CIS American History Chap 10-13

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Just price

A price that included the cost of materials, a fair return for labor expended, and a reasonable profit.

What was the effect on society when the market revolution produced a greater gap between the wealthy few and the many?

Economic class was reflected by residence as poor people nearly 70 percent of the city middle class residents 25-30 percent very rich about 3 percent americans grow concerned and frightened by the urban poor and by working class rowdyism cities began to hire more city watchmen(cops) and to create police force to keep order urban riots did break out and were frequently against catholics and african americans.

Daniel Webster

Famous American politician and orator. he advocated renewal and opposed the financial policy of Jackson. Many of the principles of finance he spoke about were later incorporated in the Federal Reserve System. Would later push for a strong union.

Were the objections of local members of rural communities to local textile mills such as Samuel Slater's based simply on suspicion of change, or other causes? Explain

Samuel Slater brought the industrial revolution, style plants to America scared of change. How to do this in america?

The author of the 1838 publication Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women was the Southern anti-slavery advocate:

Sarah Grimk

German immigrants

Settled in the rural Midwest and Texas. Many were farmers and craftsmen. Many were well-educated and helped start the system of universal education in the United States.

William Miller's followers who believed the Day of Judgment would come October 22, 1843 became the core of the:

Seventh-Day Adventists

What was the role of the plantation mistress and why did she often feel frustrated?

She is the wife, she did everything, some jobs she did were throwing parties, and managing slaves day to day. She often felt frustrated because she did alot of work on the plantation

What was the difference in the workday for preindustrial laborers and industrial laborers?

you worked at home and now you have to go into other places, alcohol consumption drops, tarven starts up during this time, people have leisure time, sports such as baseball start,

The author of the 1839 treatise American Slavery As It Is was the evangelical minister:

Theodore Weld.

Explain why South Carolina threatened to secede

They were hurt by cotton moving down by Mississippi and Alabama, they were worried about the British emicpating their slaves. Tariff of Abominations tax on woolents,iron and hemp(South Carolina rejects this law and won't enforce it) exposition and protest, Jackson sent troops down to South Carolina and forced them to collect this tax.

Barter system

a system of exchange in which goods or services are traded directly for other goods or services without the use of money.

The abolitionists included all of the following

a. Angelina Grimk. b. Arthur Tappan. d. Theodore Weld. e. William Lloyd Garrison.

The map of southern Indian cessions and removals shows that under the treaties of the 1830s

"The Trail of Tears" went through Nashville and Missouri.

Seneca falls convention

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written

Andrew Jackson and his presidency are generally identified with the common man. Considering his major policies, accomplishments, and the results, did his actions primarily benefit the ordinary people or not? Discuss.

1. Remove indians a indian removal act0 trail of tears 2. Stop abuses of the federal gov't $$$ a stop the kentucky Road b transportation paid for by the states 3. Kill the national bank b panic of 1837 4. Kill the electoral college a he couldn't do this. Andrew Jackson policies for the most part did not benefit the common man, making states pay for their own transportation was a short term success but a long term failure, killing the national bank led to the worst economic depression for the usa ever at that time. He got most of the things he wanted but most where not very effective or successful

The percentage of immigrants in the United States population rose from 1.6 percent in the 1820s to:

11.2 percent in 1860.

Analyze the new democratic politics in the light of the campaigns of 1832, 1836 and 1840. What happened in each?

1832- jackson wins against henry clay, 1836- , winning van buren wins the election vs the whig party who runs 4 different candidates to stop a majority so the house could choose since they had control of the house thus 1840- van buren runs again but loses to william henry harrison(2nd most popular person in america behind andrew jackson) tippecanoe and tyler too was his slogan.

Slaves in the American South tended to have shorter lives than whites. How much shorter and why?

8 year less than a white person, whites lived from 40-43 years old. Slaves had a very high infant mortality rate 20% of children died before the age of five, thus the life expectancy was shorter however once they reached the age of five they would live just as long as whites.

From the graph showing Race Exclusions for Suffrage: 1790-1855, in 1855 what percentage of states excluded blacks from voting?

