CIW 1D0-622 Final

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7. What has the Federal Trade Commission provided as two sources of guidance in privacy

"Protecting Personal Information: A Guide for Business" and "Start with Security: A Guide for Business".

14. According to the Apache Hadoop project, they are developing an

"open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing."

4. Customer Lifetime Value

(Annual profit contribution per customer) X (Average number of years that they remain a customer) - (Initial cost of customer acquisition)

3. Churn Rate

(Total number of customers at the start of the time period) / (Total number of customers lost over time period)

15. What is another popular use in tools for creating reports that is also possible in excel

A Gantt chart used to show a short-term or long-term analysis of data for project management.

13. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A business strategy aimed at managing customers by relating to the process of acquiring, retaining, and enhancing relationships to build long-term value for the company and its customers.

4. What does it mean to track success from effort-to-outcome

A company may look at performance and outcomes based on team or employees performance, Effort can be there, but outcome might be lacking.

17. Data obtained through Primary research (Polls)

A company that conducts these on a product and then posts that survey on Facebook would capture that data and analyze the results of the research by distributing a link with a receipt.

15. Data obtained through Primary research (Surveys)

A company that wants immediate data on their customers might conduct these as customers are purchasing their products in those stores.

19. What is facility management

A cross-disciplinary field that focuses on the maintenance and management infrastructure, buildings, spaces, and equipment and is often associated with the administration of schools, sporting complexes, offices, hospitals, hotels, and the like.

17. Why can the implementation of a CRM system potentially bring various benefits to an organization(2)

A customer's experience is tied to their purchase history and based on the data collected during previous interactions.

9. Microsoft Access

A database management system that integrates a relational database with user-friendly graphical user interfaces that enable people without SQL skills to access the data.

15. Data Protection Directive

A directive which regulates the processing of personal data within the EU.

15. Hadoop consists of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)

A file system that stores large files across many different machines.

7. log file

A file that a computer, network, or application creates automatically to record events that occur during operation-for example, the time a file is accessed.

8. MySQL

A free and open-source database that became the most ubiquitous relational database management software that is free, and universally supported.

3. Difference between performance-based results versus outcome-based results

A performance goal might be for employees to make eye contact and express a friendly demeanor to customers, whereas the outcome might be to make sure that all orders were processed with those customers with 100 percent customer satisfaction.

19. What is R?

A programming language useful in statistical computing and graphics.

6. PCI DSS(Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

A proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards.

16. Hadoop consists of YARN

A resource management platform responsible for managing the resources.

16. What teams must come together to identify what needs are being met and what needs are not being met on a regular basis***

A sales team can work with customer relations personnel, Sales personnel can then take that information and apply it to their communication with vendors and others.

7. How is the order of Websites chosen by a search engine

A search algorithm determines the most relevant and popular sites that people likely want to click on when they look up something.

13. In a bank when it comes to estimating customer profitability, it is found that

A very small percentage of customers contribute to a very high percentage of the revenue

16. What are the three major components of a CRM system to be implemented here

A well-defined overall business strategy, a robust technology infrastructure, and a business intelligence system for monitoring customer journeys and interactions.

20. efforts versus outcomes from an individual perspective

A worker puts forth effort, but the effort is analyzed by outcome not by how hard the worker works.

1. What business applications is, software as a service (SaaS), most popular in delivering

Accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), payroll, enterprise resource planning, human resources, and service desk management.

7. When can a company ask deeper questions about its customer base*

After combining data from different departments within the business, including marketing and sales.

1. What do e-commerce sites allow sellers to do*

Allows them to be able to access much wider markets and run their businesses at a much lower cost.

19. PowerPoint presentation outline (Slide 2)

An agenda, which breaks down, simply, the key points that will be covered in the presentation.

2. What does good data enable a business to do?

Analyze the state of company, increase revenue, examine existing production processes, develop new automated processes, gather competitive information, make evidence-based decisions and understand business value.

13. What is the typical method of obtaining data from social media platforms and how does it do this

Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are pre-programmed instructions and tools for managing interactions between different software and are used to automatically extract social media data.

15. How does the Apache Hadoop project describe Hadoop

As "a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models."

16. Data obtained through Primary research (Interviews)

Asking questions related to who, what, why, when, and where that is open-ended and specific to that situation or individual can yield valuable insight.

20. PowerPoint presentation outline (Slide 3)

Background of the topic, or history of the topic.

14. Why is it difficult to evaluate the process of measuring and managing the data in a right way

Because organizations have aspirations of determining decision by analysis of the data, which is driven by the multiple stakeholders of that organization.

11. Why do customers expect organizations to provide services via Social media?**

Because the levels of utilization people have with social media as part of their daily routine has led to the generation of vast quantities of consumer data, which in turn has encouraged the development of approaches to capture, process and analyze large and complex data.

17. Why should you NOT create charts and graphs that are more concise or visually appealing even if they involve omission or misrepresentation of data

Because using this collected information can skew results and may affect any visual presentation we would make.

7. Why are standards not consistent in cloud-based computing*

Because vendors have specific tools and protocols for their specific service offerings.

9. Review the opportunities of every contact (Capturing Data)(3)

By analyzing certain interactions with customers, then the organizations can infer whether they seized or lost opportunities the majority of the time.

11. How do companies know that the advertising, press releases, and other various marketing efforts are working?

By analyzing network traffic.

18. How does hadoop's library handle failures at the application layer*

By delivering a highly-available service on top of a cluster of computers, it can detect areas that may be prone to failures.

16. How do social media campaigns act as a data component that allow collection and analysis of valuable user information?**

By designing incentive-based forms or polls to be filled in by users.

3. How some dashboards consolidate and arrange numbers, and performance scorecards on a single screen

By displaying a limited number of KPIs.

7. How do you stay ahead of competitors?

By gathering competitive information on products and pricing decisions.

5. How can a sales manager meet with representatives who are not meeting their goals?

By looking at results from sales representatives on a daily basis and getting regular updates.

3. How do you analyze the current financial state of a company?

By looking at the company's net profits, revenues, cash flow, assets and liabilities.

4. How can you contact a customer at a later date using a marketing database

By obtaining customer information on sales and transaction data from the operational system, or through manual methods like guest registrars.

2. How do E-commerce sites use data to provide an enormous opportunity for themselves(1)

By providing a massive source of information about consumer insight and behavior for companies.

7. Tableau Public offers users the ability to do create new fields using

Calculated fields that apply to an entire table, multi-dimensional calculated fields, and drag-and-drop support functions.

12. How do you increase the popularity and relevance of your webpage with Analyzing Multiple Channels(1)

Careful wording, based on keywords you would like to optimize to help users who see advertisements remember the terms and phrases they encounter when they go to use a search engine.

10. What are other graphs and charts in Tableau Public

Circle view, Scatter plot, Histogram, Box-and-whisker plot, Gantt chart, Packed bubbles.

19. What are the benefits that shifting to the cloud has brought

Cloud-based architectures reduced the required amount of start-up capital for software deployment, with corresponding reductions in ongoing maintenance costs, Provisioning via an API has improved the speed of initial deployment and allowed for efficient responses to changes in demand.

13. What multiple sources do you need to integrate to make decisions on the impact of the advertising campaigns?(3)

Combine the data from finance, sales, and CRM.

2. B2C CRM Software

Consistency of long-term sales through marketing is a primary objective, the capability to manage a large number of contacts and leads, Executing mass campaigns, and updating large amounts of data is emphasized.

