Class Questions for Earth Space Science - Exam 2

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Ch14: Question 14 At what depth does a glacier start to undergo plastic deformation? a.10 m b.60 m c.150 m d.250m

60 m

Ch12: Question 10 Which of the following is/are used to help prevent mass-wasting events? a.revegetation b.weathering c.preventing undercutting d.addition of water e.a and c only

A and c only

Ch14: Question 13 In many deserts the erosion is caused more by a.wind. b.water. c.They are about equal in most deserts.


Ch12: Question 3 Which of the following types of energy drives landscape evolution? a.internal energy radiation c.external energy d.gravitational energy e.all of the above

All of the Above

Ch:7 Question 12 Mountain building potentially produces what types of rock? a.igneous b.sedimentary c.metamorphic all of the above

All of the Above

Ch12: Question 12 What surface features warn of the formation of a large slump? a.tilted utility poles b.sinking foundations c.broken fences e.all of the above

All of the above

Ch12: Question 5 Which of the following are considered reservoirs of water on or near the Earth's surface? a.glaciers b.atmosphere c.rivers d.all of the above a and c only

All of the above

Ch:7 Question 3 Which of the following is a component of deformation? a.displacement b.rotation c.distortion d.a and b only all of the above

All of the above

Ch:7 Question 8 Which fold's limbs dip away from its hinge? a.reverse b.anticline c.syncline d.monocline basin


Ch:7 Question 7 What is the name of a dip-slip fault where the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall? a.reverse b.thrust c.strike-slip d.left-lateral both a and b

Both a and b

Ch:7 Question 9 Which of the following is characterized by compression and the subduction of an oceanic plate? a.collisional orogen b.convergent-boundary orogen c.accretionary orogen d.continental rifting fault-block orogens

Convergent boundary Orogen

Ch12: Question 7 Which type of mass wasting occurs very slowly as the upper soil or regolith repeatedly freezes and thaws? a.slump b.avalanche c.creep d.landslide e.debris flow


Ch8: Question 2 The term used by geologists to refer to a change in shape that can be reversed by removal of stress is _____ deformation. a.brittle b.plastic c.elastic d.fault e.fold


Ch8: Question 1 What causes most earthquakes? a.volcanic eruptions b.nuclear explosions c.tsunamis d.fault slippage e.none of the above

Fault Slippage

Ch8: Question 3 The location where the generation of seismic waves begins is called the a.focus. b.origin. c.epicenter. d.fault


Ch:7 Question 4 Which of the following is an example of plastic deformation? a.fold b.fault c.joint d.shear e.all of the above


Ch:7 Question 11 When mountain building occurs, isostasy means that, as mountains are driven up, the crust thinner under the mountains. thicker under the mountains. c.changes composition. unchanged.

Is thicker under the mountains

Ch:7 Question 10 Which is an example of terrace accretion building a mountain range? a.Himalayas b.Andes c.North American Cordillera d.range and basin formations

North American Cordillera

Ch:7 Question 2 What is the term used by geologists to indicate a fracture where there has been no displacement on either side of the fracture? a.fault b.fold c.monocline d.joint foliation


Ch12: Question 8 Which type of mass wasting is associated with debris flows that spill down river valleys bordering volcanoes? a.slump b.rock slides c.solifluction d.landslide e.lahars


Ch8: Question 8 Which type of seismic scale is based on perceived effects at a locality? a.intensity b.Modified Mercalli c.Richter d.moment magnitude

Modified Mercalli

Ch8: Question 10 What is the boundary between the crust and mantle called? a.shadow zone b.low-velocity zone c.Moho d.Mojo e.Dojo


Ch12: Question 6 What is the largest reservoir of water in the Earth System? a.glaciers b.atmosphere c.rivers and freshwater lakes d.oceans and seas e.all forms of groundwater

Oceans and Seas

Ch:7 Question 1 What is the Greek term for mountain belts? a.deformations b.geologic structures c.orogens d.volcanoes e.none of the above


Ch8: Question 4 What kind of seismic wave(s) pass(es) through both the solid and liquid parts of the interior of the Earth? a.Surface waves b.P-waves c.L-waves d.R-waves


Ch8: Question 5 Which of the following seismic waves have the highest velocity? a.surface waves b.L-waves c.S-waves d.R-waves e.P-waves


Ch:14 Question 10 During what geologic epoch did the most recent ice age on Earth occur? a.Miocene b.Pliocene c.Pleistocene d.Cretaceous e.Holocene