85 %

Era of good feelings

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.


A state's refusal to recognize an act of Congress that it considers unconstitutional

The map of the election of 1828 shows that:

Adams had only one electoral vote less than his total in 1824.

What ideals and practices did the South adopt socially, culturally, and economically between 1790 and 1840?

Adopted everything that helped slavery, the south does not revolutionize during the industral revolution. 1808 banned the atlantic slave trade 1790 700,000 slaves 1800 4 million slaves. The south gets a dominant over subordinates in everything. 3 % of people live in cities and 97 % in the countryside.

The Spanish ship that had been taken over by its human cargo, who were subsequently freed in a court case against the United States government by John Quincy Adams, was the


First 3rd party

Anti-Mason Party

All of the following were utopian communities in the United States


The election of 1824 became identified in the public mind with the phrase

Corrupt bargain

Andrew Jackson has been said to have an "undemocratic personality." Is this accurate? Does he symbolize a contradiction in democratic politicsthe mass appeal of authoritarian types?

Describe Jackson. He was a authoritarian, nickname was old hickory, born in north carolina, lived on the frontier, during the revolutionary his family are captured by the british and a british soldier cut his face with a sword, involves in duels, ruthless towards indians, adopted a native american boy, killed the boy's parents, wife was "passed her prime". Blames the upper class for the death of his wife. He ignored everyone but his kitchen cabinet and Martin van buren. His goal was to get rid of that aristocratic culture. National figure, hated sectionalism, the north south divide is the thing he hated he thought the united states was one thing

What factors contributed to Jackson's election in 1828? Was this a triumph for good government?

Dirty election... personal... Vice President. More white males were allowed to vote.

What resolution in the Declaration of Sentiments was radical and why?

Document created in the burned over district, this declaration was a petition, it was radical because it was to big of a change, they asked for women's suffrage and some people were not very happy about this.

The correct chronological order of the following events is: a. Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy is published, Finney's Rochester revivals, Erie Canal opens, first strike at Lowell mills. b. Finney's Rochester revivals, Erie Canal opens, Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy is published, first strike at Lowell Mills. c. Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy is published, first strike at Lowell Mills, Erie Canal opens, Finney's Rochester revivals. d. Erie Canal opens, Finney's Rochester revivals, first strike at Lowell mills, Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy is published. e. first strike at Lowell Mills, Erie Canal opens, Finney's Rochester revivals, Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy is published.

Erie Canal opens, Finney's Rochester revivals, first strike at Lowell mills, Beecher's Treatise on Domestic Economy is published.

o meet the changes brought by the market revolution and by larger cities and immigrant populations, the American people formed a variety of new organizations. Did these organizations make the United States a more stable society or contribute to its instability? Did the organizations make the United States more tolerant and flexible or less so? Explain.

Evangelism got people to change with them , education every northern state required education, south was scared of it as it would change their society, prison/asylums located in rural areas,

Many in the United States reacted negatively to the immigration of the 1840s and 1850s. Why?

Explain who the immigrants were, the reasons they came, the general conditions in society, and the reception they received. 1830- 20,000 immigrants a year 1854- 430,000 immigrants a year 1830 1.6% 1854 11.2%. Irish came over because of the potato famine, germans came over as well, people hated the irish, Germans on average were richer than the irish, the chinese were discriminated the worst out of any group by far, the chinese lived in california

Chap 12 Themes freedom,authority reb, change, unite v divide, average american, equality

Freedom during this time period, the idea of childhood started in chapter 12. Authority v rebellion the federal government stood against companies how in a way were rebelling because they had different sizes of railroads with each other, the government regulated this and fixed this issue Change- people wanted women to follow the values of piety,purity,submission and domesticity. Unite v divide the middle class wanted to separate themselves from the lower class, and in a way wanted to stand by themselves and people within their social class. Average american- the "average American got married for romantic love instead of social status and family ties. Equality- people started to gain leisure time and sports such as baseball started (sports in a way are the equalizer thus equality)