4. Why does containerization represent a recent innovation with cloud-based infrastructure**

Container images are activated by scheduling solutions and providers such as Amazon and Google offer first-class solutions for container scheduling and deployment.

2. United States Privacy Act

Contains descriptions of Federal agency systems of records maintained on individuals and rules agencies follow to assist individuals who request information about their records.

12. What are the advantages to centralized databases?

Convenient accessibility of data, Higher data accuracy, and consistency, lower data redundancy, updates are immediately reflected in the database, and lower data maintenance costs.

18. PowerPoint presentation outline (Slide 1)

Cover slide with your name, company, data, and an appealing image related to the topic being presented, and a slight design element.

9. What are ways that do not require paying a search engine for ad space to increase the popularity and relevance of your webpage*

Creating relevant content, experimenting with content and design, Call to Action, and analyzing for Multiple Channels.

2. What other applications can a Business intelligence system be used for?

Credit risk assessment, loan management, debt restructure analysis, and collections analysis.

19. What does the second major component of a CRM system compose of (Technology infrastructure)(2)

Customer identification, rating, background, communication records, purchase behavior, credit-worthiness, and customer survey data.

15. Why might a retailer send a preferred customer a customized email as part of a new marketing campaign?

Customer is is invited to a personalized rewards page offered based on a previous purchase for promotional purposes.

14. Name some challenges associated with the GDPR

Data Protection Officers could be an administrative burden, does not consider employee data and difficult standard level of protection that may disagree in the interpretation of guidelines.

12. Streamline the process from point of capture to storage (Capturing Data)(3)

Data can be overwhelming, confusing, and worthless, if a company is going to gather data, they must make sure they know how to use it for the short and long term.

11. What are the five stages of the data lifecycle

Data extraction, Data Aggregation, Data Normalization, Data Analysis, and Data Submission/Reporting.

15. What is an essential part for managing the complexity of Business-to-Business Frameworks (B2B)

Data handling is a suitable part of this framework.

2. What is a fundamental step to developing an organization's data strategy?

Data is gathered from a variety of sources during the discovery phase of data analysis.

10. What is Centralized data

Data that is housed, stored and managed from a single location.

3. Types of calculations In Tableau

Date functions, Logical functions, Number functions, String functions, Type conversion, Aggregate functions, User functions.

7. What is the first step in how a company decides which tools to use and whether they need B2B or B2C information?

Deciding what data is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization.

9. "Start with Security: A Guide for Business"**

Describes 10 practical lessons businesses can learn from data security settlements.

3. What are the types of customer data that are commonly collected by CRM and B2B frameworks**

Descriptive data, Behavioral data and Contextual data.

9. Data may be obtained through CRM frameworks in the following ways**

Directly from customer orders/transactions, user surveys, online, incentives, and secondary data.

3. With their subscription-based service model, what does it mean that the revenues from customers must be deferred until it is earned?

Each sale gets recognized over a long period of time rather than being recognized mostly upfront.

5. Gathering customer insights (Customer Relationship Management)**

Enable continuous evaluation of customer journeys and touchpoints to maintain a clear understanding of customers by identifying areas of improvement, and mitigating risks.

9. What are some examples of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Enterprise infrastructure, Cloud hosting, and Virtual Data Centers (VDC).

1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Established national standards for electronic health care transactions and national identifiers for providers, health plans and employers.

8. "Protecting Personal Information- A Guide for Business"*

Explains why safeguarding sensitive data is good business and how to implement steps to protect personal information.

2. What regulations do cloud-based data storage and solutions providers must comply with

FISMA, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and PCI DSS.

17. If you were a sales representative for a company and are assigned to a region in the United States to sell the company's products, where would you start?

First find out what information the marketing team, or other departments, may have on the region, second conduct an analysis of the region, and the various vendors and outlets that sell the product.

6. Tableau Public offers users the ability to do visual analysis through(3)

Forecasts, filters, and bullet graphs to compare budgets and goals, show trends, and visually group data together.

9. What are the different types of graphs and charts in Tableau Public

Funnel graph, Bullet graph, Text table, Heat map, Highlight table, Symbol map, Filled map, Pie chart, Horizontal/stacked/side-by-side bar chart, and Treemap.

5. The Sales Department

Gathers leads from customers and tries to understand their requirements

7. What is a critical difference between R and several other statistical packages?

Gives very minimalistic output and will store the results in a particular object which can be accessed further through its functions.

14. What are other resources available online to help with the capture and analysis of data?***

Google Transparency Reports, Rapid Miner, and Knime.

13. What can you use in R to create Graphic Data Visualizations?(3)

Graph-R and Graph-R Plus can create 3D contour charts, wireframes, scatter charts and vector diagrams.

13. The framework of Apache Hadoop consists of four main areas

Hadoop Common, HDFS, YARN, MapReduce.

13. What is a tool used in analyzing Big Data and what does it do

Hadoop provides for distributed processing with clusters of computers.

6. How can a teacher meet with students who are not meeting their goals?

Having a list on a dashboard to gauge progress and use the tool to help ones that are struggling.

4. How do you improve value generation and inventory optimization

Having less oversight of the full production process and more supply chain partners necessitates coordination and trust among multiple players.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

12. What are Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for***

Helps the audience answer commonly asked questions and questions to be asked during the presentation.

9. What are the three kinds of graphing commands that can be executed in R

High-level graphing, Low-level graphing, and Interactive graphing.

13. Some of the best advice for creating charts and tools for an audience includes

Highlight specific numbers, avoid too much information, pinpoint specific trends/statistics either positive or negative

4. What are two important factors related to dashboards

How often the dashboard is updated, hourly, daily, or weekly, and what information is needed in those timeframes.

1. How do you determine what data should be collected for various situations*

IT data management should understand which information/data is appropriate for a certain situation.

12. Who uses the problem domain in data management

IT experts use it to examine the root cause of the problem and suggest a way to solve it.

5. How can a company use indicators to see if they are reaching long and short term goals?

Identify the length of time is set for a goal, a company might order thousands of products every month to stock their shelves, but, if they do not analyze what is and isn't selling, they could be left with a lot of unsold inventory.

5. What are the challenges organizations, are faced with when gathering data through emails?

Identifying and prioritizing important emails, matching the email with the correct system or subject matter expert, routing issues, and working around the unstructured nature of emails, which makes it hard to automate based on keywords.

4. A company would want to analyze network traffic to

Identifying trends, or lack of trends, in certain areas of the traffic, Seek opportunities within the analysis, and Inter-departmental support.

12. What is involved in Analyzing data

If a company has captured data, it can combine reports to discover trends and find patterns that highlight new meaningful strategies by looking at the data from different perspectives to answer business questions.

6. How does efficient data extraction from emails and forums generally happen**

Implementing a structured keyword and rule-based system, artificial intelligence-based solutions, and finally integrating business processes and repositories.

5. The key areas of OpenRefine include***

Importing, Exploring, transformations, resolving cells with multiple values, instantaneous links between data, Filtering data, and using General Refine Expression Language.

18. The overall purpose of CRM can be understood through a combination of the following points**

Improvement of customer service, segmentation of customers, improvement of sales and marketing processes, Retaining long-term customers (knowing their value), and gathering customer insights.

14. What is the need for CRM in a retail bank**

In order to manage profitability, focus on tactical initiatives such as customer segmentation with appropriate services, cross-selling of offerings, pricing initiatives, and studying customer behavior.

4. Why have these, Software as a service SaaS, companies been spending aggressively on sales and marketing

In the event that future revenues over the lifetime of the customer relationship will cover costs.