Ch12: Question 1 What term is used to describe a difference in elevation? a.uplift b.subsidence c.relief d.all of the above a and c only


Ch8: Question 6 Which type of seismic waves cause up-and-down vibrations perpendicular to the direction of movement? a.compressional waves b.S-waves c.L-waves d.P-waves e.reverse waves


Ch:7 Question 6 Which of the following types of faults can be classified as either right-lateral or left-lateral? a.normal b.thrust c.strike-slip d.dip-slip reverse


Ch:7 Question 5 Which of the following types of stress causes normal faulting? a.shear b.tension c.compression d.pressure strain


Ch12: Question 11 The angle of repose is a.the angle at which an avalanche comes to rest. b.the angle of a slump surface. c.the maximum angle at which a surface can stay stable. d.the angle of distribution of material at the base of a slide.

The maximum angle at which a surface can stay stable

Ch12: Question 4 Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences the development of landforms? a.climate b.eroding agent c.time d.substrate composition e.topographic map

Topographic map

Ch8: Question 7 What does the horizontal axis on a seismogram represent? a.amplitude b.time c.distance d.acceleration e.vector


Ch12: Question 2 What term is used by geologists to refer to variations in elevation within a region that define the shape of its landscape? a.relief b.topography c.erosion d.deposition e.a and c only


Ch12: Question 9 Which type of submarine mass wasting is characterized by the movement of material that disperses in water to yield a turbulent cloud of suspended sediment that rushes downslope like an underwater avalanche? a.submarine slump b.rock slides c.submarine debris flow d.turbidity current e.lahar

Turbidity Current

Ch:14 Question 11 Which of the following are considered potential short-term causes for glacial advances and retreats during an ice age? a.tilt of the Earth's axis variations b.tectonic variations/processes c.variation in the Earth's orbital shape (eccentricity) d.all of the above e. a and c only

a and c only

Ch11: Question 4 Which of the following is typical of a conventional hydrocarbon reserve? a.relatively low viscosity of the hydrocarbon b.highly porous reservoir rock c.presence of an underground trap d.highly permeable reservoir rock e.all of the above

all of the above

Ch11: Question 5 Which of the following is considered an unconventional hydrocarbon reserve? a.oil shale b.tar sand c.shale oil d.shale gas e.all of the above

all of the above

Ch13: Question 10 Which of the following problems can be associated with the depletion of groundwater? a.reversal of the groundwater flow direction b.saltwater intrusion c.pore collapse and subsidence d.all of the above e.none of the above

all of the above

Ch13: Question 11 Which of the following is a way in which a stream transports material? a.dissolved load b.bed load c.suspended load d.all of the above

all of the above

Ch:14 Question 4 Which of the following controls the shape, dimensions, and orientation of a sand dune? a.wind direction b.sand supply c.wind strength d.all of the above

all of the above

Ch:14 Question 7 Which of the following is a glacier type formed in mountainous regions? a.valley b.piedmont c.alpine d.cirque e.all of the above

all of the above

Ch11: Question 7 Which type of coal has the highest percentage of carbon content? a.lignite b.bituminous c.peat d.anthracite e.obsidian


Ch13: Question 7 A sediment or rock with relatively low permeability regardless of porosity is referred to as an a.aquitard. b.aquifer. c.infiltration. d.oxbow. e.none of the above


Ch8: Question 11 Seismologists believe that the iron alloy core includes both a liquid outer core and solid inner core because a.of the existence of the P-wave shadow zone. b.of the existence of the S-wave shadow zone. c.P-waves passing through the core reflect a boundary inside the core. d.b and c only e. all of the above

b and c only

Ch13: Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a type of stream drainage network? a.dendritic b.barchanoid c.rectangular d.trellis e.radial


Ch11: Question 11 Which ore is formed in a residual deposit? b.bauxite c.galena d.malachite


Ch:14 Question 12 The Atacama desert is an example of which type of desert? a.mid-latitude b.rain shadow c.coastal d.polar


Ch13: Question 3 The _____ of a stream refers to the maximum particle size it carries. a.competence b.capacity c.permeability d.truckability e.gradient


Ch8: Question 9 Which type of plate boundary produces shallow, intermediate, and deep focus earthquakes? a.intraplate boundary b.convergent boundary c.divergent boundary d.transform boundary e.fault-block boundary

convergent boundary

Ch:14 Question 1 Which of the following is a dark, shiny, rusty-brown coating of iron oxide, manganese oxide, and clay typically found on exposed rocks in desert environments? a.saltation b.badlands topography c.desert varnish d.caliche e.ventifacts

desert varnish

Ch13: Question 2 What is the name given to a type of stream that only flows during part of the year? a.impermeable b.impertinent c.ephemeral d.turbulent e.none of the above