Chapter 13 themes freedom,authority reb, change, unite v divide, average american, equality

Freedom the blow over district had many radical at the time, ideas such as women suffrage that would promote freedom and different ideas about religion and utopian societies Authority + rebellion- The middle class had authority over how much alcohol they drank and how much was socially acceptable, with the temperance movement the supports of it rebelled against the middle class that did drink by not drinking. Change the second great awakening made, the USA a religious country Unite and divide- as more and more immigrants came to the americas 1-2% to 11.2% the narrative shifted against immigrants and people were united in hating them, making the immigrants divided with their communities by themselves. Average american average american's life shifted from working on farms for themselves and making their own goods, to working for others in factories Equality- free african americans rejected the idea of sending them back to africa to liberia and demanded for equal treatment

Chap 11 Questions freedom,authority reb, change, unite v divide, average american, equality

Freedom- south carolina threatened to succeed the union and become a free nation, because of the tariffs of abominations tax on woolents, iron and hemp Authority v rebellion jackson who had the most votes still lost the election of 1824 because he did not have a majority of the votes, the government picked john quincy adams to win Change- the telegraph, revolutionized communication Unite and divide- the whig party was started to stop jackson who divided americans because of his authoritarianism Average american- the average american was lived in a rual area on a farm however overtime they were started to gain more rights and freedoms Equality- universal manhood suffrage allowed for more white males to vote thus creating more equality

Chap 10 themes freedom,authority reb, change, unite v divide, average american, equality

Freedom- there was a group of people that believed that slavery was freedom and the slaves were the most free becasue they did not have to worry about food and shelter Authority and rebellion- one of the primary ways that slaves resisted opposition was by running away from plantations and the slave owners Change- the south developed a distinctive culture that was based on slavery and cotton Unite v divide- citizens of the united states were not all the same because of race, the black codes were laws for free black people(no civil rights) Average american- 3% of people in the south lived in cities and 97% lived in the countryside, thus the average american was likely a farmer Equality- gender equality in the south was not very good, plantation mistresses were often frustrated as they did lots of work including, throwing parties and managing day to day operations on the plantation.

The map of the election of 1840 shows that:

Harrison divided the South with Van Buren


In agriculture, the replacement of human labor with technology or machines.

What kind of societies were created in the Blown-Over District? hat did they hope to achieve?

In the burned over district, the so-called burned over district, the region of New York state most changed by the opening of the Erie Canal was a seedbed of religious and reform movements. The mormon church originated there, and utopian groups and sects like the millerites and the fourierists thrived, charles g finney held some of this most successful evangelical revivals in the district antislavery feeling was common in the region, and the women rights movement began at seneca falls.


It was a political faction formed in 1819 by the New Yorker Martin Van Buren. They were a party formed of average Americans, and were angered by the actions of rich aristocrats in the government (especially DeWitt Clinton, the governor of New York).

Bank War

Jackson believed the Bank of US had too much power and was too rich. Vetoed the 2nd Bank charter and withdrew gov't money from the US Banks and put it into "pet banks"

The map of the election of 1824 shows that:

Jackson had the greatest support outside his region

The Second Bank of the United States became a divisive political issue because

Jackson portrayed the Bank as the enemy of the people and a tool of the elite

What did the black codes stipulate and how did they change after the late 18th century?

Laws for free African Americans in the south. No civil rights.

The New Yorker who established the "Albany Regency" was

Martin Van Buren

A farmer engaged in commercial agriculture rather than subsistence agriculture has an opportunity to become much richer or much poorer, as well as constantly insecure. Explain this statement.

Much richer, the market has a good price you make money and if it has a bad price you make less or lose money.

The correct chronological order of the following events is a. Nat Turner's revolt, Hammond's "King Cotton" speech, Congress passes "gag rule," Britain frees slaves in its empire. b. Hammond's "King Cotton" speech, Nat Turner's revolt, Britain frees slaves in its empire, Congress passes "gag rule." c. Nat Turner's revolt, Britain frees slaves in its empire, Congress passes "gag rule," Hammond's "King Cotton" speech Selected:d. Britain frees slaves in its empire, Congress passes "gag rule," Nat Turner's revolt, Hammond's "King Cotton" speech. e. Congress passes "gag rule," Nat Turner's revolt, Britain frees slaves in its empire, Hammond's "King Cotton" speech.