10. Data that may be obtained through the CRM framework directly from customer orders/transactions(2)

Includes relevant personal information, plus optional information that the user might fill in at the time of purchase, usually through entry forms.

11. What do executive dashboards ultimately allow for

Increased communication, real-time data management that is easily available and understandable, indicating where changes need to be made to increase sales and profit.

12. What are the three service models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

7. What are the three variations of cloud-based systems

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

6. The Marketing Department

Interested in Days Sales Outstanding, they also obtain reports on segmentation, such as to whom and where to sell, and at what times to make sales.

5. Sarbanes-Oxley

Internal control and accounting requirements for U.S. public companies.

16. Data may be obtained through B2B frameworks in the following ways

Interviewing, user surveys, key performance indicators, social media, and Web-based newsletters.

7. Why can inventory issues cause losses or failures for business

Inventory forms the largest part of a business's current assets.

8. The data that Company A is interested in "When" data

Involves time periods (fiscal year, product release schedule, marketing calendar)

7. How does the environment Apache's Hadoop really work?

It can replace the work of a supercomputer by leveraging dozens, hundreds or even thousands of obsolete computers that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

5. R as an environment is constantly evolving because?***

It has expanded through a huge set of packages mostly for short-term use or are designed for a specific set of data.

3. Why must It must be remembered that data is a valuable asset?**

It is a form of recordkeeping for business transactions and a representation of communications between people or organizations, as well as the measurements of processes within the business.

16. How does Hadoop deliver a service with high availability at the application layer*

It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.

12. Why is Data protection an important part of corporate social responsibility in a digital market(1)

It is required for institutional risk and an essential compliance function for those organizations that collect, use, or share personal information or other potentially sensitive consumer data.

8. Critical functions and objectives of inventory management include(2)

Keeping track of new and returned products, storage, tracking and pricing, and balancing of product availability.

7. Contextual data

Largely unstructured, specific in nature such as impulse purchases, and purchases are driven by environmental or market conditions, complaint details, and customer query details.

16. Why would a customer provide additional information about his or her preferences to the enterprise?

Later on, the customer receives dedicated individual service at the store.

20. What is Gartner's Magic Quadrant (MQ) Composed of

Leaders, Visionaries, Niche Players, Challengers.

3. B2B CRM Software

Long-term management of a potential customer is a critical goal, Automation of sales processes is stressed, Predicting customer behavior based on past buying patterns and business profitability.

7. One part of a multi-channel environment**

Making test-based channels so that the amount of incoming data is reduced, thus reducing the overall load on the application software.

4. Tableau Public allows a user to take raw data and create the following***

Manage and review data in a visual display, visual analysis, calculations, and create dashboards from the data.

16. Who uses Microsoft PowerPoint on a daily basis for making presentations integrated with data

Managers, executives, directors, students, and others at all levels of business today, by integrating bar charts into the presentation itself.

20. What is facility management software

Manages large-scale emergency issues and small-scale issues by creating tickets.

6. Customer Relationship Management lifecycle

Marketing, sales, orders, and then support.

6. Why must IT departments take the lead in developing workplace privacy policies and implementing regular training programs for employees

Merely preventing outside intrusion is not sufficient, as there is too much exposure to internal errors, carelessness, and wrongdoing by those who handle personal information.

5. Describe some tips for Effectively Displaying Data through a Presentation***

Mixing up the presentation of the data, Avoiding the use of the default chart, Using graphs and charts should be minimized, and Adding images to the presentations.

11. Providing instant incentives (Capturing Data)***

Monthly recognition, employee bonuses, and daily games might help to gather more data in the relationship between the customer service representative and the customer or set up programs for sales teams, boost employee motivation, and motivate distributors and vendors of the company's products.

13. How is Data obtained through Primary research, and though secondary research

Mostly it is obtained by gathering the data in-house, other means by accessing third-party tools and Websites.

5. Examples of descriptive data are

Name and contact information, birthdays, age, gender, profession, income, Social network profile information, and Account-Specific information.

4. Why should you keep data that your business absolutely can't run without in-house, as well as off-site(cloud)

Natural or manmade disasters

7. What are the three steps in harmonizing the data collected for insights throughout separate departments

Objective of data, Ownership of data, and Understanding the data.

15. Why do companies have profit losses that could be avoided

Often lack the proper data to create accurate models of demand.

8. Customer Relationship Management lifecycle (2. Sales)

Once marketing is complete, this is generated by identifying and converting leads from the marketing database.

9. Customer Relationship Management lifecycle (3. orders)**

Once sales is complete, this is executed, products are delivered and invoices are made.

14. What is the process of using data

Once the data has been analyzed the insights that come out of the analysis process are then integrated and implemented.

5. What are the 4 commonly used databases used in data analysis?

Oracle, MS-SQL Server, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.

9. Artificial Intelligence-based solutions

Overcome the limitations of rules-based systems, with semantic language understanding, the textual content can be identified and processed more accurately.

4. Descriptive data

Pertains to an individual or organizational entity that is demographic, psychographic, or lifestyle-related.

8. The three types of vendor lock-in are

Platform lock-in, data lock-in and tools lock-in.

20. What languages is the source code for the R software environment written in

Primarily in C, Fortran, and R.

3. Safe Harbor Act

Prohibits European firms from transferring personal data to overseas jurisdictions with weaker privacy laws.

13. Why is event monitoring software needed to help detect errors, connectivity, security threats, and other areas that need attention

Provides immediate detection of physical facilities management, by reporting leaks, fires, electrical failures, and other problems.

10. Customer Relationship Management lifecycle (4. support)(2)

Providing this in the form of customer service and using the transcripts to develop a knowledge base of the products, and conduct training based on the insights gained.

7. How can "Company A" use twitter

Publicizing information about new products, services, and discounts, figuring out how many followers they have re-tweeting and viewing feed to assess how much excitement there is for their brand.

10. Why is managing an in-house data center so expensive?

Purchasing and maintaining servers, racks, equipment maintenance, replacement, the utility costs associated with powering the center, and ongoing technical support and systems.

10. Company A hopes to use the data to achieve the following objectives(3)

Receive accurate information from manufacturers, Reduce data entry costs and product returns, Improve reaction time and time-to-market.

11. What does capturing data entail?

Recording business processes and transactional data fast and accurately captured at the source, such as a store or where sales take place.

14. Stock Requirement Planning system

Requires an understanding of demand.

8. What are some methods that can be applied to capture data(3)

Review every contact, analyze click-throughs, Providing instant incentives, and streamline point of capture to storage.

11. GDPR Data Protection Policy includes

Right to process the data at any time, view and access their personal data, get a copy of the stored data, remove the stored data under certain circumstances, and file complaints.

4. Why is linking marketing data, sales leads, and transactions resulting from marketing activities often a challenge?

Sales and marketing data are not synchronized, it is the role of the data analyst to try and harmonize this gap by pulling data from both sources and merging them together.

7. How do you use Inter-departmental support for network traffic(3)

Sales working with marketing or a customer service team emailing the marketing team regarding a problem with a product based on the calls received.

17. What company that builds CRM software has been developing ways to obtain data from social media in a way that enhances customer relationship management?

Salesforce, has developed a separate application for extracting useful CRM data specifically from social media sites.

4. What can use business data and data analysis concurrently to increase profits(1)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

18. What company uses Twitter to manage its customer-service efforts

Service Cloud 2 the CRM software automatically initiates a customer service case every time someone posts a tweet that matches a set of pre-specified key words, In response, a Dell agent can find the relevant information/solution to the customer's "query" and respond appropriately as a message on Twitter.