Ch:14 Question 9 Which of the following are glacially carved valleys filled with water that can be found in Norway, New Zealand, Chile, Maine, and Alaska? a.aretes b.fjords c.eskers d.cirques e.horns


Ch11: Question 2 Which of the following is NOT a Hydrocarbon? a.coal c.natural gas d.tar e.petroleum


Ch11: Question 3 Which of the following is typical of an unconventional hydrocarbon reserve? a.relatively low viscosity of the hydrocarbon b.highly porous reservoir rock c.hydrocarbons locked in an impermeable rock d.highly permeable reservoir rock e.all of the above

hydrocarbons locked in an impermeable rock

Ch:14 Question 6 How do glaciers form? a.Liquid water on the Earth's surface freezes, creating ice-covered lakes. b.Winter snow avalanches create tightly packed snow on mountains that melt each summer. c.short-term accumulations due to strong ice storms d.long-term snow accumulations that transform into firn and eventually glacial ice due to pressure e.thick ice piles that form glacial ice due to grooming of ski areas and global warming effects

long-term snow accumulations that transform into firn and eventually glacial ice due to pressure.

Ch11: Question 12 Which is an example of a nonmetallic mineral resource? a.coal b.bauxite c.galena d.marble


Ch14: Question 15 Which type of moraine results when two smaller glacier merge? a.medial b.lateral c.terminal d.recessional e.end


Ch:14 Question 3 Which of the following is a large, flat-topped hill formed by cliff retreat in desert landscapes? a.mesa b.chimney c.butte d.bajada e.alluvial fan


Ch13: Question 4 A meander that has been cut off from the rest of the stream becomes a(n) _____ if it remains filled with water. a.alluvial fan b.point bar c.natural levee d.oxbow lake e.abandoned meander

oxbow lake

Ch13: Question 6 The total volume of open space within a material, specified as a percentage, is known as a.permeability. b.competence. c.capacity. d.porosity. e.none of the above


Ch13: Question 5 The average number of years between successive floods of a given discharge is called the a.annual probability. b.statistical recurrence. c.recurrence interval. d.standard deviation. e.flood stage.

recurrence interval

Ch8: Question 12 Convergent boundary earthquakes are usually associated with which type of fault? a.normal b.reverse c.transform


Ch11: Question 10 Which type of ore deposit is associated with hydrothermal vents (black smokers) that occur along the oceanic ridges? a.magmatic deposits b.secondary-enrichment deposits c.seafloor massive sulfide deposits d.sedimentary deposits e.residual deposits

seafloor massive sulfide deposits

Ch11: Question 9 Which type of energy source utilizes photovoltaic cells to produce electricity? a.nuclear c.wind d.geothermal e.hydroelectric


Ch13: Question 8 Groundwater that flows out onto the Earth's surface naturally is referred to as a(n) a.aquitard. b.aquifer. c.spring. d.well. e.none of the above


Ch13: Question 9 A speleothem that hangs down from the ceiling of a cave is called a a.stalagmite. b.stalactite. c.flowstone. d.chandelier. e.column.


Ch:14 Question 5 Which dune type forms when wind direction shifts frequently, creating crescents that point in different directions? a.barchan c.transverse d.longitudinal e.parabolic


Ch:14 Question 2 Which of the following is a steep, sloping apron of debris at the base of a cliff? a.talus pile b.lag deposit c.cliff retreat d.bajada e.alluvial fan

talus pile

Ch11: Question 6 What environment leads to the formation of coal? a.tropical freshwater swamps b.arid deserts c.deep ocean d.tropical shallow marine e.none of the above

tropical freshwater swamps

Ch13: Question 12 The process involved in the erosion of Niagara falls is a.dissolution b.suspension c.undercutting d.abrasion


Ch11: Question 8 What is the primary fuel for nuclear power plants? a.petroleum hydrocarbons b.anthracite coal c.uranium d.natural gas


Ch11: Question 1 Which energy source has the highest energy density? a.uranium-235 b.gasoline c.propane d.coal e.wood


Ch:14 Question 8 What zone within a glacier is characterized by the loss of ice due to sublimation and/or melting? of accumulation of equilibration of aeration of ablation of saturation

zone of ablation

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