Nat Turner's revolt, Britain frees slaves in its empire, Congress passes "gag rule," Hammond's "King Cotton" speech

) Why did temperance reform become a major issue dividing middle-class reformers from working class immigrants?

Not banning alcohol, but tempering alcohol, was a male problem, america had a drinking culture and some were divided on tempering it.

Martin Van Buren and DeWitt Clinton were political rivals. Explain why

Old school v. new school, upper class v. "normal" person

John Humphrey Noyes established in upper New York state a utopian society notorious for sexual freedom, called the

Oneida community.

The South is said to have developed a distinctive culture in the early nineteenth century. How was it distinctive?

Slavery and cotton.

The antebellum South is described as a distinctive regional culture. What made it so distinctive? Discuss two developments that made it distinct and two characteristics that tie it to other regional cultures.

Slavery, cotton. Similar to other cultures because they Took indian land and land speculation.

What are middle-class values? Name some. How did they develop? Explain the difference in gender involved with these values.

Sobriety, steadiness,hard work, being separated from lower class, smaller families, and raising"good kids" was a way of acting "middle class" not necessarily about money.

John C. Calhoun

South Carolina Senator - advocate for state's rights, limited government, and nullification

List the major events in the period between 1815 and 1833 that made Southerners more conscious of their separate interests and identity.

Tariffs - multiple(north liked them more then south), miss compromise(first time slavery was talked about in the house), 1824 election(corrupt bargon showed the power of political parties)


Taxes on imported goods

Trail of Tears

The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey.

Van Buren nickname

The Little Magician

Briefly describe an African American slave's typical day on a southern plantation. Would this be a difficult life?

The average person on a plantation smaller farm and plantation was a young male, backbreaking work, worked with others, larger plantations(discipline was the rule)

National road

The first highway built by the federal government. Constructed during 1825-1850, it stretched from Pennsylvania to Illinois. It was a major overland shipping route and an important connection between the North and the West.

How did the urban political machines operate? What were their good points and bad points?

The machines cultivated feelings of community by: appealing directly for working class votes through mass organization activities, creating organizations that meet basic needs of the urban poor

Why did people refer to Lowell, Massachusetts, as a "philanthropic manufacturing college"?

This town plan of lowell, massachusetts in 1832, illustrates the comprehensive relationship the owners envisaged between the factories and the workforce the mills are located on the merrimack river, while nearby are the boarding houses for the single young female workers, row houses for the male mechanics and their families and houses for the overseers. Somewhat farther away is the mansion of the company agent

Merchants who accumulated capital in international trade and then invested in other activities include all of the following

a. Moses Brown. c. Anson Phelps. d. John Jacob Astor. e. William Almy.

Henry Clay

United States politician responsible for the Missouri Compromise between free and slave states

How did George Fitzhugh compare the northern and southern labor systems?

Usa looks for logical reasons to keep slavery, wage slavery- not be enough for food and shelter, slavery vs freedom. Slaves never have to worry about shelter and food.


Used acupuncture to relieve pain and congestion

Flatboat wars

War between flatboatmen and local offiicials, taxed flatboats $10 to try and rid impovershed and disreputable boatmen

The market revolution brought changes in how people lived and thought. What were these changes and what was the response religiously, intellectually, socially, and in family life?

Was there an essential quality promoted in each of these areas? Explain. the "average American got married for romantic love instead of social status and family, shift in marriage decisions from parents to children, rise of companionate marriage, the invention of childhood, the cult of domesticity- piety - purity - submission - domesticity.

The Erie Canal became a remarkable success. Why?

Went from buffalo to albany, new york absolutely took off because of this canal, transportation and commercial revolution.

What did Samuel F. B. Morse invent and why was it important?