3. Most data presentations are confusing and boring, How do you Effectively display Data through a Presentation

Should not be a data dump and should try to inform the audience about something they are not aware of.

1. PowerPoint presentation outline (Slide 4)

Shows examples, charts, results, critical to providing specific details, and may continue with further information.

10. Integrating business processes and repositories(2)

So that the correct action is taken upon the receipt of certain emails or other text-based content.

12. Social media platforms can broadly be classified as

Social networking, microblogging, professional networking, and content sharing sites.

1. What are the three steps to obtaining good data

Step 1 is capturing data, Step 2 is analyzing data, and Step 3 is using data all enabling you to make optimal business decisions.

14. CRM involves, but may not be limited to, all of the following

Strategy to (optimize profitability, revenues, and customer satisfaction), Suitable technology infrastructure, Technologies that support coordinated customer interactions, Anticipation of customer needs to provide personalized services, Managing customers by revisiting and refining the existing processes regularly.

1. Improvement in the sales and marketing processes (Customer Relationship Management)(2)

Support customer acquisition, generating reports, Enhancing sales and marketing, nurturing leads, Informing customers, prioritizing customers, and tailor marketing campaigns.

18. What are some advantages of Platform as a service (PaaS)(2)

Support for higher-level programming, integrated infrastructure, and adding efficiencies.

1. What are three examples of quality tools that can be used to analyze and present data

Tableau Public, Google Fusion Tables(No longer Supported) and OpenRefine.

2. What Information is critical for the success of the business enterprise(1)

Technology data management.

8. What is the core feature of any CRM setup

The CRM database, where there would be separate databases for transaction-related data and for customer-specific data.

1. Side-by-side bar chart

The bar segments within a category bar are placed next to each other.

9. Platform lock-in

The cloud services are built on a virtualization platform, such as VMWare or Xen. Migrating from one provider to another may be very complicated.

6. Where does the environment Apache's Hadoop really shine?

The computer equipment required for processing the traditional way becomes very expensive so to process such a huge amount of data without a supercomputer requires that the task be split into bite-size pieces that most computers could handle.

13. Text table

The data is organized simply into rows and columns.

20. Stacked bar graph

The data is represented by breaking down and comparing multiple parts of a whole.

20. What is supply chain management (SCM)

The designing, planning, executing and monitoring of products, information, and finances as they flow from the initial supplier of raw materials all the way to the final consumer.

2. Retaining long-term customers and knowing their value (Customer Relationship Management)

The goal of a CRM should be to minimize the churn rate and deciding how much time to invest in retaining a particular customer as in their lifetime value.

6. what is in-database analytics?

The integration of data analytics into the data warehouse.

19. Horizontal

The length of each bar is proportional to the quantity to be presented and all bars go across from left to right.

17. How does Hadoop process data without relying on hardware to deliver high-availability

The library itself is designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer.

16. What is the reactive approach?

The organization doesn't release the problem with its data sets until the firm faces specific issues to be addressed urgently, used under unpredictable situations

7. MS SQL Server

The primary commercial competitor to Oracle, companies continued to develop versions of the product separately.

8. Mashup

The process of combining different datasets within a single application to enhance output-for example, combining demographic data with real estate listings.

5. Clustering analysis

The process of identifying objects that are similar to each other in order to understand the differences as well as the similarities within the data.

11. Tools lock-in

The proprietary tools will only work in a particular vendor's cloud environment.

19. Why is data ownership a factor in security or privacy of information(1)

The protection of data collected from the clients is important for the organization and needs to be diagnosed over certain time intervals.

15. Describe how to deliver Platform as a service (PaaS) through public cloud services(2)

The provider supports the hosting with the required networks, servers, storage, and services.

6. Behavioral data**

The relationship between the organization and its customers' transactional data, such as user purchases - what, when, how much and how often, recording user responses to different types of external communications such as number of products purchased, order/subscription value, order/renewal dates.

12. Why is the facilities management important for data centers?**

The space where the data is stored needs to be highly secure, climate controlled, and protected from the elements, If you're located in an area with volatile weather, generators may be required to keep systems online during snowstorms, hurricanes, or other extreme conditions.

10. Data lock-in

The standards of ownership may not be clearly documented.

3. Big data is often defined in terms of three V's

The volume is the size of the data file, velocity which is the speed of transmission, and variety which is the sources and types of data.

3. Why has handling text-based communications become an increasingly important aspect of an organization's data management strategy?

The volume of text from email, user forum and other text-based service channels provides a rich set of customer data to be mined.

1. What are the challenges that shifting to the cloud has brought

There are specific architecture requirements for horizontal versus vertical scale methods used with structured in-house data such as clustered sessions and shared file systems in vertical architectures do not scale well in cloud-based systems.

3. Why might the advantages of in-house data discourage some companies from migrating to the cloud

There is still likely a need to hold some of the most important or urgent data onsite.

14. Why are Technical support experts that use the analyzed traffic supportive of other departments within a company***

They are a vital connection to departments like marketing, sales, and customer relations.

10. Analyze clicks and time spent on their Website (Capturing Data)

This kind of data can be revealing to then be used to build a successful system.

9. Ownership of data (2. Harmonizing)

This leads to obtaining data directly from the source and has the stamp of authenticity.

6. Mixing up the presentation of the data (Effectively Displaying Data)***

This means using numbers on one side and a simple chart on the other.

10. How does the US Tennis Association use predictive analytics to get a deeper insight into player performance

Through analysis of Key Performance Indicators, you determine what a player needs to do in order to improve their odds of winning.

18. Data obtained through Primary research (Firsthand Accounts)

Through articles and autobiographies written by CEOs of companies that would be considered primary research analyzing the ideas and examples to further ideas and examples for future companies.

8. How do you maximize profits and efficiency

Through evidence-based decisions utilizing verifiable data.

1. What does the GNU General Public License allow for R

To be freely available, with pre-compiled versions used with various operating systems.

8. Implementing a structured key word and rule-based system**

To identify and reroute text content based on certain criteria

17. What is the first major component of a CRM system (Overall strategy)(2)

To look at both existing and potential customers and identify the needs and pain points to develop initiatives.

10. What's a primary objective of a data analyst?

To steer the company towards higher profits by providing business insights that are generated from rigorous data analysis.

5. How do you Identify trends for network traffic***

Track customer logins, and time spent, initial clicks, "Likes" or click-throughs by time, find peak usage to target ads

2. How are CRM and B2B alike(2)

Transaction records carry important information that can aid in generating insights about a company's direction, and the way to move forward.

4. What forms the backbone of product flow and cash flow for a business?**

Transaction, payment, and inventory data, revealing useful information about the company's current state of health.

5. Name some websites that business can use for the untapped potential of social media data

Tweets, Facebook, Trip Advisor, Instagram, wikis and YouTube.

2. You are a company about to launch a new product. What would be an alternative to randomly sending emails to people in neighborhoods near your stores

Use your marketing database that contains the customers names, phone numbers, emails, addresses, purchase history, information requested, and past communications with the company, to find customers that recently bought similar products and target ad campaigns.

17. Filled map

Uses different shaded colors to indicate relationships between different regions.

13. What are some examples of multichannel search engine optimization*

Using Websites and email, Facebook and Online-Shopping, and finally Mobile Devices and E-commerce.

7. How can an operations manager manage deadlines for them to reach their goals?***

Using a dashboard to look at the progress on a daily basis.

6. What can give a business a competitive edge?

Using proper data management.

9. Predictive analytics

Using statistical functions on one or more datasets to predict trends or future events.

