27) Web services allow for communication between programs over the Internet
Answer: TRUE
20) Data returned on a web server is not always in XML
Answer: FALSE
12) ODBC is an application programming interface that provides a common language for application programs to access and process an SQL database independent of the particular RDBMS that is accessed
Answer: TRUE
14) In some three-tier architectures, most application code is stored on the application server
Answer: TRUE
18) Software as a service (SAAS) refers to an entire application or suite of applications running on the cloud
Answer: TRUE
23) XML addresses the structuring and manipulation of information in a Web browser
Answer: TRUE
24) Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a scripting language based upon SGML that allows the creation of customized tags
Answer: TRUE
28) Web Server uses HTTP protocol
Answer: TRUE
3) The presentation logic component of a client/server system is responsible for formatting and presenting data on the user's screen
Answer: TRUE
30) Web Services are a set of emerging standards that define protocols for automatic communication between software programs over the Web
Answer: TRUE
5) The storage component of client/server architecture is responsible for data storage and retrieval from the physical storage devices associated with the application
Answer: TRUE
7) Application partitioning gives developers the opportunity to write application code that can later be placed on either a client workstation or a server, depending upon which location will give the best performance
Answer: TRUE
9) Application partitioning is Placing portions of the application code in different locations (client vs server) after it is written
Answer: TRUE
10) API stands for application processing integration Program Interface
Answer: FALSE
13) JDBC doesn't allows you to update, and delete data in SQL tables
Answer: FALSE
15) Two-tier three-tier architectures are much more scalable than three-tier two-tier architectures
Answer: FALSE
17) Three-tier architectures generally result in higher long-term costs reduction
Answer: FALSE
19) Open Database Connectivity is an application programming interface that provides a common language for application programs to prevent provide access to SQL databases
Answer: FALSE
25) An XML Schema is a language used to define HTML
Answer: FALSE
26) An HTTP Schema Definition is a language used for defining XML databases
Answer: FALSE
29) Lack of secure standards and lack of user acceptance are the major issues that must be resolved with Web services
Answer: FALSE
4) Business rules logic data management includes such activities as data validation and identification of processing errors
Answer: FALSE
6) A fat client does most of its processing on the server client
Answer: FALSE
8) Application partitioning decreases increases/improves the performance
Answer: FALSE
11) An API is a set of routines that a database server uses to access database objects
Answer: FALSE In general: a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications, and making communication between various software components. It could be true, if it was for example ODBC/JDBC API.
1) Client/server describes a networked computing model that distributes processes between computers that request services and computers that provide services
Answer: TRUE
16) A client/server configuration that has three layers (one client and two servers) has three-tier architecture
Answer: TRUE
2) A client PC that is responsible for presentation logic, application logic, and many DBMS functions is called a fat client
Answer: TRUE
21) All (dot)html files can be processed by the web server itself
Answer: TRUE
22) Infrastructure-as-a-Service refers to the use of technologies such as servers, storage and networks from external service providers
Answer: TRUE