What effect did it have? He invented the telegraph, this revolutionized communication

It has been suggested that the most important early use of the steam engine in the United States was for purposes of transportation. Is this accurate?

Yes, because it could go upriver saving time then trains were made

The tendency to reform society in Jacksonian America can be seen in all of the following cultural productions

a. Ralph Waldo Emerson's lectures such as "The American Scholar." b. The Methodist Christian Advocate. d. the paintings and national tour of George Catlin. e. the temperance dime novels such as Whitman's The Inebriate.

nat Turner's rebellion of 1831 caused a major reaction in the South for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

a. Turner and his associates murdered fifty-five whites. b. Turner's revolt showed that a slave insurrection could occur at any time. c. only force kept Africans and African Americans enslaved. d. Turner was well treated and still led a bloody uprising.

The newly built New England textile mills were protected from British competition by all of the following

a. War of 1812. c. Waltham System. d. Tariff of 1816. e. Embargo Act.

The map of the distribution of foreign-born residents in 1860 shows that states with some of the highest concentrations of foreign-born workers included all of the following

a. Wisconsin. b. California. c. Texas. e. Minnesota.

Democrats, after Jackson, identified with all of the following

a. a dislike for big business. c. freedom on the frontier. d. Indian removal. e. westward expansion.

Henry Clay's American System included all of the following proposals

a. a protective tariff. b. a national bank. c. federally funded improvements for railroads. d. federally funded improvements for roads and canals.

Sentimentalism involved all of the following

a. a reaction against the impersonal, unfeeling commercial economy. b. a focus on a vision of responsibility and community. c. warnings about the deceitful practices of the urban business world. d. advocacy of a moral and caring family life.

The life of yeoman farmers in the South was characterized by all of the following

a. a strong sense of community and shared activities. b. a reliance on the labor of slaves, used in community bartering systems. d. an inclination to support politicians with rags-to-riches stories. e. an identification of freedom with having white skin.

To the more influential members of society, "free labor" came to mean all of the following

a. acceptance of the desirability of working for others permanently. b. power to strive for economic independence. d. ability of a worker to move from job to job as he likes. e. adoption of the values of hard work and self-discipline.

The cash economy had all of the following effects

a. allowed workers greater freedom to behave in socially questionable ways. b. caused high turnover because of factory employees executing their freedom to choose. d. made the work place and society more impersonal. e. encouraged some to move west to preserve the traditional lifestyle.

All of the following were true of the railroads

a. brought a building "mania" even greater than the canals. c. had far-reaching social consequences. d. were funded by investors, many from Britain. e. stimulated the growth of other industries such as iron.

Slave laborers who were considered skilled included all of the following

a. carpenters. b. blacksmiths. c. mechanics. e. seamstresses.

The social reform movement that swept the country from the 1820s to the 1850s had all of the following characteristics

a. demanded social control to meet moral standards. b. called for institutional reform rather than private efforts. c. had strong ties to evangelical religion. d. argued that if conditions were improved, people would improve.

The profitability of cotton led to all of the following

a. development of the idea that rural life is best. b. an increase in the antislavery sentiment in the North. c. the South's decision not to invest in railroads and factories. e. the argument that slavery is preferable to free wage labor.

The market revolution involved interrelated developments that included all of the following

a. ending household self-sufficiency. b. replacing handmade products with machine made. d. building better, faster transportation systems. e. replacing the barter system with the productions of goods for a cash market.

All of the following were true of preindustrial, rural societies

a. families worked together to produce food and other goods for their use. b. products were paid for by barter or by reciprocal favors or doing tasks. d. work was done as part of a network of mutual obligations. e. work was carried out on an unscheduled, task-oriented basis.

The Whigs favored all of the following

a. government advocacy of a more moral society. c. the protective tariff. d. a strong central government. e. internal improvements.

Horace Mann advocated all of the following

a. grading of classes based on ability. c. creating a standard curriculum. d. establishing schools for all as a democratic measure. e. providing training for teachers.