14. What does Multichannel search engine optimization using websites and email entail

Websites that require an email for a registration enables the Website to contact customers and potentially lead them back to the Website when ready to buy, or discount is available.

13. What are some common business questions

What are the best selling of a specific product?, To which category does a product belong in?, Do customers prefer a specific feature of how a product or service is provided?, What are the most popular channels of distribution?

11. How do you increase the popularity and relevance of your webpage with a Call to Action

When a user visits a Website, there should be a clear next step for them to do such as an icon or image that when clicked the user is left with a clear understanding of how to buy the product or service which will lead to better Website engagement.

15. When is there no value in data analysis?

When the machinery to make actual changes does not exist.

2. How is inventory management different from supply chain management (SCM)

While inventory management looks at the current stock of products at a given point in time, supply chain management (SCM) is a more comprehensive look at the company's process flows from production to end-user delivery.

5. The data that Company A is interested in can be categorized into**

Who, What, When, Where.

2. What can R be used in

With either a command-line interface or several graphical user interfaces.

5. Why must a business need ironclad policies and practices for handling personal information from within the workplace

With in-house data storage and internal applications, the business must ensure that it has precautions and security measures for privacy, security, data loss, fraud prevention, etc.

14. Why does migrating to the cloud require planning

With increasing demand, cloud-based applications must scale their capacity to meet demands.

6. SQL (Structured Query Language)

With local data storage, applications often require the use of a relational database management system (RDBMS) software.

1. What can you do with R because its is a programming language

Write scripts that make data analysis customizable, replicable, and updatable.

8. Tableau Public offers users the ability to create dashboards from the data

You can select items in a view to dynamically filter the specifics of the calculations, show only specific data, and the user can also tell a story with Story Points.

2. What is an example of a sender in Network traffic

a business that is marketing a product to a receiver.

1. Data may be obtained through B2B frameworks through Web-based newsletters

a company can collect useful information about the customer base by measuring user engagement levels (number of people who opened it up, most-viewed, and so on).

6. What is much of the discovery of Websites on the Internet facilitated by(1)

a keyword or phrase is looked up and a list of webpages, ordered by popularity and relevance, is returned.

8. Analyzing network traffic through web logs and tools used to do so

a list of what users are looking at on a website and how long they look at it, popular tools are Google Analytics and Capsa Free.

10. Capsa Free

a network analysis tool that can create customized protocols for emails, and then create reports based on those emails.

17. Hadoop consists of MapReduce

a programming model for the parallel processing of large data sets.

9. What would a a company with a dataset in the realm of 500 megabytes grown but too large for a spreadsheet, would be better served with

a relational database like MySQL, MS - SQL Server or Postgres.

20. What does the third major component of a CRM system acts as (Business intelligence system)

a repository of data from internal sources and past history, used for market segmentation, and determination of client profitability using complex algorithms that provide an idea of their overall return on investment.

19. What is the definition of a dashboard

a tool that identifies key information related to that individual's, or that business', operations.

12. Bullet graph

a variation of a bar graph, which is useful for comparing the performance of a primary measure to one or more other measures.

12. In cloud-based computing, the data and the supporting software are hosted via*

a vendor's remote server and accessed via the Internet.

8. What does Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provide**

access in a virtualized environment, across a public connection the computing resource provided comprises virtualized hardware, i.e. network connections, virtual server space, and load balancers.

8. What creates a huge incentive for companies to be considered both relevant and popular(1)

advertisements at the top of a search engine makes people more apt to click on a webpage and ultimately high up on the results page of a search engine.

10. When is the data recorded by the accounting department?*

after a company markets and sells products and the sales order is executed.

12. Interactive graphing commands (R)***

allow us to use a pointing device like a mouse to add information to or obtain information from, an existing graph in real-time

11. How do webcasts save money and distribute the information over the Internet

allows the presenter to add audio and video and share their screens to show Websites and other visual examples.

9. What could be displayed on a dashboard

an executive summary to show an overview of key areas related to the company.

10. Postgres

an open-source Relational DBMS that runs on numerous platforms and includes programming interfaces for C / C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

16. What must be known in order to obtain data from an inventory management system

an understanding of the software being used.

6. What is the second purpose sales data would be used for?*

analytical purposes, to project revenue for the next year and yield quantitative estimates of how sensitive the quantity sold is to changes in the pricing of a product which gives companies an idea of the optimal price to sell at to maximize the revenue from a product.

3. Provided they are within the General Public License Rules what has led to a higher bar of quality and accuracy for the "R" software?***

anyone who wants to inspect or modify the R programming code has the right to do so with a community that contributes to new packages for the latest statistical tools.

1. Network traffic

anything where there is commerce or communication between a sender and a receiver.

20. Data may be obtained through B2B frameworks through Social media

apart from being a platform to better interact with customers, it provides a way of quantifying customer engagement.

15. Highlight table

applies conditional formatting to a view automatically apply a color scheme in either a continuous or stepped array of colors from highest to lowest.

14. What can senior employees use accounting data for?(1)

assessing the health of the company and making future plans.

1. What does Cryptographic encryption, authentication and integrity protection tools allow for

assurance that data is only sent to the intended destination and it is not modified inappropriately.

18. How does The R Project serves the purpose of a data analytic software

at its core, it is a programming language and software environment to run statistical analysis and graphics on data sets.

5. Tableau Public offers users the ability to enhance data using various displays to produce visuals such as

automatic refresh using online sync, view all data from one source in a simplified visual, extract, pivot, and blend data

13. Some of the types of privacy data that are protected by the GDPR include, but are not limited to*

basic identity information of an individual (name, address and ID numbers), Web data (location, IP address, cookie data, etc.), health and genetic data, biometric data, political opinions, sexual orientation.

4. Why do companies invest in Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics?

because it helps to understand how to be the most profitable through demographics, determining optimal price points, analyzing return on Investment, and analyzing advertisement methods.

8. How can a Twitter feed be used to analyze changes in consumer sentiment?

before the financial recession in 2008, the words "cheap" and "inexpensive" were used in a negative connotation to describe products, but post-recession, the same words were meant in a positive sense.

12. What is one of the top objectives of a business today

building relationships with customers based on trust and continuity.

1. How can marketing data be obtained

by conducting market surveys, trade shows, as well as utilizing existing research.

12. How does google analyze network traffic

by constantly creating different products based on the latest trends they discover delving into the research and seeing opportunities where other companies do not.

9. How do you widen the competitive differentiation gap and understand business value?

by exploiting rapid changes in information and generating insights from diverse data sources.

4. How do you persuade the audience to adopt a view about the collected information***

by identifying a beginning, middle, and end of the concept that accomplishes our goals.

12. How does Company A's Data Management (MDM) help it reduce inventory?***

by identifying similar products from different manufacturers.

11. Low-level graphing commands (R)

can add information to an existing graph, including additional points, lines and labels

2. How do you identify positive or negative trends in a dashboard

can be color-coded (aka Stop Light coloring) green for good other more concerning trends could be color-coded in red.

11. Why does a data analyst often find insights that may push the company in a direction that is new, uncharted, and requires a paradigm change?

can question the core assumptions of a company, so observations must be defended based on a careful exploration of current and historical company data.

20. Segmentation of customers for better targeting (Customer Relationship Management)

careful study of customers and monitoring of individual interactions, organizations can identify and target individual customers and tailor their offerings accordingly, allowing for customer loyalty, and opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling.

14. What must a business first do in order to begin analyzing business processes

collect business data from multiple data platforms and portals.

