwidth crunch is becoming a serious concern 3. wireless networks are transitioning from 3rd generation (3G) to 4th generation (4G) -LTE (long term evolution) -3G networks are slower than 4G and offer a lesser range of services

What are the 3 basic types of relationships?

1. one-to-one 2. one-to-many 3. many-to-many

Explain Google Fiber Bunny compared to Cable? powerpoint 14 slide 23

1. speed = 1,000 mbps vs. 15 mbps 2. pricing = internet and tv $120/mo vs.

What does the Internet Protocol Suite consist of?

1. transmission control protocol (TCP) 2. Internet Protocol (IP) **check IP address **running out of IP adresses **2^32 addresses used in the current system (more than grains of sand on the earth)

What do methods of infection include?

1. viruses 2. worms 3. trojans

What is The DNS?

Domain Name Service (the internet's phone book)

Define Flexibility (with Hadoop)

Hadoop can absorb any type of data, structured or not, from any type of source (geeks would say such a system is schema-less) -but this disparate data can still be aggregated and analyzed

Define Fault Tolerance

Hadoop is designed in such a way so that there will be no single point of failure -the system will continue to work, relying on the remaining hardware

Define LAMP

LAMP software powers many of the sites you visit each day, from Facebook to Youtube

Define Smart Card

a device that is around the same size as a credit card, containing embedded technologies that can store info and small amounts of software to perform some limited processing

Define Primary Key

a field that is a unique identifier of each record in a table

Define Data Warehouse

a logical collection of info gathered from many different operational databases that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks

Define Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)

a process that extracts info from internal and external databases, transforms the info using a common set of enterprise definitions, and loads the info into a data warehouse

Define Record

a set of related field values -a set of records are put together to form a table for a particular entity

Define Relational Database

a structure that can store information about 1. multiple types of entities =stored as tables in the database 2. attributes to those entities = stored as columns of the database tables 3. relationships among entities = tables linked together with special keys

Define Pagerank

algorithm to rank web sites

What does every device connected to the Internet have?

an identifying address called the internet protocol (IP) address **the domain name service is hierarchical system of nameservers that maps host-domain name combos to IP addresses

Define Internet Service Provider (ISP)

an organization or firm that provides access to the Internet (ex. telecomm industry: comcast)

Define Market Basket Analysis

analyzes such items as web sites and checkout scanner info to detect customers' buying behavior and predict future behavior by identifying affinities among customers' choices of products and services 1. which product combos are bought 2. when they are purchased 3. what sequence

What is the MOST COMMMON type of detection and response technology?

antivirus software

Define Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

application transfer protocol that allows web browsers and web servers to communicate with each other

Define File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

application transfer protocol that is used to copy files from one computer to another

Define One-to-One Relationships (1:1)

between 2 entities in which an instance of entity A can be related to only one instance of entity B and entity B can be related to only one instance of entity A

Define One-to-Many Relationship (1:M)

between 2 entities, in which an instance of entity A, can be related to 0, 1, or more instances of entity B and entity B can be related to only one instance of entity A

Define Botnet

compromising computing assets for use in other crimes such as 1. sending spam from thousands of difficult to shut down accounts 2. launching tough to track click fraud efforts 3. distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks

Define Routers

computing devices that connect networks and exchange data between them

Define Data Mart

contains a subset of data warehouse info

Define Redundancy

duplication of data or the storing of the same data in more than one place

Define Software as a Service (SaaS)

firm subscribes to a 3rd party software and receives a service that is delivered online

Define Scalability (with Hadoop)

hadoop systems can start on a single PC, but thousands of machines can eventually be combined to work together for storage and analysis

Define Firewall

hardware and/or software that guards a private network by analyzing the info leaving and entering the network

Define Shoulder Surfing

looking over someone's shoulder to glean password to other propietary info on a computer screen

What is the ANATOMY of a Web Address? http = application transfer protocol www = host name nytimes = domain name .com = top-level domain tech = path index.html = file

Is Cloud Computing Hype or Hope?

it is about replacing computer resources - either an org's or an individual's hardware or software - with services provided over the internet

Define Content Filtering

occurs when orgs use software that filters content to prevent the transmission of unauthorized info **used for filtering emails and prevent emails containing sensitive info from transmitting and stop spam and viruses spreading

What is the primary PURPOSE of a Data Warehouse?

primary purpose is to aggregate info throughout an org into a single repository for decision-making purposes

Define Encryption

scrambling data using a code or formula, known as a CIPHER, such that it is hidden from those who do not have the unlocking key **even the largest attacks havent come close to breaking encryption

Define Organic or Natural Search

search engines results returned and ranked according to relevance

Define Protocol

set of rules for communication

Define Dumpster Diving

sifting through trash to uncover valuable data or insights to facilitate attacks

Define Cost Effectiveness (with Hadoop)

since the system is open source and can be started with low-end hardware, the tech is chea by data-warehousing standards. -many vendors also offer Hadoop as a cloud service, allowing firms to avoid hardware costs altogether

Define Tokens

small electronic devices that change user passwords automatically

Define Open Source Software (OSS)

software that is free and where anyone can look at and potentially modify the code

How is OSS source code shared?

source code is openly shared

Define Structured Query Language (SQL)

standard language for manipulating database content

What is Amdahl's Law?

states that a system's speed is determined by its slowest component or the last mile

Define Biometrics

the identification of a user based on a physical characteristic, such as fingerprint, iris, face, voice, or handwriting **can be costly and intrusive

Define Clustering Analysis

the process of grouping observations into clusters so that the degree of similarity is strong between members of the same cluster and weak between members of different clusters

What is Malware?

threatens any connected system running software such as embedded devices and a firm's networking equipment

Define URL (uniform resource locator)

used interchangeably with "web address"; URLs identify resources on the Internet along with the application protocol need to retrieve it

What is VoIP?

voice over internet protocol

What is the connection of your Phone to the Tower?

your phone's connection to the tower is just a regular radio, on a specific frequency (or range)

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