The Mormons became successful for all of the following reasons

a. had a strong leader in Joseph Smith. c. attracted large numbers of immigrants to join them. d. achieved almost complete self-government. e. established a communitarian society.

The transportation revolution was important for all of the following reasons

a. helped create a commercial, entrepreneurial spirit. b. permitted people more access into their cities and town centers. d. gave people more mobility and more economic opportunities. e. allowed goods to be marketed more easily over greater distances.

ndrew Jackson was elected in 1828 based on all of the following

a. his reputation as a war hero from the Battle of New Orleans. C. defeat of the Indians during the War of 1812.This d. his outsider, common man status compared to Adams. e. his popular appeal.

Ethnic neighborhoods such as "Little Germanies" or Chinatowns developed for all of the following reasons

a. immigrants felt more secure recreating their Old World societies. b. immigrants wanted to retain their own culture. d. immigrants wanted to provide mutual support to one another. e. established population discriminated against them.

The capital needed to build the transportation network and manufacturing plants was accumulated by all of the following methods

a. intermarriage of wealthy families. b. use of slave labor. c. local investments. e. international trade.

The factory town of Lowell forged a new ground for factory life in all of the following ways

a. it had strict rules of conduct and compulsory religious services. c. it allowed the employees a chance to create a community of interests. d. it employed young, unmarried women. e. it provided the employees an opportunity to become more cultured.

The election of 1824 became controversial for all of the following reasons

a. it seemed that Jackson, who had the most popular votes, should have won. c. the party practice of selecting the candidate had broken down. d. the whole political system was changing from one of personal to popular politics. e. too many candidates were allowed into the race.

House servants were often able to gain all of the following

a. local gossip. c. knowledge of masters' policies toward rebellious slaves. d. news from other plantations. e. information about changes in laws.

The entertainment offered by the new working class culture included all of the following

a. melodramas with provocative costumes at the Bowery Theater. c. blackface minstrel shows with stereotyped characters such as Zip Coon. d. dancing girls and horseback rides at theaters e. ice cream parlors and oyster bars.

The antiprostitution reformers

a. obtained criminal penalties against the women but not their male patrons. b. found that the practice of prostitution was primarily a moral issue. c. largely shut down the red light districts across the country. e. rejected any approach except religious salvation and prayer.

Enslaved African Americans generally used all of the following to survive or strike back at their masters

a. pretending to be happy, loyal, and stupid. b. stealing from the master. c. using outrageous flattery to placate whites. e. causing a loss of property by destroying tools.

In the 1820s, all of the following were true of the position of free African Americans on slavery

a. proclaimed, as did David Walker, that slaves would be freed by force if necessary. b. argued that they were native-born Americans, not Africans. c. formed abolitionist societies. e. demanded equal treatment for black people in America.

The market revolution did all of the following

a. promote social mobility. b. downgraded many independent artisans while elevating others. c. transform the "middling sort" into a middle class. e. undermine the hierarchical society.

All of the following are true of interchangeable parts and mass production

a. promoted the idea of promptness as part of the work ethic. c. spread slowly throughout the United States. d. increased people's confidence in and reliance on machinery. e. advocated equality by making available innumerable copies of almost everything.

The New York state constitutional convention of 1821 did all of the following

a. reduce the governor's ability to gain power by rewarding influential backers. b. expand suffrage so that over four-fifths of the adult males could vote. c. establish a more democratic system. d. reform the state constitution of 1777.

Industrialization and the wage labor system had all of the following effects

a. replaced apprenticeship with child labor and jobs for women. c. liberated women and children from the strict patriarchal control. d. offered workers more freedom with little or no security. e. undermined the whole hierarchical society in the North.

All of the following are middle-class values promoted by the market revolution

a. responsibility. b. hard work. d. steadiness. e. sobriety.

The early advocates of training women to be teachers were motivated by all of the following

a. schools needing to be friendly, nurturing places. b. a rejection of the Puritan belief that children were born sinful. c. the idea that teaching accorded with the woman's role of moral exemplar. d. teachers' ability to promote God's moral government at home and abroad.