10. What is an example of a data requirement?*

collecting a customer's billing information, which could be stored in a spreadsheet, a database, or a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application.

1. What does Business-to-Business refers to?

commercial transactions between businesses, typically involving a manufacturer and wholesaler.

13. Why has the arguments risen as to whether this kind of direct marketing is ethical or not?

companies are sifting through personal data for a commercial purpose, which contradicts any sense of implied or real digital privacy.

3. What leads to more activities and function being outsourced to other firms

companies becoming more specialized over time to focus on core expertise.

3. What can Tableau Public do?***

connect collected data information to Google Analytics, connect it with other data, schedule automatic refresh tasks, remove unique formatting and un-needed information, and even connect to data sources that have been published.

18. An even newer innovation has been the move from virtual servers to?

containers as the unit of application development.

11. What will a skilled data manager do to deal with changing data requirements*

create flexible architectures and adapt them as needed.

19. What security solutions are apart of cloud-based data offerings

cryptography, enhanced physical security, the use of multiple cloud providers, the standardization of APIs, improved virtual machine support, and legal support.

14. What separate multiple systems that contain a slice of data on the customer should a company have access to***

customer relationship management (CRM) system and sales records, through the finance, enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer support, and service desk applications.

11. What is the typical cost structure at a retail bank

customer transactions, customer servicing, bank maintenance, business development, human resource, and strategic costs.

7. The data that Company A is interested in "What" data

data about the things that company A buys, creates, provides or sells.

7. What are some components of data management*

data architecture, data analysis, and data security.

18. What does a lack of proper data management result in?

data inconsistency and lack of trust on the accuracy of values and information.

19. Who uses The R Project "R"?

data scientists, statisticians, quantitative traders, academic researchers.

10. What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 25, 2018

defines the correct management of personal data agreements for long-term sustainability and how these apply at the database level and provide in-depth insight from the database perspective for the European Economic Area (EEA).

1. Ideally, What makes a company successful***

delivering outcomes on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis, and the effort that the worker puts forth reviewed from a larger scale.

8. Objective of data (1. Harmonizing the data)

depending on the department, sales is to make projections of revenue, while marketing is to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns, knowing this aids in understanding the data that is obtained.

1. A business intelligence system may also be used in

determing opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling, assessing the effectiveness of various channels of communication for client engagement, and in analyzing campaign management effectiveness.

19. What are some disadvantages of Platform as a service (PaaS)

developers may not be able to use a full range of conventional tools (e.g. relational databases, with unrestricted joins).

20. What is the purpose of a dashboard

displays critical information showing charts, graphics, statistical information, percentages, geographic information, and other critical information, and to view Trends, both positive and negative.

14. Heat map

displays data in a gradient color or from one to other colors such as a stop light where green is good, a gradient change to yellow is a warning and gradient change to a solid red is an alert.

10. Many times a PowerPoint presentation is included as part of a Webcast presentation which is a

distance-oriented method where one person presents important and valuable information to an audience that logs in from around the globe.

10. Understanding the data (3. Harmonizing)

done through one-on-one interviews, using questionnaires to ascertain the sources of data, examine its many volumes, and discover whether historical data is available or not.

18. Metanodes (Knime)

drag and drop or copy and paste "these" into your workflows as many times as you like, when the repository is updated every instantiation of that copy can be automatically updated based on your setting.

14. Why is Microsoft Excel one of the popular tools for creating reports?

ease of creating charts, tables, pivot tables, and combining data with various formulas

7. IT data management in support of customer relationship management (CRM) provides many channels to communicate with the customer including

email, Webinar, social media, member portals, online newsletters and text or multimedia messaging through the smartphone.

17. How are cloud-based providers working to address its disadvantages*

enhanced product and service offerings.

3. What do containers, and containerization, provide

enhanced security in shared remote servers, it is an isolated guest, using a single kernel, preventing one container from gaining access to another's files.

19. Improvement in customer service (Customer Relationship Management)

ensures that the focus of the organization is external, improving the quality of service rendered, tailoring services to meet customers' personal needs whereby increasing customer loyalty and retention, which in turn leads to greater revenue per customer and more frequent customer participation.

11. What should you consider before embarking on building your own center**

evaluate the overall budget to make sure it is an affordable option for your business; including facilities management, event monitoring software, and internal staffing requirements.

8. Recognizing the importance of the visual nature of data analysis, what has R developed for creating graphics and data visualizations?***

excellent functions for creating both commonly used statistical graphs, and new types of statistical plots as well.

21. Leaders (Magic Quadrant)

execute well against their current vision and are well positioned for tomorrow.

24. Challengers (Magic Quadrant)

execute well today or may dominate a large segment, but do not demonstrate an understanding of market direction.

14. Data may be obtained through CRM framework through Secondary data such as

existing statistical research, demographic reports and spot trends.

5. What is the full spectrum of business activities that modern businesses depend upon IT data support for(1)

finance, sales support, marketing, lead generation, customer service, and manufacturing planning.

4. What is IT data management the key to(1)

financial accounting, instant customer support, continuous monitoring, customer relationship management and global sales growth.

23. Niche Players (Magic Quadrant)

focus successfully on a small segment or are unfocused and do not out-innovate or outperform others.

9. What is the critical function of keeping track of new and returned products (inventory management)

from the warehouse to the point of sale to have accurate data on the number of each inventory item in the warehouse.

7. Customer Relationship Management lifecycle (1.Marketing)

geared to attracting customers via running campaigns and generating leads from databases.

12. Where is the revenue generated by a bank coming from

generated from fee income, investment income, and loan interest.

13. What can accounting data be used for?(1)

generating reports for managers who are trying to minimize the various costs of the company.

8. How can a medical center or hospital manage patients for them to reach their goals?

have this data in front of them on a regular basis, with constant updates, to gauge the progress of their patient.

10. What is the critical function of storage, tracking, and pricing (inventory management)

helps save money for businesses that want to control the quantities of finished and returned products that they keep.

18. What does spending less time and effort on customers who have lower engagement levels or a very short history with the bank facilitate?

improved customer service, lower costs, greater profitability and improved sales and administrative efficiency.

11. Postgres includes

indexing functions such as functional, index-only scans, partial, functional and multiple-index-counting, Asynchronous commit, Cost-based optimizer, Asynchronous as well as synchronous replication

6. Where are performance goals achieving from effort, but the organizational outcomes are not being met

individual athletes achieve personal goals related to statistical categories, such as touchdowns, home runs, and goals, But, the goal—the outcome—that any team wants to achieve is to win the championship.

9. What is Accounting data Composed of?

information on the operations and transactions of the company related to revenues, payrolls, expenses, costs and assets thought of further down the business process chain.

1. What does the supply chain management (SCM) seeks to accomplish

integrating and harmonizing the flow from the initial supplier of raw materials all the way to the final consumer, both within and across companies, with the objective of optimizing inventory management and creating net value.

11. What is the main tenant of centralized data?(3)

integrity and reliability.

5. What is a subset of supply chain management and what does it refer to?

inventory management is the supervision of the amount of each item in the inventory list.

12. When sales are made, the sales departments book orders while the accounting departments

invoice the order and account for when the money is received.

3. What is an example of a receiver in Network traffic

is whom the sender is trying to persuade into buying that product.

3. How does using strategic IT data management add productivity, value and quality to the product or service

it allows a business to innovate, by doing something different, faster, or better.

13. In a sales presentation to vendors, in which the presentation is shared with a third party, perhaps, what can the the FAQ do?

it can help a sales team answer specific questions for them.

6. What can you do with R as a statistical package if you invest a bit of time in finding the right scripts?***

it can store data very efficiently in arrays and matrices, and built-in statistical commands for data analysis.

9. How does consumer location data help businesses target relevant advertisements on mobile phones*

it creates a real-world view of what activities consumers are doing, where they are, and when they are there, allowing for very specific ads.

20. How is "R" Being a programming language a great asset that is flexible

it is a fully comprehensive language that can run any type of data analysis that is required in a few lines of code.

4. Why is R described often as an environment ?

it is a unified and coherent system, rather than an unplanned combination of very particular and rigid tools, which is often the case with other statistical software.

4. What is Data management?

it is developing and protecting data as a strategic resource.

2. R is open-source software with an evolving community meaning

it is free and users can look at the exact source code that is used to create the program and can download the program.

16. Describe how to deliver Platform as a service (PaaS) through private data centers**

it is managed by internal support personnel.

8. What are the trade-off of Hadoop in exchange for its power

it is slower than traditional relational databases when working with small datasets

8. How does cloud computing also known as "on-demand computing," benefit the customer

it uses converged infrastructure and shared information services.

9. What does a business need to understand in order to build data architecture*

its data requirements and IT assets.

12. What are the two types of inventory management systems

just-in-time system, and stock requirement planning system.

3. FISMA(the Federal Information Security Management Act)

legislation that defines a comprehensive framework to protect U.S. government information, operations and assets against natural or man-made threats.

15. What does multichannel search engine optimization using Facebook and Online-Shopping allow for

lets customers make purchases directly on Facebook allowing customers to buy, save, share and comment on products without having to exit their Facebook page allowing customers to publicize their products by sharing their purchases with their friends.

5. What is the first purpose sales data would be used for?

logistical, keeping a record of all completed and ongoing sales of goods and services.

10. From an executive standpoint what are key areas related to the company

looking at more long-term trends offering visibility and insight into exactly what is going on in all areas of a business, and allows managers, as well employees, to measure performance with real-time data.

17. With this Platform as a service (PaaS) model, the consumer manages applications and data while the provider(public) or IT department (private)**

manages the supporting details, including virtualization, storage, networking, and runtime.

2. In order of secession, name the volume file type of bytes

megabyte, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, and exabytes.

5. What do containers utilize to provide similar resource allocation and isolation features as those provided by virtual machines with much less overhead and much greater portability

modern Linux kernel primitives such as control groups (cgroups) and namespaces.

4. When it comes to query resolutions, what do emails have the ability to include?

more complex and often technical information, making them an important channel for business-to-business (B2B) support.

2. Treemap

or area map, for illustrating hierarchical data and part-to-whole relationships, dimensions are used to define the structure, and measures to define the size or color of the individual rectangles.

17. Data may be obtained through B2B frameworks through Interviewing**

personally done at a face-to-face level or over the phone, which can be used to infer customer disposition towards a product or brand and are a good source of primary data.

9. The data that Company A is interested in "Where" data

pertains to locations where products are manufactured, shipped, sold, stored, and inventoried, as well as the distribution locations and delivery addresses where they are shipped and used.

15. How do social media campaigns provide additional insights about user preferences?

posts or videos put out by an organization are usually categorized by tags or subjects.

4. Businesses are realizing the untapped potential of social media data in these various forms

posts, opinions, sentiments analysis , Keyword analysis and hashtag tracking, Personal blogs, Multimedia sharing networks.

12. How can a report or chart be incredibly revealing and informative(3)

presenting the right kind of data in an organized way, identify specific data, and then using the appropriate tools in its presentation.

10. High-level graphing commands (R)***

produce a new plot possibly with labels, axes, titles and more

16. Rapid Miner***

promotes predictive analytics using Hadoop analytics, Tableau extensions and streamlined usability through mashups, modeling, and deployment.

17. Knime

promotes the ability to provide end-to-end analytics for data blending and tool blending using metanodes.

15. Google Transparency Reports

provides a breakdown of data and how policies and laws affect Internet users and the flow of data, provides data in a statistical and visual form that shows how this is occurring and how it affects the Internet

19. What is Gartner's Magic Quadrant (MQ)

provides a wide-angle view of the relative positions of the competitors, enabling you to create a view that reflects your own business goals, needs and priorities to help the DPO evaluate a vendor before a specific technology product, service or solution is purchased.

6. How does twitter assist in consumer sentiment

providing a wealth of useful information on consumers' feelings about products, companies, world events and more.

14. What are the two ways to deliver Platform as a service (PaaS)

public cloud services and private data centers.

20. What is an example of cryptography

public key infrastructure (PKI).

18. What data should the inventory management system have?

purchase history, transacting history, ordering information, vendors, pricing levels, and much more.

15. There are many challenges to maintaining the accuracy of data in IT data management such as

reactive approach, primary goal of every organization, proper data management, Data ownership, and determining what data that should be collected for various situations.

1. What do big data companies like Amazon, Netflix, Facebook and Pandora do?

redefine industries and the consumer's experience by analyzing the purchases and preferences of millions of users.

13. The advantages of cloud-based applications in comparison with the use of a local server can include*

reduced server costs, infrastructure flexibility and scalability, speed of innovation, reduced cost of ownership, and the adaptation of cloud resources to business needs.

14. Hadoop consists of Hadoop Common(Hadoop Core)***

refers to the collection of common utilities that support the other Hadoop modules.

5. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)(1)

refers to the design of Websites and online-based ad-campaigns to maximize the amount of Web-traffic and usage of the Website that is channeled by search engines.

3. Where can marketing information be obtained?*

registration through the company website, customer communication, purchase histories, product warranty cards, and subscription to newsletters.

18. Pie chart

represents data as slices of a circle with various sizes and colors, showing proportions of a whole.

13. A just-in-time system

responds when a need arises rather than maintaining high inventory levels.

6. What marketing activities does IT data management support

search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC), blogging, discussion forum, email shot, SMS, MMS, social media marketing and smartphone app advertisement.

18. What is not always perceived as a weakness in cloud-based data offerings

security, because providers have invested in the newest security offerings.

16. What are other issues that businesses should consider in migrating to the cloud

security, privacy, the lack of standards, and migration.

12. Explain Virtual Data Centers (VDC)(2)

servers are interconnected seamlessly, offering enhanced cloud hosting capabilities.

8. How should using graphs and charts be reduced (Effectively Displaying Data)***

should be minimized to highlight the data.

2. PowerPoint presentation outline (Last Slide)

shows up as a questions slide to invite discussion and other questions related to the presentation.

15. Why is centralizing accounting data crucial for a company?

so that everyone in an organization with the authority to access information can retrieve the same information from the same location.

14. Are there any restrictions to social media platforms that provide APIs for free?

some can impose restrictions on the amount or type of data that can be accessed depending on whether the data available is public, as in the case of Twitter or if a Facebook user has set it to private.

15. What common traits do innovative companies such as Square, Uber, Netflix, Airbnb, and Tesla have that enable them to be disruptive leaders

speed of innovation, always-available services, Web scale, and mobile-centric user experiences.

11. What is the critical function of balancing of product availability (inventory management)(2)

stock holding and handling costs in order to minimize storage costs, optimize company cash flows, and maximize profits.

13. In the Platform as a service (PaaS) model, customers have access to a platform that(2)

supports the development and management of Web applications.

14. Examples of primary research would be

surveys, interviews, polls, and the acquisition of research from firsthand accounts of the situation or individuals.

4. OpenRefine is a tool that can?(3)

take disorganized data and transform it from one format to another and the ability to extend that data with Web services and external data.