The South became largely united in its defense of slavery after 1831 because of all of the following

a. the British emancipation of their slaves in 1834. b. William Lloyd Garrison began publishing the Liberator in 1831. d. the Nat Turner revolt. e. the Nullification Crisis, which represented federal interference.

The map of the population trend in westward expansion shows that in 1830

a. the central areas of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee had populations comparable to the East.

The idea of the plantation as one big family with the master as benevolent father was most commonly violated by:

a. the forcible rape of black women by their masters.

The map of population patterns in the South as of 1850 shows all of the following

a. the lowest concentration of slaves was in Delaware. b. the state with the largest free black population was Delaware. Selected:c. the percentage of slaves in most of the states of the Lower South was at least 44 percent.This answer is incorrect. e. states where slaves outnumbered whites were Mississippi and South Carolina.

The development of commercial agriculture in the Old Northwest involved all of the following

a. the need for cash or credit to purchase land. c. the attitude of many that the investment land was bought temporarily and on speculation. d. the reliance on new machinery and technology. e. encouraged regional specialization.

The factors contributing to instability in Mexico in its early years included all of the following

a. the reign of Iturbide as Emperor of Mexico, who was eventually executed as a traitor. b. an inclination by early presidents to make the army an instrument of policy. c. a political division between the church and large landowners and the mestizos. d. a constitution that granted extraordinary powers to the president.

Middle-class families in the early nineteenth century sought to limit the number of children they had by using all of the following methods

a. the rhythm method. b. coitus interruptus. c. abortion. d. abstinence.

The profitability of cotton production contributed to all of the following EXCEPT

a. the spread of slavery across the South as people moved west. c. huge profits for British textile manufacturers. d. the accumulation of capital for industry in the North. e. land speculation leading to booms and busts in the economy.

outhern planters generally opposed tariffs for all of the following reasons

a. they believed in the principle of free trade. b. they thought tariffs were unconstitutional. :d. they had to both pay higher prices and provide unfair support to Washington. e. they feared Europeans might respond with tariffs on cotton.

The land booms and rapid movement into the Old Southwest were important for all of the following reasons

a. they proceeded at the expense of the Indians who were forced off the land. c. as the cotton business grew, so too did the use of slavery. d. they brought land speculation and economic booms and busts. e. they showed that people identified with cotton profits and westward expansion.

The Cherokee seemed to prove by 1830 that they had assimilated fairly thoroughly, as official United States policy recommended, in all of the following ways

a. they tried to resolve differences by legal means. b. they ran businesses. c. they held slaves. d. they had a high literacy rate in English.

The Irish immigrants were often opposed and discriminated against for all of the following reasons

a. they were bitterly anti-British. b. were often penniless and sick. c. grouped together in their own neighborhoods. d. were Catholic.

All of the following are true of the Erie Canal

a. was funded by private investors buying state bonds. b. was an engineering challenge. c. was built mainly by immigrant Irish laborers. d. spurred the population growth along the waterway.

The presidential candidates in 1824 included all of the following

b. Andrew Jackson. c. Henry Clay. d. William H. Crawford. e. John Quincy Adams.

All of the following were part of the emerging working class culture in the cities

b. blackface minstrel shows. c. separate theaters at which small scale rioting sometimes became violent. d. youth gangs as one response to the depressions and competition for jobs. e. growing resentment because of racial discrimination against the Irish.

Free African Americans in northern cities faced all of the following

b. lower pay on average than Irish immigrants. c. anti-black riots. d. the loss of traditional jobs to immigrants. e. segregation in housing.

Sentimentalism was expressed in all of the following ways

b. nostalgia for the preindustrial village. c. domestic novels on a loving family life. d. codes of etiquette for social behavior. e. advice manuals to warn of danger in urban life.

The measures taken by Southerners after 1831 to control slaves more tightly included all of the following

b. passing laws to stop slaves from learning to read. c. introducing the "gag rule" to prevent Congress from considering antislavery petitions. d. prohibiting social gatherings of slaves without a white person present. e. burning antislavery literature.