1. What must be realized before understanding how to bring data in a company together

that data flows ubiquitously through various departments in an organization including Sales, Finance, Marketing and Human Resources.

2. Practically what makes a company successful***

the company is analyzing the outcomes in a similar time frame and making frequent adjustments.

2. What do cloud-native architectures typically require?

the externalization of storage to in-memory data grids, cache, and persistent object store, These external state managers must also be scalable, with required support from cloud infrastructure providers.

14. What is a key disadvantages of cloud-based data storage applications that prevent certain businesses from using it

the immaterial distance of cloud computing causes "latency."

6. How do you seek opportunities within the analysis for network traffic***

the increased amount of peak traffic to increase staff during those times, and examining the length of phone calls that a technical support team receives to improve the trend within those calls.

19. One way that outcomes are defined is

the individual or corporate results that are attained by those individuals in that same time frame.

1. How do you determine whether a dashboard can be created in a simple or complicated way

the key components of a dashboard should be determined by the goals that the individual or company wants to achieve on a regular basis.

16. What led to the company making better decisions and improved customer engagement?

the linking of multiple sources of bookings and revenues, and metrics such as customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value and lead-to-cash.

6. The data that Company A is interested in "Who" data

the parties of interest that matter most, including stakeholders, customers, suppliers, owners, providers, partners, etc.

15. Why does a local server have a competitive split-second advantage

the physical proximity offers less delay in "latency."

20. With the Software as a service (SaaS) version of cloud-based deployment(2)

the software is licensed to customers with subscriptions and central hosting.

8. What is data architecture(1)

the sum of the models, rules, and processes for managing data within a problem domain.

18. One way that efforts can be defined is

the work that employees and representatives of an organization accomplish on a product, a project and/or related assignments on a daily, weekly and annual basis.

11. What are third-party data centers utilized for?*

their reliability and economies of scale.

18. Data may be obtained through B2B frameworks through user surveys**

these are completed on physical paper or more usually online, and are used for evaluation of customer feedback on products, service, events, etc.

11. Data may be obtained through CRM framework through user surveys**

these help in building an overall picture of the customer base in question.

5. What do most most modern organizations fail to do and its implications

they fail to extract value from data, and secure it, creating a liability instead of an asset.

15. What does a bank do when its preferred or most valuable customers are identified

they may be provided with priority services, tailored offerings, and special products based on their previous engagements, and cross-selling and up-selling efforts would be concentrated on them.

9. Adding images to the presentations (Effectively Displaying Data)

this allows the presenter to make their messages more memorable.

4. How do you increase revenues of a company?

through better targeting of products and increased customer satisfaction.

15. How can a company make decisions more valuable and relevant to the products and the company(3)

through the technical support team and identifying where and when the peak traffic time is, or what opportunities might exist during certain times.

12. Data may be obtained through CRM framework online**

through the use of tools such as Google Analytics

2. What do data bloggers, scientists, sales managers, researchers, and students use Tableau Public for

to create a unique look at data, changing it from raw numbers to images on-screen.

13. What is the goal of Centralized Data?

to eliminate "shadow" databases and have 'one version of the truth.'

17. What is the primary goal of every organization

to ensure the stored data is of high quality and is easily accessible, large quantities of data are created almost every day, which becomes challenging to maintain and aggregate in an efficient way.

3. What can data, collected from an ecommerce site, be used for?*

to find which products are trending, and which products consumers are searching for, clicking on and buying, so that companies recognize how consumer demand is changing.

19. What does a data analyst use applications like Service Cloud 2 for?

to gain feedback on the efficacy of their customer service efforts.

15. Why is a company interested in the separate multiple systems that contain a slice of data on the customer(3)

to get a better view of the overall customer lifecycle by linking up these multiple sources of data.

1. What is the goal of a data analyst

to help create more systematic processes by which institutional knowledge can be honed, developed and mobilized into concrete data solutions that will lead the company to greater levels of excellence.

6. Why would you develop new, automated processes?

to integrate harmoniously into existing workflows and reduce demands on labor.

9. What does Google Analytics allow a business to do***

to know how to communicate with their customers better, and how to create products for their customers.

11. What does the proprietary inventory system enable managers at Company A to do?

to know what is sold through point-of-sale (POS) data and how much inventory comes into the store through direct shipping and from the distribution centers through warehouse data.

13. What is the focus of the problem domain

to look at the individual's point of discussion, keeping everything else aside.

11. Why do accounting departments work with other departments*

to maintain and organize business data.

6. What is the goal of inventory management

to provide optimum levels of production and service in a timely manner at a minimal cost.

2. Why have customers out-sourced hardware and software maintenance and support to Software as a service SaaS providers?

to reduce IT support costs.

14. What is Another purpose for an FAQ section

to refer to certain key points, statistics, and speaker notes to complement what was presented in the presentation itself.

2. What is the first main purpose of data filtering

to remove duplicate data, Incorrect information, Missing data, and Outliers(Cleaning).

5. Why would you examine the existing production process?

to take corrective action, improve efficiency and lower costs.

6. Why do application developers now need to become comfortable with container images

to take full advantage of the features of modern cloud infrastructure.

3. What is the second main purpose of data filtering

to zero-in on specific data to better understand or analyze the data (Organize).

12. Postgres also supports

transactions, triggers, views, foreign key referential integrity, sub-selects and sophisticated locking.

7. Avoiding the use of the default charts (Effectively Displaying Data)***

try not to use the same tired default color scheme, find creative ways to display the information.

10. What does cloud computing enable(1)

ubiquitous, on-demand access, with remote computing and storage solutions.

22. Visionaries (Magic Quadrant)

understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market rules, but do not yet execute well.

16. Symbol map

used to signify the highlighted part by using circles or squares over a given Longitude and Latitude.

16. What does Multichannel Search engine Optimization Using Mobile Devices and E-commerce allow for

users to make purchases from their mobile phones which allows for greater access to location data, it is possible for a company to target ads more precisely when the user is actually around a brick and mortar establishment of the company or store.

10. How do you increase the popularity and relevance of your webpage experimenting with content and design*

using different titles to improve clicks on your webpage to track the number of clicks and use statistics to tell whether or not a particular title is more effective.

17. In the new cloud-based environment of innovation, this forecasting of capacity requirements can benefit from two "pioneering" moves

using horizontally scaled applications, rather than increasingly larger servers, and improving the utilization of existing servers.

16. What safety features should, the speed offered by cloud-based systems, be complemented with

visibility, faulty isolation, fault tolerance, and automated recovery.

11. Explain Cloud hosting**

websites can be hosted on virtual servers, using pooled resources from underlying physical servers, benefit from the on-demand scalability and redundancy provided by a vast network of physical servers.

8. What important questions can be answered with customer data

what type of customers buy which products? How do you identify high-value customers who make up a large portion of the revenues? How do you find ways to expand the customer base?

9. How can you describe cloud computing as a distributed model of Internet-based computing*

where computers and other devices use shared resources, data and information.

19. Data may be obtained through B2B frameworks through Key performance indicators (KPIs)

where the enterprise defines and monitors certain performance indices directly related to the product and service, and uses the numbers to make inferences on customer satisfaction.

13. Data may be obtained through CRM framework through Incentives

where the user may be rewarded in exchange for information, such as in a contest scenario or a promo.

10. Explain enterprise infrastructure

with private clouds and virtual local area networks, using pooled server and networking resources, a business organization can store its data and run vital applications.

15. Marketing data can be valuable in understanding the effectiveness of

your own company's advertisement campaigns as well as those of your competitors.

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