In the cities, class lines became much clearer as a result of all of the following

b. provision of municipal services to those who could pay. c. ability of the wealthier classes to move out of the central city. d. upper class assumption that disease and poverty were the fault of the slum dwellers. e. huge gap in income levels between the very rich and the very poor.

The effects of slavery on marriage in the South included all of the following EXCEPT it:

b. put both male and female slaves on an equal footing with one another. c. made it highly unstable for blacks because of the internal slave trade. d. made white marriages more patriarchal than black ones. e. led to the creation of African American kinship networks.

White southern slave owners tended to accept all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

b. slavery, as a life-long system, was more humane than wage labor systems. c. African Americans were a childlike race who had to be cared for. d. African Americans were an inferior race. e. African American servility to masters expressed real loyalty and admiration.

Developments contributing to the expansion of the right to vote in the United States included all of the following

b. the competition for votes among politicians and party factions. c. the movement westward and the equality of the frontier. d. the undermining of the traditional authority structures in the older states. e. the observation of propertyless men during the War of 1812 that they could fight but not vote.

The culture of Jacksonian America of the common man in a hurry to get ahead is caught in all of the following

b. the sanctity of the Methodist Christian Advocate. c. the self-sufficiency advocated by Emerson's lectures. d. the scandal-filled pages of the "penny papers." e. the artwork of western painters such as Karl Bodmer and George Catlin.

The Whigs won the presidency in 1840 for all of the following reasons

b. they nominated a Southerner for vice president. c. William Henry Harrison, like Jackson, had been an Indian fighter. d. the Whigs made Harrison sound like a common man. e. the Whigs used massive campaign rallies and parades.

By law, slaves were property and could be treated in all of the following ways

b. traded. c. sold. d. bought. e. rented.

What was the key to traditional ways of working and paying for things?

bartered/ traded one thing for another.

Liberty Cap

close-fitting conical cap worn as a symbol of liberty during the French Revolution and in the U.S. before 1800

What changes in politics did the election of 1824 mark? Voting changes, who wins?

corrupt bargain, house of representatives picks president if no one has a majority of the votes. John quincey Adams wins.

The correct chronological order of the following events is: a. Liberator first published, Workingmen's Party started, Mormon Church founded, and New Harmony established. b. Workingmen's Party started, Mormon Church founded, New Harmony established, and Liberator first published. c. Mormon Church founded, Liberator first published, New Harmony established, and Workingmen's Party started. d. Mormon Church founded, New Harmony established, Workingmen's Party started, and Liberator first published. e. New Harmony established, Workingmen's Party started, Mormon Church founded, and Liberator first published.

e. New Harmony established, Workingmen's Party started, Mormon Church founded, and Liberator first published.

Why did free African Americans respond to the American Colonization Society as they did? Explain the

ineffectiveness of american colonization society resettled a small number of free african americans in africa what they founded liberia. Free african americans rejected colonization, they founded abolintionists societes demanded equal treatment demanded an end to slavery encouraged slave rebllions, abolitionists mailed overa million, piees of propaganda that led to a crackdown by southern states and stifling of dissent, several ablitionists was violently attacked and one was killed, congress imposed a "gag rule tabling all such petition, but it was repled in 1844

Jackson's cabinets

manly made out of yes man, who jackson did not listen


members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Explain what Sphere's were in the 19th century and how women were challenging these spheres. Prescription v. description

men(do the best you can in your sphere, breadwinner provider, production or get paid well, competitive, strength and ambitious) women( excel at being a wife, mother and supporter, social reproduction, private in your world,piety, don't speak back, relationships based on unconditional love) these characteristics are more of a prescription to me because no everyone would and could love up to these roles and characteristics.

Putting-out system

merchant-capitalists "putting out" raw materials to cottage workers for processing and payment that was fully developed in England

The financial collapse of 1837 was

partly the result of Jackson killing the Second Bank of the United States and then issuing the Specie Circular.

The doctrine behind the social reform movement was:


Yeoman farmer

small landowners (the majority of white families in the south) who farmed their own land and usually did not own slaves

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